LAUC-SD Executive Board Meeting
Present: Harold Colson, Sanae Isozumi, Barbara Slater, Elizabeth Cowell
Announcements: Two volunteers for the SRLF advisory board have been forwarded to Patsy Innouye.
1. The Pizza Social on January 7 was a success. About thirty members attended, with a couple of guests, and the cost was $91.
2. Membership meeting agenda building
The next membership meeting is scheduled for 1/25 in the Suess Room from 2-4pm.
a. Brian S. requested 20 minutes to propose and discuss changing the MLS
requirement in UCSD library job announcements to open up searches to applicants
with appropriate degrees other than the ALA accredited MLS.
Barbara will send a message to the membership alerting them of this agenda item
and encourage discussion at the meeting.
b. A discussion of the LAUC-SD role in recruitments - 15 minutes
Maureen and Debbie will request input about changing the wording in the
procedures manual to reflect reality. Currently it states that LAUC-SD will
formally participate in all recruitments when in reality LAUC-SD members take the
candidates to lunch and do not participate in any formal way.
c. Assembly report (Barbara, Harold and Amy) - 10 minutes
d. LAUC participation in commenting on SLASIAC resolutions and Committee Structure - 15 minutes
Is it appropriate/desirable for LAUC-SD to comment on resolutions of other
groups? According to the Bylaws we can. How does this question fit into the
LAUC Committee on Committees exploration of restructuring committees?
e. Call for LAUC-SD "buddy" volunteers.
f. Announce the spring assembly in Santa Barbara June 1, 2000.
g. Any updates on the series revision and/or SB 645.
h. Other business.