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January 1999 Minutes

LAUC-SD Membership Meeting
January 19, 1999
Seuss Room
2-4 p.m.

Present: L. Abrams, D. Ambrose (guest), L. Barnhart, A. Butros, K. Cargille, J. Church, L. Claassen, E. Cowell, P. Cruse, R. Culbertson, J. Donovan, S. Dunlap (recorder), J. Hanson, M. Harden, C. Haynes, C. Hightower, S. Isozumi, S. Jurist, D. Kegel, C. Keil, R. Lindemann, K. Lucas, B. Miller, P. Mirsky, J. Page, A. Perez, A. Prussing, J. Reiswig, B. Renford, B. Slater (chair), L. Smart, S. Starr, N. Stimson, D. Talbot.


  • Welcome and introduction of new LAUC member: Nancy Stimson
  • Approval of the minutes from November 17, 1998
Discussion of Statewide Issues:
1. CDL/Melvyl Architecture Evaluation.
Jackie Hanson and Susan Starr distributed the document "California Digital Library Melvyl Union Catalog Architecture Evaluation, December 9, 1998."  Two studies will be undertaken; the first will investigate whether Melvyl would change from being a centralized system to a distributed database, whereby Z39.50 protocol would query the catalogs of individual campuses.  The second will review
commercial systems for online public access catalogs and assess the related benefits, capabilities, and costs.  Phyllis Mirsky asked for feedback. Comments should be directed to Susan Starr and Jackie Hanson.
2. Fall Assembly Report.
Barbara Slater reported on the LAUC Assembly at UCSF.  Of particular interest was the meeting with Myron Okada regarding the successful AUL salary adjustment, and the strategies to present justification for adding steps to the Librarian salary scale. LAUC accepted a UCB resolution:
        "That a delegation representing LAUC be appointed by the LAUC
     President by February 1, 1999 for the purpose of initiating and
     pursuing discussion with the UC Office of the President to request
     that the Librarian series be restructured to correct the inadequacies
     identified in the Report of the LAUC Professional Governance
     Committee, dated December 11, 1998.
     The LAUC Executive Board and LAUC Divisions are also hereby directed
     to urgently seek the support of the University Librarians and campus
     administrators for the revision of the Librarian series.
     LAUC Executive Board pursue other avenues as appropriate for
     implementation of the report."
The UCR Institute proposal, which had originally requested LAUC support, has been withdrawn and is back at UCR for local campus planning.
The California Millenium Conference (a CLA proposed multi-type library conference) is still floundering.  The latest action was a request to the California State Librarian for possible funding.

3. Librarian Salary Scale Revision.
Kari Lucas, as LAUC President,  reported that the move to revise the Librarian salary scale should begin on each campus and focus on gaining support of the University Librarian and the Associate Vice Chancellors.  The Librarian series has not been revised since the 1970s.  Kari Lucas will write a proposal to proceed with this project and will eventually charge a delegation to present the proposal at the UC Office of the President and elsewhere.
4. Cultural Diversity Committee Report.
Craig Haynes reported on the meeting held at the UC Office of the President on 12-18-98, and efforts to reinvigorate the CDC at the statewide level. The "Many Voices of Diversity" report has been filed. The group will create a website including historical background information on the CDC and links to documents and online resources pertaining to diversity issues.  A survey will be conducted to determine what kinds of diversity organizations, efforts and outreach are being conducted at each campus, and the CDC will publicize relevant events to the LAUC membership.
Volunteers are welcome to join the local CDC and should contact Craig Haynes for more information.
Discussion of Local Issues:
1. UCSD University Librarian Recruitment Update.
Phyllis Mirsky reported that the Chair of the Search Committee will be Dick Attiyeh, Vice Chancellor, Research. The Search Committee will be formed by February 1, and requests for LAUC and non-LAUC Committee members have been received.  Advertisements will appear in
the 1-22-99 issue of the "Chronicle of Higher Education" and the February issue of "American Libraries."
2. CAPA Streamlining.
Barbara Slater and Leslie Abrams lead a discussion about the possibility of streamlining the CAPA procedures, particularly in the case of one step, non-controversial files.  This issue was discussed by the LAUC-SD membership at their June 1998 meeting and it was requested that the issue be revisited during Barbara Slater's tenure as Chair.  In response to membership desires, The LAUC-SD Executive Board discussed the issue at their previous meeting and articulated several key issues: the need for equity among files at the same level, the need for meaningful feedback, and the need to provide the UL with enough pertinent information to write the final letter. One idea would be for non-controversial files to use a a "template" form wherein CAPA could agree with the recommendation (i.e. "we concur") and add additional comments, if necessary.  Barbara Slater proposed formation of an Ad hoc Committee to address the issue and suggested the following timetable: 1) to provide a Draft document by the May 11 meeting (or call a special meeting in June), 2) to provide a Final Draft by the September meeting, and 3) to have the streamlined procedure in place for the 1999 review cycle.  There was general agreement that streamlining the review process for non-controversial files is a good idea.  In addition, there were concerns that Librarians receive meaningful feedback early in their careers, and that eventually the complete files will be scrutinized by CAPA when Librarians are up for promotion. In these cases it would be beneficial to have more substantive commentary.  Barbara Slater asked for volunteers to serve on the Ad hoc Committee and several members expressed interest. The Ad hoc Committee will be:  Dawn Talbot, Tammy Dearie, Leslie Abrams, Lynda Claasen, Maureen Harden, and DebAmbrose.

3. Scholarly Publishing Discussion.
The Research & Planning Committee hopes to schedule a presentation with Richard Lucier on February 22. Barbara Slater made several documents available to educate and spur discussion about the timely topic.  Because of time constraints no discussion was held.
4. The May membership meeting will be moved to May 11, 1999.
Next membership meeting: March 16, 2-4pm in the Seuss Room.