On July 27, the Roger and Melvyl library catalog systems that the UC San Diego Library has worked with for decades will retire and be replaced with a new unified system that brings together the collections of all 10 University of California campuses. This new unified discovery and borrowing system is called UC Library Search.
In order to successfully launch UC Library Search, the Library must pause the checkout and renewal of library materials from July 23 to July 27. The last day to request materials in Roger for Campus Curbside Pickup will be Thursday, July 22. Items already at Campus Curbside Pickup will remain available for pickup during the pause. Request services will resume when UC Library Search launches on Tuesday, July 27.
Additionally, access to My Library Account to renew currently checked out materials will end at the close of business on Friday, July 23. Access to new UC Library Search accounts, which will include your current check-out record, will be available when UC Library Search launches on Tuesday, July 27.
If you have any questions, please contact Dani Cook, Associate University Librarian, Learning and User Experience.