Library Digital Collections

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  1. Collection

    Radiosonde Data Collected During California Storms

    • Vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind speed collected during Atmospheric River events in California (2017-2021).
    • Date: 2016 to 2021
  2. Collection

    The CONNected objECT, or CONNECT algorithm applied to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA V2) - Integrated Water Vapor from 1980 to 2016

    • The CONNected objECT (CONNECT) algorithm is applied to global Integrated Water Vapor Transport (IVT) data from the NASA’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications – Version 2 reanalysis product for the period 1980 to 2016.
    • Date: 2016
  3. Collection

    Transandean Lithium Project

    • The Transandean Lithium Project (TLP) is a digital initiative to investigate the impact of lithium extraction on the Kolla, Aymara, Quechua and Lickan Antay indigenous communities of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile. The collection includes interviews and photographs documenting the biodiversity of the territory as well as the culture, history, and lives of these communities.
    • Date: 2016-2017
  4. Collection

    Transandean Lithium Project: Coyo (Chile)

    • Coyo is one of the historical ayllus of San Pedro de Atacama, and it is also part of the 18 Lickan Antay communities that surround the Salar de Atacama in the north of Chile. The interviews and photographs of this collection tackle the impacts of lithium mining in their territory, its relationship to the environment, the volcanoes, the lagoons and the archaeological sites, and, for example, its most important ritual celebration: the carnival.
    • Date: 2016-2017
  5. Collection

    University Art Gallery Closure Events, 2016

    • Images and events related to the threatened closure of the University Art Gallery in 2016.
    • Date: 2016
  6. Collection

    Organic and Elemental Composition of Submicron Aerosol Particles during AWARE at McMurdo Station, Antarctica

    • Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic analysis of organic functional groups and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) of elements in submicron particles at McMurdo Station, Antarctica.
    • Date: 2015-11-29 to 2016-12-19
  7. Collection

    Aerosol Particle Chemical and Physical Measurements on the 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) Research Cruises

    • Size distributions, organic functional groups, and non-refractory and single particle composition of North Atlantic marine aerosol particles
    • Date: 2015-11-06 to 2015-11-30; 2016-05-11 to 2016-06-05; 2017-08-30 to 2017-09-24; 2018-03-20 to 2018-04-13
  8. Collection

    Data from: Measuring Seafloor Strain with an Optical Fiber Interferometer

    • A 95.5 day long record of earth strain collected on the seafloor 95 km offshore Oregon was collected (ocean depth was 1910 m). The instrument used was a 200-m-long optical fiber cable, stretched between two anchors in an east-west line.
    • Date: 2015-10-24 to 2016-01-27
  9. Collection

    Data from: Observations of Double Diffusive Staircase Edges in the Arctic Ocean

    • CTD profiles collected in the Canada Basin with a Shallow Water Integrated Mapping System (SWIMS).
    • Date: 2015-09-18 to 2015-09-20
  10. Collection

    Data from: Electrostatic interactions as mediators in the allosteric activation of PKA RIalpha

    • Molecular dynamics input files, trajectories and analysis scripts used in the paper "Electrostatic interactions as mediators in the allosteric network of PKA RIalpha".
    • Date: 2015-09-15
  11. Collection

    Data from: Drift-Corrected Seafloor Vertical Deformation at Axial Seamount 2013-2014

    • Data from a Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder (SCPR) deployed at Axial Seamount from 2013 to 2015. This is seafloor height change (cm), converted from pressure (kPa), corrected for ocean tides and pressure gauge drift.
    • Date: 2015-08-25
  12. Collection

    Data from: Airborne observations of shoaling and breaking internal waves

    • This collection contains data presented in: "Airborne observations of shoaling and breaking internal waves." This includes a mosaic of sea surface temperature, spectral analysis of temperature structures, surface velocities, and areas undergoing breaking.
    • Date: 2015-08-01
  13. Collection

    Research based PAM50 Signature from the Women's Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) Study

    • PAM50 subtype calls, ROR risk groups and scores are provided.
    • Date: 2015-07-29 to 2015-11-06
  14. Collection

    An annotated checklist of the bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) of San Diego County, California

    • This database represents an ongoing survey to document all the bee species that occur within the bounds of San Diego County. As this project is still ongoing, the database will be updated periodically with additions and/or corrections.
    • Date: July 2015 to August 2020
  15. Collection

    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Open Data Initiative

    • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Data Science Institute shares some of LLNL’s challenging and unique data sets with the larger data science community through its Open Data Initiative.
    • Date: July 2015 to present
  16. Collection

    EarthCube User Scenario Collection

    • A collection of earth scientists' descriptions of their cyberinfrastructure needs, developed for the NSF EarthCube program.
    • Date: 2015-05-01 to 2016-09-01
  17. Collection

    Data from: Quantifying influence of human choice on the automated detection of Drosophila behavior by a supervised machine learning algorithm

    • This data collection contains original movie files, files derived from a tracking program (FlyTracker) and a machine learning-based behavioral classification suite (JAABA), and behavior classifiers for Drosophila social behaviors. These constitute source data of our publication (Leng, X., et al., 2020, in press). With our custom codes (available at, readers can reproduce all the results presented in the article.
    • Date: 2015-03 to 2018-09
  18. Collection

    D. B. Richardson Baja California Video Collection

    • The Californias Documentation Project includes professionally recorded interviews with renowned Baja California Peninsula travelers, scholars, explorers and scientists. The interviews are conducted by David Burrell Richardson, and produced by Richardson and filmmaker Isaac Artenstein.
    • Access: Restricted View
    • Date: 2015-2016
  19. Collection

    Data from: A Living Vector Field Reveals Constraints on Galactose Network Induction in Yeast

    • To study how cellular traits produce population phenotypes, we built living vector fields from single-cell timecourses of the proteins Gal3p and Gal1p as yeast switched to galactose from other nutrients. This collection has data and analysis codes.
    • Date: 2015 to 2016
  20. Collection

    Data from: Building Cultural Heritage Resilience through Remote Sensing: An Integrated Approach using Multi-temporal Site Monitoring, Datafication, and Web-GL Visualization

    • This collection integrates highly accurate 3D snapshots of Bodie's historic buildings before/after disturbance, or post-restoration, and other 3D geospatial data that were used to monitor and digitally preserve important cultural resources at Bodie California State Historic Park.
    • Date: 2015 and 2020