LAUC-SD Membership Meeting
Sept. 22, 1998
2-4 p.m.
Seuss Room
Present: Linda Barnhart, Amy Butros, Jim Church, Elizabeth Cowell, Trisha Cruse, Joanne Donovan, Sam Dunlap (recorder), Tami Echavarria, Jackie Hanson, Maureen Harden, Susan Jurist, Elliot Kanter, Christina Keil, Richard Lindemann, Kari Lucas, Bruce Miller, Ann Prussing, Jenny Reiswig, Beverly Renford, Barbara Slater, Reinhart Sonnenburg, Susan Starr, Kathy Whitley, Victoria Williamson
1. Approval of the June 16, 1998 minutes.
1a. Welcome to new librarians Jim Church, Elizabeth Cowell, Sanae Isozumi, and Christina Keil.
2. Announcement of the LAUC-SD Research & Professional Development Chair and Statewide Rep.
Jenny Reiswig is the new Chair
Susan Jurist is the Statewide Rep.
3. Report from the LAUC Statewide Executive Board Meeting of Aug. 19,1998
3a. If there are copies of an old "LAUC Handbook" at reference desks, these should be discarded.
3b. Announcement of a UCR proposal for an "Institute on the future of UC
libraries and UC librarians and their collaboration with faculty on scholary research in the ever-changing technological environment."
3c. Distribution of 1998/99 Statewide Roster.
4. Status of the LAUC-SD Cultural Diversity Committee
Presently, LAUC-SD has no local Cultural Diversity Committee volunteers, and no volunteer to serve as representative to the statewide Committee. Kari Lucas, LAUC President, is working on a revised charge to the statewide Committee on Cultural Diversity and has distributed a Draft dated 9/21/98. After discussion the membership agreed that the LAUC-SD Chair would function as the de facto conduit of information if no volunteers step forward. Barbara Slater will solicit the membership for volunteers interested in serving as liaison.
5. Professional Governance Survey feedback
The Survey is being designed to elicit quantifiable data for presentation to the LAUC Fall Assembly to justify salary increases for librarians, with recruitment and retention as key issues. The statewide Professional Governance Committee sought feedback on a draft of a survey. Barbara Slater will summarize the membership feedback and forward it to the Chair of the Professional Governance Committee.
6. LAUC-SD Mentor/Buddy Program
Membership agreed that we should revive this program since it is a good way to meet people/peers outside the new employee's department. The Executive Board will update the LAUC welcome packet and Barbara will send out a call for volunteers interested in being LAUC buddies.
7. 1998/99 Assessment and Treasurer's Report
The 1997/1998 Treasurer's report was distributed. LAUC-SD contributions have been $5.00 since at least 1984. Our LAUC checking account at the USE Credit Union is currently below the $400 minimum and we pay a $5.00 monthly service charge. The suggestion was made, and membership agreed, that LAUC-SD contributions should be assessed at $10.00. LAUC funds are used for social events, receptions or gifts for outgoing librarians, and other related activities.
8. LAUC Fall Assembly will be on December 11, 1998 at UCSF.
9. Membership is encouraged to apply for the LAUC and LAUC-SD Research Grants
10. Other business.
We will plan a Fall social event to welcome the new librarians to UCSD.