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  1. Collection

    Data from: Arctic ice-ocean interactions in an 8-to-2 kilometer resolution global model

    • This data collection represents all UH8to2 model data used for the publication "Arctic ice-ocean interactions in an 8-to-2 kilometer resolution global model". This includes ocean and sea ice characteristics from the 2017-2020 UH8to2 model run.
    • Date: Model representation: 2017 to 2020
  2. Collection

    Data from: Continuous Evaluation of Ligand Protein Predictions: A Weekly Community Challenge for Drug Docking

    • All structures and RMSDs used in Continuous Evaluation of Ligand Protein Predictions: A Weekly Community Challenge for Drug Docking are provided here.
    • Date: 2017 to 2018
  3. Collection

    Data from: Increasing STEM Undergraduate Participation in Innovative Activities: Field Experimental Evidence

    • Measures of performance on an innovation contest by whether or not participants receive randomized encouragement, and whether participants self-selected into the contest or joined after receiving a monetary inducement for doing so.
    • Date: 2017-01 to 2017-07
  4. Collection

    Data from: Multiscale Simulations Examining Glycan Shield Effects on Drug Binding to Influenza Neuraminidase

    • The input and output Brownian dynamics trajectories associated with this study.
    • Date: 2017 to 2020
  5. Collection

    Data from: Soft robotic steerable micro-catheter for the endovascular treatment of cerebral disorders

    • Results of analysis and experiment on steerable microcatheters and microguidewires, including video and raw data.
    • Date: 2017-01-01 to 2021-06-30
  6. Collection

    Data from: Structural basis for ligand modulation of the CCR2 conformational landscape

    • This collection contains the molecular dynamics trajectories and analysis scripts used in the paper “Structural basis for ligand modulation of the CCR2 conformational landscape”.
    • Date: 2017 to 2018
  7. Collection

    Pueblos Yucatecos

    • Audio Interviews, Transcriptions, and Photographs related to life in 5 rural communities in the state of Yucatan Mexico between the early 20th and early 21st centuries
    • Date: September 2017-
  8. Collection

    Tell Us How UC It: Course Curriculum and Events

    • The Tell Us How UC It project has consisted of a number of course collaborations from workshops to one-shot classes.
    • Date: 2017
  9. Collection

    Kastrouli Mycenaean Excavations, Greece 2016

    • Files relevant to the 2016 archaeological excavations of the site Kastrouli, Greece including artifact, photography, geospatial, and other data.
    • Date: 2016-07-20 to 2016-08-03
  10. Collection

    MITgcm 3-daily global sea surface temperature, ocean currents, nitrate and phytoplankton biomass (1992 - 2016)

    • 3-daily averaged sea surface temperature, ocean currents (u, v), nitrate and phytoplankton biomass for the 35 types in the top 10m of the model. Model output has been interpolated from the natural grid onto 1/5th degree resolution.
    • Date: May 2016
  11. Collection

    Data from: Who's Asking? Interviewer Coethnicity Effects in African Survey Data

    • This collection contains the code, data, and output files associated with the article indicated herein.
    • Date: 2012
  12. Collection

    Data from: Contrasting Local and Long-Range-Transported Warm Ice-Nucleating Particles During an Atmospheric River in Coastal California, USA

    • Data, modeling results and analyses supporting research into meteorology and ice nucleating particles.
    • Date: 2016-03-05 to 2018-05-01
  13. Collection

    Data from: Improved Forecast Skill through the Assimilation of Dropsonde Observations from the Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Program

    • This dataset are initial and boundary conditions generated by West-WRF implemented at Scripps Institution of Oceanography of UC San Diego for the Atmospheric River Reconnaissance dropsonde data denial experiments described in Zheng et al. 2021 (JGR). With this dataset, one should be able to repeat the WRF simulations for the NoDROP and WithDROP experiments using WRF V3.9.1.1.
    • Date: 2016-02-14 to 2019-03-01
  14. Collection

    Data from: Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Fractionation in the Products of Low-Temperature VUV Photodissociation of Carbon Monoxide

    • Carbon and oxygen isotopic fractionation during photodissociation by VUV photons. This Matlab based model only calculates the isotope effect in the self-shielding process and not by any other means (e.g., predissociation). Data files are included.
    • Date: 2016 to 2018
  15. Collection

    Data from: Eddy-induced acceleration of Lagrangian floats

    • Simulated Argo float positions computed using velocities from the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Phase II (ECCO2) project.
    • Date: 2016 to 2019
  16. Collection

    Data from: Implications of Byproduct Chemistry in Nanoparticle Synthesis

    • Absorption spectra of organic byproducts of tetrachloroaurate reduction by 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonate (MES) were calculated via time-dependent density functional theory. These include small organic molecules, organic MES oligomers, and Au(I) complexes.
    • Date: 2016 to 2018
  17. Collection

    Data from: Is the Mediterranean the New Rio Grande? U.S. and E.U. Immigration Pressures in the Long Run

    • This project uses a gravity-style model to project bilateral migration flows for the next 40 years. It shows that Europe—unlike the US—will face substantial, demographically driven migration pressures from across the Mediterranean for decades to come.
    • Date: 2016-01-01 to 2016-05-31
  18. Collection

    Data from: Superconductivity Found in Meteorites

    • This data details the discovery and analysis of superconducting material in two meteorites. These are the first superconducting materials found in extraterrestrial samples and the superconducting phases are characterized as alloys of lead, tin and indium.
    • Date: 2016 to 2019
  19. Collection

    N Equals One podcast

    • N Equals One: a podcast about science and discovery at UC San Diego Health. Episodes focus on the story of one project, one discovery or one scientist.
    • Date: 2016-2022