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  1. Collection

    Data from: Observations of strongly modulated surface wave and wave breaking statistics at a submesoscale front

    • This collection contains data presented in Vrecica et al 2021, including an overview of a submesoscale front, wave statistics, and wave breaking statistics.
    • Date: 2018-04-17
  2. Collection

    Data from: Observations of surface cobbles at two southern California beaches

    • Beach elevations were surveyed quarterly between January 2008 and July 2018 on cross-shore transects from the back beach to about 8 m water depth using GPS equipped vehicles.
    • Date: 2008 to 2018
  3. Collection

    Data from: Observations of Surface Gravity Wave Spectra from Moving Platforms

    • This collection consists of ocean and atmospheric observations (e.g., waves and winds) collected off the coast of San Diego and San Francisco California from instrumented Boeing Liquid Robotics SV3 Wave Gliders.
    • Date: 2020-09-01 to 2021-11-04
  4. Collection

    Data from: Observations of Tidally Driven Turbulence over Steep, Small-scale Topography Embedded in the Tasman Slope

    • In-situ observations from the Tasman Tidal Dissipation Experiment (TTIDE) collected around a small-scale bump embedded in the continental slope of Tasmania.
    • Date: 2015-01 to 2015-03
  5. Collection

    Data from: Ocean Surface Salinity Response to Atmospheric River Precipitation in the California Current System

    • Oceanic and atmospheric measurements, reanalysis and modeled outputs in the California Current System.
    • Date: 1992 to 2019
  6. Collection

    Data from: Overcrowded Housing Reduces COVID-19 Mitigation Measures and Lowers Emotional Health Among San Diego Refugees from September to November of 2020

    • Data for the present cross-sectional study were collected between September 2020 and November 2020 as part of PANA’s biannual community survey to address the primary research question: What is the association between housing and COVID-19 vulnerability?
    • Date: 2020-09 to 2020-11
  7. Collection

    Data from: Plankton energy flows using a global size-structured and trait-based model

    • This collection includes a global 20 year (1990-2009) climatology of diagnostic and prognostic variables for the Size-based Plankton Ecological TRAits (MARBL-SPECTRA) model.
    • Date: 1990 to 2009
  8. Collection

    Data from: QMrebind: Incorporating quantum mechanical force field reparameterization at the ligand binding site for improved drug-target kinetics through milestoning simulations

    • The data set contains the files necessary to recalculate/reproduce the unbinding rates of ligands for the model host-guest systems and Hsp90-inhibitor complexes in the paper "QMrebind: Incorporating quantum mechanical force field reparameterization at the ligand binding site for improved drug-target kinetics through milestoning simulations."
    • Date: 2021 to 2023
  9. Collection

    Data from: Quantifying influence of human choice on the automated detection of Drosophila behavior by a supervised machine learning algorithm

    • This data collection contains original movie files, files derived from a tracking program (FlyTracker) and a machine learning-based behavioral classification suite (JAABA), and behavior classifiers for Drosophila social behaviors. These constitute source data of our publication (Leng, X., et al., 2020, in press). With our custom codes (available at, readers can reproduce all the results presented in the article.
    • Date: 2015-03 to 2018-09
  10. Collection

    Data from: Quantitative regional observations of the geological influence on primary sandy beaches

    • The dataset includes mapped beach elevations, and gravel/bedrock locations in GeoTIFF format.
    • Date: 2017-10-01 to 2021-03-31
  11. Collection

    Data from: Retrieval of the Sea Spray Aerosol Mode from Submicron Particle Size Distributions and Supermicron Scattering during LASIC

    • This collection contains sea spray mode fitting parameters retrieved from Mie inversion of submicron size distributions and supermicron scattering during the LASIC and NAAMES campaigns. Sea spray mode retrieval and Mie scattering codes are also provided.
    • Date: 2020 to 2022
  12. Collection

    Data from Scripps Research Expeditions 1953-2005

    • Data and documents from Scripps Institution of Oceanography research vessel expeditions from 1953-2005, including geophysical, water column, and sea surface measurements.
    • Date: 1953 to 2005
  13. Collection

    Data from: Seasonal cycle and annual reversal of the Somali Current in an eddy-resolving global ocean model

    • The dataset includes a subset of model output from a global 0.1-deg CORE-II forced POP simulation near the region of the Arabian Sea, supporting the Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans article with the same name.
    • Date: 2005 to 2009
  14. Collection

    Data from: SEEKR2: Versatile Multiscale Milestoning Utilizing the OpenMM Molecular Dynamics Engine

    • This data set contains the files necessary to recreate the results in the paper "SEEKR2: Versatile Multiscale Milestoning Utilizing the OpenMM Molecular Dynamics Engine".
    • Date: 2020-08 to 2022-03
  15. Collection

    Data from: Selectivity and ranking of tight-binding JAK-STAT inhibitors using Markovian milestoning with Voronoi tessellations

    • The data contains the Simulation Enabled Estimation of Kinetic Rates (SEEKR) simulations for the JAK2 and JAK3-ligand complexes with instructions to compute the residence times of the ligands in these complexes.
    • Date: 2020 to 2022
  16. Collection

    Data from: Sensitivities of the West Greenland Current to Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater in a Mesoscale Ocean/Sea Ice Model

    • Diagnostics from a high-resolution global coupled ocean/sea-ice (POP/CICE5) simulations. Diagnostics are calculated based on 1992-1993 for three meltwater forcing experiments: a control run, surface forcing, and spread forcing.
    • Date: Model creation: 2016 to 2023. Model representation: 1992 to 1993
  17. Collection

    Data from: Short-term variability of atmospheric helium revealed through a cryo-enrichment method

    • He/N2 observations from Scripps Pier and supplementary O2/N2, Ar/N2 and CO2 data.
    • Date: 2022-04-23 to 2022-05-25
  18. Collection

    Data from: Soft robotic steerable micro-catheter for the endovascular treatment of cerebral disorders

    • Results of analysis and experiment on steerable microcatheters and microguidewires, including video and raw data.
    • Date: 2017-01-01 to 2021-06-30
  19. Collection

    Data from: Southern California Coastal Response to the 2015-16 El Niño

    • Airborne lidar datasets collected on 6-October-2015 and 22-March-2016, and processed into 1-m resolution digital elevation models.
    • Date: 2015 to 2016