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  1. Collection

    Data from: Implications of Byproduct Chemistry in Nanoparticle Synthesis

    • Absorption spectra of organic byproducts of tetrachloroaurate reduction by 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonate (MES) were calculated via time-dependent density functional theory. These include small organic molecules, organic MES oligomers, and Au(I) complexes.
    • Date: 2016 to 2018
  2. Collection

    Data from: Improved Forecast Skill through the Assimilation of Dropsonde Observations from the Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Program

    • This dataset are initial and boundary conditions generated by West-WRF implemented at Scripps Institution of Oceanography of UC San Diego for the Atmospheric River Reconnaissance dropsonde data denial experiments described in Zheng et al. 2021 (JGR). With this dataset, one should be able to repeat the WRF simulations for the NoDROP and WithDROP experiments using WRF V3.9.1.1.
    • Date: 2016-02-14 to 2019-03-01
  3. Collection

    Data from: Increasing STEM Undergraduate Participation in Innovative Activities: Field Experimental Evidence

    • Measures of performance on an innovation contest by whether or not participants receive randomized encouragement, and whether participants self-selected into the contest or joined after receiving a monetary inducement for doing so.
    • Date: 2017-01 to 2017-07
  4. Collection

    Data from: Influence of Carbene and Phosphine Ligands on the Catalytic Activity of Gold Complexes in the Hydroamination and Hydrohydrazination of Alkynes

    • Several carbene structures and reaction intermediates for the Au catalyzed hydroamination of alkynes were calculated with Density Functional Theory Methods.
    • Date: 2019 to 2020
  5. Collection

    Data from: Instrumented Wave Gliders for Air-Sea Interaction and Upper Ocean Research

    • This collection regroups data sets collected during four major field programs from 2013 to 2020 from a fleet of Wave Gliders specifically designed and instrumented for air-sea interaction and upper ocean observations by the Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
    • Date: 2013 to 2020
  6. Collection

    Data from: Interannual variations in meltwater input to the Southern Ocean from Antarctic ice shelves

    • Height changes and basal melt rates of Antarctic ice shelves from satellite remote sensing, 1994–2018.
    • Date: 1994 to 2018
  7. Collection

    Data from: Internal tide structure and temporal variability on the reflective continental slope of southeastern Tasmania

    • This collection contains in situ data (from 3 moorings and 1 CTD/LADCP station) from the Tasman Tidal Dissipation Experiment (T-TIDE) that was analyzed in Marques et al. (2020).
    • Date: From 2015-01 to 2015-03
  8. Collection

    Data from: Is the Mediterranean the New Rio Grande? U.S. and E.U. Immigration Pressures in the Long Run

    • This project uses a gravity-style model to project bilateral migration flows for the next 40 years. It shows that Europe—unlike the US—will face substantial, demographically driven migration pressures from across the Mediterranean for decades to come.
    • Date: 2016-01-01 to 2016-05-31
  9. Collection

    Data from: Latent profile analysis of objectively measured sleep, physical activity, and sedentary time and associations with health in adult women

    • This dataset represents the analysis variables for a group of 372 women collected at 4 different sites across the United States, including sleep quality, physical activity and sedentary behaviors.
    • Date: 2012-10-10 to 2014-01-13
  10. Collection

    Data from: Lineage tracing shows that cell size asymmetries predict the dorsoventral axis in the sea star embryo

    • Microscopy data relative to measurements of cell sizes in early embryos of 3 echinoderm species (Patiria miniata, Lytechinus pictus and Patiriella regularis) and to lineage tracing experiments in the sea star Patiria miniata.
    • Date: 2018 to 2022