Charles David Keeling Papers, 1934-2006 (bulk 1955-2000) (SMC 99)

Restrictions: Three subseries in the collection are restricted until five years after passing of Louise Keeling, by request of the Keeling family: subseries 1B (Biographical - Restricted), subseries 2D (Family Correspondence - Restricted), and subseries 9C (Del Mar - Restricted). Interim access may be granted with permission of Ralph Keeling at Scripps.
Restrictions: Original media formats are restricted. Viewing/listening copies may be available for researchers.

Extent: 117.6 Linear feet (218 archives boxes, 2 card file boxes, 28 records cartons, 2 flat boxes, and 4 map case folders), + 1 GB of digital files

Digital Content

36 photographic images of Keeling are available online. They can be found by searching the term "SMC 99" on the UC San Diego Digital Collections website. Additional digital family photographs and images from Keeling's memorial service at SIO are not on the Digital Collections website, but may be made available to researchers upon request. Please request these materials through the finding aid.

Papers of Charles David Keeling (1928-2005), an environmental chemist, founder of the Scripps CO₂ Program, and professor emeritus at UC San Diego. Dr. Keeling was considered the world's leading authority on atmospheric greenhouse gases and climate science. The collection includes correspondence, writings and reports, teaching and lecture materials, and documentation and data from the Scripps CO₂ Program.

Charles David Keeling (1928-2005) was born on April 20, 1928 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He graduated from the University of Illinois with a bachelor's degree in Chemistry in 1948, and completed his doctorate in Chemistry at Northwestern University under the supervision of Malcom Dole in 1954. After earning his PhD, Keeling accepted a postdoctoral fellowship in Geochemistry at California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

At Caltech, Keeling developed an accurate system for measuring the carbon dioxide concentration in the air, and he began taking air and water samples at remote locations in California and the Pacific Northwest. In 1956 Keeling was introduced to Harry Wexler, director of the U.S. Weather Bureau's Division of Meteorological Research, through a colleague at Caltech. Impressed by his methods, Wexler offered Keeling the job of leading the Weather Bureau's proposed CO₂ Program, to be undertaken during the 1957-1958 International Geophysical Year (IGY). Wexler's offer also included an invitation to begin sampling at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, built by the Weather Bureau in 1955. Meanwhile, Dr. Norris Rakestraw, who had collected air samples for Keeling, brought Keeling's data to the attention of Dr. Roger Revelle, Director of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). Shortly after, Keeling received an offer from Revelle to conduct his Weather Bureau research at Scripps.

Keeling moved to La Jolla in August of 1956, with the IGY CO₂ Program scheduled to begin the following July. At the conclusion of the IGY, Keeling's CO₂ Program was extended with funding support from the NSF, which continued uninterrupted until budget cuts in 1964 (it was resumed shortly thereafter due to Keeling's persistent efforts). In 1966 Keeling became an SIO faculty member, and in 1968 he earned the title of professor of oceanography. In the 1960s and 1970s, the CO₂ Program extended sampling to remote locations all over the world, including stations in New Zealand, the Canadian Arctic, and several Pacific islands. During the later period of this expansion, program officers at the NSF and NOAA coordinated an effort to transfer full responsibility for global CO2 observations to NOAA, a threat that Keeling robustly resisted. In the early 1980s, the Department of Energy stepped in to stabilize Keeling's research program, and ultimately, the Scripps CO₂ Program evolved to coexist with a larger, parallel data collection program at NOAA.

Keeling was affiliated with SIO from the founding of the CO₂ Program in 1956 until his death in 2005. He published nearly 100 research articles on atmospheric chemistry and the carbon cycle, and wrote or contributed to innumerable reports on his data findings and related implications. Keeling's Mauna Loa Observatory measurements produced a data set now known widely as the "Keeling Curve," which graphically illustrates the impact of CO₂ concentrations in the air from fossil fuel combustion. His groundbreaking research and development of a continuous and precise record of Earth's atmospheric CO₂ concentrations earned him renown as the world's leading specialist in climate science. Keeling received many awards of recognition during his extensive career, including the National Medal of Science in 2002 and the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement in 2005.

Charles David Keeling passed away on June 20, 2005 at his estate in Hamilton, Montana. Leadership of the Scripps CO₂ Program was resumed and continued by his son, Dr. Ralph Keeling.

For more information on Keeling's professional activities and awards received, please see:

Papers of Charles David Keeling (1928-2005), an environmental chemist, founder of the Scripps CO₂ Program, and professor emeritus at UC San Diego. Dr. Keeling was considered the world's leading authority on atmospheric greenhouse gases and climate science. The collection documents decades of Keeling's meticulous measurement of atmospheric CO₂ at land-based stations and on shipboard expeditions, his founding of and continuous leadership for the Scripps CO₂ Program, and his research.

The papers are arranged in two parts, both of which have several series. The first part consists of Keeling's personal and professional papers, including a small amount of biographical material, and significant correspondence, scientific writings, research, lectures, and meeting and event files. It also includes a small amount of family correspondence and materials relating to Keeling's activism in Del Mar local government and city planning. The second part consists of papers documenting the Scripps CO₂ Program, including funding, records from the major data-collecting stations, gas analysis and calibration files, and Keeling's comparative research drawn from the Scripps data (consisting largely of plots, figures, and graphs). These records document the evolution of the Scripps CO₂ Program from its founding in 1956 through the establishment of various field stations worldwide. Though the two sections of the collection are distinct, Keeling's life-long major research focus of atmospheric carbon dioxide measurement and analysis runs throughout both parts, and so there is topical overlap between them. Many of Keeling's writings, lectures, and research notebooks found in the first part of the collection are naturally related to carbon dioxide research and draw on data represented in the second part of the collection.



Norris W. Rakestraw Papers. SMC 161. Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego.

Container List

Personal and Professional Papers


Scope and Content of Series

Series 1) BIOGRAPHICAL: A small series including photographs, employment records, recorded interviews, Keeling's bibliography, telephone logs, and files on awards and recognition. Arranged in two subseries, based on the restricted status of some material: A) Open, and B) Restricted.


Box 1 Folder 1
Biographical summaries, undated
Oversize FB-032 Folder 1
Photographic portrait of CDK at SIO, undated
Box 1 Folder 2
Keeling family photographs, 1934-2003
Box 1 Folder 3
Photographic portraits and slides, ca. 1958-2000

Includes photographs of Keeling in his SIO office, taking air samples, and the Los Angeles Times Magazine cover, "Weathermen of the Apocalypse."

Digital file 2
Digital photographs

56 TIFF and JPEG scans of photographic prints and slides. Some of the images are only available in digital format; others are duplicates of photographic prints in folders in this series. The images largely consist of casual snapshots of Keeling alone and with family members, spanning his adult life. These images are not available online on the Library's Digital Collections website.

Box 1 Folder 4
Selective Service, 1950-1953, 1962
Box 1 Folder 5
Employment correspondence, 1952-1959
Box 1 Folder 6
Employee and passport records, 1956-1980
Box 1 Folder 7-8
Academic review and biography files, 1958-1998
Box 1 Folder 9
Discussion with Roger Revelle re: appointment to Faculty - Notes, 1964

Includes clipping sent to CDK by his mother.

Box 1 Folder 10
Sabbatical records, 1968-2002
Box 219 Folder 1
Interview with Edith Namias: Dave Keeling, Martin Heimann, Lester Machta, and Ralph Keeling - Sound recording, 1996 February 11

Audiocassette. Charles David Keeling talks about starting his carbon dioxide measurements. Time 00:34:38.

Box 1 Folder 11
Press releases, 2000-2005
Box 1 Folder 12
Interview - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, with Horst Rademacher, 2001
Box 1 Folder 13
Bibliography/List of publications, 2004
Box 218 Folder 1-8
Unedited video footage of Keeling and SIO used in Finnish film The Venus Theory , 2004

8 VHS cassettes. Interview with Keeling on tapes 2-4. Permission for non-commercial reuse granted to Regents of University of California; reuse by independent production companies or individuals requires permission of Jarkko Hentula.

Digital file 1
Keeling memorial service photographs by Jill C. Hammons, 2005 October 8

59 JPEG images.

Box 1 Folder 14
Who's Who profiles, undated

Awards and Recognition

Box 1 Folder 15
AMS Second Half Century Award, 1981
Box 1 Folder 16
Election to American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1986
Box 1 Folder 17
Soviet Geophysical Committee medal, 1987
Oversize FB-032 Folder 1
County of Hawaii "Aloha" proclamation, 1988
Box 1 Folder 18
UC San Diego Staff Association Certificate of Appreciation, 1990
Box 2 Folder 1
AGU Maurice Ewing Medal, 1991
Box 2 Folder 2
Blue Planet Prize, Asahi Glass Foundation, Japan, 1993

Includes photographs. See also the LECTURES series.

Box 218 Folder 9
Blue Planet Prize award ceremony - Video recording, 1993

VHS. Time 01:20:45.

Box 2 Folder 3
Election to National Academy of Sciences, 1994

Additional material on this distinction is in box 4, restricted.

Box 2 Folder 4
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Special Achievement Award - Publicity and photographs, 1997
Oversize AB-04-B04
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Special Achievement Award - Framed certificate, 1997
Box 218 Folder 10
National Medals of Science & Technology banquet and White House ceremony - Video recording, 2001

VHS. Includes segment of Keeling receiving medal from George W. Bush.

Oversize Annex MC-003-01
National Medal of Science Award - Poster, 2001
Oversize FB-032 Folder 1
National Medal of Science Award - Certificate signed by President George W. Bush, 2001
Box 2 Folder 5
San Diego Press Club Headliners of the Year award, 2002
Box 2 Folder 6
Del Mar community plan commemoration plaque, 2006

Journals and Telephone Logs

Box 2 Folder 7
Travel journals - Washington D.C., New Haven and Chicago, 1956

Travel notes while CDK was at CalTech.

Box 2 Folder 8
Travel journals, 1958-1968

Keeling's notes on various trips and travels, including information both personal, logistical and professional.

Box 2 Folder 9
Montana diaries, 1994, 1998
Box 2 Folder 10
SIO diary (fragment), 2004 November
Box 2 Folder 11
Telephone call logs and schedule notes, 1991-1992
Box 2 Folder 12-14
Telephone call logs, 1994-1998
Box 3 Folder 1-3
Telephone call logs, 1998-2000


Box 4 Folder 1
Liberty Township High School diploma, 1945

Restrictions Apply

Box 4 Folder 2
Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity - Certificate and photograph, 1945 October 21

Restrictions Apply

Box 4 Folder 3
University of Illinois diploma, 1948

Contains letter certifying Keeling's degree by the American Chemical Society.

Restrictions Apply

Box 4 Folder 4
UCSD Madrigal Singers, 1962-1969, 1981

Includes history, members, program and concert materials, and sheet music with annotations.

Restrictions Apply

Box 4 Folder 5
SIO telephone call log, 2002-2003

Detailed summary of content of outgoing telephone calls. For similar unrestricted material, see box 2, folders 11-14, and box 3, folders 1-3.

Restrictions Apply

Box 4 Folder 6
Newspaper articles on Keeling's death, 2005

Restrictions Apply

Box 4 Folder 7
Keeling burial ceremony - Program and notes, 2005

Includes photograph, description of the burial by Louise Keeling, and remarks by Wayne Dernitz.

Restrictions Apply

Box 4 Folder 8
Keeling memorial, 2005

Includes information on memorial concert and Bill Boyer's remarks.

Restrictions Apply

Awards and Recognition

Box 4 Folder 9
AGU Maurice Ewing Award, 1991

Restrictions Apply

Box 4 Folder 10
Blue Planet Prize Ceremony, Asahi Glass Foundation, Japan - Photographs, 1993

Restrictions Apply

Box 4 Folder 11-16
National Medal of Science Award, 2001-2002

Includes photographs (Keeling with President Bush and Senator Susan Collins), congratulatory correspondence, publicity, event programs, and notes.

Restrictions Apply

Box 4 Folder 17
Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, 2005

Includes photographs of ceremony, congratulatory correspondence, clippings, and the laureate booklet.

Restrictions Apply


Scope and Content of Series

Series 2) CORRESPONDENCE: Professional and personal correspondence arranged modelling Keeling's original organizational scheme. Keeling maintained a rough classification scheme for his correspondence, using the labels Academic, Personal/Private, Industrial, Government, Laboratory ("Reader's Copies"), Travel, Family, Meeting/Event, Contract/Grant, and Project/Program, as well as many "miscellaneous" files. To make this correspondence navigable, one cohesive alphabetical series was created which included the former Academic, Personal/Private, Industrial, Government, and Miscellaneous correspondence (which were already arranged in folders by correspondent). The vast majority of these letters relate to Keeling's research and academic interests. They are followed by the Laboratory correspondence, which consists primarily of outgoing carbon copies of letters, to and from various people, in his lab. Travel correspondence makes up a third small subseries, followed by a fourth subseries of restricted Family letters.

Other major categories of Keelings correspondence may be found elsewhere in the collection alongside related files: Meeting/Event-related letters coordinating his attendance at conferences are in series 5; Contract/Grant correspondence is in series 10 with other materials from funding agencies; and Project/Program letters are found within the Scripps CO₂ Program files, primarily in series relating to specific field stations (Antarctica, Mauna Loa, and New Zealand).

Arranged in four subseries: A) General Correspondence (A-Z), B) Laboratory Correspondence, C) Travel Correspondence, and D) Family Correspondence - Restricted.

A) General Correspondence (A-Z): Correspondence with colleagues, associates, and various organizations, including government agencies, arranged alphabetically.

B) Laboratory Correspondence: Outgoing correspondence (mostly carbon copies to and from CO₂ Project colleagues) and printed emails, arranged chronologically. Keeling referred to these as "Reader's Copies."

C) Travel Correspondence: A very small subseries consisting of letters between Keeling and his international colleagues while traveling in Europe, Africa, and Israel. Arranged alphabetically by travel destination, reflecting Keeling's original labelling.

D) Family Correspondence - Restricted: Correspondence between Keeling and his parents, siblings, children, extended relatives, and family friends. A small amount of professional letters were included in this subseries originally, and are under the same restrictions.

General Correspondence (A-Z)

Box 5 Folder 1
A - Miscellaneous
Box 5 Folder 2
American Association of University Women - Imperial Valley Branch, 1965
Box 5 Folder 3
American Geophysical Union (AGU), 1998-2001
Box 5 Folder 4
American Meteorological Society (AMS)-AGU Committee on Air-Sea Interaction, 1961-1965
Box 5 Folder 5
AMS Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry and Radioactivity (CACR), 1966-1971

Includes meeting minutes.

Box 5 Folder 6
American Men of Science, 1960, undated
Box 5 Folder 7
American Philosophical Society, 1968-1969
Box 5 Folder 8
Attiwill, Peter, 1971-1972
Box 5 Folder 9
B - Miscellaneous
Box 5 Folder 10
Bainbridge, Arnold E., 1965-1970
Box 5 Folder 11
Barbat, William - CO₂ Newsletter, 1979-1981
Box 5 Folder 12
Barnett, Tim, 1995
Box 5 Folder 13
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 2004
Box 5 Folder 14
Beaubien, Elizabeth (University of Alberta, Canada), 1997-1998
Box 5 Folder 15
Benson, Bruce, 1959-1960
Box 5 Folder 16
Berger, André, 1998
Box 5 Folder 17
Berger, Wolfgang, 1997
Box 5 Folder 18
Berkner, Lloyd, 1966
Box 5 Folder 19
Birchfield, Ed, 1963-1964
Box 5 Folder 20
Bischof, Walter, 1962-1981
Box 5 Folder 21
Bolin, Bert (University of Stockholm - Institute of Meteorology), 1961-1962
Box 5 Folder 22
Bollenbacher, Alane, 1995-2004
Box 5 Folder 23
Bradley, Edward, 1970-1971
Box 5 Folder 24
Braun Chemical Company, 1960-1961
Box 5 Folder 25
Broecker, Wallace (Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory), 1976-1977

Concerns development of Keeling's two-box model, and related research notes.

Box 5 Folder 26
Brown, Craig (U.S. Weather Bureau), 1964-1966

Craig Brown worked on the CO₂ project in Antarctica.

Box 5 Folder 27
Brown, Harrison (California Institute of Technology), 1952-1969

Contains early correspondence regarding Keeling being accepted as a research fellow in Brown's geochemistry department.

Box 5 Folder 28
Brix, Holger, 2003

Concerns a poster project for a JGOFS event.

Box 5 Folder 29
Buchen, Mattias (Institut fur Meterologie und Geophysik, Frankfurt), 1970
Box 5 Folder 30
Bush, Albert F. (UCLA), 1965-1967
Box 6 Folder 1
C - Miscellaneous
Box 6 Folder 2
Calder, Nigel (Oxford Guide to Modern Science), 2002

Includes Keeling's edits to Calder's piece on the carbon cycle.

Box 6 Folder 3
California Research Corporation, 1960
Box 6 Folder 4
Callendar, Guy Stewart, 1958
Box 6 Folder 5
Calvin, Melvin, 1976-1983
Box 6 Folder 6
Chi, Vernon, 1965

Correspondence between Vernon Chi and Lee S. Waterman.

Box 6 Folder 7
Children and students - Letters from, 1965-1972, 1997
Box 6 Folder 8
Churkina, Galina, 1997

Includes correspondence with Steve Piper.

Box 6 Folder 9
Clark, Deborah, 1997-2003
Box 6 Folder 10
Collins, Tom (re: manometer), 1997
Box 6 Folder 11
Conference Board of Associated Research Councils. Committee on International Exchange of Persons (Fulbright award), 1954-1959
Box 6 Folder 12
Comité International De Géophysique (G. La Clavere) - Re: IGY data, 1960
Box 6 Folder 13
Compston, William (California Institute of Technology), 1958-1960
Box 6 Folder 14
Conseil International des Unions Scientifiques/International Council of Scientific Unions - SCOR working group on CO₂ in the ocean and atmosphere, 1962
Box 6 Folder 15
The Conservation Foundation, 1962-1963

Includes report, "Implications of rising carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere," and Keeling's prepared comments for a symposium.

Box 6 Folder 16
Craig, Harmon, 1962-1963
Box 6 Folder 17
D - Miscellaneous
Box 6 Folder 18
Dahlman, Roger, 1994-2002

Includes correspondence about Keeling's edits to an IPCC report.

Box 6 Folder 19
Damon, Paul, 1971

Concerns the "Suess effect."

Box 6 Folder 20
De Maio, Arturo (Meteorology/Oceanography Institute, Italy), 1963-1970
Box 6 Folder 21
Dietze, Peter, 1997-2001

Includes print outs from a group discussion on a paper entitled "The carbon catastrophe: A spectroscopic artifact," by Dr. Hug.

Box 6 Folder 22
Dictionary of Energy (entry on Mauna Loa Curve), 2005
Box 6 Folder 23
Dole, Malcom (Northwestern University), 1948-1960

Dole was a family friend and Keeling's graduate advisor at Northwestern.

Box 6 Folder 24
Dyrssen, David, 1966-1972, 1999
Box 6 Folder 25
Earthwatch Radio - Interview notes on tidal forcing, 1997
Box 6 Folder 26
Ehleringer, James, 1992-2004

Re: Keeling's contribution to Ehleringer's Snowbird volume, A history of atmospheric CO₂ and its effect on plants, animals and ecosystems.

Box 6 Folder 27
Eriksson, Erik, 1957-1959
Box 7 Folder 1
F - Miscellaneous
Box 7 Folder 2
Federal Communications Commission, 1962

Letter sent by Keeling to protest reduced power of FM radio stations.

Box 7 Folder 3
Fluxnet and AmeriFlux, 1999-2004

Fluxnet is a network of measuring sites for carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy relationships; AmeriFlux is the carbon flux network of the Americas. Contains correspondence and updates between members and researchers of the networks, including GPP-NPP-NEP study.

Box 7 Folder 4
Fonselius, Stig, 1960-1961
Box 7 Folder 5
Frieman, Edward, 1994
Box 7 Folder 6
Frisken, William, 1970
Box 7 Folder 7
G - Miscellaneous
Box 7 Folder 8
Garcia, Jay, 1990
Box 7 Folder 9
Garratt, John, 1971-1973
Box 7 Folder 10
Geisler, Jack (National Center For Atmospheric Research), 1975

Letter fragment re: CO₂ routine monitoring.

Box 7 Folder 11
George Washington University - Camp Detrick, 1952-1953

Includes information about the Chemical Warfare Service at Camp Detrick as well as a federal employment application completed by Keeling.

Box 7 Folder 12
Gieskes, Joris, 1962-1970
Box 7 Folder 13
Gifford, Roger, 1968

Graduate research assistant at Cornell asking about effect of transportation/movement on cylinders of CO₂.

Box 7 Folder 14
Glass Instruments Incorporated, 1960-1962
Box 7 Folder 15
Glasshouse Crops Research Institute, 1971-1972
Box 7 Folder 16
Goldberg, Edward D., 1961-1962, 1971
Box 7 Folder 17
Gore, Albert, 1997
Box 7 Folder 18
Graubard, Allan (editor, AGU), 2004

Re: proposed monograph, Global and Regional Aspects of the Exchanges of Atmospheric CO₂ and 1313CO₂ with the Terrestrial Biosphere and Oceans.

Box 7 Folder 19
Griffith, David, 1979-1983
Box 7 Folder 20
Gruber, Nicolas, 1997-2004
Box 7 Folder 21
Guenther, Peter, 1995-2004
Box 7 Folder 22
Guilderson, Tom, 2001-2004

Includes data summaries of C14 samples.

Box 7 Folder 23
H - Miscellaneous
Box 7 Folder 24
Hanley, Charles (Associated Press), 2004
Box 8 Folder 1
Harris, Thomas B., 1961-1962, 1967

Content includes CO₂ Project updates sent between Harris and Keeling while Keeling was in Stockholm.

Box 8 Folder 2
Heimann, Martin, 1982-2004
Box 8 Folder 3
Hewson, Wendell (Oregon State University, Environmental Science), 1967-1971
Box 8 Folder 4
Hood, Don, 1956-1972
Box 8 Folder 5
Hubbard, Jack, 1954-1962
Box 8 Folder 6
Hubbert, King (Geological Survey), 1971-1972
Box 8 Folder 7
Humphrey, George F. (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, SCOR), 1962
Box 8 Folder 8
I - Miscellaneous
Box 8 Folder 9
Information Television Network (ITV), 1998

Concerns the program The Cutting Edge Technology Report and episode on global warming.

Box 8 Folder 10-12
International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IAMAP), 1967-1987

Correspondence related to the Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Radioactivity, and from the Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution. Contains meeting minutes, event information, reports, bulletins and member lists.

Box 8 Folder 13
J - Miscellaneous
Box 8 Folder 14
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1960-1969
Box 8 Folder 15
Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), 1990

Correspondence and reports by Andrew Dickson, Peter Brewer, and N. R. Anderson.

Box 8 Folder 16
Jost, D., 1971-1972
Box 8 Folder 17
Junge, Christian (Secretary for IAMAP Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Radioactivity), 1961-1975

Includes letters forwarded to Junge concerning Keeling's "grant troubles with atmospheric CO₂ program."

Box 8 Folder 18
K - Miscellaneous
Box 8 Folder 19
Keeling, Ralph, 2001-2004
Box 8 Folder 20
Kelley, John J., 1982
Box 8 Folder 21
Keller, Charles "Chick", 2001
Box 9 Folder 1
Kennel, Charles, 1998
Box 9 Folder 2
Keyser, Alisa (Canadian station records), 1998
Box 9 Folder 3
Kirkland, Larry, 2001

Kirkland is an artist who received a mural commission for the National Academy of Sciences building in Washington, D.C. Correspondence discusses Kirkland's representation of the Keeling curve in his installation.

Box 9 Folder 4
Kniazuk, Michael, 1955
Box 9 Folder 5
Krauskopf, Konrad (Stanford University), 1954 April-1956 February
Box 9 Folder 6
Kunzig, Robert, 2005
Box 9 Folder 7
Kwiecinski, Bogdan, 1962-1964
Box 9 Folder 8
L - Miscellaneous
Box 9 Folder 9
Lal, Devendra, 1963-1966, 2004
Box 9 Folder 10
Lamont Geological Society, 1956-1960
Box 9 Folder 11
Landscheidt, Theodor, 1998
Box 9 Folder 12
Lemon, E. R. (Soil Science - Cornell University), 1958-1972
Box 9 Folder 13
Leiman, Margaret (National Science Foundation), 2002
Box 9 Folder 14
Life Magazine, 1960
Box 9 Folder 15
Lodge, James, 1962
Box 9 Folder 16
Lowe, David, 2005

David Lowe worked on the CO₂ Project in New Zealand.

Box 9 Folder 17
M - Miscellaneous
Box 9 Folder 18
Martell, E. A. (National Center For Atmospheric Research, NCAR), 1965-1971
Box 9 Folder 19
Martin, Warren Bryan (UC Berkeley, Center for Research and Development in Higher Ed), 1966
Box 9 Folder 20
Masters, Guy, 1988
Box 9 Folder 21
Matheson Company Incorporated, 1961-1967
Box 9 Folder 22
McCarthy, Michael (editor, London Independent), 2004
Box 9 Folder 23
Meijer, Harro A. J., 1997-2002

Includes notes on isotopic calibration and 13C in CO₂; also emails from Alane Bollenbacher.

Box 9 Folder 24
Metzger, Norman (Men and Molecules radio broadcast), 1968

Contains working script of interview episode featuring Keeling.

Box 9 Folder 25
Mitchell, J. Murray, 1960-1969
Box 9 Folder 26
Mobil Research and Development Corporation, 1968
Box 9 Folder 27
Montgomery, R. B., 1963-1964
Box 9 Folder 28
Myneni, Ranga, 1997
Box 9 Folder 29
N - Miscellaneous
Box 9 Folder 30
National Academy of Sciences, 1956 -1964

Discusses polar research as well as International Geophysical Year (IGY) programs.

Box 9 Folder 31
National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council - Atmospheric Research Review (SCARR), 1977-1978
Box 9 Folder 32
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/ESSA, 1965-1966

Environmental Sciences Services Administration (ESSA) was subordinated under NOAA in 1970. Includes information on SIO Carbon Dioxide Laboratory measurement calibration projects (coordinated with the WMO and other government agencies), grants, funding, and joint project updates.

Box 10 Folder 1-5
NOAA, 1971-1992

Includes information on SIO Carbon Dioxide Laboratory measurement calibration projects (coordinated with the WMO and other government agencies), grants, funding, and joint project updates.

Box 10 Folder 6
NOAA - Enhanced Data Set Project, 1997
Box 10 Folder 7
Nature Publishing Group, 2002
Box 10 Folder 8
"Nay-sayers", 1986-1997

Correspondence and clippings on climate change deniers, whom Keeling referred to as "nay-sayers."

Box 10 Folder 9
Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK) Japanese Public Television, 1998
Box 10 Folder 10
O - Miscellaneous
Box 10 Folder 11
Oana, Shinya, 1957-1958
Box 10 Folder 12
Oechel, Walter, 2001-2002

Includes letters with Ralph Keeling.

Box 10 Folder 13
Oeschger, Hannes, 1960-1968
Box 10 Folder 14
OMNET listserv re: U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Plan (CCSP), 1999
Box 10 Folder 15
P - Miscellaneous
Box 10 Folder 16
Park, Kilho, 1963-1968
Box 10 Folder 17
Pearlman, H. (Atomics International), 1967
Box 10 Folder 18
Piper, Steve, 1995-2001
Box 10 Folder 19
Porter, Ross (Vision Magazine), 2004
Box 10 Folder 20
Pytkowicz, Ricardo (Oregon State University), 1967 July-1976 January
Box 11 Folder 1-6
Publications - General inquiries and permission to use copyrighted and unpublished data, 1960-1989
Box 12 Folder 1
Quay, Paul, 2001
Box 12 Folder 2
R - Miscellaneous
Box 12 Folder 3
Rakestraw, Norris, 1954 April-1966 September
Box 12 Folder 4
Randerson, Jim (California Institute of Technology), 2001
Box 12 Folder 5
Rasool, S. Ichtiaque (includes Plenum Publishing Corporation), 1970-1971
Box 12 Folder 6
Raymo, Maureen, 1999
Box 12 Folder 7
Reid, Stephen (associate director, Climate Dynamics Program, NSF), 2003
Box 12 Folder 8
Reifsnyder, William E., 1964
Box 12 Folder 9
Revelle, Roger, 1971-1972, 1986
Box 12 Folder 10
Rotty, Ralph, 1974 August-1988 March
Box 12 Folder 11
Ruttenberg, Stanley (National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council), 1961
Box 12 Folder 12
S - Miscellaneous
Box 12 Folder 13
San Diego Press Club - Headliners Award, 2003
Box 12 Folder 14
Saturday Review (J. Lear, Editor), 1970 June
Box 12 Folder 15
Sharp, John (United States Air Force), 1961-1962
Box 12 Folder 16
Siemerling, Rubert, 1973 December-1976 April

Includes the transcript of a lecture given by Siemerling about climate change and the greenhouse effect.

Box 12 Folder 17
Singer, Fred (U.S. Department of the Interior), 1968, 1998, 2002
Box 12 Folder 18
Siskind, Linda, 1976 March-1978 February
Box 12 Folder 19
Slatyer, R. O., 1968-1969

Includes correspondence between Slatyer and Roger Revelle.

Box 12 Folder 20
Socci, Tony, 2004
Box 12 Folder 21
Somerville, Richard, 1985-2002
Box 12 Folder 22
Stern, David P. (Chairman, CHG, NASA), 1982
Box 12 Folder 23
Stommel, Henry (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 1984
Box 12 Folder 24
Strauch, Joe, 1955-1960
Box 12 Folder 25
Suess, Hans E. and J. C. Vogel, 1970
Box 12 Folder 26
T - Miscellaneous
Box 12 Folder 27
Tans, Pieter, 1994-2003
Box 12 Folder 28
Thornton, Peter E. (Univ. of Montana, re: Scripps and VEMAP2 meteorology comparison), 2000
Box 12 Folder 29
Thurau, Julia (re: her article "Viel Laerm un Nichts"), 2004
Box 12 Folder 30
Toiviainen, Pasi, 2001-2004

Concerns interview segment information for Finnish science documentary, The Venus Theory.

Box 12 Folder 31
Tongiorgi, E., 1960-1961

Contains a short contribution to a lecture at a conference in Varenna by Keeling.

Box 12 Folder 32
TransCom 3, 2000-2004

TransCom 3 was a long-term experiment; contains correspondence by many, including: Kevin Gurney, Peter Rayner, and Rachael Law. Also contains TransCom 3 Experimental Protocol booklet.

Box 12 Folder 33
Tucker, Jim, 2000-2001
Box 12 Folder 34
Union of Concerned Scientists, 1989, 1997
Box 13 Folder 1
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1962, 1969
Box 13 Folder 2
U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP), 1969-1975

Contains draft report of GARP ocean-atmosphere monitoring, along with member list.

Box 13 Folder 3
U.S. Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards (NBS), 1968
Box 13 Folder 4
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - Calendar of carbon dioxide research conferences, workshops and symposia, 1982
Box 13 Folder 5
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) Workshop publication correspondence, 1979-1981
Box 13 Folder 6
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - Reports on CO₂ concentrations, 1977-1979
Box 13 Folder 7
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - Contracts, 1979-1994
Box 13 Folder 8
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - Funding, 1995-1997
Box 13 Folder 9
U.S. Department of the Interior - AGU monograph, 1988
Box 13 Folder 10
U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) - Carbon Dioxide Effects Program, 1975-1978
Box 13 Folder 11
U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office, Oceanography Data Center, 1963
Box 13 Folder 12
U.S. Senate - Testimony on accelerated releases of carbon dioxide, 1989
Box 13 Folder 13
U.S. Weather Bureau, 1955-1957

Correspondence with Harry Wexler and Paul Humphrey. Includes strong documentation on the early history of the CO₂ Program, including beginning of flask sampling in Antarctica and at Mauna Loa.

Box 14 Folder 1-2
U.S. Weather Bureau, 1958-1965

Correspondence with Harry Wexler and Paul Humphrey. Includes strong documentation on the early history of the CO₂ Program, including beginning of flask sampling in Antarctica and at Mauna Loa.

Box 14 Folder 3
University of California San Diego - Housing office, 1961-1962
Box 14 Folder 4-5
University of Stockholm, Institute of Meteorology, 1961-1963

Letters to and from Keeling while he was working in Sweden.

Box 14 Folder 6
Urban, Ed, 1997
Box 14 Folder 7
V - Miscellaneous
Box 14 Folder 8
Vetlesen Foundation, 1999
Box 14 Folder 9
W - Miscellaneous
Box 14 Folder 10
Waterman, Lee, 1961-1966, 1996

Contains handwritten outlines on Carbon Dioxide Project research planning and implementation, including Shipboard and Mauna Loa programs. Includes letters to/from Tom Harris and other researchers.

Box 14 Folder 11
White Mountain Research Station, 1954 January-1956 March
Box 14 Folder 12
Wickland, Diane (NASA), 1997-2002
Box 14 Folder 13
Wilkins, Eugene, 1959 January-1967 June
Box 14 Folder 14
Wilson, Alexander, 2004
Box 14 Folder 15
Winslow, Jerry (PAR calculations), 1997
Box 14 Folder 16
Witalis, Ronald, 1962
Box 14 Folder 17
Wood, Fergus, 1996
Box 14 Folder 18
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1956-1966
Box 14 Folder 19
Woodwell, George to Senator Abraham Ribicoff, 1979

Correspondence regarding a report on the carbon dioxide problem, written by Woodwell, Keeling, Revelle, and MacDonald, sent to the Council on Environmental Quality. Includes a copy of correspondence and report sent by Philip Handler (President of National Academy of Sciences).

Laboratory Correspondence

Box 15 Folder 1-13
Readers' copies, 1962-1969
Box 16 Folder 1-13
Readers' copies, 1970-1976
Box 17 Folder 1-11
Readers' copies, 1977-1982 July
Box 18 Folder 1-11
Readers' copies, 1982 July-1986 April
Box 19 Folder 1-14
Readers' copies, 1987 January-1991 May
Box 20 Folder 1-4
Readers' copies, 1991 May-1992 December
Box 20 Folder 5-8
Printed emails, 2000, 2003-2005

Travel Correspondence

Box 21 Folder 1-3
Europe, 1960, 1965, 1967
Box 21 Folder 4
Europe-Africa, 1963
Box 21 Folder 5
Israel, 1969
Box 21 Folder 6
Sweden, 1974
Box 21 Folder 7
Switzerland, Bern, 1978-1981, 1985

Family Correspondence - Restricted

Box 22 Folder 1
"Aunty" Anne, 1955

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 2
Bergston, Phil, 1951-1956

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 3
Bonnet, Johnny, 1946-1947

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 4
Boyer, Bill, 1941-1961

Includes 2 photographs of Keeling and Boyer.

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 5
English School, Stockholm, 1961

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 6
Fox, Marye Anne, 2005 May 26

Fox congratulates Keeling for election as a member of the American Philosophical Society; contains UCSD gold pin.

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 7
Hagen, Jim, 1952, 1958

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 8
Hefferman, Xenia, 1951-1953

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 9
Keeling, Charles - To his family, 1946-1947

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 10
Keeling, Charles - Marriage announcements, 1954

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 11
Keeling, Charles - Unidentified, 1952-1985, 1994

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 12
Keeling, Andrew (son), 1960-1965, undated

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 13
Keeling, Emily (daughter), undated

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 14-15
Keeling, Grace (mother), 1953-1956, 1977

Restrictions Apply

Box 22 Folder 16-18
Keeling, Louise (wife), 1956-1983, 2005

Letters addressed to Louise and his children. Some letters have accompanying notes written by Louise Keeling to provide context and dates.

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 1
Keeling, Lyla (sister), 1946-1954

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 2
Keeling, Paul (son), 1978

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 3
Keeling, Ralph (son), 1960, undated

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 4
Keeling, Ralph and Grace Keeling (parents), 1937-1954

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 5
Knox, Ellis and Janie, 1946-1955

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 6
La Jolla Country Day School, 1962

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 7
Lane, George, 1953-1954

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 8
Lombard family, 1950-1953

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 9
Ray and Bori [surname unidentified], 1981

Personal update about the Keeling family and life in Switzerland.

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 10
Recreational Equipment Cooperative (REI), 1951-1952

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 11
Schiller, Claire Anne, 1953-1954

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 12
Sherburne, E. (grandmother), 1947

Restrictions Apply

Box 23 Folder 13
Weber, Wendell, 1952

Restrictions Apply


Scope and Content of Series

Series 3) WRITINGS AND RESEARCH: An extensive series containing manuscript drafts and typescripts of scientific papers, notebooks, and research files, including Keeling's calculations and "worksheets" where he worked out mathematical formulas and concepts. This series contains draft versions and supporting materials for many, but not all, of the works in Keeling's bibliography. Since Keeling often worked on ideas for papers over many years, occasionally with collaborators, the materials are arranged in approximate chronological order by the date of creation (instead of by the date of eventual publication), and folder titles reflect the working title of the manuscript, notebook, or Keeling's original label for the work.

Arranged in three subseries: A) Notebooks and Coursework, B) Research Notes, and C) Papers and Manuscripts.

A) Notebooks and Coursework: Doctorate coursework from Northwestern University, notes on courses taught by SIO faculty, and notebooks on various subjects.

B) Research Notes: Handwritten loose notes on various subjects, some of which may have supported unidentified publications. Folder titles reflect Keeling's original labelling. Arranged chronologically.

C) Papers and Manuscripts: Includes written work ranging from Keeling's early research reports completed at Northwestern University and Caltech, drafts and figures prepared for publications, and drafts of articles and scientific papers created through 2005 (published and unpublished), in approximate chronological order by date of creation.

Notebooks and Coursework

Northwestern University

Box 24 Folder 1
Quantitative analysis, 1948
Box 24 Folder 2
Geology C-2 syllabus, 1949
Box 24 Folder 3
Guidebook for 13th Annual Tri-State Geological Field Conference, 1949
Box 24 Folder 4
Chemical kinetics, 1949
Box 24 Folder 5
Statistical thermodynamics, 1949
Box 24 Folder 6
Quantum mechanics, 1949
Box 24 Folder 7
Lecture notes, 1950
Box 24 Folder 8
Structural inorganic chemistry, 1950
Box 24 Folder 9-10
Quantum chemistry, 1950-1951
Box 25 Folder 1
Notes on seminars delivered by Keeling, ca. 1950
Box 25 Folder 2
Nuclear physics - Notecards, ca. 1951
Box 25 Folder 3
Catalysis, by Burwell, 1951
Box 25 Folder 4
Statistical mechanics, 1951-1952
Box 25 Folder 5
Historical geology, 1952
Box 25 Folder 6
Optical micrology, 1952
Box 25 Folder 7
Differential equations, ca. 1953
Box 25 Folder 8
Problems to Fuson and Snyder - Statistical mechanics and other preliminary material, ca. 1953
Box 25 Folder 9
Polymer project, 1953

For Keeling's research reports on the Polymer Project, see Subseries C) Papers and Manuscripts - Research reports completed at Northwestern.

Box 25 Folder 10
Oceanography 110 (Intro to Physical Oceanography), taught by Robert S. Arthur - Lecture notes, 1963
Box 26 Folder 1
Computation course, taught by Arnold Bainbridge - Lecture notes, 1966
Box 26 Folder 2
Earth Sciences 235, taught by Lars Gunnar Sillén - Lecture notes, 1966
Box 26 Folder 3
Mathematics, taught by R. W. Preisendorfer - Lecture notes, 1964-1965
Box 26 Folder 4
Owens - Lecture notes, 1965-1966

Research Notes

Box 26 Folder 5
Thermodynamics project/Harvey Program, 1964

Includes notes on solubility by L. S. Waterman.

Box 26 Folder 6-7
SCEP Report/Fossil fuels - Research notes and worksheets, 1970-1975
Box 26 Folder 8-9
Bolin and Eriksson paper - Research notes and worksheets on box model and other topics, 1971-1973
Box 27 Folder 1
Research notes and worksheets, various topics, 1972
Box 27 Folder 2
Organic carbon in surface ocean water, 1973 May 27
Box 27 Folder 3
Joint NASA-NBS-NSF workshop - Nitrus oxide results from Scripps pier, with notes from Craig lab, 1973-1975
Box 27 Folder 4
Oeschger model, 1975
Box 27 Folder 5
Dispersal of CO₂ calculations, 1976
Box 27 Folder 6
Logistic equation, 1977
Box 27 Folder 7-9
Suess effect, 1977-1979
Box 28 Folder 1
Carbon-13 calculations, 1978
Box 28 Folder 2
Biota studies, 1978-1981
Box 28 Folder 3
Calculations for greenhouse effect for Central England, 1978, 1987
Oversize FB-032 Folder 8
Central England temperature plots - Climate variability study, 1978-1979
Box 28 Folder 4
Airborne fraction studies, 1979-1988

Includes anomaly studies, fossil fuel data, computations, and exponential fits.

Box 28 Folder 5-6
Heimann and Keeling papers (unidentified) - Notes, 1980-1986
Box 28 Folder 7
North/South profile studies, 1980-1985

Includes notes on Kamber model.

Oversize FB-032 Folder 9
TTO/NAS graph on depth vs. latitude; North/South profile studies - Figures, 1981-1982
Box 29 Folder 1-2
G. S. Callendar project - Correspondence and data, 1983

Keeling's research and calculations on Callendar's carbon dioxide data. Includes photocopies of Callendar's handwritten data and photographs of Callendar's research notebook.

Box 29 Folder 3
Detector project - Notes and correspondence on laboratory analysis, 1983
Box 29 Folder 4
G. H. Kohlmaier and seasonal variation analysis, 1983-1986
Box 29 Folder 5-9
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) project, 1983-1987
Box 30 Folder 1
TTNA calculations, 1984
Box 30 Folder 2
Isotopic fractionation in assimilation of phytoplankton, 1985 December
Box 30 Folder 3
Deconvolution project - Notes, 1989
Box 30 Folder 4-5
Profiles 91 project - Data and notes, 1991-1992
Box 30 Folder 6
Fossil fuel production statistics - Preliminary 1950-1992 CO₂ emission estimates, 1994
Box 30 Folder 7-8
Weather Generator (WGEN) data, 1998
Box 30 Folder 9
BASIN (Biosphere-Atmosphere Stable Isotope Network) Project, 1998-2002
Box 30 Folder 10
Bell/Broecker - Natural warming, 1999
Box 30 Folder 11
Simplified model of orbital periods for tidal forcing, 2001-2003
Box 30 Folder 12
Tidal research with Lynne Merchant, 2002-2004
Box 30 Folder 13
CO₂ samples for 14C analysis extraction, 2003-2004
Box 30 Folder 14
Detail of a modified vacuum system to provide a bypass for filling 5-liter flasks with gas mixtures from high pressure cylinders, 2004

Papers and Manuscripts

Box 31 Folder 1
Structural geology of the Northern Cascades, 1949 or 1950
Box 31 Folder 2
Structural geology of the Northern Cascades - Notecards, ca. 1949
Box 31 Folder 3
Research reports completed at Northwestern, 1951-1953

Includes Keeling's reports on the Polymer Project.

California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

Box 31 Folder 4
Progress reports to Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), Contract #AT(11-1)-208, 1954-1955

Earliest write-up of Keeling work on carbon dioxide.

Box 31 Folder 5
Carbon Dioxide Project, Research Report 1 - A constant volume manometer for measuring carbon dioxide from natural sources, 1955 September 15
Box 31 Folder 6
Carbon Dioxide Project, Research Report 2 - Collection of carbon dioxide from air, 1955 September 15
Box 31 Folder 7
Carbon Dioxide Project, Research Report 3 - Collection of carbon dioxide from water, 1955 September 15
Box 31 Folder 8
Annual report drafts and calculations, 1955-1957

Includes draft on carbon dioxide pressure in the atmosphere.

Box 31 Folder 9-10
Notes, tables, and equipment drawings, 1955-1956

For more of Keeling's original equipment drawings, see Series 16.

Box 32 Folder 1
Notes on the performance of the Caltech mass spectrometer, 1955-1956
Box 32 Folder 2
Translations by Keeling of Huber and Lundegardh, 1955-1956
Box 32 Folder 3
The concentration and isotopic composition of atmospheric carbon dioxide, ca. 1956
Box 32 Folder 4-5
The concentration and isotopic abundances of atmospheric carbon dioxide in rural areas (and marine areas), ca. 1956
Box 32 Folder 6
Van Ornum, Belbert and Keeling. The possibility of artificial air cooling to improve the ventilation of the Los Angeles Basin, 1956 or 1957
Box 32 Folder 7
A mechanism for cyclic enrichment of carbon isotopes between terrestrial plants and the atmosphere, 1957
Box 32 Folder 8
Bolin and Keeling. Large scale atmospheric mixing as deduced from the seasonal and meridional variations of carbon dioxide, 1957-1962
Box 32 Folder 9
Research on the volume and isotopic abundances of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and exchange with the sea surface, 1958-1959

Multiple drafts; includes original photographs. Research conducted under U.S. Weather Bureau contract no. CWB 8949 and CWB 9255.

Box 32 Folder 10-11
Brown, Craig W. and Keeling. The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide in Antarctica - Final draft, 1964-1965

Craig Brown was a returning observer to the South Pole who collected data for Keeling.

Keeling and Bolin. The simultaneous use of chemical tracers in oceanic studies

Box 217 Folder 2
The use of tracers for studies of the ocean circulation - Notes, 1963
Box 33 Folder 1
The use of tracers for studies of the ocean circulation - Draft and notes, 1964-1967
Box 33 Folder 2
1. General theory of reservoir models, 1967
Box 220
The use of tracers for studies of the ocean circulation - Slides, 1963-1968
Box 33 Folder 3
Keeling, Harris, and Wilkins. The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide at 500 to 700 millibars, 1968

Keeling referred to this paper as the "Aircraft article" as it utilized data from the Aircraft Project.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide and radiocarbon in the natural carbon cycle ("Brookhaven" papers)

Box 33 Folder 4-5
Ekdahl and Keeling. I. Quantitative deductions from the records of Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii and the South Pole, 1972
Box 33 Folder 6
Bacastow and Keeling. II. Changes from 1700 to 2070 A.D. as deduced from a geochemical model, 1973
Oversize FB-032 Folder 4
Bacastow and Keeling. II. Changes from 1700 to 2070 A.D. as deduced from a geochemical model - Original graphs, 1973
Box 34 Folder 1
Industrial production of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and limestone, 1972
Box 34 Folder 2
"Reservoir" or "Box model" paper and slides (untitled), 1972
Box 34 Folder 3-4
Keeling, Adams, Ekdahl, and Guenther. Atmospheric carbon dioxide variations at the South Pole, 1973-1976
Box 34 Folder 5
Drift in reference gases containing oxygen (excerpt), 1975 April 17
Box 34 Folder 6
Keeling, Adams and Bacastow. Atmospheric carbon dioxide variations: Quantitative deductions from records at Mauna Loa Observatory and at the South Pole, 1975-1976
Box 34 Folder 7
Underwater gas dispersion in the South China Sea - Report for the Phillips Petroleum Company, 1976-1977
Box 34 Folder 8
Bacastow, Adams, Keeling, Moss, and Whorf. Atmospheric carbon dioxide, the southern oscillation, and the weak 1975 El Niño, ca. 1977
Box 34 Folder 9
Keeling and Bacastow. Impact of industrial gases on climate, with appendix on Assessment of six reservoir model to depict future atmospheric CO₂ abundances. From NAS report Energy and Climate., 1977
Box 35 Folder 1
Bacastow and Keeling. Models to predict future atmospheric CO₂ concentrations, 1977
Box 35 Folder 2
The transfer of carbon dioxide of industrial origin from the atmosphere to the oceans. Research Program Development Report prepared for the Office of Carbon Dioxide, Effects Research and Assessment, DOE, 1978 January 25
Box 35 Folder 3-4
The influence of Mauna Loa Observatory on the development of atmospheric CO₂ research, 1978

Included in Mauna Loa Observatory: A 20th Anniversary Report, NOAA special report, ed. John Miller.