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September 1997 Minutes

LAUC-SD Executive Board Meeting Minutes
September 2, 1997; 3:30pm
Special Collections Seminar Room

Attending: Karen Cargille, Lynda Claassen, Trisha Cruse, Tammy Dearie, Barbara
Slater, Reinhart Sonnenberg, Kathy Whitley

1. Report on LAUC State Transition Meeting
Statewide board meeting will be in October, the Fall Assembly will be November
21. The Spring Assembly will be hosted by UCSD -- we will be primarily
responsible for logistics and requests for volunteers will be forthcoming.

California Millenium Conference was announced -- it will be sponsored by CLA and
there will be a LAUC presence at the conference, to be held March 1999.
Attendance will be on an invitation basis for the 2.5-day event, with each
sponsoring library association receiving a number of slots.

Cultural Diversity Committee -- over the last year there has been a "malaise" in
the group. A status report was given, mainly addressing points from the "Many
Voices" document. Esteban Valdez will be the local "conduit" for information
from the statewide group as well as the statewide chair. Charges for the group
will be developed between now and the October statewide board meeting. See
agenda development for local plans.

The salaries letter to President Atkinson has not yet been sent by Miki Goral.
There is no action on the step additions and no action on the librarian salaries
schedule. LAUC will be included on a UCOP Web page. The LAUC listserv email
list has been cancelled.

Myron Okada arrived late and was able to discuss the stipends issue only
briefly. The stipends document was approved, but librarians were not included
as a group. This means that any campus with approved local guidelines could
give stipends because the stipends are derived from campus monies. Los Angeles,
Santa Barbara, and Riverside have guidelines already submitted, and Davis and
Berkeley are working on guidelines.

2. Agenda building for Sept. 9 membership meeting

CAPA - Tammy will have a CAPA report including a couple of discussion items.

Cultural Diversity Committee -- although Esteban will not be here for the Sept.
9 meeting, he felt comfortable with our having a discussion since other
committee members would be there. Linda will pose the question of what to do
with the committee. Volunteers may be called for as a result of discussion.
She will announce Esteban's name as the "conduit." Perhaps the membership will
be interested in having some local programs, for example. Karen will email the
current committee members to alert them about the agenda point.

Stipends issue -- The question seems begged for UCSD to discuss. Karen will
send LAUC-B's memo to the membership as background.

Brainstorming session -- schedule this point to get input about expectations of
membership for LAUC role and activities.

Announce a Fall social for the first Friday in October (10/3/97) at the Faculty

Karen will send out agenda along with the date for the social.