Images of Baja California: Images by Howard Gulick
Santa Gertrudis, April 20, 1954

Santa Gertrudis. 1954. "A small ranching settlement in a narrow arroyo, the site of an old mission which in its heyday administered to more than 3000 Indians in a vast territory ... The Jesuit Padre Consag discovered the site of Santa Gertrudis about 1740, but it was not until 1752 that a mission was established here by a German Jesuit, Padre Jorge Retz ... When the Dominicans arrived they began work on the small stone church, which was finished in 1796. It is a graceful touch of civilization in a lonely spot, on a narrow ledge between the cliffside and the arroyo."

Santa Gertrudis, April 20, 1954
Santa Gertrudis, April 20, 1954
Santa Gertrudis, April 20, 1954
Rancho Wilson on the Vizcaino Desert, April 30, 1961

Rancho Wilson on the Vizcaino Desert. 1961. "Started about 1959 with American capital. Many acres of former desert are irrigated with an ample supply of good well water."

Rancho Wilson on the Vizcaino Desert, April 30, 1961
El Tablón, April 10, 1957

El Tablón. 1957. "Cattle ranch, with a good well and a large reservoir."

El Tablón, April 10, 1957
El Tablón, April 10, 1957
Pumping water at Los Angeles, April 20, 1959

Los Angeles. 1959. Pumping water at Los Angeles. "Ranch. Meals sold."