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December 1998 Minutes

LAUC-SD Executive Board Minutes

December 3, 1998

Special Collections Seminar Room

10:10-11 a.m.

Present: Leslie Abrams, Karen Cargille, Sam Dunlap (recorder), Craig Haynes, Richard Lindemann, Barbara Slater, Victoria Williamson

  1. LAUC-SD web site update
  2. The site now contains current minutes in HTML format. The next project will be to convert and mount the "LAUC-SD acronyms & unique phrases" document. A link to the Cultural Diversity Committee web site will be added under "Committees". The link will provide access to the committee's charge, meeting minutes. A link to the LAUC-SD CDC web site will also be provided.

  3. Replacement on Professional Governance Committee
  4. Beverly Renford has volunteered to finish the term of departing Tami Echavarria. Barbara will verify Beverly's willingness to serve and notify Kari Lucas and the LAUC Secretary James Larrabee of the Roster change.

  5. CAPA - simplifying the process

Following up from comments made at the June 1998 membership meeting, Barbara outlined a possible scenario by which the CAPA review process could be simplified. In comparison with the faculty peer review model where routine, non-controversial step increases are fairly straightforward, both CAPA and Ad Hoc committees are engaged in much redundant and repetitive activity. We discussed a possible form or template that could be used by CAPA and Ad Hoc groups to endorse or concur with the Review Initiator's or Department Head's recommendation. The template would also allow for reservations or disagreement with the Review Initiator's or Department Head's recommendation and provide space for annotation and appendage of additional information.

Three significant issues arose during the discussion: 1) the equity issue in the treatment of files, 2) the need for new librarians to get meaningful feedback from the review process, 3) the attitude and disposition of the new UL regarding the need for CAPA narrative letters.

Barbara will summarize the suggestion of streamlining CAPA's role in the review process in order to improve the final product, note the pros and cons, and open the issue to the membership at the next meeting on January 19, 1999. If there is interest in pursuing this idea, we would issue a call for volunteers (current and former members of CAPA) to form a working group to address the issue. A possible timeline would allow discussion of a draft document at the May or June 1999 meeting, and the presentation of the final document at the September meeting in order to use the template model for the 1999 review cycle.