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  1. Collection

    Scripps Institution of Oceanography Lantern Slide Collection

    • A selection of slides from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Lantern Slide Collection, including images of local cliffs and beaches, the development of the campus, scientists, and research vessels.
    • Date: 1908-1940
  2. Collection

    Scripps Institution of Oceanography Letters, Clippings, Ships' Logs

    • Images of historical documents about Scripps expeditions.
    • Date: 1873-1987
  3. Collection

    Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Geological Collections

    • A growing archive of sea-floor samples and associated data supporting a diverse variety of scientific research.
    • Date: 1950 to 2006
  4. Collection

    Scripps O2 Program Data

    • The Scripps O2 Program website at provides access to openly available atmospheric O2/N2 ratio and CO2 concentration data from various sources along with graphics. Redundant copies of the atmospheric O2/N2 and CO2 data from 12 sampling stations are being deposited here, through the UC San Diego Library, to provide enhanced discovery, long-term accessibility, and preservation. The latest data archives from the 10 active stations are added to this collection as they become available.
    • Date: 1989 to present
  5. Collection

    Scripps-KAUST Regional Integrated Prediction System (SKRIPS)

    • A regional coupled ocean–atmosphere model (based on MITgm, WRF, and ESMF) to study air--sea feedbacks.
    • Date: 2019
  6. Collection

    SeaFET & SeapHOx

    • Documentation for SeaFET and SeapHOx oceanographic sensors.
    • Date: 2008 to 2021
  7. Collection

    Selected Newsreels

    • Yearly highlights including, but limited to major national and international news, important events and major public figures.
    • Access: Restricted to UC San Diego use only
    • Date: 1941-1969
  8. Collection

    Shore Stations Program Data Archive: Current and historical coastal ocean temperature and salinity measurements from California stations

    • Data from the Shore Stations Program consists of current and historical daily, manual measurements of surface temperature and salinity from the nine active stations located on the California coastline.
    • Date: 1916 to present
  9. Collection

    SIO Archive Film Collection

    • This collection contains films documenting Scripps Institution of Oceanography research, expeditions, and campus history. The collection also includes training and introductory science films created by the U.S. Navy.
    • Date: 1940-1983
  10. Collection

    SIO Centennial Oral Histories

    • A collection of sound recordings and transcripts of interviews with six Scripps Institution of Oceanography scientists, conducted for the SIO Centennial Oral History Project.
    • Date: 1998-2002