The WongAvery Visiting Scholar Exchange Program 2025

Image from Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars Friendship Delegation Collection

Generously supported by the Avery-Tsui Foundation

University of California San Diego (UC San Diego) Library is delighted to announce the launch of the WongAvery Visiting Scholar Exchange Program. Generously supported by the Avery-Tsui Foundation and in collaboration with University of Cambridge, this new initiative will enable doctoral students from the University of Cambridge to spend between two and four weeks undertaking research focused on the Chinese Collection held at UC San Diego Library. This program is a collaboration between UC San Diego and University of Cambridge.

  • The maximum value of the scholarship is $9,300
  • The application opens on Monday, September 2, 2024
  • The deadline for applications is Monday, October 28, 2024 – 16:00 (Pacific Daylight Time) / 12:00am (GMT)
  • Applicants are required to be a current student at University of Cambridge, have a master’s level degree or equivalent, and currently working towards a PhD

If you are a UC San Diego student wishing to apply to the exchange program to be a Visiting Scholar at University of Cambridge please see the webpage here.

The Chinese Collection

Established in 1987, the Chinese Collection (as part of the East Asia Collection) at UC San Diego focuses on collecting modern and contemporary Chinese language materials in the humanities and social sciences, including literature, history, sociology, linguistics, art, film studies, philosophy, economy business, political science, and international relations pertaining to the greater China.

With over 70,000 volumes in print, 1,705,000 digital titles from multiple databases, and 6,100 films, this expanding collection is rapidly becoming recognized as a new regional as well as national resource center for researchers and students in the field of Chinese Studies.

The notable local collections include the world-renowned Chinese Underground Films, Chinese Cultural Revolution Posters, The Anti-Confucius Book Collection, Posters of the Chinese Independent Film Festivals, Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars Friendship Delegation Digital Archive, 1973 Guardian Tour of China Collection, Norman Spencer Photographs, Wugong Village research archive, Democracy Wall archive, Tillman Durdin Papers, 1937-1974 and Carol Pletcher Collection on the U.S. Women Scientists China Study Tour, 1981.

Program Details

The scholarship is available for an exchange duration of two and four weeks, depending on the nature of the research and the candidate’s preference.

It includes a requirement to reside at UC San Diego for a minimum of two weeks, to be undertaken in a single stint. This is to enable in-depth, in-person engagement with the Chinese collections. Residency accommodation will be provided by UC San Diego.

During this period, the Visiting Scholar will be based at UC San Diego Library, where they will have access to the Library’s physical collections and electronic resources. The awardee will be supported by Ms. Xi Chen (Chinese Studies Librarian, UC San Diego).

Full details of the program, including the selection process and terms and conditions, can be found in the call guidelines.


  • Deadline for applications to be submitted: Thursday, October 28, 2024 – 16:00 (Pacific Daylight Time) / 12:00 a.m. (GMT)
  • Applications assessed: November 2024
  • Award announced: December 2024
  • Scholar undertakes project: between June 22 and August 31, 2025 (approximate range, detailed dates in 2025 are to be determined)
  • Earliest date UC San Diego residency can start: June 22, 2025
  • Latest date UC San Diego residency can end: August 31, 2025

Funding Available

Funding is available to support the costs arising directly from the scholar’s research. The maximum amount that can be applied for is $9,300.

Cost must be itemized (see application process). Full details of eligible costs can be found in the call guidelines.


Applications are welcome from graduate students enrolled in the Cambridge graduate degree program. The minimum requirement for applicants is to have a master’s level degree or equivalent and be currently working towards a PhD. We particularly welcome proposals that are likely to result in new perspectives on the collection(s), and/or which use innovative methodologies.

Application Process

The minimum requirements for applicants is to be a current student at University of Cambridge, have a master’s level degree or equivalent, and be currently working towards a PhD. Applications must be made in English.

  1. Download and complete the application form
  2. Email your completed application form to by the deadline Monday, October 28, 2024 – 16:00 (Pacific Daylight Time) / 12:00 a.m. (GMT)

Information Sessions

We will be hosting webinars for students to answer questions about the opportunity. This will also be a chance to learn more about the Chinese Collections held at each institution.

For University of Cambridge students applying to UC San Diego: Monday, September 16 17:30 BST/ 09:30 Pacific Daylight Time

For UC San Diego students applying to the University of Cambridge: Tuesday, September 17 17:30 BST/ 09:30 Pacific Daylight Time

Sign up to receive the webinar zoom links.

Further Information

If you have any questions about this program, please contact Xi Chen at

Image Credit: Image from Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars Friendship Delegation Collection