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September 2002 Minutes

Membership Meeting

September 17, 2002
2-4 p.m.
Seuss Room, Geisel Library


L. Abrams, L. Barnhart, M.L. Bergstrom, A. Butros, K. Calkins, M. Christensen, L. Claassen, P. Coppernoll-Blach, E. Cowell (chair), K. Creely, T. Dearie, S. Deng, M. Din, S. Dunlap, L. Galván-Estrada, A. Gold, M. Harden, S. Ho, S. Jurist, E. Kanter, D. Kegel, S. Lawson (recorder), K. Lucas, R. Melton, P. Mirsky, K. Peterson, A. Prussing, T. Rose, B. Slater, D. Talbot, D. Tweedy, A. Wallace, P. Weiss, J. Williams, V. Williamson, J. Yang


LAUC-SD Chair Elizabeth Cowell thanked the outgoing members of the LAUC-SD Executive Board for their work, and thanked the incoming members for their willingness to serve as officers.

Cowell suggested that LAUC-SD devote thirty minutes of  each membership meeting to presentations of individual members’ professional development activities with the theme of  “This is the problem I am trying to solve.” Volunteers are invited to email

Call for annual contributions

Secretary/treasurer Steve Lawson called for the annual contributions of $10.00. Cash or checks made payable to LAUC-SD can be sent to Lawson at 0175E.

Introduction of new members

Cowell recognized new LAUC-SD members Marlayna Christiansen, SSHL Assistant Department Head for Access Services; SuHui Ho, S&E Instruction and Outreach Coordinator; Trish Rose, UCAI; and Marlo Young in her new position at CLICS.

Annual reports from committees


Sam Dunlap, outgoing chair, reported that CAPA has not yet met with the Admin. Team. Dunlap will present the full CAPA report at the November LAUC-SD membership meeting.

Dunlap and Kari Lucas have completed their CAPA terms. Tammy Dearie and Christina Keil will join continuing CAPA members Amy Butros and Duffy Tweedy. Tweedy is the new chair of CAPA.

Maria Din reported on promotions and changes in status for the year past. Mary Linn Bergstrom, Anna Gold, and Karrie Peterson attained career status. Jeff Williams received a promotion with career status. Elliot Kanter and Julie Page achieved distinguished status. Congratulations to all.


Anne Prussing, outgoing chair presented the annual report. The Diversity Committee has been investigating the possibility of implementing an internship for new librarians, which would be aimed at increasing the number of librarians from underrepresented groups working at UCSD. The work of creating a proposal will be carried on by this year’s committee.

The committee has devised a survey for the LAUC-SD membership on the role of the Diversity Committee. The survey has not yet been distributed.

Committee members Jeff Williams and Vicki Williamson have redesigned the committee website, Prussing noted that the statewide committee’s website has also been updated with useful material,

The committee changed its name from “Cultural Diversity” to “Diversity” to be in line with the name change of the statewide committee.


Susan Jurist distributed a report, and thanked the candidates for volunteering and the membership for the large voter turnout.

Research and Professional Development

Outgoing chair for the LAUC-SD R&PD committee, Mary Linn Bergstrom, distributed a report. R&PD cleaned out old software and journals from the LAUC office. The two LAUC laptops can now be scheduled through GroupWise (as “LAUC R&PD laptop #1” and “LAUC R&PD laptop #2”). The committee presented three videoconferences (which were taped) and a group online interview last year. The committee sponsored a journal club, brought Christina Borgman to speak, and cosponsored Digital Dialogues. Three librarians’ poster presentations were sponsored with R&PD funds.

R&PD made a one-time allocation of $100.00 per librarian for professional development money for 2002-03.

Rob Melton, who will continue this year as LAUC-SD’s representative to the statewide LAUC Research and Professional Development committee, reported that the committee received nine research proposals originating from four UC campuses—there were no requests from UCSD last year. Six of the proposals were funded at least in part, and the committee allocated the entirety of the $30,000 at their disposal.

Melton directed attention to the statewide committee’s website at, particularly the documents on what types of research projects the committee has funded (or not funded) in the past, and on “research resources for librarians.”

The statewide committee also surveyed LAUC members on their research activities and use of R&PD funds. Members reported that time was the main factor for those who did not do research.

Professional Governance

Laura  Galván-Estrada, LAUC-SD representative to, and now chair of, the statewide Professional Governance committee reported. On the matter of the “distinguished step,” she distributed a report on the preliminary results of last year’s survey of the LAUC membership statewide. The committee has delayed their final report, because the results of the survey are not easy to interpret.  The committee will share the results of the survey widely, undertake more study of how librarians are reviewed, and review the position paper.

A discussion of the survey followed.

  • The Professional Governance Committee is reviewing the comments made on the survey, but has not released them widely due to concern that anonymity could be compromised.
  • Once a decision is made on this issue, it would go to the statewide LAUC Executive Board. LAUC advises the Office of the President. If any changes to the APM were necessary it would be, in Kari Lucas’ words “a big deal.”
  • Might a solution to the problem lie in allowing campuses to choose how they handle the distinguished step locally? Galván-Estrada said that such a solution had not been discussed during her time on the committee.

Galván-Estrada invited further comments on the distinguished step; send to her or to Cowell.

Galván-Estrada reported on the priorities for the committee in the coming year. These include

Continuing to work on the distinguished step survey

  • Investigating the status of UC librarians not in the Librarian series, such as “Programmer/Analysts” and those at the CDL
  • New survey on faculty status for UC librarians
  • Investigate “upward evaluations”

Barb Slater noted that the wording of the priorities was vague. Lucas suggested that the wording should include “make a recommendation” as to a course of action, rather than to just “investigate.”

Calls from statewide LAUC for participation

UCSD still needs a representative for the task force to investigate the LAUC information literacy resolution (on the web at [MS Word document]) Interested parties are invited to contact Cowell. A discussion followed, in which Phyllis Mirsky noted that the all-UC library Heads of Public Services group (HOPS) would be convening an interest group on information literacy.

Professional activities

With official business completed, Paul Weiss suggested that LAUC-SD devote the remainder of the meeting time to a discussion of Karrie Peterson’s 9/15/02 op-ed piece in the Los Angeles Times (the article can be found in Lexis Nexis Academic by searching on Peterson’s name in “General News/Major Papers”). Peterson summarized her two main points:

  • Up until now, the GPO has been the one printer for U.S. government publications. The US Office of Management and Budget recently issued a directive encouraging agencies to seek printing elsewhere. The directive is likely to compromise the depository program.
  • PubScience is a free, online A&I database for the scientific journal literature. It is likely to lose government funding because it competes with commercial products that are free (for now). The public stand to lose a free index to literature that is largely funded by tax dollars with no guarantee that the commercial sources will remain free.

LAUC-SD members discussed the issues. Melton made a motion that LAUC-SD forward a copy of Peterson’s article to San Diego’s representatives in the US Congress. The article would be accompanied by a letter from LAUC-SD. The letter would not necessarily endorse Peterson’s opinions, but would suggest that these are important issues regarding citizens’ access to information. Cowell would draft the letter and distribute to the membership for review. The letter would also correct the errors in the article which Peterson pointed out had crept in during the editing process. The motion was seconded, and passed unanimously. After the motion had passed, Jackie Hanson suggested that it should be forwarded to other LAUC locals.

The membership carried on a further discussion of issues related to collecting government information, the depository program, the GPO, and how librarians can make such issues understandable to the general public.

Cowell thanked the membership for the discussion and adjourned the meeting.

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