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July 14, 2014

Want to Read a Banned Book?

Banned Books Week 2014 @ UC San Diego Library Virtual Read-Out Invitation The Banned Books Week (BBW) is an annual event promoting the freedom to read by the American Library …

July 3, 2014

ASME Journals – expanded online access

UCSD now has access to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers e-journals archive. Previously, our online access to the ASME journals went back to 2000. Expanded coverage includes: Journal of …

July 3, 2014

IOP Ebooks – New Collection

UCSD has recently licensed the Institute of Physics Ebooks. This license will provide perpetual access to 35 titles being published throughout the year in two series: IOP Expanding Physics (which …

June 25, 2014

Insights from a UC San Diego Science Librarian

This month we had a chance to interview one of the UC San Diego Library’s expert science librarians, Deborah Kegel. We asked Deborah five questions to learn more about her …

June 25, 2014

Greening the Mothership

UC San Diego has a longstanding commitment to environmental sustainability, dating back to the pioneering climate change research of the university’s founder, scientist Roger Revelle. Since then, the University has …

June 23, 2014

Steampunk Tea at The Library

Steampunk Tea! Join futurists, adventurers, and writers from from the Clarion Science Fiction Workshop at UCSD for a lively event, Sunday, June 29, 3-5:00pm in Geisel. The tea—which is free …

May 27, 2014

Natural Standard Database Access Restored

Access to the Natural Standard database on integrative medicine was not available for UCSD users in April and much of May due to licensing and renewal problems. CDL/UCSF licensing efforts …

May 19, 2014

My Ideal Library

What would you like your ideal library to be, do, or offer?  Here’s your chance to let us know!    Visit the Geisel East Learning Commons service desk (2nd Floor) before …

May 7, 2014

Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered

Ruth Klüger was eleven years old when she and her mother were deported from her native Vienna to Theresienstadt, the Nazis’ “model ghetto.” Twelve grueling months later, she was deported …