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June 1995 Minutes

LAUC-SD Membership Meeting, June 15, 1995

Present: L. Abrams, L. Barnhart, P. Brueggeman, K. Cargille, T.
Echavarria, C. Graham, C. Haynes, C. Hightower, M. Horres, E.
Kanter, K. Lucas, B. Miller, P. Mirsky, A. Prussing, B. Renford,
R. Ringler, E. Yutani, S. Starr (recorder)

E. Kanter began the meeting by introducing the guest speaker, Jon
Welch, who addressed the meeting on the subject of affirmative
action. T. Echavarria, Co-Chair of the Cultural Diversity
Committee, taped the presentation.


1. Local Election results: Vice Chair/Chair Elect: L. Claassen;
Secretary: E. Robinson; CAPA: C. Graham and R. Lindemann;
Delegate: B. Slater; Member at Large: T. Dearie.

2. Summer Activities: A membership meeting will be held in the
first half of August (date to be arranged), and a social event is
planned for September to welcome new LAUC members.

Committee reports:

a. Research and Professional Development: L. Abrams announced
that C. Hightower had received a local grant for expenses in
connection with her presentation to ASEE and B. Westbrook had
received a statewide grant for his research project on archives.
The next deadline for applications for local grants is June 23,

b. CAPA: P. Brueggeman announced that 18 of 23 files were
complete and the remaining 5 had been forwarded by CAPA to
Library Administration. A review of issues that arose during
this year's review process will take place at a Fall membership

Discussion item:

The Statewide Committee on Library Plans and Policies had
requested each campus to have a discussion on continuing
education needs. The membership brainstormed the following

I. What are our Continuing Education and Training Needs?

1. How to do WEB pages
2. How to use Windows effectively
3. Facilitation skills
4. Electronic Library: access and dissemination
5. Databases: searching and construction
6. Research: analysis, how to.
7. Education for new bibliographic assignments
8. Information technology: instruction and design
9. Classroom teaching skills
10. Skills we need to help organize the internet.
11. Time management, prioritizing email
12. Stress management
13. Meetings Management
14. Courtesy, etiquette in all settings.
15. Understanding diverse information needs.

II. How can we go about meeting these needs?

1. Videoconferencing
2. Distance learning (sharing Santa Barbara conferences for
3. Tell new trainer our priorities
4. Identify opportunities for CE/Training and ask for funding.
5. Share with other campuses our ideas
6. Interact with on campus resources
7. Release time for learning
8. Program in time in your schedule for learning
9. More funding for travel & professional development
10. Use skills of staff more.
11. Share what we learn from professional development with each
12. Systematic calendar of training opportunities
13. Develop a consensus of priorities for training, eg 6 months
at a time.
14. Every new program have a training impact statement.