LAUC-SD Executive Board Meeting 9/9/99
Present: Sanae Isozumi, Harold Colson, Barbara Slater, Amy Butros, Anne Prussing, Elizabeth Cowell
1. Phyllis Appreciation Day
Barbara purchased a gift (Arts and Crafts Architecture by Peter Davey and Harold will make the presentation.
2. Recruitment, LAUC-SD lunches brochures, welcome packets and buddy programs
It was decided that one Executive Board member will be present at each candidate lunch and be held more accountable for discussing LAUC. The "Short Guide to LAUC" found on the statewide web page will be updated to look a little more like a brochure and replace the outdated brochure in the welcome packet.
3. CAPA annual report
Action items from the report will be brought up by Leslie at the membership meeting and open a call for more streamlining ideas will be made. Anne Prussing suggested a discussion of adherence to dates and a general discussion of the calendar. Barbara will ask Debbie Ambrose if she has any administrative or procedural changes she would like to see.
4. Statewide initiatives
10/7/99 - The Executive Board will meet in Oakland at UCOP. Barbara will attend.
11/19/99 - The fall assembly will be held in Santa Cruz. Barbara, Harold and Amy Butros will attend.
The LAUC statewide proposal to restructure the Librarian Series is still in process. The ULs have been asked for advice from UCOP and are preparing a proposal with input from the LAUC delegation. It is hoped that the item will be discussed at the COVC meeting on 9/30-10/1.
The Statewide by-laws are being revised. LAUC-SD may need to revise the local bylaws to be in compliance with the statewide bylaws.
March 10-12, 2000 - The Culture of Books and Bytes: The future of UC Faculty Research and UC Librarians, an invitational symposium sponsored by UC Riverside will take place at the Lake Arrowhead Conference Center.
5. Potential speakers/topics for membership meetings
Brian Schottlander will be invited to say a few words at the September 21 meeting of the SD membership.
Barbara will provide an update of the series restructuring proposal.
A request for $10 donations will be made.
A roster will be sent around to get updates.
Barbara will solicit the membership for additional agenda items.
6. Fall Social
Mid-October at biomed (Anne, Amy and Barbara will take the lead).
7. "Dues"
Elizabeth will send an email announcement prior to the September 21st meeting, collect at the meeting, and then send a follow up message after the meeting.
8. Other Business
The Calendars and Rosters have been updated on the LAUC web page at