Browse by Collection: UCSD Research Data Collections
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Data from: Contrasting Local and Long-Range-Transported Warm Ice-Nucleating Particles During an Atmospheric River in Coastal California, USA
- Data, modeling results and analyses supporting research into meteorology and ice nucleating particles.
- Date: 2016-03-05 to 2018-05-01
Data from: Cusp and mega cusp observations on a mixed sediment beach
- The dataset contains elevation rasters and gravel/cobble locations (North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83), North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88)).
- Date: 2018 to 2019
Data from: Cyclic(Alkyl)(Amino)Carbene Ligands Enable Cu-Catalyzed Markovnikov Protoboration and Protosilylation of Terminal Alkynes: A Versatile Portal to Functionalized Alkenes
- Included are the Gaussian output files (.chk, .fchk, and .log) from DFT calculations on the free carbenes explored in the protoboration and protosilylation of alkynes.
- Date: 2020 to 2021
Data from: Diminished efficacy of regional marine cloud brightening in a warmer world
- Marine cloud brightening simulation output generated using the Community Earth System Model (CESM) version 2.2 described in Wan et al. (accepted).
- Date: 2022-04 to 2023-12
Data from: DNA damage induced during mitosis undergoes DNA repair synthesis
- A study of the DNA repair response to laser-induced DNA damage in selected mitotic chromosomes.
- Date: 2010 to 2019
Data from: Drift-Corrected Seafloor Vertical Deformation at Axial Seamount 2013-2014
- Data from a Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder (SCPR) deployed at Axial Seamount from 2013 to 2015. This is seafloor height change (cm), converted from pressure (kPa), corrected for ocean tides and pressure gauge drift.
- Date: 2015-08-25
Data from: Eddy-induced acceleration of Lagrangian floats
- Simulated Argo float positions computed using velocities from the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Phase II (ECCO2) project.
- Date: 2016 to 2019
Data from: Effect of atmospheric forcing resolution on simulated mixed layer depth in the North Pacific
- This dataset contains daily output from two eddying ocean simulations in the North Pacific. The two experiments have the same configuration except for the atmospheric forcing resolution.
- Date: 2014 to 2018
Data from: Electrostatic interactions as mediators in the allosteric activation of PKA RIalpha
- Molecular dynamics input files, trajectories and analysis scripts used in the paper "Electrostatic interactions as mediators in the allosteric network of PKA RIalpha".
- Date: 2015-09-15
Data from: Enhanced surf zone and wave runup observations with hovering drone-mounted LiDAR
- Drone LiDAR data obtained during the SCaRP field experiment of Winter 2019-2020 at Torrey Pines State Beach in San Diego, California, USA.
- Date: 2019-12-14 to 2020-02-24
Data from: Episodic Southern Ocean heat loss and its mixed layer impacts revealed by the furthest south multi-year surface flux mooring
- This dataset contains Quality Controlled daily mean air-sea heat flux estimates from the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Southern Ocean mooring site for the period 2015 to 2017, as used in the analysis of Ogle et al. 2018 (doi:10.1029/2017GL076909)
- Date: 2015 to 2017
Data from: Exploration and Explanation in Computational Notebooks
- Analysis of approximately 1.25 million Jupyter Notebooks downloaded from public repositories on GitHub in July 2017.
- Date: July 2017
Data from: Feasibility of continuous fever monitoring using wearable devices
- Sixty-five continuous days of data at one-minute resolution covering fifty individuals reporting COVID-19 infections starting on day 45 in the data set.
- Date: 2020-03 to 2020-06
Data from: Four Atmospheric Circulation Regimes Over the North Pacific and Their Relationship to California Precipitation on Daily to Seasonal Timescales
- This dataset contains four indices of daily atmospheric variability associated with four circulation regimes over the North Pacific, which have been identified as essential drivers of atmospheric river landfall variability and California precipitation.
- Date: 2018
Data from: Genuine Carbene Versus Carbene-Like Reactivity
- Optimized geometries, frequencies, and single point calculations for reactants, products, reaction intermediates, and transition states involved in forming cyclic(aryl)(amino)carbene-metal complexes and decomposition products.
- Date: 2023-04 to 2023-11
Data from: Harmonic Analysis of Non-Phase-Locked Tides with Red Noise Using the red_tide Package
- Data, functions, and scripts associated with "Harmonic Analysis of Non-Phase-Locked Tides with Red Noise Using the red_tide Package" (Kachelein et al. 2022).
- Date: 2010 to 2021
Data from: Ice break-up controls dissipation of wind-waves across Southern Ocean sea ice
- In situ wave observations and WaveWatch III model output for Ardhuin et al. (2020).
- Date: 2018-05 to 2018-07
Data from: Identification of weakly- to strongly-turbulent three-wave processes in a micro-scale system
- Height of water surface at center of 40uL sessile drop at 115,200fps for ~1s during actuation by ~7MHz thickness mode ultrasound. Each data set was taken at the indicated ultrasound input power level (from 0-350 mW).
- Date: 2021-11-28 to 2022-01-18
Data from: Immersive Visualization and Curation of Archaeological Heritage Data: Çatalhöyük and the Dig@IT App
- The purpose of this collection is to curate online all the 3D models and related metadata representing the three-dimensional stratigraphy of Çatalhöyük Building 89 as they are disseminated through the open source virtual reality application Dig@IT.
- Date: 2011 to 2015
Data from: Impact of Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Dropsonde Data on the Assimilation of Satellite Data in GFS
- This collection are the satellite radiance data from the data denial experiments for the 2020 atmospheric river reconnaissance. The data are generated by the NCEP GDAS system during January 24 – March 18, 2020, corresponding to analyses in Zheng et al. 2022.
- Date: 2020-01-24 to 2020-03-18