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March 14, 2019

Popular Science Reading – March 2019

More new books for the Popular Science Collection. You can find these and the rest of the ~500 books on the main (2nd) floor in the Geisel Library building’s west wing, …

March 8, 2019

Finding Drug Information

  Check out our electronic resources for drug information, including Clinical Pharmacology and Micromedex. Both databases have mobile apps available for easy access. Many more full text handbooks are detailed, …

March 4, 2019

Clinical Practice Guidelines

As noted by the National Academy of Medicine, clinical practice guidelines are not a one-size-fits-all approach to patient care. Rather, guidelines enable healthcare providers to advance safe and effective patient …

February 27, 2019

Love Data Week Wrap-Up

A big thank you to the 88 people who participated in the Love Data Week 2019 “Data in Everyday Life” online activity! About 70% of responses came from academics (faculty, …

February 26, 2019

Fair Use Week 2019

It’s Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week! The annual celebration continues through Friday, March 1. Fair use is an important right that provides balance to the copyright system and supports the constitutional …

February 25, 2019

International Year of the Periodic Table – 2019

2019 marks the 150th anniversary of Dmitri Mendeleev establishing what would become the periodic table, that very familiar arrangement of chemical elements in columns and rows based on atomic weights and …

January 31, 2019

BioCyc – Now Available

UC San Diego faculty, staff and students now have full access to BioCyc, a collection of more than 14,500 Pathway/Genome databases, providing a reference on genomes and metabolic pathways of …

January 29, 2019

Cambridge Structural Database 2019 Now Available

The 2019 edition of Cambridge Structural Database System (CSDS) is now available for downloading at the UC distribution site. (What’s new in 2019) The Cambridge Structural Database is the largest database …