Carl L. Hubbs Papers, 1858-1988 (bulk 1920-1979) (SMC 5)

Restrictions: Original sound recordings are restricted. Viewing/listening copies may be available for researchers.

Extent: 112 Linear feet (251 archive boxes, 19 card file boxes, 2 flat boxes, 3 cartons, and 16 map case folders)

Digital Content

A selection of photographs from this collection have been digitized.

Papers of Carl Leavitt Hubbs, documenting his extensive research in ichthyology, zoology, natural history, conservation, taxonomy, archaeology and paleoclimatology. The collection includes voluminous photographic documentation, and some film and sound recordings.

Carl Leavitt Hubbs (1894-1979) was a American ichthyologist who spent the majority of his career at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego.

Two excellent short biographies of Hubbs are available online.

From The American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (1997):

From the National Academy of Sciences (1987):

Papers of Carl Leavitt Hubbs, documenting his extensive research in ichthyology, zoology, natural history, conservation, taxonomy, archaeology and paleoclimatology.

The Hubbs Papers include correspondence, field notes, manuscripts, photographs, newspaper clippings, data, audiovisual recordings, maps, and other files collected by Carl Hubbs and Laura Clark Hubbs, his wife and colleague. The files include a small amount of personal and family material such as letters, photographs, and genealogical information, but consist predominantly of material documenting Hubbs' work as a naturalist and ichthyologist. Most of the papers date between 1944 and 1979, the years that Hubbs worked at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Additional material dated 1929-1944 documents the years Hubbs spent at the Museum of Zoology at the University of Michigan.

The three most voluminous series consist of Hubbs's original research files, which he divided into three categories: Marine Life – Fishes, Marine Life – West Coast, and Subjects. These series contain detailed information on fish species and groups, including photographs, field data, research, manuscripts, and correspondence about specific fishes and other animals, in addition to research files on related topics.

The collection was built, maintained, and organized by both Carl and Laura Hubbs. He determined file structure and folder headings, and she did the filing, primarily by subject. The Hubbs Papers are a very large collection arranged in a complex manner that reflects this original organizational method. Please consult the descriptive notes at the beginning of each series for contextual information about the structure of the series, tips on searching, and where to find related materials.



Carl Hubbs began discussing the disposition of his personal library with UC San Diego Librarian Melvin Voigt in late 1971. On June 20, 1979, Carl and Laura Hubbs signed a deed of gift donating all the Hubbs scientific books and papers to the University. This gift was accepted on behalf of the Regents of the University of California by Scripps Institution of Oceanography Director William A. Nierenberg on July 3, 1979. The Hubbs Library and personal papers were transferred by Betty Shor from Hubbs' office in the Marine Biology Building to the SIO Archives in early 1980. Laura Hubbs maintained an office in the SIO Archives from 1980 until 1986, and continued her active management of the collection. Over the years, she and her grown children located additional material at her home and added those files to the collection.

The bulk of the Carl L. Hubbs papers were acquired by the former SIO Archives in 1981. The collection was processed, respecting the original order of the material, by Deborah Day and Gisele English in 1991. They published their finding aid, "A guide to the Carl Leavitt Hubbs papers, 1920-1979" in the serial SIO Reference.

In 2021, Special Collections & Archives converted the 365-page PDF finding aid into an EAD (Encoded Archival Description) document. To do so, staff analyized the structure of the data in original finding aid and assigned series and sub-series levels to the inventory. Some material was emphasized in the new structure, and box numbers changed, but overall Hubbs's original organization of folders and folder titles remains intact. The new finding aid contains a Correspondence series (formerly the "Biographics" and "Publications" categories within the Subject Files), and also includes a detailed list of the photographic images. Photographs that had been removed from Hubbs's research files were returned to their original folders.

Container List


Scope and Content of Series

Series 1) BIOGRAPHICAL: A small series documenting Carl Leavitt Hubbs's early life, education, and career. The files include diplomas and certificates, newspaper clippings, curriculum vitae, genealogical information, biographies, medals and awards, and obituaries. Contents date from 1911 to 1979, and are arranged roughly chronologically, with medals and awards grouped together at the end of the series.

Box 1 Folder 1
Handwritten list of positions and memberships

Positions and memberships held between 1915 and 1949.

Box 1 Folder 2
Diplomas, report cards, graduation programs, and newspaper clippings, 1911-1917
Box 1 Folder 3-11
Correspondence, biographical questionnaires, newspaper clippings, and event programs, 1924-1975

Includes early appointment correspondence, letters of recommendation and congratulations, applications for sabbaticals and leaves of absence, and correspondence regarding Hubbs' 80th birthday. Correspondents include: P. J. Hoffmaster, Karl F. Lagler, Roger R. Revelle, Francis B. Sumner, and Harald Ulrik Sverdrup.

Box 2 Folder 1-4
Correspondence, biographical questionnaires, newspaper clippings, and event programs, 1976-1981

Includes letters of recommendation and congratulations, applications for sabbaticals and leaves of absence, and correspondence regarding Hubbs's memorial. Correspondents include: P. J. Hoffmaster, Karl F. Lagler, Roger Revelle, Francis Sumner, and Harald Sverdrup.

Box 278 Folder 1
Diplomas and certificates, 1927-1983
Box 2 Folder 5
Certificates, honors, and memberships, 1929-1984
Box 2 Folder 6
Hubbs family - Genealogy, 1931-1976
Box 2 Folder 7
Hubbs family - Charles Leavitt Hubbs (father), 1972-1977

Includes copies of older family photographs.

Box 2 Folder 8
Hubbs family - Laura Clark Hubbs (wife), 1941-1979

Includes photographs.

Box 2 Folder 9
Hubbs family - Clark Hubbs (son), 1941-1979
Box 2 Folder 10
Hubbs family - Frances Miller Cashner (granddaughter), 1963-1974
Box 2 Folder 11
Hubbs family - Taxa named for Hubbs and family
Box 2 Folder 12-13
Passports and tourist cards, 1935-1970

Tourist cards are for Carl L. Hubbs and Laura Clark Hubbs for entry to Mexico.

Box 277 Folder 1
Sketches and drawings of Hubbs, ca. 1946-1960

Includes sketches by John Decker on the ship Zaca, drawings by Sam Hinton, and unidentified drawing of a ship.

Box 2 Folder 14
Guest book, 1948-1954
Box 3 Folder 1-3
Guest books, 1954-1967
Box 3 Folder 4
Newspaper clippings, 1950-1977
Box 3 Folder 5
Administrative file, 1952-1979
Box 3 Folder 6-9
Calendars, 1958, 1961-1967
Box 4 Folder 1-6
Calendars, 1968-1979
Box 4 Folder 7
Curriculum vitae and selected bibliography, ca. 1963
Box 4 Folder 8
Sea World Fellowship, 1975-1978
Box 4 Folder 9
Obituaries (clippings) and memorial notices, 1979
Box 4 Folder 10
Memorial service, 1979

Includes guestbook, program, and copies of speeches give by: William A. Nierenberg, Denis L. Fox, Charles Schroeder, Elbert Ahlstrom, William E. Evans, John D. Isaacs (with statement from Roger Revelle), Reid Morgan, Robert Wisner, and Richard Rosenblatt. A recording of the service may be found in the series AUDIOVISUAL RECORDINGS.

Box 4 Folder 11
Biographical memoir by Shor, Rosenblatt and Isaacs, 1987
Box 4 Folder 12-13
Letters of condolence - A through F, 1979
Box 5 Folder 1-6
Letters of condolence - F through Z, 1979
Box 5 Folder 7-11
Hubbs address files - A through G
Box 6 Folder 1-12
Hubbs address files - G through Z
Box 7 Folder 1
Hubbs address files - "Foreign institutions"
Box 7 Folder 2-8
Hubbs address files - "Dead files" A through Z
Box 276 Folder 1-13
Hubbs Library inventory - Notebooks
Box 276 Folder 14
Binoculars and case

Medals and awards

Box 275 Folder 1
Fridericus IX Rex Danie, Galathea Medal, 1950-1952
Box 275 Folder 2
The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Joseph Leidy Medal, 1964
Box 275 Folder 3
California Academy of Sciences, Fellows Medal, 1966 November 2
Box 275 Folder 7
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) - Photograph of trophy, 1969 June 12
Box 275 Folder 4
Pacific Science Association, Shinkishi Hatai Medal, 1971

Gift of Professor M. Iwashita, brought by Dr. Tadayoshi Ichihara in 1976.

Box 275 Folder 5
American Fisheries Society, Award of Excellence, ca. 1973
Box 275 Folder 8
Arizona New Mexico Chapter American Fisheries Society, Award of Excellence, 1978
Box 275 Folder 6
Tokai University medal


Scope and Content of Series

Series 2) MARINE LIFE - FISHES: An extensive series documenting Hubbs's scientific work focused on ichthyology, including: manuscripts, expedition reports, notes and research data, photographs, negatives, conference materials, and correspondence. In accordance with the original arrangement, materials Hubbs deemed "general" are placed at the beginning of each topical subseries; then materials are arranged by fish group number (and within that, alphabetically by order, family, genus or species); and then by "locality," or geographic area. When Hubbs had multiple files on one topic, he would arrange the folders in the following order: manuscripts, notes and data, photographs, references, newspaper clippings, and correspondence. Some topics have all of these file types represented; others are smaller or more sparsely documented and do not have folders of every type of material.

Fish groups are numbered according to the Alphabetical List of the Families of Fishes with their Group Numbers, after the Fish Division of the Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan (rev. April 1989). In order to locate a file on a specific species, it is helpful to know its group number and geographic location. Species names reflect the taxonomic order of the 1970s and have not been updated.

This series was maintained by Hubbs to store and organize scientific research including field, laboratory, and written work on specific species. There is some overlap between content this this series and the MARINE LIFE - WEST COAST and SUBJECT FILE series. For example, some of the same fish groups can be found in both Marine Life series; and materials on conservation and preservation can be found in the SUBJECT FILES as well as in this series under the species name. Materials from Hubbs's research trips and expeditions can also be found in all three series.

Arranged in thirteen subseries: A) World, B) Western Hemisphere, C) Atlantic, D) Europe, E) Asiatic, F) Indo-Pacific, G) Pelagic Zone, H) Middle America Freshwater, I) South America Freshwater, J) Eastern North America Freshwater, K) Western North America Freshwater, L) Group 27, and M) Hybrid fishes.

A) World: Arranged by group number, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

B) Western Hemisphere: Arranged by group number, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries. Hubbs originally referred to this subseries as New World.

C) Atlantic: Arranged by group number and then locality, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

D) Europe: A small selection of materials. Arranged by group number, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

E) Asiatic: Arranged by group number and then locality, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

F) Indo-Pacific: A small selection of materials. Arranged by group number and then locality, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

G) Pelagic Zone: Arranged by group number, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

H) Middle America Freshwater: Arranged by group number and then locality, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

I) South America Freshwater: A small selection of materials. Arranged by group number and then locality, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

J) Eastern North America Freshwater: Arranged by group number and then locality, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

K) Western North America Freshwater: Arranged by group number and then locality, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

L) Group 27: A small selection of materials. Arranged taxonomically by the genus or species, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

M) Hybrid fishes: Arranged by group number, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.


Box 8 Folder 1-9
Notes, miscellaneous, all groups, groups: 3-15, 17-44, 46-64, undated
Box 8 Folder 10
University of Michigan - Family list, 1945
Box 273 Folder 1
Classification - "Second preliminary list of Phyla, classes, orders, suborders of animals," A.A.A.S. Section F, Committee on Nomenclature, 1935 February 10
Box 8 Folder 11-12
Classification by various authors, 1939-1967

Includes a list of the classification of fishes from the British Natural History Museum, "Classification of fishes (modified after Regan), with notes for exhibition in synoptic series" prepared by Hubbs, "A provisional classification of fishes" written by Hedgpeth, "A tabular comparison, to the order level, of the classification of fishes according to Regan, Jordan, Romer, and Berg" by Alan S. Hourston, and a list of references.

Box 277 Folder 3
Manuscript - What ichthyology in America needs, 1947

Handwritten draft of Presidential address for American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.

Box 9 Folder 1
Notes and correspondence on Albatross collection of 1888, 1918
Box 9 Folder 2
Notes, references and newspaper clippings, 1947-1979
Box 9 Folder 3-9
Measurements, groups: 8-25, 43-65, undated
Box 9 Folder 10
Photographs and drawings, 1890-1953

Includes postcards and figures, as well as photograph of Karl F. Lagler.

Box 9 Folder 11-16
Correspondence, 1927-1978
Box 10 Folder 1
Correspondence - Oxford University Press, 1946-1948
Box 10 Folder 2
Correspondence - Rainbird Reference Books Ltd., 1973-1975
Box 10 Folder 3-4
Correspondence - Time Life Books, 1962-1970
Box 10 Folder 5
Group 3, 1961-1972
Box 10 Folder 6
Group 4, general, 1929-1977
Box 10 Folder 7
Group 4M, notes on collections by David Jensen, 1959-1965
Box 10 Folder 8
Group 4M, manuscript - Hubbs, Fernholm, and MacMillan. Character and methods of prime value in the collection and systematic distinction of the extant genera and species of Myxinidae, undated
Box 10 Folder 9
Group 4M, general, 1968-1980
Box 10 Folder 10
Group 4M, Anatomy and physiology - Correspondence, 1960-1976
Box 10 Folder 11
Group 4M, cardiovascular, 1963-1968
Box 10 Folder 12
Group 4M, methods, 1976
Box 10 Folder 13
Group 4M, reproduction - Correspondence, 1957-1974
Box 10 Folder 14
Group 4M, Eptatreus, general, 1958-1972

Includes photographs.

Box 10 Folder 15-17
Group 4M, Eptatreus, general - Correspondence, 1950-1987
Box 10 Folder 18
Group 4M, Eptatreus sp. (7-gilled), 1965-1976
Box 10 Folder 19
Group 4M, Eptatretus alborus, 1968-1988

Includes photographs.

Box 11 Folder 1
Group 4M, Eptatretus burgeri, 1971-1976
Box 11 Folder 2
Group 4M, Eptatretus caecus, 1978
Box 11 Folder 3
Group 4M, Eptatretus carlhubbsi, 1982
Box 11 Folder 4
Group 4M, Eptatretus cirrhatus, 1970-1978
Box 11 Folder 5-6
Group 4M, Eptatretus deani, 1963-1970
Box 11 Folder 7-8
Group 4M, Eptatretus deani, 1971-1988
Box 11 Folder 9
Group 4M, Eptatretus decatrema - References, 1968
Box 11 Folder 10
Group 4M, Eptatretus eripogon, 1958-1986
Box 11 Folder 11
Group 4M, Eptatretus eritrema, 1970-1976
Box 11 Folder 12
Group 4M, Eptatretus "goliath", 1968-1984
Box 11 Folder 13
Group 4M, Eptatretus heterochroma, 1965-1984
Box 11 Folder 14
Group 4M, Eptatretus hexatrema, 1971-1981
Box 11 Folder 15
Group 4M, Eptatretus longipinnis - Correspondence, 1975
Box 11 Folder 16
Group 4M, Eptatretus minor, 1976
Box 11 Folder 17
Group 4M, Eptatretus multidens, 1972-1976
Box 11 Folder 18
Group 4M, Eptatretus octatrema, 1971
Box 11 Folder 19
Group 4M, Eptatretus okinoseana, 1976-1977
Box 11 Folder 20
Group 4M, Eptatretus polytrema, 1972-1984
Box 12 Folder 1
Group 4M, Eptatretus profundus, 1971
Box 12 Folder 2
Group 4M, Eptatretus sinus, 1968-1988
Box 12 Folder 3
Group 4M, Eptatretus springeri, 1971-1976
Box 12 Folder 4-7
Group 4M, Eptatretus stoutii, 1949-1980
Box 12 Folder 8
Group 4M, Myxinidae, general, 1952-1980
Box 12 Folder 9
Group 4M, Myxine, general, 1952-1980
Box 12 Folder 10
Group 4M, Myxine acutifrons, 1971-1975
Box 12 Folder 11-12
Group 4M, Myxine australis, ca. 1970-1975
Box 12 Folder 13
Group 4M, Myxine bathybia, 1971-1973
Box 12 Folder 14-15
Group 4M, Myxine capensis, 1972-1976
Box 12 Folder 16
Group 4M, Myxine circifrons, 1963-1974

Includes photographs.

Box 13 Folder 1-5
Group 4M, Myxine circifrons, 1968-1978
Box 13 Folder 6-7
Group 4M, Myxine glutinosa, 1971-1987
Box 13 Folder 8
Group 4M, Myxine hubbsi, 1963-1984
Box 13 Folder 9
Group 4M, Myxine limosa, 1975-1990
Box 13 Folder 10
Group 4M, Myxine "luzonica" - Correspondence, 1976
Box 13 Folder 11
Group 4M, Myxine olivacea, 1972
Box 13 Folder 12
Group 4M, Myxine rubicunda, 1971-1990
Box 13 Folder 13
Group 4M, Nemamyxine, 1958-1982
Box 13 Folder 14
Group 4M, Neomyxine, 1971-1982
Box 13 Folder 15
Group 4M, Notomyxine, 1968
Box 13 Folder 16
Group 4M, Paramyxine, 1975-1977
Box 13 Folder 17
Group 4M, Paramyxine atami - Correspondence, 1972-1977
Box 13 Folder 18
Group 4M, Paramyxine yangi, 1972
Box 13 Folder 19
Group 4M, geographic: Alaska, 1963-1972
Box 13 Folder 20
Group 4M, geographic: Antarctic, 1972
Box 13 Folder 21
Group 4M, geographic: Argentina, 1969-1972
Box 13 Folder 22
Group 4M, geographic: Atlantic coast, 1971-1976
Box 13 Folder 23
Group 4M, geographic: Australia, 1964-1975
Box 13 Folder 24
Group 4M, geographic: Brazil, 1971-1979
Box 13 Folder 25
Group 4M, geographic: British Columbia, 1971-1972
Box 13 Folder 26
Group 4M, geographic: California, 1965-1976
Box 13 Folder 27
Group 4M, geographic: Caribbean, 1971-1972
Box 13 Folder 28-29
Group 4M, geographic: Chile, 1968-1984
Box 13 Folder 30
Group 4M, geographic: China, 1973
Box 13 Folder 31
Group 4M, geographic: Columbia River mouth, 1973
Box 13 Folder 32
Group 4M, geographic: Costa Rica, 1977-1978
Box 13 Folder 33
Group 4M, geographic: Eastern Asia, 1976-1978
Box 13 Folder 34
Group 4M, geographic: Eastern Atlantic, 1978-1979
Box 13 Folder 35
Group 4M, geographic: Gulf of Mexico, 1974
Box 13 Folder 36
Group 4M, geographic: Hawaii, 1973-1978
Box 13 Folder 37
Group 4M, geographic: Japan, 1972-1977
Box 13 Folder 38
Group 4M, geographic: Korea, 1976
Box 13 Folder 39
Group 4M, geographic: Mediterranean, 1972-1973
Box 13 Folder 40
Group 4M, geographic: Mexico, 1958-1976
Box 14 Folder 1
Group 4M, geographic: New Guinea, 1978
Box 14 Folder 2
Group 4M, geographic: New Zealand, 1966-1973
Box 14 Folder 3
Group 4M, geographic: Northeast Pacific, 1968-1977
Box 14 Folder 4
Group 4M, geographic: Oregon, 1971-1972
Box 14 Folder 5
Group 4M, geographic: Panama, 1972
Box 14 Folder 6
Group 4M, geographic: Peru, 1972-1974
Box 14 Folder 7
Group 4M, geographic: Philippines, 1962-1985
Box 14 Folder 8
Group 4M, geographic: South Africa, 1971-1979
Box 14 Folder 9
Group 4M, geographic: Taiwan, 1972-1977
Box 14 Folder 10
Group 4M, geographic: Western Atlantic, 1971-1978
Box 14 Folder 11
Group 4M, institutions: American Museum of Natural History, 1972
Box 14 Folder 12
Group 4M, institutions: British Columbia Provincial Museum, 1972
Box 14 Folder 13
Group 4M, institutions: California Academy of Sciences, 1969-1976
Box 14 Folder 14
Group 4M, institutions: Field Museum of Natural History,, 1958-1976
Box 14 Folder 15
Group 4M, institutions: Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 1972-1979
Box 14 Folder 16
Group 4M, institutions: Los Angeles County Museum, 1972
Box 14 Folder 17
Group 4M, institutions: Louisiana State University, 1972-1975
Box 14 Folder 18
Group 4M, institutions: Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1971-1976
Box 14 Folder 19
Group 4M, institutions: National Marine Fisheries Service, Pascagoula, 1972-1976
Box 14 Folder 20
Group 4M, institutions: Northeast Fisheries Center, 1975
Box 14 Folder 21
Group 4M, institutions: ORSTOM, Noumea, 1972
Box 14 Folder 22
Group 4M, institutions: Smith (J.L.B.) Institute of Ichthyology, 1971-1972
Box 14 Folder 23
Group 4M, institutions: Smithsonian Sorting Center, 1971-1976
Box 14 Folder 24
Group 4M, institutions: South African Museum, 971-1973
Box 14 Folder 25
Group 4M, institutions: Southern California Coastal Water Research Project, 1974
Box 14 Folder 26
Group 4M, institutions: Stanford University, 1968
Box 14 Folder 27
Group 4M, institutions: Tulane University, 1972
Box 14 Folder 28
Group 4M, institutions: United States National Museum, 1972-1976
Box 14 Folder 29
Group 4M, institutions: University of California, Los Angeles, 1977
Box 14 Folder 30
Group 4M, institutions: University of Miami, 1971-1975
Box 14 Folder 31
Group 4M, institutions: University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology, 1971-1972
Box 14 Folder 32
Group 4M, institutions: University of Washington, 1968-1972
Box 14 Folder 33
Group 4M, institutions: Virginia Institute of Marine Science, 1974-1975
Box 14 Folder 34
Group 4M, institutions: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1971
Box 14 Folder 35
Group 4P - Notes, 1917-1974
Box 14 Folder 36
Group 4P - References and newspaper clippings, 1922-1974
Box 14 Folder 37
Group 4P - Photographs, 1949
Box 14 Folder 38
Group 4P - Drawings for manuscript by Hubbs and Potter, 1971
Box 14 Folder 39-40
Group 4P - Correspondence, 1921-1969
Box 15 Folder 1-2
Group 4P - Correspondence, 1970-1979
Box 15 Folder 3
Group 4P, Caspiomyzon, 1970-1972
Box 15 Folder 4
Group 4P, Endontomyzon, 1939-1972
Box 15 Folder 5
Group 4P, Geotria and Mordacia, 1936-1978
Box 15 Folder 6
Group 4P, Ichthyomyzon, Manuscript notes - Hubbs and Trautman. A revision of the Lamprey genus Ichthyomyzon, 1937

Includes negatives.

Box 15 Folder 7
Group 4P, Ichthyomyzon - Notes, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1922-1970
Box 15 Folder 8
Group 4P, Ichthyomyzon - Correspondence, 1934-1976
Box 15 Folder 9
Group 4P, Lampetra, general, 1971-1979
Box 15 Folder 10
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus), general, 1971-1976
Box 15 Folder 11
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus) folletti, 1975-1976
Box 15 Folder 12
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus) "hubbsi", 1976
Box 15 Folder 13
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus) lethophaga - Notes and references, 1971-1976
Box 15 Folder 14
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus) lethophaga - Photographs, undated
Box 15 Folder 15
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus) lethophaga - Correspondence, 1942-1976
Box 15 Folder 16
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus) minima, 1972-1979
Box 273 Folder 2
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus) tridentata, manuscript - Analysis of variability in the dentition of the Pacific lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus, undated
Box 15 Folder 17
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus) tridentata, manuscript - Related materials, undated

Includes note from Betty Shor in 1985, explaining the contents of the folder.

Box 15 Folder 18
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus) tridentata, manuscript - Something about the lampreys of Oregon and their runs, 1927
Box 16 Folder 1
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus) tridentata - Notes, references, and drawings, 1945-1970
Box 16 Folder 2-3
Group 4P, Lampetra (Entosphenus) tridentata - Correspondence, 1939-1977
Box 16 Folder 4
Group 4P, Lampetra (Lampetra), general - Notes, references, and photographs, 1921-1970
Box 16 Folder 5
Group 4P, Lampetra (Lampetra), general - Correspondence, 1925-1976
Box 16 Folder 6
Group 4P, Lampetra (Lethenteron) - Notes, reference, newspaper clippings, photographs, 1922-1934
Box 278 Folder 5
Group 4P, Lampetra (Lethenteron) - Photographs of Lethenteron meridionalis and Lethenteron lamottenii by Vladykov, 1975
Box 16 Folder 7-8
Group 4P, Lampetra (Lethenteron) - Correspondence, 1931-1976
Box 16 Folder 9
Group 4P, Okkelbergia aepyptera, 1921-1976
Box 16 Folder 10
Group 4P, Petromyzon - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1915-1977
Box 16 Folder 11-12
Group 4P, Petromyzon - Correspondence, 1930-1979
Box 16 Folder 13
Group 4P, Petromyzonidae - Correspondence, 1974
Box 16 Folder 14
Group 4P, Tetrapleurodon, 1921-1972
Box 16 Folder 15
Group 5, general, 1927-1979
Box 16 Folder 16
Group 5, Carcharinidae, 1949-1973
Box 16 Folder 17
Group 5, Heterodontus, 1959-1972
Box 17 Folder 1
Group 5, Rhiniodon, 1976-1977
Box 17 Folder 2
Group 5, Squalidae - Correspondence, 1957-1975
Box 17 Folder 3
Group 5-6, 1967

Includes "Synopsis of shark classification to families" by Shelton P. Applegate.

Box 17 Folder 4
Group 6, 1946-1978
Box 17 Folder 5
Group 7, general, 1952-1972
Box 17 Folder 6
Group 7, Latimeria - Notes and references, 1939-1978
Box 17 Folder 7
Group 7, Latimeria - Newspaper clippings, 1939-1976
Box 17 Folder 8
Group 7, Latimeria - Photographs, 1954-1975
Box 17 Folder 9-10
Group 7, Latimeria - Correspondence, 1947-1976

Includes photographs.

Box 17 Folder 11
Group 8, manuscript - Ethetor: New genus, ca. 1933

Unpublished. Includes note by Peter Whitehead in 1989.

Box 17 Folder 12
Group 8 - Untitled manuscript on the Indo-Pacific anchovy genus Coilia, ca. 1933

Includes note by Peter Whitehead in 1989.

Box 17 Folder 13
Group 8, general, 1927-1967
Box 17 Folder 14
Group 8, Anchovies, 1933-1970
Box 17 Folder 15
Group 8, Clupeidae, 1947-1972
Box 17 Folder 16
Group 8, Engraulidae, 1942-1971
Box 273 Folder 3
Group 8, Engraulidae - Correspondence with Peter J. Whitehead, British Museum, 1962-1964
Box 17 Folder 17
Group 8, Etrumeus, 1953-1976
Box 17 Folder 18-19
Group 8, Etrumeus - Notes and measurements by Robert L. Wisner, 1952-1966
Box 17 Folder 20
Group 8, Sardines - Notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1951-1963
Box 17 Folder 21
Group 8, Sardinops - Correspondence, 1948-1967
Box 273 Folder 4
Group 8, Sardinops - Correspondence, 1951-1952

Includes measurements collected by the Commonwealth of Australia, Division of Fisheries.

Box 17 Folder 22-23
Group 8, Sardinops, manuscripts by others - Robert L. Wisner. Report on vertebral studies on sardines with particular emphasis on the warm areas, ca. 1958
Box 18 Folder 1
Group 8, Sardinops, manuscripts by others - Robert L. Wisner. Zoogeography of the genus Sardinops in the Pacific Ocean, undated
Box 18 Folder 2
Group 8, Sardinops - References, 1943
Box 18 Folder 3
Group 8, Sardinops - X-ray, undated
Box 18 Folder 4
Group 8, Sardinops - Notes on measuring techniques, undated
Box 18 Folder 5
Group 8, Sardinops - Measurements by Robert L. Wisner, 1955-1957
Box 18 Folder 6
Group 8, Sardinops - Measurements (various) by Robert L. Wisner, 1949-1957
Box 18 Folder 7
Group 8, Sardinops - Measurements with regression calculations by Robert L. Wisner, 1949-1955
Box 18 Folder 8
Group 8, Sardinops - Measurements of vertebrae by Robert L. Wisner, 1959
Box 18 Folder 9
Group 8, Sardinops - Measurements of vertebrae by Robert L. Wisner, Ensenada, Mexico, 1959
Box 18 Folder 10
Group 8, Sardinops - Statistical notes by Robert L. Wisner, undated
Box 18 Folder 11-12
Group 8, Sardinops - Notes, tallies by Robert L. Wisner, undated
Box 18 Folder 13
Group 8, Sardinops - Notes on vertebrae, 1951-1961
Box 18 Folder 14
Group 9, 1945-1971

Includes materials from seminar by Martin Sattler titled "The origin and distribution of the family Salmonidae."

Box 18 Folder 15
Group 15, general, 1953-1978
Box 18 Folder 16
Group 15, manuscripts by others - Motoyoshi Yokote. Observation of spawning behavior and reproduction if Rhodeus ocellatus and an experiment on the host mussel, Anodonta w. lauta, ca. 1948
Box 18 Folder 17
Group 17 - Correspondence, 1958
Box 18 Folder 18
Group 23, 1952-1975
Box 18 Folder 19
Group 23, Cololabis saira - Manuscript: Robert L. Wisner. The North Pacific synentognath fish, Cololabis saira, its distribution and variation, with a brief summary of its fishery, ca. 1960
Box 18 Folder 20
Group 23, Cololabis saira - Notes for manuscript by Robert L. Wisner, ca. 1956
Box 19 Folder 1-2
Group 23, Cololabis saira - Notes by Robert L. Wisner, 1947-1956
Box 19 Folder 3
Group 24 - Correspondence, 1966
Box 19 Folder 4
Group 25, general, 1948-1968
Box 19 Folder 5
Group 25, Aulopus - Notes by Douglas Hoese, ca. 1968
Box 273 Folder 5
Group 25, Aulopus - Notes by Douglas Hoese, ca. 1968
Box 19 Folder 6
Group 25, Aulopus - Notes by Paul J. Struhsaker, undated
Box 19 Folder 7
Group 25, Aulopus - Notes, references, and x-rays, undated
Box 19 Folder 8-10
Group 25, Aulopus - Correspondence, 1952-1977
Box 19 Folder 11
Group 26, 1950-1968

Includes paper by John E. McCosker titled "Zoogeography and distribution of the family Ophichthidae."

Box 19 Folder 12
Groups 30, 31, 32, 33, 1952-1978
Box 19 Folder 13
Group 34, 1951-1979
Box 19 Folder 14
Group 35, 1953-1974
Box 19 Folder 15
Groups 38, 39 - Correspondence, 1954-1968
Box 19 Folder 16
Group 40, 1939-1969
Box 19 Folder 17
Group 42, general, 1951-1974
Box 19 Folder 18
Group 42, Centrolophidae and Icosteidae, 1940-1955
Box 273 Folder 6
Group 42, Centrolophidae and Icosteidae - Notes, 1946
Box 19 Folder 19
Group 42, Echeneidae, 1950-1956
Box 19 Folder 20
Group 42, Trachurus, 1950-1956
Box 19 Folder 21
Group 43, 1938-1961
Box 19 Folder 22
Groups 44, 46, 48 - Correspondence, 1942-1978
Box 19 Folder 23
Group 50, 1959-1973
Box 19 Folder 24
Groups 51, 53, 55, 56 - Correspondence, 1956-1978
Box 19 Folder 25
Group 57 - Correspondence, 1949-1978
Box 19 Folder 26
Groups 58, 59, 1943-1969
Box 19 Folder 27
Group 60, 1944-1974
Box 19 Folder 28
Group 61, general, 1951-1971
Box 20 Folder 1
Group 61, Ammodytidae, 1937-1962
Box 20 Folder 2
Group 61, Anarhichadidae, 1961-1975
Box 20 Folder 3
Group 61, Blennioidei, 1951-1959
Box 20 Folder 4
Group 61, Brotulidae - Notes and references, 1944-1970
Box 20 Folder 5
Group 61, Brotulidae - Photographs and correspondence, 1943-1968
Box 20 Folder 6
Group 61, Carapidae, 1970-1972
Box 20 Folder 7
Group 61, Tripterygiidae - Correspondence, 1956-1977
Box 20 Folder 8
Group 62, general, 1951-1968
Box 20 Folder 9
Group 62, Macruridae, 1961-1978
Box 20 Folder 10
Group 64, general, 1938-1977
Box 20 Folder 11
Group 64, Citharidae, 1944-1945
Box 20 Folder 12
Group 65, 1952-1973

Western Hemisphere

Box 20 Folder 13
General, 1944-1974
Box 20 Folder 14
Group 8, 1944-1972
Box 20 Folder 15
Group 15 - Correspondence, 1974
Box 20 Folder 16
Group 17 - Correspondence, 1969
Box 20 Folder 17
Group 41, Diapterus, 1967-1974
Box 20 Folder 18-19
Group 41, Eucinostomus - Untitled manuscript on specimens from the Pacific Ocean, undated
Box 20 Folder 20
Group 41, Eucinostomus - Notes, 1966-1974
Box 20 Folder 21
Group 41, Eucinostomus - References and photographs, 1951-1976
Box 20 Folder 22-24
Group 41, Eucinostomus - Correspondence, 1942-1970
Box 21 Folder 1-4
Group 41, Eucinostomus - Correspondence, 1971-1980
Box 21 Folder 5
Group 41, Eucinostomus argenteus, Atlantic, 1942-1975
Box 21 Folder 6
Group 41, Eucinostomus argenteus, Pacific, 1950-1975
Box 21 Folder 7
Group 41, Eucinostomus currani, 1965-1976
Box 21 Folder 8
Group 41, Eucinostomus entomelas, 1966-1974
Box 21 Folder 9
Group 41, Eucinostomus gracilis, 1966-1974
Box 21 Folder 10
Group 41, Eucinostomus gula, 1966-1973
Box 21 Folder 11
Group 41, Eucinostomus jonesii, 1958-1973
Box 21 Folder 12
Group 41, Eucinostomus melanopterus, 1948-1974
Box 21 Folder 13
Group 41, Eucinostomus rectiventris, 1966-1969
Box 21 Folder 14
Group 41, Eugerres - Notes, 1967-1972
Box 21 Folder 15
Group 41, Gerreidae, general - Notes and references, 1951
Box 21 Folder 16-17
Group 41, Gerreidae, general - Correspondence, 1941-1977
Box 21 Folder 18
Group 41, Gerres cinereus, 1955-1974
Box 21 Folder 19
Group 41, Lepidochir, 1966-1973
Box 21 Folder 20
Group 41, Mojarra, 1970
Box 21 Folder 21
Group 41, Schizopterus aureolus, 1967-1974
Box 21 Folder 22
Group 41, Ulaema lefroyi, 1966-1973
Box 21 Folder 23
Group 46 - Correspondence, 1953-1966
Box 21 Folder 24
Group 60 - Correspondence, 1953
Box 21 Folder 25
Group 61 - Correspondence, 1946-1982
Box 21 Folder 26
Group 64, Achiridae - Notes by Hubbs, 1953-1974
Box 22 Folder 1
Group 64, Achiridae - Notes by Douglas Hoese, 1963-1969
Box 22 Folder 2
Group 64, Achiridae - References and data, 1928-1972
Box 22 Folder 3-4
Group 64, Achiridae - Photographs, 1963-1964

Includes index.

Box 22 Folder 5-9
Group 64, Achiridae - Correspondence, 1954-1980
Box 22 Folder 10
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: Amazon - Correspondence, 1962-1972
Box 22 Folder 11
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: Brazil - Correspondence, 1965-1973
Box 22 Folder 12
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: British Honduras - Correspondence, 1972-1973
Box 22 Folder 13
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: Colombia - Correspondence, 1965-1971
Box 22 Folder 14
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: Costa Rica - Correspondence, 1968-1973
Box 22 Folder 15
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: Gulf of Mexico - Correspondence, 1974
Box 22 Folder 16
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: Mexico - Correspondence, 1965-1978
Box 22 Folder 17
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: Middle America - Correspondence, 1968
Box 22 Folder 18
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: Panama - Correspondence, 1966-1972
Box 22 Folder 19
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: Peru - Correspondence, 1965-1973
Box 22 Folder 20
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: Venezuela - Correspondence, 1964-1974
Box 273 Folder 7
Group 64, Achiridae, geographic: Venezuela - Correspondence, 1965-1967

Correspondence with Francisco Mago Leccia, curator of fishes for Central University of Venezuela Museum of Biology (Universidad Central De Venezuela, Museo de Biologia).

Box 22 Folder 21
Group 64, Achiropsis, 1956-1964
Box 22 Folder 22
Group 64, Achirus, general, 1953-1969
Box 22 Folder 23
Group 64, Achirus achirus - Notes, 1958
Box 22 Folder 24
Group 64, Achirus declivis, 1958-1973
Box 22 Folder 25
Group 64, Achirus klunzingeri - Notes, 1958-1974
Box 22 Folder 26
Group 64, Achirus lineatus lineatus, 1958-1973
Box 23 Folder 1
Group 64, Achirus mazatlanus, 1951-1979
Box 23 Folder 2
Group 64, Achirus scutum, 1952-1974
Box 23 Folder 3
Group 64, Achirus zebrinus, 1955-1964
Box 23 Folder 4
Group 64, Apionichthys, general, 1958-1975
Box 23 Folder 5
Group 64, Apionichthys dumerili, 1957-1960
Box 23 Folder 6
Group 64, Apionichthys nattereri, 1964-1975
Box 23 Folder 7
Group 64, Apionichthys unicolor, 1958-1975
Box 23 Folder 8
Group 64, Catathyridium - Notes, 1953-1958
Box 23 Folder 9
Group 64, Gymnachirus - Notes and photograph, 1953-1973
Box 23 Folder 10
Group 64, Gymnachirus - Correspondence, 1953-1967
Box 23 Folder 11
Group 64, Hypoclinemus, 1954-1970
Box 23 Folder 12
Group 64, Soleonasus, 1958-1972
Box 23 Folder 13
Group 64, nectes, general, 1955-1974
Box 23 Folder 14
Group 64, nectes, general - Latitude and longitude of localities, 1964
Box 23 Folder 15
Group 64, Trinectes amnis, 1964-1974
Box 23 Folder 16
Group 64, Trinectes fimbriatus, 1951-1975
Box 23 Folder 17
Group 64, Trinectes fluviatilis, 1953-1967
Box 23 Folder 18
Group 64, Trinectes fonsecensis group, 1967-1973
Box 23 Folder 19
Group 64, Trinectes fonsecensis, 1953-1973
Box 23 Folder 20
Group 64, Trinectes inscriptus, 1953-1974
Box 23 Folder 21
Group 64, Trinectes maculatus, 1952-1962
Box 23 Folder 22
Group 64, Trinectes maculatus fasciatus, 1953-1972
Box 24 Folder 1
Group 64, Trinectes maculatus fasciatus and maculatus, 1954-1962
Box 24 Folder 2
Group 64, Trinectes maculatus, 1953-1958
Box 24 Folder 3
Group 64, Trinectes microphthalmus, 1958-1974
Box 24 Folder 4
Group 64, Trinectes paulistanus, 1953-1976
Box 24 Folder 5
Group 64, Trinectes xanthurus, 1953-1974
Box 24 Folder 6
Group 64, Bothidae Correspondence, 1958
Box 24 Folder 7
Group 64, Etropus crossotus, 1952-1956


Box 24 Folder 8
General - Notes and references, 1949-1975
Box 24 Folder 9-10
General - Correspondence, 1925-1977
Box 24 Folder 11
Manuscript - Fishes of Western North America, 1941-1961

Instructions for preparing papers and Hubbs' response. Includes preliminary bibliographic catalogue and species reference cards.

Box 24 Folder 12-14
Manuscript - Fishes of Western North America - Correspondence, 1938-1968

Arranged By Group

Box 24 Folder 15
Group 3, 1929-1962
Box 24 Folder 16
Group 5 - Notes, references, and photographs, 1953-1956

Includes three shark teeth from specimen caught in New Providence, Bahamas in 1956, with negatives by Conrad Limbaugh.

Box 24 Folder 17-18
Group 5 - Correspondence, 1931-1979
Box 25 Folder 1
Group 6, Rajidae, 1917-1968
Box 25 Folder 2
Group 7 - Correspondence, 1957-1968
Box 25 Folder 3
Group 8, manuscript - Brevoortia flavipinnis, a new clupeoid fish from North Carolina, undated
Box 25 Folder 4
Group 8, manuscript - Hubbs and Marini. Clupeoid fishes of Argentina, with descriptions of four new anchovies, ca. 1932
Box 25 Folder 5
Group 8 - Notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1917-1959
Box 25 Folder 6
Group 8 - Correspondence, 1933-1973
Box 25 Folder 7
Group 9 - Correspondence, 1942-1972
Box 25 Folder 8
Group 10, 1951
Box 25 Folder 9
Group 23, 1916-1968
Box 25 Folder 10
Group 24, Halosauridae, 1917-1958
Box 25 Folder 11
Group 26, general, 1917-1978
Box 25 Folder 12
Group 26, Dysommina, 1916-1952
Box 25 Folder 13
Group 30, 1934
Box 25 Folder 14
Group 31, 1907-1959
Box 25 Folder 15
Group 32, Chaetodontidae - References and photographs, 1961-1963
Box 25 Folder 16
Group 32, Chaetodontidae - Correspondence, 1962-1974
Box 25 Folder 17
Group 32, Chaetodon aya - Notes and photographs, 1956-1962
Box 25 Folder 18-19
Group 32, Chaetodon aya - Correspondence, 1956-1965
Box 25 Folder 20
Group 32, Chaetodon guyanensis, 1960-1965
Box 25 Folder 21
Group 32, Chaetodon marcellae, 1956-1962
Box 25 Folder 22
Group 32, Prognathodes - Notes and references, 1956-1965
Box 25 Folder 23-24
Group 32, Prognathodes - Correspondence, 1956-1965
Box 25 Folder 25
Group 34, 1934-1974
Box 25 Folder 26
Group 35, 1922-1956
Box 25 Folder 27
Group 38 - Correspondence, 1931-1932
Box 25 Folder 28
Group 40, Atherinidae - Notes, references, photographs, and correspondence, 1935-1976
Box 25 Folder 29
Group 40, Atherinidae, manuscript and bibliography - Hubbs and Marini. Genera and species of Atherine fishes in Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil, 1944
Box 26 Folder 1
Group 40, Atherinidae, manuscript and bibliography - Hubbs and Marini. Genera and species of Atherine fishes in Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil, 1944
Box 26 Folder 2
Group 40, Melanorhinus, 1946
Box 26 Folder 3
Group 40, Menidia, 1966-1978
Box 26 Folder 4
Group 40, Mugil, 1939-1969
Box 26 Folder 5-6
Group 40, Odontesthes, 1972
Box 26 Folder 7
Group 40, Sphyraena, 1951-1969
Box 26 Folder 8
Group 42, 1936-1960

Includes "A radical investigation of the bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (linnaeus) of the Atlantic coast of North America" by William Albert Lund.

Box 26 Folder 8
Group 43, 1929-1976
Box 273 Folder 8
Group 44, 45, manuscripts by others - Cecil Miles. A new Pomadasis fish from the Colombian Caribbean, undated
Box 26 Folder 9
Group 44, 45, 1952
Box 26 Folder 10
Group 46, 1953-1958
Box 26 Folder 11
Group 48, 1953-1958
Box 26 Folder 12
Group 50, 1951-1961
Box 26 Folder 13
Group 53, 1939-1952
Box 26 Folder 14
Group 55, 1936-1952
Box 26 Folder 15
Group 56 - Correspondence, 1935-1969
Box 26 Folder 16
Group 57, 1916-1975
Box 26 Folder 17
Group 59 - Correspondence, 1935-1969
Box 26 Folder 18
Group 60, 1942-1975
Box 273 Folder 9
Group 61, manuscripts by others - A. N. Svetovidov. On the Ophidioid species of the European seas with remarks on the adaptive significance of the swim-bladder structure, ca. 1954
Box 26 Folder 19
Group 61 - Notes, references, and correspondence, 1941-1968
Box 26 Folder 20
Group 61, Ammodytidae, 1939-1973
Box 26 Folder 21
Group 61, Blennius nicholsi, 1940-1971
Box 26 Folder 22
Group 61, Hypsoblennius, 1936-1975
Box 26 Folder 23
Group 62, general, 1916-1977
Box 26 Folder 24
Group 62, Gaidropsarus, 1953-1954

Includes photographs.

Box 26 Folder 25
Group 63 - Correspondence, 1938
Box 26 Folder 26
Group 64, 1932-1975
Box 26 Folder 27
Group 65, 1951-1973

Arranged By Locality

Box 26 Folder 28
Ascension Island - Correspondence, 1978
Box 26 Folder 29
Bahamas, 1956-1968
Box 26 Folder 30
Bermuda, 1946-1966
Box 26 Folder 31
Brazil, 1957-1972
Box 26 Folder 32
British Honduras, 1952-1968

Includes comments on proposal by David W. Greenfield.

Box 26 Folder 33
Canada - Correspondence, 1962-1968
Box 26 Folder 34
Cuba - Correspondence, 1962-1968
Box 26 Folder 35
Florida, 1956-1978
Box 26 Folder 36
Gulf of Maine, 1950-1974
Box 273 Folder 10
Gulf of Mexico - Notes, 1917
Box 26 Folder 37
Long Island - List of fishes collected for field museum, undated
Box 26 Folder 38
Louisiana, 1917-1970

Includes "Checklist of fishes of Grand Isle, Louisiana" by Roy Irwin.

Box 26 Folder 39
Mediterranean, 1960-1963
Box 26 Folder 40
Mexico - Correspondence, 1967-1970
Box 26 Folder 41
Miskito Coast, 1974
Box 26 Folder 42
Texas, 1940-1949
Box 26 Folder 43
Venezuela, 1935-1970
Box 26 Folder 44
West Indies, 1948-1977
Box 26 Folder 45
Yucatan, 1952-1975


Box 27 Folder 1
Europe, general, 1956-1977

Includes "A study of the migration of river fishes in Central Europe" by Ludwig Scheuring and a resume of Hubbs work done on trip to Europe, 1958 July-October.

Box 27 Folder 2
Europe - Group 9, 1954-1973
Box 27 Folder 3
Europe - Group 15, 1951-1973
Box 27 Folder 4
Europe - Group 18, Ictalurus, 1972
Box 27 Folder 5
Europe - Group 55, Cottus, 1958
Box 27 Folder 6
Europe - Group 61, 1947-1951


Box 27 Folder 7
General - Notes, data, and correspondence, 1930-1973
Box 27 Folder 8
Manuscript - A fishing trip to the Orient, 1930 April 12

Radio talk presented on university program.

Box 27 Folder 9
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Java Expedition notebooks, 1929

Includes two notebooks on fishes, a diary, postcards with images of fishes, photographs, and handwritten photograph index.

Box 27 Folder 10
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Java Expedition notes, 1929-1944

Includes copy of original field notes by Hubbs concerning his Javanese fish collections obtained in 1929.

Box 27 Folder 11
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Notes on Thienemann collection, 1929-1934
Box 27 Folder 12-15
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Correspondence, 1920-1959

Includes photograph.

Arranged By Group

Box 27 Folder 16
Group 5, Chimaera, 1972-1975
Box 27 Folder 17
Group 6, 1962-1978

Includes drawing and negatives.

Box 27 Folder 18
Group 8, general, 1924-1968
Box 27 Folder 19
Group 8, Engraulididae, 1944-1958
Box 27 Folder 20
Group 8, Stolephorinae, 1950-1976
Box 27 Folder 21
Group 9, 1929-1974
Box 27 Folder 22
Group 15, general, 1927-1971

Includes negative and photograph print of specimen sheets.

Box 28 Folder 1
Group 15, Acheilognathinae, 1929-1943
Box 28 Folder 2
Group 15, Carassius, 1952-1977
Box 28 Folder 3
Group 15, Cyprinidae, 1966-1967
Box 28 Folder 4
Group 15, Rasbora, 1947-1948
Box 28 Folder 5
Group 15, Tanichthys, 1954-1968
Box 28 Folder 6
Group 15, Uranesthes, 1977-1978
Box 28 Folder 7
Group 16 - Correspondence, 1953
Box 28 Folder 8
Group 26, 1958-1962
Box 28 Folder 9
Group 27, 1943-1978
Box 28 Folder 10
Group 29, 1936-1949
Box 28 Folder 11
Group 34, 1944-1953
Box 28 Folder 12
Group 40, 1944-1978
Box 28 Folder 13
Group 41, 1978
Box 28 Folder 14
Group 43, 1965-1970
Box 28 Folder 15
Group 46, 1965
Box 28 Folder 16
Group 47, 1948-1949
Box 28 Folder 17
Group 53, 1957-1972
Box 28 Folder 18
Group 55, 1958
Box 28 Folder 19
Group 56, 1966-1969
Box 28 Folder 20
Group 57, 1957-1975
Box 28 Folder 21
Group 59, 1931
Box 28 Folder 22
Group 64, general, 1951-1968
Box 28 Folder 23-25
Group 64, manuscripts by others - Katsuzo Kuronuma. Studies on the heterosomate fishes of Japan, 1938

Arranged By Locality

Box 28 Folder 26
China, 1973-1979
Box 28 Folder 27
China - List by Cora Reeves, 1926
Box 273 Folder 11
China - Light's notes on Chinese Branchiostoma thormites for study of protozoa, ca. 1923
Box 28 Folder 28-34
Japan, manuscript - David Starr Jordan and Hubbs. Record of fishes obtained by David Starr Jordan in Japan (1922), 1923-1925

Handwritten notes and correspondence.

Box 28 Folder 35
Japan, manuscript - The fauna of Japan, 1943 November 17
Box 29 Folder 1
Japan, freshwater fishes - Data by Katsuzo Kuronuma and Yaichiro Okada (?), 1933
Box 29 Folder 2
Japan - Data by Katsuzo Kuronuma on swordfish landings, 1932-1934
Box 29 Folder 3
Japan - Japanyon Expedition photographs, 1961

Photographs taken on Edgerton Deep Sea Camera on third leg of the expedition aboard the R/V Spencer F. Baird.

Box 273 Folder 12
Japan - Notes and correspondence, 1929-1935
Box 29 Folder 4
Japan - Notes and correspondence, 1936-1978
Box 29 Folder 5
Japan - Directory of Japanese Marine Biologists and scientists in related fields, 1949 July 29
Box 29 Folder 6
Japan, Group 5, 1963-1964
Box 29 Folder 7
Japan, Group 9, 1969
Box 29 Folder 8
Japan, Group 15, 1972-1978

Includes photographs.

Box 29 Folder 9
Japan, Group 23 - Correspondence, 1933-1968
Box 29 Folder 10
Japan, Group 26, 1978
Box 29 Folder 11
Japan, Group 34 - Correspondence, 1933-1934
Box 29 Folder 12
Japan, Group 35, 1954-1977
Box 29 Folder 13
Japan, Group 55, 1977-1978
Box 29 Folder 13
Japan, Groups 58, 59, 1928-1978
Box 29 Folder 15
Japan, Group 61, 1937-1969
Box 29 Folder 16
Japan, Group 64 - Correspondence, 1932-1955
Box 29 Folder 17
Korea, 1947-1959
Box 29 Folder 18
Philippines, 1948-1963
Box 29 Folder 19
Taiwan, 1973-1979

Includes paper by Masao Watanabe titled "On the salmonid fishes of Taiwan."


Box 29 Folder 20
General, 1946-1978

Arranged By Group

Box 273 Folder 13
Group 7, 1952-1953

Includes correspondence with J. L. B. Smith, who announced the discovery of a second Coelacanth off the coast of Africa.

Box 29 Folder 21
Group 8, 1954
Box 29 Folder 22
Group 26, 1950-1970
Box 29 Folder 23
Group 32 - Correspondence, 1954-1960
Box 29 Folder 24
Group 34 - Correspondence, 1954
Box 29 Folder 25
Group 38, 1968
Box 29 Folder 26
Group 40, 1951-1960
Box 29 Folder 27
Group 43, 1964-1965
Box 29 Folder 28
Group 44, 1978
Box 29 Folder 29
Group 48, 1968-1972
Box 29 Folder 30
Group 50 - Correspondence, 1954-1972
Box 29 Folder 31
Group 53, 1929-1973

Includes "Remarks on Philippine genera of Scorpaenid fishes."

Box 29 Folder 32
Group 56 - Correspondence, 1965-1979
Box 29 Folder 33
Group 57, 1972-1977
Box 29 Folder 34
Group 59, 1972-1974
Box 29 Folder 35
Group 60, 1958-1969
Box 29 Folder 36
Group 61, 1951-1953

Includes photographs and drawings.

Box 29 Folder 37
Group 64, 1969-1977

Includes X-ray print.

Arranged By Locality

Box 29 Folder 38
Australia, general, 1932-1978

Includes photographs.

Box 29 Folder 39
Australia, group 40, 1946-1976
Box 29 Folder 40
Australia, group 57 - Correspondence, 1968
Box 29 Folder 41
Australia, groups 58, 59 - Correspondence, 1974
Box 29 Folder 42
East Indies, 1944-1968
Box 29 Folder 43
Easter Island - Correspondence, 1965-1971
Box 29 Folder 44
Hawaii, 1949-1953

Includes draft of "Keys to the families of fishes and fishlike vertebrates found about the Hawaiian Islands" by Vernon Brock, 1949 October.

Box 29 Folder 45
Indian Ocean, 1952-1976
Box 30 Folder 1
New Zealand, 1934-1969

Pelagic Zone

Box 30 Folder 2
General - Notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1951-1967
Box 30 Folder 3-4
General - Correspondence, 1946-1973

Arranged By Group

Box 30 Folder 5
Group 5, general, 1952-1967
Box 30 Folder 6
Group 5, Carcharhinus, 1950-1976
Box 30 Folder 7
Group 5, Cetorhinus, 1954-1977

Includes photographs.

Box 30 Folder 8
Group 5, Euprotomicrus - Photographs and figures, 1966
Box 30 Folder 9
Group 5, Euprotomicrus, manuscript - Hubbs and McHugh. Relationships of the pelagic shark Euprotomicrus bispinatus, with description of a specimen from California, 1950-1951

Published in the Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4th series.

Box 30 Folder 10-15
Group 5, Euprotomicrus, manuscript - Hubbs, Iwai and Matsubara. External and internal characters, horizontal and vertical distributions, luminescence, and food of the dwarf pelagic shark, Euprotomicrus bispinatus, 1956-1978

SIO Bulletin 10, 1967 September. Works by others referencing paper, notes, photographs, and correspondence. Includes: "Some unusual fishes from the Central Pacific" by King and Ikehare; as well as "On the Pelagic shark, Euprotomicrus bispinatus (quoy and gaimard), with notes on the luminous organs of the species of squaloid sharks" by Matsubara and Iwai.

Box 31 Folder 1
Group 5, Isistius, 1967-1978
Box 31 Folder 2
Group 5, Isurus, 1953-1972
Box 31 Folder 3
Group 5, Megastoma (megachasma), 1976-1977
Box 31 Folder 4
Group 5, Prionace, 1952-1972
Box 31 Folder 5
Group 5, Rhincodon, 1935-1978
Box 31 Folder 6
Group 5, Squaliolus, 1967-1978
Box 31 Folder 7
Group 5, Dasyatis - Notes and references, 1953-1975
Box 31 Folder 8
Group 5, Dasyatis - Photographs, 1956-1972
Box 31 Folder 9-10
Group 5, Dasyatis - Correspondence, 1953-1976
Box 31 Folder 11
Group 8, general, 1916-1976
Box 31 Folder 12
Group 8, Alepocephalidae, 1965-1977
Box 31 Folder 13
Group 8, Bathylaco, 1963-1976
Box 31 Folder 14
Group 8, Leptochilichthys, 1966-1978

Includes photographs.

Box 31 Folder 15
Group 8, Mirorictus - Correspondence, 1965
Box 31 Folder 16
Group 9, general, 1955-1967
Box 31 Folder 17
Group 9, Argentinidae - Correspondence, 1945-1970
Box 31 Folder 18
Group 9, Bathylagus, 1944-1966

Includes " Key to adult Bathylagus of Eastern North Pacific" by D. M. Cohen.

Box 31 Folder 19
Group 9, Macropinna, 1950-1966

Includes photographs.

Box 31 Folder 20
Group 10, general, 1916-1978
Box 31 Folder 21
Group 10, Cyclothone, 1953-1976
Box 31 Folder 22
Group 10, Ichthyococcus, 1951-1972
Box 31 Folder 23
Group 10, Neonesthes - Correspondence, 1952-1964
Box 31 Folder 24
Group 10, Sternoptychinae, 1950-1972
Box 31 Folder 25
Group 10, Stomiatoids, 1954-1963
Box 31 Folder 26
Group 10, Valenciennellus - Correspondence, 1974
Box 31 Folder 27
Group 10, Vinciguerria, 1958-1973
Box 31 Folder 28
Group 23, general, 1954-1973
Box 31 Folder 29
Group 23, Cololabis, general, 1951-1978
Box 31 Folder 30
Group 23, Cololabis - Notes and correspondence by Robert L. Wisner, 1952-1962
Box 31 Folder 31
Group 23, Cypselurus, 1953-1966
Box 31 Folder 32
Group 23, Elassichthys, 1950-1974
Box 32 Folder 1
Group 23, Exocoetidae, 1953-1978
Box 32 Folder 2
Group 23, Nanichthys - Correspondence, 1968-1979
Box 32 Folder 3
Group 23, Scomberesocidae - Notes and references, 1858-1977
Box 32 Folder 4-7
Group 23, Scomberesocidae - Correspondence, 1954-1980
Box 32 Folder 8
Group 25, general, 1952-1977
Box 32 Folder 9
Group 25, Alepisaurus, 1950-1976
Box 32 Folder 10
Group 25, Anotopterus, 1952-1956
Box 32 Folder 11-12
Group 25, Anotopterus - Correspondence, 1952-1956
Box 32 Folder 13
Group 25, Benthosema - Correspondence, 1954 August-September
Box 32 Folder 14
Group 25, Cetomimidae - Correspondence, 1951-1976
Box 32 Folder 15
Group 25, Diaphus - Correspondence, 1969-1977
Box 32 Folder 16
Group 25, Eutaeniophorus, 1966-1976
Box 32 Folder 17
Group 25, Evermannella, 1975
Box 32 Folder 18
Group 25, Gigantura - Correspondence, 1952-1966
Box 32 Folder 19
Group 25, Lampadena, 1951-1974
Box 32 Folder 20
Group 25, Lampanyctus, 1951-1974
Box 32 Folder 21
Group 25, Macroparalepis, 1973-1975
Box 32 Folder 22
Group 25, Myctophidae, 1951-1978
Box 32 Folder 23
Group 25, Notosudidae, 1957-1976
Box 32 Folder 24
Group 25, Paralepididae, 1952-1974
Box 32 Folder 25
Group 25, Parvilux, 1963-1964

Includes photographs.

Box 32 Folder 26
Group 25, Scopelarchidae, 1973-1974
Box 32 Folder 27
Group 25, Scopelosaurus harryi - Correspondence, 1951-1975
Box 32 Folder 28
Group 25, Scopelosaurus hubbsi - Correspondence, 1972-1973
Box 32 Folder 29
Group 25, Taeniophorus - Correspondence, 1956-1957
Box 32 Folder 30
Group 25, Tarletonbeania, 1952-1958
Box 32 Folder 31
Group 26, general, 1951-1975

Includes photographs.

Box 32 Folder 32
Group 26, Avocettina, 1971-1978
Box 32 Folder 33
Group 26, Leptocephali - Correspondence, 1962-1971
Box 32 Folder 34
Group 30, general, 1947-1974
Box 33 Folder 1
Group 30, Eumecichthys, 1954-1966
Box 33 Folder 2
Group 30, Lampris, 1950-1975
Box 33 Folder 3
Group 30, Lophotus - Untitled manuscript, notes, and data, 1948-1974
Box 33 Folder 4
Group 30, Lophotus - References and newspaper clippings, 1950

Includes "On a fish which secretes ink-fluid" by Tominaga S. and " Descriptions of five new species of fishes obtained at Madeira" by Yate Johnson.

Box 33 Folder 5
Group 30, Lophotus - Correspondence, 1948-1982
Box 33 Folder 6
Group 30, Lophotus - Photographs, 1918-1951
Box 33 Folder 7
Group 30, Regalecus, 1950-1979

Includes photographs.

Box 33 Folder 8
Group 30, Trachypterus, 1947-1979
Box 33 Folder 9
Group 31, general, 1963-1978
Box 33 Folder 10
Group 31, Anoplogaster, 1954-1964
Box 33 Folder 11
Group 31, Caristius - Notes, references, and photographs, 1950-1969
Box 33 Folder 12
Group 31, Caristius - Correspondence, 1955-1972
Box 33 Folder 13
Group 31, Melamphaes, 1947-1974
Box 33 Folder 14
Group 34, general, 1950-1978
Box 33 Folder 15
Group 34, Mola, 1951-1964
Box 33 Folder 16
Group 40, 1964-1977
Box 33 Folder 17
Group 42, general, 1957-1974
Box 33 Folder 18
Group 42, Bramidae - Correspondence, 1953-1978
Box 33 Folder 19
Group 42, Centrolophidae, 1949-1966
Box 33 Folder 20
Group 42, Tetragonurus, 1953-1975
Box 33 Folder 21
Group 43, general, 1954-1977
Box 33 Folder 22
Group 43, Assurger, 1951-1966
Box 33 Folder 23
Group 43, Auxis, 1953-1973
Box 33 Folder 24
Group 43, Benthodesmus, 1954-1959

Includes photographs.

Box 33 Folder 25
Group 43, Benthodesmus - Correspondence, 1951-1970

Includes data by D .W. Tucker, British Natural History Museum.

Box 33 Folder 26
Group 43, Euthynnus, 1947-1966
Box 33 Folder 27
Group 43, Gempylidae, 1953-1956
Box 33 Folder 28
Group 43, Germo, 1954-1962
Box 33 Folder 29
Group 43, Istiompax, 1956-1975
Box 33 Folder 30
Group 43, Istiophoridae - References, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1940-1975
Box 33 Folder 31
Group 43, Istiophoridae - Correspondence, 1954-1958
Box 34 Folder 1-3
Group 43, Istiophoridae - Correspondence, 1958-1975
Box 34 Folder 4
Group 43, Katsuwonus, 1958-1965
Box 34 Folder 5
Group 43, Lepidocybium, 1949-1972
Box 34 Folder 6
Group 43, Lepidopodinae, 1951-1955

Includes photographs and negatives.

Box 34 Folder 7
Group 43, Luvarus, 1947-1975
Box 34 Folder 8
Group 43, Makaira, 1953-1973

Includes photograph.

Box 34 Folder 9
Group 43, Makaira - Correspondence, 1953-1972
Box 34 Folder 10
Group 43, Neothunnus, 1953-1978
Box 34 Folder 11
Group 43, Parathunnus, 1957-1961
Box 34 Folder 12
Group 43, Sarda, 1944-1976
Box 34 Folder 13
Group 43, Scombridae - Correspondence, 1965-1978
Box 34 Folder 14
Group 43, Tetrapturus, 1959-1974
Box 34 Folder 15
Group 43, Thunnidae - Notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1948-1977
Box 34 Folder 16
Group 43, Thunnidae - Photographs and correspondence, 1948-1976
Box 34 Folder 17
Group 43, Trichuridae, 1940-1972
Box 34 Folder 18
Group 43, Xiphias, 1951-1977
Box 34 Folder 19
Groups 51, 53, 1960-1969
Box 34 Folder 20
Group 56, 1959-1966
Box 34 Folder 21
Group 57, Macrorhamphosus, 1951-1962
Box 34 Folder 22
Group 60, 1950-1977

Includes photograph.

Box 34 Folder 23
Group 61, general, 1958-1969
Box 34 Folder 24
Group 61, Brotulini, 1972
Box 34 Folder 25
Group 61, Chilara - Correspondence, 1949-1968
Box 34 Folder 26
Group 61, Lamprogrammus, 1958-1966
Box 34 Folder 27
Group 61, Schindleria, 1955-1969
Box 34 Folder 28
Group 62, general, 1964-1965
Box 34 Folder 29
Group 62, Bregmaceros, 1957-1965
Box 34 Folder 30
Group 62, Merluccius, 1953-1956
Box 34 Folder 31
Group 62, Mesobius - Notes, references, and photographs, 1966-1977
Box 34 Folder 32-33
Group 62, Mesobius - Correspondence, 1963-1977
Box 35 Folder 1
Group 62, Mesobius - Correspondence, 1977-1978
Box 35 Folder 2
Group 62, Nezumia, 1974-1977
Box 35 Folder 3
Group 64 - Correspondence, 1964-1973
Box 35 Folder 4
Group 65, 1953-1977

Includes photographs.

Middle America Freshwater

Box 35 Folder 5
General, 1931-1978

Arranged By Group

Box 35 Folder 6
Group 5 - Correspondence, 1966-1979
Box 35 Folder 7
Group 8, 1941-1955
Box 35 Folder 8
Group 12, general, 1978
Box 35 Folder 9
Group 12, Anoptichthys, 1937-1954
Box 35 Folder 10-12
Group 12, Anoptichthys - Correspondence, 1936-1973
Box 35 Folder 13
Group 12, Astyanax, 1958-1969
Box 35 Folder 14
Group 14, 1953-1958
Box 35 Folder 15
Group 15, Aztecula - Notes, 1953
Box 35 Folder 16
Group 15, Hybopsis, 1953
Box 35 Folder 17
Group 15, Notropis, 1952-1966
Box 35 Folder 18
Group 17, 1959-1976
Box 35 Folder 19
Group 18, 1958-1976
Box 35 Folder 20
Group 19, Rhamdia - Correspondence, 1972-1978
Box 35 Folder 21
Group 40, 1944-1974
Box 35 Folder 22
Group 49, 1944-1975

Arranged By Locality

Box 35 Folder 23
British Honduras - Correspondence, 1971-1973
Box 35 Folder 24
Costa Rica, 1938-1978
Box 35 Folder 25
Cuba, 1962-1976

Includes "Early references of the occurrence of Cichlasoma and other freshwater fishes in Hispaniola."

Box 35 Folder 26
Guatemala - Original counts and measurements, ca. 1935

Includes measurements from the Petén Expedition.

Box 35 Folder 27
Guatemala - Notes, references, and photographs, 1935-1967

Includes data on photographs taken on Petén Expedition.

Box 35 Folder 28
Guatemala - Correspondence, 1927-1976

Includes report by Jernelöv, Hultberg, and Lindén titled "The Lake Izabal, Guatemala: Report from a Limnological investigation."

Box 35 Folder 29
Honduras, 1945-1976
Box 35 Folder 30
Mexico, manuscripts by others - Fernando De Buen. Description of a new species of Atherine fish, referable to the genus Chirostoma, from the state of Puebla, Mexico, 1940-1943

Includes manuscript written in Spanish and a translation, as well as correspondence.

Box 35 Folder 31
Mexico, general, 1949-1980
Box 36 Folder 1
Mexico, group 7, 1948-1978
Box 36 Folder 2
Mexico, group 12, 1944-1976

Includes memorandum by Hubbs titled "The Panamá species of the Characid fish genus Astyanax."

Box 36 Folder 3
Mexico, group 15 - Correspondence, 1958-1975
Box 36 Folder 4
Mexico, group 15, Dionda - Original measurements, 1974
Box 36 Folder 5
Mexico, group 15, Dionda - Photographs, ca. 1974
Box 36 Folder 6
Mexico, group 15, Dionda - Notes, 1973-1975
Box 36 Folder 7-9
Mexico, group 15, Dionda - Correspondence, 1954-1977
Box 36 Folder 10
Mexico, group 15, Notropis, general, 1958-1964
Box 36 Folder 11
Mexico, group 15, Notropis panarcys - Correspondence, 1976-1979
Box 36 Folder 12
Mexico, group 15, Notropis saladonis - Correspondence, 1957-1960
Box 36 Folder 13
Mexico, group 15, Notropis tropicus, 1973-1975
Box 36 Folder 14
Mexico, Group 27, general, 1957-1959
Box 36 Folder 15
Mexico, Group 27, Heterandria, 1973-1979
Box 36 Folder 16
Mexico, Group 27, Rivulus - Correspondence, 1973
Box 36 Folder 17
Mexico, Group 27, Skiffia, 1977
Box 36 Folder 18
Mexico, Group 37, 1955
Box 36 Folder 19
Mexico, Group 43 - Correspondence, 1978
Box 36 Folder 20
Mexico, Group 49, 1953-1974
Box 36 Folder 21
Mexico, Cuatro Ciénega - Notes and references, 1934-1964
Box 36 Folder 22-24
Mexico, Cuatro Ciénega - Correspondence, 1954-1976
Box 36 Folder 25-26
Mexico, Northeastern - Notes on field station locations, 1940-1952
Box 36 Folder 27
Mexico, Northeastern - Notes on field stations, A-B, ca. 1940-1955
Box 36 Folder 28
Mexico, Northeastern - Notes on field stations, C, ca. 1940-1955
Box 36 Folder 29
Mexico, Northeastern - Notes on field stations, D-GA50, ca. 1940-1955
Box 37 Folder 1
Mexico, Northeastern - Notes on field stations, GA51-Greenbank, ca. 1940-1955
Box 37 Folder 2
Mexico, Northeastern - Notes on field stations, H-McL, ca. 1940-1955
Box 37 Folder 3
Mexico, Northeastern - Notes on field stations, Mi-W, ca. 1940-1955
Box 37 Folder 4
Mexico, Northeastern - Notes of material examined at University of Texas, 1955
Box 37 Folder 5
Mexico, Northeastern - Notes on published records, ca. 1940-1955
Box 37 Folder 6
Mexico, Northeastern - References, ca. 1940-1955
Box 37 Folder 7-14
Mexico, Northeastern - Correspondence, 1930-1973
Box 38 Folder 1
Mexico, Puebla - Correspondence, 1964-1965
Box 38 Folder 2
Mexico, Rio Lerma, manuscript - The fishes of the Rio Lerma fauna of Mexico, undated
Box 38 Folder 3
Mexico, Rio Lerma, manuscript - Notes on fishes from the Rio Lerma faunal area in Mexico, undated
Box 38 Folder 4
Mexico, Western, 1953

Includes photographs.

Box 38 Folder 5
Mexico, Western - Correspondence, 1941-1978
Box 38 Folder 6
Mexico, Yucatan - Notes, undated
Box 38 Folder 7
Mexico, Yucatan, Rhamdia - Measurements, undated
Box 38 Folder 8
Mexico, Yucatan, manuscript - Fishes of the Yucatan Peninsula, 1931-1938

Photographs and correspondence regarding report. Referred to as the "1936 report."

Box 38 Folder 9-10
Mexico, Yucatan - Notes, photographs, and correspondence, 1938-1953
Box 38 Folder 11
Mexico, Yucatan, manuscript - Fishes of the caves of Yucatan, 1936-1938

Referred to as the 1938 report, previously titled "Cave fishes of Yucatan."

Box 38 Folder 12
Mexico, Yucatan - Cave life correspondence, 1962-1964
Box 38 Folder 13
Mexico, Yucatan, Cenotes, 1964-1970
Box 38 Folder 14
Mexico, Nicaragua, 1971-1978

Includes "Commentary on this compendium" by Hubbs.

Box 38 Folder 15
Mexico, Panama, 1941-1958
Box 38 Folder 16
Mexico, West Indies - Notes, references, photographs and drawings, 1938-1957
Box 38 Folder 17
Mexico, West Indies - Correspondence, 1934-1953

South America Freshwater

Box 38 Folder 18
General, 1938-1979

Arranged By Group

Box 38 Folder 19
Group 6 - Correspondence, 1967-1975
Box 38 Folder 20
Group 8 - Correspondence, 1952-1966
Box 38 Folder 21
Group 12, 1966-1975
Box 38 Folder 22
Group 13 - Correspondence, 1957-1977
Box 38 Folder 23
Group 17 - Correspondence, 1968-1974
Box 38 Folder 24
Group 19, 1923-1977

Arranged By Locality

Box 38 Folder 25
Brazil, 1939-1969
Box 38 Folder 26
Chile, 1963-1977
Box 38 Folder 27
Colombia - Correspondence, 1969-1978
Box 38 Folder 28
Venezuela, 1955-1978

Eastern North America Freshwater

Box 39 Folder 1
Miscellaneous aquarium experiments, 1923-1934
Box 39 Folder 2
General - Notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1930-1975

Includes "Postglacial re-dispersal of Eastern North American freshwater fishes" by Carter R. Gilbert.

Box 39 Folder 3-4
Correspondence, 1942-1978

Arranged By Group

Box 39 Folder 5
Group 5, 1954-1969
Box 39 Folder 6
Group 7, general, 1945-1974
Box 39 Folder 7
Group 7, Lepisosteus, 1945-1973
Box 39 Folder 8
Group 8, 1945-1965
Box 39 Folder 9
Group 9, general, 1957-1969
Box 39 Folder 10
Group 9, Coregonidae, 1944-1978
Box 39 Folder 11
Group 9, Cristivomer, 1952-1962
Box 39 Folder 12
Group 9, Leucichthys - Correspondence, 1951-1952
Box 39 Folder 13
Group 9, Oncorhynchus, 1929-1971
Box 39 Folder 14
Group 9, Osmerus, 1927-1954
Box 39 Folder 15
Group 9, Prosopium - Correspondence, 1947-1972
Box 39 Folder 16
Group 9, Salmonidae, 1945-1971
Box 39 Folder 17
Group 9, Salvelinus, 1927-1978

Includes "Some observations on the Eastern Brook Trout (S. fountinalis) of Prince Edward Island" by H. C. White.

Box 39 Folder 18
Group 9, Thymallidae, 1950-1978

Includes "Grayling in Michigan waters" by Russell T. Ukita.

Box 39 Folder 19
Group 12 - Correspondence, 1954
Box 39 Folder 20
Group 14, general, 1946-1977
Box 39 Folder 21
Group 14, abnormal suckers, 1940-1941
Box 39 Folder 22
Group 14, Carpiodes, 1951-1976
Box 39 Folder 23
Group 14, Megapharynx, 1940-1946

Includes "A new Catostomid fish, Paraplacopharnyx richardi, from the St. Lawrence River" by Vadim D. Vladykov.

Box 39 Folder 24
Group 14, Moxostoma, 1942-1978
Box 39 Folder 25
Group 15, general, 1926-1978
Box 39 Folder 26
Group 15, Campostoma, 1947-1978
Box 40 Folder 1
Group 15, Ceratichthys - Notes, references, and photographs, 1940-1953
Box 40 Folder 2
Group 15, Ceratichthys - Correspondence, 1940-1970
Box 40 Folder 3
Group 15, Ceratichthys, intergradation, 1948-1950
Box 40 Folder 4
Group 15, Chrosomus, 1926-1969
Box 40 Folder 5
Group 15, Couesius, 1952-1977
Box 40 Folder 6
Group 15, Cyprinus, 1951-1965
Box 40 Folder 7
Group 15, Dionda, 1940-1955
Box 40 Folder 8
Group 15, Ericymba - Correspondence, 1962
Box 40 Folder 9
Group 15, Erimystax - Notes, 1932-1977
Box 273 Folder 14
Group 15, Erimystax - Notes and references, undated
Box 40 Folder 10-11
Group 15, Erimystax - Correspondence, 1940-1966
Box 40 Folder 12
Group 15, Erimystax - Photographs, 1945-1952
Box 40 Folder 13
Group 15, Hybognathus, 1947-1975
Box 40 Folder 14
Group 15, Hybopsis (Erimystax) - Notes and references, 1949-1953
Box 40 Folder 15-16
Group 15, Hybopsis (Erimystax) - Correspondence, 1949-1973
Box 40 Folder 17
Group 15, Hybopsis (Erimystax) cahni, 1949-1967
Box 40 Folder 18
Group 15, Hybopsis (Erimystax) dissimilis, 1940-1972
Box 40 Folder 19
Group 15, Hybopsis (Erimystax) harperi, 1940-1960
Box 40 Folder 20
Group 15, Hybopsis (Erimystax) insignis, 1949-1969
Box 40 Folder 21
Group 15, Hybopsis (Erimystax) monachus, 1949-1969
Box 40 Folder 22
Group 15, Hybopsis (Erimystax) winchelli, 1953-1960
Box 40 Folder 23
Group 15, Hybopsis (Erimystax) x-punctatus, 1940-1973
Box 40 Folder 24
Group 15, Notemigonus, 1949-1970
Box 40 Folder 25
Group 15, Notropis, general - Notes and references, 1933-1957
Box 41 Folder 1-2
Group 15, Notropis, general - Correspondence, 1942-1978
Box 41 Folder 3
Group 15, Notropis albora, 1946-1947
Box 41 Folder 4
Group 15, Notropis altipinnis, 1933-1948
Box 41 Folder 5
Group 15, Notropis amnis - Notes and references, 1933-1965
Box 41 Folder 6-7
Group 15, Notropis amnis - Correspondence, 1949-1958
Box 41 Folder 8
Group 15, Notropis amoenus - Correspondence, 1968
Box 41 Folder 9
Group 15, Notropis analostana, 1954-1960
Box 41 Folder 10
Group 15, Notropis ardens - Correspondence, 1969
Box 41 Folder 11
Group 15, Notropis asperifrons - Correspondence, 1954
Box 41 Folder 12
Group 15, Notropis atherinoides, 1919-1972
Box 41 Folder 13
Group 15, Notropis atrocaudalis, 1933-1950
Box 41 Folder 14
Group 15, Notropis baileyi, 1954
Box 41 Folder 15
Group 15, Notropis blennius, 1949-1971
Box 41 Folder 16
Group 15, Notropis chalybaeus, 1944-1969
Box 41 Folder 17
Group 15, Notropis cornuta, 1924-1969
Box 41 Folder 18
Group 15, Notropis cummingsi, 1942-1952
Box 41 Folder 19
Group 15, Notropis deliciosus - Notes by Canuto Manuel, undated
Box 41 Folder 20
Group 15, Notropis deliciosus, general, 1928-1954
Box 41 Folder 21
Group 15, Notropis dorsalis, 1950-1962
Box 41 Folder 22
Group 15, Notropis fumeus, 1965
Box 41 Folder 23
Group 15, Notropis girardi, 1960
Box 41 Folder 24
Group 15, Notropis heterolepis, 1949-1950
Box 41 Folder 25
Group 15, Notropis hubbsi - Correspondence, 1977-1978
Box 41 Folder 26
Group 15, Notropis hudsonius group, 1921-1972
Box 41 Folder 27
Group 15, Notropis hypsilepis, 1954
Box 41 Folder 28
Group 15, Notropis inexpectatus - Correspondence, 1975
Box 41 Folder 29
Group 15, Notropis lineolata, 1958
Box 41 Folder 30
Group 15, Notropis longirostris - Correspondence, 1966-1976
Box 41 Folder 31
Group 15, Notropis lutrensis, 1953-1957
Box 41 Folder 32
Group 15, Notropis ortenbergeri, 1949-1955
Box 41 Folder 33
Group 15, Notropis rubellus complex, 1947-1956
Box 41 Folder 34
Group 15, Notropis rubricorpus, 1949
Box 41 Folder 35
Group 15, Notropis scepticus, 1940-1941
Box 41 Folder 36
Group 15, Notropis straminea - Correspondence, 1958-1971
Box 41 Folder 37
Group 15, Notropis texanus, 1951
Box 41 Folder 38
Group 15, Notropis topeka, 1950
Box 41 Folder 39
Group 15, Notropis umbratillis, 1969-1979
Box 41 Folder 40
Group 15, Notropis volucellus, 1932-1966
Box 41 Folder 41
Group 15, Notropis xaenocephalus, 1949
Box 42 Folder 1
Group 15, Notropis, Texas - Notes and photographs, 1933-1951
Box 42 Folder 2-3
Group 15, Notropis, Texas - Correspondence, 1940-1951
Box 42 Folder 4
Group 15, Parexoglossum, 1927-1928
Box 42 Folder 5
Group 15, Pimephales, 1959-1974
Box 42 Folder 6
Group 15, Platygobio - Notes, 1926-1941
Box 42 Folder 7
Group 15, Platygobio - References and correspondence, 1946-1955
Box 42 Folder 8
Group 15, Platygobio gracilis, 1926-1947
Box 42 Folder 9
Group 15, Rhinichthys - Correspondence, 1960-1979
Box 42 Folder 10
Group 15, Semotilus, 1951-1973
Box 42 Folder 11
Group 15, Tirodon, 1933-1947
Box 42 Folder 12
Group 17, Eucalia, 1947
Box 42 Folder 13
Group 18, general, 1948-1971
Box 42 Folder 14
Group 18, Ictalurus, 1945-1968
Box 42 Folder 15
Group 18, Schilbeodes, 1946-1957

Includes "Comparison of Schilbeodes nocturnus and Schilbeodes mollis in Northern Mississippi valley and Great Lakes region" by Hubbs.

Box 42 Folder 16
Group 22, 1946-1966
Box 42 Folder 17
Group 26, 1928-1978
Box 42 Folder 18
Groups 28, 32, 1957-1958
Box 42 Folder 19
Group 35, 1957-1967
Box 42 Folder 20
Group 36, general, 1946-1978
Box 42 Folder 21
Group 36, Etheostoma, 1947-1978
Box 42 Folder 22
Group 36, Hadropterus, general, 1949-1962
Box 42 Folder 23
Group 36, Hadropterus nigrofasciata, 1953-1957
Box 42 Folder 24
Group 36, Hadropterus notogrammus, 1947-1948
Box 42 Folder 25
Group 36, Hadropterus scierus, 1940-1955
Box 42 Folder 26
Group 36, Hololepis, 1949-1952
Box 42 Folder 27
Group 36, Microperca - Correspondence, 1978
Box 42 Folder 28
Group 36, Percina, 1948-1967
Box 42 Folder 29
Group 36, Poecilichthys, 1928-1952
Box 43 Folder 1
Group 36, Stizostedion - Correspondence, 1974-1975
Box 43 Folder 2
Group 37, general, 1946-1974
Box 43 Folder 3
Group 37, Ambloplites, 1957-1977
Box 43 Folder 4
Group 37, Lepomis, 1951-1977
Box 43 Folder 5
Group 37, Micropterus, general - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1949-1978
Box 43 Folder 6-8
Group 37, Micropterus, general - Correspondence, 1928-1980
Box 43 Folder 9
Group 37, Micropterus, general, Florida, 1946-1950
Box 43 Folder 10
Group 37, Micropterus coosae, 1957-1961
Box 43 Folder 11
Group 37, Micropterus punctatus wichitae, 1974
Box 43 Folder 12
Group 37, Micropterus salmoides, 1961-1974
Box 43 Folder 13
Group 40, 1969-1976
Box 43 Folder 14
Group 46, 1947-1965
Box 43 Folder 15
Group 55, Cottus, general, 1947-1968
Box 43 Folder 16
Group 55, Cottus cognatus, 1948-1954
Box 43 Folder 17
Group 55, Myoxocephalus - Correspondence, 1952-1971
Box 43 Folder 18
Group 57, Apeltes, 1947
Box 43 Folder 19
Group 57, Pungitius - Correspondence, 1922-1968
Box 43 Folder 20
Group 62, 1946-1971

Arranged By Locality

Box 43 Folder 21
Alabama, 1937-1969
Box 43 Folder 22
Arkansas, 1962-1977
Box 43 Folder 23
Canada, 1953-1974
Box 43 Folder 24
Carolina Bays, 1953-1954
Box 43 Folder 25
Florida, 1946-1958
Box 43 Folder 26
Great Smoky Mountains, 1932-1960
Box 43 Folder 27
Illinois - Correspondence, 1949-1979
Box 43 Folder 28
Indiana, 1945-1951
Box 43 Folder 29
Iowa, 1943-1951
Box 43 Folder 30
Kansas, 1949-1967
Box 43 Folder 31
Kentucky, 1955-1976
Box 43 Folder 32
Louisiana, 1948-1970
Box 43 Folder 33
Maryland, 1948-1950
Box 43 Folder 34
Michigan, general, 1893-1925
Box 43 Folder 35
Michigan - Notes by T. Hankinson, 1893-1925
Box 43 Folder 36
Michigan, manuscripts, 1941-1947

Includes outline for talk titled "Changing vertebrate fauna of Southern Michigan - The fishes" and paper by Hubbs titled "Changes, within historic times, in the fish fauna of the lower peninsula of Michigan," as well as related correspondence.

Box 43 Folder 37
Michigan, Great Lakes, general, 1947-1975
Box 44 Folder 1-2
Michigan, Great Lakes, manuscript (guide) - Hubbs and Lagler. Fishes of the Great Lakes region, 1926-1951

Published in 1947. Includes photographs and correspondence.

Box 44 Folder 3-10
Michigan, Great Lakes, manuscript (book) - Hubbs and Lagler. Fishes of the Great Lakes region, 1952-1977
Box 44 Folder 11
Michigan, Isle Royale, manuscript - Walter Koelz. Zoological reports: A survey of the Lakes of Isle Royale with an account of the fishes occurring in them, 1944-1945
Box 44 Folder 12
Michigan, Isle Royale - Manuscripts, notes, and references, 1947-1951

Includes "The fishes of Isle Royale" by Hubbs.

Box 44 Folder 13
Michigan, Isle Royale - Correspondence, 1945-1967
Box 44 Folder 14
Minnesota, 1945-1969
Box 44 Folder 15
North Carolina, Lake Waccamaw, 1940-1970
Box 44 Folder 16
Mississippi, 1928-1948
Box 44 Folder 17
Missouri, 1950-1976
Box 44 Folder 18
New York, 1958-1962
Box 44 Folder 19
North Carolina, general, 1947-1949
Box 45 Folder 1-2
Ohio, 1948-1974
Box 45 Folder 3
Oklahoma, 1949-1952

Includes "A pre-impoundment survey of Fort Gibson Reservoir, Oklahoma (Summer 1952)," Oklahoma Fisheries Research Laboratory report no. 29, 1953 March.

Box 45 Folder 4
Oklahoma - Correspondence, 1946-1973
Box 45 Folder 5
Ontario, 1946-1954
Box 45 Folder 6
Quebec, 1952-1965
Box 45 Folder 7
Rio Grande system, 1952-1977
Box 45 Folder 8
South Carolina, 1953-1954
Box 45 Folder 9
Tennessee and Tennessee Valley, 1945-1979
Box 45 Folder 10
Texas, manuscripts by others - Clark Hubbs. Key to the fresh-water fishes of Texas, 1955-1959
Box 45 Folder 11
Texas - Notes, references, and correspondence, 1942-1958
Box 45 Folder 12
West Virginia, 1946-1947

Includes "A tentative list of fishes of West Virginia" by Edward C. Raney.

Box 45 Folder 13
Wisconsin - List of collections, undated
Box 45 Folder 14
Wisconsin - Measurements, undated
Box 45 Folder 15
Wisconsin - Notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1928-1960
Box 45 Folder 16-18
Wisconsin - Correspondence, 1924-1931
Box 46 Folder 1-3
Wisconsin - Correspondence, 1932-1970

Western North America Freshwater

Box 46 Folder 4
Manuscripts, notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1935-1978

Includes "List of the freshwater fishes native to Wester North America, North of Mexico" and a talk titled "Fishes of the desert."

Box 46 Folder 5
Manuscript correspondence - Fishes of the desert, 1940-1941
Box 46 Folder 6-18
Correspondence, 1922-1974

Arranged By Group

Box 46 Folder 19
Group 4 - Correspondence, 1947-1969
Box 46 Folder 20
Group 8, 1953-1972
Box 46 Folder 21
Group 9, general, 1951-1970
Box 46 Folder 22
Group 9, Coregonidae, 1958-1972
Box 47 Folder 1
Group 9, Hypomesus - Correspondence, 1951
Box 47 Folder 2
Group 9, Onchorhynchus, 1926-1928
Box 47 Folder 3
Group 9, Plecoglossus, 1963
Box 47 Folder 4
Group 9, Prosopium, 1936-1979
Box 47 Folder 5
Group 9, Salmo, manuscripts by others - Robert Behnke, 1966-1972

Includes three manuscripts by Behnke: "Rare and endangered species: The Gila and Apache trout," "The Salmonid fishes of recently glaciated lakes, part 1: The Salmonine species," and "Rare and endangered trout of the Southwest."

Box 47 Folder 6
Group 9, Salmo, manuscripts by others - Barton Warren Evermann. The discovery of the Roosevelt Trout, 1918
Box 47 Folder 7
Group 9, Salmo, manuscripts by others - Joseph H. Wales. Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout - A zoogeographical study, 1962-1974
Box 47 Folder 8
Group 9, Salmo, manuscripts by others - David A. Hoopaugh. Status of the Redband Trout (Salmo sp.) in California, 1974
Box 47 Folder 9
Group 9, Salmo, manuscripts by others - J.R. Gold. Systematics of Western North American Trout (Salmo), with notes on the Redband Trout of Sheepheaven Creek, California, 1976
Box 47 Folder 10
Group 9, Salmo, manuscripts by others - Kickman and Duff. Current status of Cutthroat subspecies in the Western Bonneville Basin, 1977
Box 47 Folder 11
Group 9, Salmo - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and X-ray, 1945-1976
Box 47 Folder 12-17
Group 9, Salmo - Correspondence, 1928-1977
Box 47 Folder 18
Group 9, Salvelinus, 1948-1978
Box 47 Folder 19
Group 12, 1966
Box 47 Folder 20
Group 14, general, 1947-1966
Box 47 Folder 21
Group 14, Catostomidae, 1928-1980
Box 47 Folder 22
Group 14, Catostomus fumeiventris, 1952-1972
Box 47 Folder 23
Group 14, Catostomus tahoensis, 1951
Box 47 Folder 24
Group 14, Chasmistes, 1949-1972
Box 47 Folder 25
Group 14, Ictiobus, 1950-1969

Includes photograph.

Box 47 Folder 26
Group 14, Pantosteus, 1949-1966
Box 48 Folder 1
Group 14, Xyrauchen, 1950-1974
Box 48 Folder 2
Group 15, general, 1928-1974
Box 48 Folder 3
Group 15, Carassius, 1950-1976

Includes X-ray.

Box 48 Folder 4
Group 15, Chrosomus - Correspondence, 1955
Box 48 Folder 5
Group 15, Ctenopharyngodon - Correspondence, 1968-1978
Box 48 Folder 6
Group 15, Cyprinus, 1949-1951
Box 48 Folder 7
Group 15, Eremichthys and Moapa, 1946-1974
Box 48 Folder 8
Group 15, Gila, 1944-1978
Box 48 Folder 9
Group 15, Gila alvordensis, 1972-1980
Box 48 Folder 10
Group 15, Gila atraria, 1938-1972
Box 48 Folder 11
Group 15, Gila bicolor, general, 1966-1978

Includes photographs.

Box 48 Folder 12
Group 15, Gila bicolor - Counts and measurements, North Central Nevada, 1938-1968
Box 48 Folder 13
Group 15, Gila cypha, 1977-1978
Box 48 Folder 14
Group 15, Gila formosa, 1969
Box 48 Folder 15
Group 15, Gila mojavensis - Correspondence, 1962-1970
Box 48 Folder 16
Group 15, Gila orcutti, 1913-1970
Box 48 Folder 17
Group 15, Gila robusta, 1959-1974
Box 48 Folder 18
Group 15, Gila snyderi, 1969-1975
Box 48 Folder 19
Group 15, Hesperoleucus, 1951-1972
Box 48 Folder 20
Group 15, Hybognathus, 1953-1954
Box 48 Folder 21
Group 15, Hybopsis (Oregonichthys), 1961-1962
Box 48 Folder 22
Group 15, Iotichthys, 1970-1978
Box 48 Folder 23
Group 15, Lepidomeda, 1963-1977

Includes "The little Colorado River Spinedace, Lepidomeda vittata, in Arizona" by Minckley and Carufel.

Box 48 Folder 24
Group 15, Notemigonus, 1947-1958
Box 48 Folder 25
Group 15, Notropis lutrensis, 1953-1970
Box 48 Folder 26
Group 15, Oregonichthys, 1970-1978
Box 48 Folder 27
Group 15, Orthodon - Correspondence, 1948
Box 48 Folder 28
Group 15, Pimephales, 1953-1958
Box 48 Folder 29
Group 15, Plagopterini, 1958-1973
Box 48 Folder 30
Group 15, Pogonichthys, 1950-1973
Box 48 Folder 31
Group 15, Ptychocheilus, 1950-1972
Box 48 Folder 32
Group 15, Relictus, general, 1965

Includes figures.

Box 48 Folder 33
Group 15, Relictus solitarius - Counts, 1964-1968
Box 48 Folder 34
Group 15, Relictus solitarius - Measurements, 1964-1967
Box 48 Folder 35
Group 15, Relictus solitarius - Smaller size divisions, 1967
Box 48 Folder 36
Group 15, Relictus solitarius - Tallies by valley, 1967
Box 48 Folder 37
Group 15, Rhinichthys osculus, general, 1948-1978

Includes photographs.

Box 49 Folder 1
Group 15, Rhinichthys osculus, barbels, North-central Nevada, 1968-1969
Box 49 Folder 2
Group 15, Rhinichthys osculus - Data, Diana's Punch Bowl, North-central Nevada, 1972
Box 49 Folder 3
Group 15, Rhinichthys osculus - Lateral-line pore counts, North-central Nevada, 1969
Box 49 Folder 4
Group 15, Rhinichthys osculus - Measurements, North-central Nevada, 1964-1971
Box 49 Folder 5
Group 15, Rhinichthys osculus - Ray counts, North-central Nevada, 1968-1969
Box 49 Folder 6
Group 15, Rhinichthys osculus - Scales and gill-raker counts, North-central Nevada, 1968-1969
Box 49 Folder 7
Group 15, Rhinichthys osculus - Size data, North-central Nevada, 1969
Box 49 Folder 8
Group 15, Rhinichthys osculus thermalis, 1936-1937
Box 49 Folder 9
Group 15, Richardsonius, 1950-1953
Box 49 Folder 10
Group 16, Misgurnus, 1968
Box 49 Folder 11
Group 18, 1946-1979
Box 49 Folder 12
Group 21 - Correspondence, 1969
Box 49 Folder 13
Group 22, 1973-1974
Box 49 Folder 14
Group 26, Anguilla, 1964-1978
Box 49 Folder 15
Group 27, 1948-1976
Box 49 Folder 16
Group 35, Roccus, 1970-1977

Includes photograph.

Box 49 Folder 17
Group 36, Percina - Correspondence, 1958-1960
Box 49 Folder 18
Group 37, general, 1949-1970
Box 49 Folder 19
Group 37, Lepomis, 1948-1969
Box 49 Folder 20
Group 37, Lepomis macrochirus - Correspondence, 1951-1967
Box 49 Folder 21
Group 37, Micropterus, 1949-1978
Box 49 Folder 22
Group 40, 1948-1969
Box 49 Folder 23
Group 47, Hysterocarpus, 1953-1977
Box 49 Folder 24
Group 49, Tilapia (Sarotherodon), 1962-1977
Box 49 Folder 25
Group 55, Cottus, general, 1944-1978
Box 49 Folder 26
Group 55, Cottus extensus, 1941-1950

Includes photographs.

Box 49 Folder 27
Group 55, Cottus perplexus, 1972-1973
Box 49 Folder 28
Group 55, Cottus "tubulatus", 1973
Box 49 Folder 29
Group 57, Gasterosteus - Notes, references, x-rays, and newspaper clippings, 1915-1972
Box 49 Folder 30-32
Group 57, Gasterosteus - Correspondence, 1922-1979
Box 50 Folder 1
Group 58, Eleotris, 1952-1953

Includes photograph.

Box 50 Folder 2
Group 62, 1933-1954

Arranged By Locality

Box 50 Folder 3
Alaska, 1947-1976
Box 50 Folder 4
Arizona, 1937-1973

Includes "Keys for the identification of the fishes of Arizona" by Robert R. Miller, 1949 July.

Box 50 Folder 5
Baja California, 1946-1961
Box 50 Folder 6
British Columbia, 1930-1959

Includes "The trout of British Columbia" by J. R. Dymond.

Box 50 Folder 7
California - Manuscripts by others, notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1947-1971

Includes "Problems in the phylogeny of California freshwater fishes" by W. I. Follett.

Box 50 Folder 8-12
California - Correspondence, 1944-1978
Box 50 Folder 13
California, Academy of Sciences collections, 1945 September 24

Typed list of specimen collected primarily by D. A. Simpson, Helen Simpson, and R. R. Harry Jr.

Box 50 Folder 14
California, introductions of fishes, 1969-1971
Box 50 Folder 15
California, Central Valley, 1969-1970
Box 50 Folder 16
California, Pit River, 1953-1954

Includes "Preliminary report, Pit River fish conservation study, December 8, 1952 to October 31, 1953" by Curtis, Cheney, and Rowley. Also includes addendum by Curtis.

Box 50 Folder 17
Colorado, 1947-1961
Box 50 Folder 18
Colorado River, manuscripts by others - Repenning, Lance, and Longwell. A history of the Colorado River, ca. 1957
Box 50 Folder 19
Colorado River, manuscripts - The Fisheries Task Group, Colorado River Great Basin Field Committee. Report on the fishes of the Lower Colorado River, 1951
Box 50 Folder 20
Colorado River - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1949-1972
Box 50 Folder 21
Colorado River - Correspondence, 1944-1950
Box 51 Folder 1-2
Colorado River - Correspondence, 1951-1970
Box 51 Folder 3
Colorado River Delta, 1957-1966
Box 51 Folder 4
Colorado River flooding, 1950-1951

Includes "Tidal effects at the mouth of the Colorado River" by L. M. Lawson.

Box 51 Folder 5
Colorado River, introductions of fishes, 1950-1962
Box 51 Folder 6
Columbia River, 1947-1949
Box 51 Folder 7
Crater Lake, 1938-1949

Includes photographs.

Box 51 Folder 8
Fraser River system, 1952-1953
Box 51 Folder 9
Great Basin, general - Manuscripts and notes, 1942-1975

Includes two manuscripts by Hubbs and Miller: "The fish fauna of the Great Basin and disrupted portions of the Colorado and Columbia River systems" and "Paleohydrography and remnant fishes of the North-Central Great Basin."

Box 51 Folder 10
Great Basin, general - Notes and references, 1931-1970
Box 273 Folder 15
Great Basin, general - Notes and references, undated
Box 51 Folder 11
Great Basin, general - Newspaper clippings and photographs, 1942-1964
Box 51 Folder 12-18
Great Basin, general - Correspondence, 1931-1978

Includes "List of fishes collected by P. M. Chamberlain in Southern Arizona in 1904" identified by Robert R. Miller.

Box 51 Folder 19
Great Basin, North-central - Photographs and figures, 1974

Figures were used in paper by Hubbs, Miller, and Hubbs titled "Hydrographic history and relict fishes of the North-central Great Basin."

Box 52 Folder 1
Great Basin, North-central - Data sheets and notes, 1924-1971
Box 52 Folder 2-11
Great Basin, North-central - Correspondence, 1938-1978
Box 52 Folder 12-13
Great Basin, Symposia, 1941-1960

Includes paper by Hubbs and Miller titled "The Great Basin, with emphasis on glacial and postglacial times, II. The zoological viewpoint," presented at the Pacific Division A.A.A.S. symposium, 1942 June 16. Also includes papers by Eliot Blackwelder and Ernst Antevs.

Box 52 Folder 14
Great Basin, Lake Adobe, 1964-1977
Box 52 Folder 15
Great Basin, Lake Alvord - Notes, references, and photographs, 1955-1973
Box 52 Folder 16
Great Basin, Lake Alvord - Correspondence, 1965-1975
Box 53 Folder 1
Great Basin, Bear Lake, 1970-1971
Box 53 Folder 2
Great Basin, Lake Bonneville - Talk by Hubbs to Zoology Club, 1916 February 9
Box 53 Folder 3
Great Basin, Lake Bonneville, general - Notes and references, 1938-1969
Box 53 Folder 4
Great Basin, Lake Bonneville, general - Newspaper clippings, photographs, and correspondence, 1950-1972
Box 53 Folder 5
Great Basin, Catlow Valley, 1941-1954

Includes appendix from report by Hubbs and Miller.

Box 53 Folder 6
Great Basin, Lake Clover, 1965-1968
Box 53 Folder 7
Great Basin, Lake Cochise, 1949-1966

Includes photographs.

Box 53 Folder 8
Great Basin, Deep Springs Valley, 1958-1975
Box 53 Folder 9
Great Basin, Lake Diamond - Correspondence, 1972
Box 53 Folder 10
Great Basin, Eagle Lake, 1957-1971
Box 53 Folder 11
Great Basin, Lake Fort Rock, 1971-1972
Box 53 Folder 12
Great Basin, Lake Franklin, 1952-1965
Box 53 Folder 13
Great Basin, Lake Hubbs, 1964-1965

Includes photographs.

Box 53 Folder 14
Great Basin, Lake Idaho - Correspondence, 1953
Box 53 Folder 15
Great Basin, Lake Lahontan - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, 1944-1969
Box 53 Folder 16-17
Great Basin, Lake Lahontan - Correspondence, 1949-1954
Box 53 Folder 18
Great Basin, Lake LeConte - Manuscripts by others and notes, 1957

Includes "The saga of the Salton Sea" by A. Richard Kassander, Jr.

Box 53 Folder 19
Great Basin, Lake LeConte - Notes, 1947-1971
Box 53 Folder 20
Great Basin, Lake LeConte - References and photographs, 1947-1976
Box 53 Folder 21-26
Great Basin, Lake LeConte - Correspondence, 1947-1959

Includes photographs.

Box 54 Folder 1-8
Great Basin, Lake LeConte - Correspondence, 1960-1979
Box 54 Folder 9
Great Basin, Lake LeConte, introductions of fishes - Manuscripts by others and notes, 1945-1977

Includes reports from the Bureau of Fish Conservation, memoranda on Scripps Institution of Oceanography research, a paper by John E. Fitch titled "Establishment of a sport fishery in Salton Sea, California," and "Exotic fish species in the Salton Sea - Lower Colorado River area."

Box 54 Folder 10
Great Basin, Lake LeConte, introductions of fishes - Correspondence, 1951-1977
Box 54 Folder 11
Great Basin, Lake Manix, 1961-1976
Box 54 Folder 12
Great Basin, Lake Manly, 1967 trip, Hubbs and Miller, 1967
Box 54 Folder 13
Great Basin, Lake Manly - Manuscripts by others, 1959-1967

Includes "Interpretation and protection of desert fishes of Death Valley National Monument" by O. L. Wallis, as well as "Status of populations of native fishes of the Death Valley system in California and Nevada" by Robert R. Miller.

Box 54 Folder 14
Great Basin, Lake Manly - Notes, 1939-1972
Box 54 Folder 15
Great Basin, Lake Manly - References, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1929-1976
Box 54 Folder 16-18
Great Basin, Lake Manly - Correspondence, 1930-1977
Box 54 Folder 19
Great Basin, Lake Manly, Devil's Hole - Notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1952-1971
Box 54 Folder 20-21
Great Basin, Lake Manly, Devil's Hole - Correspondence, 1950-1972
Box 54 Folder 22
Great Basin, Lake Meinzer, 1958
Box 55 Folder 1
Great Basin, Mojave River, 1949-1978
Box 55 Folder 2
Great Basin, Lake Mono, 1947-1969
Box 55 Folder 3
Great Basin, Owens River and Valley, 1952-1970

Includes photographs.

Box 55 Folder 4
Great Basin, Lake Panamint - Notes, references, and photographs, 1951-1965
Box 55 Folder 5
Great Basin, Lake Panamint - Correspondence, 1951-1972
Box 55 Folder 6
Great Basin, Lake Pattie - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1942-1972
Box 55 Folder 7
Great Basin, Lake Pattie - Correspondence, 1949-1972
Box 55 Folder 8
Great Basin, Railroad Lake and Valley, 1961-1977

Includes report by Gail C. Kobetich, 1977.

Box 55 Folder 9
Great Basin, Saline Lake, 1959-1966
Box 55 Folder 10
Great Basin, Searles Lake, general - Notes, references, and photographs, 1951
Box 55 Folder 11
Great Basin, Searles Lake, general - Correspondence, 1948-1968
Box 55 Folder 12
Great Basin, Searles Lake, Pinnacles, 1952-1970
Box 55 Folder 13
Great Basin, Spring Lake, 1950-1968
Box 55 Folder 14
Great Basin, Summit Lake, 1965-1966
Box 55 Folder 15
Great Basin, Lake Tecopa, 1966-1971
Box 55 Folder 16
Great Basin, Lake Tonopah, 1959
Box 55 Folder 17
Great Basin, Lake Waring - Correspondence, 1943
Box 55 Folder 18
Great Basin, Lake Warner, 1954-1975

Includes photographs.

Box 55 Folder 19
Great Basin, Lake Surprise, 1951-1972
Box 55 Folder 20
Great Basin, White River, 1939-1970

Includes field notes by F. B. Sumner, 1939.

Box 55 Folder 21
Montana, 1947-1972

Includes "A guide to the fishes of Montana West of the Continental Divide" by George F. Weisel.

Box 55 Folder 22
Monterey Bay streams, 1968
Box 55 Folder 23
Nevada, 1946-1958
Box 56 Folder 1
Nevada, 1963-1978
Box 56 Folder 2
New Mexico, 1944-1966

Includes "Key to fishes of New Mexico" by William J. Koster.

Box 56 Folder 3
North Dakota, 1950-1970

Includes "A revised list of the fishes of North Dakota" by Phil A. Dotson, 1964.

Box 56 Folder 4
Oregon, 1944-1973

Includes photographs.

Box 56 Folder 5
Red Desert, Wyoming, 1934-1978
Box 56 Folder 6
Sacramento River system, 1949-1958
Box 56 Folder 7
Wyoming, 1944-1970
Box 56 Folder 8
Yosemite - Notes and references, 1933-1949
Box 56 Folder 9-11
Yosemite - Correspondence, 1948-1963

Group 27

Box 56 Folder 12
Unpublished manuscript - Rivero and Hubbs. Studies of the fishes of the order Cyprinodonts XVI. A review of the Cuban cyprinodonts, 1934-1945

Referred to as the "Cuban manuscript." Includes notes, measurements, correspondence.

Box 56 Folder 13-14
Unpublished manuscript - Rivero and Hubbs. Studies of Cyprinodont fishes XX. Two new genera of the tribe, 1944
Box 56 Folder 15-16
General - Notes and measurements, 1905-1961
Box 56 Folder 17
General - References, news, photographs, and correspondence, 1932-1978
Box 56 Folder 18
Gonopodial suspensorium, 1940-1955
Box 56 Folder 19
Lateral line and fin structure, undated
Box 56 Folder 20
Sex studies, manuscripts by others - Aronson and Clark. Evidences of ambidexterity and laterality in the sexual behavior of certain poeciliid fishes, 1951
Box 56 Folder 21
Sex studies, hormone experiments, 1941-1942
Box 57 Folder 1
Sex studies - Notes and references, 1938-1972
Box 57 Folder 2-3
Sex studies - Correspondence, 1940-1978
Box 57 Folder 4
Panama, 1941-1974
Box 57 Folder 5-12
Cyprinodontes - Correspondence, 1917-1979

Arranged Taxonomically

Box 57 Folder 13
Anableps, 1973-1977
Box 57 Folder 14
Aphanius, 1952-1978
Box 57 Folder 15
Carlhubbsia - Correspondence, 1951
Box 57 Folder 16
Crenichthys - Correspondence, 1939-1979
Box 57 Folder 17
Cynolebias, 1964-1978
Box 57 Folder 18
Cyprinodon, 1948-1979

Includes photograph.

Box 57 Folder 19
Cyprinodon miller - Correspondence, 1971
Box 273 Folder 16
Cyprinodonts, manuscripts by others - Samuel Garman. "Reptiles and fishes from Margarita Island, Venezuela, undated
Box 57 Folder 20
Dallia, 1977
Box 57 Folder 21
Flexipenis, 1958-1973
Box 57 Folder 22
Fundulus, general - Manuscripts, notes, references, and photographs, 1941-1968

Includes "Status of Fundulus notatus and F. olivaceus" by Hubbs, 1941 August.

Box 58 Folder 1
Fundulus, general - Correspondence, 1941-1978
Box 58 Folder 2
Fundulus parvipinnid, 1927-1954
Box 58 Folder 3
Gambusia - Manuscripts by others, notes, references, and photograph, 1938-1980

Includes "Recovery plan for Clear Creek Gambusia: Gambusia heterochir Hubbs, 1957" prepared by the Rio Grande Fishes Recovery Team, 1980 April 16.

Box 58 Folder 4-5
Gambusia - Correspondence, 1951-1976
Box 58 Folder 6
Goodeidae, general - Notes, 1934-1972
Box 58 Folder 7
Goodeidae, general - Photographs, 1939
Box 58 Folder 8-10
Goodeidae, general - Correspondence, 1939-1975
Box 58 Folder 11
Heterandria, 1948-1974

Includes "Nomenclature notes on some Poeciliid fishes from North America" by Reeve M. Bailey, 1948.

Box 58 Folder 12
Horaichthys - Correspondence, 1940-1970
Box 58 Folder 13
Jenynsia - Correspondence, 1973
Box 58 Folder 14
Lamprichthys - Correspondence, 1954-1964
Box 58 Folder 15
Lebistes, 1934-1977
Box 58 Folder 16
Lembessia - Correspondence, 1949
Box 58 Folder 17
Limia, 1948-1971
Box 58 Folder 18
Lucania - Notes, 1940-1964
Box 58 Folder 19
Lucania - Tabulations, 1959-1964
Box 58 Folder 20
Lucania - Photographs, 1961-1965
Box 58 Folder 21-22
Lucania - References and correspondence, 1951-1964
Box 59 Folder 1
Lucania - References and correspondence, 1965-1979
Box 59 Folder 2
Melanophallus, 1955-1959
Box 59 Folder 3
Micropoecilia and Poecilia - Data for paper, 1932-1952

Includes correspondence and figures.

Box 59 Folder 4
Mollienisia - Sex studies by George Weisel, 1942
Box 59 Folder 5
Mollienisia - Notes and references, 1930-1968
Box 59 Folder 6
Mollienisia - Newspaper clippings, 1947-1972
Box 59 Folder 7-13
Mollienisia - Photographs, 1932-1950
Box 59 Folder 14-16
Mollienisia - Correspondence, 1934-1981
Box 60 Folder 1
Orestias, 1942-1952
Box 60 Folder 2
Oryzias, 1947-1975
Box 60 Folder 3
Pamphorichthys - Figures, undated
Box 60 Folder 4
Plancterus, 1946-1953
Box 60 Folder 5
Poecilia, 1967-1976
Box 60 Folder 6
Poeciliopsis, 1971-1977
Box 60 Folder 7
Profundulus, 1949-1955
Box 60 Folder 8
Rivulus, 1957-1977
Box 60 Folder 9
Tomeurus, 1938-1955
Box 60 Folder 10
Typhlichthys, 1931-1932
Box 60 Folder 11
Xenodexia, 1938-1963
Box 60 Folder 12
Xiphorini, 1940-1975

Hybrid Fishes

Box 60 Folder 13
Manuscript - Louis Carrick and Carl Hubbs. Hybridization among fishes. I. Occurrence of hybrids among marine fishes, undated
Box 60 Folder 14
Data on association of marine fishes, 1919-1923
Box 60 Folder 15
Heterogenous - Notes and references, undated
Box 60 Folder 16
Heterosis - Notes and references, undated
Box 60 Folder 17
Relation to evolution - Notes and references, undated
Box 60 Folder 18
Hybrids, fishes - Notes, undated
Box 60 Folder 19
A study of hybridization between fish species in nature. Talk presented at the Research Club, University of Michigan, 1930 October 15
Box 277 Folder 4
Manuscript - Kuronuma and Hubbs. Pseudoplatichthys oshorensis Hikita is a hybrid flounder, 1939
Box 60 Folder 20
Conclusion to presentation on Hybridization between fish species in nature. Talk presented at UCLA, 1947 November 19
Box 60 Folder 21
Hybridization between fish species in nature. Talk presented at Berkeley, Calif., 1951 June 26
Box 60 Folder 22
Manuscript - Genetic differentiation as indicated by breeding and natural hybridization in fishes, 1955 April 8

Presented at a symposium on the nature of genetic differentiation of taxonomically recognizable forms, Austin, Texas.

Box 60 Folder 23
General - Notes, references, and photographs, 1938-1960
Box 60 Folder 24-26
General - Correspondence, 1930-1978
Box 60 Folder 27
Hybrid index - Correspondence, 1948-1949
Box 60 Folder 28
Introductions of fishes, 1949-1950
Box 60 Folder 29
List - Hybrids catalogued in the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (UMMZ), 1944-1947

Arranged By Group

Box 60 Folder 30
Group 4, 1931-1970
Box 60 Folder 31
Group 7, 1960-1964
Box 60 Folder 32
Group 8, 1931-1961
Box 60 Folder 33
Group 9, general, 1924-1977
Box 60 Folder 34
Group 9, Coregonidae, 1930-1966
Box 60 Folder 35
Group 9, Cristivomer X Salvelinus, 1956-1963
Box 60 Folder 36
Group 9, Oncorhynchus, 1953-1977
Box 60 Folder 37
Group 9, Salmo, 1958-1969
Box 60 Folder 38
Group 9, Salmo clarki X S. gairdneri, 1953-1974
Box 61 Folder 1
Group 9, Salvelinus, 1953-1960
Box 61 Folder 2
Group 12, 1938-1957
Box 61 Folder 3
Group 14, general, 1942-1972
Box 61 Folder 4-5
Group 14 - Notes, measurements, and correspondence, 1934-1943

For paper on hybridization in catostomid fishes. Includes negatives.

Box 61 Folder 6
Group 14, manuscript notes, meausrements, and correspondence - Hubbs and Hubbs. Natural hybrids between two species of catostomid fish, 1944-1947
Box 61 Folder 7
Group 14, Catostomus commersonii X C. macrocheilus, 1965-1972
Box 61 Folder 8
Group 14, Catostomus X Chamistes, 1951-1952
Box 61 Folder 9
Group 14, Catostomus X Xyrauchen, 1951-1952
Box 61 Folder 10
Group 15, general, 1931-1978
Box 61 Folder 11
Group 15, California minnows - Measurements, 1941
Box 61 Folder 12
Group 15, Acheilognathinae, 1961-1962
Box 61 Folder 13
Group 15, Acrocheilus, 1950-1973
Box 61 Folder 14
Group 15, Aristichthys X Ctenopharyngodon, 1970-1971
Box 61 Folder 15
Group 15, Aristichthys X Hypophthalmichthys, 1969
Box 61 Folder 16
Group 15, Barbus, 1950-1975
Box 61 Folder 17
Group 15, Brachydanio, 1930-1936
Box 61 Folder 18
Group 15, Campostoma, 1964-1970
Box 61 Folder 19
Group 15, Campostoma X Chrosomus, 1949-1952
Box 61 Folder 20
Group 15, Campostoma X Nocomis, 1937-1947
Box 61 Folder 21
Group 15, Carassius X Cyprinus, 1931-1976
Box 61 Folder 22
Group 15, Chrosomus, 1927-1978
Box 61 Folder 23
Group 15, Chrosomus X Notropis, 1959-1972
Box 61 Folder 24
Group 15, Chrosomus X Pfrille, 1928-1930
Box 61 Folder 25
Group 15, Chrosomus X Semotilus, 1944
Box 61 Folder 26
Group 15, Ctenopharyngodon, 1957-1971
Box 61 Folder 27
Group 15, Gila X Gila, 1967-1970
Box 61 Folder 28
Group 15, Gila X Hesperoleucus, 1968-1973
Box 61 Folder 29
Group 15, Gila and Iotichthys, 1978
Box 61 Folder 30
Group 15, Gila X Lavinia, 1928-1963
Box 61 Folder 31
Group 15, Gila X Siphateles, 1942-1970

Includes photographs used in paper by Hubbs and Miller.

Box 62 Folder 1
Group 15, Hesperoleucus, 1948-1964
Box 62 Folder 2
Group 15, Hybognathus, 1926-1953
Box 62 Folder 3
Group 15, Hybognathus X Notropis, 1933-1973
Box 62 Folder 4
Group 15, Lavinia X Orthodon, 1954-1967
Box 62 Folder 5
Group 15, Margariscus X Couesius, 1941-1942
Box 62 Folder 6
Group 15, Mylocheilus X Ptychocheilus, 1951-1955
Box 62 Folder 7
Group 15, Mylocheilus X Richardsonius, 1950-1968
Box 62 Folder 8
Group 15, Nocomis, 1927-1967
Box 62 Folder 9
Group 15, Nocomis X Rhinichthys - Correspondence, 1977-1978
Box 62 Folder 10
Group 15, Notropis, 1928-1960
Box 62 Folder 11
Group 15, Notropis cornutus X N. rubellus, 1927-1969
Box 62 Folder 12
Group 15, Notropis cornutus X Rhinichthys cataractae, manuscript - Description of a hybrid minnow Notropis frontalis X Rhinichthys cataractae collected by N. Y. survey in 20 mile Creek, Chautauqua, N. Y., July, 1928 (No. 410), 1929
Box 62 Folder 13
Group 15, Notropis cornutus X Semotilus, 1928-1955
Box 62 Folder 14
Group 15, Notropis deliciosus X N. dorsalis, 1950
Box 62 Folder 15
Group 15, Notropis lepidus X N. proserpinus, 1954-1957
Box 62 Folder 16
Group 15, Notropis lutrensis X N. spilopterus, 1957
Box 62 Folder 17
Group 15, Notropis lutrensis X N. venusta, 1951-1960
Box 62 Folder 18
Group 15, Notropis spilopterus X N. whipplii, 1965-1970
Box 62 Folder 19
Group 15, Notropis umbratilis X N. zonatus, 1949
Box 62 Folder 20
Group 15, Orthodon X Siphateles, 1949-1966
Box 62 Folder 21
Group 15, Phenacobius, 1960-1962
Box 62 Folder 22
Group 15, Rhinichthys, 1959-1973
Box 62 Folder 23
Group 15, Richardsonius X Siphateles, 1958
Box 62 Folder 24
Group 18, Schilbeodes, 1946-1959
Box 62 Folder 25
Group 19, Rhamdia, 1962
Box 62 Folder 26
Group 22, 1937-1977

Includes photographs.

Box 62 Folder 27
Group 27, manuscripts and talks, 1934-1944

Includes "Further remarks on apparent gynogenesis in a fish, with a classification of reproductive phenomena," an outline for a talk on Mollienisia results, and transcript of Hubbs' talk at the Newark Aquarium Society.

Box 62 Folder 28
Group 27, manuscripts by others - Laura C. Hubbs. Hybridization of aquarium fishes, 1944 January 10
Box 62 Folder 29
Group 27 - Early aquarium notes, 1932
Box 62 Folder 30-31
Group 27 - National Research Council (NRC), Grant for genetic behavior of fish, 1941-1945
Box 62 Folder 32
Group 27 - Notes, references, news, and photographs, 1925-1977

Includes article by Gustave A. Grime titled "Crossing Lebistes reticulatus with Xiphophorus helleri."

Box 63 Folder 1-19
Group 27 - Correspondence, 1926-1937

Includes photographs.

Box 64 Folder 1-3
Group 27 - Correspondence, 1938-1979
Box 64 Folder 4
Group 27, Cyprinodontidae, 1942-1979

Includes photographs.

Box 64 Folder 5
Group 27, Fundulus, 1967-1974
Box 64 Folder 6
Group 27, Gambusia, 1962-1971
Box 64 Folder 7-8
Group 27, Girardinini, manuscript - Rivas and Hubbs. Natural between genera and species of Cuban poeciliid fishes, 1954

Includes handwritten draft, measurements, notes, and correspondence.

Box 64 Folder 9
Group 27, Lebistes, 1937-1957
Box 64 Folder 10
Group 27, Megupsilon X Cyprinodon - Correspondence, 1979
Box 64 Folder 11
Group 27, Mollienisia - Measurements, ca. 1939
Box 64 Folder 12-14
Group 27, Mollienisia - Notes, 1934-1943
Box 64 Folder 15
Group 27, Mollienisia - Notebook, H-1 to H-17, 1943
Box 64 Folder 16
Group 27, Mollienisia - Notebook, fecundity experiments, 1943
Box 64 Folder 17
Group 27, Mollienisia - Notebook, H-18A, 1944
Box 64 Folder 18
Group 27, Mollienisia, general, manuscript - An experimental attack on the species problem, 1934 November 21
Box 64 Folder 19
Group 27, Mollienisia, general - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, photographs, and correspondence, 1934-1946
Box 64 Folder 20
Group 27, Platypoecilus X Xiphophorus - Photographs by A. W. Bellamy, 1920-1922

Includes photographs by A. W. Bellamy, 1920-1922.

Box 64 Folder 21
Group 27, Poeciliopsis, 1957
Box 64 Folder 22
Group 27, Poeciliopsis, Hawaii, 1940-1961

Includes photographs.

Box 64 Folder 23
Group 35, 1955-1971
Box 64 Folder 24
Group 36, 1941-1967
Box 64 Folder 25-27
Group 37 - Notes, 1925-1944
Box 64 Folder 28
Group 37 - Manuscripts and references, 1931-1965

Includes "The mating and hybridization of distinct genrea of sunfishes in an aquarium" by Hubbs, as well as memoranda.

Box 65 Folder 1
Group 37 - Newspaper clippings and photographs, 1931-1932
Box 65 Folder 2-3
Group 37 - Correspondence, 1930-1977
Box 65 Folder 4
Group 37, Lepomis, 1972
Box 65 Folder 5
Group 37, Micropterus, 1977
Box 65 Folder 6
Group 38, 1953-1966
Box 65 Folder 7
Group 40, 1935-1960
Box 65 Folder 8
Group 42, 1971
Box 65 Folder 9
Group 46, 1953-1955
Box 65 Folder 10
Group 48, 1962-1973
Box 65 Folder 11
Group 49, 1956-1960
Box 65 Folder 12
Group 51, 1949-1973
Box 65 Folder 13
Groups 53, 54, 1947-1957
Box 65 Folder 14
Group 55, Cottus, 1954-1982
Box 65 Folder 15
Groups 57, 58, 59, 1950-1953
Box 65 Folder 16
Group 61, 1952-1971
Box 65 Folder 17
Group 62, 1963-1964
Box 65 Folder 18
Group 64, general, 1933-1952
Box 65 Folder 19
Group 64, Lepidopsetta X Platichthys, 1956-1963
Box 65 Folder 20
Group 64, Parophrys X Platichthys, 1956-1972


Scope and Content of Series

Series 3) MARINE LIFE - WEST COAST: A extensive series that builds and expands on MARINE LIFE – FISHES, including: manuscripts, expedition reports, notes and research data, photographs, conference materials, and correspondence. Materials are focused on the West Coast region and include research on fishes, as well as plants, invertebrates, reptiles, birds, and mammals. In general, these two series were designed to complement each other, and both include files containing field notes, laboratory work, manuscripts, and research on specific species. When Hubbs had multiple files on one topic, he would arrange the folders in the following order: manuscripts, notes and data, photographs, references, newspaper clippings, and correspondence.

Fish units are numbered according to the Fish Division of the Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan (rev. April 1989). In order to locate a file on a specific species, it is helpful to know its group number and geographic location. Species names reflect the taxonomic order of the 1970s and have not been updated.

There is some content overlap between this series and the MARINE LIFE - FISHES and SUBJECT FILE series. For example, some of the same fish groups can be found in both Marine Life series; and materials on conservation and preservation can be found in the SUBJECT FILES as well as this series under the species name. Materials from Hubbs's research trips and expeditions can also be found in all three series.

Arranged in ten subseries: A) General Subjects, B) Locality, C) Plants, D) Invertebrates, E) Fishes, F) Fishes of California, G) Fishes by Group, H) Reptiles, I) Aves (Birds), and J) Mammals.

A) General Subjects: A small selection of materials, arranged alphabetically by topic.

B) Locality: A selection of materials based on specific geographical areas on or near the West Coast. Materials are not arranged in any imposed order, but are simply grouped together by topic.

C) Plants: A small selection of folders with content focused on marine plants. Materials are not arranged in any imposed order, but are simply grouped together by topic.

D) Invertebrates: A small selection of folders with content focused on marine invertebrates. Materials are not arranged in any imposed order, but are simply grouped together by topic.

E) Fishes: Research files on general topics regarding fishes near the West Coast. Materials are not arranged in any imposed order, but are simply grouped together by topic.

F) Fishes of California: Correspondence and complied lists of fishes found in California. Materials are not arranged in any imposed order, but are simply grouped together by topic.

G) Fishes by Group: Folders on West Coast fishes, arranged by group number and then alphabetically by order, family, genus, or species. Fish groups are numbered according to the Alphabetical List of the Families of Fishes with their Group Numbers, after the Fish Division of the Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan (rev. April 1989). In order to locate a file on a specific species, it is helpful to know its group number and geographic location. Species names reflect the taxonomic order of the 1970s and have not been updated.

H) Reptiles: A small selection of folders with content focused on marine reptiles. Materials are not arranged in any imposed order, but are simply grouped together by topic.

I) Aves (Birds): Folders arranged by locality, and then taxonomically by the genus or species, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

J) Mammals: Primarily focused on marine mammals. Arranged taxonomically by the genus or species, with general materials at the beginning of the subseries.

General Subjects

Box 65 Folder 21
Aquariums - Notes, 1949
Box 65 Folder 22
Basins - Correspondence, 1953
Box 65 Folder 23
Beach erosion - Newspaper clippings and correspondence, 1954-1960
Box 65 Folder 24
Currents - Newspaper clippings and correspondence, 1958-1964
Box 65 Folder 25-27
Geology, general - References, photographs, and correspondence, 1947-1977
Box 65 Folder 28
Geology, Camalú, Baja California, landslide, 1948-1961

Includes photographs.

Box 65 Folder 29
Geology, coastal terraces, 1947-1952
Box 65 Folder 30
Geology, Great Basin fossils, 1951-1959
Box 65 Folder 31
Geology, Lake LeConte (Lake Cahuilla), 1958-1968
Box 65 Folder 32
Geology, oil, 1964-1975

Includes photograph.

Box 65 Folder 33
Geology, Pleistocene, 1956-1968
Box 65 Folder 34
Geology, submarine canyons, 1947-1951

Includes photographs by Frank Haymaker from La Jolla canyons off Scripps Institution of Oceanography shoreline.

Box 65 Folder 35
Geology, volcanoes, 1952-1953
Box 65 Folder 36
History, 1956-1977
Box 66 Folder 1
Physical oceanography - Newspaper clipping and correspondence, 1949-1958
Box 66 Folder 2
Reefs, 1948-1949

Includes contact sheet from 1949 coastal survey.

Box 66 Folder 3
Seamounts, 1954-1964

Includes paper by Hubbs titled "Initial discoveries of fish faunas on seamounts and offshore banks in the Eastern Pacific."

Box 66 Folder 4
Slicks - Newspaper clippings and correspondence, 1950
Box 66 Folder 5
Surf, 1942-1964


Box 66 Folder 6
Chile, 1951-1974
Box 66 Folder 7
Juan Fernandez and adjacent islands, 1955-1966
Box 66 Folder 8
Peru, 1922-1977
Box 66 Folder 9
Colombia, 1961-1969
Box 66 Folder 10
Panama, 1924-1974
Box 66 Folder 11
Cocos Islands, 1959-1968

Includes list of specimens collected during the SCOT and Costa Rica Dome Expeditions.

Box 66 Folder 12-14
Galapagos Islands, 1933-1979
Box 66 Folder 15
Galapagos Islands, cacti, 1962
Box 66 Folder 16
Galapagos Islands, colonization - Newspaper clippings, 1959
Box 66 Folder 17-21
Clipperton Island, 1948-1973

Includes photos of grouper (Epinephelinae) taken by Conrad Limbaugh.

Box 66 Folder 22
Revillagigedo Islands, 1955-1964
Box 66 Folder 23
Costa Rica, 1969-1973
Box 66 Folder 24
El Salvador, 1975-1976
Box 66 Folder 25
South America, 1953-1978
Box 67 Folder 1
Mexico, general, 1944-1972
Box 67 Folder 2
Mexico, Tres Marias Islands, 1957-1964
Box 67 Folder 3
Mexico, Gulf of California - Notes and references, 1947-1974
Box 67 Folder 4
Mexico, Gulf of California - Newspaper clippings, 1948-1966
Box 67 Folder 5
Mexico, Gulf of California - Photographs, 1947-1949
Box 67 Folder 6-8
Mexico, Gulf of California - Correspondence, 1945-1976
Box 67 Folder 9
Mexico, Gulf of California, 1948 trip by Clark Hubbs, 1948 February-May
Box 67 Folder 10
Mexico, Gulf of California, 1967 meeting on fisheries development, 1966-1967
Box 67 Folder 11
Mexico, Gulf of California, Tiburon Island, 1960-1961
Box 67 Folder 12
Mexico, Baja California, manuscripts by others, 1965-1973

Includes "Ecological factors influencing the distributions of fishes in the Gulf of California" by James Lee Congleton, as well as "Human disturbance of marine birds and mammals in wilderness areas of Baja California, Mexico, 10-17 February 1973" by Karl W. Kenyon.

Box 67 Folder 13
Mexico, Baja California - Notes, 1947-1974

Includes handdrawn map.

Box 67 Folder 14
Mexico, Baja California - References, 1946-1972
Box 67 Folder 15
Mexico, Baja California - Newspaper clippings, 1954-1976
Box 67 Folder 16
Mexico, Baja California - Photographs, 1945-1955
Box 67 Folder 17-20
Mexico, Baja California - Correspondence, 1944-1966
Box 67 Folder 21
Mexico, Baja California, fishes - List of collections, 1946-1966
Box 67 Folder 22
Mexico, Baja California, geology, 1947-1970
Box 67 Folder 23
Mexico, Baja California, history, 1961-1974
Box 67 Folder 24
Mexico, Baja California, symposium of the Pacific Section of the Society of Systematic Zoology on the biogeography of Baja California and adjacent seas, 1959
Box 67 Folder 25
Mexico, Baja California, International Symposium on the Oceanology of the Seas off Baja California, 1973-1974
Box 67 Folder 26
Mexico, Baja California, vegetation, 1961-1964
Box 68 Folder 1
Mexico, Baja California, Coronado Islands, 1947-1979

Includes photographs.

Box 273 Folder 17
Mexico, Baja California, Cedros Island, 1945-1977
Box 68 Folder 2
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Notes, 1937-1971
Box 68 Folder 3
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Expedition notes, 1954 November 11-20
Box 68 Folder 4
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Expedition notes, 1955 June 10-18
Box 68 Folder 5
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Expedition notes, 1956 August 27-September 1
Box 68 Folder 6
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Expedition notes, 1957 April 16-22
Box 68 Folder 7
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Expedition notes, 1957 October 24-31
Box 68 Folder 8
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Expedition notes and biological log, 1957 December 12-20
Box 68 Folder 9
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Expedition notes and handwritten preliminary report, 1960 January 25-February 1
Box 68 Folder 10
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Expedition log, 1964 November 21-28
Box 68 Folder 11
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Expedition log, 1965 February 27-March 8
Box 68 Folder 12
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Burney J. Le Boeuf, 1972-1973

Includes correspondence regarding Le Boeuf's research and an expedition reports written by Kenneth Briggs, Le Boeuf, and L. Petrinovich.

Box 68 Folder 13
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Expedition report by Burney J. Le Boeuf, 1977 April 17
Box 68 Folder 14
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - References, 1938-1972
Box 68 Folder 15
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Newspaper clippings, 1947-1974
Box 68 Folder 16
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Correspondence, 1949-1962
Box 69 Folder 1-2
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Correspondence, 1963-1978
Box 69 Folder 3-8
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Photographs, 1946-1976
Box 69 Folder 9-10
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Photographs George E. Lindsay, 1955 June
Box 70 Folder 1
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, crustacea, 1957-1965
Box 70 Folder 2
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, molluscs, 1954-1964
Box 70 Folder 3
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, fishes, lists, 1946-1977

Includes lists complied by Hubbs and Conrad Limbaugh.

Box 70 Folder 4
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, fishes, group 5, 1952-1970
Box 70 Folder 5
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, fishes, group 35, Apogon guadalupensis, 1960-1967
Box 70 Folder 6
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, fishes, group 42, 1956-1969
Box 70 Folder 7
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, fishes, group 43, 1956-1963
Box 70 Folder 8
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, fishes, group 50, 1960-1972
Box 70 Folder 9
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, fishes group 61 - References, 1962-1977
Box 70 Folder 10
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, aves (birds), 1953-1976
Box 70 Folder 11
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, aves (birds), banding records, 1963-1970
Box 70 Folder 12
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, mammals, 1964-1977
Box 70 Folder 13
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, goats, 1963-1973
Box 70 Folder 14
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, plants, 1958-1976
Box 70 Folder 15
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, geology, manuscript - Wilson and Hubbs. Marine invertebrate megafossils of Pleistocene (Sangamon interglacial) age from Isla Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico, 1967
Box 70 Folder 16
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, geology, manuscript - Lindberg, Roth, Kellogg, and Hubbs. Invertebrate megafossils of Pleistocene (Sangamon interglacial) age from Isla Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico, 1978

Includes description by J. Wyatt Durham of new species of coral.

Box 70 Folder 17
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, geology, manuscripts by others - J. Wyatt Durham. A new fossil Pocillopora from Guadalupe Island, Mexico, 1978
Box 70 Folder 18-20
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, geology, 1957-1978
Box 70 Folder 21
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, minerals, 1966
Box 70 Folder 22
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, history, 1957-1971
Box 273 Folder 18
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, weather, 1966-1968

Includes correspondence related to the establishment of a weather station on Guadalupe Island.

Box 70 Folder 23-25
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, Los Angeles Bay, 1948-1970
Box 70 Folder 26
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, Magdalena Bay, 1951-1970
Box 70 Folder 27
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, "Rock Pile" south of Coronado Islands, 1955-1962
Box 70 Folder 28-31
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, San Ignacio Lagoon, 1946-1977
Box 70 Folder 32
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, San Martin Island, 1972

Includes statement from the San Diego Society of Natural History.

Box 71 Folder 1
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, San Quintin Bay, 1939-1979
Box 71 Folder 2
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, Scammon's Lagoon (Ojo de Liebre Lagoon), 1957-1978
Box 71 Folder 3
Mexico, Baja California, Guadalupe Island, Vizcaíno Bay, 1953-1954
Box 71 Folder 4
California, San Diego, general, 1889-1973
Box 71 Folder 5
California, San Diego, Point Loma, 1944-1962

Includes aerial photographs.

Box 71 Folder 6
California, San Diego, Mission Bay - Notes and references, 1942-1966

Includes materials related the Mission Bay Wildlife Project.

Box 71 Folder 7-14
California, San Diego, Mission Bay - Newspaper clippings, 1945-1977

Includes materials related the Mission Bay Wildlife Project.

Box 71 Folder 15
California, San Diego, Mission Bay - Photographs, 1944-1958

Includes materials related the Mission Bay Wildlife Project.

Box 71 Folder 16-19
California, San Diego, Mission Bay - Correspondence, 1945-1977

Includes materials related the Mission Bay Wildlife Project.

Box 71 Folder 20
California, San Diego, Mission Bay, Development proposals, 1946-1968

Includes materials related the Mission Bay Wildlife Project.

Box 72 Folder 1
California, San Diego, Mission Bay, manuscript - Wildlife of Mission Bay, 1949 July
Box 72 Folder 2
California, San Diego, Mission Bay, surveys, manuscripts by others, 1949-1968

Includes "Survey of Mission Bay, June, 1949" by John E. Fitch and extract of report prepared by the City of San Diego by Marine Advisors titled "Mission Bay development: An evaluation of pertinent oceanographic factors."

Box 72 Folder 3
California, San Diego, Mission Bay, development maps, 1950
Box 72 Folder 4
California, San Diego County lagoons, 1961-1975
Box 72 Folder 5
California, San Diego County lagoons, Batiquitos, 1961-1965

Includes aerial photograph.

Box 72 Folder 6
California, San Diego County lagoons, Agua Hedionda, Carlsbad, 1957-1974
Box 72 Folder 7
California, San Diego County lagoons, San Elijo, 1964-1965
Box 72 Folder 8
California, Anaheim Bay, 1973-1975
Box 72 Folder 9
California, Farnsworth Bank, 1965
Box 72 Folder 10
California, Newport Bay, 1942-1976
Box 72 Folder 11
California, Los Angeles area, 1949-1966
Box 72 Folder 12-13
California, Channel Islands, general, 1930-1976

Includes data sheets from January 1948 Orca trip.

Box 72 Folder 14
California, Channel Islands - Photographs, 1947-1954
Box 72 Folder 15
California, Channel Islands, Catalina, 1965-1975
Box 72 Folder 16
California, Channel Islands, San Nicolas, 1963-1974
Box 72 Folder 17
California, Channel Islands, symposia, 1965-1976
Box 72 Folder 18
California, North of Los Angeles, 1954-1974
Box 72 Folder 19
California, Monterey Bay and area, 1949-1976

Includes photographs.

Box 72 Folder 20
California, San Francisco Bay, 1949-1967
Box 72 Folder 21
California, North of San Francisco, 1961-1967
Box 72 Folder 22
Oregon and Washington, 1926-1973
Box 72 Folder 23
British Columbia, 1926-1974
Box 72 Folder 24-26
Alaska, 1928-1977
Box 73 Folder 1
Alaska Notes for manuscript with Schultz, 1926-1938
Box 73 Folder 2
Arctic, 1952-1964


Box 73 Folder 3
Plants, general, 1948-1977

Includes photographs.

Box 73 Folder 4
Algae, 1941-1971
Box 73 Folder 5
Kelp - Notes and references, 1945-1976
Box 73 Folder 6
Kelp - Newspaper clippings, 1947-1976
Box 73 Folder 7
Kelp - Photographs, 1949-1957

Includes photographs of coastlines.

Box 73 Folder 8-13
Kelp, Researchers - Correspondence, 1944-1957

Includes correspondence regarding the Kelco Company grant.

Box 74 Folder 1-5
Kelp, Researchers - Correspondence, 1958-1976
Box 273 Folder 19
Kelp, Kelco Company agreement with Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1949
Box 74 Folder 6-7
Kelp, Advisory Committee, 1955-1961
Box 74 Folder 8
Kelp, Kelco Company, financial reports, 1951-1956
Box 74 Folder 9-13
Kelp, progress reports, 1951-1965

Includes reports by: Conrad Limbaugh, Kenneth Clendenning, Wheeler J. North, David H. Davies, Michael Neushul, M. C. Sargent, and David Leighton. Also includes report from the Water Pollution Control Board and a preliminary draft of report from the Kelp Habitat Improvement Project.

Box 74 Folder 14
Diatoms, 1954
Box 74 Folder 15
Lichens, 1955-1956
Box 74 Folder 16
Mimulus, 1949-1951
Box 74 Folder 17
Zostera, 1947-1954


Box 74 Folder 18
Invertebrates, general, 1947-1966
Box 74 Folder 19
Bryozoans, 1945-1960
Box 74 Folder 20
Coelenterates, 1948-1969
Box 74 Folder 21
Echinoderms, general, 1950-1972
Box 75 Folder 1
Echinoderms, Dendraster, 1952-1969
Box 75 Folder 2
Echinoderms, Diadema, 1972-1973
Box 75 Folder 3
Molluscs, general, 1945-1972
Box 75 Folder 4
Molluscs, Cephalopods, 1947-1976
Box 75 Folder 5
Molluscs, Cryptochiton, 1949-1961
Box 75 Folder 6
Molluscs, Donax, 1952-1959
Box 75 Folder 7
Molluscs, Haliotis, 1946-1972
Box 75 Folder 8
Molluscs, Lake LeConte, 1947-1962
Box 75 Folder 9
Molluscs, Land, 1949-1957
Box 75 Folder 10
Molluscs, Leptochiton, 1967
Box 75 Folder 11
Molluscs, Neopilina, 1958-1977
Box 75 Folder 12
Molluscs, Nudibranchs, 1954-1972
Box 75 Folder 13
Molluscs, Octopus, 1943-1971

Includes photographs.

Box 75 Folder 14
Molluscs, Octopus danger, 1949-1954

Includes paper by Hubbs titled "Interpretation of authenticity of the book by Harry E. Rieseberg 'I Dive for Treasure' (Robert M. McBride and Company, New York, 1942, 1945), with a special reference to claims of encounters with giant octopi."

Box 75 Folder 15
Molluscs, Oysters, 1948-1959

Includes photographs.

Box 75 Folder 16
Molluscs, Pismo clam, 1948-1964
Box 75 Folder 17
Molluscs, Squid, 1953-1974
Box 75 Folder 18
Molluscs, Tegula, 1969
Box 75 Folder 19
Nemerteans, 1954
Box 75 Folder 20
Crustaceans, general, 1943-1980
Box 75 Folder 21
Crustaceans, Amphipods, 1963-1967
Box 75 Folder 22
Crustaceans, Branchyura, 1951-1967
Box 75 Folder 23
Crustaceans, Cancer, 1949
Box 75 Folder 24
Crustaceans, Cirripedia, 1953-1965
Box 75 Folder 25
Crustaceans, Euphausiidae, 1958
Box 75 Folder 26
Crustaceans, Isopods, 1945-1973

Includes photographs.

Box 75 Folder 27
Crustaceans, Palinurus, 1957
Box 75 Folder 28
Crustaceans, Panulirus, 1946-1971

Includes photograph.

Box 75 Folder 29
Crustaceans, Pleuroncodes, 1958-1967
Box 75 Folder 30
Crustaceans, Shrimp, 1951-1952
Box 75 Folder 31
Insects, 1945-1973


Box 278 Folder 6
Fishes, manuscripts by others - Wilson, Melvin A. Phyletic list of Eastern Tropical Pacific near-surface and shore fishes, with provisional shore faunal zones, 1974
Box 75 Folder 32
Fishes, manuscripts by others - Wilson, Melvin A. Phyletic list of Eastern Tropical Pacific near-surface and shore fishes, with provisional shore faunal zones - Supporting correspondence, 1974
Box 75 Folder 33-34
Fishes, general - Notes, newspaper clippings, references, and correspondence, 1943-1961

Includes data from F. N. Clark and list of fishes collected.

Box 75 Folder 35
Lists of fishes collected by Carl L. Hubbs, 1944-1952
Box 76 Folder 1
California Fish and Game, list of fish and cruise locations, undated
Box 76 Folder 2
Fish records for Baja California, 1948-1961
Box 76 Folder 3-5
General correspondence, 1924-1978
Box 76 Folder 6
Notes and drawings by Sketches by W.S. Bronson, 1945
Box 76 Folder 7
Unpublished drawings by Percy S. Barnhart, undated
Box 76 Folder 8
Angling - References and correspondence, 1947-1968
Box 76 Folder 9
Angling - Notes on fishing locations, 1949-1954
Box 76 Folder 10-16
Angling - Newspaper clippings, 1950-1953 June
Box 77 Folder 1-11
Angling - Newspaper clippings, 1953 July-1956 August
Box 78 Folder 1-11
Angling - Newspaper clippings, 1956 Sept-1958 May
Box 79 Folder 1-11
Angling - Newspaper clippings, 1957 June-1960 May
Box 80 Folder 1-11
Angling - Newspaper clippings, 1960 June-1962 February
Box 81 Folder 1-11
Angling - Newspaper clippings, 1962 March-1975
Box 81 Folder 12
Bathybial, 1952-1966

Includes photographs.

Box 81 Folder 13
Computerizing, research analysis, 1973
Box 81 Folder 14
Fisheries, 1949-1967

Fishes of California

Box 81 Folder 15
Bibliography of papers from the Hubbs library, 1928
Box 81 Folder 16-20
Correspondence, 1919-1949
Box 82 Folder 1-17
Correspondence, 1950-1980
Box 83 Folder 1
California list, analysis of California fish fauna, 1947 May 22
Box 83 Folder 2
California list, summary of California fish fauna, 1952 June 3
Box 83 Folder 3-18
California list, manuscript - Hubbs and Follett. Manuscript list of the fishes of California, 1947-1974

Early drafts are titled "Preliminary checklist of the fishes of California." Several series were released with revisions to the list. Includes: memorandum explaining the purpose of the project; a summary of votes on naming conflicts from the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Western Division; and a list of people who received checklist.

Box 273 Folder 20
California list, manuscript - Notes on fishes new or rare in Southern California, 1945
Box 83 Folder 19
California list - Notes, 1950-1975
Box 84 Folder 1
California list - Notes, n.d.
Box 278 Folder 8
Species distribution maps

Fishes by Group

Box 84 Folder 2
Group 3, 1940-1961
Box 84 Folder 3
Group 5, general, manuscripts by others, 1958

Includes: "The brains of sharks and bony fishes with reference to the sensory and integrative mechanisms" by Lester R. Aronson, "Sharks" by Leonard P. Schultz, "Those 'harmless' great blue sharks" by David Kenyon Webster, and "Comparative behavior of four species of sharks in captivity" by Craig Phillipe.

Box 84 Folder 4
Group 5, Shark repellants, manuscripts by others, 1957-1958

Includes memoranda from the Department of the Navy and Wright Air Development Center.

Box 84 Folder 5
Group 5, general - Notes and data, 1954
Box 84 Folder 6
Group 5, general - Measurements, drawings, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1945-1972

Includes "Vitamin A analysis of two shark livers" by David Miyauchi and Bruce Sanford.

Box 84 Folder 7
Group 5, general - Correspondence, 1944-1978
Box 84 Folder 8-10
Group 5, shark attacks - Correspondence, 1935-1979
Box 84 Folder 11
Group 5, shark attacks - Notes, 1950-1964

Includes accounts of shark attacks and correspondence.

Box 84 Folder 12
Group 5, shark attacks - References, undated
Box 84 Folder 13-14
Group 5, shark attacks - Newspaper clippings, 1926-1959 May
Box 85 Folder 1-4
Group 5, shark attacks - Newspaper clippings, 1959 June-1979
Box 85 Folder 5
Group 5, shark attacks, Albert Kogler Jr. - Final Report by W. I. Follett, 1959 December 22
Box 85 Folder 6
Group 5, shark conferences, 1958-1967

Includes photograph of attendees.

Box 85 Folder 7
Group 5, shark eye research, 1967
Box 85 Folder 8
Group 5, shark repellants, 1947-1959
Box 85 Folder 9
Group 5, shark tagging, 1964-1966
Box 85 Folder 10
Group 5, Alopias, 1928-1972
Box 85 Folder 11
Group 5, Apristurus, 1916-1978
Box 85 Folder 12
Group 5, Callorhynchus - Photograph, 1976
Box 85 Folder 13
Group 5, Carcharhinus, 1942-1975

Includes photographs.

Box 85 Folder 14
Group 5, Carcharhinus brachyurus, 1970-1978
Box 85 Folder 15
Group 5, Carcharhinus lamiella, 1950-1954

Includes photographs.

Box 85 Folder 16
Group 5, Carcharhinus obscurus, 1963 July

Includes photographs.

Box 85 Folder 17
Group 5, Carcharodon, 1945-1976
Box 85 Folder 18
Group 5, Centroscyllium, 1916-1977
Box 85 Folder 19
Group 5, Cephaloscyllium, 1946-1968

Includes photographs.

Box 85 Folder 20
Group 5, Cephalurus, 1971-1972

Includes photographs.

Box 85 Folder 21
Group 5, Cetorhinus, 1928-1973
Box 85 Folder 22
Group 5, Chimaeridae, 1972-1979
Box 85 Folder 23
Group 5, Chlamydoselachus, 1948

Includes photographs.

Box 86 Folder 1
Group 5, Echinorhinus, 1939-1972

Includes photographs and drawings.

Box 86 Folder 2
Group 5, Etmopterus, 1916-1973

Includes photographs.

Box 86 Folder 3
Group 5, Galeocerdo, 1950
Box 86 Folder 4-5
Group 5, Galeorhinus, 1943-1959
Box 86 Folder 6
Group 5, Galeus, manuscript figures - Hubbs and Taylor. Data on life history and characters of Galeus piperatus a dwarf shark of Golfo de California, 1969
Box 86 Folder 7
Group 5, Galeus - Correspondence, 1969-1972
Box 86 Folder 8
Group 5, Ginglymostoma, 1966
Box 86 Folder 9
Group 5, Harriotta, 1972-1978
Box 86 Folder 10
Group 5, Heterodontus - Manuscript, notes, references, photographs, and correspondence, 1945-1973

Includes paper by Hubbs and Sam Hinton titled "Breeding habits of the horn shark, Heterodontus francisci, in the aquarium at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Box 86 Folder 11
Group 5, Hexanchus, 1945-1969

Includes photographs.

Box 86 Folder 12
Group 5, Hydrolagus - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1950-1976
Box 86 Folder 13
Group 5, Hydrolagus - Correspondence, 1948-1976
Box 86 Folder 14
Group 5, Isuridae - Photographs, 1942-1948
Box 86 Folder 15
Group 5, Isurus, 1947-1972

Includes photographs.

Box 86 Folder 16
Group 5, Lamnidae - Notes and references, 1942-1971
Box 86 Folder 17
Group 5, Lamnidae - Newspaper clippings, photographs, and drawing by Gilbert P. Whitley, 1943-1950
Box 87 Folder 1-2
Group 5, Lamnidae - Correspondence, 1945-1971
Box 87 Folder 3
Group 5, Mustelus, 1945-1971
Box 87 Folder 4
Group 5, Notorhynchus, 1946-1966

Includes photographs.

Box 87 Folder 5
Group 5, Odontaspis, 1962-1975
Box 87 Folder 6
Group 5, Parmaturus, 1968
Box 87 Folder 7
Group 5, Prionace - Photograph, 1950
Box 87 Folder 8
Group 5, Rhincodon, 1977-1978
Box 87 Folder 9
Group 5, Rhizoprionodon (formerly Scoliodon), 1948-1951
Box 273 Folder 21
Group 5, Rhizoprionodon (formerly Scoliodon), manuscripts - Hubbs and McHugh. Pacific sharpnose shark (Scoliodon longurio) in California and Baja California, ca. 1949-1950

Drawings by Alma Froderstrom.

Box 87 Folder 10
Group 5, Scyliorhinidae, 1962-1967
Box 87 Folder 11
Group 5, Somniosus, 1962-1969

Includes photographs.

Box 87 Folder 12
Group 5, Sphyrna, 1949-1970

Includes photographs.

Box 87 Folder 13
Group 5, Squalus, 1952-1973
Box 87 Folder 14
Group 5, Squatina, 1955-1965
Box 87 Folder 15
Group 5, Tetroras, 1947-1949
Box 87 Folder 16
Group 5, Triakis, 1953-1974
Box 87 Folder 17
Groups 5 and 6, 1968-1978
Box 87 Folder 18
Group 6, general, 1942-1978
Box 87 Folder 19
Group 6, Bathyraja, general, 1962-1971

Includes photographs.

Box 87 Folder 20
Group 6, Bathyraja abyssicola, 1962-1978
Box 87 Folder 21
Group 6, Bathyraja kincaidii, 1951-1975
Box 87 Folder 22
Group 6, Bathyraja spinosissima, 1962-1978

Includes photographs.

Box 87 Folder 23
Group 6, Bathyraja trachura, 1961-1972

Includes photographs.

Box 87 Folder 24
Group 6, Dasyatidae, 1953-1969

Includes photographs.

Box 87 Folder 25
Group 6, Gymmura, 1954-1957
Box 87 Folder 26
Group 6, Mantidae, 1947-1968
Box 87 Folder 27
Group 6, Mobula, 1946-1978

Includes photographs.

Box 87 Folder 28
Group 6, Myliobatus, 1946-1964
Box 87 Folder 29
Group 6, Platyrhinodis, 1945-1951

Includes photographs.

Box 87 Folder 30
Group 6, Pristis, 1956
Box 87 Folder 31
Group 6, Pseudoraja, manuscript - Ishimaya and Hubbs. Eastern Pacific skates (Rajidae) referred to the aberrant genus Pseudoraja, 1967-1968
Box 87 Folder 32
Group 6, Pseudoraja, 1959-1976
Box 87 Folder 33
Group 6, Raja aleutica - References, 1962
Box 87 Folder 34
Group 6, Raja badia, 1962-1970
Box 87 Folder 35
Group 6, Raja binoculata, 1962-1966

Includes photographs.

Box 87 Folder 36
Group 6, Raja chilensis, 1962
Box 88 Folder 1
Group 6, Raja equatorialis, 1962-1967
Box 88 Folder 2
Group 6, Raja exsul, 1968
Box 273 Folder 22
Group 6, Raja fitchi, 1952-1974
Box 88 Folder 3
Group 6, Raja inornata, 1962-1975
Box 88 Folder 4
Group 6, Raja rhina, 1950-1968
Box 88 Folder 5
Group 6, Raja stellulata, 1946-1962
Box 88 Folder 6
Group 6, Raja velezii, 1972-1974
Box 88 Folder 7
Group 6, Rajidae, manuscript - Hubbs and Ishimaya. Descriptions of three new species of skates of the genus Raja, one new from the equatorial Pacific, 1967-1968

Includes handwritten data.

Box 88 Folder 8
Group 6, Rajidae - Notes by Ishimaya, undated
Box 273 Folder 23
Group 6, Rajidae - Notes and references, 1948-1973
Box 277 Folder 5
Group 6, Rajidae - Data, 1961
Box 88 Folder 9-10
Group 6, Rajidae - Photographs, ca. 1962-1965
Box 88 Folder 11-16
Group 6, Rajidae - Correspondence, 1949-1979
Box 88 Folder 17
Group 6, Rhinobatos, 1951-1962

Includes photographs.

Box 88 Folder 18
Group 6, Sympterygia, 1962
Box 88 Folder 19
Group 6, Tetranarce, 1949-1952
Box 88 Folder 20
Group 6, Torpedo, 1956-1973
Box 88 Folder 21
Group 6, Urobatis, 1951-1969
Box 88 Folder 22
Group 6, Urolophus, 1958-1965
Box 89 Folder 1
Group 6, Urotrygon, 1964
Box 89 Folder 2
Group 7, Acipenser - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1948-1977
Box 89 Folder 3
Group 7, Acipenser - Correspondence, 1948-1967
Box 89 Folder 4
Group 8, general - Notes and correspondence, 1922-1966
Box 89 Folder 5
Group 8, Albula, 1943-1968

Includes photographs.

Box 89 Folder 6
Group 8, Alepocephalidae, 1916-1952
Box 89 Folder 7
Group 8, Allengraulis, 1952-1955
Box 89 Folder 8
Group 8, Allophos, 1949-1952
Box 89 Folder 9
Group 8, Alosa, 1952-1960
Box 89 Folder 10
Group 8, Bathytroctes, 1916-1971
Box 89 Folder 11
Group 8, Cetengraulis, 1951-1954
Box 89 Folder 12
Group 8, Clupea, 1944-1974
Box 89 Folder 13
Group 8, Dolichopteryx, 1952
Box 89 Folder 14
Group 8, Etrumeus, 1947-1962
Box 89 Folder 15
Group 8, Harengula, 1947-1966
Box 89 Folder 16
Group 8, Nemabathytroctes, 1952
Box 89 Folder 17
Group 8, Opisthonema, 1947-1977
Box 89 Folder 18
Group 8, Sardinops (Sardine) - Notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1926-1967
Box 89 Folder 19
Group 8, Sardinops (Sardine) - Correspondence, 1928-1958
Box 89 Folder 20
Group 8, Sardinops (Sardine), U.S. Congress Regulation, 1936
Box 89 Folder 21
Group 8, Sardinops (Sardine), tagging, 1954
Box 89 Folder 22
Group 8, Searsia, 1950-1952
Box 89 Folder 23
Group 8, Tarpon, 1953
Box 89 Folder 24
Group 9, general, 1946-1958
Box 89 Folder 25
Group 9, Hypomesus, 1930-1969
Box 89 Folder 26
Group 9, Oncorhynchus - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1936-1974
Box 89 Folder 27
Group 9, Onchorhynchus - Correspondence, 1945-1978

Includes photograph.

Box 89 Folder 28
Group 9, Osmeridae, 1941-1965
Box 89 Folder 29
Group 9, Salmo, 1945-1980
Box 89 Folder 30
Group 9, Spirinchus, 1957-1974
Box 90 Folder 1
Group 10, general, 1916-1952
Box 90 Folder 2
Group 10, Argyropelecus, 1947-1952
Box 90 Folder 3
Group 10, Cyclothone, 1950-1951
Box 90 Folder 4
Group 10, Maurolicidae, 1951
Box 90 Folder 5
Group 10, Vinciguerria, 1950-1961
Box 90 Folder 6
Groups 14 and 15, 1955-1976
Box 90 Folder 7
Group 17, Bagre, 1965
Box 90 Folder 8
Group 18 - Newspaper clippings, 1969
Box 90 Folder 9
Group 23, general, 1916-1954
Box 90 Folder 10
Group 23, Cypselurus, 1945-1971

Includes photographs.

Box 90 Folder 11
Group 23, Exocoetidae, 1916-1954
Box 90 Folder 12
Group 23, Hemiramphus, 1947-1965
Box 90 Folder 13
Group 23, Strongylura, 1949-1961
Box 90 Folder 14
Group 24, 1951-1974
Box 90 Folder 15
Group 25, general, 1916-1976
Box 90 Folder 16
Group 25, Diaphus, 1952
Box 90 Folder 17
Group 25, Eurypharynx, 1950-1963

Includes photograph.

Box 90 Folder 18
Group 25, Lampanyctus, 1950-1952
Box 90 Folder 19
Group 25, Myctophidae, 1916-1978
Box 90 Folder 20
Group 25, Paralepididae, 1916-1974
Box 90 Folder 21
Group 25, Synodontidae, 1956-1977
Box 90 Folder 22
Group 26, general, 1916-1978
Box 90 Folder 23
Group 26, Congridae, 1956-1979
Box 90 Folder 24
Group 26, Gnathophis, 1956-1976
Box 90 Folder 25
Group 26, Gymnothorax, 1949-1955

Includes drawing by Sam Hinton, 1949 December 15.

Box 90 Folder 26
Group 26, Muraenesox, 1962
Box 90 Folder 27
Group 26, Myrophidae, 1952-1957
Box 90 Folder 28
Group 26, Nemichthys, 1950-1979

Includes photograph.

Box 90 Folder 29
Group 26, Ophichthus, 1961-1971
Box 90 Folder 30
Group 26, Saurenchelys, 1956-1959
Box 90 Folder 31
Group 26, Venefica, 1958
Box 90 Folder 32
Group 30, general, 1949-1979
Box 90 Folder 33
Group 31, general, 1954
Box 90 Folder 34
Group 31, Melamphaeidae, general, 1951-1952

Includes photographs.

Box 90 Folder 35-36
Group 31, Melamphaeidae - Alfred W. Ebeling correspondence, 1948-1959
Box 90 Folder 37
Group 31, Monocentris, 1955
Box 90 Folder 38
Group 31, Myripristis, 1964-1965
Box 90 Folder 39
Group 32, Chaetodontidae, 1961-1976
Box 90 Folder 40
Group 32, Chaetodon falcifer - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1956-1972
Box 90 Folder 41
Group 32, Chaetodon falcifer - Correspondence, 1955-1971
Box 91 Folder 1
Group 32, Chaetodon superbus, 1973-1978
Box 91 Folder 2
Group 32, Forcipiger, 1958-1959
Box 91 Folder 3
Group 32, Heniochus, 1961-1972
Box 91 Folder 4
Group 32, Zeidae, 1949-1954

Includes photographs.

Box 91 Folder 5
Group 34, general, 1916-1969
Box 91 Folder 6
Group 34, Lactoria, 1949-1974

Includes photographs.

Box 91 Folder 7
Group 34, Lagocephalus, 1937-1965
Box 91 Folder 8
Group 34, Mola, 1947-1959

Includes photographs.

Box 273 Folder 24
Group 34, Sphoeroides, 1943-1974

Includes typed copy of notes made by C. H. Gilbert before 1912.

Box 91 Folder 9
Group 34, Tetraodontidae, 1952-1974
Box 91 Folder 10
Group 35, general, 1961-1977
Box 91 Folder 11
Group 35, Apogonidae, 1950-1976

Includes photographs.

Box 91 Folder 12
Group 35, Epinephelus, 1954-1965
Box 91 Folder 13
Group 35, Mycteroperca, 1938-1973

Includes photographs.

Box 91 Folder 14
Group 35, Paralabrax, 1941-1972
Box 91 Folder 15
Group 35, Pristigenys, 1963-1973
Box 91 Folder 16
Group 35, Pseudopriacanthus, 1952-1964
Box 91 Folder 17
Group 35, Roccus, 1931-1968
Box 91 Folder 18
Group 35, Stereolepis, 1947-1977
Box 91 Folder 19
Group 38, 1955-1979
Box 91 Folder 20
Group 39, 1952-1979
Box 91 Folder 21
Group 40, general, 1946-1971

Includes photographs.

Box 91 Folder 22
Group 40, Atherinidae, 1968-1976
Box 91 Folder 23
Group 40, Atherinops, 1934-1971
Box 91 Folder 24
Group 40, Atherinopsis, 1945-1958
Box 91 Folder 25
Group 40, Epilium, 1971-1975
Box 91 Folder 26
Group 40, Hubbsiella, 1949-1959

Includes photographs.

Box 91 Folder 27
Group 40, Leuresthes - Notes and references, 1924-1975
Box 91 Folder 28
Group 40, Leuresthes - Newspaper clippings, 1947-1976
Box 91 Folder 29
Group 40, Leuresthes - Drawings, 1945
Box 91 Folder 30
Group 40, Leuresthes - Correspondence, 1945-1977
Box 92 Folder 1
Group 40, Mugil, 1945-1974
Box 92 Folder 2
Group 40, Polydactylus, 1951-1970
Box 92 Folder 3
Group 40, Sphyraena, 1915-1975
Box 92 Folder 4
Group 42, general, 1939-1974
Box 92 Folder 5
Group 42, Brama, 1945-1948

Includes photographs.

Box 92 Folder 6
Group 42, Caranx, 1959-1975
Box 92 Folder 7
Group 42, Centrolophidae, 1948-1956
Box 92 Folder 8
Group 42, Citula, 1951-1954
Box 92 Folder 9
Group 42, Coryphaena, 1947-1970

Includes photograph.

Box 92 Folder 10
Group 42, Cubiceps, 1950-1954
Box 92 Folder 11
Group 42, Decapterus, 1948-1957
Box 92 Folder 12
Group 42, Echeneidae, 1947-1972
Box 92 Folder 13
Group 42, Elephenor, 1955
Box 92 Folder 14
Group 42, Gnathanodon, 1960-1961
Box 92 Folder 15
Group 42, Icosteus, 1946-1970

Includes photograph.

Box 92 Folder 16
Group 42, Nematistius, 1959-1974
Box 92 Folder 17
Group 42, Oligoplites, 1945-1971
Box 92 Folder 18
Group 42, Peprilus, 1928-1962

Includes "Increased abundance of an unusual British Columbia fish, the California Pompano" by J. L. Hart.

Box 92 Folder 19
Group 42, Phtheirichthys, 1959

Includes photographs.

Box 92 Folder 20
Group 42, Pteraclis, 1951-1963
Box 92 Folder 21
Group 42, Remilegia, 1959-1962
Box 92 Folder 22
Group 42, Seriola - Manuscript, notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1947-1971

Includes paper by Hubbs and Arthur O. Flechsig titled "Appearance of dolphinfish and Pacific amberjack in Southern California in the warm summer of 1954."

Box 92 Folder 23
Group 42, Seriola - Photographs and correspondence, 1948-1959
Box 92 Folder 24
Group 42, Taractes, 1953-1959
Box 92 Folder 25
Group 42, Tetragonurus, 1948-1953
Box 92 Folder 26
Group 42, Trachinotus, 1958-1963
Box 92 Folder 27
Group 42, Trachurus, 1948-1974

Includes "Preliminary remarks on the Trachurus - Decapterus problem" by Hubbs, 1948.

Box 92 Folder 28
Group 42, Vomer, 1959-1973
Box 92 Folder 29
Group 42, Zaprora, 1931-1947
Box 92 Folder 30
Group 43, general, 1949-1978
Box 92 Folder 31
Group 43, Acanthocybium, 1927-1975

Includes photograph.

Box 92 Folder 32
Group 43, Auxis, 1947-1969
Box 92 Folder 33
Group 43, Gempylidae, 1947-1952
Box 92 Folder 34
Group 43, Germo, 1914-1961
Box 92 Folder 35
Group 43, Istiophoridae, 1957-1963
Box 92 Folder 36
Group 43, Katsuwonus, 1948-1951
Box 92 Folder 37
Group 43, Lepidopus, 1955-1961
Box 92 Folder 38
Group 43, Makaira - Notes and memoranda, 1951-1972
Box 92 Folder 39
Group 43, Makaira - Newspaper clippings and photographs, 1950-1972
Box 93 Folder 1
Group 43, Makaira - Correspondence, 1946-1961
Box 93 Folder 2
Group 43, Pneumatophorus, 1934-1956
Box 93 Folder 3
Group 43, Ruvettus, 1941-1943

Includes photographs.

Box 93 Folder 4
Group 43, Sarda, 1914-1981
Box 93 Folder 5
Group 43, Scomberomorus, 1946-1969
Box 93 Folder 6
Group 43, Tetrapterus, 1951-1979
Box 93 Folder 7
Group 43, Xiphias, 1947-1954
Box 93 Folder 8
Group 44, 1947-1965
Box 93 Folder 9
Group 45, 1949-1965
Box 93 Folder 10
Group 46, general, 1950-1977

Includes memorandum from Conrad Limbaugh.

Box 93 Folder 11
Group 46, Cheilotrema, 1951-1960

Includes two papers by Conrad Limbaugh: "Life history notes on Cheilotrema saturnum (Girard), Black Croaker, a Sciaenidae of Southern and Lower California" and "Life-history and ecologic notes on the Black Croaker, Cheilotrema saturnum, a Sciaenid fish of Southern California and Baja California."

Box 93 Folder 12
Group 46, Cynoscion, 1928-1978
Box 93 Folder 13
Group 46, Elattarchus, 1950-1951
Box 93 Folder 14
Group 46, Menticirrhus, 1951-1955
Box 93 Folder 15
Group 46, Roncador - References and newspaper clippings, ca. 1950-1974
Box 93 Folder 16
Group 46, Sciaenidae, 1932-1960
Box 93 Folder 17
Group 46, Umbrina, 1973
Box 93 Folder 18
Group 46, Umbrina, general, 1953-1986
Box 93 Folder 19
Group 46, Umbrina, general, Colombia, 1969
Box 93 Folder 20
Group 46, Umbrina, general, Costa Rica, 1973
Box 93 Folder 21
Group 46, Umbrina - Data, barbel length, undated
Box 93 Folder 22
Group 46, Umbrina - Data, length classes, undated
Box 93 Folder 23
Group 46, Umbrina - Data, meristics, undated
Box 93 Folder 24
Group 46, Umbrina - Data, statistics, undated
Box 93 Folder 25
Group 46, Umbrina - Data, width of steak, undated
Box 93 Folder 26
Group 46, Umbrina - Data to be checked, 1945-1961
Box 93 Folder 27
Group 46, Umbrina - Data notes, 1946-1963
Box 93 Folder 28
Group 46, Umbrina - Data, distributions, 1953
Box 93 Folder 29
Group 46, Umbrina - Photographs, 1962
Box 93 Folder 30
Group 46, Umbrina - Correspondence, 1952-1962
Box 93 Folder 31
Group 46, Umbrina analis, 1960
Box 93 Folder 32
Group 46, Umbrina coconis, 1960-1961
Box 93 Folder 33
Group 46, Umbrina dorsalis, 1960-1973
Box 94 Folder 1
Group 46, Umbrina galapagorum, 1943-1963

Includes photographs.

Box 94 Folder 2
Group 46, Umbrina reedi, 1960-1972

Includes photograph.

Box 94 Folder 3
Group 46, Umbrina roncador, 1954-1976
Box 94 Folder 4
Group 46, Umbrina xanti, 1960-1973
Box 94 Folder 5
Group 47, general - References, 1927-1965
Box 94 Folder 6
Group 47, general - Drawings and correspondence, 1927-1966
Box 94 Folder 7
Group 47, Amphigonopterus, 1945-1948
Box 94 Folder 8
Group 47, Amphistichus, 1928-1976

Includes notes by Conrad Limbaugh.

Box 94 Folder 9
Group 47, Brachyistius, 1950-1954
Box 94 Folder 10
Group 47, Cymatogaster, 1949-1972
Box 94 Folder 11
Group 47, Damalichthys, 1973-1978
Box 94 Folder 12
Group 47, Ditrema, 1958-1974
Box 94 Folder 13
Group 47, Embiotoca, 1945-1974
Box 94 Folder 14
Group 47, Embiotocidae, general, 1946-1976
Box 94 Folder 15-18
Group 47, Embiotocidae, manuscript - A revision of the fishes of western North America. I. The Embiotocidae, or viviparous perches, undated
Box 94 Folder 19
Group 47, Embiotocidae, manuscript - Critique of "A revision of the family Embiotocidae" by Fred T. Tarp, undated
Box 95 Folder 1
Group 47, Embiotocidae, manuscripts by others - Turner, Clarence S. Secondary sexual characteristics of embiotocid fishes, 1965
Box 95 Folder 2
Group 47, Holconotus, 1954-1957
Box 95 Folder 3
Group 47, Hyperprosopon, 1957

Includes notes by Conrad Limbaugh.

Box 95 Folder 4
Group 47, Hysterocarpus, 1935-1978
Box 95 Folder 5
Group 47, Micrometrus - Counts and measurements, 1945-1947
Box 95 Folder 6
Group 47, Micrometrus, general, 1946-1966

Includes photographs.

Box 95 Folder 7
Group 47, Taeniotoca, 1928-1955
Box 95 Folder 8
Group 48, general, 1942-1974
Box 95 Folder 9
Group 48, Hypsypops, 1927-1971

Includes photograph.

Box 95 Folder 10
Group 48, Pomacentridae, 1950-1960
Box 95 Folder 11
Group 50, general, 1946-1979
Box 95 Folder 12
Group 50, Pimelometopon, 1950-1977
Box 95 Folder 13
Group 50, Scaridae, 1949-1975
Box 95 Folder 14
Group 50, Xenoscarus, 1948-1954
Box 95 Folder 15
Group 51, general, 1916-1977
Box 95 Folder 16
Group 51, Girella, 1946-1964

Includes photograph.

Box 95 Folder 17
Group 51, Hermosilla, 1945-1965
Box 95 Folder 18
Group 51, Kyphosus, 1971-1972

Includes "Display and behavior of the Rudderfish, Kyphosus elegans, in the Gulf of Panama" by Robert W. Topp.

Box 95 Folder 19
Group 51, Medialuna, 1951-1972
Box 95 Folder 20
Group 52, 1952-1953
Box 95 Folder 21
Group 53, general, 1916-1972

Includes photograph.

Box 95 Folder 22
Group 53, Pontinus, 1945-1972

Includes photograph.

Box 95 Folder 23
Group 53, Scorpaena, 1945-1974

Includes photographs.

Box 95 Folder 24
Group 53, Sebastes - Notes, 1917-1977
Box 95 Folder 25
Group 53, Sebastes - Newspaper clippings and photographs, 1956-1969
Box 95 Folder 26-30
Group 53, Sebastes - Correspondence, 1928-1976
Box 96 Folder 1
Group 53, Sebastes aleutianus, 1957-1964
Box 96 Folder 2
Group 53, Sebastes alutus, 1954-1969
Box 96 Folder 3
Group 53, Sebastes atrorubens, 1953-1958
Box 96 Folder 4
Group 53, Sebastes atrovirens, 1955-1972
Box 96 Folder 5
Group 53, Sebastes auriculatus, 1956-1961
Box 96 Folder 6
Group 53, Sebastes aurora - Notes and references, 1917-1957
Box 96 Folder 7
Group 53, Sebastes babcocki, 1965-1970
Box 96 Folder 8
Group 53, Sebastes borealis - Notes and correspondence, 1971-1972
Box 96 Folder 9
Group 53, Sebastes brevispinis, 1954-1962
Box 96 Folder 10
Group 53, Sebastes capensis - References and correspondence, 1958-1964
Box 96 Folder 11
Group 53, Sebastes carnatus - References, 1917-1957
Box 96 Folder 12
Group 53, Sebastes caurinus, 1933-1957
Box 96 Folder 13
Group 53, Sebastes chlorostictus, 1917-1965
Box 96 Folder 14
Group 53, Sebastes chumaco - Notes and references, 1962
Box 96 Folder 15
Group 53, Sebastes "columbianus", 1973
Box 96 Folder 16
Group 53, Sebastes constellatus - Notes and references, 1917-1957
Box 96 Folder 17
Group 53, Sebastes cortezi, 1962
Box 96 Folder 18
Group 53, Sebastes crameri, 1954-1964

Includes photograph.

Box 96 Folder 19
Group 53, Sebastes dalli - List by W. I. Follett, 1953
Box 96 Folder 20
Group 53, Sebastes diploproa - References, 1955-1957
Box 96 Folder 21
Group 53, Sebastes elongatus - References, 1916-1959
Box 96 Folder 22
Group 53, Sebastes emphaeus, 1968

Includes photograph and description from the Fish and Wildlife Service.

Box 96 Folder 23
Group 53, Sebastes entomelas, 1916-1956
Box 96 Folder 24
Group 53, Sebastes eos, 1948-1955
Box 96 Folder 25
Group 53, Sebastes flavidus - References, 1955-1969
Box 96 Folder 26
Group 53, Sebastes gilli - Correspondence, 1953
Box 96 Folder 27
Group 53, Sebastes goodei - Notes and references, 1955-1957
Box 96 Folder 28
Group 53, Sebastes helvomaculatus, 1948-1964
Box 96 Folder 29
Group 53, Sebastes hopkinsi - Notes and references, 1957
Box 96 Folder 30
Group 53, Sebastes jordani - Notes and references, 1954-1957
Box 96 Folder 31
Group 53, Sebastes lentiginosis, 1964-1970
Box 96 Folder 32
Group 53, Sebastes levis - References and newspaper clippings, 1949-1954
Box 96 Folder 33
Group 53, Sebastes macdonaldi - Correspondence, 1953
Box 96 Folder 34
Group 53, Sebastes maliger - References and correspondence, 1955-1957
Box 96 Folder 35
Group 53, Sebastes melanops, 1955-1959
Box 96 Folder 36
Group 53, Sebastes melanostomus, 1950-1977
Box 96 Folder 37
Group 53, Sebastes miniatus, 1949-1959
Box 96 Folder 38
Group 53, Sebastes ovalis, 1950-1971
Box 96 Folder 39
Group 53, Sebastes phillipsi, 1963-1964
Box 96 Folder 40
Group 53, Sebastes pinniger - References, 1947-1957
Box 96 Folder 41
Group 53, Sebastes proriger - Notes and references, 1957
Box 96 Folder 42
Group 53, Sebastes rastrelliger, 1955-1964
Box 96 Folder 43
Group 53, Sebastes reedi - Correspondence, 1967
Box 96 Folder 44
Group 53, Sebastes rhodochloris - References and correspondence, 1948-1957
Box 96 Folder 45
Group 53, Sebastes rosaceus group - Notes and references, 1917-1959
Box 96 Folder 46
Group 53, Sebastes ruber - Correspondence, 1974
Box 96 Folder 47
Group 53, Sebastes ruberrimus, 1949-1957

Includes photographs, as well as a paper by W. E. Barraclough and T. H. Butler titled "A new species of rockfish Sebastes bistriatus from British Columbia."

Box 96 Folder 48
Group 53, Sebastes rubrivinctus, 1955-1975
Box 96 Folder 49
Group 53, Sebastes rufianus - Correspondence, 1972
Box 96 Folder 50
Group 53, Sebastes saxicola - Notes and references, 1955-1957
Box 96 Folder 51
Group 53, Sebastes serriceps - References and photographs, 1951-1962
Box 96 Folder 52
Group 53, Sebastes sinensis, 1951
Box 96 Folder 53
Group 53, Sebastes umbrosus, 1951-1953
Box 96 Folder 54
Group 53, Sebastes variegatus - Correspondence, 1970-1971
Box 96 Folder 55
Group 53, Sebastes vexillaris, 1948-1957
Box 96 Folder 56
Group 53, Sebastes wilsoni - Notes and references, 1916-1966
Box 96 Folder 57
Group 53, Sebastes zacentrus, 1920-1964
Box 96 Folder 58
Group 53, Sebastolobus, general, 1923-1971
Box 96 Folder 59
Group 53, Sebastolobus alascanus, 1957-1974

Includes photograph.

Box 96 Folder 60
Group 53, Sebastolobus macrochir, 1959-1962
Box 96 Folder 61
Group 54, general, 1956-1967
Box 96 Folder 62
Group 54, Anoplopoma, 1947-1974
Box 96 Folder 63
Group 54, Hexagrammidae, 1951-1978
Box 96 Folder 64
Group 54, Ophiodon, 1939-1965
Box 96 Folder 65
Group 54, Oxylebius, 1949-1976

Includes drawing.

Box 96 Folder 66
Group 54, Pleurogrammus, 1951-1957
Box 97 Folder 1
Group 55, general, 1933-1975

Includes untitled draft of review paper by Hubbs and Schultz.

Box 97 Folder 2
Group 55, Artedius, general, 1960-1978
Box 97 Folder 3
Group 55, Artedius lateralis, 1959-1971
Box 97 Folder 4
Group 55, Artedius meanyi, 1972-1973
Box 97 Folder 5
Group 55, Astrolytes, 1924
Box 97 Folder 6
Group 55, Clinocottus, 1943-1972
Box 97 Folder 7
Group 55, Cottidae, 1960-1978
Box 97 Folder 8
Group 55, Hemilepidotus, 1976-1977
Box 97 Folder 9
Group 55, Icelinus cousteaui, 1954-1978
Box 97 Folder 10
Group 55, Leptocottus, general, 1933-1979
Box 97 Folder 11
Group 55, Leptocottus - Untitled handwritten manuscript, undated
Box 97 Folder 12-16
Group 55, Leptocottus armatus - Measurements, 1923-1976
Box 98 Folder 1
Group 55, Leptocottus armatus - Statistics, 1943
Box 98 Folder 2
Group 55, Leptocottus armatus - Tables, undated
Box 98 Folder 3
Group 55, Myoxocephalus, 1970
Box 98 Folder 4
Group 55, Oligocottus, manuscripts by others - Egami, Nabuo. Note on the latitudinal variation in number of meristic characteristics in Oligocottus rubellio and O. snyderi, undated
Box 98 Folder 5
Group 55, Oligocottus, manuscripts by others - Egami, Nabuo (?). Sexual dimorphism in structure of anal fin in the fishes of the genus Oligocottus, undated
Box 98 Folder 6
Group 55, Oligocottus, general, 1936-1972
Box 98 Folder 7
Group 55, Oligocottus maculosus - Notes by Nabuo Egami, 1957-1958
Box 98 Folder 8
Group 55, Oligocottus rubellio - Notes, 1944-1957
Box 98 Folder 9
Group 55, Oligocottus snyderi - Notes by Nabuo Egami, 1957-1958
Box 273 Folder 25
Group 54, Oxylebius - Notes, 1946
Box 98 Folder 10
Group 55, Psychrolutes, 1963-1975
Box 98 Folder 11
Group 55, Radulinus, 1949-1959
Box 98 Folder 12
Group 55, Scorpaenichthys, general, 1931-1974
Box 98 Folder 13
Group 55, Scorpaenichthys, poisonous roe, 1950-1973
Box 98 Folder 14
Group 55, Synchirus, 1928-1949
Box 98 Folder 15
Group 56, general, 1917-1970
Box 98 Folder 16
Group 56, Agonidae, 1936-1966
Box 98 Folder 17
Group 56, Agonomalus, 1963-1977
Box 98 Folder 18
Group 56, Agonopsis, 1950-1959

Includes photograph.

Box 273 Folder 26
Group 55, Artedius, 1946
Box 98 Folder 19
Group 56, Asterotheca, 1950-1965
Box 98 Folder 20
Group 56, Averruncus, 1943-1959
Box 98 Folder 21
Group 56, Bothragonus, 1942-1967

Includes photographs.

Box 98 Folder 22
Group 56, Careproctus, 1951-1973
Box 98 Folder 23
Group 56, Cyclopteridae, 1970
Box 273 Folder 27
Group 56, Elephantichthys - Correspondence, 1933
Box 98 Folder 24
Group 56, Liparidae, 1930-1978

Includes photograph.

Box 98 Folder 25
Group 56, Mystacoliparis, 1967
Box 98 Folder 26
Group 56, Ocella, 1969-1970
Box 98 Folder 27
Group 56, Odontopyxis, 1933-1948

Includes photographs.

Box 98 Folder 28
Group 56, Pallasina, 1957-1969
Box 99 Folder 1
Group 56, Paraliparis, 1966-1975
Box 99 Folder 2
Group 56, Percis, 1966-1969
Box 99 Folder 3
Group 56, Prionotus, 1944-1961

Includes photographs.

Box 99 Folder 4
Group 56, Xeneretmus, 1959-1972

Includes paper by Hubbs titled "Range and characters of two agonid fishes, Xeneretmus leiops and Xeneretmus ritter, of western North America."

Box 99 Folder 5
Group 57, general, 1937-1963
Box 99 Folder 6
Group 57, Aulorhynchus, 1951-1975
Box 99 Folder 7
Group 57, Dermostethus, 1946-1971

Includes photographs.

Box 99 Folder 8
Group 57, Gasterosteus, 1923-1979
Box 99 Folder 9
Group 57, Hippocampus, 1962-1968

Includes photographs.

Box 99 Folder 10
Group 57, Oostethus, 1974-1978
Box 99 Folder 11
Group 57, Syngnathus - Notes, references and clippings, 1923-1972
Box 99 Folder 12-13
Group 57, Syngnathus - Correspondence, 1938-1977
Box 99 Folder 14
Group 58, 1961-1966
Box 99 Folder 15
Group 59, general, 1945-1966
Box 99 Folder 16
Group 59, Coryphopterus, 1961-1973
Box 99 Folder 17
Group 59, Eucyclogobius, 1961-1975
Box 273 Folder 28
Group 59, Gobiidae, 1917-1976

Includes notes by C. H. Gilbert.

Box 99 Folder 18
Group 59, Gillichthys, 1946-1971
Box 99 Folder 19
Group 59, Gobionellus, 1949-1970
Box 99 Folder 20
Group 59, Lethops, 1945-1968
Box 99 Folder 21
Group 59, Lythrypnus, 1914-1977
Box 99 Folder 22
Group 59, Quietula, 1951-1976
Box 99 Folder 23
Group 59, Tridentiger, manuscript -The distribution of the gobioid fish, Tridentiger trigonocephalus in eastern Asia, and its recent establishment in California, 1966

Presented at the 11th Pacific Science Congress, 1966.

Box 99 Folder 24
Group 59, Tridentiger - Notes, 1963-1972
Box 99 Folder 25
Group 59, Tridentiger - Photographs, 1960-1966
Box 99 Folder 26
Group 59, Tridentiger - References, 1935-1977
Box 100 Folder 1-3
Group 59, Tridentiger - Correspondence, 1960-1978
Box 100 Folder 4
Group 59, Typhlogobius, 1944-1964
Box 100 Folder 5
Group 60, general, 1946-1970
Box 100 Folder 6
Group 60, Astroscopus, 1956
Box 100 Folder 7
Group 60, Caulolatilus, general, 1952-1978
Box 100 Folder 8
Group 60, Caulolatilis hubbsi, 1973-1979

Includes photographs.

Box 100 Folder 9
Group 60, Chiasmodon, 1950-1951

Includes photographs.

Box 100 Folder 10
Group 60, Cotylis, 1950-1952
Box 100 Folder 11
Group 60, Dactyloscopidae, 1971-1977
Box 100 Folder 12
Group 60, Gillellus, 1950-1971
Box 100 Folder 13
Group 60, Gobiesocidae, 1916-1979
Box 100 Folder 14
Group 60, Kathetostoma, 1945-1959

Includes photographs.

Box 100 Folder 15
Group 60, Opisthognathus, 1969-1973

Includes photograph.

Box 100 Folder 16
Group 60, Porichthys, general - Notes, references, and radiograph, 1949-1973
Box 100 Folder 17-18
Group 60, Porichthys, general - Correspondence, 1933-1977
Box 100 Folder 19
Group 60, Porichthys myriaster - Notes, references, and x-rays, 1947-1963
Box 277 Folder 5
Group 60, Porichthys myriaster - Oversized x-rays, ca. 1947-1963
Box 100 Folder 20
Group 60, Porichthys myriaster - Correspondence, 1951-1972
Box 100 Folder 21
Group 60, Porichthys notatus, 1945-1977
Box 273 Folder 29
Group 60, Rimicola, 1936-1977
Box 100 Folder 22
Group 61, general - Notes and references, 1916-1978
Box 100 Folder 23
Group 61, general - Photographs and correspondence, 1932-1950
Box 100 Folder 24
Group 61, general - Correspondence, 1950-1979
Box 100 Folder 25
Group 61, Ammodytidae, general - Notes and photographs, 1911-1972
Box 100 Folder 26
Group 61, Ammodytidae, general - Correspondence, 1952-1974
Box 101 Folder 1
Group 61, Anarrhichthys, 1928-1965

Includes photographs.

Box 101 Folder 2
Group 61, Anoplarchus, 1913-1971
Box 101 Folder 3
Group 61, Apodichthys, 1950-1962
Box 101 Folder 4
Group 61, Blenniidae, 1945-1969
Box 101 Folder 5
Group 61, Bothrocara, 1915-1955
Box 101 Folder 6
Group 61, Brosmophycis, 1949-1957

Includes photograph.

Box 101 Folder 7
Group 61, Brotulidae, 1950-1956
Box 101 Folder 8
Group 61, Carapus, 1966
Box 101 Folder 9
Group 61, Cebidichthyidae, 1958-1972
Box 101 Folder 10
Group 61, Chaenopsis, 1958-1960
Box 101 Folder 11
Group 61, Chilara, 1951-1966
Box 101 Folder 12
Group 61, Chirolophis, 1950-1979
Box 101 Folder 13
Group 61, Clinidae, 1947-1974
Box 101 Folder 14
Group 61, Delolepis, 1950
Box 101 Folder 15
Group 61, Derepodichthys, 1965-1978

Includes photographs.

Box 101 Folder 16
Group 61, Epigeichthys, 1949
Box 101 Folder 17
Group 61, Ernogrammus, 1963-1972
Box 101 Folder 18
Group 61, Euporichthys, 1946-1982
Box 101 Folder 19
Group 61, Furcimanus, 1951-1952
Box 273 Folder 30
Group 61, Gibbonsia, 1945-1973

Includes drawing.

Box 101 Folder 20
Group 61, Guentherus, 1973-1978
Box 101 Folder 21
Group 61, Heterostichus, 1945-1971
Box 101 Folder 22
Group 61, Hypsoblennius - Manuscript and notes, 1942-1971

Includes paper by Hubbs titled "Breeding and territorial behavior of the California Blenniid fishes of the genus Hypsoblennius."

Box 273 Folder 31
Group 61, Hypsoblennius - Notes, 1945
Box 101 Folder 23
Group 61, Hypsoblennius - References and photographs, 1944-1948
Box 101 Folder 24
Group 61, Hypsoblennius - Correspondence, 1942-1971
Box 101 Folder 25
Group 61, Lepophidium - Correspondence, 1975-1979
Box 101 Folder 26
Group 61, Lycenchelys - Correspondence, 1954-1972
Box 101 Folder 27
Group 61, Lycodopsis, 1960-1968
Box 273 Folder 32
Group 61, Malacoctemus - Notes and correspondence, 1946-1961
Box 101 Folder 28
Group 61, Neoclinus, 1914-1971

Includes drawings and photographs.

Box 101 Folder 29
Group 61, Oligopus - Correspondence, 1954-1966
Box 101 Folder 30
Group 61, Ollopus - Correspondence, 1958-1963
Box 101 Folder 31
Group 61, Ophidiidae, 1948-1971
Box 101 Folder 32
Group 61, Otophidium, 1947-1974
Box 101 Folder 33
Group 61, Parabassogigas - Notes and newspaper clippings, 1953-1970
Box 101 Folder 34
Group 61, Parabassogigas - Correspondence, 1958-1979
Box 101 Folder 35
Group 61, Paraclinus, 1946-1949
Box 101 Folder 36
Group 61, Pholis, general, 1950-1969

Includes photograph.

Box 274 Folder 1
Group 61, Pholis laeta - Notes, 1940-1950
Box 101 Folder 37
Group 61, Pholis ornata - Notes, 1933-1950
Box 102 Folder 1
Group 61, Pholis schultzi, 1961-1962

Includes photograph.

Box 102 Folder 2
Group 61, Plagiogrammus, 1959-1970
Box 102 Folder 3
Group 61, Plectobranchinae, 1938-1950
Box 102 Folder 4
Group 61, Ptilichthyidae, 1959-1961
Box 102 Folder 5
Group 61, Rathbunella, 1954-1982
Box 102 Folder 6
Group 61, Stathmonotus, 1950
Box 102 Folder 7
Group 61, Stichaeidae, 1956-1968
Box 102 Folder 8
Group 61, Tripterygiidae, 1952-1958
Box 102 Folder 9
Group 61, Xiphister, 1976-1978
Box 102 Folder 10
Group 61, Zoarcidae, 1959-1978
Box 102 Folder 11
Group 62, general, 1937-1972

Includes photographs.

Box 102 Folder 12
Group 62, Antimora, 1972-1977
Box 102 Folder 13
Group 62, Bregmaceros, 1915-1971
Box 102 Folder 14
Group 62, Coelorinchus, 1978
Box 102 Folder 15
Group 62, Coryphaenoididae, 1916-1973

Includes photograph.

Box 102 Folder 16
Group 62, Gadus, 1959-1969
Box 102 Folder 17
Group 62, Macrouridae, 1928-1974
Box 102 Folder 18
Group 62, Malacocephalus, 1975
Box 102 Folder 19
Group 62, Merluccius, 1916-1973

Includes preliminary report by Fredrick H. Berry titled "Taxonomy of the Eastern Pacific Hake (Merluccius)."

Box 102 Folder 20
Group 62, Theragra, 1975-1977
Box 102 Folder 21
Group 64, general, 1936-1972
Box 102 Folder 22
Group 64, Bothus, undated

Includes x-rays.

Box 102 Folder 23
Group 64, Citharichthys, 1935-1974

Includes photographs.

Box 102 Folder 24
Group 64, Clidoderma, 1955-1973
Box 102 Folder 25
Group 64, Cyclopsetta, 1964-1967
Box 102 Folder 26
Group 64, Embassichthys, 1950-1962

Includes handwritten draft by Hubbs titled "Northern distribution of a deep-sea flounder, Embassichthys bathybius, of western North America," as well as a photograph.

Box 102 Folder 27
Group 64, Eopsetta, 1948-1950
Box 102 Folder 28
Group 64, Etropus, 1962-1977
Box 102 Folder 29
Group 64, Hippoglossina, 1966-1976
Box 102 Folder 30
Group 64, Hippoglossus, 1931-1973
Box 102 Folder 31
Group 64, Hypsopsetta, 1920-1948
Box 102 Folder 32
Group 64, Lepidopsetta, 1932-1956
Box 102 Folder 33
Group 64, Microstomus, 1916-1959

Includes photograph.

Box 102 Folder 34
Group 64, Paralichthys, 1916-1963
Box 102 Folder 35
Group 64, Parophrys, 1916-1970
Box 102 Folder 36
Group 64, Platichthys, 1934-1977
Box 102 Folder 37
Group 64, Pleuronichthys, 1944-1960
Box 102 Folder 38
Group 64, Reinhardtius - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1962-1964
Box 102 Folder 39-41
Group 64, Reinhardtius - Correspondence, 1962-1969
Box 103 Folder 1
Group 64, Symphurus, 1945-1975
Box 103 Folder 2
Group 64, Synacium, 1964-1965
Box 103 Folder 3
Group 65, general, 1952-1979
Box 103 Folder 4
Group 65, Antennarius, 1950-1978

Includes photograph.

Box 103 Folder 5
Group 65, Chirolophius, 1958-1974

Includes photographs.

Box 103 Folder 6
Group 65, Melanocetes, 1954

Includes photograph.

Box 103 Folder 7
Group 65, Ogcocephalus - Notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1950-1979
Box 103 Folder 8
Group 65, Ogcocephalus - Photographs, 1950-1958
Box 103 Folder 9-11
Group 65, Ogcocephalus - Correspondence, 1950-1978
Box 103 Folder 12
Group 65, Thaumatichthys, 1969-1973

Includes photographs.

Box 103 Folder 13
Group 65, Zalieutes - Correspondence, 1945-1958

Marine Reptiles

Box 103 Folder 14
General - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and correspondence, 1955-1969
Box 103 Folder 15
Sea snakes, 1948-1975
Box 103 Folder 16
Sea turtles, general, 1944-1975
Box 103 Folder 17
Sea turtles, Caretta, 1948-1964

Includes photograph.

Box 103 Folder 18
Sea turtles, Chelonidae - Notes, references, photographs and newspaper clippings, 1954-1977
Box 103 Folder 19-20
Sea turtles, Chelonidae - Correspondence, 1951-1978
Box 103 Folder 21-22
Sea turtles, Dermochelys, 1908-1977

Includes photographs.

Box 103 Folder 23
Sea turtles, Eretmochelys, 1961-1966

Includes photographs.

Box 103 Folder 24
Sea turtles, Lepidochelys - Notes, references, contact sheets, and photographs, 1960-1965
Box 103 Folder 25
Sea turtles, Lepidochelys - Correspondence, 1957-1978

Aves (Birds)

Box 104 Folder 1
Manuscripts by others - Miller, Loye H. Random notes on Coastwise fauna: Southern California, 1967

Typed copy of notes from 1908 and 1920-1983. Includes observations of birds and mammals.

Box 104 Folder 2
Notes and observations by A. A. Allanson on birds and mammals, 1947-1949
Box 104 Folder 3-7
Notes by Hubbs, 1947-1954

Includes observations of birds and mammals.

Box 104 Folder 8-10
Notes, 1957-1967
Box 104 Folder 11
References, 1952-1980
Box 104 Folder 12
Newspaper clippings and photographs, 1949-1973
Box 105 Folder 1-3
Correspondence, 1948-1976
Box 105 Folder 4
Banding, 1970-1972
Box 105 Folder 5-6
Diving birds - Notes, 1926-1961
Box 105 Folder 7
Diving birds - References, 1945-1963
Box 105 Folder 8
Diving birds - Correspondence, 1945-1967
Box 105 Folder 9
Land birds at sea, 1951-1959

Arranged By Locality

Box 105 Folder 10
Baja California and Gulf of California, 1949-1971
Box 105 Folder 11
Coronado Islands, 1961-1968
Box 105 Folder 12
Galapagos Islands, 1933-1952

Arranged Taxonomically

Box 105 Folder 13
Bubulcus, 1967

Includes photographs.

Box 105 Folder 14
Dendroica, 1965-1966
Box 105 Folder 15
Diomedea, 1947-1970
Box 105 Folder 16
Edomychura, 1956-1963
Box 105 Folder 17
Erolia, 1959
Box 105 Folder 18
Florida caerulea, 1937-1967
Box 105 Folder 19
Fregata, 1951-1964
Box 105 Folder 20
Gaira, 1953-1968
Box 105 Folder 21
Grus, 1956-1973

Includes photograph.

Box 105 Folder 22
Haematopus, 1954-1965
Box 105 Folder 23
Laridae, 1955-1972
Box 105 Folder 24
Larus argentatus, 1955-1958
Box 105 Folder 25
Larus californicus, 1956-1968
Box 105 Folder 26
Larus heermanni - Notes, photographs, and references, 1948-1972
Box 105 Folder 27
Larus heermanni - Correspondence, 1948-1954
Box 105 Folder 28
Larus occidentalis, 1948-1968
Box 105 Folder 29
Melanitta, 1954-1959
Box 105 Folder 30
Mycteria, 1953-1964
Box 106 Folder 1
Oceanodroma, 1953-1975
Box 106 Folder 2
Pelecanus, 1948-1973

Includes photographs.

Box 106 Folder 3
Penguins, 1956-1978
Box 106 Folder 4
Phalacrocorax, 1936-1977
Box 106 Folder 5
Phalarapus, 1949-1971
Box 106 Folder 6
Phoenicopterus, 1962-1973
Box 106 Folder 7
Podiceps, 1950-1960
Box 106 Folder 8
Ptychoramphus, 1963-1964
Box 106 Folder 9
Puffinus, 1949-1966
Box 106 Folder 10
Thalassius, 1951-1973

Includes photograph.


Box 106 Folder 11
General, 1958-1979

Includes: aerial survey trip report for the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1977 October; the Marine Mammal Commission annual report for 1978; and measurement forms.

Box 106 Folder 12
Notes, 1947-1969
Box 106 Folder 13
Notebook, 1947-1949
Box 106 Folder 14
References, 1950-1979
Box 106 Folder 15
References, lists of marine mammals, 1960-1976

Includes the fourth drafts of "Check list of genera if recent mammals of the world" by Ernest P. Walker, "Mammals of Baja California" by Raymond Gilmore, and "Marine mammal names for use by the Marine Mammal Commission and others."

Box 106 Folder 16
Newspaper clippings, 1948-1976
Box 106 Folder 17-20
Correspondence, 1946-1966
Box 107 Folder 1-4
Correspondence, 1967-1979
Box 107 Folder 5
Age determination, 1977-1978
Box 107 Folder 6
Conferences - Stanford Research Institute, Conference on Biological Sonar and Diving Mammals, 1962-1977
Box 107 Folder 7
Conferences - University of California, Santa Cruz, Conference on the Biology and Conservation of Marine Mammals, 1975 December 4-7
Box 107 Folder 8-10
Conferences - International Meeting on Marine Mammals of Baja California, La Paz, 1975 January-1976
Box 107 Folder 11
Conferences - Second International Meeting on Marine Mammals of Baja California, La Paz, 1976-1977
Box 107 Folder 12
Conferences - Third International Meeting on Marine Mammals of Baja California, La Paz, 1977-1978
Box 107 Folder 13
Conferences - Fourth International Meeting on Marine Mammals of Baja California, La Paz, 1978-1979
Box 107 Folder 14-16
Marine Mammal Commission, 1971-1976

Includes correspondence and meeting minutes.

Arranged Taxonomically

Box 107 Folder 17
Arctocephalus, manuscript - United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, circular 32, the Seals, sea-lions, and the sea otter of the Pacific Coasts, 1956

With contributions by Scheffer and Hubbs.

Box 107 Folder 18
Arctocephalus, manuscripts by others, 1970-1976

Includes "The present status of the Juan Fernandez fur seal" by Anelio Aguayo L. and "A preliminary report on the expedition to Guadalupe Island, Baja California, Mexico, Summer 1976" by Luis Fleischer.

Box 108 Folder 1
Arctocephalus, manuscript - Photographs used in Peterson, Hubbs, Gentry, and Delong. The Guadalupe fur seal: Habitat, behavior, population size and field identification, 1955-1967
Box 108 Folder 2-3
Arctocephalus - References, 1930-1976
Box 108 Folder 4
Arctocephalus - Notes, 1935-1975

Includes "Summary of accomplishments of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography to Isla Guadalupe, Baja California, on M/V "Falcon," November 21-28, 1964."

Box 108 Folder 5
Arctocephalus - Newspaper clippings, 1950-1959
Box 108 Folder 6
Arctocephalus - Figures used in paper by Repenning, Peterson, and Hubbs, 1955
Box 108 Folder 7
Arctocephalus - Photographs used in paper by Hubbs and Norris, 1968
Box 108 Folder 8-10
Arctocephalus - Photographs, 1928-1975

Includes inventory and memorandum.

Box 108 Folder 11-15
Arctocephalus - Correspondence, 1947-1959
Box 109 Folder 1-13
Arctocephalus - Correspondence, 1960-1980
Box 109 Folder 14
Balaena, 1953-1978

Includes photographs.

Box 109 Folder 15
Balaenoptera acutorostri, 1957-1971

Includes photographs.

Box 109 Folder 16
Balaenoptera borealis, 1952-1969
Box 109 Folder 17
Balaenoptera edeni, 1965
Box 109 Folder 18
Balaenoptera musculus, 1953-1968
Box 109 Folder 19
Balaenoptera physalus - Notes, 1950-1977
Box 109 Folder 20
Balaenoptera physalus - References, newspaper clippings, and correspondence, 1950-1977
Box 110 Folder 1
Balaenoptera physalus - Photographs, 1947-1975
Box 110 Folder 2
Berardius, 1950-1976

Includes photographs.

Box 277 Folder 6
Berardius - Oversized photograph, 1950

Includes photographs.

Box 110 Folder 3
Bison, 1952-1957
Box 110 Folder 4
Callorhinus - Manuscripts by others and notes, 1953-1968

Includes photographs and reports by Richard S. Peterson, Burney J. Le Boeuf, and Robert L. Delong.

Box 110 Folder 5
Callorhinus - Photographs and notes, 1944-1978
Box 110 Folder 6
Callorhinus - Newspaper clippings, 1952-1979
Box 110 Folder 7
Callorhinus - Correspondence, 1940-1973
Box 110 Folder 8
Canis, 1953-1961
Box 110 Folder 9-10
Cetacea, manuscripts by others, 1922-1965

Includes copy of "Marine mammals" by Charles M. Scammon, "Whales and porpoises in the Gulf of Alaska" by Raymond M. Gilmore, "Relation of whale food and whale feeding to the general ecology of the sea" by Brian P. Boden, "Regulating the whale industry" by Paul Bonnot, "A review of certain aspects of Cetacean physiology" by Lela Mae Jeffery, and "Expedition to Baja California, Mexico, 19 January to 11 February 1965" by Karl W. Kenyon.

Box 110 Folder 11
Cetacea - Notes, 1950-1964
Box 110 Folder 12
Cetacea - References, 1952-1977
Box 110 Folder 13
Cetacea - Newspaper clippings, 1947-1979
Box 110 Folder 14
Cetacea - Photographs, 1956
Box 110 Folder 15-16
Cetacea - Correspondence, 1947-1954
Box 111 Folder 1-4
Cetacea - Correspondence, 1947-1977
Box 274 Folder 2
Cetacea - Correspondence, letter from J. H. O. (Japan) re: Japan Whaling Association, 1953 January 15
Box 111 Folder 5
Cetacea, stranding, manuscripts by others, 1954-1978

Includes "Tragedies of whales: Some mass-strandings of whales in the Golfo de California" by Raymond M. Gilmore and "The Cetacea stranding phenomenon: An hypothesis" by F. G. Wood.

Box 111 Folder 6
Cetacea, stranding, 1957-1979
Box 111 Folder 7
Cetacea, acoustics, 1947-1958

Includes "The application of asdics to whale catching" by W. J. McCarthy and "Ketophonics conducted during the period April 1, 1952 - September 30, 1952" by Schevill and Lawrence.

Box 111 Folder 8
Cetacea, ambergris, 1947-1971
Box 111 Folder 9
Cetacea, parasites, 1958-1964
Box 274 Folder 3
Cetacea, whaling - Report of the delegation of the United states to the first meeting of the International Commission for the Regulation of Whaling (London), 1949-1950
Box 111 Folder 10
Cetacea, whaling, 1950-1978
Box 111 Folder 11
Chiroptera - Newspaper clipping, 1951
Box 111 Folder 12
Cystophora - Newspaper clipping and photograph, 1957-1958
Box 111 Folder 13
Delphinapterus, 1951-1977
Box 111 Folder 14
Delphinidae - Notes, 1945-1975

Includes photographs.

Box 111 Folder 15
Delphinidae - References and newspaper clippings, 1949-1977
Box 111 Folder 16
Delphinidae - Photographs, 1967
Box 111 Folder 17
Delphinidae - Photographs from William Perrin, 1968 May
Box 111 Folder 18-19
Delphinidae - Correspondence, 1947-1976

Includes photograph from Jack Marr.

Box 111 Folder 20
Delphinus, 1911-1970
Box 112 Folder 1
Delphinus - Photographs, 1939-1972
Box 112 Folder 2
Desmostylus, 1957-1963
Box 112 Folder 3
Dugong - References and drawing, 1946-1978
Box 112 Folder 4
Enhydra, manuscript - Harrington, Leatherwood, and Hubbs. Recent records of the sea otter (Enhydra lutis) south of Point Conception, California (with a note on its occurrence near Bixby Creek in 1916), 1954-1978

Includes draft titled "Observation on sea otters needed."

Box 112 Folder 5
Enhydra, manuscripts by others, 1953-1967

Includes "What is the future of the sea otter?" by Richard E. Griffith, "The food habits of the southern sea otter, Enhydra lutris nereis, and ecological aspects of their population and distributional expansion" by Earl E. Ebert, and an outline for a course on marine vertebrates by George S. Losey.

Box 112 Folder 6
Enhydra - Notes, 1946-1979
Box 112 Folder 7
Enhydra - References, 1941-1978
Box 112 Folder 8
Enhydra - Newspaper clippings, 1951-1979
Box 112 Folder 9
Enhydra - Photographs, 1960-1976
Box 112 Folder 10-11
Enhydra - Correspondence, 1951-1977
Box 112 Folder 12
Eschrichtius, general, 1966-1982

Includes certificate from the Royal Mystic Order of Whale Watchers, with Hubbs' signature as the Chief Whale Watcher.

Box 112 Folder 13
Eschrichtius, manuscript - The gray whale Eschrichtius gibbosus (Erxleben), 1968
Box 112 Folder 14-16
Eschrichtius, manuscripts by others, 1952-1977

Includes "Census of the California gray whale, winter 1952-1953" by Raymond M. Gilmore, "Aerial census of gray whales in Scammon and San Ignacio lagoons, 1970, with notes on behavior, mortality and conservation" by Richard Gard, "Distribution of gray whales near Magdalena Bay, Mexico" by Robert Eberhardt, "Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of Scientific Data on the Gray whale" by Frank G. Nolan, and "Recent records of the California gray whale (Eschrichtiusglaucus) along the north coast of Alaska" by W. H. Maher.

Box 112 Folder 17
Eschrichtius - Transcript of California Gray Whale Workshop, 1972 August 21-22
Box 113 Folder 1-15
Eschrichtius - Notes, 1946-1978
Box 114 Folder 1
Eschrichtius - Whale watching notes, 1947 December-1948 April
Box 114 Folder 2
Eschrichtius - Field journal for Cruise 22, R.L. Eberhardt, R/V Sea Quest, 1962 January-February
Box 114 Folder 3-14
Eschrichtius - Aerial census, 1951-1965

Includes trip logs and photographs, as well as memoranda from the 1963 and 1965 Lockheed censuses.

Box 114 Folder 15
Eschrichtius - Aerial census summaries, 1952-1964
Box 115 Folder 1-2
Eschrichtius - References, 1937-1980
Box 115 Folder 3-10
Eschrichtius - Newspaper clippings, 1947-1979
Box 115 Folder 11-13
Eschrichtius - Correspondence, 1947-1950
Box 116 Folder 1-16
Eschrichtius - Correspondence, 1951-1983
Box 117 Folder 1
Eschrichtius, acoustics, 1952-1967
Box 117 Folder 2
Eschrichtius, harvesting and management, 1952-1965
Box 117 Folder 3
Eschrichtius, physiology, 1952-1963
Box 117 Folder 4
Eschrichtius, Sea World proposal on the collection, importation, and keeping in captivity Eschrichtius gibbosus, 1971
Box 117 Folder 5
Eschrichtius, Sea World release of "Gigi", 1972
Box 117 Folder 6
Eschrichtius, California Gray Whale workshop focusing on "Gigi", 1972
Box 274 Folder 4
Eschrichtius, Tracking, 1968-1969
Box 117 Folder 7-9
Eschrichtius, conferences, 1973-1978

Includes University of California extension on the life of the California Gray Whale, as well as the First and Second International Symposia on the California Gray Whale.

Box 117 Folder 10-13
Eschrichtius - Photographs, drawings, and copies of engravings, 1904-1976

Includes photographs from lookout on Ritter Hall.

Box 117 Folder 14-15
Eschrichtius - United States Navy photographs, 1948 January 28-1949 January 17
Box 117 Folder 16
Eubalaena, 1954-1979
Box 117 Folder 17
Eumetopias, 1946-1975

Includes photographs.

Box 117 Folder 18
Eumetopias and Zalophus, 1946-1958
Box 117 Folder 19
Felis, 1949-1961
Box 118 Folder 1
Feresa, 1954-1971

Includes photographs.

Box 118 Folder 2
Globicephala - Notes and references, 1937-1976
Box 118 Folder 3
Globicephala - Newspaper clippings, 1950-1977
Box 118 Folder 4
Globicephala - Photographs, 1904-1959
Box 118 Folder 5
Globicephala - Correspondence, 1949-1972
Box 118 Folder 6
Grampus - Handwritten manuscript, notes, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1960-1975

Includes materials related to paper by Leatherwood, Hubbs, and Fisher titled "First records of Risso's Dolphin (Grampus grieseus) from the Gulf of California with detailed notes on a mass stranding."

Box 118 Folder 7-8
Grampus - Correspondence, 1960-1979
Box 118 Folder 9
Histriophoca, 1962-1966
Box 118 Folder 10
Hydrodamalis, 1967-1972
Box 118 Folder 11
Hyperoodon, 1950-1951
Box 118 Folder 12
Inia, 1963-1968
Box 118 Folder 13
Kogia - Notes, 1956-1971
Box 118 Folder 14
Kogia - References and newspaper clippings, 1948-1976
Box 118 Folder 15
Kogia - Whale blubber specimen slides, 1949 December
Box 118 Folder 16-17
Kogia - Photographs, 1948-1963
Box 119 Folder 1-3
Kogia - Correspondence, 1947-1974
Box 119 Folder 4
Lagenodelphis - Correspondence, 1957-1958
Box 119 Folder 5
Lagenorhynchus - Notes and references, 1948-1979
Box 119 Folder 6
Lagenorhynchus - Newspaper clippings and photographs, 1948-1957
Box 119 Folder 7
Lagenorhynchus - Correspondence, 1947-1969
Box 119 Folder 8
Leptonychotes, 1963-1968
Box 119 Folder 9
Lissodelphis, 1956-1973
Box 119 Folder 10
Loxodonta, 1970
Box 119 Folder 11
Lutra, 1951-1968
Box 119 Folder 12
Lynx - Correspondence, 1956
Box 119 Folder 13
Megaptera - Notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1949-1979
Box 119 Folder 14
Megaptera - Photographs, 1944-1975
Box 119 Folder 15
Megaptera - Correspondence, 1949-1979
Box 119 Folder 16
Mesoplodon, manuscripts - Report on specimen of Mesoplodon bowdoini collected near La Jolla, 1945
Box 119 Folder 17
Mesoplodon, manuscripts - Hubbs and Kellogg. First records of two beaked whales, Mesoplodon bowdoini and Ziphius cavirostris from the Pacific coast of the United States, 1945
Box 119 Folder 18
Mesoplodon - Notes and references, 1953-1978
Box 119 Folder 19
Mesoplodon - Newspaper clippings, 1952-1976
Box 119 Folder 20
Mesoplodon - Photographs, 1952-1974
Box 119 Folder 21-22
Mesoplodon - Correspondence, 1945-1976
Box 119 Folder 23
Mesoplodon carlhubbsi, 1945-1978

Includes photographs.

Box 119 Folder 24-25
Mirounga - Notes, 1947-1977
Box 120 Folder 1
Mirounga - References, 1947-1977
Box 120 Folder 2
Mirounga - Newspaper clippings, 1947-1979
Box 120 Folder 3-4
Mirounga - Photographs, 1915-1958
Box 120 Folder 5
Mirounga - Photographs, 1959-1973
Box 120 Folder 6-12
Mirounga - Correspondence, 1949-1979
Box 121 Folder 1
Mirounga, manuscripts by others - Le Boeuf, Whiting, and Gantt. Perinatal behavior of northern elephant seal females and their young, 1971
Box 121 Folder 2
Mirounga, manuscripts by others - Le Boeuf and Petrinovich. Elephant seals, interspecific comparisons of vocal and reproductive behavior, 1973
Box 121 Folder 3
Monachus, 1947-1978

Includes materials from the First International Conference on the Mediterranean Monk Seal.

Box 121 Folder 4
Mustela - Notes and references, 1942-1962
Box 121 Folder 5
Neophoca, 1969-1971

Includes photograph.

Box 121 Folder 6
Noctilio, 1955-1956
Box 121 Folder 7
Odobenus, 1948-1979

Includes photographs.

Box 121 Folder 9
Orcella, 1966
Box 121 Folder 9
Orcinus, 1976-1979
Box 121 Folder 10
Otariidae, 1952-1978

Includes "Report on tagging of pinnipeds of the channel islands" by R. S. Peterson and B. J. Le Boeuf.

Box 278 Folder 7
Otariidae, Año Nuevo Island - Oversized photograph, 1962 September 1
Box 121 Folder 11
Pagophilus, 1965-1978
Box 121 Folder 12
Peromyscus - Correspondence, 1974
Box 121 Folder 13
Phoca - Notes, 1928-1975
Box 121 Folder 14
Phoca - References, newspaper clippings, photographs, and correspondence, 1949-1979
Box 121 Folder 15
Phocidae, 1957-1977
Box 121 Folder 16
Phocoena, 1950-1976
Box 121 Folder 17
Phocoena sinus, 1976-1977

Includes "Status of the Cochito, Phocoena sinus, in the Gulf of California" by Robert L. Brownell, as well as memorandum from Brownwell and a report by Bernardo Villa-R.

Box 121 Folder 18
Phocoenoides - Notes, references, and newspaper clippings, 1950-1966
Box 121 Folder 19
Phocoenoides - Photographs and drawing, 1939-1965
Box 121 Folder 20
Phocoenoides - Correspondence, 1947-1974
Box 121 Folder 21
Physeter - Notes, references and newspaper clippings, 1933-1979
Box 122 Folder 1
Physeter - Photographs and correspondence, 1949-1977
Box 122 Folder 2
Pinnipedia, manuscripts, 1950

Includes "Winter populations of pinnipeds about Guadalupe, San Benito, and Cedros Islands, Baja California" and "Survival and resurgence of seals on Eastern Pacific Oceanic Islands."

Box 122 Folder 3
Pinnipedia - Notes, references, newspaper clippings, and photographs, 1950-1972
Box 122 Folder 4-6
Pinnipedia - Correspondence, 1950-1978
Box 122 Folder 7
Pizomyx, 1952-1969
Box 122 Folder 8
Platanistidae, 1966-1971

Includes photograph.

Box 122 Folder 9
Pontoporia, 1969-1971
Box 122 Folder 10
Procyon - Notes, 1951-1961
Box 122 Folder 11
Pseudorca, 1949-1977
Box 122 Folder 12
Pusa, 1960-1970
Box 122 Folder 13
Sotalia - Correspondence, 1966
Box 122 Folder 14
Stenella, manuscripts by others - Perrin, Smith, and Sakagawa. Status of populations of spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata, and spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris, in the eastern tropical Pacific, 1974
Box 122 Folder 15
Stenella - Notes and references, 1953-1977
Box 122 Folder 16
Stenella - Photographs, 1957-1971
Box 122 Folder 17
Stenella - Correspondence, 1952-1978
Box 122 Folder 18
Steno, 1947-1965
Box 122 Folder 19
Susa - Correspondence, 1968
Box 122 Folder 20
Thalarctos - References and newspaper clipping, 1959-1968
Box 122 Folder 21
Trichechus, 1957-1979

Includes "A preliminary review of the status and distribution of the manatee (Trichechus manatus) in Mexico" by Howard W. Campbell and Diderot Gicca.

Box 122 Folder 22-23
Tursiops - Notes, 1945-1977
Box 122 Folder 24
Tursiops - References, 1950-1975
Box 122 Folder 25
Tursiops - Newspaper clippings, 1951-1976
Box 122 Folder 26
Tursiops - Photographs and drawings, 1948-1969
Box 123 Folder 1
Tursiops - Correspondence, 1946-1978
Box 123 Folder 2
Ursus - References and newspaper clipping, 1950-1977
Box 123 Folder 3-5
Zalophus - Notes and memo, 1947-1971
Box 123 Folder 6
Zalophus - References, 1947-1978
Box 123 Folder 7
Zalophus - Newspaper clippings, 1947-1978
Box 123 Folder 8
Zalophus - Photographs, 1934-1977
Box 123 Folder 9-12
Zalophus - Correspondence, 1946-1979
Box 123 Folder 13
Zalophus, mortality, 1947-1971
Box 123 Folder 14
Ziphius, 1945-1971

Includes image of Ziphius cavirostris at the site of the present Birch Aquarium, as well as a paper by Hubbs titled "Data on the beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier) washed ashore at Del Mar, California, September 24, 1945."

Box 278 Folder 16
Ziphius - Display image with label of Ziphius cavirostris skeleton


Scope and Content of Series

Series 4) SUBJECT FILES: An extensive series containing folders on a wide variety of subjects, including Hubbs's consulting, committee and community work; as well as subjects of general and scientific interest. As with the two Marine Life series, this series includes manuscripts, reports, notes, photographs, and correspondence, and there is some topical overlap between them, depending on the subject.

Hubb's original order and folder titles in the SUBJECT FILES largely remain intact, with two exceptions. First, there were two large runs of correspondence previously filed within the original subject files, under the headings "Biographic" and "Publications." The Biographic and Publications materials have since been extracted and put into their own series, CORRESPONDENCE.

The second change to this series is the highlighting of more voluminous groupings of subject-based material. In Hubbs' original inventory of his papers, folders on one topic that spanned many boxes were indistinguishable from single folders. This made it hard to distinguish the subjects that are well-represented. In the new arrangement, topics that have at least 5 boxes of content are represented by their own subseries. All other folders remain as they were originally found in a large A-Z list by folder title, at the beginning of the series.

Arranged in seven subseries: A) A-Z, B) Alaska, 1939, C) CalCOFI, D) Conservation and Preservation, E) Expeditions and Trips, F) Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), and G) Surface Temperature Studies.

A) A-Z: Subject files, arranged alphabetically by Hubbs's original folder title.

B) Alaska Investigation, 1939: Materials documenting Hubbs's 1939 trip to Alaska as special investigator for the U.S. Department of the Interior. Includes reference materials, notes, testimonies, reports, and correspondence. Photographs from this trip are located in the PHOTOGRAPHS series.

C) CalCOFI: Materials documenting Hubbs's involvement in the study of the sardine population off the coast of southern California and its ecological impact. Includes materials from CalCOFI cruises, Marine Life Research Group (MRL), Marine Research Committee (MRC), and sardine conferences. Arranged alphabetically by folder title, with cruise materials at the end of the subseries.

D) Conservation and Preservation: Materials on rare and endangered species, including references, reports, consultation materials, and correspondence. Arranged by localities, fishes, amphibians and reptiles, birds, and mammals, with general materials at the front, then alphabetically by folder title.

E) Expeditions and Trips: Papers from Hubbs's scientific expeditions and trips. Includes notes and logs, data, press releases and newspaper clippings, photographs, and correspondence. Arranged chronologically. Related materials from the same expeditions and trips can be found in other series: MARINE LIFE – FISHES, MARINE LIFE – WEST COAST (where they are filed not by expedition name, but by the species mentioned in each document), PHOTOGRAPHS AND NEGATIVES, and SLIDES.

F) SIO: Includes teaching materials, planning and advisory committees, and file on the scientific collections. Arranged chronologically.

G) Surface Temperature Studies: Documenting Hubbs's "temperature runs" and research on the West Coast of the United States. Temperatures were recorded at various locations, including stations on the coast of Washington, Oregon, California, and Baja California. Includes temperature logs and data, notes, reports, photographs, and correspondence. Materials are not arranged in any imposed order, but are simply grouped together by topic, with field notebooks at the end of the series. For a full description of the temperature runs, see "Surface Water Temperatures at Shore Stations, United States West Coast and Baja California, 1962" (SIO Reference No. 63-17, June 19, 1963).


Box 123 Folder 15-16
Acoustics, 1948-1970

Includes letters to and from Carl Eckart re: UCDWR discovery and naming of the deep scattering layer.

Box 123 Folder 17
Adaptation, 1935-1978

American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH)

Box 124 Folder 1-3
Correspondence, 1937-1981
Box 124 Folder 4-21
Annual meetings, 1946-1960
Box 125 Folder 1-15
Annual meetings, 1961-1972
Box 126 Folder 1-6
Annual meetings, 1973-1978
Box 126 Folder 7-10
Western Division, 1946-1964
Box 126 Folder 11
American Institute of Biological Sciences affiliation, 1947-1964
Box 126 Folder 12
Assistance to Foreign Members Committee, 1947
Box 126 Folder 13
Conservation Committee, ca. 1970
Box 126 Folder 14
Conservation Fund, 1967-1968
Box 126 Folder 15
Membership Committee, 1947
Box 126 Folder 16-28
Copeia , 1935-1972

Files related to the publication and editorship of Copeia. Includes materials on the memorial numbers to L. Klauber, J. T. Nichols, and Karl Schmidt.

Box 127 Folder 1
Committee on Fish Classification, 1951-1953
Box 127 Folder 2
Fish Collectors, National Science Foundation, 1971-1972
Box 127 Folder 3
Herpetologia, 1946 July 10
Box 127 Folder 4
Box 127 Folder 5
Honorary Member
Box 127 Folder 6
Honorary Foreign Member, 1956, 1968, 1974
Box 127 Folder 7
Marion Grey Award, 1964-1965
Box 127 Folder 8
National Resources Council, 1946-1967
Box 127 Folder 9
Navy Contract, 1963-1964
Box 127 Folder 10-11
Nomenclature Committee, ca. 1955-1974
Box 127 Folder 12
Prizes, 1948-1965
Box 127 Folder 13
Raney Fund, 1973-1975
Box 127 Folder 14
Renewable Natural Resources Conference, 1948
Box 127 Folder 15
Revolving Fund, 1946-1957
Box 127 Folder 16
UNESCO, 1947 April-May
Box 127 Folder 17-18
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) - General correspondence, 1934-1977
Box 127 Folder 19-23
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) - Committees and divisions, 1948-1968

Includes: Aquatic Science, Executive, Identification, nominating, and Publication committees.

Box 128 Folder 1
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) - Committees and divisions, 1948-1969

Includes: Pacific Division.

Box 128 Folder 2-4
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) - Membership, by-laws, meetings etc., 1949-1969
Box 128 Folder 5-7
American Society of Naturalists, 1931-1966

Includes materials on the 1965 meeting.

Box 128 Folder 8
American Society of Professional Biologists, 1949-1950
Box 128 Folder 9
Amphibians (West Coast) - Correspondence, 1947-1970
Box 128 Folder 10-20
Anatomy and physiology (various topics)

Subfolders include: Alimentary canal, Branchiostegals, electric organs, fin and fin-rays, gas bladders, intestines, lateral lines, otoliths, scales and teeth.

Box 128 Folder 21
Anesthesia - Sharks, 1952-1957
Box 129 Folder 1
Aquaculture, 1943-1980
Box 129 Folder 2-3
Aquaria - General, 1950-1978
Box 129 Folder 4
Aquaria - Economic Feasibility and Planning Study for Mission Bay, San Diego Marine Park, 1960
Box 129 Folder 5
Aquaria - High Pressure Aquarium Conference, 1970-1971
Box 129 Folder 6
Aquaria - Yomiuriland, Japan, 1967-1970
Box 129 Folder 7-9
Aquarium culture, 1920-1972
Box 129 Folder 10
Aquarium culture - Feeding, ca. 1940
Box 129 Folder 11
Aquatic Research Institute, Port of Stockton (partnership with Stanford University), 1962-1964
Box 129 Folder 12-14
Archaeology - General, 1947-1981

Includes notes and brief papers by Conrad Limbaugh.

Box 130 Folder 1
Archaeology - "Artifact-like objects produced from cobbles by surf action," mss with G. F. Carter, 1955
Box 274 Folder 5
Archaeology - Mss and correspondence with G. F. Carter, 1954
Box 130 Folder 2-11
Archaeology - Correspondence
Box 130 Folder 12
Archaeology - Artifacts, 1962-1967
Box 130 Folder 13
Archaeology - Fire evidence, 1955-1959
Box 130 Folder 14-16
Archaeology - Middens, 1945-1967
Box 130 Folder 17
Archaeology - Naturifacts, 1953-1959
Box 130 Folder 18
Archaeology - Plant identifications, 1959-1962
Box 131 Folder 1
Archaeology - Salvage, 1963
Box 131 Folder 2
Archaeology - Submarine archaeology
Box 131 Folder 3
Archaeology - Localities - Arizona, 1942-1965
Box 131 Folder 4
Archaeology - Localities - California, 1955-1980
Box 131 Folder 5
Archaeology - Localities - California, Buena Vista Lake (Kern County), 1965-1966
Box 131 Folder 6
Archaeology - Localities - California, Catalina Island, 1966-1974
Box 131 Folder 7
Archaeology - Localities - California, Channel Islands, 1962-1970
Box 131 Folder 8
Archaeology - Localities - California, China Lake, 1965-1976
Box 131 Folder 9
Archaeology - Localities - California, Lake LeConte, 1947-1974
Box 131 Folder 10
Archaeology - Localities - California, Panamint Valley, 1964-1966
Box 131 Folder 11
Archaeology - Localities - California, San Diego - "Five California Indian middens adjacent to coastal lagoons," mss by Jacquelin N. Miller and C. Hubbs, undated
Box 131 Folder 12
Archaeology - Localities - California, La Jolla, 1961-1972

Includes negatives from paper by George A. Shumway, Carl L. Hubbs, and James R. Moriarty titled "Scripps Estates site, San Diego, California: A La Jolla site dated 5460-7370 years before the present."

Box 277 Folder 7
Archaeology - Localities - California, La Jolla, ca. 1961

Oversized photographs from paper by George A. Shumway, Carl L. Hubbs, and James R. Moriarty titled "Scripps Estates site, San Diego, California: A La Jolla site dated 5460-7370 years before the present."

Box 131 Folder 13
Archaeology - Localities - California, San Diego County, 1947-1982
Box 131 Folder 14
Archaeology - Localities - California, Silver Strand, Coronado, 1961-1976

Includes report, "Occupational history and paleoecology of the Silver Strand," by Laurence Jones.

Box 131 Folder 15
Archaeology - Localities - California, San Diego, Texas Street site
Box 278 Folder 9
Archaeology - Localities - California, San Diego, Texas Street site, plans with x-section data, 1955 October 17
Box 131 Folder 16
Archaeology - Localities - California, Santa Barbara, 1955

Notes on Pleistocene deposits near Goleta.

Box 131 Folder 17
Archaeology - Localities - California, Santa Rosa Island, 1955-1966
Box 131 Folder 18
Archaeology - Localities - California, Ventura County, 1966-1975
Box 131 Folder 19
Archaeology - Localities - Florida, Warm Mineral Springs, 1966-1971
Box 131 Folder 20
Archaeology - Localities - Guatemala, 1961-1975
Box 131 Folder 21
Archaeology - Localities - Mexico, 1949-1974
Box 278 Folder 9
Archaeology - Localities - Mexico, maps of sites
Box 131 Folder 22
Archaeology - Localities - Mexico, Baja California, 1957-1961
Box 131 Folder 23
Archaeology - Localities - Mexico, Gulf of California, Isla Tiburón, 1960-1966
Box 131 Folder 24
Archaeology - Localities - Nevada, Tule Springs, 1959-1963
Box 132 Folder 1
Archaeology - Localities - Oregon, 1957-1966
Box 132 Folder 2
Association for Tropical Biology, 1964
Box 132 Folder 3
Behavior - General, 1946-1977
Box 132 Folder 4
Behavior - Nocturnal, 1974
Box 132 Folder 5
Behavior - Predator/Prey, 1966-1977
Box 132 Folder 6
Behavior - Reproduction, 1966
Box 132 Folder 7
Behavior - Schooling, 1948-1976
Box 132 Folder 8
Behavior - Swimming pattern of rays, 1954-1965
Box 132 Folder 9
Bioluminescence, 1950-1978
Box 132 Folder 10
California. Dept. of Fish and Game - UCLA and SIO Aquarium collecting lists, 1950-1957
Box 132 Folder 11
California. Merchant and Marine Fisheries Subcommittee hearing, Senate Commerce Committee, 1961

Includes statement on fish populations by M. B. Schaefer.

Box 132 Folder 12-15
Cave fishes - General, 1934-1978
Box 132 Folder 16
Cave fishes - Localities - California, 1950-1953
Box 132 Folder 17
Cave fishes - Localities - California, 1950-1979
Box 132 Folder 18
Cave fishes - Anoptichthys
Box 132 Folder 19
Cave fishes - Astroblepidae
Box 132 Folder 20
Cave fishes - Brotulinae
Box 132 Folder 21
Cave fishes - Hesperoleucus
Box 132 Folder 22
Cave fishes - Priatella
Box 132 Folder 23
Cave fishes - Rhamdia
Box 132 Folder 24
Cave fishes - Satan
Box 132 Folder 25
Cave fishes - Speoplatyrhinus
Box 132 Folder 26
Cave fishes - Trogoglanis
Box 132 Folder 27
Cave fishes - Typhlyasina
Box 132 Folder 28
Cave life - Notes and data from UMMZ, 1955
Box 132 Folder 29
Cave life - References and news, 1940-1976
Box 132 Folder 30
Cave life - Correspondence, 1930-1971
Box 133 Folder 1
Cave life - Bower Cave, 1953
Box 133 Folder 2
Cave life - Waitomo Cave, New Zealand, 1949
Box 274 Folder 6
Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galápagos Islands, 1973-1977
Box 133 Folder 3
Chromatography, 1952-1956
Box 133 Folder 4
Chromosomes, 1946-1949
Box 133 Folder 5
Collecting permits - California, 1961-1973
Box 133 Folder 6-16
Collecting permits - Mexico, 1945-1977
Box 133 Folder 17
Collecting permits - Other, 1944-1978
Box 133 Folder 18-25
Coloration, 1925-1972
Box 133 Folder 26
Committee on Oceanography. A review of "Oceanography 1960 to 1970" and comments on the Interagency Committee on Oceanography FY 1962 program, 1961
Box 133 Folder 27
Congreso (IV) Latino Americano de Zoologia, 1968
Box 133 Folder 28
Congreso Nacional de Oceanografia (Mexico-III), 1967
Box 134 Folder 1
Darwin anniversary, 1956-1960
Box 134 Folder 2
Deep scattering layer, 1948-1962
Box 134 Folder 3
Desert animals in road tar, 1946-1949
Box 134 Folder 4-18
Desert Fishes Council, 1969-1978
Box 135 Folder 1
Desert Protective Council, 1959-1978
Box 135 Folder 2
Dictionaries - Definitions, 1959-1979
Box 135 Folder 3
Dictionaries - Random House
Box 135 Folder 4
Distribution of fishes - General, 1952-1975
Box 135 Folder 5
Distribution of fishes - Abyssal, 1953, 1975
Box 135 Folder 6
Distribution of fishes - Antitropical, 1948-1963
Box 135 Folder 7
Distribution of fishes - Freshwater, 1948-1970
Box 135 Folder 8
Distribution of fishes - Currents, 1960-1969
Box 135 Folder 9
Distribution of fishes - New World, 1952-1973
Box 135 Folder 10-15
Distribution of fishes - Panama Canal problem, 1952-1977
Box 135 Folder 16
Distribution of fishes - Seamounts, 1968-1974
Box 135 Folder 17
Distribution of fishes - Suez Canal, 1966-1974
Box 135 Folder 18
Diving - Aqua-lung and SCUBA safety training, 1951-1958

Letters also include references to the spread of the sea otter population off California.

Box 135 Folder 19
Diving - Bathyscaphe, 1956-1962
Box 135 Folder 20
Diving - Benthoscope, 1949-1952
Box 136 Folder 1
Diving - Deepstar, 1964-1967
Box 136 Folder 2-5
Diving - General (clippings, notes, correspondence)
Box 136 Folder 6
Diving - San Diego Council of Diving Clubs minutes, 1963-1964
Box 136 Folder 7-9
Diving - Saucer, 1960-1965
Box 136 Folder 10
Diving - SeaLab, 1965
Box 136 Folder 11
Diving - Submersibles, 1963-1969
Box 278 Folder 10
Diving - Submersibles, newspaper clipping, 1919 February 2
Box 136 Folder 12
Dwarfism in fishes, 1977
Box 136 Folder 13
Ecology, 1946-1975
Box 136 Folder 14-16
Electric fishing, 1951-1975
Box 137 Folder 1
Endemism in fishes, 1945, 1958
Box 137 Folder 2
Endocrinology, 1948-1958
Box 137 Folder 3-13
Equipment - A-Z miscellaneous
Box 137 Folder 14
Equipment - Bottle labels, 1964-1967
Box 137 Folder 15
Equipment - Electric fish screen, 1945-1952
Box 137 Folder 16
Equipment - Free vehicle, 1962-1964
Box 137 Folder 17-18
Equipment - Jars, 1948-1973
Box 137 Folder 19
Equipment - Jars - Denmark, 1958
Box 137 Folder 20
Equipment - Microscopes and lamps, 1944-1965
Box 137 Folder 21
Equipment - Netting, 1941-1965
Box 138 Folder 1
Euryhaline fishes, 1939-1959
Box 138 Folder 2-6
Evolution (various subjects)
Box 138 Folder 7-11
Explosives - Correspondence, 1947-1979
Box 138 Folder 12-22
Explosives (various subjects)
Box 138 Folder 23
Fecundity, 1954
Box 138 Folder 24
Fish as food, 1954-1973
Box 138 Folder 25
Fish diseases, 1942-1970
Box 138 Folder 26
Fish management - Fishways, 1953-1959
Box 138 Folder 27
Fish management - General, 1936-1943
Box 139 Folder 1-4
Fish management - General, 1944-1978
Box 139 Folder 5
Fish management - Lake Arrowhead, 1970
Box 139 Folder 6
Fish management - Mosquito control, 1938-1975
Box 139 Folder 7
Fish management - Ponds, 1948-1950
Box 139 Folder 8
Fish management - San Diego reservoirs
Box 139 Folder 9
Fish mortality, 1947-1960
Box 139 Folder 10
Fisheries - Anchovy, 1965-1967
Box 139 Folder 11
Fisheries - Artificial reefs, 1969-1974
Box 139 Folder 12
Fisheries - Bait, 1947-1979
Box 139 Folder 13
Fisheries - Bikini Atoll, 1949
Box 139 Folder 14
Fisheries - Brazil, 1964
Box 139 Folder 15-18
Fisheries - General
Box 139 Folder 19
Fisheries - Hake, 1955, 1971
Box 139 Folder 20
Fisheries - Japan, 1947-1949
Box 139 Folder 21
Fisheries - Louisiana, 1953-1956
Box 139 Folder 22
Fisheries - Menhaden, 1952-1959
Box 140 Folder 1
Fisheries - Shrimp, 1952-1961
Box 140 Folder 2
Fisheries - South Africa, 1948
Box 140 Folder 3-4
Fisheries - Tuna - American Tunaboat Association, 1951-1959
Box 140 Folder 5-6
Fisheries - Tuna - General, 1945-1978
Box 140 Folder 7-13
Fisheries - Tuna - Clippings, 1947-1956
Box 141 Folder 1
Fisheries - Tuna - Clippings, 1957-1961
Box 141 Folder 2
Fisheries - Venezuela
Box 141 Folder 3
Fishes - Africa, 1938-1972
Box 141 Folder 4
Fishes - Antarctica, 1961-1978
Box 141 Folder 5
Fishes - Arctic, 1917-1952
Box 141 Folder 6
Fishes - South Africa, 1943-1978
Box 141 Folder 7-10
Flight of fishes, 1933-1970
Box 141 Folder 11
Food studies, 1941-1973
Box 141 Folder 12
Fossils - General (various subjects)
Box 141 Folder 13
Fossils - Alpine County, California
Box 141 Folder 14
Fossils - Bird
Box 141 Folder 15
Fossils - Cetacea
Box 141 Folder 16
Fossils - Crustacea
Box 141 Folder 17
Fossils - Eocene
Box 141 Folder 18
Fossils - Mammal
Box 141 Folder 19
Fossils - Mollusk
Box 141 Folder 20
Fossils - Otoliths
Box 141 Folder 21
Fossils - Pleistocene
Box 141 Folder 22-26
Fossils, fish - General (various subjects)
Box 141 Folder 27
Fossils, fish - Hubbs' notes on Romer's Vertebrate Paleontology, 1936-1972
Box 141 Folder 28
Fossils, fish - By locality

Notes and correspondence including: Alaska.

Box 142 Folder 1-6
Fossils, fish - By locality

Notes and correspondence including: Arizona, California (Ridge Formation), Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon and Wyoming.

Box 142 Folder 7-23
Fossils, fish - By group
Box 142 Folder 24
Fouling organisms, 1947-1960
Box 142 Folder 25
Genetics, 1948-1979
Box 142 Folder 26
Genetics Society of America, 1948-1964
Box 142 Folder 27
Growth, 1939-1957
Box 142 Folder 28-31
Guggenheim Foundation, 1947-1956
Box 142 Folder 32
Habits - Breeding, 1950-1954
Box 142 Folder 33
Habits - Feeding behavior, 1978-1979
Box 142 Folder 34
Habits - Leap-frogging, 1948-1951
Box 142 Folder 35
Habits - Symbiosis, 1956-1972
Box 142 Folder 36
Habits - Territoriality, 1951-1965
Box 142 Folder 37
History of American Ichthyology - Photographs
Box 142 Folder 38-39
Homology concept, 1943-1966
Box 143 Folder 1-5
Hubbs Sea World Research Institute, 1975-1979
Box 143 Folder 6
Hybrids - Invertebrates
Box 143 Folder 7
Hybrids - Amphibians
Box 143 Folder 8
Hybrids - Reptiles
Box 143 Folder 9
Hybrids - Birds
Box 143 Folder 10
Hybrids - Mammals
Box 143 Folder 11
Hybrids - Plants
Box 143 Folder 12
Hydrobiological Conference, University of Wisconsin, 1940-1941
Box 143 Folder 13
Ichthyological Research & Development Corp., Florida, 1957
Box 143 Folder 14-15
Ichthyology, history of
Box 143 Folder 16
Identification of specimens
Box 143 Folder 17-18
Illustrations and illustrators, 1947-1968
Box 143 Folder 19
Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, 1948

Institute of Marine Resources (IMR)

Box 143 Folder 20-21
IMR - General, 1951-1964
Box 143 Folder 22
IMR - Advisory Council, 1954-1960
Box 143 Folder 23
IMR - Annual reports
Box 143 Folder 24
IMR - Director correspondence, 1961
Box 144 Folder 1-3
IMR - Executive Committee, 1951-1962
Box 144 Folder 4
IMR - Marine Food Resources, 1958
Box 144 Folder 5
IMR - Organization, 1951-1955
Box 144 Folder 6
IMR - Planning study, 1965
Box 144 Folder 7
IMR - Resources policy, 1952-1961
Box 144 Folder 8
IMR - Pollution contract, 1956
Box 144 Folder 9
IMR - Projects, 1953-1954
Box 144 Folder 10
IMR - Research associate, 1951-1967
Box 144 Folder 11
IMR - Saltonstall tuna, 1957
Box 144 Folder 12
Inter-American Conference on Marine Sciences, FL, 1962-19633
Box 144 Folder 13
Inter-American Institute of Ecology, 1970-1971
Box 144 Folder 14
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, 1949-1961
Box 144 Folder 15
Inter-Museum Council, 1956-1963
Box 144 Folder 16-18
International Biological Program, 1963-1970
Box 144 Folder 19-23
International Congress of Zoology, 1952-1958
Box 145 Folder 1-10
International Congress of Zoology, 1959-1967
Box 145 Folder 11
International Directory of Oceanographers, 1957-1959
Box 145 Folder 12
International Joint Commission on Oceanography, 1952
Box 145 Folder 13-14
International Oceanographic Congress (First and Second), 1957-1966
Box 145 Folder 15
International Society of Animal Taxonomists, 1961
Box 145 Folder 16
International Underwater Spearfishing Association, 1951-1968
Box 145 Folder 17-18
International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), 1946-1955
Box 274 Folder 7
International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), 1955
Box 145 Folder 19-20
International Union for Conservation of Nature, 1955-1963
Box 146 Folder 1-3
International Union for Conservation of Nature, 1964
Box 274 Folder 8
International Union for Conservation of Nature, 1964-1968
Box 146 Folder 4-5
Introductions of fish species - General
Box 146 Folder 6-7
Introductions of fish species - California, 1952-1979
Box 146 Folder 8
Laboratory for Comparative Biochemistry, 1961
Box 274 Folder 9
Latin American Congress of Oceanography (First), Valparasio - General report, 1950
Box 146 Folder 9-10
Library, 1936-1967
Box 146 Folder 11-12
Life history - Larval stages
Box 146 Folder 13
Life history - Longevity
Box 146 Folder 14
Life history - Prejuveniles
Box 146 Folder 15
Life history - Viviparity
Box 146 Folder 16
Locomotion, 1950-1975
Box 146 Folder 17-19
Maps - U.S. drainage systems (streams and rivers), 1942-1973
Box 146 Folder 20
Maps - Mexico, 1948-1973
Box 146 Folder 21
Marine Biological Association of India, 1959-1971

Marine Institutions

Box 147 Folder 1
Bermuda Biological Station, 1947-1960
Box 147 Folder 2
Bingham Oceanographic Laboratory, Yale University, 1942-1959
Box 147 Folder 3
Bodega Marine Laboratory - Site evaluation, 1963-1666
Box 147 Folder 4
Catalina Island School for Boys, 1966
Box 147 Folder 5
Duke University Marine Laboratory, 1964-1969
Box 147 Folder 6
El Instituto de Biologia Marina, Mar del Plata, 1960-1961
Box 147 Folder 7
Escuela de Tecnología y CIencias Maritimas en Guaymas (Henry Shaefer correspondence), 1968-1972
Box 147 Folder 8
Florida State University, 1964-1966
Box 147 Folder 9
Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (Gordon Gunter correspondence), 1971-1975
Box 147 Folder 10
H - Miscellaneous
Box 147 Folder 11-22
Hawaii Marine Laboratory, 1947-1979
Box 278 Folder 10
Hawaii Marine Laboratory - Blueprints for apartments and Laboratory Building #2
Box 147 Folder 23
Hermosa Beach Aquarium, 1948
Box 148 Folder 1
Hopkins Marine Station, 1944-1977
Box 148 Folder 2
Humboldt State College, 1959
Box 148 Folder 3
Institute of Marine Science, University of Texas, 1955-1967
Box 148 Folder 4
Kerckhof Marine Laboratory, Cal Tech, 1965
Box 148 Folder 5
Las Cruces Biological Station (proposal by Rite Schafer, Immaculate Heart College), 1965-1974
Box 148 Folder 6
Lerner Marine Laboratory, 1966, 1969

Includes photographs taken by Carl L. Hubbs during visit.

Box 148 Folder 7
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 1950-1966
Box 148 Folder 8
Marineland, Florida, 1939-1954
Box 148 Folder 9
Marineland of the Pacific, 1949-1973
Box 148 Folder 10
Misaki Marine Biological Station, Japan - Photographs, 1926
Box 148 Folder 11
Moss Landing Marine Laboratory, 1973-1974
Box 148 Folder 12
Mote Marine Laboratory, 1972-1975

Includes photographs of Carl L. Hubbs and Laura C. Hubbs during visit.

Box 148 Folder 13
Naples Marine Station, 1968, 1974
Box 148 Folder 14
National Institutes of Health - Proposed development of marine biological stations, 1966
Box 148 Folder 15
Oceanic Institute, Hawaii, 1965-1975
Box 148 Folder 16
Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, Canada (John Hart correspondence), 1950-1954
Box 148 Folder 17
Pacific Marine Station, Dillon Beach, 1948-1959
Box 148 Folder 18
Palau Tropical Marine Biological Laboratory, 1968
Box 148 Folder 19
Philippines, 1966-1967
Box 148 Folder 20
Santa Catalina Island Marine Station, 1963-1967
Box 148 Folder 21
Santa Rosa Island, 1963-1964
Box 278 Folder 10
Santa Rosa Island - Oversized photograph, 1963-1964
Box 148 Folder 22
Sea Life Park, Hawaii, 1963-1975
Box 148 Folder 23
University of Miami, 1947, 1956-1964
Box 148 Folder 24
University of Oregon, 1962-1963
Box 148 Folder 25
University of South Carolina, 1968-1969
Box 148 Folder 26
University of Washington, Friday Harbor, 1959-1966
Box 148 Folder 27
Vancouver Public Aquarium, 1951-1977
Box 148 Folder 28
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, 1954, 1963, 1975
Box 148 Folder 29
Walla Walla College, 1962 April
Box 148 Folder 30
Wrightsville Marine Bio-Medical Laboratory, 1966
Box 149 Folder 1-4
Marine Life Research (MLR) - General, 1937-1956
Box 149 Folder 5
Marine Life Research (MLR) - Cruise conferences, 1949-1952
Box 149 Folder 6
Marine Life Research (MLR) - Equipment, 1947-1951
Box 149 Folder 7-8
Marine Life Research (MLR) - Midwater trawl, 1949-1956
Box 149 Folder 9
Marine Life Research (MLR) - News and publicity, 1947-1952
Box 149 Folder 10
Marine Life Research (MLR) - Physiology, 1948-1952
Box 149 Folder 11
Marine Life Research (MLR) - Population analysis studies, 1951-1955
Box 149 Folder 12
Marine Life Research (MLR) - Regulations, 1946-1952
Box 149 Folder 13
Marine Life Research (MLR) - Reports, 1948-1952
Box 149 Folder 14-15
Marine Life Research (MLR) - Serology research, 1948-1958
Box 149 Folder 16
Marine Life Research (MLR) - Ships, 1947-1951
Box 149 Folder 17-19
Marine Life Research (MLR) - Staff, 1947-1950 July
Box 150 Folder 1-2
Marine Life Research (MLR) - Staff, 1950 December-1958
Box 150 Folder 3-5
Marine Research Committee (MRC), 1949-1968

Agendas, minutes, supporting papers.

Box 150 Folder 6
Marine Research Committee (MRC) - Review committee on Marine Life Research Program (MLRP), 1955
Box 150 Folder 7-8
Maritime Museum Association of San Diego, 1959-1983
Box 150 Folder 9
Methods of counting and measuring fish populations, 1937-1964
Box 150 Folder 10
Methods of preparation/preservation of specimens, 1963-1967
Box 150 Folder 11
Migration and movement of fishes, 1937-1967
Box 150 Folder 12-16
Mission Bay Research Foundation, 1962-1971
Box 150 Folder 17
Museums - Miscellaneous

Includes notes and drawings from examining specimens at East coast museums.

Box 151 Folder 1-2
Nascent oxygen
Box 151 Folder 3
National Academy of Sciences, 1953-1979
Box 151 Folder 4
National Academy of Sciences - Agassiz Medal, 1952-1961
Box 151 Folder 5
National Academy of Sciences - Election of C. Hubbs, 1952
Box 151 Folder 6
National Academy of Sciences - Elections, 1953-1972
Box 151 Folder 7
National Academy of Sciences - Preparation of list of oceanographers of Mexico, 1964
Box 151 Folder 8
National Council of American Soviet Friendship, 1944-1946
Box 274 Folder 10
National Council of American Soviet Friendship - Legal-sized materials, 1944-1946
Box 151 Folder 9-12
National parks, 1937-1977
Box 151 Folder 13-16
National parks - Advisory Committee on Research, 1959-1963 May
Box 152 Folder 1-3
National parks - Advisory Committee on Research, 1963 June-1965
Box 152 Folder 4
National parks - Big Bend, 1957-1958
Box 152 Folder 5
National parks - Cabrillo National Monument, 1953-1967
Box 152 Folder 6
National parks - Channel Islands, 1957-1966
Box 152 Folder 7
National parks - Dinosaur National Monument, 1953-1955
Box 152 Folder 8
National parks - Everglades, 1957-1965
Box 152 Folder 9
National parks - Lassen Volcanic, 1954-1958
Box 152 Folder 10
National parks - Organ Pipe National Monument, 1953
Box 152 Folder 11
National parks - Redwoods National Park, 1947-1978
Box 152 Folder 12
National parks - Yosemite, 1951-1952
Box 152 Folder 13-14
National Research Council - Division of Biology and Agriculture, 1953, 1967-1971
Box 152 Folder 15
National Research Council - Pacific Science Conference, 1946
Box 152 Folder 16
National Science Foundation, 1954-1977
Box 152 Folder 17-19
National Science Foundation - Advisory Panel for Biological Facilities, 1958-1963
Box 152 Folder 20
National Science Foundation - Advisory Panel on Summer Institutes, 1956-1959
Box 153 Folder 1
National Science Foundation - Publication support, 1959-1961
Box 153 Folder 2
National Science Foundation - Ship time, 1962-1967
Box 153 Folder 3-15
National Science Foundation - Grant reviews
Box 153 Folder 16
National Science Foundation - Ecological conditions during past eruptions of human population along Pacific Coast (G1250, G10733), 1954-1958
Box 154 Folder 1
National Science Foundation - Ecological conditions during past eruptions of human population along Pacific Coast (G1250, G10733), 1959-1963
Box 154 Folder 2
National Science Foundation - Investigation of the food-chain intermediates between kelp and fishes (G10688), 1959-1962
Box 154 Folder 3
National Science Foundation - Ichthyological researches, primarily systematic (Grant G15928), 1960-1965
Box 154 Folder 4
National Science Foundation - Endemic marine vertebrate fauna of Guadalupe Island, Baja California (GB-508), 1962-1966
Box 154 Folder 5
National Science Foundation - Analysis of marine fish faunas of California and Western Baja California (GB-1321), 1962-1965
Box 154 Folder 6-9
National Science Foundation - Quaternary environments (GB-6, B6-0172, GB-4616, GB-13589), 1962-1974
Box 154 Folder 10
National Science Foundation - Vertebrates of the California peninsula (GB-4672), 1966-1970
Box 154 Folder 11
National Science Foundation - Further research on marine vertebrates of the Eastern Pacific (BO-13319), 1969-1973
Box 154 Folder 12
National Science Foundation - Research on the systematics, distribution, and biology of the hagfishes (myxinidae) of the world, 1972
Box 274 Folder 11
National Speleologal Society, 1944-1971
Box 154 Folder 13
Nature Conservancy, 1951-1978
Box 154 Folder 14
New York Aquarium, 1953-1973
Box 274 Folder 12
New York Zoological Society, 1936-1966
Box 154 Folder 15-17
Nomenclature, 1923-1978
Box 154 Folder 18
Nomenclature - "A provisional code based on the code of the American Ornithologists' Union," by David Starr Jordan, Barton Warren Evermann, and Charles Henry Gilbert
Box 154 Folder 19
Nomenclature - Authorship
Box 154 Folder 20
Nomenclature - Classical names
Box 155 Folder 1-3
Nomenclature - Univ. of Michigan Committee on Nomenclature, 1924-1933
Box 155 Folder 4
Nomenclature - Emendations
Box 155 Folder 5
Nomenclature - Endings
Box 155 Folder 6
Nomenclature - Family names
Box 155 Folder 7-9
Nomenclature - Gender
Box 155 Folder 10
Nomenclature - Genera
Box 155 Folder 11
Nomenclature - Group endings
Box 155 Folder 12
Nomenclature - Higher group names
Box 155 Folder 13
Nomenclature - Nomina oblita
Box 155 Folder 14
Nomenclature - Opinions
Box 155 Folder 15
Nomenclature - Orthography
Box 155 Folder 16
Nomenclature - Page priority
Box 155 Folder 17
Nomenclature - Patronymics
Box 155 Folder 18
Nomenclature - Priority limitations
Box 155 Folder 19
Nomenclature - Secondary homonyms
Box 155 Folder 20
Nomenclature - Spelling priority
Box 155 Folder 21
Nomenclature - Stability
Box 155 Folder 22
Nomenclature - Trivial names
Box 155 Folder 23
Nomenclature - Type designation
Box 155 Folder 24-28
Nomenclature - International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1926-1976
Box 155 Folder 29
North American Wildlife Conference, 1952-1956
Box 156 Folder 1
Ocean Fish Protective Association, 1953-1955
Box 156 Folder 2
Ocean Trust Foundation, 1978-1979
Box 156 Folder 3
Oceanographic Observations from Manned Satellites (Conference), Woods Hole and NASA, 1964
Box 156 Folder 4-5
Oceanographic Society of the Pacific, 1947-1948
Box 156 Folder 6
Oceanographic Society of the Pacific - Amalgamation with the American Soc. Of Limnography and Oceanography, 1947-1948
Box 156 Folder 7
Oceanography cartoon series - "World under the sea" by Phleger, Fleming and Rutherford, 1952
Box 156 Folder 8
Orange County science programs, 1966-1967
Box 156 Folder 9
Organization for Tropical Studies, 1965
Box 156 Folder 10
Osborn, Fairfield, 1966
Box 156 Folder 11
Pacific Fisheries Conference, 1948-1950
Box 274 Folder 13
Pacific Fisheries Conference - Meeting minutes, 1949
Box 156 Folder 12
Pacific Fishery Biologists, 1946-1957
Box 156 Folder 13-19
Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations (Dept. of the Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service) - Correspondence and cruise reports, 1952-1973
Box 157 Folder 1-17
Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations (Dept. of the Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service) - Correspondence and cruise reports, 1955-1981
Box 158 Folder 1-7
Pacific Science - Board correspondence, reports, meeting agendas, etc., 1949-1965
Box 158 Folder 8-18
Pacific Science Congresses, 1948-1966

Includes Hubbs' materials from the 7th (New Zealand), 8th (Philippines), 9th (Thailand), 10th (Hawaii), and 11th (Japan) congresses.

Box 159 Folder 1-6
Pacific Science Congresses, 1966-1979

Includes Hubbs' materials from the 11th (Japan), 12th (Australia), 13th (British Columbia), and 14th (Soviet Union) congresses.

Box 274 Folder 14-15
Pacific Science Congresses - Legal-sized material, 1949, 1966
Box 159 Folder 7
Pacific Science Council Secretariat - Congress bibliographies, report on 1951-1952
Box 159 Folder 8-13
Pacific Tuna conferences, 1951-1971
Box 159 Folder 14
Pacific War Memorial, 1946-1949
Box 159 Folder 15-17
Paleoclimatology, 1944-1968

The paleoclimatology files include references to radiocarbon dating techniques.

Box 160 Folder 1-2
Paleoclimatology, 1969-1978
Box 160 Folder 3
Paleoclimatology - Aridity
Box 160 Folder 4
Paleoclimatology - Batiquitos Lagoon
Box 160 Folder 5
Paleoclimatology - Faunal changes
Box 160 Folder 6
Paleoclimatology - Mima mounds
Box 160 Folder 7
Paleoclimatology - Plants, pollen and carbon-14 dating
Box 160 Folder 8
Paleoclimatology - Pleistocene
Box 160 Folder 9
Paleoclimatology - Water Resources Center/Research with Hans Suess and George Bien, 1958-1965
Box 160 Folder 10
Box 160 Folder 11
Photographs - Correspondence regarding exchanges and procurement of photographs and films on various topics
Box 160 Folder 12-14
Poisonous animals - General, 1945-1977
Box 160 Folder 15
Poisonous animals - Fish roe, 1974
Box 160 Folder 16
Poisonous animals - Mussel toxicity, 1943-1966
Box 161 Folder 1
Pollution - General
Box 161 Folder 2
Pollution - General (clippings)
Box 161 Folder 3-4
Pollution - Atomic and radiation
Box 161 Folder 5
Pollution - California
Box 161 Folder 6
Pollution - Marine
Box 161 Folder 7
Pollution - Mercury
Box 161 Folder 8-9
Pollution - Oil
Box 161 Folder 10
Pollution - Pesticides
Box 161 Folder 11
Pollution - President's Water Pollution Control Advisory Board, 1966
Box 161 Folder 12
Pollution - San Diego area (clippings)
Box 161 Folder 13
Pollution - San Diego area (correspondence)
Box 161 Folder 14
Pollution - Sewage treatment
Box 161 Folder 15
Pollution - Thermal effluent
Box 161 Folder 16
Predation, 1932-1955
Box 161 Folder 17
Preservation of fish specimens
Box 162 Folder 1
Population studies
Box 162 Folder 2
Preservation of Animals and Wildlife (PAW) Society, 1976-1978
Box 162 Folder 3
Pressure (effect on fishes), 1948-1957
Box 162 Folder 4
Pressure - ONR proposal, 1952-1953
Box 162 Folder 5
Princeton University Bicentennial, 1946-1947
Box 162 Folder 6-14
Radiocarbon and oxygen 18, 1948-1975
Box 162 Folder 15-16
Radiocarbon dating - General, 1952-1976
Box 162 Folder 17
Radiocarbon dating - Dates in So. California and Baja California by other labs, 1954-1967
Box 163 Folder 1-6
Radiocarbon dating - For others, 1954-1977
Box 163 Folder 7
Radiocarbon dating - Shumway, Hubbs and Moriarty, "Scripps Estate site, San Diego, California: A La Jolla site dated 5460-7370 years before the present", 1960-1973
Box 163 Folder 8-9
Radiocarbon dating - UCLA Radiocarbon Laboratory, 1958-1961
Box 163 Folder 10
Radiocarbon dating - La Jolla Radiocarbon Laboratory serial list
Box 163 Folder 11-15
Radiocarbon dating - La Jolla Radiocarbon Laboratory reports 1-5, 1960-1967
Box 163 Folder 16-17
Radiocarbon dating - La Jolla Radiocarbon Laboratory sampling drafts and correspondence, circa 1960
Box 164 Folder 1-16
Radiocarbon dating - La Jolla Radiocarbon Laboratory sampling drafts and correspondence, circa 1960
Box 165 Folder 1-9
Radiocarbon dating - La Jolla Radiocarbon Laboratory sampling drafts and correspondence, circa 1961
Box 165 Folder 10
Rains of fishes, 1951-1952
Box 165 Folder 11
Reactions to stimuli, 1951-1968
Box 165 Folder 12
Reproduction in fishes
Box 165 Folder 13
Respiration in fishes
Box 165 Folder 14
Ritter, William Emerson (essay by Tracy Storer), 1943
Box 165 Folder 15-19
San Diego Aquarium Society, 1947-1960
Box 278 Folder 10
San Diego Aquarium Society - Plans for "The Unknown Depths", 1951
Box 274 Folder 16
San Diego Aquarium Society - By-laws, 1947-1960
Box 165 Folder 20
San Diego Historical Society, 1950-1977
Box 165 Folder 21
San Diego Natural History Museum, 1938-1947
Box 166 Folder 1-3
San Diego Natural History Museum, 1948-1979
Box 166 Folder 4
San Diego Society of Natural History - Board of Directors, 1960-1979
Box 166 Folder 5-6
San Diego Society of Natural History - By-laws, 1948-1971
Box 166 Folder 7
San Diego Society of Natural History - Centennial, 1973-1974
Box 166 Folder 8-17
San Diego Society of Natural History - Committees (various), 1948-1979
Box 167 Folder 1
San Diego Society of Natural History - 1978 controversy
Box 167 Folder 2
San Diego Society of Natural History - Diamond Jubilee, 1949
Box 167 Folder 3-5
San Diego Society of Natural History - Director, 1946-1973
Box 167 Folder 6
San Diego Society of Natural History - Exhibits, 1949-1975
Box 167 Folder 7-9
San Diego Society of Natural History - Finances, grants and gifts
Box 167 Folder 10-11
San Diego Society of Natural History - Master plan, 1964-1978
Box 167 Folder 12-13
San Diego Society of Natural History - Clippings
Box 167 Folder 14-15
San Diego Society of Natural History - Staff
Box 168 Folder 1-3
San Diego Society of Natural History - Vermilion Sea field station, 1959-1974
Box 168 Folder 4
Scientific Advisory Committee on Great Lakes and Fisheries, 1940-1942
Box 168 Folder 5-9
Scripps Tuna Oceanography Research (STOR), 1957-1971
Box 168 Folder 10-13
Sea monsters - Clippings, correspondence and illustrations
Box 168 Folder 14
Sea World - Promotional materials, meeting minutes, photograph of Hubbs, and correspondence, 1963-1969
Box 169 Folder 1-5
Sea World - Promotional materials, meeting minutes, photograph of Hubbs, and correspondence, 1961 -1978
Box 169 Folder 6
Sea World Marine Park Corporation
Box 169 Folder 7-11
Society for the Study of Evolution, 1946-1970
Box 274 Folder 17
Society for the Study of Evolution - Consitution
Box 169 Folder 12
Society of Systematic Zoology, 1947-1952
Box 274 Folder 18
Society of Systematic Zoology - Legal-sized materials, 1948-1951
Box 169 Folder 13
Sexual variation of vertebrates - Notes, 1914-1928, 1946-1976
Box 169 Folder 14
Sigma Xi, 1937-1976
Box 169 Folder 15
Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center, 1966-1972
Box 169 Folder 16
Society for the Protection of Old Fishes, 1974-1979
Box 170 Folder 1-29
Society of Systematic Zoology - Correspondence, committees, meetings, circa 1945-1965
Box 170 Folder 30
Southern California Ichthyologists, 1976
Box 170 Folder 31-32
Speciation - General, 1935-1965
Box 171 Folder 1-5
Speciation - Various topics

Small subject files on ecotypic, insular, lacustrine, lepidoptera, and mammals.

Box 171 Folder 6
Species index, 1944
Box 171 Folder 7
Sport Fishing Institute, 1953
Box 171 Folder 8
Statistical methods, 1943-1966
Box 171 Folder 9
Statistical methods - Correspondence on Hubbs and Perlmutter, Biometric comparison of several samples with particular reference to racial investigations, 1934-1943

American Naturalist, v.76 (Nov/Dec 1942).

Box 171 Folder 10
Students - University of Michigan (doctorates from Fish Division), 1974
Box 171 Folder 11
Systematics - General, 1927-1973
Box 171 Folder 12-17
Systematics - Various topics, circa 1940-1973

Small subject files on criteria for vertebrate subspecies, genus concepts, group concepts, methods, morphometrics, and lectures.

Box 171 Folder 18
Television and radio - Scripts and inquiries
Box 171 Folder 19
Television and radio - World-Science Institute recorded statement transcript, 1959
Box 171 Folder 20
Television - "Meet the Professor"
Box 171 Folder 21
Television - "The Challenging Sea"
Box 171 Folder 22
Terminology, 1933-1952
Box 171 Folder 23-26
Torrey Pines Reserve, 1950-1962

Includes original proposals for the reserve.

Box 172 Folder 1-2
Torrey Pines Reserve, 1963-1968
Box 172 Folder 3
Box 172 Folder 4
US Navy, Office of Naval Research - Proposal for "Study on lanternfishes (family Myctophidae) of the Eastern Pacific", 1967-1970
Box 172 Folder 5-6
University of Alaska, 1959, 1974

Includes draft proposals for Institute of Marine Science.

Box 172 Folder 7
University of California - All-University Faculty Conferences, 1947-1948, 1960-1961
Box 172 Folder 8-10
University of California - Committee on Fish and Wildlife, 1946-1965
Box 172 Folder 11
University of California - Marine station at Bolinas, 1954
Box 172 Folder 12-16
University of California - Natural Land and Water Reserve System, 1948-1966 June
Box 173 Folder 1-14
University of California - Natural Land and Water Reserve System, 1966 July-1972 December
Box 174 Folder 1-8
University of California - Natural Land and Water Reserve System, 1973 January-1978 Sept
Box 174 Folder 9
University of California - Research grants, 1948-1974
Box 174 Folder 10
University of California, Berkeley - Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 1938-1957
Box 174 Folder 11
University of California, Davis - Fisheries, 1950-1955
Box 174 Folder 12
University of California, Los Angeles, 1946-1957
Box 174 Folder 13
University of California, Los Angeles - Faculty Research Lectures, 1953-1963
Box 174 Folder 14
University of California, Los Angeles - Fisheries, 1948-1958
Box 174 Folder 15
University of California, Los Angeles - Research Club, 1954-1973
Box 175 Folder 1
University of California, San Diego - Marine Biology program development, 1959-1960
Box 175 Folder 2
University of California, San Diego - Library Committee, 1959, 1966, 1976
Box 175 Folder 3
University of California, San Diego - Department of Oceanography, 1959-1965
Box 175 Folder 4
University of California, Santa Barbara, 1951-1979
Box 175 Folder 5
University of California, Santa Cruz, 1961-1977
Box 175 Folder 6-14
University of Michigan, 1944-1976

Assorted files on the Dept. of Zoology, the Laboratory of Vertebrate Biology, the Museum of Zoology, and the School of Natural Resources.

Box 175 Folder 15-18
Vanderbilt Foundation, 1951-1967
Box 176 Folder 1
Variation - Manuscripts, ca. 1923
Box 176 Folder 2-7
Variation - Notes, data and tables, ca. 1918-1960
Box 176 Folder 8
Variation - References
Box 176 Folder 9-12
Variation - Correspondence, 1919-1976
Box 176 Folder 13-22
Variation - Assorted sub-topics
Box 177 Folder 1-6
Variation - Assorted sub-topics
Box 177 Folder 7-20
Variation - By group

Includes files with notes on Groups 4, 8, 15, 26, 36, 37, 40, 47, 51, 55, 60, 61, 62, 64.

Box 177 Folder 21
Vision in fishes
Box 177 Folder 22-24
Western Society of Naturalists, 1919, 1945-1979

Includes files on the 1967 and 1968 meetings.

Box 177 Folder 25-26
Wildlife Society, 1936-1942
Box 178 Folder 1-6
Wildlife Society, 1943-1978
Box 178 Folder 7
X-rays of fishes (radiology), 1951-1952
Box 178 Folder 8
Zoogeography , 1958-1979
Box 178 Folder 9
ZOOACT (Zoological Action Committee), 1974-1979
Box 178 Folder 10
Zoological Record , 1948-1971

Zoological Society of San Diego

Box 178 Folder 11-13
General correspondence, 1947-1979
Box 178 Folder 14
Affiliation with the University of California, 1957-1960
Box 178 Folder 15-17
Board of Trustees minutes, 1954-1968, 1974
Box 178 Folder 18
By-laws, 1961-1964
Box 178 Folder 19
Conservation and preservation, 1962, 1967-1973
Box 178 Folder 20
Exchanges, 1956-1967
Box 178 Folder 21
Exhibit Committee and exhibits (manatee, walrus, and gorilla), 1956-1967 June
Box 179 Folder 1-7
Exhibit Committee and exhibits (manatee, walrus, and gorilla), 1967 July-1976
Box 179 Folder 8
Golden Jubilee, 1966
Box 179 Folder 9-11
Institute of Comparative Biology - Correspondence, 1962-1972
Box 179 Folder 12
Institute of Comparative Biology - Minutes, 1962-1971
Box 179 Folder 13
Master planning, 1960
Oversize Annex MC-004-03
Master planning - Rhinoceros enclosure, "deer mesa" and garden, ca. 1965
Box 179 Folder 14
Otto Educational Center, 1963-1967
Box 179 Folder 15
Primates, 1956-1966
Box 179 Folder 16
Public relations, 1954-1966
Box 179 Folder 17-18
Research Committee, 1948-1961
Box 180 Folder 1-6
Research Committee, 1962-1978
Box 180 Folder 7
Water supply, 1957-1962
Box 180 Folder 8-14
Wild Animal Park (Safari Park) development, San Pasqual Valley, 1960-1978
Box 181 Folder 1-3
Zoos, 1953-1975
Box 181 Folder 4
Zoos - Los Angeles, 1956-1966

Alaska, 1939

Box 181 Folder 5
Alaska - Printed materials, 1939

Includes Alaska Game Commission circular no. 17, Regulations relating to game land fur animals and birds in Alaska; and issue of "Alaska Life: The Territorial Magazine"; Hubbs' citations for reference material.

Oversize Annex MC-004-05
Oversize charts and figures, 1939
Box 181 Folder 6
Advisory Board, staff list of Alaska Division and Bureau organization, 1939
Box 181 Folder 7
Administration - Marine mammals, 1939

Includes reports and correspondence.

Box 181 Folder 8
Badge (Department of the Interior field representative) and travel orders, 1939
Box 181 Folder 9
Beaver-salmon relations, 1939
Box 181 Folder 10
Bell, Frank T., 1939
Box 181 Folder 11
Conferences, 1939
Box 181 Folder 12-19
Correspondence, 1939
Box 181 Folder 20
Alleged corruption, 1939
Box 181 Folder 21
Cooperation - Notes on the roles of various individuals and institutions, 1939
Box 181 Folder 22
Report on the administration of the Alaska fisheries requested by Carl L. Hubbs, 1939

Includes "Cyclic changes in time of Southeast Alaska pink salmon runs" by Davidson and Vaughan.

Box 182 Folder 1
Field diaries, 1939 June-September
Box 182 Folder 2
Field diary, 1939 October 24-28
Box 182 Folder 3
Field notes, 1939
Box 182 Folder 4
Fish culture notes, 1939
Box 182 Folder 5
Material from William Erskine, 1939
Box 182 Folder 6
Game fish problems and Hubbs report, 1939
Box 182 Folder 7
Gear controversies, 1939
Box 182 Folder 8
Material from J. N. Gilbert, 1939
Box 182 Folder 9
Herring problems, 1939
Box 182 Folder 10
Higgins, Elmer. Progress in biological inquiries, 1938
Box 182 Folder 11
Individuals indirectly connected with Alaskan fisheries, 1939
Box 182 Folder 12
Japanese activity, 1939
Box 182 Folder 13
Itinerary - Correspondence, 1939
Box 274 Folder 19
Labor problems, 1939
Box 182 Folder 14
Map with annotations showing canneries, fisheries, etc., 1939
Box 182 Folder 15
Native welfare and fisheries, 1939
Box 182 Folder 16
Material from Earl Ohmer, 1939
Box 182 Folder 17
Photographs and negatives, 1939
Box 182 Folder 18
Political control, 1939
Box 182 Folder 19
Pollution, 1939
Box 182 Folder 20-21
Predator control - Notes and reports, 1939

Includes photograph, as well as reports by Hubbs, A. J. Sprague, A. D. Hess, and C. Banta. Report by Hubbs titled "Predator control in relation to fish management in Alaska."

Box 182 Folder 22
Predator control - Correspondence, 1939
Box 182 Folder 23
Predator control - Regulation, permits and personnel, 1939

Includes Service Directory from the United States Department of the Interior.

Box 182 Folder 24
Predator control - Dolly Varden, Newhalen River trout caught for bounty, photographs, 1939
Box 182 Folder 25
Pribilof Islands, administration, 1939
Box 183 Folder 1
Personnel problems of the Bureau of Fisheries, 1939
Box 183 Folder 2
Regulation & Enforcement Test, 1939
Box 183 Folder 3
Reports - Preliminary report on the administration of the Alaska Fisheries, 1939 November 30
Box 183 Folder 4-7
Reports - Report to Secretary of the Interior on malfeasance and corruption in the Bureau of Fisheries, ca. 1939
Box 183 Folder 8-14
Report drafts - Handwritten and typed, 1939
Box 184 Folder 1-3
Report drafts - Installments, 1939
Box 184 Folder 4
Report drafts - Exhibits, 1939
Box 184 Folder 5
Salmon industry, 1939
Box 184 Folder 6
Salmon industrialists, 1939
Box 184 Folder 7
Sanitation, 1939
Box 184 Folder 8
Sardine problems, 1939
Box 184 Folder 9
Scientific staff, 1939
Box 184 Folder 10
Stream improvement, 1939
Box 184 Folder 11
Fisheries Technological Laboratory, 1939
Box 184 Folder 12
Territorial interest, 1939
Box 184 Folder 1314
Utilization of wastes, 1939
Box 184 Folder 15
Walrus, 1939
Box 184 Folder 16
Wingard, Lemuel G., 1939
Box 184 Folder 17
Yukon & Kuskokwim opening, 1939
Box 184 Folder 18-53
Testimony collected during Hubbs' investigation, in chronological order, 1939 June-July 31
Box 185 Folder 1-50
Testimony collected during Hubbs' investigation, in chronological order, 1940 June-October


Box 185 Folder 51
General, 1946-1981
Box 186 Folder 1-6
California State Fisheries Laboratory - Aircraft spotting flights, 1954-1969
Box 186 Folder 7
Dingell-Johnson Project, 1952-1966
Box 186 Folder 8-9
Marine Life Research (MRL), fisheries cruises, miscellaneous vessels, 1952-1972

Includes cruise reports.

Box 186 Folder 10-11
Marine Research Committee (MRC), 1948-1963, 1976
Box 186 Folder 12
Oceanic conferences, 1954-1956
Box 186 Folder 13
Oregon Pilchard Fishery, ca.1948
Box 187 Folder 1-11
Sardine conferences, 1947-1953, 1957-1962
Box 187 Folder 12-17
Ship operation schedule, 1950-1956
Box 188 Folder 1-5
Ship operation schedule, 1957-1962

CalCOFI Cruises

Box 188 Folder 6-13
Preliminary cruise reports, 1952-1962
Box 189 Folder 1-5
Cruises, 1957-1972
Box 189 Folder 6-11
California State Fisheries Laboratory Cruises, M/V Alaska, 1958-1973
Box 189 Folder 12-16
R/V Alaska, 1974-1979
Box 190 Folder 1
R/V Alexander Agassiz, 1962-1972
Box 190 Folder 2-3
F&WS Black Douglas, 1949-1965
Box 190 Folder 4
R/V Bluefin, 1976-1977
Box 190 Folder 5
M/V Constitution, 1957-1959
Box 190 Folder 6
R/V David Starr Jordan, 1966-1971
Box 190 Folder 7
R/V Ellen B. Scripps, 1967
Box 190 Folder 8
Judy R. (charter), 1978
Box 190 Folder 9-12
R/V Kelp Bass, 1973-1979
Box 190 Folder 13-16
M/V Mollusk & Nautilus, 1956-1970
Box 190 Folder 17
M/V Mollusk, 1974-1979
Box 190 Folder 18-19
M/V N.B. Scofield, 1950-1957
Box 191 Folder 1-4
M/V N.B. Scofield, 1957-1976
Box 191 Folder 5
R/V Nautilus, 1978-1979
Box 191 Folder 6
R/V Oconostota, 1979
Box 191 Folder 7
M/V Truth, 1977
Box 191 Folder 8
M/V Vagabond, 1977
Box 191 Folder 8-11
M/V Yellowfin, 1950-1955
Box 191 Folder 12
P/B Yellowtail, 1974

Conservation and Preservation

Box 191 Folder 13-15
General - References, newspaper clippings, and correspondence, 1927-1978
Box 191 Folder 16
Marine reserves, 1950-1979
Box 191 Folder 17-19
Marine Reserves Advisory Board, 1962-1974
Box 192 Folder 1
Marine Reserves, La Jolla Underwater Park, San Diego, 1961-1976
Box 192 Folder 2
Medals, World Mint Associates, 1970
Box 192 Folder 3
Natural Resources Study Group (Irvine), 1969
Box 192 Folder 4
Poisoning, general, 1952-1999
Box 192 Folder 5-17
Poisoning for fish eradication, 1959-1976
Box 193 Folder 1
Poisoning for fish eradication, Salmon Falls drainage, 1972-1973
Box 193 Folder 2-7
Rare and endangered species, 1942-1979
Box 193 Folder 8
Reports - Cookbook for recovery teams: An unofficial guide or reference for recovery team members and advisors, 1976
Box 193 Folder 9
Reports - Department of Fish and Game, Prohibited and Protected Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles Committee, 1974
Box 193 Folder 10
Tyler Ecology Award, 1974-1977

Includes draft of letter of congratulations to Eugene P. Odum.

Box 193 Folder 11
Wilderness Bill, 1956-1964

Includes correspondence with Philip Burton, Hubert H. Humphrey, Thomas H. Kuchel, John P. Saylor, and Bob Wilson.


Box 193 Folder 12
Africa, 1960-1971
Box 193 Folder 13
Alaska, 1964-1979
Box 193 Folder 14
Amargosa River, California, 1971-1974
Box 193 Folder 15
Año Nuevo Island, California, 1962-1963
Box 193 Folder 16
Anza-Borrego Desert, California, 1968-1979
Box 193 Folder 17
Aravaipa Canyon, Arizona, 1967-1974
Box 193 Folder 18
Baja California, 1947-1976
Box 193 Folder 19
Buena Vista Lagoon, California, 1963-1977
Box 193 Folder 20
California, 1945-1979
Box 194 Folder 1
California desert, 1969-1978
Box 194 Folder 2
Channel Islands, California, 1957-1978
Box 194 Folder 3
Colorado River, 1962-1979
Box 194 Folder 4
Death Valley, California, 1955-1979
Box 194 Folder 5
Ewing Preserve, Rancho Santa Fe, 1964-1972
Box 194 Folder 6
Ezell's Cave, Texas, 1968-1969
Box 194 Folder 7
Florida, 1942-1979
Box 194 Folder 8
Galápagos Islands, 1955-1977
Box 194 Folder 9
Guadalupe Island, Mexico, 1963-1965
Box 194 Folder 10
Hancock Park, Los Angeles, 1961-1962
Box 194 Folder 11
Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 1944-1946
Box 194 Folder 12
Kentucky, 1944-1946
Box 194 Folder 13
Laguna Mountains, San Diego County, 1974-1975
Box 194 Folder 14
La Jolla, 1967-1977
Box 194 Folder 15
Mexico, 1956-1978
Box 194 Folder 16
Michigan, 1966-1976
Box 194 Folder 17
Missouri, 1974
Box 194 Folder 18
Mono Lake, California, 1972-1979
Box 194 Folder 19
Montana, 1965
Box 194 Folder 20
Mugu Lagoon, California, 1961-1972
Box 194 Folder 21
Nevada, 1968-1973
Box 194 Folder 22
Newport Bay, California, 1964-1979
Box 194 Folder 23
Palau, 1976-1978
Box 194 Folder 24
San Clemente Island, California, 1974-1979
Box 194 Folder 25
San Diego Bay, 1965-1977
Box 194 Folder 26
San Diego County, 1944-1979
Box 194 Folder 27
San Francisco Bay, California, 1967-1975
Box 194 Folder 28
San Gorgonio Wilderness, California, 1947-1965
Box 194 Folder 29
San Jacinto Wild Area, California, 1950-1960
Box 194 Folder 30
San Marcos River, Texas, 1967
Box 195 Folder 1
Santa Cruz Island, California, 1978
Box 195 Folder 2-3
Scammon's Lagoon (Ojo de Liebre Lagoon), Baja California, 1969-1973
Box 195 Folder 4
Stanford University, California, 1950
Box 195 Folder 5
Tennessee River, 1978-1979
Box 195 Folder 6
Tijuana Slough, San Diego County, 1972-1978
Box 195 Folder 7
Virgin Islands, 1958-1960


Box 195 Folder 8
Fishes - General, 1963-1979
Box 195 Folder 9
Colorado Squaw fish, 1976-1979
Box 195 Folder 10
Desert fishes - General, 1966-1970
Box 195 Folder 11-15
Desert fishes - Correspondence, 1952-1979
Box 195 Folder 16
Gambusia, 1976-1977
Box 195 Folder 17
Moapa dace, 1978
Box 195 Folder 18
Salmon, general - Newspaper clippings and correspondence, 1945-1970
Box 196 Folder 1-3
Salmon, Cowlitz River - Notes, newspaper clippings, drawings, correspondence, and reports, 1948-1952

Includes: "Fish and power: We can have both" by L. F. Harza, and well as various statements and testimonies.

Box 196 Folder 4
Salmon, Cowlitz River - Accounts, consultation fees, 1950-1951
Box 196 Folder 5
Salmon, Cowlitz River - Washington Department of Fisheries (WDF) and Washington Department of Game (WDG), A report on the fisheries problems in development of the Cowlitz River, 1948

Report prepared for hearing on 1948 November 18.

Box 196 Folder 6
Salmon, Cowlitz River - Cowlitz Power Development drawings submitted to Federal Power Commission, 1950
Box 196 Folder 7
Salmon, Cowlitz River - City of Tacoma, WA, fish barrier plans, 1950 December 20
Box 196 Folder 8
Salmon, Cowlitz River - City of Tacoma, WA, Department of Public Utilities, A survey report of the Cowlitz River with special reference to fish passing facilities at proposed dam sites, 1950 October 27

Report written by W.L. Strunk Carl L. Hubbs.

Box 196 Folder 9-17
Salmon, Cowlitz River - Briefs and supporting materials in the matter of City of Tacoma, WA, project no. 2016, before the Federal Power Commission, 1951
Box 197 Folder 1-3
Salmon, Cowlitz River - Briefs and supporting materials in the matter of City of Tacoma, WA, project no. 2016, before the Federal Power Commission, 1951
Box 197 Folder 4
Snail darter, 1975-1979
Box 197 Folder 5-8
Stickleback, 1972-1979
Box 197 Folder 9
Trout, 1964-1977

Amphibians and Reptiles

Box 197 Folder 10
Amphibians and reptiles - General, 1964-1979
Box 197 Folder 11
Alligators and crocodiles, 1967-1979
Box 197 Folder 12
Desert tortoises, 1973-1984
Box 197 Folder 13
Sea turtles, 1961-1978

Birds (Aves)

Box 197 Folder 14
Birds - General, 1954-1978
Box 197 Folder 15
California condor, 1953-1978
Box 197 Folder 16
Eagles, 1976-1979
Box 197 Folder 17
Least tern, 1969-1978
Box 197 Folder 18
Pelicans, 1969-1977


Box 197 Folder 19
Mammals - General, 1955-1979
Box 198 Folder 1-2
Whales, 1966-1979
Box 198 Folder 5
Killer whales, 1976
Box 198 Folder 4-5
Gray whales, 1966-1978
Box 198 Folder 6
Fur seal (Guadalupe), 1955-1977
Box 198 Folder 7
Marine mammals, 1956-1979
Box 198 Folder 8
Pinnipedia, 1964-1972
Box 198 Folder 9-10
Porpoise-tuna problem, 1972-1979
Box 198 Folder 11
Sea otter, 1965-1978
Box 198 Folder 12
Seals, 1966-1978
Box 198 Folder 13-14
Tule elk, 1960-1979

Expeditions and Trips

Box 199 Folder 1-4
Expeditions and trips - General, 1947-1977
Box 199 Folder 5
Pawnee, 1926-1945
Box 199 Folder 6-8
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Correspondence to Laura Clark Hubbs, 1929 March 27-1929 September 20
Box 199 Folder 9
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Carl L. Hubbs Notebook, 1929
Box 199 Folder 10
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Calling cards received by Carl L. Hubbs in Japan, 1929
Box 199 Folder 11
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Photographs, original prints, 1929
Box 199 Folder 12
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Photograph, Surugawan Marine Biological Laboratory, Suruga Bay, Japan, 1929
Box 199 Folder 13
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Photographs, 1929
Box 199 Folder 14
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Postcards, from C. Ishikawa, 1931
Box 199 Folder 15
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Postcards from Java and Japan, 1929
Box 199 Folder 16
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan - Newspaper clippings and printed material, undated
Box 199 Folder 17
Golfo de California (Gulf of California), R/V E.W. Scripps, 1938
Box 199 Folder 18
San Nicolas Island Expedition - Notes by Loye H. Miller, 1938
Box 199 Folder 19
Western Trip - Notebook, 1942
Box 199 Folder 20
Mexico, Loye H. Miller, 1946 February
Box 200 Folder 1-4
Cruise of the Zaca, 1946 August-1948,1950-1954,1973,1975
Box 200 Folder 5
Cruise of the Zaca - Newspaper clippings, 1946-1980
Box 274 Folder 20
Cruise of the Zaca - Legal-sized materials
Box 200 Folder 6
San Felipe, Mexico, 1947
Box 200 Folder 7
Operation Hubbs inshore temperature survey, 1949
Box 200 Folder 8
U.S.S. Albatross, 1950-1965

Includes "Recollections of an early oceanographic cruise on U.S.S. Albatross" by Loye H. Miller, as well as station locations from earlier years.

Box 200 Folder 9
Pioneer (Vanderbilt yacht), Pacific Equatorial Expedition, 1951
Box 200 Folder 10
Galathea Expedition, 1951-1952
Box 200 Folder 11
Northern Holiday Expedition, 1951-1956
Box 200 Folder 12
M/V Paolina-T - Marine life observations by Robert L. Wisner, 1951 March
Box 200 Folder 13
Shellback Expedition, 1952-1953
Box 200 Folder 14
Los Coronados (Coronado Islands), Baja California, Mexico - Thomas R. Howell's Ornithology Class, 1952-1969
Box 200 Folder 15
TransPac Expedition, 1952-1954
Box 200 Folder 16
Capricorn Expedition, 1953
Box 200 Folder 17
Pelagic Area Studies, 1954-1955
Box 200 Folder 18
American Arctic Expedition, 1955
Box 200 Folder 19
American Polar Basin Expedition, 1955
Box 200 Folder 20
Eastropic Expedition, 1955-1956

Includes memorandum, records of fish and birds, and plankton data.

Box 200 Folder 21
Eastropic Expedition, Guadalupe Island - Log of air trip, 1956 August 1-2
Box 200 Folder 22
Expedition to Mexico, 1956 September

Includes handwritten and typed log of plane trip.

Box 200 Folder 23
UNESCO Galápagos, 1957

Correspondence with Robert I. Bowman regarding transportation arrangements.

Box 201 Folder 1-4
Guadalupe Island, Mexico, M/V Paolina-T, 1957-1958
Box 201 Folder 5
Clipperton Island, 1956-1972
Box 201 Folder 6
Scot Expedition, 1958

Correspondence regarding nekton samples.

Box 201 Folder 7
Guadalupe Island, Mexico, 1958 April 21-May 2
Box 201 Folder 8
Dolphin Expedition, R/V Horizon, 1958 March-May

Includes memorandum and press release.

Box 201 Folder 9
Europe - Notebook, 1958 July-September
Box 201 Folder 10
Gulf of California, 1959
Box 201 Folder 11
Naga Expedition, 1959-1966
Box 201 Folder 12
Tethys Expedition, 1960
Box 201 Folder 13
San Quintin, Baja California, 1960
Box 201 Folder 14
Monsoon Expedition, 1958-1961
Box 201 Folder 15
Hilo, Hawaii expedition, 1962

Memorandum from Keith W. Radford regarding equipment.

Box 201 Folder 16
Bahia de Los Angeles, Mexico, 1962 April 17-30
Box 201 Folder 17
Guadalupe Island, 1963 April 18-29
Box 201 Folder 18
Japan, 1963 July-1964 March
Box 201 Folder 19
San Diego Trough, 1963 October 31-November 1
Box 201 Folder 20
Japan - Travel diary, 1963 November 15-December 7
Box 201 Folder 21-22
Magdalena Bay, Baja California, 1964 January-1966
Box 202 Folder 1-2
Guadalupe Island, Mexico, 1964 November 21-28, February 27-March 8 1965
Box 202 Folder 3-5
Baja California, MV 65-I and MV 65-II, 1964 December-1965 September
Box 202 Folder 6
San Clemente, California, MV 65-III, 1965 September
Box 202 Folder 7
South East Pacific Biological and Oceanographical Program, R/V Anton Brunn, MV 65-IV, 1965 November
Box 202 Folder 8
Guadalupe Island, Mexico, MV 66-I, 1966 March 29-April 8
Box 278 Folder 11
Guadalupe Island, Mexico, MV 66-I - Charts and positioning sheets, 1966 March-April
Box 202 Folder 9-11
U.S. Navy Operation Chase V, MV 66-II, 1965-1967
Box 278 Folder 13
U.S. Navy Operation Chase V, MV 66-II, 1965-1967
Box 202 Folder 12
San Diego, California, MV 66-III, 1966 December
Box 202 Folder 13
Amazon Basin, R/V Alpha Helix, 1967-1968
Box 202 Folder 14-16
Baja California and Guadalupe Island, Mexico, MV 67-IA and B, 1966 October- 1968
Box 203 Folder 1
Central California, MV 67-II, R/V Thomas Washington, 1967 June 8-20
Box 203 Folder 2-5
Gulf of California, MV 68-I, R/V Thomas Washington, 1967 May-1969
Box 278 Folder 12
Gulf of California, MV 68-I, R/V Thomas Washington - Charts and Geophysical Data Records (GDR), 1968 January
Box 203 Folder 6
Guadalupe Island and San Clemente, MV 68-II and MV 68-III, R/V Velero IV, 1968
Box 203 Folder 7
Guadalupe Island, Mexico, MV 69-I, 1969 February 14-20

Includes preliminary report by Hubbs.

Box 203 Folder 8
Gulf of California, MV 69-II, R/V Velero IV, 1969 February
Box 203 Folder 9
Baja California, MV 69-IV, 1969 April
Box 203 Folder 10
MV 69-V (cancelled expedition), 1969 May
Box 203 Folder 11
San Diego, California, MV 69-VI, 1969 December
Box 277 Folder 8
Baja California, MV 69-VI - Hand drawn chart, 1969
Box 203 Folder 12
Baja California, MV 70-I and MV 70-IV, 1969-1971
Box 203 Folder 13
Guadalupe Island, Mexico, MV 70-I, 1970
Box 203 Folder 14
Coronado Islands, MV 70-II, 1970 February-March
Box 203 Folder 15
Guadalupe Island, Mexico, R/V Alpha Helix, 1970 February 25-March 23
Box 203 Folder 16-18
Baja California Islands, MV 70-IV, 1969-1970 August
Box 204 Folder 1
Operation Blind Spot, Gulf of California - Proposal, 1970 June
Box 204 Folder 2
Africa, 1970 September
Box 204 Folder 3-5
Baja California, MV 71-I, 1970-1971 July
Box 204 Folder 6
Australia and South Africa, 1971 August
Box 204 Folder 7
San Diego, California, 1971 October
Box 204 Folder 8
South Tow, Chile and Peru, 1972 April
Box 204 Folder 9-10
Gulf of Tehuantepec and Gulf of California, MV 73-I, 1972-1973 July
Box 278 Folder 13
Gulf of Tehuantepec and Gulf of California, MV 73-I - Charts, 1973 March-May
Box 274 Folder 21
Galápagos Islands, 1973
Box 204 Folder 11
Los Coronados (Coronado Islands), Baja California, Mexico, 1974 March 11

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Box 204 Folder 12
Scripps Institution of Oceanography - General, 1945-1973

Includes memoranda for division heads, Regents meeting materials, colloquium materials, and annual report suggestions. Also includes manuscript by Hubbs titled "Accomplishments and functions of Scripps Institution of Oceanography" and transcript from KCBS radio broadcast #2926, U. E. 1186, titled "Secrets of the sea."

Box 204 Folder 13
Aquarium observation notes, 1954
Box 204 Folder 14-15
Building Committee, Thomas Wayland Vaughan Aquarium Museum - Planning, 1947-1970
Box 204 Folder 16
Building Committee, Thomas Wayland Vaughan Aquarium Museum - Building dedication, 1951 March 26
Box 204 Folder 17-18
Budget Committee, 1945-1959
Box 204 Folder 19-20
Budgets, Marine Vertebrates Division, 1944-1974

Includes budgets for the Marine Vertebrates Division.

Box 205 Folder 1
Budgets and grants, Marine Life Research (MLR) Program, 1962-1971
Box 205 Folder 2
Building Committee - Meeting minutes and memoranda, 1945-1962
Box 205 Folder 3
Cars for field work, 1951-1961
Box 205 Folder 4-8
Charter Day, 1952,1954-1957
Box 205 Folder 9
Class notes, Marine Vertebrates, 1946-1947
Box 205 Folder 10
Class notes, Oceanography 220, 1948
Box 205 Folder 11-12
Class notes, Oceanography 114, Marine Invertebrates, 1948-1965
Box 205 Folder 13
Class notes, Marine Biology 200, Seminar in Advanced Ichthyology, 1961-1962
Box 205 Folder 14
Class notes, Marine Vertebrates, field trip to Guadalupe Island, Mexico, 1965

Notes and observations by students.

Box 205 Folder 15
Committees, general, 1948-1959, 1968, 1970
Box 205 Folder 16
Contribution series prepared by the Library and Editorial Committee, 1946-1973
Box 205 Folder 17
Curriculum Committee, 1948-1961
Box 205 Folder 18
Director selection, 1947-1964

Includes correspondence with Harald Sverdrup, Robert G. Sproul, and Clark Kerr, as well as an address made by Sverdrup in connection to the 1947 Charter Day celebration.

Box 205 Folder 19
Educational policy, 1954, 1960
Box 205 Folder 20
Ewing Garden and Memorial, 1964-1968
Box 205 Folder 21
Faculty meetings, 1958-1961

By-laws and meeting minutes, many under the heading of UC La Jolla.

Box 206 Folder 1
Fisheries Laboratory, 1960
Box 206 Folder 2
History of Scripps Institution of Oceanography research activities in Mexico, ca. 1973
Box 278 Folder 14
Kendal-Frost Mission Bay Marine Reserve - Plans, 1968 February 14
Box 206 Folder 3-4
Library, 1949-1971
Box 206 Folder 5
Marine Biology Division, 1955-1963
Box 206 Folder 6-7
Marine Vertebrates Division, 1946-1970
Box 206 Folder 8
Marine Vertebrates Division - Space, 1955-1973
Box 206 Folder 9
Marine Zooplankton Collection, 1965
Box 206 Folder 10
Personnel - Curators, 1956-1962
Box 206 Folder 11
Pier Committee, 1949-1956

Includes observation log.

Box 206 Folder 12-14
Public relations and lectures, 1947-1965
Box 206 Folder 15
Reorganization, 1951-1963
Box 206 Folder 15-16
Rockefeller Faculty Committee - General, invertebrate ecology, 1955-1957
Box 207 Folder 1-5
Rockefeller Faculty Committee - Microbial biochemist, physiology, and miscellaneous fields, 1955-1957
Box 207 Folder 6-11
Rockefeller Grant - Proposed development of marine biology at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1953-1959
Box 207 Folder 12
Rockefeller Postdoctoral Fellowship applicants, 1955-1959
Box 208 Folder 1
Salt water system, 1953-1958
Box 208 Folder 2
Scientific collections, 1953-1974
Box 208 Folder 3
Scientific collections - Thomas Wayland Vaughan coral specimens, 1949, 1952
Box 208 Folder 4
Ships, 1946-1970
Box 208 Folder 5-8
Robert G. Sproul's 25th Anniversary celebration Symposium on Biology, 1956-1957
Box 208 Folder 9
Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik - Tribute, 1947-1949

Correspondence regarding Anniversary volume of Journal of Marine Research and bust in tribute to Sverdrup.

Box 208 Folder 10
Symposium on Perspectives in Marine Biology, 1955-1956
Box 208 Folder 11-14
Visiting investigators - Correspondence by surname (A-B)
Box 209
Visiting investigators - Correspondence by surname (C-L)
Box 210
Visiting investigators - Correspondence by surname (M-Z)

Surface Temperature Studies

Box 211 Folder 1
Application for individual research grant, 1952
Box 211 Folder 2-5
Correspondence, 1956-1977
Box 211 Folder 6
Airborne sea surface, 1963-1972
Box 211 Folder 7
Marine Life Research (MRL) - Correspondence, 1951
Box 211 Folder 8
Marine Life Research (MRL), 1952-1955
Box 211 Folder 9-12
Operation Coldspot - Temperature logs and data, notes, and correspondence, 1949-1955

Aka "Operation Hubbs."

Box 211 Folder 13
Temperature records, 1948
Box 274 Folder 22
Temperature records - Grid, 1946-1962
Box 277 Folder 9
Temperature records - Charts, 1957 February
Box 211 Folder 14
Thermometers, 1949-1953
Box 212 Folder 1
West Coast - Baja California - General data, 1952-1965
Box 212 Folder 2
West Coast - Baja California, Punta Banda - Notes and correspondence, 1951-1959
Box 277 Folder 13
West Coast - Baja California, Punta Banda - Charts, 1959 August-September
Box 212 Folder 3
West Coast - Baja California - Temperature runs, 1951-1959

Includes detailed driving file with instructions on locating coastal temperature stations, road conditions, and landmarks between San Diego and Punta Baja, with photographs of the coastline and landscape.

Box 212 Folder 4-5
West Coast - Baja California - Temperature runs - Photographs, circa 1950
Box 212 Folder 6-20
West Coast - Baja California - Temperature records, 1948-1962
Box 213 Folder 1-9
West Coast - Baja California - Temperature logs of specific stations, 1955-1968

Includes incomplete data logs from: Arbolitos, Bahia de los Angeles, Cabo Colnett, Guadalupe Island, Punta Baja, Rincon, San Quentin, Santa Maria Skyranch, and Santo Tomás.

Box 277 Folder 10
West Coast - Baja California - Temperature charts from Arbolitos, station 16E, 1955-1962
Box 213 Folder 10
West Coast - California and Washington, 1955
Box 213 Folder 11-16
West Coast - California, La Jolla, SIO pier, 1951-1984
Box 214 Folder 1
West Coast - California, La Jolla (not SIO pier), 1952, 1959
Box 214 Folder 2-4
West Coast - California, Monterey Bay to Morro Rock, 1951-1965
Box 214 Folder 5
West Coast - California, Pacific Grove, 1919-1926, 1955, 1959
Box 214 Folder 6
West Coast - California, San Francisco to Santa Cruz, 1951-1954
Box 214 Folder 7
West Coast - California, Santa Cruz to Pt. Sur, 1952-1954
Box 214 Folder 8
West Coast - Oregon, 1940-1972
Box 214 Folder 9
"The Northward occurrence of Southern forms" - Correspondence and research related to manuscript, 1925-1929
Box 214 Folder 10
"Changes in the fish fauna correlated with ocean temperature" - Correspondence for Sverdrup Anniversary Number article, 1948
Box 214 Folder 11-15
Notes, data and summaries, 1942-1952
Box 214 Folder 16
UC/SIO unofficial reports: Daily surface water temperatures and salinities at shore stations in Oregon, Washington, California and Baja California (coverage varies), 1934-1961

Data compiled by Margaret K. Robinson.

Box 277 Folder 11
UC/SIO unofficial reports: Daily surface water temperatures and salinities at shore stations in Oregon, Washington, California and Baja California, 1964 - Oversized, 1965
Box 277 Folder 12
UC/SIO unofficial reports: Daily surface water temperatures and salinities at shore stations in Oregon, Washington, California and Baja California, 1971 - Oversized, 1972
Box 214 Folder 17
Research references
Oversize Annex MC-004-04
Charts and data, ca. 1950-1970
Oversize Annex MC-004-01
Charts and data - Operation Coldspot, 1949

Field notebooks - Original temperature data observations

Box 215 Folder 1
Book 1, 1948-1950
Box 215 Folder 2
Book 2, 1950-1952
Box 215 Folder 3
Book 3, 1952-1954
Box 215 Folder 4

Data by A. A. Allanson.

Box 215 Folder 5
Box 215 Folder 6
SIO to Punta Baja, 1955-1957
Box 215 Folder 7
1955, 1958, 1959 March
Box 215 Folder 8
Box 215 Folder 9
Box 215 Folder 10
Box 215 Folder 11
"Chemical tests" by John Page, with temperature data from Arbolitos, 1959 August-September
Box 215 Folder 12
Punta Banda, 1958-1959
Box 215 Folder 13
SIO to Punta Baja, 1961 October


Scope and Content of Series

Series 5) CORRESPONDENCE: Twenty-five boxes of correspondence, arranged alphabetically by folder title (usually the surname of the correspondent, though occasionally the title of the folder is the name of an individual being discussed in the letters therein). Most of this material was originally part of Hubbs's subject files, where it was somewhat hidden under the headings "Biographic" and "Publications." The "Biographic" folders typically contained correspondence with the person who is named on the folder. "Publications" consisted of correspondence regarding or mentioning publications – any publication, whether it was an article by Hubbs, or a writing by someone else, also arranged by surname. Since Hubbs was a prolific writer, editor, and reprint collector, this is a substantial grouping of several boxes of interesting correspondence with people he wrote to regularly.

While voluminous, this series is not inclusive of all Hubbs's correspondence. The Hubbs' attempted to interfile most of his correspondence into the SUBJECT FILES and two MARINE LIFE series by the main topic of each letter. This makes it fairly straightforward to locate material in those other series by subject, but very difficult to locate correspondence by date or author, or to see all the correspondence from one individual. If a correspondent is well-represented in this series, that person may well have additional letters to Hubbs filed in other parts of collection based on what Hubbs determined was the main subject of other letters. For example, Carl Hubbs and Robert Rush Miller first corresponded in 1937 when Miller wished to become Hubbs' field assistant and made arrangements to join Hubbs on a desert field trip. Hubbs filed this correspondence in the Marine Life series under "Fishes, Western North America Freshwater, Correspondence," as the letters include some information on the specimens they collected on the trip. Correspondence exchanged by Hubbs and Errol Flynn concerning their 1948 cruise to Baja California on the yacht Zaca is also filed in a Marine Life series under "West Coast Localities, Mexico, Baja California: San Ignacio Lagoon."

Folders contain both ingoing and outgoing correspondence, as well as some material from other sources. For example, Hubbs acquired some letters of Carl H. Eigenmann and Rosa Smith Eigenmann from their daughter when he wrote a biography of the latter. He filed these letters under "Biographic - Eigenmann," and they are now in this series. Hubbs was also given some correspondence from SIO Diving Officer Conrad Limbaugh after Limbaugh's death in 1960, and material that wasn't separated out for the Limbaugh Papers (SMC 86) may be found here. The first subseries begins with a log of Hubbs's outgoing correspondence.

Arranged in two subseries: A) A-Z, and B) Publications-Related Correspondence.


Box 216 Folder 1-8
Record log of outgoing correspondence, 1948-1984
Box 217 Folder 1
Box 217 Folder 2
Abe, Takiharu, 1977-1982
Box 217 Folder 3
Abul-Ela, Ibrahim, 1948
Box 217 Folder 4-6
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1949-1978

Correspondence re: general matters, the aquarium, and Leidy Award.

Box 217 Folder 7
Academy of Zoology (India), 1957-1962
Box 217 Folder 8
Acapulco News, 1965
Box 217 Folder 9
Adams, L. A., 1939
Box 217 Folder 10
Agassiz, Louis, 1951-1955
Box 217 Folder 11
Ahlstrom, Elbert H., 1966-1979
Box 217 Folder 12
Akihito (Crown Prince of Japan), 1964-1976

Includes photographs of the royal family.

Box 217 Folder 13-14
Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California (USC), 1937-1978
Box 217 Folder 15
Allanson, Audley A., 1950-1959
Box 217 Folder 16
Allee, W. C., 1948-1957
Box 217 Folder 17
Allison, Edwin C., 1971
Box 217 Folder 18
Alm, Gunnar, 1962-1963
Box 217 Folder 19
American Association for the Advancement of Science - Executive Committee, 1950-1978
Box 217 Folder 20
American Association for the Advancement of Science - Science (journal), 1947-1953
Box 217 Folder 21-30
American Association for the Advancement of Science - Pacific Division (meetings and planning correspondence), 1946-1965
Box 218 Folder 1
American Cetacean Society, 1968-1977
Box 218 Folder 2
American Fisheries Society, 1940-1978
Box 218 Folder 3
American Fisheries Society - Committee on Common and Scientific Names of Fishes, 1939-1978
Box 218 Folder 4
American Heritage Research, 1974-1975
Box 218 Folder 5-10
American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1949-1965

Includes general correspondence, materials on meetings, the Committee on Handbook of Biological Data, the Committee on Hydrobiology, and Symposium on Elasmobranchs.

Box 218 Folder 11-12
American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists, 1960-1977
Box 218 Folder 13
American Malacological Union, 1951-1957
Box 218 Folder 14
American Museum of Natural History, 1942-1971
Box 218 Folder 15
American Museum of Natural History - Bibliography of Fishes, 1963-1973
Box 218 Folder 16-17
American Naturalist - Editorial Board, 1941-1947
Box 218 Folder 18
American Ornithologists Union, 1946-1948
Box 218 Folder 19
American Quaternary Association, 1970
Box 218 Folder 20-21
American Society of Mammalogists, 1965-1980
Box 218 Folder 22-23
American Society of Zoologists, 1961-1976
Box 219 Folder 1
Andrews, E. W. IV, 1962-1971
Box 219 Folder 2
Arai, Hisao, 1954-1960
Box 219 Folder 3
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 1957-1969
Box 219 Folder 4
Aron, William, 1961
Box 219 Folder 5
Arthur, David K., 1948-1956
Box 219 Folder 6
Ashley, Laurence M., 1951-1955
Box 219 Folder 7
Associates in Tropical Biogeography, 1942-1953
Box 219 Folder 8
Austin, Thomas S., 1951-1952
Box 219 Folder 9
Australian Museum (Sydney), 1936-1970
Box 219 Folder 10
Avila, Enrique, 1969-1971
Box 219 Folder 11
Axelrod, Glen S., 1978
Box 219 Folder 12
B - Miscellaneous
Box 219 Folder 13
Bailey, Reeve M., 1944-1975
Box 219 Folder 14
Ball, Orville P., Jr., 1950-1964
Box 219 Folder 15
Banarescu, Petru M., 1975-1978
Box 219 Folder 16
Banasopit, Thien, 1964
Box 219 Folder 17
Banks, Richard (US National Museum), 1969-1970

Includes correspondence with Leon Croizat.

Box 219 Folder 18
Barbour, Clyde D., 1971
Box 219 Folder 19
Barham, Eric G. (press release), 1973
Box 219 Folder 20
Barlow, George H., 1954-1975
Box 219 Folder 21
Barnhart, Spencer, 1951-1952
Box 219 Folder 22
Barraclough, W.E., 1948-1952
Box 219 Folder 23
Barsukov, V.V., 1975
Box 219 Folder 24
Bartholomew, George, 1972
Box 219 Folder 25
Baruch Foundation, 1965-1969
Box 219 Folder 26
Bauchot, M.L., 1975
Box 219 Folder 27
Baughman, J. L., 1947-1949
Box 219 Folder 28
Bauman, Aden C., 1945
Box 219 Folder 29
Baxter, Dow, 1947-1966
Box 219 Folder 30-31
Beaudette Foundation, 1964-1965
Box 219 Folder 32
Beckman, William, 1944-1957
Box 219 Folder 33
Berdegue, Julio, 1953-1957
Box 219 Folder 34
Berg, L.S., 1937-1979
Box 219 Folder 35
Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Honolulu, 1952-1978
Box 219 Folder 36
Berra, Tim (re: William Beebe), 1972-1978
Box 219 Folder 37
Berry, Frederick H., 1959-1962
Box 219 Folder 38
Bergin, Thomas, 1976-1968
Box 219 Folder 39
Berkson, Harold, 1959-1963
Box 219 Folder 40
Berner, Leo D., 1966
Box 219 Folder 41
Bieri, Robert, 1954-1955
Box 219 Folder 42
Biosystematists (Group), 1949-1957
Box 219 Folder 43
Black, John D., 1944-1973
Box 220 Folder 1
Blair, W. Frank, 1945-1961
Box 220 Folder 2
Bleitz Wildlife Foundation, 1966-1976

Includes meeting minutes.

Box 220 Folder 3
Bleitz, Don (Nion Corporation), 1961-1966
Box 220 Folder 4
Boden, Brian Peter, 1946-1966
Box 220 Folder 5
Boeseman, M., 1975-1977
Box 220 Folder 6
Böhlke, James, 1952-1954
Box 220 Folder 7
Boileau, Thornton (re: artist Joe Scheuerle), 1971-1972
Box 220 Folder 8
Bolin, Rolf L., 1948-1973
Box 220 Folder 9
Bollinger, John A., 1963-1964
Box 220 Folder 10
Boschma, H., 1976-1977
Box 220 Folder 11
Bowes, Gerald W., 1966
Box 220 Folder 12
Bowman, Thomas H., 1948-1953
Box 220 Folder 13
Boyd, Carl Milton, 1955-1962
Box 220 Folder 14
Brand, Donald (re: International Congress of Americanists), 1962
Box 220 Folder 15
Breder, C.M., Jr., 1958-1978
Box 220 Folder 16
Brinton, Edward, ca. 1957
Box 220 Folder 17
British Columbia Provincial Museum, 1952, 1972
Box 220 Folder 18
British Museum (Natural History), 1942-1976
Box 220 Folder 19
Brockman, Frederick W., 1962-1974
Box 220 Folder 20
Brothers, Edward B., 1973-1978
Box 220 Folder 21
Bruun, Anton, 1949-1962
Box 220 Folder 22
Bryant, H.C., 1954
Box 220 Folder 23
Buchwald, Nathaniel A.
Box 220 Folder 24
Burnette, Julian, 1967
Box 220 Folder 25
Bush, Monroe (Old Dominion Foundation), 1965
Box 220 Folder 26
Buzzati-Traverso, Adriano, 1952-1962
Box 220 Folder 27
C - Miscellaneous
Box 220 Folder 28
Cagle, Fred R., ca. 1946
Box 220 Folder 29
Cain, Stanley A., 1946
Box 220 Folder 30-32
California Academy of Science - General, 1933-1982
Box 221 Folder 1
California Academy of Science - Administration, 1977
Box 221 Folder 2
California Academy of Science - Group numbers, 1948-1968
Box 221 Folder 3
California Academy of Science - Ichthyology, 1945, 1966-1982
Box 221 Folder 4
California Academy of Science - Steinhart Aquarium, 1947-1977
Box 221 Folder 5
California Department of Fish and Game, 1945-1961
Box 221 Folder 6
California Department of Public Health - Salmon sample testing, 1951-1956
Box 221 Folder 7
California Institute of Technology (Cal Tech), 1949-1953
Box 221 Folder 8
California Legislature - Science Advisory Council, 1969
Box 221 Folder 9
California State Personnel Board, 1946-1958
Box 221 Folder 10
Campbell, Robert S., 1944, 1958
Box 221 Folder 11
Cannon, Mott Dwight, 1951
Box 221 Folder 12
Cannon, Ray, 1974-1977
Box 221 Folder 13
Capurro, Luis R.A., 1948-1965
Box 221 Folder 14
Carbine, William F., 1946-1973
Box 221 Folder 15
Carr, Archie, 1959
Box 221 Folder 16
Carranza, Jorge, 1953-1967
Box 221 Folder 17
Carrick, Louis B., 1954
Box 221 Folder 18
Carson, Rachel, 1952
Box 221 Folder 19
Carter, George F., 1956
Box 221 Folder 20
Carter, John G., 1953
Box 221 Folder 21
Case, Ermine Cowles, 1953-1954
Box 221 Folder 22
Casey, Richard E., 1959-1961
Box 221 Folder 23
Cashner, Robert C., 1956, 1974
Box 221 Folder 24
Cawston, Frederick Gordon, 1940
Box 221 Folder 25
Chabanaud, Paul, 1959-1960
Box 221 Folder 26
Chace, Emery P., 1967
Box 221 Folder 27
Chang, Norman, 1950-1952
Box 221 Folder 28
Chapman, Wilbert M., 1943-1971
Box 221 Folder 29
Chen, Lo-Chai, 1965-1971
Box 221 Folder 30
Chen, Tchaw-ren, 1964-1966
Box 221 Folder 31
Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1945-1946
Box 221 Folder 32
Chinese Society of Ichthyology, 1979
Box 221 Folder 33
Chu, Yuan Ting, 1946-1976
Box 221 Folder 34
Church, Ron, 1973-1974
Box 221 Folder 35
Clark, Eugenie
Box 221 Folder 36
Clark, Frances K., 1948-1975
Box 274 Folder 23
Clark, Frances K.
Box 221 Folder 37
Clark, O. Horace, 1963-1979
Box 221 Folder 38
Clench, William J., 1966
Box 221 Folder 39
Clendenning, Kenneth Andrew, 1962 October
Box 221 Folder 40
Clothier, Charles R., 1957
Box 221 Folder 41
Cloud, Preston, 1978-1979
Box 221 Folder 42
Coates, Christopher, 1973-1974
Box 221 Folder 43
Coatsworth, James, 1953-1964
Box 221 Folder 44
Cockerell, Theodore D. Alison, 1948-1966
Box 221 Folder 45
Coe, Wesley Roswell
Box 221 Folder 46
Cohen, Daniel, 1978
Box 221 Folder 47
Colton, John B., Jr., 1947
Box 221 Folder 48
Comstock, John Adams, 1970-1971
Box 221 Folder 49
Comstock, John Henry, 1960
Box 222 Folder 1
Conant, Roger, 1970-1979
Box 222 Folder 2
Congleton, James L.
Box 222 Folder 3
Cook, A.B., 1964
Box 222 Folder 4
Cook, Fannye A., 1966
Box 222 Folder 5
Coolidge, Harold J., 1979-1983
Box 222 Folder 6
Cooper, Gerald Paul, 1950-1976
Box 222 Folder 7
Cooper Ornithological Society, 1946-1964
Box 222 Folder 8
Cornell University, 1942-1971
Box 222 Folder 9
Cowles, Raymond Bridgeman, 1947-1977
Box 222 Folder 10
Cox, Charles, 1952-1954
Box 222 Folder 11
Cranbrook Institute of Science, 1940-1979
Box 222 Folder 12
Crawford, Ronald, 1949-1971
Box 222 Folder 13
Creaser, Charles W., 1946-1965
Box 222 Folder 14
Creasor, Edwin P., Sr. & Jr., 1949-1969
Box 222 Folder 15
Cressman, Luther S., 1971-1979
Box 222 Folder 16
Cromwell, Townsend, 1949-1958
Box 222 Folder 17
Crowe, Walter R., 1969
Box 222 Folder 18
Crozier, George, 1963-1966
Box 222 Folder 19
Culver, George B. - Memorial Fund, ca. 1952
Box 222 Folder 20
Curoe, Daniel, 1975-1978
Box 222 Folder 21
Curran, Wesley, 1946
Box 222 Folder 22
Curtis, Brian, 1960
Box 222 Folder 23
D - Miscellaneous
Box 222 Folder 24
Darlington, P. J. (Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University), 1948-1956

Re: the distribution of fishes.

Box 222 Folder 25
Darnell, Rezneat, 1955
Box 222 Folder 26
Daugherty, Richard D., 1967
Box 222 Folder 27
Davenport, Demorest, 1963
Box 222 Folder 28
Davidson, George, 1950
Box 222 Folder 29
Davies, David H., 1958-1966
Box 222 Folder 30
Davis, Emma Lou, 1963-1966

Includes letters on collecting specimens in Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico.

Box 222 Folder 31
Dawbin, William H., 1949-1967
Box 222 Folder 32
Dawson, E. Yale, 1950-1964
Box 222 Folder 33
de Beaufort, Lieven Ferdinand, 1968-1969
Box 222 Folder 34
de Buen, Fernando, 1961-1962
Box 222 Folder 35
Decae, Christian, 1963
Box 222 Folder 36
Dence, Wilford A., 1962
Box 222 Folder 37
des Granges, Pauline, 1967
Box 222 Folder 38
de Sylva, Donald, 1953
Box 222 Folder 39
Dice, Raymond Lee, 1957-1977
Box 222 Folder 40
Doudoroff, Peter, 1945-1947
Box 222 Folder 41
Douglas, Everett M., 1961-1975
Box 222 Folder 42
Devincenzi, 1945
Box 222 Folder 43
Duke University, 1951-1964
Box 222 Folder 44
Dymond, John Richardson, 1963-1966
Box 222 Folder 45
Eastman, Joseph T., 1977
Box 222 Folder 46
Eaton, Grace, 1948-1950
Box 222 Folder 47
Ebeling, Alfred Wallace, 1954-1977
Box 222 Folder 48
Eberhardt, Robert L., 1951-1961
Box 222 Folder 49
Eddy, Samuel C., 1972-1973
Box 222 Folder 50
Ege, Vilhelm, 1962-1963
Box 222 Folder 51
Eggleton, Frank E., 1964-1970
Box 223 Folder 1
Eigenmann, Carl H.
Box 223 Folder 2
Eigenmann, Rosa Smith, 1881-1973
Box 223 Folder 3
Eigenmann Library Correspondence, 1927-1936
Box 223 Folder 4
El Sayed, Z., ca. 1953
Box 223 Folder 5
Emerson, William K., 1960-1977
Box 223 Folder 6
Encyclopedia Americana, 1948-1955
Box 223 Folder 7-9
Encyclopedia Britannica, 1944-1963
Box 223 Folder 10
Epling, Carl Clauson, 1968-1970
Box 223 Folder 11
Eschmeyer, R.W., 1950-1955
Box 223 Folder 12
Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas, 1960-1971
Box 223 Folder 13
Evermann, Barton Warren, 1943
Box 223 Folder 14
Ewan, Joseph, 1966
Box 223 Folder 15
Ewing, Gifford C., 1954-1979

Includes Ewing proposal, "First planning document for oceanography team earth orbital mission."

Box 223 Folder 16
Ewing, W. Maurice, 1960-1974
Box 223 Folder 17
Explorers Club, 1977-1979

Includes photographs.

Box 223 Folder 18
F - Miscellaneous
Box 223 Folder 19
Fang, Walton Lee-Shing, 1977
Box 223 Folder 20
Farquhar, G. Brooke, 1961-1966
Box 223 Folder 21
Fassett, H. C., 1953-1954
Box 223 Folder 22
Field Museum of Natural History, 1934-1979
Box 223 Folder 23
Fish, Marie Poland, 1947
Box 223 Folder 24
Fitch, John E. (California State Fisheries Lab), 1949-1979

Includes two photographs sent from Australia, showing growth (or variation) abnormalities in a leatherjacket and jewy fish.

Box 223 Folder 25
Flechsig, Arthur O., 1949-1975
Box 223 Folder 26
Fleminger, Abraham, March, 1950
Box 223 Folder 27
Flynn, T. Thomson, 1959-1979

Re: Errol Flynn's death. Includes a photograph.

Box 224 Folder 1
Focke, Alfred B., 1953
Box 224 Folder 2
Follett, W.I., 1965-1976
Box 224 Folder 3
Forskal, 1964-1965
Box 224 Folder 4
Ford, Richard F., 1959-1965
Box 224 Folder 5
Fowler, Henry Weed, 1960-1965
Box 224 Folder 6
Freihofer, Warren C. (re: commensalism), 1967
Box 224 Folder 7
Fritzsche, Ronald A., 1973-1978
Box 224 Folder 8
G - Miscellaneous
Box 224 Folder 9
Gaige, Frederick M. & Helen, 1945-1977
Box 224 Folder 10
Gander, Frank, 1976 April
Box 224 Folder 11
Gardner, Erle Stanley, 1967-1978
Box 224 Folder 12
Garrick, J.A.F., 1969 October
Box 224 Folder 13
Gentry, Roger Lee, 1966
Box 224 Folder 14
Gerhard, William J., 1959
Box 224 Folder 15
Gerking, Shelby, 1945-1952
Box 224 Folder 16
Gery, Jacques, 1966-1972
Box 224 Folder 17
Gilbert, Charles H., ca. 1943
Box 224 Folder 18
Gilbert, Perry H., 1960-1979
Box 224 Folder 19
Gilmore, Raymond M., 1952-1977
Box 224 Folder 20
Giovannoli, Leonard, 1971
Box 224 Folder 21
Gloyd, Howard K., 1977
Box 224 Folder 22
Goodrich, Calvin, 1944-1947
Box 224 Folder 23
Gordon, Myron, ca. 1959
Box 224 Folder 24
Greeley, John R., 1978 March
Box 224 Folder 25-27
Greenbank, John T., 1944-1978
Box 224 Folder 28
Greene, C. Willard, 1964
Box 224 Folder 29
Greenfield, David W., 1974
Box 224 Folder 30
Gregory, William King, 1975-1976
Box 224 Folder 31
Griffin, James B., Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan (re: fish bones from Belcher Mound, Louisiana midden), 1961, 1970
Box 224 Folder 32
Groody, Thomas Conrad, 1949-1952
Box 224 Folder 33
Gudger, Eugene W., 1953-1956
Box 224 Folder 34
Gunter, Gordon, 1955-1975
Box 224 Folder 35
Gunther, Albert, 1966-1968
Box 224 Folder 36
H - Miscellaneous
Box 224 Folder 37
Hairston, Nelson G., 1967
Box 225 Folder 1-3
Hall, Anita Smith, ca. 1960
Box 225 Folder 4
Hankinson, T.L., 1963
Box 225 Folder 5
Hardenberg, J.D.S., 1946-1947
Box 225 Folder 6
Harder, William
Box 225 Folder 7
Harkness, William (Ontari Fisheries Research Laboratory), 1945
Box 225 Folder 8
Harry, Robert Rees, 1944-1945
Box 225 Folder 9
Hart, Bill, 1947
Box 225 Folder 10
Harting, Norman C., 1964
Box 225 Folder 11
Harvey, George, 1957-1972
Box 225 Folder 12
Hastings, A. Baird, 1966-1975
Box 225 Folder 13
Hazzard, Albert S. (Institute for Fisheries Research, MI), 1948-1955, 1980
Box 225 Folder 14
Heath, Harold, 1951
Box 225 Folder 15
Hazzard, Albert S., 1963-1979
Box 225 Folder 16
Hedgpeth, Joel Walker, 1951-1978
Box 225 Folder 17
Heizer, Stephen, 1962-1965
Box 225 Folder 18
Hennemuth, Richard C., 1954-1959
Box 225 Folder 19
Herre, Albert W.C.T., 1948-1962
Box 225 Folder 20
Herald, Earl Stannard, 1946-1974
Box 225 Folder 21
Hester, Frank J., 1960-1973
Box 225 Folder 22
Hiatt, Robert W., 1974
Box 225 Folder 23
Hibbard, Claude W., 1973-1976
Box 225 Folder 24
Hildebrand, Samuel F., 1949-1950
Box 225 Folder 25
Hobson, Edmond S., 1965-1967
Box 225 Folder 26
Hoedeman, J. J., 1962
Box 225 Folder 27
Hoese, Douglas F., 1964-1978
Box 225 Folder 28
Holcik, Juraj, 1978-1979
Box 225 Folder 29
Hopkins, Thomas S., 1963-1967
Box 225 Folder 30
Hora, Sunder Lal, 1944-1956
Box 225 Folder 31
Hourston, Alan Stewart, 1951-1959
Box 225 Folder 32
Hovanitz, William
Box 225 Folder 33
Hubbs, Clark
Box 225 Folder 34
Hyman, Libbie, 1971
Box 225 Folder 35
Ichthyological Society of Japan, 1969-1975
Box 225 Folder 36
Innes, William Thornton, 1950-1966
Box 226 Folder 1
International Association for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 1964-1972
Box 226 Folder 2
International Association of Limnologists, 1953
Box 226 Folder 3
International Game Fish Association, 1948-1951
Box 226 Folder 4
International Oceanographic Foundation, 1960
Box 226 Folder 5
Irving, Laurence (University of Alaska, Institute of Arctic Biology), 1964
Box 226 Folder 6
Isaacs, John Dove, 1949-1978
Box 226 Folder 7
J - Miscellaneous
Box 226 Folder 8
J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, South Africa, 1974-1978
Box 226 Folder 9
Jahn, Theodore L., 1978-1979
Box 226 Folder 10
James, Pilli Sugana Bhusana, 1963-1965
Box 226 Folder 11
Johnson, George David, 1973-1978
Box 226 Folder 12
Johnson, Martin Wiggo, 1959
Box 226 Folder 13
Johnson, Raymond E., 1944-1974
Box 226 Folder 14
Johnson, Robert Karl, 1971-1977
Box 226 Folder 15
Jones, Laurence, 1960-1967
Box 226 Folder 16
Jones, Robert D., 1951-1963
Box 226 Folder 17
Jordan, C. Basil, 1970
Box 226 Folder 18
Jordan, David Starr
Box 226 Folder 19
Joseph, David C., 1949-1959
Box 226 Folder 20
K - Miscellaneous
Box 226 Folder 21
Kamath, Ganesh, 1962
Box 226 Folder 22
Kampa, Elizabeth, 1947-1977
Box 226 Folder 23-24
Kelly, Arthur Louis
Box 226 Folder 25
Kellogg, Remington, 1962-1972
Box 226 Folder 26
Kerr, John Polk, 1957-1960
Box 226 Folder 27
Knight, Archibald P., 1935 October
Box 226 Folder 28
Kobayashi, Bert, 1959-1978
Box 226 Folder 29
Kosswig, Curt, 1970 January
Box 226 Folder 30
Kott, Edward, 1976-1978
Box 226 Folder 31
Koumans, Frederick Petrus, 1945-1978
Box 226 Folder 32
Krejsa, Richard, 1954-1966
Box 227 Folder 1
Krumholz, Louis Augustus, 1944-1960
Box 227 Folder 2
Kuchnow, Karl, 1963-1976
Box 227 Folder 3
Kuhne, Eugene R., 1944-1972
Box 227 Folder 4-5
Kuo, Ching-Ming, 1963-1977
Box 227 Folder 6
Kuronuma, Katsuzo, 1933-1978
Box 227 Folder 7
L - Miscellaneous
Box 227 Folder 8
Lachner, Ernest A., 1957 March
Box 227 Folder 9
Lagler, Karl F., 1945-1977
Box 227 Folder 10
Lang, Bui Thi, 1961-1964
Box 227 Folder 11
Larkin, Peter A., 1963 June
Box 227 Folder 12
Leonard, Justin H., 1975-1977
Box 227 Folder 13
LeSueur, 1943
Box 227 Folder 14
Lewis, Roger H., 1964-1969
Box 227 Folder 15
Liljeblad, Edward, 1954
Box 227 Folder 16
Limbaugh, Conrad, 1949-1972
Box 227 Folder 17
Lin, Teh Ping, 1943-1954
Box 227 Folder 18
Lindsay, Casemir C., 1966
Box 227 Folder 19
Lint, Kenton C., 1976
Box 227 Folder 20
Livingston, Robert J., 1963-1968
Box 227 Folder 21
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, 1961-1962
Box 227 Folder 22
Lockley, Arthur S., 1968
Box 227 Folder 23
Los Angeles County Museum, 1959-1983
Box 227 Folder 24
Losey, George S., Jr., 1964-1978
Box 227 Folder 25
M - Miscellaneous
Box 228 Folder 1
Mahadeva, Narayanan, 1954-1966
Box 228 Folder 2
Mahmoud, Aboul-Fotooh Abdel-Latif, 1957-1960
Box 228 Folder 3
Manter, Harold W., 1972-1974
Box 228 Folder 4
Manuel, Canuto G., 1945-1979
Box 228 Folder 5
Mao, Han-Lee, 1950-1954
Box 228 Folder 6
Martin, William Robert, 1944-1963
Box 228 Folder 7
Matsubara, Kiyomatu, 1963-1973
Box 228 Folder 8
Mathias, Mildred E., 1974-1975
Box 228 Folder 9
Maysilles, James H., 1944
Box 228 Folder 10
McBlair, William, 1949-1956
Box 228 Folder 11
McClintic, J. Robert, ca. 1950
Box 228 Folder 12
McConnaughey, Bayard, 1949-1950
Box 228 Folder 13
McCosker, John Edward, 1970-1973
Box 228 Folder 14
McEwen, George Francis, 1951-1976
Box 228 Folder 15
McFarland, William, 1954-1957
Box 228 Folder 16
McHugh, John Lawrence, 1945-1976
Box 228 Folder 17
McMurry, Kenneth C., 1964-1976
Box 228 Folder 18
McPhail, John Donald, 1959-1971
Box 228 Folder 19
Meinken, Hermann, 1957-1976
Box 228 Folder 20
Menon, A.G.K., 1957-1977
Box 228 Folder 21
Merriman, Daniel (re: Third International Congress on the History of Oceanography), 1978
Box 228 Folder 22
Miller, Jacquelin Neva Kentner, 1956-1977
Box 228 Folder 23
Miller, Loye Holmes
Box 228 Folder 24
Miller, Richard B., 1959
Box 228 Folder 25
Miller, Robert C., 1953 October
Box 228 Folder 26
Miller, Robert Rush
Box 228 Folder 27
Mohr, Erna, 1937-1970
Box 228 Folder 28
Montalban, 1945 May
Box 228 Folder 29
Moodie, G. E., 1968-1969
Box 228 Folder 30
Moore, George A., 1946-1975
Box 228 Folder 31
Morgans, John, 1967
Box 228 Folder 32
Morrow, James E., 1974-1979
Box 228 Folder 33
Morris, Robert, 1949-1967
Box 228 Folder 34
Mortimer, C.H., 1957, 1973
Box 228 Folder 35
Morton, William Markham, 1975-1976
Box 229 Folder 1
Moser, H. Geoffrey, 1972-1974
Box 229 Folder 2
Munk, Walter, 1952-1976
Box 229 Folder 3
Murie, Olaus J.
Box 229 Folder 4
Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, 1953-1958, 1975
Box 229 Folder 5
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, 1946-1977
Box 229 Folder 6
Myers, George Sprague
Box 229 Folder 7
N - Miscellaneous
Box 229 Folder 8
National Museum of Canada (re: fish cataloging), 1968
Box 229 Folder 9-16
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., 1932-1978
Box 229 Folder 17
National Science Teachers Association, 1963
Box 229 Folder 18
National Wildlife Federation, 1971-1972
Box 229 Folder 19
Needham, Paul R., 1965-1966
Box 229 Folder 20
Nelson, Gareth, 1971
Box 229 Folder 21
Nelson, Joseph Schieser, 1965
Box 229 Folder 22
Netting, M. Graham, 1952-1974
Box 229 Folder 23
Neushul, Michael, 1959-1964
Box 229 Folder 24
Newman, Murray Arthur, 1951-1976
Box 229 Folder 25
Nichols, John Treadwell, 1944-1959
Box 229 Folder 26
Nielsen, Jorgen (University Zoological Museum, Copenhagen), 1960
Box 229 Folder 27
Nikolski, G.V., 1977-1978
Box 229 Folder 28
Norman, John R., 1944
Box 229 Folder 29
Norris, Kenneth S.
Box 229 Folder 30
O - Miscellaneous
Box 229 Folder 31
O'Connell, Charles P., 1955-1963
Box 229 Folder 32
Ocean Science Capital, 1962
Box 229 Folder 33
Oceans Magazine, 1969
Box 229 Folder 34
Ochiai, Akira (re: Anguilla eggs), 1973
Box 229 Folder 35
Okada, Yaichiro, 1945-1977
Box 230 Folder 1
Oliva, Ota, 1967-1982
Box 230 Folder 2
P - Miscellaneous
Box 230 Folder 3
Pai, M. Vasuder, 1960-1961
Box 230 Folder 4
Palm Springs Desert Museum, 1948-1958
Box 230 Folder 5
Paranjape, Malidu, 1962-1963
Box 230 Folder 6
Peace and Happiness through Prosperity (PHP) Institutue, Japan, 1969
Box 230 Folder 7
Pearse, Arthur Spencer, 1946-1960
Box 230 Folder 8
Perlmutter, Alfred, 1945-1966
Box 230 Folder 9
Perrin, William Fergus, 1967-1979
Box 230 Folder 10
Perry, L. Edward, 1944-1975
Box 230 Folder 11
Pflieger, William, 1976-1977
Box 230 Folder 12
Phillipps, William John (Dominion Museum, New Zealand), 1949
Box 230 Folder 13
Pillay, T.V.R., 1951-1959
Box 230 Folder 14
Pilson, Michael E.L., 1964-1971
Box 230 Folder 15
Pomerat, Gerard (Rockefeller Foundation), 1964
Box 230 Folder 16
Putnam, Frederic Ward, 1966
Box 230 Folder 17
Quast, Jay Charles, 1954-1976
Box 230 Folder 18
R - Miscellaneous
Box 230 Folder 19
Radford, Keith, 1960-1975
Box 230 Folder 20
Randall, John E., 1974-1978
Box 230 Folder 21
Raney, Edward C., 1945-1978
Box 230 Folder 22
Reavley, William Louis, 1965
Box 230 Folder 23
Rechnitzer, Andreas B., ca. 1970
Box 230 Folder 24
Redfield, Alfred (re: biographical memoir on H. B. Bigelow), 1968-1976
Box 230 Folder 25
Regan, C. Tate, 1940-1943
Box 230 Folder 26
Reighard, Jacob, 1942-1943
Box 230 Folder 27
Rice, David, 1955
Box 230 Folder 28
Richardson, L. R.
Box 230 Folder 29
Riddle, Francis (re: San Luis Dam site), 1963, 1980
Box 230 Folder 30
Rivas, Luis Rene, 1946-1959
Box 230 Folder 31
Roberts, Tyson R., 1977
Box 230 Folder 32
Rogers, Malcolm Jennings, 1960-1977
Box 230 Folder 33
Romer, Alfred Sherwood
Box 230 Folder 34
Rosenblum, Edwin E., 1957-1961
Box 230 Folder 35
Royal Ontario Museum, 1947-1977
Box 230 Folder 36
Runnstrom, Sven, 1959-1964
Box 230 Folder 37
Ruthling, Paul, 1947-1950
Box 230 Folder 38
S - Miscellaneous
Box 231 Folder 1
Salyer, J. Clark II
Box 231 Folder 2
San Diego Oceanic Coordinating Committee, 1967
Box 231 Folder 3
San Luis Rey Historical Society, 1957-1977
Box 231 Folder 4
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 1962-1969
Box 231 Folder 5
Scammon, Charles M., 1966-1968
Box 231 Folder 6-7
Schmidt, Karl Patterson
Box 231 Folder 8
Schmitt, Waldo L.,
Box 231 Folder 9
Schroeder, Charles R., 1958-1973
Box 231 Folder 10
Schultz, Leonard P. (US National Museum), 1935, 1969-1979
Box 231 Folder 11
Schulz, Helmuth, 1958
Box 231 Folder 12
Scofield, Norman Bishop, 1958-1959
Box 231 Folder 13
Scolia Club, 1969-1978
Box 231 Folder 14
Scott, E.O.G., 1975 April
Box 231 Folder 15
Seale, Alvin, 1941-1959
Box 231 Folder 16-21
Sefton Foundation - Orca cruises, 1946-1956
Box 231 Folder 22
Sefton, Joseph Weller, Jr., 1954-1978
Box 231 Folder 23
Shapiro, Sidney, 1944-1950
Box 231 Folder 24
Shapovalov, Leo, 1973 March
Box 231 Folder 25
Silas, Eric Godwin, 1955
Box 231 Folder 26
Silva, Paul Claude, 1950-1951
Box 231 Folder 27
Singh, S. P., 1946-1978
Box 231 Folder 28
Sloan, Phillip R., 1960-1977
Box 231 Folder 29
Smith, James Leonard Brierley (Rhodes University)
Box 231 Folder 30
Smith, Lloyd L., Jr., 1947-1978
Box 231 Folder 31
Snyder, John Otterbein, 1943-1944
Box 231 Folder 32
Soulen, G. H., 1944-1947
Box 231 Folder 33
Southwest Museum, 1963
Box 232 Folder 1-4
Stanford University, 1933-1969

Primarily correspondence with colleagues at the campus Natural History Museum, especially George S. Myers. Includes Curatorial practices in zoological research collections. 2. System followed in filing specimens of recent fishes in the Natural History Museum of Stanford University by George S. Myers and Margaret H. Storey. (Originally comp. in Dec. 1939; revised 1939-1956.)

Box 232 Folder 5
Stanford University - Visiting Committee, 1960-1961
Box 232 Folder 6
Stickel, William H.
Box 232 Folder 7
Storer, Tracy L., 1956-1976
Box 232 Folder 8
Stoye, Frederick Hans, 1944-1977
Box 232 Folder 9
Sumner, Francis Bertody, ca. 1970
Box 232 Folder 10
Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik, 1947-1958
Box 232 Folder 11
T - Miscellaneous
Box 232 Folder 12
Taber, F. Wallace, 1945-1957
Box 232 Folder 13
Tan, Eng-Chow, 1963-1964
Box 232 Folder 14
Tanaka, Shigeho, 1974-1978
Box 232 Folder 15
Tandon, H.K., 1960-1979
Box 232 Folder 16
Tarywell, Clarence M., 1945-1978
Box 232 Folder 17
Taylor, Frederick H. C., 1947-1957
Box 232 Folder 18
Taylor, Leighton Robert, Jr., 1965-1978
Box 232 Folder 19
Terrill, Harold V., 1956-1976
Box 232 Folder 20
Texas Academy of Science, 1945-1979
Box 232 Folder 21
Thompson, Donald Arthur, 1973-1976
Box 232 Folder 22
Tortonese, Enrico, 1965-1978
Box 232 Folder 23
Train, Percy, 1978 February
Box 232 Folder 24
Trautman, Milton B., 1952-1978
Box 232 Folder 25
Trewavas, Ethelwynn, 1963-1978
Box 232 Folder 26
Tucker, Denys, 1960
Box 233 Folder 1
Tulane University, 1947-1978
Box 233 Folder 2
Turner, C. L., 1968-1969
Box 233 Folder 3
Twentieth Century Deep Sea Salvage Syndicate (Franklin Perlowsky, Chicago), 1918

Re: deep sea photography venture.

Box 233 Folder 4
U - Miscellaneous
Box 233 Folder 5
Uma Devi, P., 1978 September
Box 233 Folder 6
Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, 1942
Box 233 Folder 7
University of California Press, 1953-1961
Box 233 Folder 8
University of Hawaii, 1948-1970
Box 233 Folder 9
University of Southern California (USC), 1950, 1962
Box 233 Folder 10
University of Texas Press, 1960-1961
Box 233 Folder 11
University of Washington, School of Fisheries, 1946-1962
Box 233 Folder 12
University of Western Ontario
Box 233 Folder 13
US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1945-1966
Box 233 Folder 14
US Navy, Office of Naval Research, 1965

Includes letters on the IOC Continental Shelf Study.

Box 233 Folder 15
V - Miscellaneous
Box 233 Folder 16
van der Schalie, Henry, 1957-1979
Box 233 Folder 17
Vetter, Richard C. (National Academy of Sciences) re: Mexican oceanographers, 1964
Box 233 Folder 18
Villadolid, Deogracias, 1932-1976
Box 233 Folder 19
Viosca, Percy, Jr., 1961-1962
Box 233 Folder 20
Vogt, Kenneth D., 1974-1979
Box 233 Folder 21-22
Walker, Boyd W., 1940-1971
Box 233 Folder 23
Walker, Theodore J., 1951-1975
Box 233 Folder 24
Walters, Vladimir, 1973-1977
Box 233 Folder 25
Warren, Claude N., 1962-1964
Box 233 Folder 26
Washburn, George N., 1957-1975
Box 233 Folder 27
Water Refining Company (aquarium filters), 1931-1932, 1967
Box 233 Folder 28
Weber, William A., 1979 December
Box 233 Folder 29-30
Weisel, George F., 1943-1979
Box 234 Folder 1
West, Robert C. (ed., Handbook of Middle American Indians, vol. II), 1959-1965
Box 234 Folder 2
Westerman, Fred A., 1959 June
Box 234 Folder 3
Wheelock, Charles D., 1953-1962
Box 234 Folder 4
Whitehead, Peter J., 1979 January
Box 234 Folder 5
Whitley, Gilbert P., 1948-1975
Box 234 Folder 6
Wilimovsky, Norman J., 1945-1956
Box 234 Folder 7
Williams, George C., ca. 1955
Box 234 Folder 8
Williams, Milo Woodbridge, ca. 1948
Box 234 Folder 9
Wilson, Paul Aleck, 1954-1955
Box 234 Folder 10
Winterbottom, Richard, 1978 August
Box 234 Folder 11
Wintesteen, John, 1959-1968
Box 234 Folder 12
World Book Encyclopedia, 1944-1973
Box 234 Folder 13
Y, Z - Miscellaneous
Box 234 Folder 14
Yamamoto, Michiya, 1952
Box 234 Folder 15
Yang, Rong-tszong, 1964 April-September
Box 234 Folder 16
Yonge, C.M., 1964 August
Box 234 Folder 17
Yoon, David, 1963-1964
Box 234 Folder 18
Zahuranec, Bernard J., 1960-1968
Box 234 Folder 19
Zobell, Claude, 1955

Publication-Related Correspondence

Box 234 Folder 20
Box 234 Folder 21
Box 234 Folder 22
Almeida-American Institute of Biological Sciences
Box 234 Folder 23
American Museum of Natural History-Andriashev
Box 234 Folder 24
Animal Kingdom-Azzaroli
Box 234 Folder 25
Box 234 Folder 26
Box 235 Folder 1
Box 235 Folder 2
Box 235 Folder 3
Box 235 Folder 4
Box 235 Folder 5
Box 235 Folder 6
Box 235 Folder 7
Box 235 Folder 8
Box 235 Folder 9
Box 235 Folder 10
Box 235 Folder 11
Ceballos Bendezu-Chao
Box 235 Folder 12
Box 235 Folder 13
Box 235 Folder 14
Box 235 Folder 15
Box 235 Folder 16
Box 235 Folder 17
Box 236 Folder 1
Box 236 Folder 2
de Sylva-Duyene de Wit
Box 236 Folder 3
Box 236 Folder 4
Box 236 Folder 5
Box 236 Folder 6
Fish and Wildlife Service (Dept. of the Interior)-Follansbee
Box 236 Folder 7
Box 236 Folder 8
Box 236 Folder 9
Box 236 Folder 10
Box 236 Folder 11
Box 236 Folder 12
Box 236 Folder 13
Box 236 Folder 14
Box 236 Folder 15
Box 237 Folder 1
Hora-Hubbs, Carl
Box 237 Folder 2
Hubbs, Clark and Earl
Box 237 Folder 3
Box 237 Folder 4
Box 237 Folder 5
Box 237 Folder 6
Box 237 Folder 7
Box 237 Folder 8
Box 237 Folder 9
Box 237 Folder 10
Box 237 Folder 11
Box 237 Folder 12
Box 237 Folder 13
Box 237 Folder 14
Box 238 Folder 1
Box 238 Folder 2
Box 238 Folder 3
Box 238 Folder 4
Box 238 Folder 5
Box 238 Folder 6
Box 238 Folder 7
Box 238 Folder 8
Box 238 Folder 9
Box 238 Folder 10
Box 238 Folder 11
Box 238 Folder 12
Box 238 Folder 13
Omura-Pacific Science Board
Box 238 Folder 14
Box 238 Folder 15
Box 238 Folder 16
Box 239 Folder 1
Policansky-Provincial Fish Report (British Columbia)
Box 239 Folder 2
Box 239 Folder 3
Box 239 Folder 4
Box 239 Folder 5
Box 239 Folder 6
Box 239 Folder 7
Box 239 Folder 8
Box 239 Folder 9
Box 239 Folder 10
Schwartz-SIO Contributions
Box 239 Folder 11
Sea Fisheries Research Station (Israel)-Shoemaker
Box 239 Folder 12
Box 239 Folder 13
Box 239 Folder 14
Smithsonian Institution Exchange-Soule
Box 239 Folder 15
Box 239 Folder 16
State Fisheries Laboratory (Calif.)-Stoye
Box 240 Folder 1
Box 240 Folder 2
Box 240 Folder 3
Box 240 Folder 4
Texas A&M Marine Laboratory-Thurlow
Box 240 Folder 5
Box 240 Folder 6
Triplett-United Geophysical Corporation
Box 240 Folder 7
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, Library of the Academy of Sciences)-US National Museum (Smithsonian)
Box 240 Folder 8
Universiteit Amsterdam-University of Michigan
Box 240 Folder 9
University of New Mexico-Uyeno
Box 240 Folder 10
Box 240 Folder 11
Virginia Fisheries Lab-Vrijenhoek
Box 240 Folder 12
Box 240 Folder 13
Water Resources Center-Westerman
Box 240 Folder 14
Western Geophysical-Whitley
Box 240 Folder 15
Box 240 Folder 16
Box 240 Folder 17


Scope and Content of Series

Series 6) WRITINGS AND TALKS: A selection of writings and talks by Carl Hubbs, representing a small fraction of his total written output. Additional manuscripts of his scientific papers are interfiled in the two Marine Life series, by topic (such as the group number or geographic area that is the subject of the paper). The writings in this series are largely undated, and are arranged alphabetically by title, followed by talks arranged in chronological order.


Box 241 Folder 1
An outline of the methods of organic evolution, undated
Box 241 Folder 2
Authorship and status of fish genera and species described as new in paper by Jordan in 1896, 1965 July
Box 241 Folder 3
Description of the Free-Vehicle Setline-Trap Combination developed and used by the Marine Vertebrates Group of SIO, with McConnaughey, undated
Box 241 Folder 4
The distribution, past and present of Cryptochiton, ca. 1954
Box 241 Folder 5
Dorsopsetta norma Nielsen, 1963, considered as based on prejuveniles of Cyclopsetta panamensis (Steindachner), 1875, An Eastern Pacific flatfish of the tribe Cithorichthyini (new name), 1964 January 27
Box 241 Folder 6
The ecology of the tidal reef fishes of California, I: The physiography and geography of the reefs, undated
Box 241 Folder 7
The ecology of the tidal reef fishes of California, II: The life conditions of the reefs, and the major adaptations of the reef fishes, undated
Box 241 Folder 8
The ecology of the tidal reef fishes of California, III: The origin and composition of the reef fish fauna, undated
Box 241 Folder 9
The ecology of the tidal reef fishes of California, IV, undated
Box 241 Folder 10
The ecology of the tidal reef fishes of California, V: The coloration of the fishes, undated
Box 241 Folder 11
The ecology of the tidal reef fishes of California - Notes, undated
Box 241 Folder 12
Effects of the equatorial currents of the Pacific on the distribution of fishes and other marine animals, 1961
Box 241 Folder 13
Gender unlimited?, 1962
Box 241 Folder 14
Hubbs, Miller, and Hubbs. Hydrographic history and relict fishes of the North-Central Great Basin - Figure negatives, 1974 February 8
Box 241 Folder 15
Neglected synonyms of Gymnachirus melas and other Western North Atlantic fishes described by Samuel L. Mitchill, 1966
Box 241 Folder 16
An outline of the methods of organic evolution, 1922
Box 241 Folder 17
Preliminary report on experiments designed to determine the effects of underwater explosions on marine life, 1952
Box 241 Folder 18
Preliminary report on investigations of the effects on caged fishes of underwater nitro-carbonitrate explosions, 1960 May 6
Box 241 Folder 19
The problem of the local races, 1919
Box 241 Folder 20-21
Report to Carnegie Museum on Cocos Island, Galapagos, Peru, Chile, etc. - Handwritten report, references, and notes, undated
Box 242 Folder 1-10
Reviews, 1945-1978
Box 242 Folder 11
Synopsis of Weber's account of the Macruridae, from Fische der Siboga-Expidition, with determinations of Weber's species
Box 242 Folder 12
A systematic study of the tidal fishes of California, 1920-1939

Includes photographs.

Box 242 Folder 13
Sexual variation in the number of vertebrae and other segmental structures in vertebrates, undated
Box 242 Folder 14
Stray Man-o'-War birds in the Northeastern Pacific in 1951 and 1952, undated


Box 242 Folder 15-17
Correspondence, 1949-1978
Box 243 Folder 1
Zoology Club, 1916
Box 243 Folder 2
Variations in the number of vertebrae and other meristic characters of fishes correlated with the temperature of the water during development, 1921 December 30
Box 243 Folder 3
The use of accessory sexual structures in the classification of fishes, 1925
Box 243 Folder 4
Modifications of the developmental rate in fishes as a factor in their structural evolution, 1926 March 17
Box 243 Folder 5
What is homology?, 1926 March 25
Box 243 Folder 6
The fishes of Michigan (radio talk), 1935
Box 243 Folder 7
Impending advances in fish management, 1937 November 12
Box 243 Folder 8
A biologist's views on human raciation, 1938 March 18
Box 243 Folder 9
Fish collecting in desert and jungle, 1938 April 11
Box 243 Folder 10
The fishes of the isolated waters of the American west, 1940 May 15
Box 243 Folder 11
Studies on speciation in fishes, 1942 December 16
Box 274 Folder 24
The origin of species, 1944 December 11
Box 274 Folder 25
Ichthyological discoveries since coming to Scripps, 1945 March 30
Box 274 Folder 26
Endemism in fishes, 1945 December 27
Box 243 Folder 12
California's golden harvest of the sea, 1948 March 19
Box 243 Folder 13
The role of temperature in past and present distribution of fishes on the Pacific coast, 1948 June 24
Box 274 Folder 27
Below the surface, 1948 October 18
Box 243 Folder 14
Habits and abundance of the gray whale, 1949 March 12
Box 243 Folder 15
Marine mammals of the Pacific coast, 1949 April 13
Box 243 Folder 16
Cave life in general, 1949 July 5
Box 243 Folder 17
Pleistocene climatology as illustrated by the distribution of fishes, 1950 March 8
Box 243 Folder 18
Biological effects of temperature distribution in the sea, 1950 March 30
Box 243 Folder 19
Wealth of the sea, 1950 May 16
Box 243 Folder 20
Research in the biological sciences, 1951 March 26
Box 243 Folder 21
History of Scripps Institution, 1953 February 3
Box 243 Folder 22
Present status of vertebrate systematics, 1953 April 22
Box 243 Folder 23
Ecological requirements of cold water marine fishes, 1953 June 16
Box 243 Folder 24
An experimental attack on the speciation problem, 1954 March 14
Box 243 Folder 25
Crossing the species line - Faculty research lecture, 1954 March 19
Box 243 Folder 26
The use and value of meristic characters in fish systematics and fish population studies, 1954 June 24
Box 243 Folder 27
Marine mammals of the west coast, 1954 July 1
Box 243 Folder 28
Ecological conditions during dated periods of human occupation along the Pacific Coast, 1955 April 27
Box 243 Folder 29
Observations on the history and biology of basins in the southern California desert, 1955 June 22
Box 243 Folder 30
Water, fish, and man in southern California, 1955 August 31
Box 243 Folder 31
La ballena gris y el problema a de su conservacion, 1956 November 15
Box 243 Folder 32
El elefonte marino y el problema de su conservacion, 1956 November 15
Box 243 Folder 33
La foca fina de Guadalupe y el problema de su conservacion, 1956 November 15
Box 243 Folder 34
The marine bird fauna of Guadalupe Island, 1957 April 27
Box 243 Folder 35
Climatic, hydrographic, biotic, and human history of the LeConte Basin of California, 1958 June 17
Box 243 Folder 36
Standards and policies for preserving the scientific value of wild lands, 1958 June 19
Box 243 Folder 37
Recent climatic history in California, 1958 December 11
Box 243 Folder 38
Influence of land masses on the distribution and speciation of fishes and other marine organisms in the eastern Pacific, 1959 May 26
Box 243 Folder 39
La Jolla Natural Radiocarbon Lab, 1960 April 14
Box 244 Folder 1
Houston talk - Negatives from the University of California Natural Land and Water Reserve System (UCLWR), 1960-1973
Box 244 Folder 2
Some highlights from the natural radiocarbon dating of the La Jolla Laboratory, 1961 October 29
Box 244 Folder 3
Radiocarbon dates from the La Jolla Laboratory, 1962 May 12
Box 244 Folder 4
New frontiers in oceanography (National Science Teachers' Conference), 1963

Includes annotated copy of President Kennedy's remarks to the anniversary convocation of the National Academy of Sciences.

Box 244 Folder 5
David Starr Jordan: Man of science, education, and peace, 1963 November 19
Box 244 Folder 6
New methods for the exploration of marine fishes and their environment, 1963 November 25
Box 244 Folder 7
Origin and distribution of the freshwater fishes of North America, 1963 December
Box 244 Folder 8
Climatic conditions in the recent geological past in southern California, 1964 October 21
Box 244 Folder 9
Fullerton talk on temperatures in Southern California - Slide negatives, 1965 March 26
Box 244 Folder 10
The relation of waste discharges to plant and animal life in the ocean, 1966 April 22
Box 244 Folder 11
Quaternary paleohydrography and ichthyology of the Great Basin, 1967 May 10
Box 244 Folder 12
The classification and biology of the lower teleost fishes, 1967 November 6
Box 244 Folder 13
Demons of the deep, 1968 December 9
Box 244 Folder 14
Environmental biology, 1969 March 13
Box 244 Folder 15
North-Central Great Basin, 1970 April 1
Box 244 Folder 16
Raja Yoga-Glass Domes astride Point Loma, 1970 May 12
Box 244 Folder 17
Giants of the sea, 1970 October 2-4
Box 244 Folder 18
Paleohydrography and relict fish life of Nevada and adjacent parts of the Great Basin, 1970 November 17
Box 244 Folder 19
Survival of threatened species-desert fishes, 1970 November 19
Box 244 Folder 20
Guadalupe Island, 1971 April 29
Box 244 Folder 21
Survival from threatened extinction and population increase of marine mammals of the Mexican West Coast, 1972 March 11
Box 244 Folder 22
Survival of marine mammals from the brink of extinction, 1972 April 5
Box 244 Folder 23
Introduction to insular biology of the California islands, 1972 October 13
Box 244 Folder 24
The gray whale, 1973 March 7
Box 244 Folder 25
The native freshwater fishes of California, 1973 March 14
Box 244 Folder 26
Preservation of species and habitats, 1973 October 9
Box 244 Folder 27
Initial studies 1945-1966 and conservation efforts 1956-1973 (re: gray whales), 1973 November 8
Box 244 Folder 28
Desert fishes, 1973 December 13
Box 244 Folder 29
Vanishing Americans, 1973 December 26
Box 244 Folder 30
Some highlights from my 61-year career in marine biology, 1974 May 2
Box 244 Folder 31
The evolution of ichthyology in California, 1975 March 5
Box 244 Folder 32
California's marine life system, 1975 April 9
Box 244 Folder 33
Biological oceanography, geochronology and archaeology along the Pacific Coast of Middle America and California, 1975 April 17
Box 244 Folder 34
The general decline of southwestern Fishes, 1975 September 8
Box 244 Folder 35
Is a new Ice Age possible?, 1975 October 14
Box 244 Folder 36
Investigations in Alaska in 1939 as a Field Representative, Department of the Interior, An historical review of natural resource problems in Alaska, 1976 April 8
Box 244 Folder 37
Survival of sea mammals, 1976 April 9
Box 244 Folder 38
Statement to United States testimony on tuna fishing, 1977 March


Scope and Content of Series

Series 7) PHOTOGRAPHS: An extensive assortment of prints and negatives, documenting Hubbs' professional conferences, expeditions and trips, portraits of both Carl and Laura Hubbs, his science colleagues, and images relating to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Hubbs travelled extensively, and his photo files include landscapes and images of towns and people from some of his trips, including the American West (from the 1920s and 1930s), Guatemala (1935), Alaska (1939), and Japan (1929 and 1960s).

Hundreds of additional photographs may be found throughout collection, particularly images of fish (for identification purposes) and mammal specimens (such as whale beachings, and fur seals). Hubbs originally filed most photographic prints and negatives of animals directly into his research files, primarily under species name, fish group number, or locality within the MARINE LIFE - FISHES, MARINE LIFE - WEST COAST, and the SUBJECT FILES series. This original order was preserved and restored throughout the 2021 processing. Therefore, specimen photographs can be found with related material such as correspondence, data and manuscripts on the same species, grouped together in the research files. All other print photographs and negatives are found here in Series 7.

Arranged in five subseries: A) Conferences and Meetings, B) Expeditions and Trips, C) Carl and Laura Hubbs, D) Portraits of others, and E) Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

Conferences and Meetings

Oversize Annex MC-004-09
Conferences and meetings - Panoramas (oversize)

Unidentified meeting, Hot Springs, Ark (ca. 1930); 60th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Toronto, Canada (1930); 17th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Washington, D. C. (1939); Pacific Science Congress, New Zealand (1949).

Box 278 Folder 2
Conferences and meetings - Large format

57th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, CT (1927); American Fisheries Society and International Association of Game and Fisheries Directors Banquet, Columbus, Ohio (1933); North American Wildlife Conference banquet, Toronto, Canada (1942); Conference on Genetics, Paleontology and Evolution, Princeton (1947); ASIH Conservation Training School, Higgins Lake, Michigan (1947).

Box 245 Folder 1
Field Museum of Natural History events, Chicago, 1917-1918
Box 278 Folder 2
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) meetings - Group portraits (large format), 1932-1970

Washington, D.C. (1932), New York (1942, 1969), Pittsburgh (1946) and New Orleans (1970).

Box 245 Folder 2-10
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) meetings - Group portraits, 1935-1976

Pittsburgh (1935); Ann Arbor, MI (1936); Toronto (1940); New York (1953); San Francisco (1967); Boston (1972); Costa Rica (1973); Williamsburg (1975); Fairbanks (1976).

Box 245 Folder 11
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) meetings - Negatives, 1950-1974

Includes meetings in Salt Lake City, San Francisco, San Diego, Chicago, Austin, Washington, D.C., North Carolina, Michigan, and Ottawa.

Box 245 Folder 12
Stanford University meeting of representatives from California Department of Fish and Game, California Academy of Sciences, South Pacific Investigations of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1947 March 14
Box 245 Folder 13-16
Pacific Science Congresses

New Zealand (1948); Honolulu (1961); Tokyo (1966); Canberra (1971). These images are not formal group portraits, but snapshots of the Hubbs and other attendees.

Box 245 Folder 17
American Institute of Biological Sciences committee meeting, University of Hawaii, 1953 February
Box 245 Folder 18
International Zoological Congress, Copenhagen, 1953 August
Box 245 Folder 19
International Union of Biological Sciences, XII General Assembly, Rome, 1955 April 12-16
Box 245 Folder 20
Shark Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1957 April 8

Hubbs, alone and with Leonard P. Schultz, J. L. B. Smith, and Gilbert Whitley.

Box 245 Folder 21
15th International Congress of Zoology, London, 1958 July
Box 245 Folder 22
Tuna Conference, San Diego, California, 1962 July
Box 245 Folder 23
NAS Committee on Research in National Parks, Everglades National Park, Florida, 1963 January 2
Box 245 Folder 24
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH), Vancouver (50th anniversary meeting) - Portraits of individual scientists in attendance, 1963 June

Includes portraits of: L. F. de Beaufort, Frederick H. Berry, W. A. Clemens, Carl Hubbs, Karl Lagler, N. B. Marshall, G. E. Maul, James E. Morrow, E. C. Raney, Louis R. Rivas, Enrico Tortonese, and Milton B. Trautman.

Box 245 Folder 25
Zoological Congress, Washington, 1963 August
Box 245 Folder 26
Conference on Larval Fishes, 1963 October
Box 245 Folder 27
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting - Portraits of individual scientists in attendance, 1964 June

Includes: Dayton Lee Alverson, Nevin Aspenwall, Reeve M. Bailey, G. Clifford Carl, Garry Cowan, Allan Delacy, Robert Dempster, Lilliam Dempster, Robert Dryfoos, David Greenfield, Herman Kleerekoper, N. R. Liley, Casmir Lindsey, John Magunson, L. D. McPhail, Murray Newman, Alexander Paden, Ferdinand Pletcher, Oscar Sette, John Tully, Joseph Wales, and Forrest Wood.

Box 245 Folder 28
Shark Conference, Bimini Islands, Bahamas, 1965-1966

Includes: Eugene Agalides, Ann Alexander, H. David Baldridge, Arnold Banner, John W. Boylan, Eugene Clark, Alfred P. Fishman, Sidney R. Galler, Cart R. Gilbert, Perry W. Gilbert, Samuel H. Gruber, Harry Grundfest, D.I. Hamasaki, Helen Hayes, Michael Lerner, Thomas H. Maren, Robert F. Matthewson, Sanford A. Moss, Arthur J. Myberg, Donald R. Nelson, John R. Olive, Anthony Perks, Edward C. Raney, Bob Schaeffer, Stewart Springer, Albert L. Tester, Thomas B. Thorson, Marshall R. Urist, and Philip Wylie.

Box 245 Folder 29
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission, San Diego Zoo, 1966 October
Box 245 Folder 30
United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Expert Panel for the Facilitation of Tuna Research, Sea World, San Diego, California, 1971 November 8-12
Box 245 Folder 31
European Congress of Ichthyology, 1978 December 7
Box 245 Folder 32
Symposium on Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes, 1983 August

Expeditions and Trips

Box 245 Folder 33
California missions and coast - Small photograph album, ca. 1918
Box 247
Pacific Coast Expedition, 1926

Also know as "West Coast trip"; from University of Michigan to the Pacific Coast.

Box 246 Folder 1
Pacific Coast Expedition - Chevrolet truck and octopus specimen, 1926
Box 248
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan (Java Expedition), 1929

Western U.S. Expeditions and trips

Box 249
Miscellaneous landscapes, 1931-1966

Includes: sites in Michigan, Arkansas, Mississippi River, Akalkaho Falls, Yellowstone National Park, Great Smoky Mountains, South Carolina, Grand Canyon, Sulphur Springs, and the mountains near the Colorado River Delta.

Box 249
Box 249
Box 250
Box 250
Box 251
Guatemala, 1935
Box 246 Folder 2
Atlantis Cruise, University of Havana, Cuba, 1938
Box 246 Folder 3
St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands - Photograph of 350 lb. "sea bat", 1939
Box 252
Alaska, 1939
Box 253
Cruise of the Zaca , 1946
Box 246 Folder 4
Cruise of the Zaca , 1946
Box 246 Folder 5-7
Errol Flynn Expedition, 1948

Trip to Baja California lagoon mudflats (Scammon's or Ojo de Liebre, Coyote , and San Ignacio). Includes photographs by Lewis Wayne Walker and G. E. Kirkpatrick.

Box 246 Folder 8
Baja California - El Rosario, San Vicente, and Las Cruces, 1954 December 5

Photographs by Art Rogers of the Los Angeles Times.

Box 246 Folder 9
Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, 1958 November

Photographs by Gunnar Svardson. Includes images from Petrified Forest National Park, Grand Canyon, Wupatki National Monument, Pecos River, White Sands National Park, Continental Divide, and Carlsbad Caverns.

Box 246 Folder 10
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) Expedition, 1959 June 20-21

Photographs by W. E. Dickinson.

Box 246 Folder 11
Cruise 6203, R/V Alexander Agassiz, with Allan J. Stover and Keith Rodford, 1962 December 3-6
Box 246 Folder 12
Williams, Arizona (Hubbs' birthplace) and Wyoming, 1963 June 11-15

Photographs by Ethelwyan Trewavas.

Box 246 Folder 13-14
Japan, 1963, 1966
Box 246 Folder 15
Japanese colleagues - Portraits taken by Hubbs on trip, 1963-1964

Includes: Takao Igarashi, Densaburo Inaba, Reizo Ishiyama, Tamotsu Iwai, Saburo Kamada, Kiyu Kobayashi, Tatsuro Kubo (Hokkaido University), Katsuzo Kuronuma, Kiyomatdu Matsubara, Densuburo Miyadi.

Box 246 Folder 16
Manila, Philippines, 1966

With Juan Salcedo, chairman of National Science Development Board.

Box 246 Folder 17
Mammologists trip to Coronado, 1966 June 17

Includes: Drs. Doutt and Hershkourtz.

Box 246 Folder 18
Canadian Rockies trip, 1976 July
Box 246 Folder 19
Fishing trip on Milt Shedd's boat, 1976 December 15

Carl and Laura Hubbs

Box 254 Folder 1
Portrait highlights shared at Hubbs's birthdays, 1925-1975

Friends and family were encouraged to send cards and photographs for the Hubbs's birthdays; this folder includes good informal portraits of both Carl and Laura Hubbs selected from the birthday materials.

Box 254 Folder 2-9
Birthday celebrations - Carl Hubbs' 75th and 80th birthdays, and Laura Hubbs' 90th birthday, 1969-1983

Friends and family were encouraged to send cards and photographs for the Hubbs's birthdays; includes snapshots taken at birthday events.

Box 255 Folder 1
Hubbs's at home, 1951-1973

Includes: Carl and Laura Hubbs, Frank F. Everson, Jean Mandler, William A. Nierenberg, Redfield, Per F. Scholander, Charles R. Schroeder, Charles J. York, and Herbert F. York.

Box 255 Folder 2
Hubbs family, 1919-1964

The Hubbs's with their children.

Box 278 Folder 15
Hubbs family - Oversized Christmas card, 1944

Includes photographs of family members.

Box 255 Folder 3-4
Carl Hubbs with others, and at events - Sorted in approximate chronological order, ca. 1940-1978
Box 255 Folder 5
Carl Hubbs with equipment - Electric reel, fish vacuum cleaner, and mechanical shell washer, 1955-1964
Box 255 Folder 6-9
Carl Hubbs - Portraits, 1900-1978
Box 277 Folder 2
Carl Hubbs - Portraits (large format), ca. 1950-1963
Box 255 Folder 10
Carl and Laura Hubbs together, 1918-1977
Box 255 Folder 11
Laura Clark Hubbs, 1893-1980

Portraits of others

Box 256 Folder 1
Akada, Yaichiro
Box 256 Folder 2
Anderson, Edgar, 1966
Box 256 Folder 3
Austin, Thomas, 1960-1962
Box 256 Folder 4
Aznar, Julio Berdequé, 1960 October-November

Photograph by H. Oscar Wright.

Box 256 Folder 5
Bailey, Reeve M., 1962
Box 256 Folder 6
Berg, Leo Semonovich, 1934
Box 256 Folder 7
Blanchard, Frank N., 1935
Box 256 Folder 8
Boden, Brian, and Elizabeth Kampa Boden, ca. 1950

Includes images with Hubbs and Eugenie Clark.

Box 256 Folder 9
Bonham, Kelly and Margaret, 1940
Box 256 Folder 10
Boulenger, George Albert, 1919, 1936

Includes a print of Boulenger with Laston-Franeurs De Witte.

Box 256 Folder 11
Brittan, Martin, undated
Box 256 Folder 12
Bruun, Anton F., 1949, 1962
Box 256 Folder 13
Burnette, Julian G. (photo of a portrait by G. Mattson), 1967
Box 256 Folder 14
Cha, Chie-saw, Cheng Kwei Tseng, and Liu Tzenhau, 1973 June 12
Box 256 Folder 15
Chandler, David C., 1956
Box 256 Folder 16
Cheatham, Dan, 1980
Box 256 Folder 17
Chu, Yuanting T. (Director of Shanghai Fisheries College), 1965, 1978
Box 256 Folder 18
Cope, Edward Drinker
Box 256 Folder 19
Crippen, Robert L. visits SIO, 1974
Box 256 Folder 20
Croker, Richard S. (Fishery Adviser, American Embassy, Mexico), 1964 October 27
Box 256 Folder 21
Creaser, E.P., 1947 July 16
Box 256 Folder 22
Davis, Emma Lou and Hershall Smith in Panamint Valley, Calif., 1964 October 3
Box 256 Folder 23
De Beaufort, Lieven Ferdinand and family
Box 256 Folder 24
De Ruen, Fernando, 1939
Box 256 Folder 25
Duke University, Marine Laboratory, 1966 March
Box 256 Folder 26
Duncker, Georg, 1919-1937
Box 256 Folder 27
Eigenmann, Carl H., 1891-1943
Box 278 Folder 3
Eigenmann, Carl H. and group (large format), 1918

Photograph by C. Meyer, titled "Recuerdo al amigo Carlos Eigenmann y su Sta hija (?) Adela, Palacio Cristal."

Box 256 Folder 28
Eigenmann, Rosa Smith, 1889-1906
Box 256 Folder 29
Embody, George C.
Box 256 Folder 30
Evermann, Barton Warren, 1921-1945
Box 256 Folder 31
Feliciano, Amado T., 1935
Box 256 Folder 32
Ferris, Gordon Floyd and Roxana Stinchfield Ferris
Box 256 Folder 33
Flynn, Errol (in Jamaica; photograph by Bert Cooper), 1948
Box 256 Folder 34
Gerhard, William J., 1959
Box 256 Folder 35
Gilbert, Charles H.
Box 256 Folder 36
Gordon, Myron
Box 256 Folder 37
Granados, Rodolfo Mamires and Daniel Lluch, 1964 October 27
Box 278 Folder 3
Group posing with beached beaked whale (includes Hubbs), undated
Box 256 Folder 38
Hankison, Thomas Leroy, 1919 November
Box 256 Folder 39
Harry, Robert Rees, 1945
Box 256 Folder 40
Haseqawa, Yoshio (Director of Hokkaido Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory), 1975 August

Photograph taken at the XIII Pacific Science Congress.

Box 256 Folder 41
Hazzard, Alfred S., 1965 February 16
Box 256 Folder 42
Hernández, Ernesto Ramirez, 1964 October 27
Box 256 Folder 43
Hibiya, T., 1931 June 20
Box 256 Folder 44
Hinton, Sam, with Carl Hubbs
Box 256 Folder 45
Huxley, Aldus, with Julian Huxley and Hubbs, 1956
Box 256 Folder 46
Johnson, Martin Wiggo

Includes one print with Dennis Fox.

Box 256 Folder 47
Johnson, Ray (with others)

Includes: Boyd Walker, Ted Perry, "Swede" Harry, and Harold Terrill.

Box 256 Folder 48
Klausewitz, Wolfgang, 1963 July 10
Box 256 Folder 49
Kuronuma, Katsuzo - Hubbs and Frautschy welcoming the R/V Umikata Maru (Tokyo University of Fisheries), 1965 November 30

7 photographs. Includes description of photographs.

Box 256 Folder 50
La Rue, George and Arthur E. Woodhead
Box 256 Folder 51
Limbaugh, Conrad
Box 256 Folder 52
Lluch, Daniel B., R. Chapa and Rodolfo Ramirez Granados, 1964 October 27
Box 256 Folder 53
Lowe, John N., 1938 April 15
Box 256 Folder 54
Manuel, Canuto, 1951, 1966
Box 256 Folder 55
Miranda-Ribeiro, Alipio de, ca. 1904
Box 256 Folder 56
Mohr, Erna, 1945
Box 256 Folder 57
Montiel, F.
Box 256 Folder 58
Myers, George S., 1941-1963

Includes some group photographs.

Box 256 Folder 59
Nakajima, M.
Box 256 Folder 60
Nichols, John Treadwell and Charles M. Breder, Jr.
Box 278 Folder 3
Nimitz, C. W. - "The Japanese Surrender," U.S.S. Missouri, Tokyo Bay, 1946 September 2

Photograph signed, "To Dr. Carl Hubbs, Scripps Institution of Oceanography - with best wishes and great appreciation, C. W. Nimitz, Fleet Admiral, USN."

Box 256 Folder 61
Nishiwaki, Masaharu, 1956-1978
Box 256 Folder 62
Norman, John R., 1937-1958
Box 257 Folder 1
Ohre, Fritz, 1975
Box 257 Folder 2
Okada, Yaichiro, 1929, 1975
Box 257 Folder 3
Oliva, Ota, 1960-1976
Box 257 Folder 4
Raney, Edward C., 1979 November 6
Box 257 Folder 5
Regan, C. Tate, 1937-1958
Box 257 Folder 6
Reighard, Jacob Ellsworth, 1922

Photograph by Charles W. Creaser. Includes drawing based on photograph.

Box 257 Folder 7
Richardson, John, Sir
Box 257 Folder 8
Romer, Alfred S., ca. 1939
Box 257 Folder 9
Roughley, Theodore Cleveland
Box 257 Folder 10
Salyer, J. Clark, II
Box 257 Folder 11
Sanchez, Pedro M., 1966 June 29

Photograph taken at the inauguration of Pedro Mercado Sanchez as Rector, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California (Autonomous University of Baja California), Mexico.

Box 257 Folder 12
Saunders, Paul R., 1958
Box 257 Folder 13
Scammon, Charles M., ca. 1866

Copy of 1866 photograph.

Box 257 Folder 14
Schmidt, Karl Patterson
Box 257 Folder 15
Seale, Alvin, 1943
Box 257 Folder 16
Sefton, Joseph W., Jr., 1943-1949, 1955
Box 257 Folder 17
Serg, Suetovidov, with Andriashev and Lindberg in Leningrad (St. Petersburg), 1949
Box 257 Folder 18
Sheard, Keith, 1956 September
Box 257 Folder 19
Slastenenko, E. P., 1946 November 25
Box 257 Folder 20
Smith, James Leonard Brierley, 1968
Box 257 Folder 21
Smith, Margaret Mary, 1969

With Carl and Laura Hubbs.

Box 257 Folder 22
Snodgrass, James, 1974 October
Box 257 Folder 23
Snyder, John Otterbein, 1939
Box 257 Folder 24
Stanford University Natural History Museum - Graduate students working under George S. Myers, 1953
Box 257 Folder 25
Stanford University Zoology staff, ca. 1920

Includes: Charles H. Gilbert, Edwin Chapin Starks, Walker K. Fisher, John O. Snyder, Hardd Heath, and George C. Price.

Box 257 Folder 26
Stone, Livingston, with Loren R. Greene and W. T. Perrin, undated

Used by Joel Hedgpeth in article for California Fish and Game (1952).

Box 257 Folder 27
Stoye, Frederick Hans, 1968
Box 257 Folder 28
Sumner, Francis Bertody, ca. 1940
Box 257 Folder 29
Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik, 1946

Inscribed to Paul Williams.

Box 278 Folder 3
Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik (large format), 1946
Box 257 Folder 30
Tanaka, Shigeho, 1975 July
Box 257 Folder 31
Trewavas, Ethelwynn, 1902-1936
Box 257 Folder 32
Tulane University, 1966

Includes: Clyde Barbour, Glenn Clemmer, Mike Dahlberg, Jim Reid, and Royal Suttkus.

Box 257 Folder 33
University of California, Santa Barbara, 1964

Includes: Tchaw-ren Chen, Alfred Ebeling, Michael Neushul.

Box 257 Folder 34
University of Michigan - Photos by Kelshaw Bonhamn, 1939

Includes images of buildings, group outings, fish specimens.

Box 257 Folder 35
University of Michigan - Miscellaneous, ca. 1920-1942

Includes: Fish Division in "Old Thompson House"; MI's Institute for Fisheries Research personnel; Hubbs and others in front of the Museum of Zoology; Fish Division picnics.

Box 257 Folder 36
Van der Schalie, Henry, 1962-1978
Box 257 Folder 37
Vanoosten, John, 1934
Box 257 Folder 38
Villadolid, D., 1932-1971
Box 257 Folder 39
Volcani, Ben with others
Box 257 Folder 40
Walker, Boyd W.

Includes image with George Weisel.

Box 257 Folder 41
Wetmore, Alexander, 1958-1962
Box 257 Folder 42
Whitley, Gilbert P., 1950
Box 257 Folder 43
Williamson, Jessie
Box 257 Folder 44
Yamamoto, Toki-o, 1966
Box 257 Folder 45
Unidentified portraits

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Box 257 Folder 46
Scripps campus, 1945-1946
Box 278 Folder 4
Scripps campus (large format), ca. 1945-1955
Box 257 Folder 47
Scripps picnics, 1946
Box 257 Folder 48
Aboard R/V E. W. Scripps and Horizon , 1946, 1950

Includes photographs by F. H. Stoye.

Box 257 Folder 49
Luis Rivas, Carl Hubbs, Laura Hubbs, Richard Croker, Alexander Bogdanov, V. C. Vezey, and Harold Sverdrup - Group on SIO campus, 1947
Box 257 Folder 50
Aquarium, 1948

Two photos by Rogelio Bartolome Lopez.

Box 257 Folder 51
Aboard Sefton's boat Orca , 1949-1951
Box 257 Folder 52
Aerial view of Scripps campus (photo by Woody Williams), 1953 December 24
Box 257 Folder 53
Filming "Meet the Professor" on the R/V Baird, 1963 February 8
Box 257 Folder 54
Hubbs speaking at dedication of University of California Land and Water Reserve System, 1972 May 6
Box 257 Folder 55
Shore Processes Lab dedication, 1973 March 24
Box 257 Folder 56
Moving the Hubbs Library into the Eckart Building, 1980 May


Scope and Content of Series

Series 8) SLIDES: A large selection of transparencies and glass slides, complementing (and occasionally duplicating) images found in the PHOTOGRAPHS series and elsewhere in Hubbs's research files. The slides contain images of Hubbs's professional conferences and talks, expeditions and trips, portraits of Carl and Laura Hubbs, his colleagues, and fish specimens. Hubbs travelled extensively, and his slides include images of towns and people from some of his trips, including Japan (1960s), Australia (1966 and 1971), and South America (1973). Grouped by format into two subseries, the 2x2 transparencies are arranged in approximate chronological order, and glass slides are arranged alphabetically by topic.

2x2 Transparencies

Box 258 Folder 1
Desert fishes

Includes desert landscapes of California and Nevada, specimen photographs of fish, and figures.

Box 258 Folder 2
Coolidge Springs, and fish
Box 258 Folder 3
Midwater trawl off San Diego, California - Photos by Robert Collier
Box 258 Folder 4
Portraits, blimp, aerial photographs of coastline, and seals

Includes portrait from the Reunión Internacional para el Estudio de los Mamíferos Marinos, La Paz, Mexico.

Box 258 Folder 5
Clipperton Island
Box 258 Folder 6
B. E. McCrown - Landscapes and archaeology photographs from California, Mexico, and unidentified sites, 1930-1956

Includes images of Carl Hubbs and others at sites.

Box 258 Folder 7
Nevada - Hiko Springs, Shipley Hot Spring, Crystal Springs, and Hot Creek Valley, 1934-1938
Box 258 Folder 8
Scripps Institute of Oceanography buildings, 1943-1949
Box 258 Folder 9
Marine life at Bird Rock and Mission Bay, 1943-1944
Box 258 Folder 10
Baja California - Landscapes, seascapes, and portraits, 1945 February

Includes portraits of Laura C. Hubbs and others.

Box 258 Folder 11
Fish and lobster specimens, 1945-1976

Specimen include: Hexanchus, Neoclinus blanchardi, Heterostichus, Mugil, Oxylebius, Katsuwonis pelamis, Eschrichtius, Cetorhinus maximus, Zapteryx exasporata, Pseudopriacanthus luscasanus, Trinectes maculatus, Lepidochelys olivacea, Sebastodes bistriatus, Lampris guttatus, Delphinapterus leucas, Panulirus interruptus, and Chaetodon.

Box 259 Folder 1
Portraits of Hubbs, Hubbs with others, Baja, and Hubbs family home, 1945-1979
Box 259 Folder 2
Santa Cruz coast and Forney Cove, 1947-1951

Includes portrait of Hubbs holding lobster (panulirus interruptus), and fish specimens from groups 5, 53, and 65.

Box 259 Folder 3
Marine mammals, 1948-1974

Includes Phocoenoides dalli (Dall's porpoise), Balaenopterus physalus (balaenoptera physalus), Sibbaldus musculus (Balaenoptera musculus), Mirounga, Eschrichtius, Globicephala and Odoberius.

Box 259 Folder 4
Punta Banda, Baja California - Seascapes, landscapes, and marine mammals, 1949

Includes Tursiops and Zalophus.

Box 259 Folder 5
Saratoga Springs in Death Valley National Park, Racetrack Valley, and Punta San Isidro, 1950
Box 259 Folder 6
California and Baja California, landscapes and seascapes, 1951

Includes Santa Cruz, Salt Wells Valley, Victorville, and of pinnacles in California.

Box 259 Folder 7
Aerial photograph of Lake Bonneville, 1952
Box 259 Folder 8
Sand dunes in Baja California, 1953
Box 259 Folder 9
Peru - Lake Titicaca and aves (birds), 1954

Birds include Guanay and pelicans.

Box 259 Folder 10
Lake Le Conte and Lake Warner, 1954
Box 259 Folder 11
Guadalupe Island, 1955

Includes seascapes and images of Mirounga.

Box 259 Folder 12
Searles Lake, the Salton Sea, and Borrego Springs Symposium trip, 1956
Box 259 Folder 13
Temperature runs to Baja California, 1956-1961
Box 259 Folder 14
Mima Mounds in Washington, 1956
Box 259 Folder 15
Guadalupe Island, 1957-1960
Box 259 Folder 16
Trip to Punta Banda, fish specimens, 1959

Fish specimen include: Prognathodes, Myxine, Lycodes, Paraliparis, Neoclinus blanchardi, and others.

Box 259 Folder 17
Lake Manly and Tone River, 1960

Includes photographs taken by Larry Jones, Mirounga on Guadalupe Island, fish specimen, and portraits of Carl L. Hubbs and others.

Box 260 Folder 1
Birding trip to Coronado Islands, Baja California, 1961
Box 260 Folder 2
Whale census trip, 1962

Includes aerial photographs and seascapes of Baja California, Turtle Bay, and stranded Phocoenoides dalli (Dall's porpoise).

Box 260 Folder 3
Lake Russell (near Mono Lake) and "Front Soldier Meadow", 1963
Box 260 Folder 4
"Meet the Professor" recording, R/V Baird off San Diego, 1963
Box 260 Folder 5
Guadalupe Island - Mirounga and aves (birds), 1963
Box 260 Folder 6
History of ichthyology - Portraits, 1963
Box 260 Folder 7
Japan trip, 1963
Box 261 Folder 1
Japan trip, 1963
Box 261 Folder 2
Expeditions and trips to Baja California - MagBay Expedition, Whale Trips I, II, and III, various trips on the R/V Horizon, 1964

Includes photographs of Carl Hubbs and Robert Wisner on the R/V Horizon.

Box 261 Folder 3
Shark Panel, UC San Diego - Portraits, 1964 March
Box 261 Folder 4
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting - Portraits, 1964 June
Box 261 Folder 5
Scripps Institution of Oceanography student trip to Yosemite National Park with Millers, 1964 August 19
Box 261 Folder 6
Nevada, Oregon, and Utah, 1965-1969

Includes the Alvord Desert lakebed, "Mormon Spring," Preston Big Spring, Hiko Springs, Saratoga Hot Springs, Crystal Springs, Devils Hole, White River, Snake Valley cave outlet, and fish specimen.

Box 261 Folder 7
Aerial photographs and satellite images of Baja California, 1965
Box 261 Folder 8
Gulf of California, Larus occidentalis, 1966
Box 261 Folder 9
Japan trip, 1966

Includes: Kawaguchiko, Lake Kawaguchi, Mount Fuji, Tokyo, Enoshima, Kanagawa, and Tonami, as well as portraits from the Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo.

Box 262 Folder 1
Philippines trip, 1966

Includes portraits and group photographs, as well as flora and fauna of Manila and Luzon.

Box 262 Folder 2
Australia trip, 1966

Includes images from Taronga Zoo Sydney, Marineland of Australia, Stanley Island, shorelines, portraits, and group photographs.

Box 262 Folder 3
Portraits of others, 1966-1976

Includes David Allen Henderson, Melbourne R. Carriker, and David Jensen.

Box 262 Folder 4
Panama City, Panama, 1966

Includes images of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and portraits of J. Laurens Barnard and F. Raymond Fosberg.

Box 262 Folder 5
Trawl operation at sunset on R/V Horizon off Baja California, 1966
Box 262 Folder 6
Ensenada and Punta Banda, Baja California, 1967 January 8

Group photographs and portraits of: Helen Raitt, Andrew A. Benson, Russell W. Raitt, William A. Nierenberg, John L. Kask, Herbert F. York, and Sybil York.

Box 262 Folder 7
Reunión para el Desarrollo Pesquero del Golfo de California and Governor's forum, Mexicali and San Felipe, 1967 January 19-20
Box 262 Folder 8
Baja California and Guadalupe Island, Mexico, MV 67-I, 1967
Box 262 Folder 9
Baja California, Guadalupe Island - Marine mammals, aves (birds), fish, and plants, 1967 June

Includes Mirounga, Tursiops, Larus, and Macrocystis.

Box 262 Folder 10
California and Nevada - Moapa Valley river and Moro Canyon (?) outlet, ca. 1967
Box 262 Folder 11
Gulf of California, MV 68-I, R/V Thomas Washington, 1968
Box 262 Folder 12
Seamount Expedition - Ronald R. McConnaughy and 3-chambered trap with hagfish, 1968 September 13
Box 263 Folder 1
Venezuela, Curaçao, and Miami, 1968 November-December

Includes photographs of buildings and city life, forests, seascapes and landscapes, and portraits.

Box 263 Folder 2
"Demons of the Deep" lecture, 1968 December 9

Includes pictures and illustrations of various mythological creatures and fish pictures.

Box 263 Folder 3
Marineland of the Pacific, 1969 December 28

Includes portraits of David H. Montgomery and John H. Prescott.

Box 263 Folder 4
Guadalupe Island, Mexico, MV 70-I, 1970 January
Box 263 Folder 5
Tow leg I, R/V Thomas Washington, 1970 February
Box 263 Folder 6
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) meetings and trips, 1970 March-1976 June

Includes portraits of attendees, as well as photographs from collection trip aboard the Velros IV and trip to Alaska.

Box 263 Folder 7
Guadalupe Island, Mexico, MV 70-IV, 1970 April

Includes Arctocephalus philippii on Isla Más a Tierra (Robinson Crusoe Island).

Box 263 Folder 8
Bahia de Los Angeles, 1970 May
Box 263 Folder 9
Water in California and Utah, 1970 June

Includes the Anza-Borrego Desert, Owens Valley springs and fish sanctuaries, Lake Crawley outlet, and a hot spring in Utah.

Box 264 Folder 1
Trip to Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania, 1970 September

Includes: the Victoria Nile River, Murchison Falls, and nature reserves in Uganda; the Aberdare National Park, Chania Falls, Masai Mara National Reserve, Amboseli National Park, Nairobi National Park, and images of the Maasai people in Kenya; the Serengeti National Park, Olduvai Gorge, Ngorongoro Crater, and Lake Manyara in Tanzania; as well as images of the Swiss Alps taken from plane.

Box 264 Folder 2
Kendall-Frost aerial photographs, ca. 1970
Box 264 Folder 3
Baja California and Southern California, MV 71-I, 1971 May-June

Includes Guadalupe Island, Cedros Island, and San Clemente Island.

Box 264 Folder 4
Australia trip, 1971 August

Includes photographs from Taronga Zoo Sydney, Sydney Harbor picnic trip with Frank Talbot, Island Lagoon Tracking Station, mines and lagoons in South Australia, Ayers Rock, portraits of colleagues from trip to museum, and various landscapes.

Box 265 Folder 1
Australia trip, 1971 August

Includes photographs from Taronga Zoo Sydney, Sydney Harbor picnic trip with Frank Talbot, Island Lagoon Tracking Station, mines and lagoons in South Australia, Ayers Rock, portraits of colleagues from trip to museum, and various landscapes.

Box 265 Folder 2
Gulf of Tehuantepec and Gulf of California, MV 73-I, 1973
Box 265 Folder 3
Gulf of Tehuantepec and Gulf of California, MV 73-I (?) - Salina Cruz, Mexico, 1973
Box 265 Folder 4
Whales and R/V Alexander Agassiz (?), 1973 March
Box 265 Folder 5
South America Trip - Columbia, Ecuador, Galápagos Islands, and Peru, 1973 May-June
Box 266 Folder 1
South America Trip - Peru, 1973 June
Box 266 Folder 2
University of California, Santa Barbara Reserve, Santa Cruz Island, 1973 June
Box 266 Folder 3
Aerial photographs of Mexico, San Diego, and the Grand Canyon, 1973 July-1974 May

Some images were taken during flight from Costa Rica. Includes photographs of lakes, lagoons, and shorelines.

Box 266 Folder 4
Portraits, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1973 August
Box 266 Folder 5
Desert Fish Council field trip, Arizona, 1973 September

Includes portraits of attendees.

Box 266 Folder 6
Baja California, Coronado Islands, 1974 March
Box 266 Folder 7
San Diego Zoo Safari Park, 1974 August
Box 266 Folder 8
XIII Pacific Science Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 1975 August

Includes portraits of attendees, as well as landscapes and seascapes.

Box 266 Folder 9
Sea World Board, fishing trip off Baja California, 1975 September
Box 266 Folder 10
San Bernardino and Searles Lake, 1975 November
Box 266 Folder 11
UC Irvine extension, talk IV - Coastal temperatures, 1975
Box 266 Folder 12
Great Basin, "N-C I, N-C 2, and N-C 3", 1975 October

Some images published in Scholia.

Box 266 Folder 13
Reunión Internacional para el Estudio de los Mamíferos Marinos, Baja California, 1976 January 19
Box 266 Folder 14
Sea World Board meeting, Walt Disney World Resort, Florida, 1976 February 21

Includes portraits of board members.

Box 266 Folder 15
Marine mammals talk, 1976 June 28

Includes images of Arctocephalus and various islands.

Glass Slides

Box 270 Folder 1
1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan (Java Expedition), 1929
Box 267 Folder 1
Coastal temperatures (Surface temperature studies), 1957-1959

Slides were used at talk in New York, 1959 August. Includes images from Guadalupe Island and portraits of Carl L. Hubbs.

Box 267 Folder 2
Desert fish
Box 267 Folder 3

Fishes by Group

Box 267 Folder 4
Group 4P, Lampreys
Box 267 Folder 5
Group 15, Parexoglossum laurae
Box 267 Folder 6
Group 25, Cetomimidae regani
Box 267 Folder 7
Group 27, Typhlichthys eigenmanni
Box 267 Folder 8
Group 32, Chaetodon
Box 267 Folder 9
Group 46, Umbrina
Box 267 Folder 10
Group 53, Sebastes rubrivinctus
Box 267 Folder 11
Group 55, Artedius
Box 267 Folder 12
Group 55, Cottidae, Leiocottus hirundo
Box 267 Folder 13
Group 61, Hypsoblennius
Box 270 Folder 2
Group 64, Paralichthys osburn, 1931 November 3
Box 267 Folder 14
Fishes by Locality - Great Smoky Mountains, Clinostomus, ca. 1940
Box 270 Folder 3
Hubbs and group with boat
Box 267 Folder 15
Hybrid fishes and asymmetry

Includes hybrids from groups 15, 27, and 36, as well as list.

Box 267 Folder 16
Hybrid fishes, group 27, Mollienisia
Box 268 Folder 1
Hybrid fishes, group 27, Mollienisia
Box 268 Folder 2
Hybrid fishes, group 37, Centrarchidae
Box 268 Folder 3
Invertebrates, Molluscs, Squid
Box 268 Folder 4
Marine mammals - Numbered

Includes images from the Errol Flynn Expedition, as well as gray whales and charts showing their positioning in Scammon's Lagoon (Ojo de Liebre Lagoon) and San Ignacio Lagoon.

Box 268 Folder 5
Marine mammals - Guadalupe Island, Punta Banda, Coronado Island, and Alaska, 1949-1957

Includes images of seals, sea lions, and elephant seals.

Box 269 Folder 1
Marine mammals - Guadalupe Island, Punta Banda, Coronado Island, and Alaska, 1949-1957

Includes images of seals, sea lions, and elephant seals.

Box 269 Folder 2
Marine mammals - Seals, elephant seals, sea lions, otters, and whales
Box 269 Folder 3
Portraits of Others - Jordan, David Starr
Box 270 Folder 4
Three unidentified men wading in lake
Box 270 Folder 5
Unidentified landscapes


Scope and Content of Series

Series 9) AUDIOVISUAL RECORDINGS: A small selection of 16mm and digital films, and sound recordings on reels and cassettes. Including sound recordings made by Carl Hubbs, as well as recordings made by others.


Box 272 Folder 14
"Protection against enemies of the deep" shark repeller film by Henry T. Burkey, ca. 1960
Digital file 1
"Meet the Professor" ABC News/Association for Higher Education (digital video), 1963
Box 271 Folder 1
Guadalupe fur seals, ca. 1955

Color; no sound.

Box 271 Folder 2
Miscellaneous footage of Baja California, ca. 1960
Box 271 Folder 3
Gulf of California, ca. 1960
Digital file 2
Gray whales taken in San Ignacio Lagoon I, ca. 1950-1960
Box 271 Folder 4
Gray whales taken in San Ignacio Lagoon II, ca. 1950-1960
Box 271 Folder 5
Animal World: Antarctic Adventure, 1978

Bill Burrud Productions, Robert L. Wisner. 16mm film, color.

Box 271 Folder 6
Fur seal out of water, ca. 1957
Box 271 Folder 7
Deep water fish of Guadalupe Island, by Ron Church, 1957

16mm film, color, silent.

Box 271 Folder 8
Santo Domingo Lagoon camp - Whales - Beach (with G. Ewing), ca. 1960
Box 271 Folder 9
With G. Ewing & Earl Murray - Lagoon Santo Domingo, ca. 1960
Box 271 Folder 10
Guadalupe Island trip on Polaris , undated
Box 271 Folder 11
Animal World: Killer Whale
Box 271 Folder 12
Animal World: Sanctuary Under Seige
Box 271 Folder 13
Diving saucer - Heads
Box 271 Folder 14
Spinner porpoise
Oversize FS-191
Guadalupe village and island shots, undated
Oversize FS-192
Elephant seals, Guadalupe Island, undated
Oversize FS-193
Diving saucer: Dives 332 and 334, ca. 1964
Oversize FS-194
Diving saucer - Dives 348-398 and 346, ca. 1964

Sound Recordings

Box 272 Folder 1-4
Observing grey whales in San Ignacio Lagoon - Reels, ca. 1950
Box 272 Folder 5
Ocean noises off San Benedicto Island - Reel-to-reel, 1953
Box 272 Folder 6
Gray whales in Scammon's Lagoon, recorded by Thomas C. Poulter - Reels, 1967
Box 272 Folder 7
Questions and answers with Carl Hubbs - Can fish distinguish color? - Reel-to-reel, 1966
Box 272 Folder 8
New method for catching fish; and, How can fish see at ocean depths? - Hubbs "Campus News" - Reel-to-reel, 1966
Box 272 Folder 9-10
Saucer dives nos. 346 and 348 - Reel-to-reel, 1965

Muffled quality. Audio recording of observers of the saucer dive.

Box 272 Folder 11
Dedication of UCSD Natural Land and Water Reserve System - Audiocassette, 1972

Speakers: Robert Johnson from Pres. Hitch's office; Carl Hubbs.

Box 272 Folder 12
Memorial services for Carl Hubbs (on reel-to-reel) and Laura Hubbs (audiocassettes), 1979, 1988
Box 272 Folder 13
Stanford Research Institute Biosonar Conference recording - Reel, 1965-1966


Scope and Content of Series

Series 10) OVERSIZE: Map case materials, including maps, data, charts, figures, and sketches and drawings of fishes. Hubbs originally separated oversize materials from his research files, without creating clear cross-references, so this series contains material that may relate to manuscripts and research in other series. For example, the expedition charts and some maps are related to files found within the two MARINE LIFE series, as well as SUBJECT FILES. Identifiable oversize material was arranged within map case folders with similar items by topic or genre.

Oversize Annex MC-005-02
Poster - Simposio Internacional Sobre la Ballena Gris (International Symposium on the Gray Whale), Mexico, 1977
Oversize Annex MC-004-08
Charts and figures, ca. 1944-1978
Oversize Annex MC-004-06
Expeditions and research - Charts, maps, and figures, 1942-1969

Includes MV 69-I, MidPac, Monsoon, and NORPAC, as well as a chart with various SIO expeditions and a map showing seismic work (blasts in Scripps canyon).

Oversize Annex MC-004-07
Fishes, hybrids - Charts and plotting sheets, undated

Includes unpublished charts.

Oversize Annex MC-005-01
Fishes - Sketches and drawings by Hubbs and others, 1946-1963

Includes: Bromophycis marginata, Carcharodon carcharias, Etmopterus, Eptatretus, Hippocampus, Micropterus, and Pseudopleuronectes.

Oversize Annex MC-005-06
Maps (annotated) - Australia, the Bahama Islands, Cuba and Mexico, Oahu, San Diego, Japan, and Venezuela, 1910-1966

Includes maps used for the TransPac Expedition, as well as for Hubbs' 1929 trip to Java, China, and Japan.

Oversize Annex MC-005-03
Maps (annotated) - San Diego, California to Baja California, Mexico, 1935-1967
Oversize Annex MC-005-05
Maps (annotated) - Baja California and Gulf of California, 1913-1960
Oversize Annex MC-005-04
Mission Bay plans and surveys, 1946-1970
Oversize Annex MC-005-07
Notes, 1945-1967

Includes notes on radiocarbon dating, fish variations, and fish group 27, Mollienisia.

Oversize Annex MC-004-02
Water in California, Nevada, and Mexico - Charts and maps of lakes, rivers, streams, and lagoons, undated