Library Digital Collections

Idyllwild Arts summer poetry festival, 2005



The Making and Performance of Poetry

Robert Wrigley - Why Write Poems?

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Maxine Kumin- Women Writers: Refuting the Charge of Domesticity

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Maxine Kumin- Dancing in 39 Chains (The Sestina)

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Robert Wrigley - Making Music of Sense

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Panel discussion

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Informal Readings With Faculty

Introduction - July 17th

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Maxine Kumin

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Terrance Hayes

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Introduction - July 18th

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Robert Wrigley

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Eloise Klein Healy

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Introduction - July 21st

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Robert Wrigley

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Natasha Trethewey

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Introduction - July 22nd

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Maxine Kumin

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Charles Harper Webb

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Robert Wrigley - Audio

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Eloise Klein Healy - Audio

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Terrance Hayes - Audio

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Cecilia Woloch - Audio

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John Brandi - Audio

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Natasha Trethewey - Audio

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Charles Harper Webb - Audio

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Maxine Kumin - Audio

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Video - Part 1

Video - Part 2


Introduction - Audio

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Maxine Kumin - Audio

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John Brandi - Audio

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Charles Harper Webb - Audio

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Bill Mohr - Audio

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Natasha Trethewey - Audio

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Brendan Constantine - Audio

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Eloise Klein Healy - Audio

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Terrance Hayes - Audio

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Cecilia Woloch - Audio

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Robert Wrigley - Audio

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Video - Part 1

Video - Part 2