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February 1998 Minutes

LAUC-SD Executive Board Meeting
February 17, 1998
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Special Collections Seminar Room

Attendance: K. Cargille, L. Claassen, T. Cruse, B. Culbertson, B. Slater
R. Sonnenburg, D. Talbot

1. Announcements, etc.

K. Cargille announced that Gary Peete was the LAUC representative to the
CDL. T. Cruse wondered what kind of influence he would have and K.
Cargille replied that he is another avenue for LAUC member to use to
express their opinions.

2. LAUC Assembly planning

LAUC Executive Board--April 30, 1998
LAUC Spring Assembly--May 1, 1998

Speaker suggestions:

1. Myron Okada to give an update on UCOP
2. Janice Koyama's name will be offered to Lucia as a possible
speaker for the Assembly.

Local Arrangements

Deadline for committees--March 13, 1998
Information to Lucia Snowhill--March 20, 1998 1


Food/Meeting Rooms--Karen Cargille
Executive Board--Special Collections Seminar Room 4/30/98 Reserved
Food--needs arrangement
Assembly--Price Center, Ballroom A 5/1/98--Reserved
Food--needs arrangement

Hotel information--Lynda Claassen
Sea Lodge
Hotel La Jolla

Registration--Barbara Slater, assisted by Becky Culbertson
Develop Form. Lunch requests, etc.
Who sends it out? Note: Lucia does
Name tags

Transportation--Dawn Talbot
Cloud 9 shuttle for pick ups at airport to Price Center
Check on return trip from campus to airport
OR Do we want to use LAUC-SD volunteers for taking people to the
airport ?
(Preference of the Exec Board was to arrange for the Cloud 9
shuttle to drop people off at the Price Center)
Parking information for drivers, map and location of kiosks,
recommended lot?

Web page--Trisha Cruse, Reinhart Sonnenburg
Registration Form
hotel information
transportation info

Assembly is on Jerry's calendar with a specific notation for "Welcoming
Remarks" at about 10 am on Friday.

Next LAUC Executive Board meeting: March 3, 1998

Possible Agenda for next LAUC-SD membership meeting, March 17, 1998

1. Report on what happened with the LAUC-SD archives

2. Susan Starr talk on CDL

3. Brief update from CAPA

4. LAUC social announcement

--Submitted by Becky Culbertson