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May 1997 Minutes

LAUC-SD Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

May 2, 1997; 10:00am

Special Collections Meeting Room

Present: Leslie Abrams, Tammy Dearie, Ruth Gustafson, Lynda Claassen, Kathy


1. It was agreed after receiving the Assembly agenda that there were no

matters that needed to be discussed by the membership before the Spring

Assembly meeting on May 8-9. The local membership meeting scheduled for May 6

was canceled. Lynda, Ginny and Ruth will be attending Assembly.

2. Given the results of the acceleration ballot in favor of Model 1, there

may be nothing further for the membership to discuss. Peter and Richard will

return from vacation soon and we will consult with them.

3. The slate is almost complete for the local elections. We will run the

local and state elections the week of May 19.

4. On the time frame for the annual LAUC calendar, our support for the

academic year schedule was sent forward through Peter to his committee.

5. The group reviewed Gary Peete's draft letter to President Atkinson, as

amended by Miki Goral. We had some concerns about the content and style of the

letter, which Lynda will take to Assembly. She will also make the suggestion

that the Governance Relations report be attached to the final version of the

letter when it goes to President Atkinson.

6. Next membership meeting will be Tuesday, May 20, 2-4pm, following the

Assembly. The next Executive Board meeting will be June 6.

Adjourned at 11:00am.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Whitley