Membership Meeting
May 20, 2003
2-4 p.m.
Seuss Room, Geisel Library
Present: Sam Dunlap (Convenor), Kathy Creely (Secretary), Anna Gold, Amy Butros, Penny Coppernoll-Blach, Anne Prussing, Nancy Stimson, Jeff Williams, Alice Perez, Jessica Silver, Trish Rose, Becky Culbertson, Jenny Reiswig, Paul Weiss, James R. Jacobs, Tammy Dearie, Marlayna Christensen, Julie Yang, Victoria Williamson, Ken Calkins, Deborah Kegel, Maureen Harden, Tony Harvell, Susan Jurist, Christina Keil, Barbara Slater, Kari Lucas, Shi Deng, Leslie Abrams, Phyllis Mirsky, Linda Barnhart.
1. New members
Tony Harvell, new head of the Acquisitions Dept. was introduced and welcomed.
2. Spring Assembly Update -
LAUC Spring Assembly will be held at UCSD on May 30. Allie Emigh-Carr, an administrative assistant in the SSH Library, is taking reservations for the box lunches.
3. Upcoming Diversity Committee program
Richard Lederer, co-host of the KPBS radio show, A Way with Words, will be speaking at a LAUC-SD-sponsored program on June 4. 70 people have already signed up to attend.
4. Upcoming Research and Professional Development Committee program
Breakfast of Champions on May 21.
1. Resolution regarding the Patriot Act.
UC-Riverside LAUC members have submitted a resolution for consideration by the LAUC statewide assembly, regarding the Patriot Act. The resolution was discussed, with many members expressing support for the intent of the resolution, but dissatisfaction with the wording of the resolution. James Jacobs and Anne Prussing volunteered to draft a statement for the assembly. (Secretary's note: the resolution was amended and passed at the Spring Assembly. The final text may be viewed at:
2. LAUC-SD elections
LAUC-SD elections are to be held on June 30. Technically the slate is supposed to be presented by June 13 at a LAUC meeting. After a brief discussion, the membership decided that it would be acceptable to present the slate via email. The deadline for submissions to the slate will be June 10. Calls for committee participation will be made after the election results are announced.