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Septebmer 1999 Minutes

LAUC-SD Membership Meeting 10/21/99 Gallery A Price Center

Present: 31 LAUC-SD members

Introduction of new LAUC-SD members Brian Schottlaender and Anna Keller Gold.

Brian Schottlaender made brief comments about his enthusiasm for LAUC and told of his past LAUC-LA and statewide activities. He would like to have quarterly meetings with the LAUC-SD chair and meet with the CAPA chair as well to familiarize him with our review processes. Finally he said that he is always open to receiving emails from us if we have any questions or concerns.

Membership meetings have been scheduled for the third Thursday of every other month from 2-4 (Nov.16, Jan. 18, March 21 and May 16)

Fall Assembly: November 19 at UCSC

Invitational symposium at UCR March 10-12, Lake Arrowhead Conference Center: "The Culture of Books and Bytes: The Future of UC Faculty Research and UC Librarians." Each campus will be allotted a number of slots for Librarians and Faculty. Lynda Claasen is a representative and Barbara Slater has a synopsis more information is needed.

LAUC-SD Fall Social event: Oct. 1, Friday Jazz Happy Hour at the Faculty Club. 4:30-

A call for 1999 assessment of $10 was made. Please pay Elizabeth.

Update on statewide issues:

Librarian Series Update:

The LAUC statewide proposal to restructure the Librarian Series is still in process. The ULs have been asked for advice from UCOP and are preparing a proposal with input from the LAUC delegation. It is hoped that the item will be discussed at the COVC meeting on 9/30-10/1. (September 28 - Brian Schottlaender and Phyllis will brief Marsha Chandler about this issue before the COVC meeting.)

Senate Bill 645 (Fair Share Bill) has passed the Assembly and the Senate and is now pending the signature of the governor. SB 645 amends the Higher Education Employee Relations act to require the payment of mandatory "fair share" fees as a condition of employment for all UC and CSU employees who are in a position that is exclusively represented by a union. Contact Fred Lonidier in the Visual Arts department at UCSD for more information.

CAPA Annual Report

Leslie Abrams, past chair of CAPA, reported that 21 files were reviewed in this cycle and 5 ad hoc committees were formed. The new form was very successful seen as a move in the right direction to reduce redundancy.

Proposed changes to ARPM:

1. Management and achievements

Changes in wording and additional text were suggested and approved. One change in the suggested addition to E.8.I to state "Include management and supervisory responsibilities (rather than accomplishments) as relevant to the position."

2. Organizational Charts required. Multiple organizational charts may be necessary if major changes have occurred during the review period.

3. CAPA report form

It was agreed that both CAPA and Ad Hoc Committee reports will require
comments for all files that involve promotion, career status, accelerated or out of cycle review, or advancement to Librarian V.

4. Agreed that annually the Head of LHR will be invited to present highlights of the review process at the November membership meeting.

5. Adjusting the calendar was brought up as a way to deal with the late submission of many of the files. It was determined that the final reports weren't so late that it should be of major concern. The calendar will remain as is and that it is more of a workload or individual problem than a calendar issue.

Thanks to CAPA for all of their work.

The discussion of the hurdle step to Librarian V will be postponed until after July 1, 2000 when there will hopefully be some resolution about the series revision proposal.

Plans for the format of future membership meetings will take into account the need to get through heavy agendas. Things to be worked in will be "hot talks" describing research activities of our colleagues and featured speakers.

Socials will continue.

Finally, a big thanks to Barbara Slater for agreeing to act as chair for another year.