Library Digital Collections

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  1. Collection

    IDEAS Performance Series

    • This collection contains video, still images, audio, and text, documenting past IDEAS performances and presentations from the ongoing series.
    • Date: 2013-
  2. Collection

    Indigenous Writers and Their Critics: Escritores indígenas y sus críticos

    • This collection brings together programmatic, descriptive textual materials and video-recorded proceedings of unique presentations (including readings and recitations of original literature and literary analysis) at the “Indigenous Writers and Their Critics” Symposium held at the University of California – San Diego on Feb. 24 and 25, 2020. / Esta colección junta materiales programáticos, textuales, y grabaciones por video de las ponencias únicas (incluso lecturas y recitaciones de literatura original y análisis) presentados en el simposio internacional “Escritores indígenas y sus críticos” realizado en la Universidad de California – San Diego el 24 y 25 de febrero, 2020. 
    • Date: February 24-25, 2020
  3. Collection

    inSite Archive

    • A selection of records from the InSite Archive, documenting the arts organization's collaborative contemporary public art projects in the San Diego-Tijuana region, and Mexico City.
    • Date: 1992-2018
  4. Collection

    inSite Archive: Casa Gallina

    • Digital records documenting the inSite art collective's sixth edition, known as inSite/Casa Gallina, a six-year project located in the neighborhood of Santa María la Ribera in Mexico City.
    • Date: 2013-2018
  5. Collection

    inSite Archive: Selections

    • A selection of documents, images, video, and sound from the inSite Archive at UC San Diego’s Special Collections & Archives.
    • Access: Some items restricted
    • Date: 1992-2006
  6. Collection

    J. Edward Hoffmeister Films

    • Sixteen films documenting the cultural life in Fiji and Tonga by geologist J.E. Hoffmeister.
    • Date: 1920-1939
  7. Collection

    J. Robert Beyster Collection: Selections

    • Selections from the collection of Dr. J. Robert Beyster (1924-2014), a scientist and entrepreneur who was the founder, former chairman and CEO of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), an employee-owned San Diego research and development firm founded in 1969.
    • Date: 1940-2016
  8. Collection

    Jackson Mac Low: Selections

    • A selection of content from the Jackson Mac Low papers, focused on reformatted sound recordings and a presentation of the digital files captured off the poet's collection of floppy disks and zip drives.
    • Access: Some items restricted
    • Date: circa 1955-2005
  9. Collection

    James Howard Collection

    • Photographs and documents from the collection of James Howard, a mining foreman with the Amparo Mining Company who lived in Guadalajara, Mexico and worked in the Bolaños region starting in 1889.
    • Date: circa 1882-1939
  10. Collection

    James Sanford Collection

    • A collection of color slides documenting James Sanford and Jean Doyle’s trip to China in 1972 as members of the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars (CCAS)’s 2nd Friendship Delegation.
    • Date: 1972
  11. Collection

    James Stewart Papers

    • A selection of images from the James Stewart Papers, including portraits, group photos and photographs from diving and research expeditions.
    • Date: 1951-1994
  12. Collection

    Jane Goodale Recordings

    • Jane C. Goodale was an American anthropologist and photographer who conducted ethnographic research on Kaulong-speaking people of New Britain Island in Papua New Guinea. The sound recordings document the details of the social life, customs, and song performances of the Kaulong recorded by Goodale in Umbi and Angelek.
    • Access: Restricted View
    • Date: 1963 to 1974
  13. Collection

    Jerome Rothenberg Papers: Digital files and audiovisual recordings

    • Digital files from the collection of Jerome Rothenberg.
    • Access: Some items restricted
    • Date: 1965-2005
  14. Collection

    Joanne Kyger Papers: Selections

    • Digitized and born-digital selections from the papers of poet Joanne Kyger.
    • Access: Some items restricted
    • Date: 1955-2017
  15. Collection

    Joel E. Dimsdale, M.D. Holocaust Survivor Interview Collection

    • Interviews collected in the 1970s discussing coping behaviors and stress experienced by Holocaust survivors.
    • Access: Restricted View
    • Date: 1969-1973
  16. Collection

    John Huber Photograph Collection

    • The John Huber photograph collection is a small selection of images digitized from Huber’s original color slides, dating from 1964-1971. The images focus on significant UC San Diego events and feature prominent members of the campus community.
    • Date: 1964-1971
  17. Collection

    John LeRoy Photographs

    • Photographs created by American anthropologist John D. LeRoy, in the context of field research with the Kewa people of the Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea
    • Access: Some items restricted
    • Date: 1971-1972
  18. Collection

    José Villegas Collection on Mining

    • Documents and photographs relating to silver mining operations in Mexico, principally Real del Monte and Pachuca during the periods of British (1824-1849) and Mexican (1849-1906) capitalization and management.
    • Date: circa 1825-1983
  19. Collection

    Kathleen Fraser Papers: Selections

    • Digitized materials from the collection of poet Kathleen Fraser.
    • Date: 1970-2007
  20. Collection

    Kelco Aerial Photograph Collection

    • A selection of Kelco's scanned black and white, color, and infrared aerial photographs and slides. The images document kelp beds and coastline primarily from Central and Southern California, and the Channel Islands.
    • Access: Restricted to UC San Diego use only
    • Date: circa 1931-1992