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inSite Archive

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inSite Archive

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1105 digital objects.


The inSite Archive contains materials documenting the inSite organization and the projects of its artists. The digital collection contains a selection of documents, images, videos, and sound files detailing project installations from six inSite iterations. The most recent collaboration, Casa Gallina, consists entirely of digital records.

Created as a network of contemporary art programs and commissioned projects among non-profit and public institutions, inSite explored public or contextual art practice in the specific context of the San Diego-Tijuana border region. In 1980, Installation Gallery was opened in San Diego with a goal to present local and regional artists. In 1992, inSite was formed, replacing Installation Gallery. InSite has had five major versions: inSITE92, inSITE94, inSITE97, inSITE2000, and inSite_05, plus the Casa Gallina project in Mexico City dating from 2013-2018.

Creation Date
  • 1992-2018
Location Of Originals

From the inSite Archive. MSS 707. Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego.

Corporate Name


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