Images of Baja California: Images by Howard Gulick
El Arco, April 11, 1956
Brown at El Arco, April 11, 1956
Brown and Greenlaw, El Arco, April 11, 1956
El Arco, April 10, 1957
El Arco, April 11, 1957
Pearl Fisherman at Bahía San Francisquito, April 18, 1959

Pearl Fisherman at Bahía San Francisquito. 1959.

Bahía San Francisquito, April 18, 1959

Bahía San Francisquito. 1959. "A snug little harbor, not inhabited in 1959."

Bahía San Francisquito, April 18, 1959
Old stone house at El Barril, April 17, 1959

Old stone house at El Barril. 1959

El Barril, April 17, 1959

El Barril. 1959. "A ranch on the Gulf shore inhabited by a large family. Gardens and a small orchard irrigated from wells. The water is good."