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February 1994 Minutes

Minutes February 11, 1994
Music Library Seminar Room 10:30 a.m.

Present: Cynthia Jahns, Elliot Kanter, Richard Lindemann, Anne
Prussing (Chair), Beverly Renford, Chris Stave.

Budget options/policies

No specific expenditures are currently budgeted or anticipated. In
the past, LAUC "socials" created predictable expenses, but these
have evolved into pay-your-own-way LAUC Lunches. A. Prussing
proposed the idea of a regularly scheduled welcoming party for new
hires (perhaps twice yearly), as well as making new hires guests at
their first LAUC Lunch. A social committee might be formed to
coordinate these parties. The notion will be explored further at
the next membership meeting.


Reimbursement from statewide for Fall (1991) Assembly has finally
come (with thanks to A. Perez for her diligence in pursuing this
matter). R. Lindemann raised the issue of having to maintain a
relatively high "reserve," whose main purpose is actually to avoid
paying a monthly service fee. The Treasurer agreed to shop for a
less expensive checking account; a no-fee account would give us
greater flexibility in dipping below a $400 balance.

Proposal for a new Library/Information School at UC Berkeley

A. Prussing distributed copies of the draft "Elements of a Proposal
Prepared by the Information Planning Group (December 6, 1993)" that
she has received from Provost C. Judson King [UC-B], who has
solicited comments from all of the LAUC chapters. Copies of the
draft will be distributed to the membership preliminary to a
discussion of the document at the next membership meeting. A.
Prussing will then send comments based on that discussion to
Provost King and to LAUC President J. Wilson.

LAUC Interview Committees

The Vice Chair is responsible for forming interview committees who
meet with candidates for librarian positions. Seven positions are
currently posted, so the interview schedule will be heavy in the
coming months. Discussion ensued about the history behind LAUC-
SD's involvement in the interview process. R. Lindemann raised
concerns about the consistency and effectiveness of these
interviews. The purpose and function of LAUC participation in
interviews will form a discussion item at the next membership
meeting with the hope that this discussion will inform the
membership of the importance and appropriateness of this element of
the interview process.

Starr Program

Dr. Ross Starr has offered to present a LAUC-sponsored program on
personal savings/investing. There was swift consensus that such a
program would be both desirable and appropriate, and it was agreed
that the entire library staff should be included if possible. A.
Prussing will explore the possibilities further.

Affirmative Action Committee

A. Prussing announced that e-mail list problems have been resolved,
and C. Stave indicated that the committee will begin meeting next

Minority Residency Program

Janice Burroughs (UC-B) has had it confirmed by the Office of the
President that the Minority Residency Program is being abandoned.
How this decision was made is unclear and curious, especially in
light of sentiments expressed in "The Many Voices of Diversity."
Library personnel officers reportedly discussed this development
during ALA-Midwinters, and A. Prussing will attempt to learn more
from J. Hanson.

LAUC Brochures

A. Prussing has received a supply of seventy-five brochures, and
she will make sufficient quantatities available to LPO so that a
brochure can be included routinely in each candidate's interview

LAUC-SD Gopher

E. Kanter reported that rough planning continues but that no
substantive progress has yet been made.

Research & Professional Development Committee

C. Jahns reported that six proposals have been received and are
currently under review.

Respectfully submitted,
R. Lindemann, Secretary/Treasurer