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November 2004 Minutes

LAUC-SD Executive Board

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Present: Mary Linn Bergstrom, chair; Peter Brueggeman, vice-chair/chair-elect; Penny Coppernoll-Blach, R&PD; Tony Harvell, Diversity Committee Chair; Kari Lucas; James R. Jacobs, delegate; Sue McGuinness, R&PD; Barbara Slater; Adolfo Tarango, member-at-large, Jeff Williams, secretary/treasurer.

1)     Approval of minutes – 10/21/04 LAUC-SD Executive Board meeting:  James R Jacobs motioned for approval of the minutes, and Mary Linn Bergstrom seconded the motion.  The motion passed, and the minutes were approved.


2)     LAUC-SD Diversity Committee: the committee held its first meeting on November 2ndLis Leonard was put forth by the Committee to serve as statewide representative.  The LAUC-SD Executive Board approved this appointment.  Alice Perez is retaining her role as Webmaster. 

The Diversity Committee has invited Jeanine Holscher and Charlotte Harris from Library Human Resources to a meeting to discuss possible collaborations in the area of diversity training.

The Diversity Committee is arranging for a presentation by Sharon May from the Institute for Transgendered Education.

3)     LAUC-SD Research & Professional Development Committee (R&PD): the R&PD committee met November 17th, and has three programs in development:

·        Successful grant writing

·        Digital Dialogue on December 3rd

·        An additional Digital Dialogue – details to come

Links to the Library Literature database, and the list LAUC-sponsored journals have been added to the R&PD website.


4)     Self-Review Workshop:  Kari Lucas and Barbara Slater gave the executive board a preview of their upcoming Self-Review Writing Workshop.  They gave the executive board a chance to review the following:

·        Lecture notes document

·        Comparison of criteria wording

Barbara reported that the goal for the session is to provide support to librarians preparing their self-review, and to make the process as easy as possible.

Kari and Barbara also reported that during their preparation for the workshop they had come across a number of discrepancies between the Academic Review Procedures Manual (ARPM) and the Academic Personnel Manual (APM).  They collected these discrepancies in a document for review.  The executive board briefly reviewed this document, and decided to forward this document to CAPA for discussion.

5)     Chairs meeting with Brian Schottlaender: Peter Brueggeman and Sam Dunlap met with University Librarian Brian Schottlaender.  They discussed the following:

·        Mentoring program: Brian’s commented that the proposal needed language that specified that the program would involve current UCSD Library staff as the mentees and UCSD librarians as the mentors. Upon review, the Executive Board felt that this was explicit in the document as written.  Brian stated he would pass the document on to Maureen Harden for review

·        Peer-to-Peer document: Brian felt this document was very helpful, and would use this document as opportunity arises with Tony Wood and others

·        Professional development funding increase: Brian is interested in hearing a number what it would cost to fully support professional development needs

·        Brian would welcome feedback from LAUC-SD on the University of California libraries' strategic plan - Systemwide Strategic Directions for Libraries and Scholarly Information:   Brian will provide some talking points for a future LAUC-SD meeting to ensure we have a productive discussion.

6)     Agenda Planning for November 30th LAUC-SD Membership Meeting: the committee came up with the following agenda items for the upcoming membership meeting:

·        Mentoring program proposal

·        Academic review workshop preview

·        Kari’s proposal for revisions to the LAUC-SD bylaws

·        LAUC Fall Assembly report

Respectfully Submitted

Jeff Williams, 2004-2005 LAUC-SD Secretary/Treasurer