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Teri Vogel

Subject Specialist for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering and NanoEngineering

  • Research assistance in Chemistry and Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, NanoEngineering, and Materials Science
    • Strategies for searching specialized journal article databases like SciFinder, Reaxys, and Web of Science.
    • Searching for more specialized chemical and engineering information, including spectra, crystallographic data, prices, or physical property data.
  • Library research introductions for summer and undergraduate STEM research programs.
  • Orientations for new faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and staff in these departments/majors.
  • Integrating chemical and engineering information literacy into course assignments.
  • Also:
    • BrowZine and other current awareness tools and strategies for keeping up with new research in your area.
    • Using EndNote and Zotero to manage references and prepare bibliographies.
    • Open Access, including support for depositing articles into eScholarship.
    • Citation metrics and altmetrics.
  • The Popular Science Collection

Collections Strategist for Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Earth/Marine Sciences

Specific Collections Responsibilities

  • Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Materials Science
  • General/Popular Science
  • History of Science
  • Earth, Atmospheric, and Marine Sciences (interim)
  • Liaison to:
    • Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
    • Department of NanoEngineering
    • Materials Science & Engineering Program