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Empower your scholarly journey with a wealth of tools and guides designed to help you use and create copyrighted works with confidence and integrity. The Library offers support for all authors to understand copyright law, protect your intellectual property, and follow attribution best practices. Schedule a consultation for personalized assistance or browse online guides to copyright at the Library.

Author Rights and Creative Commons

Your scholarship, your rights—as an author, it’s important to understand how to protect your work. Learn how to retain your rights and maximize the impact of your scholarly output.

Keep Your Copyright

Copyright and Fair Use

Navigate the complexities of copyright with ease. Explore this guide to copyright and fair use to protect your intellectual property and ensure compliance with copyright laws.

Explore Copyright Tools

Obtaining Permission

Permissions to use copyrighted material must be obtained when the use is not covered by the copyright law and its exceptions. Learn what's required in a permission letter, see sample letters and templates, and access resources to find copyright holders.

Get Permission