Library Digital Collections

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  1. Collection

    Data from: Cusp and mega cusp observations on a mixed sediment beach

    • The dataset contains elevation rasters and gravel/cobble locations (North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83), North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88)).
    • Date: 2018 to 2019
  2. Collection

    Data from: Cyclic(Alkyl)(Amino)Carbene Ligands Enable Cu-Catalyzed Markovnikov Protoboration and Protosilylation of Terminal Alkynes: A Versatile Portal to Functionalized Alkenes

    • Included are the Gaussian output files (.chk, .fchk, and .log) from DFT calculations on the free carbenes explored in the protoboration and protosilylation of alkynes.
    • Date: 2020 to 2021
  3. Collection

    Data from: Diminished efficacy of regional marine cloud brightening in a warmer world

    • Marine cloud brightening simulation output generated using the Community Earth System Model (CESM) version 2.2 described in Wan et al. (accepted).
    • Date: 2022-04 to 2023-12
  4. Collection

    Data from: DNA damage induced during mitosis undergoes DNA repair synthesis

    • A study of the DNA repair response to laser-induced DNA damage in selected mitotic chromosomes.
    • Date: 2010 to 2019
  5. Collection

    Data from: Drift-Corrected Seafloor Vertical Deformation at Axial Seamount 2013-2014

    • Data from a Self-Calibrating Pressure Recorder (SCPR) deployed at Axial Seamount from 2013 to 2015. This is seafloor height change (cm), converted from pressure (kPa), corrected for ocean tides and pressure gauge drift.
    • Date: 2015-08-25
  6. Collection

    Data from: Eddy-induced acceleration of Lagrangian floats

    • Simulated Argo float positions computed using velocities from the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Phase II (ECCO2) project.
    • Date: 2016 to 2019
  7. Collection

    Data from: Effect of atmospheric forcing resolution on simulated mixed layer depth in the North Pacific

    • This dataset contains daily output from two eddying ocean simulations in the North Pacific. The two experiments have the same configuration except for the atmospheric forcing resolution.
    • Date: 2014 to 2018
  8. Collection

    Data from: Electrostatic interactions as mediators in the allosteric activation of PKA RIalpha

    • Molecular dynamics input files, trajectories and analysis scripts used in the paper "Electrostatic interactions as mediators in the allosteric network of PKA RIalpha".
    • Date: 2015-09-15
  9. Collection

    Data from: Enhanced surf zone and wave runup observations with hovering drone-mounted LiDAR

    • Drone LiDAR data obtained during the SCaRP field experiment of Winter 2019-2020 at Torrey Pines State Beach in San Diego, California, USA.
    • Date: 2019-12-14 to 2020-02-24
  10. Collection

    Data from: Episodic Southern Ocean heat loss and its mixed layer impacts revealed by the furthest south multi-year surface flux mooring

    • This dataset contains Quality Controlled daily mean air-sea heat flux estimates from the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Southern Ocean mooring site for the period 2015 to 2017, as used in the analysis of Ogle et al. 2018 (doi:10.1029/2017GL076909)
    • Date: 2015 to 2017
  11. Collection

    Data from: Exploration and Explanation in Computational Notebooks

    • Analysis of approximately 1.25 million Jupyter Notebooks downloaded from public repositories on GitHub in July 2017.
    • Date: July 2017
  12. Collection

    Data from: Feasibility of continuous fever monitoring using wearable devices

    • Sixty-five continuous days of data at one-minute resolution covering fifty individuals reporting COVID-19 infections starting on day 45 in the data set.
    • Date: 2020-03 to 2020-06
  13. Collection

    Data from: Four Atmospheric Circulation Regimes Over the North Pacific and Their Relationship to California Precipitation on Daily to Seasonal Timescales

    • This dataset contains four indices of daily atmospheric variability associated with four circulation regimes over the North Pacific, which have been identified as essential drivers of atmospheric river landfall variability and California precipitation.
    • Date: 2018
  14. Collection

    Data from: Genuine Carbene Versus Carbene-Like Reactivity

    • Optimized geometries, frequencies, and single point calculations for reactants, products, reaction intermediates, and transition states involved in forming cyclic(aryl)(amino)carbene-metal complexes and decomposition products.
    • Date: 2023-04 to 2023-11
  15. Collection

    Data from: Harmonic Analysis of Non-Phase-Locked Tides with Red Noise Using the red_tide Package

    • Data, functions, and scripts associated with "Harmonic Analysis of Non-Phase-Locked Tides with Red Noise Using the red_tide Package" (Kachelein et al. 2022).
    • Date: 2010 to 2021
  16. Collection

    Data from: Ice break-up controls dissipation of wind-waves across Southern Ocean sea ice

    • In situ wave observations and WaveWatch III model output for Ardhuin et al. (2020).
    • Date: 2018-05 to 2018-07
  17. Collection

    Data from: Identification of weakly- to strongly-turbulent three-wave processes in a micro-scale system

    • Height of water surface at center of 40uL sessile drop at 115,200fps for ~1s during actuation by ~7MHz thickness mode ultrasound. Each data set was taken at the indicated ultrasound input power level (from 0-350 mW).
    • Date: 2021-11-28 to 2022-01-18
  18. Collection

    Data from: Immersive Visualization and Curation of Archaeological Heritage Data: Çatalhöyük and the Dig@IT App

    • The purpose of this collection is to curate online all the 3D models and related metadata representing the three-dimensional stratigraphy of Çatalhöyük Building 89 as they are disseminated through the open source virtual reality application Dig@IT.
    • Date: 2011 to 2015
  19. Collection

    Data from: Impact of Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Dropsonde Data on the Assimilation of Satellite Data in GFS

    • This collection are the satellite radiance data from the data denial experiments for the 2020 atmospheric river reconnaissance. The data are generated by the NCEP GDAS system during January 24 – March 18, 2020, corresponding to analyses in Zheng et al. 2022.
    • Date: 2020-01-24 to 2020-03-18
  20. Collection

    Data from: Impacts of Dropsonde Observations on Forecasts of Atmospheric Rivers and Associated Precipitation in the NCEP GFS and ECMWF IFS models

    • ECMWF and NCEP IVT and precipitation data from control forecasts and data denial forecasts (without dropsondes assimilated) for Atmospheric River Reconnaissance (AR recon) 2019 and 2020.
    • Date: 2019-02-01 to 2019-03-01 and 2020-01-24 to 2020-03-16
  21. Collection

    Data from: Implications of Byproduct Chemistry in Nanoparticle Synthesis

    • Absorption spectra of organic byproducts of tetrachloroaurate reduction by 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonate (MES) were calculated via time-dependent density functional theory. These include small organic molecules, organic MES oligomers, and Au(I) complexes.
    • Date: 2016 to 2018
  22. Collection

    Data from: Improved Forecast Skill through the Assimilation of Dropsonde Observations from the Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Program

    • This dataset are initial and boundary conditions generated by West-WRF implemented at Scripps Institution of Oceanography of UC San Diego for the Atmospheric River Reconnaissance dropsonde data denial experiments described in Zheng et al. 2021 (JGR). With this dataset, one should be able to repeat the WRF simulations for the NoDROP and WithDROP experiments using WRF V3.9.1.1.
    • Date: 2016-02-14 to 2019-03-01
  23. Collection

    Data from: Increasing STEM Undergraduate Participation in Innovative Activities: Field Experimental Evidence

    • Measures of performance on an innovation contest by whether or not participants receive randomized encouragement, and whether participants self-selected into the contest or joined after receiving a monetary inducement for doing so.
    • Date: 2017-01 to 2017-07
  24. Collection

    Data from: Influence of Carbene and Phosphine Ligands on the Catalytic Activity of Gold Complexes in the Hydroamination and Hydrohydrazination of Alkynes

    • Several carbene structures and reaction intermediates for the Au catalyzed hydroamination of alkynes were calculated with Density Functional Theory Methods.
    • Date: 2019 to 2020
  25. Collection

    Data from: Instrumented Wave Gliders for Air-Sea Interaction and Upper Ocean Research

    • This collection regroups data sets collected during four major field programs from 2013 to 2020 from a fleet of Wave Gliders specifically designed and instrumented for air-sea interaction and upper ocean observations by the Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
    • Date: 2013 to 2020
  26. Collection

    Data from: Interannual variations in meltwater input to the Southern Ocean from Antarctic ice shelves

    • Height changes and basal melt rates of Antarctic ice shelves from satellite remote sensing, 1994–2018.
    • Date: 1994 to 2018
  27. Collection

    Data from: Internal tide structure and temporal variability on the reflective continental slope of southeastern Tasmania

    • This collection contains in situ data (from 3 moorings and 1 CTD/LADCP station) from the Tasman Tidal Dissipation Experiment (T-TIDE) that was analyzed in Marques et al. (2020).
    • Date: From 2015-01 to 2015-03
  28. Collection

    Data from: Is the Mediterranean the New Rio Grande? U.S. and E.U. Immigration Pressures in the Long Run

    • This project uses a gravity-style model to project bilateral migration flows for the next 40 years. It shows that Europe—unlike the US—will face substantial, demographically driven migration pressures from across the Mediterranean for decades to come.
    • Date: 2016-01-01 to 2016-05-31
  29. Collection

    Data from: Latent profile analysis of objectively measured sleep, physical activity, and sedentary time and associations with health in adult women

    • This dataset represents the analysis variables for a group of 372 women collected at 4 different sites across the United States, including sleep quality, physical activity and sedentary behaviors.
    • Date: 2012-10-10 to 2014-01-13
  30. Collection

    Data from: Lineage tracing shows that cell size asymmetries predict the dorsoventral axis in the sea star embryo

    • Microscopy data relative to measurements of cell sizes in early embryos of 3 echinoderm species (Patiria miniata, Lytechinus pictus and Patiriella regularis) and to lineage tracing experiments in the sea star Patiria miniata.
    • Date: 2018 to 2022
  31. Collection

    Data from: Machine learning for daily forecasts of Arctic sea-ice motion: an attribution assessment of model predictive skill

    • MATLAB R2021b, Python and bash files used for data download and analysis. Processed data and MATLAB R2021b plotting files.
    • Date: 1989 to 2021
  32. Collection

    Data from: Measuring Seafloor Strain with an Optical Fiber Interferometer

    • A 95.5 day long record of earth strain collected on the seafloor 95 km offshore Oregon was collected (ocean depth was 1910 m). The instrument used was a 200-m-long optical fiber cable, stretched between two anchors in an east-west line.
    • Date: 2015-10-24 to 2016-01-27
  33. Collection

    Data from: Mechanisms of heat flux across the Southern Greenland continental shelf in 1/10° and 1/12° ocean/sea ice simulations

    • Volume and heat fluxes across the Greenland continental shelf in two eddy-active coupled ocean/sea-ice simulations.
    • Date: 2005 to 2009
  34. Collection

    Data from: Mesopelagic fishes dominate otolith record of past two millennia in the Santa Barbara Basin

    • Two data files for Santa Barbara Basin, (1) individual fossil otolith data (geometric measurements, shape characteristics and elemental composition); (2) time series of otolith deposition rate and climate proxies.
    • Date: 1993 to 2015
  35. Collection

    Data from: Metabolic rates in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon during the 2020 Southern California red tide event

    • A time series from autonomous SeapHOx sensors (pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, temperature, and pressure) in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, captured baseline conditions in 2018 and the effects of a massive red tide occurring along the Southern & Baja California coast during the spring of 2020.
    • Date: 2018-11-02 to 2018-12-24 and 2020-02-05 to 2020-06-14
  36. Collection

    Data from: Multi-Source Feature Fusion for Object Detection Association in Connected Vehicle Environments

    • This dataset contains labeled virtual and real-world examples of object detection association in a connected vehicle environment.
    • Date: 2020 to 2022
  37. Collection

    Data from: Multiscale Estimation of Binding Kinetics Using Brownian Dynamics, Molecular Dynamics and Milestoning

    • The kinetic rate constants of four biochemically relevant ligand-receptor systems were estimated and described in a publication. This collection includes input files, output files, trajectories, and statistics associated with the study.
    • Date: 2013 to 2015
  38. Collection

    Data from: Multiscale Modeling Shows How 2'-deoxy-ATP Rescues Ventricular Function in Heart Failure

    • Molecular dynamics simulations of myosin (1QVI) carried out with either ATP or dATP bound from the manuscript "Multiscale modeling shows how 2'-deoxy-ATP rescues ventricular function in heart failure"
    • Date: 2020 to 2022
  39. Collection

    Data from: Multiscale Simulations Examining Glycan Shield Effects on Drug Binding to Influenza Neuraminidase

    • The input and output Brownian dynamics trajectories associated with this study.
    • Date: 2017 to 2020
  40. Collection

    Data from: Near-Inertial Surface Currents Around Islands

    • This collection contains numerical model output from a linear 1.5-layer reduced gravity model. These simulations are presented in Siegelman et al. (2022), which examines the behavior of near-inertial surface currents around circular islands.
    • Date: 2019 to 2021
  41. Collection

    Data from: NetSci: A Library for High Performance Biomolecular Simulation Network Analysis Computation

    • This collection contains trajectory and molecular dynamics simulation output data for NetSci: A Library for High Performance Biomolecular Simulation Network Analysis Computation.
    • Date: 2022-01-01 to 2024-04-01
  42. Collection

    Data from: North American Monsoon Impacts Southern California’s Coastal Low Clouds

    • This collection contains data from "North American Monsoon Impacts Southern California’s Coastal Low Clouds" (Clemesha et al. 2023). Data files include: satellite-derived Coastal Low Cloudiness (CLC) for May - September 1996 - 2020, seasonal cycle fit of CLC used to create daily anomalies, San Diego airport cloud cover, precipitable water content from 850 to 300 hPa from observations in southern and northern California, a previously published single column model radiative scheme with input and outputs files used in this study.
    • Date: May through September, 1996 to 2020
  43. Collection

    Data from: Observations and Modeling of Ocean Circulation in the Seychelles Plateau Region

    • This collection contains raw and processed data from a variety of velocity, pressure, temperature and salinity sensors deployed from December 2016 to March 2019 over the Seychelles Plateau and a subset of an Ocean General Circulation POP model from the South Tropical Indian Ocean.
    • Date: Data: 2015 to 2019; Model: 1993 to 2009
  44. Collection

    Data from: Observations and Numerical Simulations of the Onset and Growth of Langmuir Circulations

    • This collection contains data from observations and numerical simulations of Langmuir circulations, along with the relevant routines to generate figures in Andriatis et al. 2024.
    • Date: 2020-11-04 to 2020-11-25
  45. Collection

    Data from: Observations of Double Diffusive Staircase Edges in the Arctic Ocean

    • CTD profiles collected in the Canada Basin with a Shallow Water Integrated Mapping System (SWIMS).
    • Date: 2015-09-18 to 2015-09-20
  46. Collection

    Data from: Observations of strongly modulated surface wave and wave breaking statistics at a submesoscale front

    • This collection contains data presented in Vrecica et al 2021, including an overview of a submesoscale front, wave statistics, and wave breaking statistics.
    • Date: 2018-04-17
  47. Collection

    Data from: Observations of surface cobbles at two southern California beaches

    • Beach elevations were surveyed quarterly between January 2008 and July 2018 on cross-shore transects from the back beach to about 8 m water depth using GPS equipped vehicles.
    • Date: 2008 to 2018
  48. Collection

    Data from: Observations of Surface Gravity Wave Spectra from Moving Platforms

    • This collection consists of ocean and atmospheric observations (e.g., waves and winds) collected off the coast of San Diego and San Francisco California from instrumented Boeing Liquid Robotics SV3 Wave Gliders.
    • Date: 2020-09-01 to 2021-11-04
  49. Collection

    Data from: Observations of Tidally Driven Turbulence over Steep, Small-scale Topography Embedded in the Tasman Slope

    • In-situ observations from the Tasman Tidal Dissipation Experiment (TTIDE) collected around a small-scale bump embedded in the continental slope of Tasmania.
    • Date: 2015-01 to 2015-03
  50. Collection

    Data from: Ocean Surface Salinity Response to Atmospheric River Precipitation in the California Current System

    • Oceanic and atmospheric measurements, reanalysis and modeled outputs in the California Current System.
    • Date: 1992 to 2019
  51. Collection

    Data from: Overcrowded Housing Reduces COVID-19 Mitigation Measures and Lowers Emotional Health Among San Diego Refugees from September to November of 2020

    • Data for the present cross-sectional study were collected between September 2020 and November 2020 as part of PANA’s biannual community survey to address the primary research question: What is the association between housing and COVID-19 vulnerability?
    • Date: 2020-09 to 2020-11
  52. Collection

    Data from: Plankton energy flows using a global size-structured and trait-based model

    • This collection includes a global 20 year (1990-2009) climatology of diagnostic and prognostic variables for the Size-based Plankton Ecological TRAits (MARBL-SPECTRA) model.
    • Date: 1990 to 2009
  53. Collection

    Data from: Prediction of Threonine-Tyrosine Kinase Receptor-Ligand Unbinding Kinetics with Multiscale Milestoning and Metadynamics

    • Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) and threonine tyrosine kinase (TTK) simulation enabled estimation of kinetic rates (SEEKR) calculations using both steered molecular dynamics and metadynamics.
    • Date: 2022-05 to 2024-06
  54. Collection

    Data from: QMrebind: Incorporating quantum mechanical force field reparameterization at the ligand binding site for improved drug-target kinetics through milestoning simulations

    • The data set contains the files necessary to recalculate/reproduce the unbinding rates of ligands for the model host-guest systems and Hsp90-inhibitor complexes in the paper "QMrebind: Incorporating quantum mechanical force field reparameterization at the ligand binding site for improved drug-target kinetics through milestoning simulations."
    • Date: 2021 to 2023
  55. Collection

    Data from: Quantifying Bioluminescent Light Intensity in Breaking Waves using Numerical Simulations

    • This collection features velocity, volume fraction, and velocity gradient data interpolated onto a uniform Cartesian grid, along with Basilisk code for simulating breaking waves and Julia code for simulating bioluminescence.
    • Date: 2024
  56. Collection

    Data from: Quantifying influence of human choice on the automated detection of Drosophila behavior by a supervised machine learning algorithm

    • This data collection contains original movie files, files derived from a tracking program (FlyTracker) and a machine learning-based behavioral classification suite (JAABA), and behavior classifiers for Drosophila social behaviors. These constitute source data of our publication (Leng, X., et al., 2020, in press). With our custom codes (available at, readers can reproduce all the results presented in the article.
    • Date: 2015-03 to 2018-09
  57. Collection

    Data from: Quantitative regional observations of the geological influence on primary sandy beaches

    • The dataset includes mapped beach elevations, and gravel/bedrock locations in GeoTIFF format.
    • Date: 2017-10-01 to 2021-03-31
  58. Collection

    Data from Scripps Research Expeditions 1953-2005

    • Data and documents from Scripps Institution of Oceanography research vessel expeditions from 1953-2005, including geophysical, water column, and sea surface measurements.
    • Date: 1953 to 2005
  59. Collection

    Data from: Seasonal cycle and annual reversal of the Somali Current in an eddy-resolving global ocean model

    • The dataset includes a subset of model output from a global 0.1-deg CORE-II forced POP simulation near the region of the Arabian Sea, supporting the Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans article with the same name.
    • Date: 2005 to 2009
  60. Collection

    Data from: SEEKR2: Versatile Multiscale Milestoning Utilizing the OpenMM Molecular Dynamics Engine

    • This data set contains the files necessary to recreate the results in the paper "SEEKR2: Versatile Multiscale Milestoning Utilizing the OpenMM Molecular Dynamics Engine".
    • Date: 2020-08 to 2022-03
  61. Collection

    Data from: Selectivity and ranking of tight-binding JAK-STAT inhibitors using Markovian milestoning with Voronoi tessellations

    • The data contains the Simulation Enabled Estimation of Kinetic Rates (SEEKR) simulations for the JAK2 and JAK3-ligand complexes with instructions to compute the residence times of the ligands in these complexes.
    • Date: 2020 to 2022
  62. Collection

    Data from: Sensitivities of the West Greenland Current to Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwater in a Mesoscale Ocean/Sea Ice Model

    • Diagnostics from a high-resolution global coupled ocean/sea-ice (POP/CICE5) simulations. Diagnostics are calculated based on 1992-1993 for three meltwater forcing experiments: a control run, surface forcing, and spread forcing.
    • Date: Model creation: 2016 to 2023. Model representation: 1992 to 1993
  63. Collection

    Data from: Short-term variability of atmospheric helium revealed through a cryo-enrichment method

    • He/N2 observations from Scripps Pier and supplementary O2/N2, Ar/N2 and CO2 data.
    • Date: 2022-04-23 to 2022-05-25
  64. Collection

    Data from: Soft robotic steerable micro-catheter for the endovascular treatment of cerebral disorders

    • Results of analysis and experiment on steerable microcatheters and microguidewires, including video and raw data.
    • Date: 2017-01-01 to 2021-06-30
  65. Collection

    Data from: Southern California Coastal Response to the 2015-16 El Niño

    • Airborne lidar datasets collected on 6-October-2015 and 22-March-2016, and processed into 1-m resolution digital elevation models.
    • Date: 2015 to 2016
  66. Collection

    Data from: Spatial Analysis and Heritage Conservation: Leveraging 3-D Data and GIS for Monitoring Çatalhöyük Earthen Architecture

    • This collection includes the remote sensing dataset recorded at Çatalhöyük, Turkey, between 2012-2017. The deterioration of earthen architecture through time was assessed by comparing these 3-D data and with geo spatial methods.
    • Date: 2012 to 2017
  67. Collection

    Data from: Structural basis for ligand modulation of the CCR2 conformational landscape

    • This collection contains the molecular dynamics trajectories and analysis scripts used in the paper “Structural basis for ligand modulation of the CCR2 conformational landscape”.
    • Date: 2017 to 2018
  68. Collection

    Data from: Superconductivity Found in Meteorites

    • This data details the discovery and analysis of superconducting material in two meteorites. These are the first superconducting materials found in extraterrestrial samples and the superconducting phases are characterized as alloys of lead, tin and indium.
    • Date: 2016 to 2019
  69. Collection

    Data from: Technical Note: Stability of tris pH buffer in artificial seawater stored in bags

    • pH and total dissolved inorganic carbon measurements from tris buffer in artificial seawater stored in gas impermeable bags.
    • Date: 2018-05-24 to 2019-12-20
  70. Collection

    Data from: The Agricultural Productivity Gap

    • Dataset contains data by country for about 150 countries on GDP per capita, employment share in agriculture, value added share in agriculture, agricultural productivity gap, average hours worked, years of schooling, and human capital.
    • Date: 1988 to 2011
  71. Collection

    Data from: The Impact of Job Training on Temporary Worker Performance: Field Experimental Evidence from Insurance Sales Agents

    • Data and Stata script used to generate the analysis presented in "The Impact of Job Training on Temporary Worker Performance: Field Experimental Evidence from Insurance Sales Agents."
    • Date: 2015-01-01 to 2016-02-29
  72. Collection

    Data from: The influence of a cross-reef channel on the wave-driven setup and circulation at Ipan, Guam

    • Currents, waves and water level observations from a shallow and wide shore-attached fringing reef at Ipan, Guam collected over a seven-week study period.
    • Date: 2011 to 2012
  73. Collection

    Data from: The Influence of Cloudiness on Hydrologic Fluctuations in the Mountains of the Western United States

    • Daily cloud cover indices derived from 4x4 km GOES visible albedo product for snow pillow sites and stream gauges in the mountains of the western U.S.
    • Date: 1996-01-01 to 2015-12-31
  74. Collection

    Data from: The influence of C(sp3)H-Selenium Interactions on the 77Se NMR Quantification of the π-Accepting Properties of Carbenes

    • The frequency and population analysis results for several 5- and 6-membered carbenes. Structures are unsimplified from those used experimentally.
    • Date: 2020-02 to 2020-07
  75. Collection

    Data from: The Oceanic Barrier Layer in the Eastern Indian Ocean as a Predictor for Rainfall over Indonesia and Australia

    • This collection consists of E3SMv0 model and variety of observational data and scripts in support of relevant manuscript focused on the relationship of the barrier layer in a region West of Sumatra and the terrestrial rainfall over Indonesia and Australia.
    • Date: 2018 to 2020
  76. Collection

    Data from: The relations between sleep, time of physical activity, and time outdoors among adult women

    • Exploring the relation between physical activity, time spent outdoors and sleep quality and duration.
    • Date: 2012-10-10 to 2014-01-13
  77. Collection

    Data from: The Seasonal Cycle of Significant Wave Height in the Ocean: Local Versus Remote Forcing

    • This collection consists of NetCDF files that contain intermediate products derived from observer and modelled data produced by the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) and Remote Sensing Systems, corresponding to analysis by Colosi et al. (2021).
    • Date: 1993-01-01 to 2016-12-31
  78. Collection

    Data from: Toward Enhanced Reusability: A Comparative Analysis of Metadata for Machine Learning Objects and Their Characteristics in Generalist and Specialist Repositories

    • This dataset contains data reported in the paper, Labou et al. 2023, which aims to understand how researchers are currently documenting machine learning (ML) research outputs for sharing, and the extent to which repository metadata fields enable reuse of ML objects.
    • Date: 2021 to 2023
  79. Collection

    Data from: Toward probabilistic post-fire debris-flow hazard decision support

    • For a Southern CA domain, from a 24-hour lead time forecast using the WRF model, on a 1-km grid for 100 ensemble members: 5-minute precipitation output for 12 UTC 8 Jan. 2018 to 12 UTC 10 Jan. 2018 and 12 UTC 1 Feb. 2019 to 12 UTC 3 Feb. 2019.
    • Date: 2022-01-01 to 2022-02-28
  80. Collection

    Data from: Towards Implementing AI Post-processing in Weather and Climate: Proposed Actions from the Oxford 2019 Workshop

    • We present an open-access experimental testbed database of clean weather and climate data on which traditional methods have been implemented, in order to set benchmarking points for the rapid development of new machine learning methods.
    • Date: 2018 to 2020
  81. Collection

    Data from: Trade-offs in motivating volunteer effort: Experimental evidence on voluntary contributions to science

    • Data used in the analysis reported in "Trade-offs in motivating volunteer effort: Experimental evidence on voluntary contributions to science" (Lyons & Zhang, 2019).
    • Date: 2017-06 to 2017-08
  82. Collection

    Data from: Unexpected failure of regional marine cloud brightening in a warmer world

    • Marine cloud brightening simulation output generated using the Community Earth System Model (CESM) version 2.2 described in Wan et al., (submitted).
    • Date: 2022-04 to 2023-04
  83. Collection

    Data from: Urbanization-induced habitat fragmentation erodes multiple components of temporal diversity in a Southern California native bee assemblage

    • A dataset of bees and plants in coastal sage scrub reserves and habitat fragments in coastal San Diego County, collected by PhD student Keng-Lou James Hung in 2011 and 2012.
    • Date: 2011-04-12 to 2012-08-13
  84. Collection

    Data from: Using a Lagrangian particle tracking model to evaluate impacts of El Niño-related advection on euphausiids in the southern California Current System

    • These supplemental animations depict particle backtracks for six euphausiid species sampled in the southern California Current System in spring, 2008-2017. The particle model runs four months backward to determine winter water mass origins.
    • Date: 2007-11-01 to 2017-03-31
  85. Collection

    Data from: Validation of geodetic seafloor benchmark stability using structure-from-motion and seafloor pressure data

    • Data used to validate structure-from-motion underwater as a potential geodetic site imaging tool by confirming 3D modeled measurements with well-constrained heights determined from pressure measurements.
    • Date: 2017-09-06
  86. Collection

    Data from: Wave-Current Interactions at Meso and Submesoscales: Insights from Idealized Numerical Simulations

    • This collection contains output from idealized simulations of wave-current interactions produced using the wave model WAVEWATCH III and analyzed by Villas Bôas et al. (2020) [doi:10.1175/JPO-D-20-0151.1]. The data can be used in conjunction with the open-source code [] to reproduce all figures in the paper.
    • Date: 2019 to 2020
  87. Collection

    Data from: Wave-tide interaction for a strongly modulated wave field

    • This collection contains the data sets and code required to generate each figure presented in the publication Ho, A., Merrifield, S. M., and Pizzo, N. (2022). Wave-tide interaction for a strongly modulated wave field. Journal of Physical Oceanography.
    • Date: 2020-08-01 to 2021-08-01
  88. Collection

    Data from: 'Whale Wave': shifting strategies structure the complex use of critical fjord habitat by humpbacks

    • This collection contains the data, R programming files, and detailed protocols for various aspects of analysis for the publication: Keen et al. 2016. "Whale Wave": shifting strategies structure the complex use of critical fjord habitat by humpbacks.
    • Date: 2005 to 2015
  89. Collection

    Data from: Who's Asking? Interviewer Coethnicity Effects in African Survey Data

    • This collection contains the code, data, and output files associated with the article indicated herein.
    • Date: 2012
  90. Collection

    Data Science & Engineering Master of Advanced Study (DSE MAS) Capstone Projects

    • This collection contains the capstone projects for the Data Science & Engineering (DSE) Master of Advanced Study (MAS) program at UC San Diego.
    • Date: 2019 to present
  91. Collection

    dataMares Collection

    • DataMares holds a massive amount of fishery, reef, mangrove, and other data pertaining to the ecology of Mexico, particularly coastal and marine ecosystems of the Gulf of California, and delivers this information in an interactive and digestible manner.
    • Date: 1998 to present
  92. Collection

    dataMares: Ecological Monitoring

    • This collection contains databases from regular surveys conducted to track annual changes in the structure, function, and health of marine ecosystems, as well as organisms like fishes and invertebrates at numerous island and coastal sites.
    • Date: 1998 to present
  93. Collection

    dataMares: Ecosystem Dynamics

    • The datasets in this collection are used for analyses on relationships between different ecosystems, as well as humans and the habitats surrounding us, to elucidate the impact that anthropogenic activities have on the environment.
    • Date: 2014 to present
  94. Collection

    dataMares: Fisheries

    • This collection contains robust, high-quality scientific information related to Mexico-specific ocean fisheries and their relationship to marine reserves, coastal and marine ecosystems, and climate change. It also contains datasets with information on fishing activities collected with the participation of local fishermen.
    • Date: 1950-01-01 to present
  95. Collection

    David Bromige Papers: Selections

    • Audiovisual recordings from the collection of poet David Bromige.
    • Access: Some items restricted
    • Date: 1960-2009
  96. Collection

    Digital Media Lab

    • This collection includes a range of 3D media projects created by the UC San Diego Library Digital Media Lab.
    • Date: 2020-01-02
  97. Collection

    Discoveries (La Jolla, San Diego, Calif.)

    • Discoveries is the annual magazine of UC San Diego Health Sciences, reflecting their vision to create a healthier world – one life at a time – through new sciences, new medicine and new cures.
    • Date: 2010-present
  98. Collection

    Dr. Seuss Advertising Artwork

    • Advertising artwork created by Theodor Seuss Geisel, author and illustrator known internationally as Dr. Seuss.
    • Date: 1920s-1950s
  99. Collection

    Dr. Seuss Collection

    • Images by Theodor Seuss Geisel digitized from originals in the UC San Diego collections.
    • Date: 1940-1943