Library Digital Collections

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  1. Collection

    Muir Quarterly

    • Student produced satirical newspaper of John Muir College at UC San Diego.
    • Date: 2000-2024
  2. Collection

    Armand Schwerner Papers: Selections

    • Audiovisual recordings from the collection of poet and translator Armand Schwerner.
    • Date: 1965-2000
  3. Collection

    N Equals One podcast

    • N Equals One: a podcast about science and discovery at UC San Diego Health. Episodes focus on the story of one project, one discovery or one scientist.
    • Date: 2016-2022
  4. Collection


    • Primary magazine of the UC San Diego Library, published for a broad readership of patrons and supporters.
    • Date: 2019-2024
  5. Collection

    Transandean Lithium Project: Coyo (Chile)

    • Coyo is one of the historical ayllus of San Pedro de Atacama, and it is also part of the 18 Lickan Antay communities that surround the Salar de Atacama in the north of Chile. The interviews and photographs of this collection tackle the impacts of lithium mining in their territory, its relationship to the environment, the volcanoes, the lagoons and the archaeological sites, and, for example, its most important ritual celebration: the carnival.
    • Date: 2016-2017
  6. Collection

    Transandean Lithium Project

    • The Transandean Lithium Project (TLP) is a digital initiative to investigate the impact of lithium extraction on the Kolla, Aymara, Quechua and Lickan Antay indigenous communities of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile. The collection includes interviews and photographs documenting the biodiversity of the territory as well as the culture, history, and lives of these communities.
    • Date: 2016-2017
  7. Collection

    UC San Diego. Associated Students Records

    • The Associated Students records document undergraduate student government activities at UC San Diego; including meeting materials, bills and resolutions, election publicity and results, and events.
    • Date: 1964-2009
  8. Collection

    Robert Crosson Papers: Selections

    • Audiovisual recordings from the collection of poet and actor Robert Crosson.
    • Date: 1955-1991
  9. Collection

    Paul Vangelisti Papers: Selections

    • Audiovisual recordings and born digital content from the collection of poet, editor, and translator Paul Vangelisti.
    • Date: 1970-2010
  10. Collection

    Harry Northup Papers: Selections

    • Audiovisual recordings from the collection of poet and actor Harry E. Northup.
    • Date: 1977-2019
  11. Collection

    Kathleen Fraser Papers: Selections

    • Digitized materials from the collection of poet Kathleen Fraser.
    • Date: 1970-2007
  12. Collection

    UC Academic Senate. San Diego Division Records

    • The University of California Academic Senate, San Diego Division digital records contain meeting materials and reports created by the San Diego Division, the Representative Assembly, and various committees.
    • Date: 1955-2024
  13. Collection

    Anti-Confucian Book Collection

    • The Anti-Confucius Book Collection consists of 747 titles donated by UCSD PhD alumnus Matthew Wills. They were largely political propagandas produced during 1960s-1970s, also known as the Cultural Revolution period in China.
    • Date: Between 1952 and 1982
  14. Collection

    David Bromige Papers: Selections

    • Audiovisual recordings from the collection of poet David Bromige.
    • Access: Some items restricted
    • Date: 1960-2009
  15. Collection

    Bill Mohr Papers: Selections

    • Audiovisual recordings from the collection of poet, editor, and educator Bill Mohr and Momentum Press.
    • Access: Some items restricted
    • Date: 1970-2015
  16. Collection

    Anne Tardos Papers: Selections

    • Audiovisual recordings from the papers of poet and artist Anne Tardos.
    • Date: 1970-1990
  17. Collection

    UC San Diego Women's Resource Center Newsletter

    • Weekly e-newsletter produced by the Women's Center at UC San Diego documenting outreach, events, and updates from the center and its affiliates.
    • Date: 2012-
  18. Collection

    Discoveries (La Jolla, San Diego, Calif.)

    • Discoveries is the annual magazine of UC San Diego Health Sciences, reflecting their vision to create a healthier world – one life at a time – through new sciences, new medicine and new cures.
    • Date: 2010-present
  19. Collection

    Gloria Frym Papers: Selections

    • Audiovisual recordings from the collection of poet and educator Gloria Frym.
    • Date: 1972-2000
  20. Collection

    UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center Student Organizations Records

    • The LGBT Resource Center Student Organizations records documents the event and outreach activities of the student organizations and community groups affiliated with the LGBT Resource Center at UC San Diego.
    • Access: Some items restricted
    • Date: circa 2000-2013