Images of Baja California: Images by Howard Gulick
Tinajas in Arroyo Paraíso, September 1, 1960

Tinajas in Arroyo Paraíso. 1960.

Well at Mezquital, April 12, 1955

Mezquital. 1955. "Cattle ranch with a well of good water."

Getting water at Mezquital, April 12, 1955
Rancho La Esperanza, April 16, 1959

Rancho La Esperanza. 1959. "Abandoned ranch."

At La Esperanza, April 16, 1959
Corral at Calmallí Viejo, April 17, 1959

Corral at Calmallí Viejo. 1959. Waterhole mentioned by early explorers. "A nealy deserted mining town ... water, which is fairly good, comes from three wells ... Gold was discovered here in 1882, causing a brief but profitable rush."

Calmallí Viejo, April 17, 1959
El Arco, April 11, 1956

El Arco. 1956-1957. "Estimated 1960 pop. 150. A small community at the site of a former gold mine, about two miles north of the boundary between the State of Baja California and the Southern Territory. It consists of two groups of adobe and wooden shacks on opposite banks of the arroyo, with extensive mine workings below ... The gold mines of El Arco, which at one time employed over 1,000 workers, began to be developed by an American company in the 1920s, but operations ceased after a prolonged strike of the miners."

El Arco, April 11, 1956
El Arco, April 11, 1956