Get it at UC to Replace UC-eLinks Beginning July 27
With the launch of UC Library Search, the current UC-eLinks tool will be updated to Get it at UC, a comprehensive linking service to provide users with a direct route …
With the launch of UC Library Search, the current UC-eLinks tool will be updated to Get it at UC, a comprehensive linking service to provide users with a direct route …
On July 27, 2021, the Roger and Melvyl library catalog systems that the UC San Diego Library has worked with for decades will retire and be replaced with a new …
To celebrate the Geisel Library building’s 50th anniversary, the Library Sustainability Committee (LSC) put together this list of ways in which we have been sustainable over the years. Biking to …
UC Library Search will replace Melvyl and Roger as a single, University of California-wide library discovery tool on July 27, 2021. It will vastly improve the user experience of faculty, …
Data curators at the UC San Diego Library have the privilege of working with researchers from a wide range of scientific disciplines as they prepare data for the Library’s Research …
The UC San Diego Library’s Digital Collections website is presently home to over 120,000 research data sets, images, documents, video and audio recordings. While the datasets make scientific data open-source …
Information can disappear from the internet at any time making archiving your content important to keep top of mind. With web archiving, you can take a snapshot of a website’s …
Just as your research discoveries should be shared with the world, so should the data supporting those discoveries. Don’t have a discipline-specific repository for your data sharing needs? Not a …
This week is the first ever UC-wide Love Data Week. Registration for events is open and spots are still available. Along with a wide variety of talks from UC librarians …
Next week is Love Data Week, an event meant to celebrate and educate about data. Each day next week, look for a new blog post highlighting a data-related resource available …