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  1. Collection

    San Diego County GIS Data

    • This collection contains GIS or geospatial data for San Diego County. Datasets were originaly acquired from the SanGIS and SANDAG Regional Data Warehouse and the San Diego Open Data Portal.
    • Date: 1986 to present
  2. Collection

    Data from: The Agricultural Productivity Gap

    • Dataset contains data by country for about 150 countries on GDP per capita, employment share in agriculture, value added share in agriculture, agricultural productivity gap, average hours worked, years of schooling, and human capital.
    • Date: 1988 to 2011
  3. Collection

    Data from: Machine learning for daily forecasts of Arctic sea-ice motion: an attribution assessment of model predictive skill

    • MATLAB R2021b, Python and bash files used for data download and analysis. Processed data and MATLAB R2021b plotting files.
    • Date: 1989 to 2021
  4. Collection

    Scripps O2 Program Data

    • The Scripps O2 Program website at provides access to openly available atmospheric O2/N2 ratio and CO2 concentration data from various sources along with graphics. Redundant copies of the atmospheric O2/N2 and CO2 data from 12 sampling stations are being deposited here, through the UC San Diego Library, to provide enhanced discovery, long-term accessibility, and preservation. The latest data archives from the 10 active stations are added to this collection as they become available.
    • Date: 1989 to present
  5. Collection

    California Tobacco Survey (CTS)

    • The objective of these surveys is to collect representative statewide data on cigarette smoking behavior, attitudes towards smoking, media exposure to smoking, and use of tobacco products other than cigarettes, from populations living in California.
    • Date: 1990 to 2011
  6. Collection

    Data from: Plankton energy flows using a global size-structured and trait-based model

    • This collection includes a global 20 year (1990-2009) climatology of diagnostic and prognostic variables for the Size-based Plankton Ecological TRAits (MARBL-SPECTRA) model.
    • Date: 1990 to 2009
  7. Collection

    Underway Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) Data Archive

    • Underway shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (SADCP) database assembled from the public archive of CODAS post-processed data.
    • Date: 1990 to 2020
  8. Collection

    Data from: Ocean Surface Salinity Response to Atmospheric River Precipitation in the California Current System

    • Oceanic and atmospheric measurements, reanalysis and modeled outputs in the California Current System.
    • Date: 1992 to 2019
  9. Collection

    Data from: Sensitivities of the West Greenland Current to Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater in a Mesoscale Ocean/Sea Ice Model

    • Diagnostics from a high-resolution global coupled ocean/sea-ice (POP/CICE5) simulations. Diagnostics are calculated based on 1992-1993 for three meltwater forcing experiments: a control run, surface forcing, and spread forcing.
    • Date: Model creation: 2016 to 2023. Model representation: 1992 to 1993
  10. Collection

    Data from: The Seasonal Cycle of Significant Wave Height in the Ocean: Local Versus Remote Forcing

    • This collection consists of NetCDF files that contain intermediate products derived from observer and modelled data produced by the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) and Remote Sensing Systems, corresponding to analysis by Colosi et al. (2021).
    • Date: 1993-01-01 to 2016-12-31