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August 2004


LAUC-SD Executive Board Meeting (board transition meeting)


27 August 27, 2004

9:00am – 10:00am

RSS Conference Room

Geisel Library building


Present: Mary Linn Bergstrom, incoming chair; Peter Brueggeman, vice-chair/chair-elect; Harold Colson, outgoing CAPA chair; Penny Coppernoll-Blach, R&PD; Elizabeth Cowell, past chair; James R. Jacobs, incoming delegate; Kari Lucas, outgoing secretary, Sue McGuinness, R&PD; Adolfo Tarango, member-at large,; Jeff Williams, incoming secretary & outgoing delegate.


Absent: Sam Dunlap, outgoing chair.


1.  Announcements


Bergstrom thanked outgoing Board members; extended welcome to incoming Board members.


2.  Reports


LAUC Transition Meeting was held August 20, 2004.  Elizabeth Cowell attended for LAUC-SD.  Cowell reported that LAUC stayed within its budget and is looking for ways to continue that trend.  Cowell reported on several initiatives announced by incoming LAUC President Terry Huwe. Distinguished Step: statistics from divisions are being collected. Improving Communication: LAUC appointees to UL Advisory Groups: appoint an ad hoc task force that consists of LAUC appointees to UL Advisory Groups (SOPAG, HOPS, etc.) to better coordinate dissemination from those groups to LAUC members.  Create a listserv for all Assembly delegates to provide information widely before Assemblies. LAUC Website will undergo a major overhaul.  Distribute a monthly newsletter to membership maybe also a blog. Request a University Committee on Libraries (UCOL) member be appointed as an ex officio LAUC.   


Fall Assembly, Berkeley Division, November 4, 2004.  Plans are underway to have representatives from SOPAG as a panel for the Assembly program.  Also in development is the idea of a panel consisting of UCOL and campus academic senate library committees.


3.  Old Business

A.  LAUC-SD Buddy Assignments ( and copied below for convenience) for Ardys Kozbial, (temporary appointment UCAI project) is Sue McGuiness.  LAUC-SD Buddy for Karen Haskett (career appointment, Biomedical Library) is Kari Lucas.

The LAUC buddy program is intended to serve as a welcome to newly hired librarians and to help them succeed in our environment, especially in (but not limited to) areas such as reviews and getting involved in LAUC. It is not intended to replace other mentoring activities that focus on the person's areas of job responsibility.  LAUC buddies are established LAUC members who are paired with newly hired librarians, generally outside the new librarian's own department. Buddies for new librarians are assigned within the LAUC Executive Board. If an Executive Board member cannot be found who is able to be a buddy for a particular new librarian, then volunteers may be solicited from past Executive board members or other librarians who are knowledgeable about LAUC.  Buddies are generally paired for a period of a year.


Suggested activities:

Buddies should get together with their partner librarian as soon as possible after the new librarian has arrived and been oriented. Frequency of subsequent get-togethers is up to the two people involved, but at least one face-to-face meeting is suggested at first.

Buddies should offer to talk with their partner librarian about their first review process. In the case of librarians hired at levels where the review cycle is longer than a year, the assistance may or may not be necessary, but it should be offered.


Buddy packet contents (suggested):

Welcome letter signed by current LAUC-SD chair
(The following items are all available on the LAUC Website,

Brief Guide to LAUC

Membership and executive board rosters

Dates of upcoming membership meetings

Journal subscription list and routing info

URL for our Website


B.2004-2005 calendar of division meetings  Since the dates of the fall and spring assemblies are known, the divisional Board and membership calendars may be scheduled.  The membership meetings will be scheduled in the Seuss Room, from 2:00pm – 4:00pm, for the third Tuesday of the month: September 28, November 23, January 25, March 29, and May 31.  The September 28 membership meeting will be when Fall Assembly issues will be discussed to inform the San Diego division delegation when they attend the Assembly on November 4.

Action: Secretary Williams will book the Seuss Room and notify the membership of the 2004-05 meeting calendar.


The Board meetings will be scheduled to occur the week before the membership meeting, targeting the Thursday before the membership meeting, from 9:00am – 10:00am, to take place either in the Research Services conference room or the Library Training Room.


Also confirmed was the membership of the Board: elected officers (chair, past chair/chair of Elections Cmte, secretary, delegate, member-at-large), CAPA chair, committee chairs (Diversity, R&PD)

Action: Secretary Williams will request update of LACU-SD Executive Board email list.


C.  Statewide Committee Representatives The LAUC-SD Research & Professional Development Committee (R&PD) needs to appoint a new or confirm existing statewide rep to Mary Linn for inclusion in statewide roster.  [Please see 07/27/04 Board minutes for full roster of committee appointments.]

Action: Secretary Williams will update the LAUC-SD web site roster to reflect these appointments.


D.  Officer Duties, specifically issue of a LAUC-SD Webmaster position as separate from the LAUC-SD Secretary & LAUC-SD Bylaws Revisions (attached)

The job of webmaster of the LAUC-SD website needs to be discussed, clarified and made explicit. This may entail separating the webmaster tasks from the secretary position. Issues include: with the secretary changing every year, the web files lack uniformity, consistency and standardization. Nominees for the secretary position may or may not have the technical skills or the equipment to support the website.  The duties expected of the webmaster are not clear.  Should the webmaster serve as a consultant for other LAUC-SD committees?  LAUC-SD web files are housed on different servers. Each secretary uses the server to which they may be granted access. Should the LAUC-SD files be consolidated on one server?


Action: Bergstrom, Lucas and Williams will met and discuss a motion for discussion at the September membership meeting.


E.  Draft Proposal for Academic Review Workshop (attached)

On July 28 Lucas distributed to the Board a proposal (in the form of a motion) to revise the Academic Review Workshops. At that time discussion of the proposal was deferred to this meeting.  Due to a lack of time and the need for further vetting among Board members, discussion was deferred to a Board meeting that will be scheduled for mid-September.

Action: Secretary Williams will schedule a Board meeting on this proposal during the week of 09/20 – 24, in addition to the regularly scheduled Board meeting on 09/28.


F. LAUC-SD 04-05 [deferred due to lack of time]

Past:    03-04/what worked, what needs changing

Future:  04-05/priorities and planning

Present:September membership meeting


G. 2003-04 Annual Reports

Action:  Committee chairs should distribute their annual reports to the LAUC-SD membership prior to the fall meeting.


4.  New Business


A.  LAUC-SD R&PD Program Proposal

Bergstrom reported that UL Schottlaender in collaboration with a faculty member in the Psychology Department and R&PD chairs (with links to Digital Dialogs) McGuiness and Coppernoll-Blach have been in negotiations to bring David M. Levy author of Scrolling Forward, making sense of documents in the digital age (See the following for a brief overview of the book: to campus for a presentation.  Monday, October 11 has been targeted as a likely date.  It was brought to the Board’s attention that the Digital Dialogs has been planning for months to bring Stuart Biegel, UCLA, to campus on Friday, October 08 for a presentation.  


Background on speakers:


David M. Levy has a Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford University. For fifteen years he was a researcher at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. He is currently a professor in the Information School, University of Washington. He lives in Oakland, California. 


Stuart Biegel has been a member of the faculty at the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies since 1983, and at the UCLA School of Law since 1989. Biegel is a recognized expert in the fields of Education Law and Internet Law, having completed major works of scholarship in both areas. His education-related publications include an exploration of Fourteenth Amendment rights (Cornell Law Review), an overview of church-state issues (American Journal of Education, University of Chicago), a retrospective on bilingual education (Chicano-Latino Law Review), and an analysis of school choice policy under Title VI (Hastings Law Journal). His Internet-related publications include a recent book on cyberspace regulation (MIT Press).  He is currently working on a new casebook for West Publishing (American Casebook Series), tentatively entitled “Education and the Law” and focusing on the range of front-burner legal controversies at both the K-12 and Higher Ed levels…including cyberlaw issues in education.


Action: Bergstrom will contact Schottlaender to discuss alternative dates so as not to have two big speakers so closely presenting on campus.


Respectfully submitted,

Kari Lucas, Secretary 2003/04