Executive Board Transition Meeting
August 29, 2000
3:00 - 4:30
Biomedical Library Training Room
Present: Barbara Slater, Harold Colson, Christina Keil, Anne Prussing, Jenny Reiswig, Amy Butros, Sanae Isozumi, Laura Galvan-Estrada
Absent: Elizabeth Cowell, Craig Haynes
1. Any changes/additions to the agenda--none
2. Barbara gave a big thanks to all the members of the 1999-2000 executive board.
Old Business (Barbara)
- Meeting with Brian August 31. Agenda ideas/requests.
Barbara asked for any items that anyone would like to bring up to Brian's attention, as she and Harold will be meeting with him as LAUC representatives. The following suggestions were offered:
*Review cycle—what approach would he want to discuss those issues with the LAUC-SD membership (CAPA is having a separate meeting with him).
*Criteria for distinguished step – what happens with the new salary schedule? [there is a statewide initiative but it is a good time to start talking about how San Diego will do things]
*Recruitment and retention
*Issue of bifurcation of librarians (inequity of salaries)
- CAPA report (Anne)
*22 files under academic review; two files have not completed
*some files have been incomplete
*some files have been submitted 3-4 months late
*how do we fix these problems? there is not one reason for the delays that stands out.
*the new salary structure was not considered when reviewing files (the old structure was used) with the exception of reviews for Librarian V where it was taken into account the possibility of movement on the new scale.
*those who were promoted and are not represented by the UC-AFT are now in the new salary scale
*new CAPA takes over Sept 1; the pending files will be reviewed by the 1999-2000 CAPA
*CAPA will meet with the Administrative Team once all the files are complete; an important discussion item will be the current problem with delays and how to deal with them
- Reporting out from the LAUC Executive Board Meeting
- Assembly Date: Nov. 17th UCB; April 26/27 tentative for UCI
- "headcount" document (this doesn’t include AUL, UL); Barbara will share the document with the membership
- LAUC has received a reminder from Peter Chester (UCOP labor relations) to curtail discussing decertification of the union during LAUC membership meetings
- A team will evaluate the University Librarians Advisory Structure and LAUC representation. They want to decide if it is working properly or if a new approach should be taken.
- Cathy Palmer, new LAUC statewide president will visit all campuses; she wants to visit us in the fall (Harold will coordinate with her).
- We need to deposit paper files LAUCS-SD minutes, reports, etc. with the Archives. Barbara will be talking with the appropriate people to make sure the files are delivered
- Barbara, in her role as LAUC-SD chair, has been forwarding bargaining updates as she receives them; she encourages all of us to read them to be on top of what’s going on.
New Business (Harold)
- Committee appointments for 2000-2001
Committee appointments were made to fill vacancies in local and statewide committees, from the list of volunteers compiled by Tammy Dearie (Nominations/Elections Committee). Harold will send out an email to the membership, asking for specific vacancies to be filled. Harold will confirm all the appointments before the appointments are announced
*Craig will be the upcoming chair of CAPA.
Cultural Diversity: (statewide name has changed to Diversity):
- Karl Lo (continuing)
- Anne Prussing (continuing, chair)
- Victoria Williamson (new)
- Susan Jurist (new)
LAUC-SD webmaster
- Laura Galvan-Estrada (as secretary)
Statewide committees:
- R&PD: they will select their statewide representative as well as their local chair
Committee on Diversity:
- Meeting Schedule for Executive Board and Membership Meetings.
- 2nd Thursdays of the month for Executive Board in the Geisel Library Training Room:
- Sept 14
- Oct 12
- Nov 9
- Dec 14
- Jan 11
- Feb 8
- March 8
- April 12
- May 10
- June 14
- 3rd Tuesdays of the month for Membership Meetings:
- Sept 19
- Nov 14
- February 20
- April 17
- June 19
(Laura has since confirmed the rooms; schedule will be posted in the LAUC-SD website).
- LAUC Buddies needed for