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Morobe Flag Morobe Province Patrol Reports

This is a guide to the microfiche of government patrol reports for Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. for the most part, these reports were written after World War II and before Papua New Guinea's independence in 1975. The microfiche for Morobe Provinve reproduce 293 files of typescript sources, comprising 1587 patrol reports.

item: About the Project item: Explanation of Citation Format
item: Aseki (1962-1974) item: Morobe (1933-1973)
item: Boana (1966-1971) item: Mumeng (1944-1974)
item: Fins'hhafen (1943-1974) item: North Markham (1943-1944)
item: Garaina (1966-1974) item: Pindiu (1960-1974)
item: Huon (1944-1945) item: Salamaua (1943-1945)
item: Kabwum (1965-1974) item: Sialum (1966-1974)
item: Kaiapit (1949-1974) item: Siassi (1963-1974)
item: Kalalo (1958-1969) item: Wantoat (1955-1973)
item: Kalasa (1965-1967) item: Wasu (1953-1974)
item: Lae (1945-1973) item: Wau (1943-1974)
item: Menyamya (1950-1974) item: Yungzain (1957-1959)

Aseki, 1962 - 1963.
Patrol officers: Campbell, R. I.
29 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Kareeba,Indiwi,Aseki.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 026 : 050 - 027 : 018.

Aseki, 1962 - 1964.
Patrol officers: Smith, W. L.; Ingram, P. L.
99 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wambogini,Kareeba,Kapau,Kabu,Indiwi,Nanima, Hamuni,Pieto,Aseki.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Aseki : 001 : 001 - 002 : 042.

Aseki, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Ingram, P. L.; Absalom, J.
68 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kapau River,Kabu,Hiakwata,Kareeba,Indiwi,Aseki.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Aseki : 002 : 043 - 003 : 052.

Aseki, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Absalom, J.; Campbell, R. I.
60 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kapau River,Kabu,Kareeba,Indiwi,Aseki.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Aseki : 004 : 053 - 005 : 052.

Aseki, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Heggan, M. W.
62 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kapau,Nanima,Kabu,Kareeba,Indiwi,Langimar, Aseki.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 029 : 043 - 030 : 044.

Aseki, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Reading, J. M.; Smith, P. M.; Connor, G. C.; Lancaster, P. J.; Stewart, C. A.; Richardson, N. A.
121 leaves. 12 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kapau,Kabu,Langimar,Nanima,Hamdei,Kareeba, Indiwi,Menyamya,Kukukuku,Aseki.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Aseki : 005 : 053 - 007 : 055.

Aseki, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Long, C. H.
14 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Menyamya,Aseki.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Aseki : 007 : 056 - 008 : 011.

Aseki, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Absalom, J.; Connor, G. C.; Long, C. H.; Richardson, N. A.
62 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kapau,Kareeba,Langimar,Aseki.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 036 : 052 - 037 : 054.

Aseki, 1970 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Long, C. H.; Morrison, R. P.; Knox, I. V.
93 leaves. 9 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Langimar,Kapau,Kabu,Nanima,Watut,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 031 : 042 - 033 : 015.

Aseki, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Morrison, R. P.; Cameron, I. D.; Oates, P. D.
97 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kapau,Nanima,Kabu,Kareeba,Indiwi,Langimar, Hamdei,Poiyu,Aseki.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 033 : 048 - 035 : 023.

Aseki, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Oates, P. D.; Wilkinson, W. R.; Arabata, S.
23 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Slate Creek,Kapau,Nanima,Langimar,Aseki.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 036 : 016 - 036 : 038.

Aseki, 1972 - 1974.
Patrol officers: Arabata, S.; Cameron, I. D.
44 leaves. 2 patrol reports. Patrol Years: 1972, 1973, 1974.
Areas patrolled: Nanima,Kareeba,Indiwi,Aseki.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Aseki : 008 : 012 - 008 : 058.

Boana, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: White, J. E.; Campbell, R. I.; Stewart, C. A.
53 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wain,Naba,Momalili,Boana.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Boana : 001 : 001 - 001 : 056.

Boana, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Hatherly, R. E.
10 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Wain,Boana.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wantoat : 005 : 030 - 005 : 039.

Boana, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Hatherly, R. E.; Hughes, J. R.; Warren, W. H.; White, S. J.
131 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Erap,Wain,Naba,Momalili,Nawae,Narwe,Munkip, Boana.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Boana : 002 : 043 - 004 : 057.

Boana, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Smith, P. M.; Hatherly, R. E.; Cottingham, S. G.
88 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Erap,Naba,Nawae,Boana.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 013 : 019 - 014 : 034.

Boana, 1970 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Wafingian, F. J.; Smith, P. M.; Koe, B. M.
108 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Naba,Wain,Nawae,Erap,Momalili,Boana.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Boana : 005 : 017 - 007 : 008.

Boana, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Young, D. J.; Philippe, R. B.; Slough, M.; Dilena, M. J.; Long, C. H.
118 leaves. 12 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Nawae,Wain,Erap,Kasanombe,Boana.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 061 : 043 - 063 : 040.

Boana, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Luscombe, P. C. C.; Dilena, M. J.; Fryer, R. L.; Marikame, N.; Donaldson, P. K.; Collins, P.
110 leaves. 16 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Naba,Wain,Momalili,Erap,Boana.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 066 : 016 - 068 : 005.

Finschhafen, 1944 - 1945.
Patrol officers: Boyan, R. H.; Foley, S. M.; Leyden, A. J.; Pitt, M. J.; Bloxham, A. A.; Burke, F. L.; Ryall, K. W.
130 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Hube,Kotte,Bwamo River,Wasu,Kalasa,Kotte,Timbe, Rooke Island,Umboi Island,Siassi,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 001 : 001 - 003 : 014.

Finschhafen, 1944 - 1945.
Patrol officers: Rees, E. M.; Dishon, W. R.; Leyden, A. J.; Maguire, H. K.; Hayes, B. B.; Wearne, G. R.
171 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kalasa,Sio,Kotte,Uruwa,Yupna,Hube,Yabim, Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 003 : 015 - 006 : 007.

Finschhafen, 1944 - 1945.
Patrol officers: Leyden, A. J.; Rylands, M. W. S.; Jones, K. W.; Ewing, A. C.; Rees, E. M.; Sheard, K. S.; Hayes, B. B.; Ireland, C. J.; White, S.; Coote, P. R.
282 leaves. 17 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Hube,Kaiapit,Gusap,Hinggia,Amari,Leron,Erap, Wain,Naba,Finschhafen,Yaros,Atzera,Kotte,Bukaua,Momalili,Onga, Lei-Wompa,Yabim,Uruwa,Yupna(Madang Province),Wantoat,Irumu, Saseng,Sio,Komba,Selepet,Huon.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Huon : 001 : 045 - 006 : 027.

Finschhafen, 1949 - 1951.
Patrol officers: Julian, F. C.; Martin, F. J.; Bamford, R. H.; White, T. W.; Parrish, D. J.
229 leaves. 12 patrol reports. Patrol Years: 1949, 1950, 1951.
Areas patrolled: Yupna,Uruwa,Selepet,Komba,Yabim,Hube,Dedua, Kalasa,Siassi,Kotte,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 006 : 008 - 010 : 001.

Finschhafen, 1952 - 1953.
Patrol officers: White, T. W.; Liddle, C. W.; Parrish, D. J.
264 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Umboi Island,Siassi Islands,Kotte,Dedua,Yabim, Kalasa,Sio,Uruwa,Yupna,Timbe,Komba,Selepet,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 010 : 002 - 014 : 028.

Finschhafen, 1953 - 1955.
Patrol officers: Lang, K. J.; White, T. W.; Bunting, B.; Cochrane, J. R.; Hanrahan, K. J.
204 leaves. 9 patrol reports. Patrol Years: 1953, 1954, 1955.
Areas patrolled: Hube,Uruwa,Yupna,Kotte,Kalasa,Dedua,Yabim, Siassi,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 014 : 029 - 018 : 003.

Finschhafen, 1953 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Lang, K. J.; White, T. W.; Bunting, B.; Cochrane, J. R.; Harahan, K. J.; Leabeater, T. J.; Hanson, L.
288 leaves. 16 patrol reports. Patrol Years: 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956.
Areas patrolled: Hube,Uruwa,Yupna,Kotte,Kalasa,Dedua,Yabim, Siassi Islands,Heldsbach,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 018 : 004 - 022 : 054.

Finschhafen, 1955 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Leabeater, T. J.; Hanson, L.; Bunting, B.; Hanrahan, K. J.; White, T. W.
198 leaves. 9 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kalasa,Yabim,Siassi Islands,Kotte,Hube,Dedua, Heldsbach,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 022 : 055 - 026 : 019.

Finschhafen, 1956 - 1957.
Patrol officers: Cavanagh, N. J.; Hanson, L.; White, T. W.
188 leaves. 9 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yabim,Kotte,Dedua,Hube,Wasu,Kalasa,Ulap,Siassi, Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wasu : 008 : 010 - 011 : 023.

Finschhafen, 1957 - 1958.
Patrol officers: White, T. W.; Green, R. J.
141 leaves. 9 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kotte,Dedua,Hube,Kalasa,Yabim,Siassi Islands, Sio,Sialum,Komba,Selepet,Timbe,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 026 : 020 - 028 : 041.

Finschhafen, 1958 - 1959.
Patrol officers: Green, R. J.
36 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Siassi,Sio,Kotte,Yabim,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 022 : 051 - 023 : 026.

Finschhafen, 1959 - 1960.
Patrol officers: Whitehead, P. G.; White, T. W.
78 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yabim,Siassi,Mape,Dedua,Hube,Kotte,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 031 : 019 - 032 : 038.

Finschhafen, 1960 - 1961.
Patrol officers: Downes, T. J.; Martin, F. J.; Foldi, P. J.
129 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kotte,Yabim,Siassi,Kalasa,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 033 : 060 - 036 : 018.

Finschhafen, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Harris, G. W.; Becker, D. R.; Worsley, P. T.; Sinclair, J. P.; Simpson, G. D.; Besasparis, B. A.
159 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kotte,Dedua,Siassi Islands,Siki,Sattelberg, Yabim,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 037 : 016 - 039 : 055.

Finschhafen, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: not available (lost).
2 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 029 : 041 - 029 : 043.

Finschhafen, 1962 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Simpson, G. D.
51 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Siassi,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 036 : 019 - 037 : 015.

Finschhafen, 1962 - 1963.
Patrol officers: Dalgleish, D. N.; Harris, G. W.; Akins, A. J.; Terrell, C. E.; Lee, R. M.
94 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Siki,Sattleburg,Kotte,Mape,Yabim,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 039 : 056 - 041 : 030.

Finschhafen, 1963 - 1964.
Patrol officers: Gari, L.; Lee, R. M.; Karukuru, K.; Dwyer, T.; Lawrey, D. J.; Maynard, P.; Gibson, S.; Jinks, B.
286 leaves. 13 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yabim,Kalasa,Siassi,Dedua,Sattelberg,Wareo, Kotte,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 041 : 031 - 046 : 027.

Finschhafen, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Kelly, B. J.; Matheson, R. W.
84 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yabim,Kotte,Dedua,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 046 : 028 - 047 : 055.

Finschhafen, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Larkins, T. H.; Moyes, J. E.; Scarlett, G. J.; Lancaster, P. J.
99 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yabim,Kotte,Dedua,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 047 : 056 - 049 : 038.

Finschhafen, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Luscombe, P. C. C.; Maha, G.; McIntosh, I. K.
62 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kotte,Siki,Bonga,Leko,Yabim,Sattelberg, Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 009 : 055 - 010 : 058.

Finschhafen, 1967 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Maha, G.; McIntosh, I. K.; Henao, B. T.; Luscombe, P. C. C.
89 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kotte,Yabim,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 049 : 048 - 051 : 025.

Finschhafen, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Hill, R. C.; Johnston, E. B. C.; McIntosh, I. K.; Maha, G.; May, R. G.; Slough, M.; Balagetuna, J. B.; White, S. J.
231 leaves. 16 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Dedua,Kotte,Yabim,Siassi,Sattelberg,Nanduo, Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 052 : 027 - 056 : 026.

Finschhafen, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Slough, M.; Elder, W. P.; White, S. J.; Kelly, B. J.; Bradbury, J.
66 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yabim,Kotte,Bonga,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 056 : 050 - 057 : 056.

Finschhafen, 1970 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Russell, P. E.; Hatherly, R. E.; Elder, W. P.; Sanangkeoc, S. T.; Trumbull, J. J.
74 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kotte,Yabim,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 058 : 060 - 060 : 016.

Finschhafen, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Trumbull, J. J.; Elder, W. P.; Arabata, S.; Haviland, F. E.; Grigg, K. N.; Lari, N.; Knox, I. V.; Bau, T. T.
139 leaves. 20 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yabim,Kotte,Kalai Islands,Tuam Island,Malai Island,Sattelberg,Wareo,Mape,Pindiu,Nanduo,Kalasa,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 062 : 010 - 064 : 027.

Finschhafen, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Lari, N.; Knox, I. V.; Haviland, F. E.; Stark, A. P.; Henao, B. T.; Sabadi, T. M.; Bonnick, R.; Simpson, P. H.; Cottingham, S. G.; Waide, P. H.
65 leaves. 13 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yabim,Dedua,Kotte,Mape,Kua,Kalasa,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 064 : 028 - 065 : 034.

Finschhafen, 1973 - 1974.
Patrol officers: Abore, W. G.; Oates, P. D.; Darwen, T. R.
28 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kotte,Dedua,Yabim,Mape,Finschhafen.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 067 : 043 - 068 : 010.

Garaina, 1945 - 1947.
Patrol officers: Watterson, R. B.
8 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Biaru,Garaina.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 015 : 056 - 016 : 003.

Garaina, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Moyes, J. E.
13 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Ono,Bubu,Garaina.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 038 : 036 - 038 : 048.

Garaina, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Moyes, J. E.
64 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Ono,Bubu,Garaina.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Garaina : 001 : 001 - 002 : 006.

Garaina, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Niland, R. K.; Bradbury, J.
34 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Bubu,Ono,Waria,Garaina.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 035 : 028 - 036 : 001.

Garaina, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Bradbury, J.; Stewart, C. A.
48 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Bubu,Ono,Waria,Garaina.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 037 : 020 - 038 : 007.

Garaina, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Douglas, M.
35 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Papuan Waria,Bubu,Garaina.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 041 : 025 - 041 : 059.

Garaina, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Kunsei, M.; Douglas, M.
74 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Papuan Waria,Garaina.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 038 : 026 - 039 : 039.

Garaina, 1973 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Russell, P. E.
8 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Ono,Garaina.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Garaina : 002 : 051 - 002 : 060.

Huon, 1944 - 1944.
Patrol officers: Jones, K. W.; Thresher, F. H.
29 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Bakaia,Erap,Irumu,Momalili,Huon.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Huon : 001 : 001 - 001 : 032.

Kabwam, 1962 - 1963.
Patrol officers: Barclay, R. I.
28 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Komba,Selepet,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 004 : 054 - 005 : 022.

Kabwam, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Benson, J. G.
71 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Timbe,Komba,Selepet,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 009 : 034 - 010 : 046.

Kabwum, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Broadhurst, P. J. K.
17 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Komba,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 004 : 009 - 004 : 025.

Kabwum, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Heriot, G. A.; Maynard, P.
103 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Komba,Selepet,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 004 : 040 - 006 : 036.

Kabwum, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Benson, J. B.; Lapthorne, G. C.; Maynard, P.
80 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Komba,Selepet,Timbe,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 001 : 001 - 002 : 022.

Kabwum, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Stewart, C. A.; Smith, J. A.; Maha, G.; Ahe, N. G.
94 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Komba,Konge,Indagen,Selepet,Timbe,Sio,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 002 : 060 - 004 : 037.

Kabwum, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Wilkinson, W. R.; Turner, D. S.; Sigimata, D.; Morrison, R. P.; Absalom, J.; Wilson, P. E.
185 leaves. 14 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Selepet,Timbe,Komba,Sio,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 005 : 019 - 008 : 021.

Kabwum, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Wilkinson, W. R.; Turner, D. S.; Cottingham, S. G.; Draffen, R. D. W.
222 leaves. 15 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Komba,Selepet,Timbe,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 008 : 056 - 012 : 045.

Kabwum, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Smith, P. M.; Oates, P. D.; Colling, P.; Fryer, R. L.; Soul, T. J.
69 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kombi,Selepet,Uruwa,Sambore,Timbe,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 018 : 010 - 019 : 020.

Kabwum, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Soul, T. J.; Glynn, J. J.; Colling, P.; Cooke, A. E.; White, W. A.; Draffen, R.; Sabadi, T. M.; Gros, B.
139 leaves. 18 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Selepet,Komba,Kalalo,Timbe,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 019 : 032 - 022 : 003.

Kabwum, 1973 - 1974.
Patrol officers: Sabadi, T. M.; White, W. A.; Cooke, A. E.; Briggs, F. A.; Williams, S.; Sindol, K. G.
95 leaves. 14 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Komba,Rawlinson,Timbe,Selepet,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 023 : 018 - 024 : 054.

Kaiapit, 1944 - 1944.
Patrol officers: Rylands, M. W. S.
12 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Yaros,Atzera,Leron,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Huon : 001 : 033 - 001 : 044.

Kaiapit, 1949 - 1953.
Patrol officers: Sinclair, J. P.; Orken, M. B.; Griffen, J.; Blaikie, R. W.; Proctor, H. B.
212 leaves. 13 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Amari,Atzera,Yaros,Onga,Wantoat,Samura,Mumuga, Markham,Wongat,Amau,Leron,Banir,Waffa,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 001 : 001 - 004 : 038.

Kaiapit, 1953 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Graham, H. G. G.; Calder, D. G.; Grey, G. R.
166 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Amari,Atzera,Yaros,Onga,Irumu,Markham,Leron, Waffa,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 004 : 039 - 007 : 023.

Kaiapit, 1956 - 1957.
Patrol officers: Calder, D. G.; Haviland, R. K.
27 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Amari,Yaros,Markham,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 010 : 019 - 010 : 040.

Kaiapit, 1957 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Haviland, P. P.; Maroney, D. P.
41 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waffa,Markham,Amari,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wasu : 014 : 038 - 015 : 018.

Kaiapit, 1959 - 1960.
Patrol officers: Leabeater, T. J.; Harris, F. N.; Carroll, M. F.
58 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Salamaua,Waffa,Atzera,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 010 : 041 - 011 : 038.

Kaiapit, 1960 - 1961.
Patrol officers: Maroney, D. P.; Pamplin, J.; Broadhurst, P. J. K.; Downes, T. J.
193 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Onga,Umi,Markham,Leron,Yaros,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 011 : 039 - 014 : 054.

Kaiapit, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Maroney, D. P.; Pamplin, J.
43 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Onga,Leron,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 014 : 055 - 015 : 038.

Kaiapit, 1962 - 1963.
Patrol officers: Pamplin, J.; Woods, A. R.; Gari, L.; Akins, A. J.
82 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Amari,Markham,Yaros,Waffa,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 016 : 026 - 017 : 048.

Kaiapit, 1963 - 1964.
Patrol officers: Roberts, R. C.; Akins, A. J.
159 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Amari,Markham,Yaros,Waffa,Onga,Leron,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 017 : 049 - 020 : 017.

Kaiapit, 1963 - 1964.
Patrol officers: Akins, A. J.
12 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Onga,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 007 : 003 - 007 : 016.

Kaiapit, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Rochfort, P.; Lang, M.; Hardy, G. G.
104 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Amari,Markham,Onga,Atzera,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 020 : 018 - 021 : 060.

Kaiapit, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Lapthorne, G. C.; Hughes, J. R.
163 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yaros,Onga,Atzera,Amari,Waffa,Leron,Markham, Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 022 : 028 - 025 : 021.

Kaiapit, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: White, J. E.; Morrison, R. P.; Hatherly, R. E.
57 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yaros,Naba,Wantoat,Irumu,Amari,Leron,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 025 : 022 - 026 : 022.

Kaiapit, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Williams, G. E.; Hatherly, R. E.
81 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yaros,Atzera,Onga,Waffa,Markham,Leron,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 026 : 023 - 027 : 044.

Kaiapit, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Haviland, F. E.; Konjib, M. M.; Connor, G. C.; Koe, B. M.; Russell, P. E.
160 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wantoat,Amari,Yaros,Atzera,Onga,Markham,Leron, Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 027 : 045 - 030 : 016.

Kaiapit, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Haviland, F. E.; Inchley, B. D.; Russell, P. E.
216 leaves. 12 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waffa,Amari,Yaros,Atzera,Onga,Markham,Leron, Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 030 : 017 - 033 : 056.

Kaiapit, 1970 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Haviland, F. E.; Inchley, B. D.; Voase, T. C.; Bowane, J. G.
143 leaves. 12 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waffa,Wantoat,Irumu,Tsafats,Samaran,Amari, Yaros,Atzera,Onga,Markham,Leron,Kaiapit,Yampua.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 033 : 057 - 036 : 022.

Kaiapit, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Lancaster, P. J.; Hitzke, P. W.; Nicholls, C. W.; Russell, P. E.
57 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waffa,Ufim River,Onga,Markham,Leron,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 036 : 023 - 037 : 020.

Kaiapit, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Hitzke, P. W.; Nicholls, C. W.; Russell, P. E.; Wilkinson, W. R.
107 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Leron,Markham,Onga,Amari,Atzera,Yaros,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 033 : 054 - 035 : 014.

Kaiapit, 1973 - 1974.
Patrol officers: Pennefather, D. H.; Cutlack, S. S.; Donaldson, P. K.; Hopkins, R. L.; Colling, P.; Glynn, J. J.; Edwards, A. S.; Bunting, A. W.
69 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Markham,Morobe,Naba,Salamaua,Kaiwa,Wain,Waria, Momalili,Watut,Bau Island,Erap,Kaiapit.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 037 : 050 - 038 : 060.

Kalalo, 1959 - 1959.
Patrol officers: Giffard, C. C.
32 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Komba,Selepet,Uruwa,Yupna,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhaffen : 030 : 047 - 031 : 018.

Kalalo, 1959 - 1960.
Patrol officers: Hillier, P. L.; Lindsay, D. C.
68 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Sio,Timbe,Komba,Selepet,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 032 : 039 - 033 : 059.

Kalalo, 1960 - 1961.
Patrol officers: Lindsay, D. C.
56 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Sio,Uruwa,Yupna,Timbe,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 001 : 001 - 001 : 057.

Kalalo, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Barclay, R. I.; Muskens, W. H.
71 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Sio,Yupna,Uruwa,Timbe,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 002 : 057 - 004 : 008.

Kalalo, 1962 - 1963.
Patrol officers: Downes, T. J.
26 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Sio,Kalasa,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 004 : 026 - 004 : 053.

Kalalo, 1963 - 1964.
Patrol officers: Worsley, P. T.; Downes, T. J.
38 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Uruwa,Yupna,Sio,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 006 : 004 - 006 : 042.

Kalalo, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Simpson, P. H.
18 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Sio,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 007 : 017 - 007 : 036.

Kalalo, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Worsley, P. T.
24 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Sio,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 006 : 037 - 006 : 048 (missing fiche # 006 : 049 - 006 : 60).

Kalalo, 1965 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Smith, J. A.; Maynard, P.; Heggan, M. W.; Simpson, P. H.
137 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Timbe,Sio,Uruwa,Yupna,Selepet,Kalasa,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 007 : 037 - 009 : 054.

Kalalo, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Smith, J. A.
58 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Sio,Komba,Mula,Yupna,Uruwa,Selepet,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 010 : 059 - 011 : 059.

Kalalo, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Smith, J. A.; Maha, G.; Scarlett, G. J.
42 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Komba,Uruwa,Yupna,Sio,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 004 : 038 - 005 : 018.

Kalalo, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Scarlett, G. J.; Sigimata, D.; Morrison, R. P.
34 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Uruwa,Yupna,Sio,Kalalo.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 008 : 022 - 008 : 055.

Kalasa, 1966 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Gibson, S.
36 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Dedua,Sio,Kalasa.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 002 : 023 - 002 : 059.

Kalasa, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Gibson, S.
47 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Dedua,Kalasa.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 010 : 047 - 011 : 034.

Lae, 1945 - 1946.
Patrol officers: Richards, T. W.; Allen, R. G.; Sheard, K. S.; West, H. W.; McIntyre, R. G.
113 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Onga,Amari,Markham,Atzera,Yaros,Naba,Timbe, Sunde,Goroka(Eastern Highlands Province0,Wain,Bukaua,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 001 : 001 - 002 : 053.

Lae, 1948 - 1953.
Patrol officers: Clark, H. E.; Ewing, A. E.; Blaikie, R. W.; Keenan, G. R.; Wenke, P.; Smith, I. W.
245 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Naba,Wain,Bukaua,Wantoat,Ufim,Erap,Irumu, Momalili,Salamaua,Komba,Selepet,Finschhafen,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 002 : 054 - 007 : 001.

Lae, 1953 - 1954.
Patrol officers: Moloney, P. K.; Giffard, C. C.; Mater, H. J.; Seale, H. P.
157 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Naba,Wain,Bukaua,Wantoat,Erap,Irumu,Momalili, Salamaua,Huon,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 007 : 002 - 009 : 040.

Lae, 1953 - 1954.
Patrol officers: Moloney, P. K.; Giffard, C. C.; Mater, H. J.; Seale, H. P.
124 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Naba,Wain,Bukaua,Wantoat,Erap,Irumu,Momalili, Salamaua,Huon,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 009 : 041 - 011 : 047.

Lae, 1954 - 1955.
Patrol officers: Calder, D. G.; Hanrahan, K. J.; Mater, H. J.; Seale, H. P.; Martin, F. J.
143 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Salamaua,Bukaua,Wantoat,Awara,Chivasing, Terehan,Momalili,Gabensis,Mari,Wampit,Dagin,Wain,Kaiapit,Orori, Sangan,Busama,Lokanu,Lababia,Markham,Atzera,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 012 : 012 - 014 : 037.

Lae, 1954 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Calder, D. G.; Hanrahan, K. J.; Mater, H. J.; Seale, H. P.; Martin, F. J.; Green, R. J.
142 leaves. 13 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Salamaua,Bukaua,Wantoat,Awara,Chivasing, Terehan,Momalili,Gabensis,Mari,Wampit,Dagin,Wain,Kaiapit,Orori, Busama,Lokanu,Lababia,Tamigudu,Markham,Atzera,Lei-wompa,Naba,Lae, Munum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 014 : 060 - 018 : 018.

Lae, 1955 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Hanrahan, K. J.; Green, R. J.
168 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Salamaua,Bukaua,Wain,Lei-Wompa,Munum,Wampit, Erap,Kaiwa,Musim,Yamap,Hote,Naba,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 018 : 019 - 021 : 008.

Lae, 1956 - 1957.
Patrol officers: Foldi, P. J.; Death, C. E.
199 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Naba,Salamaua,Erap,Kua,Wain,Momalili,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 007 : 024 - 010 : 018.

Lae, 1957 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Foldi, P. J.; Maroney, D. P.
63 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Salamaua,Naba,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 021 : 009 - 022 : 013.

Lae, 1958 - 1959.
Patrol officers: Mitchell, T.; Maroney, D. P.
36 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Momalili,Naba,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 022 : 014 - 022 : 050.

Lae, 1959 - 1960.
Patrol officers: Lindsay, D. C.; Mitchell, T.
40 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Momalili,Wain,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 023 : 027 - 024 : 009.

Lae, 1960 - 1961.
Patrol officers: Whitehead, P. G.; Barclay, R. I.; Duggan, D. J.; Carroll, M. F.; Downes, T. J.; Broadhurst, P. J. K.; Lindsay, D. C.; Pamplin, J.
171 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Erap,Wain,Naba,Bukaua,Salamaua,Momalili,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 024 : 037 - 027 : 028.

Lae, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Downes, T. J.; Smith, W. L.; Hicks, J. R.; Woods, A. R.; Ingram, P. L.; Pamplin, J.
122 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Erap,Naba,Bukaua,Salamaua,Momalili,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 027 : 029 - 029 : 040.

Lae, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Ingram, P. L.
14 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Momalili,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 029 : 044 - 029 : 055.

Lae, 1962 - 1963.
Patrol officers: Ingram, P. L.; Worsley, P. T.; Cleland, R. O. M.; Matheson, R. W.; Campbell, R. I.
158 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Momalili,Bukaua,Salamaua,Wain,Naba,Erap,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 030 : 042 - 033 : 028.

Lae, 1963 - 1964.
Patrol officers: Worsley, P. T.; Donovan, R. D.
28 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Momalili,Wain,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 033 : 029 - 033 : 057.

Lae, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Roberts, R. C.; Campbell, R. I.; Gibson, S.
87 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Momalili,Wain,Naba,Erap,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 034 : 058 - 036 : 029.

Lae, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Heggan, M. W.; Gibson, S.
93 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wantoat,Irumu,Leron,Naba,Wain,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 036 : 055 - 038 : 035.

Lae, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Hughes, J. R.; Niland, R. K.; Stewart, C. A.
80 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Irumu,Salamaua,Kaiwa,Bukaua,Lei-Wompa,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 039 : 010 - 040 : 032.

Lae, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Donovan, R. D.; Hart, L. G.; Ahe, N. G.; Warren, W. H.; Hughes, J. R.; Hardy, G. G.
162 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kaiwa,Bukaua,Lei-Wompa,Salamaua,Naba,Musin, Yamap,Watut,Kasanombe,Boana,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 040 : 033 - 043 : 033.

Lae, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Benson, J. G.; Hughes, J. R.; Warren, W. H.; Sanderson, C. G.; Hardy, G. G.; Cooke, A. E.; Morris, H. W.; Bradbury, J.
279 leaves. 12 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Lei-Wompa,Naba,Huon,Salamaua,Morobe,Papuan Waria,Bukaua,Watut,Kaiwa,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 043 : 050 - 048 : 036.

Lae, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Stark, A. P.; Wafington, F. J.; Koe, B. M.; Hardy, G. G.; Cooke, A. E.; Morris, H. W.; Bradbury, J.
256 leaves. 14 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Salamaua,Morobe,Bukaua,Watut,Kaiwa,Yamap,Hote, Musim,Waria,Bubu,Erap,Ono,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 048 : 037 - 053 : 005.

Lae, 1970 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Stark, A. P.; Wilkinson, W. R.; Noblet, A. J.; Hardy, G. G.; Daniel, P. M.; Memafu, K.; Dangerfield, C.
247 leaves. 15 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Salamaua,Morobe,Bukaua,Watut,Kaiwa,Wain,Lei- Wompa,Waria,Huon,Erap,LabuButu,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 053 : 006 - 057 : 037.

Lae, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Memafu, K.; Dangerfield, C.; Bradbury, J.; White, S. J.; Lucas, N. D.; Pohon, A. B.; Kelly, K. R.; Fryer, R. L.
191 leaves. 13 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Lababia,Salus,Watut,Momalili,Erap,Salamaua, Kaiwa,Morobe,Labutali,Labumeti,Bukaua,Lei-Wompa,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 058 : 029 - 061 : 042.

Lae, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Kelly, K. R.; Edwards, P. S.; Dangerfield, C.; Long, C. H.; Marikame, N.
129 leaves. 9 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Salamaua,Morobe,Kaiwa,Watut,Lei-Wompa,Bakaia, Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 063 : 041 - 066 : 002.

Lae, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Humphries, A. J.; Purdy, W. M.
34 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wain,Naba,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 068 : 006 - 068 : 039.

Menyamya, 1950 - 1953.
Patrol officers: Keenan, G. R.; Hurrell, A. L.; Moloney, P. K.
258 leaves. 12 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Hamdei(Gulf Province),Jagentsaga,Menya,Werr River(Gulf Province),Kwiavi(Kuavi, Gulf Province?),Tauri River, Wapi,Kaiowi,Tutukwia,Nenewe,Kapau,Uyama(Wiama?),Yagwiye(Yakwoi?), Hagata,Tauri River,Miwi River,Yakwoi River,Vailala River(Gulf Province),Yergi River,Langeina River(Langemar?),Wadui River, Tamoi,Wapi,Kwatela,Katsiong,Banir River,Kwondenya,Himerka, Katanga,Nauti,Menyamya,Yagwiye.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 001 : 001 - 005 : 019.

Menyamya, 1953 - 1955.
Patrol officers: Purdy, W. M.; Wakeford, J. E.
156 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Koit-Chugoi,Wapi,Yakwoi (Iakwoi),Vailala(Gulf Province?),Himerka,Tamoi,Hata,Menya,Sikwong,Korteio,Azana, Langimar,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 005 : 020 - 007 : 060.

Menyamya, 1955 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Haviland, R. R.; Martin, F. J.; Chester, K. I.; DeSailly, R. N.; Wakeford, J. E.
147 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kapau,Brunda,Korlte River,Hauwambanga(Gulf Province),Kabia,Kanakatoa,Katanga,Iwa(Eastern Highlands Province),Patawo,Didana,Vailala(Gulf province?),Aiwamda,Arifogo, Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 008 : 001 - 010 : 036.

Menyamya, 1956 - 1957.
Patrol officers: Martin, F. J.; Chester, K. I.; DeSailly, R. N.
99 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Banir River,Yagwoia(Yakwoi?),Wadui River, Katanga,Menya,Aiwamda,Arifogo,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 010 : 037 - 012 : 023.

Menyamya, 1957 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Martin, F. J.; Walters, K.; DeSailly, R. N.
72 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Korlte River,Aseki,Papuan Border,Langimar, Banir,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 012 : 024 - 013 : 045.

Menyamya, 1958 - 1959.
Patrol officers: Martin, F. J.; Walters, K.; Hastings, J. L.
139 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Katanga,Langimar,Banir,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 013 : 046 - 016 : 008.

Menyamya, 1959 - 1960.
Patrol officers: Green, R. J.; Hastings, J. L.; Mitchell, T.
124 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Katanga,Langimar,Menya,Miwi,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 016 : 009 - 018 : 016.

Menyamya, 1960 - 1961.
Patrol officers: Whitehead, P. G.; Hastings, J. L.; Mitchell, T.
137 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Katanga,Menyi,Miwi,Banir,Korlte River, Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 018 : 017 - 020 : 039.

Menyamya, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Hastings, J. L.; Hill, J. D.; Smith, W. L.
116 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Tauri River,Banir River,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 020 : 040 - 022 : 040.

Menyamya, 1962 - 1963.
Patrol officers: Murdoch, W. G.; Ingram, P. L.; Dalgleish, D. N.
87 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Langimar,Wapi,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 022 : 041 - 024 : 008.

Menyamya, 1963 - 1964.
Patrol officers: Waite, C. D.
12 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 034 : 009 - 034 : 020.

Menyamya, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Waite, C. D.; Moyes, J. E.; McIntosh, I. K.
63 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 024 : 009 - 025 : 013.

Menyamya, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: McIntosh, I. K.; Bradbury, J.
24 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Langimar,Wapi,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 022 : 044 - 023 : 007.

Menyamya, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: McIntosh, I. K.; White, J. E.
41 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Langimar,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 024 : 041 - 025 : 010.

Menyamya, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Lancaster, P. J.; Sandell, K. G. T.; Simpson, P. H.
69 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Langimar,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 025 : 054 - 027 : 005.

Menyamya, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Ahe, N. G.; Lancaster, P. J.; White, W. A.; Simpson, P. H.
125 leaves. 13 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Aseki,Kapau,Kaintiba(Gulf province), Marawarya,Watama,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 027 : 006 - 029 : 018.

Menyamya, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Williams, G. E.; Lancaster, P. H.; White, W. A.; Simpson, P. H.
108 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Aseki,Kaintiba(Gulf Province),Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 029 : 019 - 031 : 010.

Menyamya, 1970 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Connor, G. C.
32 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Kapau,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 031 : 011 - 031 : 041.

Menyamya, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: MacKellar, M. L.; Sayer, L. D.; Knox, I. V.
39 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kaiapit,Mumeng,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 033 : 016 - 033 : 047.

Menyamya, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: MacKellar, M. L.; Sayer, L. D.; William, G. E.
54 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kaintiba(Gulf Province),Papuan Waria,Wapi, Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 035 : 024 - 036 : 015.

Menyamya, 1973 - 1974.
Patrol officers: Ward, T. T. J.; Cameron, I. D.; Lamang, K. D.
41 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wapi,Kaintiba,Menyamya.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 039 : 039 - 040 : 024.

Morobe, 1933 - 1933.
Patrol officers: Sates, C. D.; Kyle, A. F.; Nurton, A.; Bates, C. D.; Aitcheson, T.; Greathead, G.; Black, J. R.; Kyle, A. F.
93 leaves. 14 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Markham,Kambaidam,Ramu(Eastern Highlands and Madang Province),Munefinka(Eastern Highlands Province?),Ifentira Creek,Purari(Chimbu Province and Gulf Province),Aiamontina, Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 001 : 001 - 002 : 033.

Morobe, 1933 - 1934.
Patrol officers: Bates, C. D.; Kyle, A. F.; Mack, I.; Nurton, A.; Greathead, G.; Black, J. R.
146 leaves. 12 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kambaidam,Ramu(Eastern and madang Province), Dunantina(Eastern Highlands Province),Unantu(eastern Highlands Povince),Purari(Chimbu Province and Gulf Province),Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 002 : 034 - 004 : 060.

Morobe, 1933 - 1934.
Patrol officers: Bates, C. D.; Kyle, A. F.; Nurton, A.; Greathead, G.; Black, J. R.
145 leaves. 12 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Inankeno,Anawantu(Anawanta?)(Upper Ramu), Yauntenu(Upper Ramu),Ramu(Eastern Highlands and Madang Province), Dunantina(Eastern Highlands Province),Uwantu,Purari(Chimbu Province and Gulf Province),Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 005 : 001 - 007 : 008.

Morobe, 1934 - 1935.
Patrol officers: Pitt, M. J.; Aitchenson, T.; Nurton, A.; Greathead, G.; Black, J. R.; Keogh, G. M.; Delaney, J.; Rilligan, J. S.; Murphy, J. J.
199 leaves. 30 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Anona,Bramen(Brahman?)(Madang?),Purari(Chimbu and Gulf Province),Ramu(Eastern Highlands and Madang Province), Yonki(Eastern Highlands Province),Uminufintenu(Eastern Highlands Province),Kaninantu(Kininantu)(Eastern Highlands Province), Ornapinka(Eastern Highlands Province),Markham,Funantenu, Finintegu(Eastern Highlands Province),Pundibasa(Eastern Highlands Province),BenaBena,Salamaua,Lei-Wompa,Saab,Labu,Wampit,Erap, Buang,Wau,Kaiwa,Irumu,Slate Creek,Kukukuku,Oriabanda,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 007 : 009 - 010 : 039.

Morobe, 1935 - 1937.
Patrol officers: Farlow, R. M.; Aitchinson, T.; Croft; Elliot, W. C.; Chinnery, E. W.
76 leaves. 17 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Pundibasa(Eastern Highlands Province),Lei- Womba,Finitegu,Ramu(Eastern Highlands and Madang Province), BenaBena,Gusap River,Bumpu(Madang Province),Purari(Chimbu and Gulf Province),Kafe(Eastern Highlands Province),Aruna(Upper Ramu)(Madang?),Onga,Amari,Markham,Finintegu,Komperi,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 010 : 040 - 011 : 059.

Morobe, 1944 - 1945.
Patrol officers: MacLean, C. H.; Sheard, K. S.; Kyngdon, L. G. R.
124 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Sipoma,Ono,Bubu,Kaiwa,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 011 : 060 - 014 : 006.

Morobe, 1945 - 1947.
Patrol officers: Wickham, B. C.; Downs, I. F. G.; Hurrell, A. L.; Richards, T. W.; West, H. W.; Tomaseste, W. E.
103 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Ono,Salamaua,Bobdubi,Komiatum,Nuknuk, Kaiwa,Atzera,Amari,Markham,Erap,Irumu,LabuButu,LabuMeti,Labu, Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 014 : 007 - 015 : 055.

Morobe, 1949 - 1953.
Patrol officers: Humphries, A. J.; Wenke, P.; Bamford, R. H.; Day, C. G.
216 leaves. 15 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Garaina,Bubu,Waria,Ono,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 016 : 004 - 019 : 044.

Morobe, 1953 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Cottle, A. J.; Giffard, C. C.; Day, C. G.
175 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Ono,Bubu,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 019 : 045 - 023 : 016.

Morobe, 1953 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Cottle, A. J.; Giffard, C. C.; Day, C. G.
114 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Ono,Bubu,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 023 : 017 - 025 : 007.

Morobe, 1956 - 1957.
Patrol officers: Murphy, D. J.
88 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Ono,Bubu,Garaina,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wantoat : 001 : 056 - 003 : 026.

Morobe, 1957 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Murphy, D. J.; Mitchell, T.
34 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Garaina,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 025 : 008 - 025 : 044.

Morobe, 1958 - 1959.
Patrol officers: Elder, D. A.; Mitchell, T.
63 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 025 : 045 - 026 : 050.

Morobe, 1960 - 1961.
Patrol officers: Carroll, M. F.; Lawrey, D. J.
54 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Garaina,Waria,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 026 : 051 - 027 : 045.

Morobe, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Lawrey, D. J.
47 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 027 : 046 - 028 : 036.

Morobe, 1962 - 1963.
Patrol officers: Lawrey, D. J.; Hicks, J. R.; Cutts, A. G.; Willard, R.; Gari, L.
164 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Bubu,Ono,Leron,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 028 : 037 - 031 : 027.

Morobe, 1963 - 1964.
Patrol officers: Cutts, A. G.
86 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Bubu,Ono,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 031 : 028 - 033 : 001.

Morobe, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Roberts, R. C.
68 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Bubu,Ono,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 033 : 002 - 034 : 012.

Morobe, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Roberts, R. C.
21 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 038 : 049 - 039 : 009.

Morobe, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Stewart, C. A.; Cooke, A. E.
42 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Binandere(Northern Province),Ioma(Northern Province),Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Garaina : 002 : 007 - 002 : 050.

morobe, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Niland, R. K.
15 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 043 : 034 - 043 : 049.

Morobe, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Warren, W. H.
69 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Papuan Waria,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 034 : 013 - 035 : 027.

Morobe, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Warren, W. H.; White, S. J.
63 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 036 : 002 - 037 : 019.

Morobe, 1970 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Warren, W. H.
63 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 057 : 038 - 058 : 028.

Morobe, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Bau, T. T.; White, W. A.
60 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Morobe : 038 : 008 - 039 : 010.

Morobe, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Cutlack, S. S.; Stone, E. M.
13 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kaiwa,Morobe.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 066 : 003 - 066 : 015.

Mumeng, 1944 - 1949.
Patrol officers: Garruther, J. D.; Richards, T. W.; Hurrell, A. L.; Downs, I. F. G.; Gare, F. E.; Clark, H. E.; Carey, A. T.; Robinson, J. M.
265 leaves. 20 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Waria,Buang,Lei-Wompa,Bubu,Snake River,Yamap, Hote,Missim,Watut,Mumengtein,Lenag,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 001 : 001 - 005 : 027.

Mumeng, 1949 - 1953.
Patrol officers: Sinclair, J. P.; Normoyle, C. J.; Robinson, J. M.
290 leaves. 14 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Patep,Buang,Banir,Laura River,Menyamya, Waffa,Gumi,Langimar,Snake River,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 005 : 028 - 010 : 035.

Mumeng, 1953 - 1955.
Patrol officers: Normoyle, C. J.; Chester, K. I.
133 leaves. 9 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Buang,Kainantu(Eastern Highlands Province), Snake River,Highlands,Banir,Watut,Tauri River,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 014 : 047 - 016 : 058.

Mumeng, 1953 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Normoyle, C. J.; Chester, K. I.; Ford, A. L.
239 leaves. 15 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Kapau,Buang,Kainantu(Eastern Highlands Province),Banir,Tauri River,Snake River,Bukwana(Yanta),Engabbu, Towangala,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 010 : 036 - 014 : 046.

Mumeng, 1956 - 1957.
Patrol officers: Ford, A. L.; Laughlin, K.
57 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Snake River,Banir,Watut,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 016 : 059 - 017 : 055.

Mumeng, 1957 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Born, R. W.
76 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Buang,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 017 : 056 - 019 : 013.

Mumeng, 1959 - 1960.
Patrol officers: Duggan, D. J.
16 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Bukwana(Yanta),Engabbu,Towangala,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 019 : 014 - 019 : 030.

Mumeng, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Youtas, A. C.
46 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 029 : 056 - 030 : 041.

Mumeng, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Smith, G.; Simpson, G. D.; Youtas, A. C.
50 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Buang,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 019 : 031 - 020 : 021.

Mumeng, 1962 - 1963.
Patrol officers: Smith, G.; Maynard, P.; Karukuru, K.; Youtas, A. C.
109 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Buang,Watut,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 020 : 022 - 022 : 014.

Mumeng, 1963 - 1964.
Patrol officers: Maynard, P.; Wright, P. J.
37 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Buang,Watut,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 034 : 021 - 034 : 057.

Mumeng, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Wright, P. J.; Lapthorne, G. C.
40 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 025 : 014 - 025 : 053.

Mumeng, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Niland, R. K.
26 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Buang,Watut,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 022 : 015 - 022 : 043.

Mumeng, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Niland, R. K.; Scarlett, G. J.; Kelly, B. J.
81 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Buang,Watut,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 023 : 008 - 024 : 040.

Mumeng, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Kelly, B. J.; Sanderson, C. G.; Seefeld, P. E. A.
56 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Buang,Watut,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 025 : 043 - 026 : 038.

Mumeng, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Stewart, C. A.; Williams, G. E.
69 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Buang,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 033 : 007 - 034 : 015.

Mumeng, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Sheefeld, P. F. A.; Richardson, N. A.; Nilan, J. G.; Koe, B. M.
118 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Buang,Watut,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 026 : 039 - 028 : 040.

Mumeng, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Hicks, L. C.
16 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 028 : 041 - 028 : 060.

Mumeng, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Hicks, L. C.
22 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Boana,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 029 : 001 - 029 : 025.

Mumeng, 1970 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Cooke, A. E.; Hitzke, P. W.; Wilkinson, W. R.
75 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Baiune,Sambio,Buang,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 029 : 026 - 030 : 049.

Mumeng, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Cooke, A. E.; Herbert, A. F.; Wilkinson, W. R.; Darwen, T. R.
56 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Baiune,Buang,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 031 : 059 - 032 : 055.

Mumeng, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Voase, T. C.; Wilson, P. E.; Herbert, A. F.; Philippe, R. B.; Long, C. H.
45 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Buang,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 032 : 056 - 033 : 053.

Mumeng, 1973 - 1974.
Patrol officers: Long, C. H.; Hopkins, R. L.; Towowoda, M. R.; Stark, A. P.; Fryer, R. L.; Mogu, B. K.; Abore, W. G.; Sivi, M.
115 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Buang,Waffa,Amari,Leron,Irumu,Watut,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 036 : 021 - 038 : 019.

North Markham
North Markham, 1943 - 1944.
Patrol officers: Robinson, A. L.; Bird, N. M.; Ashton, S. L.; Paley, A. E.; Whittaker, G. K.; Armbley, R. G.; Leyden, A. J.; Jones, K. W.; Gow, A. F.; Boyan, R. H.; Toogood, G. W.; Rae, J.; Mossman, W. D. K.; Thresher, F. H.; Black, J. R.; Fienberg, D. M.; Foley, S. M.; Cavalieri, W. O.; Seale, H. P.
282 leaves. 35 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Amu River, Middle(Madang Province),New Mari, Dagin,Munum,Ngasawapum,Nadzab,Lae,Erap,Wain,Yabim,Isariga(Madang Province),Bukaua,Momalili,Tamigudu,Waimeriba(Madang Province), Gabim,Kasanga,Sanem,Sewe(Madang Province?),Dumpu(Madang Province? ),Faita(Madang Province),Finschhafen,Kulungtufu,Sialum,Tamigudu, Teumbi River(Timbe?),Nimba,Sepu(Madang Parovince),Amuson(Madang Province), Lagahemi,Walingai,Ramu(Eastern Highlands and Madang province),Kasawai,Wantoat,Ikwap,Bumbum(Bumba),Kaiapit,Sangan, Onga,Naba,North Markham.
Microfiche location: Morobe : North Markham : 001 : 001 - 004 : 060.

Pindiu, 1960 - 1961.
Patrol officers: Steen, T.; Smith, W. L.
57 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Hube,Finschhafen,Dedua,Kotte,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 001 : 058 - 002 : 056.

Pindiu, 1962 - 1963.
Patrol officers: Dalgleish, D. N.; Pamplin, J.; Koe, B. M.
40 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Hube,Dedua,Bulum,Kua,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 005 : 023 - 006 : 003.

Pindiu, 1963 - 1964.
Patrol officers: Koe, B. M.; Willard, R.
134 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Bulum,Hube,Kua,Dedua,Ebabang,Mindik,Ungesu, Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 001 : 001 - 003 : 015.

Pindiu, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Gibson, S.; Kelly, B. J.
82 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Mindik,Besibong,Hube,Kotte,Dedua,Kua,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 003 : 016 - 004 : 039.

Pindiu, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Donovan, R. D.; White, J. E.
83 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Dedua,Hube,Kua,Bulum,Mongi,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 007 : 001 - 008 : 024.

Pindiu, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Scarlett, G. J.; Morrison, R. P.; Simpson, P. H.
67 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Hube,Kua,Bulum,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 008 : 025 - 009 : 033.

Pindiu, 1967 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Morrison, R. R.; Simpson, P. H.
34 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Bulum,Kua,Mongi River,Hube,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 051 : 053 - 052 : 026.

Pindiu, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Maha, G.; Parker, G. L.; Slough, M.
172 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Mongi,Kua,Bulum,Hube,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 011 : 043 - 014 : 050.

Pindiu, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Oates, P. D.
19 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Bulum,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 016 : 004 - 016 : 024.

Pindiu, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Oates, P. D.
13 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Wagazaring,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 016 : 025 - 016 : 038.

Pindiu, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Slough, M.; Wilson, P. E.; Balagetuna, J. B.; Oates, P. D.
120 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Mongi,Kua River, Headwaters,Kua,Hube,Bulum, Mindik,Ogeramnang,Finschhafen,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 016 : 039 - 018 : 051.

Pindiu, 1969 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Oates, P. D.; Wilson, P. E.
43 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Bulum,Kua,Mongi,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 061 : 027 - 062 : 009.

Pindiu, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Wilson, P. E.; Russell, P. E.; Ede, B. R.; Cottingham, S. G.
119 leaves. 13 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Bulum,Kua,Mongi,Gemaheng,Hube,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Sialum : 002 : 021 - 004 : 026.

Pindiu, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Ede, B. R.; Muten, H. B.; Lloyd-Smith, G. J.; Arabata, S.; Sayer, L. D.
74 leaves. 14 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kua,Hube,Bulum,Mongi,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 065 : 035 - 066 : 048.

Pindiu, 1973 - 1974.
Patrol officers: Embahe, S. I.; Lloyd-Smith, G. J.; Soul, T. J.; Shong, W.; Hua, O.; Iosu, S.
50 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kua,Mongi,Dedua,Bulum,Huon,Pindiu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 068 : 011 - 068 : 060.

Salamaua, 1943 - 1945.
Patrol officers: Maclean, C. H.; Bill, W. J.; O'Loghlen, C. M.; Bloxham, A. A.; Sheard, K. S.; Maguire, H. K.; Kungdon, L. G. R.
157 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Dengalu,Buang,Bobdubi,Kaiwa,Hote,Musim,Yamap, Kua,Logui,Labu,Gabensis,Busama,Salamaua.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Salamaua : 001 : 001 - 004 : 039.

Sialum, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Gibson, S.
8 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Kalasa,Sialum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 011 : 035 - 011 : 042.

Sialum, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Morrison, R. R.; Smith, J. A.
27 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Sialum,Dedua,Kalasa.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 051 : 026 - 051 : 052.

Sialum, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Kelly, B. J.
70 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kalasa,Dedua,Sialum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 014 : 051 - 016 : 003.

Sialum, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Slough, M.; White, S. J.; Elder, W. P.
62 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Dedua,Kalasa,Sialum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 057 : 057 - 058 : 059.

Sialum, 1970 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Slough, M.; Johnston, E. B. C.
32 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Dedua,Kalasa,Sialum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 060 : 054 - 061 : 026.

Sialum, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Smith, P. M.; Wafington, F. J.
35 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Dedua,Kalasa,Sialum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Sialum : 001 : 001 - 001 : 034.

Sialum, 1973 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Stark, A. P.; Abore, W. G.; Somata, E.
20 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Dedua,Kalasa,Sialum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 066 : 049 - 067 : 008.

Sialum, 1974 - 1974.
Patrol officers: Oates, P. D.; Herbert, A. F.; Ase, T.; Iosu, S.
9 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kalasa,Kaimainga,Dedua,Sialum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 069 : 001 - 069 : 010.

Siassi, 1963 - 1964.
Patrol officers: Lee, R. M.
22 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kalalo : 006 : 043 - 007 : 002.

Siassi, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Lee, R. M.
25 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 036 : 030 - 036 : 054.

Siassi, 1965 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Donovan, R. D.
9 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 049 : 039 - 049 : 047.

Siassi, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Moyes, J. E.
23 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Siassi : 001 : 001 - 001 : 025.

Siassi, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Donovan, R. D.
24 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Siassi : 001 : 026 - 001 : 049.

Siassi, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Luscombe, P. C. C.; Reading, J. M.
49 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Gomlongon,Tarawe,Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Siassi : 001 : 050 - 002 : 039.

Siassi, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Luscombe, P. C. C.; White, S. J.
24 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Umboi Island,Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 056 : 027 - 056 : 049.

Siassi, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: McIntosh, I. K.
9 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Siassi : 002 : 040 - 002 : 050.

Siassi, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Luscombe, P. C. C.
20 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Kaimainga,Umboi Island,Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Pindiu : 018 : 052 - 019 : 011.

Siassi, 1970 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Elder, W. P.; Luscombe, P. C. C.
37 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Umboi Island,Aramot,Matamalau,Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Siassi : 060 : 017 - 060 : 053.

Siassi, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Cottingham, S. G.; Lari, N.
46 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Sialum : 001 : 035 - 002 : 020.

Siassi, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Cottingham, S. G.; Herbert, A. F.
34 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 067 : 009 - 067 : 042.

Siassi, 1973 - 1974.
Patrol officers: Herbert, A. F.
33 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kaimainga,Siassi.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 069 : 011 - 069 : 043.

Wantoat, 1955 - 1956.
Patrol officers: McArthur, J. R.
54 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Awara,Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wantoat : 001 : 001 - 001 : 055.

Wantoat, 1956 - 1957.
Patrol officers: McArthur, J. R.; Death, C. E.
67 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Irumu,Awara,Kaiapit,Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wantoat : 003 : 027 - 004 : 034.

Wantoat, 1957 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Death, C. E.
47 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wasu : 013 : 049 - 014 : 037.

Wantoat, 1958 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Maroney, D. P.
28 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Awara,Kaiapit,Irumu,Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhaffen : 029 : 057 - 030 : 025.

Wantoat, 1959 - 1960.
Patrol officers: Symes, W. D.
27 leaves. 1 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 024 : 010 - 024 : 036.

Wantoat, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Lindsay, D. C.
36 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Irumu,Awara,Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 015 : 039 - 016 : 025.

Wantoat, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Campbell, R. I.
27 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Iruwa,Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 022 : 001 - 022 : 027.

Wantoat, 1967 - 1967.
Patrol officers: White, J. E.; Larkins, T. H.
46 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wantoat,Awara,Irumu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Boana : 001 : 057 - 002 : 042.

Wantoat, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: Larkins, T. H.; Sigimata, D.
51 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Awara,Irumu,Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wantoat : 004 : 035 - 005 : 029.

Wantoat, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Larkins, T. H.
19 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Boana : 004 : 058 - 005 : 016.

Wantoat, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Larkins, T. H.
10 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Irumu,Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wantoat : 005 : 040 - 005 : 051.

Wantoat, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Nicholls, C. W.
33 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Awara,Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 012 : 046 - 013 : 018.

Wantoat, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Larkins, T. H.; Nicholls, C. W.
163 leaves. 9 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Awara,Leron,Bam River,Irumu,Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wantoat : 005 : 052 - 008 : 036.

Wantoat, 1970 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Nicholls, C. W.; Voase, T. C.
74 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Irumu,Wantoat,Awara,Mumeng.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 030 : 050 - 031 : 058.

Wantoat, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Simpson, P. H.; Voase, T. C.
39 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Awara,Irumu,Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kaiapit : 037 : 021 - 037 : 049.

Wantoat, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Bau, T. T.; Simpson, P. H.; Hitzke, P. W.
50 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Irumu,Wantoat.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 035 : 015 - 036 : 020.

Wasu, 1953 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Cochrane, J. R.; Green, R. J.; Ford, A. L.; Hanrahan, K. J.; Trollpe, C. A.
230 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Sio,Timbe,Komba,Selepet,Uruwa,Yupna,Wasu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wasu : 001 : 001 - 005 : 023.

Wasu, 1953 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Cochrane, J. R.; Green, R. J.; Trollpe, C. A.
194 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Sio,Timbe,Komba,Selepet,Uruwa,Yupna,Wasu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wasu : 005 : 024 - 008 : 009.

Wasu, 1956 - 1957.
Patrol officers: Cavanagh, N. J.; Green, R. J.
54 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Komba,Selepet,Timbe,Wasu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wasu : 011 : 024 - 012 : 019.

Wasu, 1957 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Cavanagh, N. J.; Green, R. J.; Giffard, C. C.
87 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Sio,Uruwa,Yupna,Komba,Selepet,Wasu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wasu : 012 : 020 - 013 : 048.

Wasu, 1958 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Giffard, C. C.
21 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Timbe,Wasu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhaffen : 030 : 025 - 030 : 046.

Wasu, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Hatherly, R. E.
10 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Biaru,Eloa,Biangai,Yamap,Hote,Musin,Wasu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 025 : 011 - 025 : 020.

Wasu, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Draffen, R. D. W.; Morrison, R. P.; Turner, D. S.
153 leaves. 10 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kalalo,Yupna,Sio,Selepet,Timbe,Uruwa,Wasu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wasu : 015 : 019 - 017 : 048.

Wasu, 1970 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Cottingham, S. G.; White, S. J.; Draffen, R. D. W.
39 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kalalo,Yupna,Wasu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 017 : 031 - 018 : 009.

Wasu, 1970 - 1971.
Patrol officers: Cottingham, S. G.; Colling, P.; Ede, B. R.
163 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Timbe,Komba,Yalumet,Selepet,Kabwum.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 014 : 035 - 017 : 030.

Wasu, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Ede, B. R.; Stark, A. P.; Gros, B.
23 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kalalo,Timbe,Wasu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 019 : 021 - 019 : 031.

Wasu, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Soul, T. J.; Glynn, J. J.; Cameron, I. D.; Stone, E. M.
72 leaves. 11 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Uruwa,Selepet,Kalalo,Kabwum,Wasu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 022 : 004 - 023 : 017.

Wasu, 1973 - 1974.
Patrol officers: Sabadi, T. M.; Stone, E. M.
70 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Uruwa,Kalalo,Wasu.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Kabwum : 024 : 055 - 026 : 004.

Wau, 1943 - 1946.
Patrol officers: Armitstead, J. H. L.; Burke, F. L.; Carruther, J. D.; Pitt, M. J.; Richards, T. W.
110 leaves. 9 patrol reports. Patrol years: 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946.
Areas patrolled: Biangi,Snake River,Watut,Lei-Wompa,Biaru,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 001 : 025 - 003 : 015.

Wau, 1949 - 1951.
Patrol officers: Bamford, R. H.; Murphy, L. O.; Seale, H. P.; Smith, G.; Stuntz, J. R.
296 leaves. 19 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Biangi,Bulolo,Yamap,Hote,Musim,Kaiwa,Waria, Bubu,Ono,Snake River,Watut,Lei-Wompa,Biaru,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 003 : 016 - 008 : 017.

Wau, 1951 - 1953.
Patrol officers: Bamford, R. H.; Smith, G.
295 leaves. 21 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kabakini(Morobe Province),Kapau,Kaiwa,Biaru, Kareeba,Indiwi,Watut,Dengalu,Yamap,Hote,Musim,Biangi,Wanameiwa Creek,Totokiau Creek(Totokiou),Latep,Leron,Biangai,Kabu,Leklu, Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 008 : 018 - 013 : 017.

Wau, 1953 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Cottle, A. J.; DeSailly, R. N.; Grey, G. R.; Johnson, E. R.; Yeoman, S. H.
157 leaves. 6 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Otibanda,Kapau,Watut,Biangai,Biaru,Kaiwa,Yamap, Musim,Hote,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 013 : 018 - 016 : 002.

Wau, 1954 - 1955.
Patrol officers: Cuttle, A. J.
23 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Kaiwa,Musim,Yamap,Hote,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 011 : 048 - 012 : 011.

Wau, 1954 - 1956.
Patrol officers: Cottle, A. J.
21 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Kaiwa,Musim,Yamap,Hote,Lae.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 014 : 038 - 014 : 059.

Wau, 1956 - 1957.
Patrol officers: DeSailly, R. N.; Cumming, G. A.
25 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Aseki,Biangai,Biaru,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 016 : 003 - 016 : 031.

Wau, 1957 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Burge, B. W. P.; Cumming, G. A.
74 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kaiwa,Yamap,Hote,Musim,Watut,Kapau,Biangai, Biaru,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 016 : 032 - 017 : 045.

Wau, 1959 - 1960.
Patrol officers: Maroney, D. P.; Sinclair, J. P.; Smith, W. L.
214 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kapau,Kabu,Watut,Yamap,Hote,Musim,Trist, Lakeai,Biaru,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 017 : 046 - 021 : 021.

Wau, 1960 - 1961.
Patrol officers: Cutts, A. G.; Harris, F. N.; Sinclair, J. P.
38 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Sandy Creek,Watut,Aseki,Kapau,Kareeba,Indiwi, Eloa,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 021 : 022 - 021 : 060.

Wau, 1961 - 1962.
Patrol officers: Harris, F. N.; Smith, W. L.; Whitehead, P. G.
157 leaves. 9 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kapau,Kabu,Nanima,Watut,Yamap,Hote,Musim, Biangai,Menyamya,Aseki,Slate Creek,Biaru,Eloa,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 022 : 001 - 024 : 040.

Wau, 1962 - 1963.
Patrol officers: James, A. R.; Smith, W. L.
122 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kapau,Kabu,Watut,Biangai,Biaru,Bulolo,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 024 : 041 - 026 : 049.

Wau, 1963 - 1964.
Patrol officers: James, A. R.
11 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Eloa,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Lae : 033 : 058 - 034 : 008.

Wau, 1964 - 1965.
Patrol officers: Larkins, T. H.
60 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kapau,Kabu,Hote,Yamap,Musin,Biaru,Eloa,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Aseki : 003 : 053 - 004 : 052.

Wau, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Hatherly, R. E.; Kelly, B. J.
93 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Kareeba,Indiwi,Biaru,Eloa,Yamap,Hote, Musim,Biangai,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 027 : 019 - 028 : 052.

Wau, 1965 - 1966.
Patrol officers: Hatherly, R. E.
11 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Biangai,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 028 : 053 - 029 : 004.

Wau, 1966 - 1967.
Patrol officers: Heggan, M. W.
22 leaves. 2 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Kareeba,Indiwi,Aseki,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Mumeng : 025 : 021 - 025 : 042.

Wau, 1967 - 1968.
Patrol officers: White, J. E.
37 leaves. 4 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Biaru,Watut,Biangai,Eloa,Kareeba,Indiwi,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 029 : 005 - 029 : 042.

Wau, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Greaney, R. K.; Sandell, K. G. T.; White, J. E.
168 leaves. 7 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Yamap,Biangai,Biaru,Eloa,Kudjeru,Hote, Musim,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 030 : 045 - 033 : 006.

Wau, 1968 - 1969.
Patrol officers: Sandell, K. G. T.
29 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 034 : 016 - 034 : 046.

Wau, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Cutlack, S. S.; Greaney, R. K.; Koe, B. M.; Philippe, R. B.; Sandell, K. G. T.
115 leaves. 8 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Slate Creek,Aseki,Menyi,Biangai,Biaru, Kapau,Kabu,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 034 : 047 - 036 : 051.

Wau, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Koe, B. M.
23 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Biangai,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 037 : 055 - 038 : 018.

Wau, 1969 - 1970.
Patrol officers: Cutlack, S. S.
38 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Biaru,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 038 : 019 - 038 : 057.

Wau, 1971 - 1972.
Patrol officers: Cutlack, S. S.; Darwen, T. R.; Draffen, R. D. W.; Kawa, N.; Kunsei, M.; Long, C. H.
144 leaves. 9 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Watut,Biangai,Yamap,Hote,Musim,Biaru,Wain,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 038 : 058 - 041 : 024.

Wau, 1972 - 1973.
Patrol officers: Oates, P. D.; Draffen, R. D. W.; Kunsei, M.; Sindol, K.; Warren, T. R.
107 leaves. 9 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Biaru,Watut,Yamap,Hote,Musim,Bulolo,Biangai, Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Menyamya : 036 : 039 - 038 : 025.

Wau, 1973 - 1974.
Patrol officers: Kureu, H. P.; Morrison, R. P.; Russell, P. E.; Sindol, K. G.
37 leaves. 5 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Biaru,Eloa,Garaina,Biangai,Papuan Waria,Wau.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Wau : 041 : 060 - 042 : 042.

Yungzain, 1957 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Laughlin, K.
43 leaves. 3 patrol reports.
Areas patrolled: Yungzain,Hube,Dedua,Kalasa.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhafen : 028 : 042 - 029 : 038.

Yungzain, 1958 - 1958.
Patrol officers: Laughlin, K.
18 leaves. 1 patrol report.
Areas patrolled: Hube,Yungzain.
Microfiche location: Morobe : Finschhaffen : 029 : 039 - 029 : 056.