Milner B. Schaefer Papers, 1934-1973 (SMC 2)


Extent: 3 Linear feet (3 record cartons)

Papers of Milner Baily Schaefer (1912-1970), a professor of oceanography and science administrator known for his work in fisheries, marine resources, and population dynamics. Schaefer served as director of investigations for the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) from 1951 to 1962, director of the University of California Institute of Marine Resources (IMR) from 1962 to 1970, and science advisor to the secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior from 1967 to 1969. The collection includes research notes, data, writings, correspondence, and teaching materials.

Milner Baily (Benny) Schaefer was born December 14, 1912 in Cheyenne, Wyoming. After graduating magna cum laude with a B.S. in fisheries from the University of Washington, Schaefer worked as a biologist for the Washington State Fisheries Department in Seattle, and then as a scientist for the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission in New Westminster, British Columbia. He served four years as a U.S. Navy officer during World War II, and then as an instructor for the University of Washington School of Fisheries; an aquatic biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Stanford, California, and chief of the Section of Biology and Oceanography at the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Laboratory in Honolulu.

Schaefer was awarded a doctorate in fisheries from the University of Washington in 1950 and then moved to La Jolla, where he was a research associate for Scripps Institution of Oceanography and director of investigations for the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) from 1951 to 1962. He became professor of oceanography at SIO and director of the University of California Institute of Marine Resources (IMR) in 1962. From 1967 to 1969, Schaefer served as science advisor to the secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior, Stewart Udall, after which he returned to SIO. Schaefer participated in many scientific expeditions, including Operation Wigwam, and served on many U.S. and international committees, conferences, and organizations, including the American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists, the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, International Law of the Sea conferences, the Latin American Science Board, the Pacific Science Association, and numerous committees for the United Nations and the National Academy of Sciences. Schaefer died in San Diego on July 26, 1970.

A small collection of the papers of Milner Baily Schaefer (1912-1970), a professor of oceanography and science administrator known for his work in fisheries, marine resources, and population dynamics. Schaefer served as director of investigations for the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) from 1951 to 1962, director of the University of California Institute of Marine Resources (IMR) from 1962 to 1970, and science advisor to the secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior from 1967 to 1969. The collection includes research notes and data, writings, correspondence, evidence of his role in important scientific groups and committees, and teaching materials.

Given the breadth of Schaefer's professional activities, there are clear gaps in the collection. The papers do not include any information on Schaefer's activities as a member of the SIO scientific party on Operation Wigwam. His career as a member of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is virtually undocumented, as is his work as a representative of the National Academy of Sciences on the Advisory Board of the National Oceanographic Data Center from 1960-1963.


University of California. Institute of Marine Resources records. SAC 3. Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Center for Marine Affairs records. SAC 79. Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego.

According to former SIO Archivist Deborah Day, the U.S. Department of the Interior retains Schaefer's official files as Science Advisor to Secretary Udall.

Schaefer corresponded frequently with Wilbert McLeod Chapman, whose papers are at the Archives of the University of Washington. The Guide to the Wilbert McLeod Chapman Papers (Seattle: University of Washington Libraries, 1977) includes several references to Schaefer.

Container List


Scope and Content of Series

Series 1) BIOGRAPHICAL: Correspondence, resumes, biographical information, and lists of publications regarding Schaefer's employment with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the University of California, San Diego, and the U.S. Department of the Interior. Includes a certificate of fellowship for the California Academy of Sciences.

Box 1 Folder 1
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1946-1950
Box 1 Folder 2-4
UC San Diego - Biographical information, correspondence, ephemera and lists of publications, 1962-1970
Box 1 Folder 5
U.S. Department of the Interior, 1965-1969
Box 1 Folder 6
California Academy of the Sciences - Fellow certificate, 1967


Scope and Content of Series

Series 2) CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence with oceanographers and science administrators regarding fisheries management and population dynamics in U.S. and international waters, particularly while Schaefer was director of the Institute of Marine Resources (IMR) and science advisor to the secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior. This is only a small selection of the correspondence produced by Schaefer; for additional files to and from his office, please consult the IMR Records (SAC 3), Correspondence series.

Box 1 Folder 7
Bell, Frederick W., 1970
Box 1 Folder 8
Burd, A.C. (Tony) - Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 1969
Box 1 Folder 9
Chapman, Wilbert McLeod, 1967-1969
Box 1 Folder 10
Gordon, H. Scott, 1956
Box 1 Folder 11
Kellogg, Remington (U.S. National Museum), 1947

Re: porpoise and whale specimen collection.

Box 1 Folder 12
Krueger, Robert B., 1967-1970
Box 1 Folder 13
Mather, Frank J., 1954-1968

Includes Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution bluefin tuna data.

Box 1 Folder 14
Mugica, Ramón, 1968

Includes slides of data.

Box 1 Folder 15
Potter, David S., 1967
Box 1 Folder 16
Scott, A.D., 1956
Box 1 Folder 17
Van Cleve, Richard (University of Washington School of Fisheries), 1957
Box 1 Folder 18
Correspondence - Miscellaneous


Scope and Content of Series

Series 3) WRITINGS AND RESEARCH: Drafts, notes, and data for Schaefer's writings and research on fish populations and the management of marine resources. A small amount of materials are in Spanish.

Arranged in four series: A) Articles, B) Talks and Lectures, C) Teaching Materials, and D) Notes and Data.

A) Articles: Drafts, correspondence, notes and data for articles and reports on marine resources, law of the sea, freedom of scientific research, and population dynamics of tuna and anchoveta.

B) Talks and Lectures: Drafts, notes, data, and transcripts for presentations given by Schaefer at conferences, symposia, and committee meetings on marine resources, fisheries management, law of the sea, and the freedom of scientific research in international waters.

C) Teaching Materials: Lecture notes, data, and references for classes Schaefer taught at Scripps Institution of Oceanography on fish populations and population dynamics.

D) Notes and Data: Notes, data, correspondence, photographs, and equations for fisheries management and economics, and for tuna and anchoveta biology and population dynamics.


Box 1 Folder 19
Fishery dynamics: Their analysis and interpretation, 1960
Box 1 Folder 20
Alternative regimes for the mineral resources of the floor of the deep sea, 1967 August
Box 1 Folder 21
Additional investigations of the dynamics of the fishery for the Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) off Peru, 1968
Box 1 Folder 22
Management of the American Pacific tuna industry, 1968
Box 1 Folder 23
Conservation of biological resources of the coastal zone, 1969
Box 1 Folder 24
Freedom of scientific research and exploration in the sea, 1969

For Stanford Journal of International Studies.

Box 1 Folder 25
Interim report of the working party on tuna tagging in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, ca. 1969
Box 1 Folder 26
Interim report on investigations of ecology and population dynamics of the Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) in Peru, 1969
Box 1 Folder 27
Miscellaneous drafts

Talks and Lectures

Box 1 Folder 28
Present status of the fishery for yellowfin tuna, and the possible coming need for management regulations. IATTC Annual Meeting, 1961 February 23-24
Box 1 Folder 29
Recomendaciones para la reglamentación de la pesca del atún aleta amarilla durante el año calendario de 1963. IATTC Annual Meetings, 1963-1964

In English and Spanish.

Box 1 Folder 30
Olcott, H.S. and M.B. Schaefer. The sea as a source of organic chemicals. American Chemical Society 144th meeting, 1963 April 3
Box 1 Folder 31
Population dynamics. Lake Arrowhead, 1965 September
Box 1 Folder 32
Statement of Milner B. Schaefer to the Subcommittee on Marine Resources of the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources, Planning, and Public Works, 1966 February 24-25
Box 1 Folder 33
Water pricing policy discussion. UC Water Resources Center, 1967
Box 1 Folder 34
The changing law of the sea: Effects on freedom of scientific investigation. Prepared for "Alternative Regimes for the Sea", 1967 June 28
Box 1 Folder 35
Introductory statement of Milner B. Schaeffer for the panels on Basic Science and Research and Environmental Problems of the Commission of Marine Science, Engineering and Resources, 1967 October 10
Box 1 Folder 36
Fisheries productivity. AAAS Symposium on Marine Sciences, 1967 December 28
Box 1 Folder 37
Milner B. Schaefer and D. L. Alverson. World fish potentials. Conference on the Future of the U.S. Fishing Industry, University of Washington, Seattle, 1968 March 24-27
Box 1 Folder 38
Biological oceanography and living resources of the sea. IDI seminars - Tape transcripts, 1969
Box 1 Folder 39
The resources base and prospective rates of development in relation to planning requirements for a regime for ocean resources beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Meeting on Planning and Development in Relation to Ocean Resources, 1970 February 25-27
Box 1 Folder 40
Investigation, conservation and management of the fisheries of the high seas with a case example of the tuna fisheries. Preparatory Conference on Ecology and Science Policy, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Santa Barbara, 1970 April 20-26
Box 1 Folder 41
Some considerations of living resources associated with the deep sea-bed. Prepared for IAI Symposium on the International Regime of the Sea-bed, 1969
Box 1 Folder 42
The resources of the sea-bed and prospective rates of development as a basis of planning for international management. Law of the Sea Institute, Session on International Management for Seabed Development, 1970 June 16

Teaching Materials

Box 1 Folder 43
Dynamics of exploited fish populations, 1965 fall
Box 1 Folder 44
Interspecific competition, 1969 November 18-20
Box 1 Folder 45
Niche and oscillations
Box 1 Folder 46-51
Populations dynamics - Oceanography 220, 228, and 274, 1955-1969
Box 1 Folder 52
Predator-prey relationships, 1969 November 23 - December 2

Notes and Data

Box 1 Folder 53
Africa - Hydrography, 1962

Includes photographs.

Box 1 Folder 54
Arabian Sea productivity, 1967
Box 1 Folder 55
Copepods, 1954
Box 1 Folder 56
Economics, 1954-1969
Box 1 Folder 57
Frade, F.
Box 1 Folder 58
Neyman, J.
Box 1 Folder 59
Ocean harvest - Indian Ocean, 1962
Box 1 Folder 60
Orcynus thynnus
Box 1 Folder 61
Pelamys sarda
Box 1 Folder 62
Systems analysis simulation, 1967-1969
Box 1 Folder 63
Equations, 1952-1965
Box 1 Folder 64
Indian Ocean chemical data and productivity comparison - Graphs and plots, 1961-1962
Box 1 Folder 65-66
Peruvian anchoveta, 1954-1970
Box 3 Folder 1-2
Peruvian anchoveta, 1960-1970
Box 2 Folder 1
Juvenile tuna, Costa Rica - Photographs, 1947
Box 2 Folder 2-9
Tuna - Yellowfin tuna, tropical tuna, dynamics, juvenile tuna, Wald's method and Bartlett's method for calculating population, 1934-1968

Includes photographs of juvenile tuna.

Box 3 Folder 3-5
Tuna - Skipjack, morphometrics of African tuna, and fishing catches, 1942-1969


Scope and Content of Series

Series 4) ORGANIZATIONS: Reports, correspondence, data, notes, meeting agendas, and photographs for scientific organizations and governmental agencies, collected while Schaefer was director of the Institute of Marine Resources, director of investigations for the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, and science advisor to the secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior. Schaefer served on many committees with the National Academy of Sciences - National Resource Council and with the United Nations.

Box 2 Folder 10
California Advisory Commission on Marine and Coastal Resources, 1969-1970
Box 2 Folder 11
The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Pacem in maribus - "Frontiers of the seas" ecology conference in Malta, including Santa Barbara planning session, 1968-1970

Includes conference dialogue transcripts.

Box 2 Folder 12-16
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) - Background papers, bulletins, and annual meetings, 1968-1970
Box 2 Folder 17
Istituto Affari Internazional (IAI) - International Regime of the Deep-Sea Area, 1968-1970

Includes photograph of Schaefer at committee meeting.

Box 2 Folder 18
Latin American Science Board, Sub-panel on Marine Resources, 1963 October 20-21
Box 2 Folder 19
Law of the Sea negotiations, 1970-1973
Box 2 Folder 20
Marine protein concentrate committees, 1969-1970
Box 2 Folder 21
Marine Technology Society Law Committee
Box 2 Folder 22-26
National Academy of Sciences - National Resource Council (NAS-NRC), Committee on Oceanography, International Marine Science Affairs Panel (IMSAP), 1966-1970
Box 2 Folder 27-28
National Oceanographic Program, 1962-1965
Box 3 Folder 6
Pacific Fisheries Biologists, 1948

Group photograph of American Fisheries Biologists at Lake Quinault Lodge, 1948 March 26.

Box 2 Folder 29
Sociedad Nacional de Pesqueria (Peru), 1969-1970
Box 2 Folder 30
United Nations - Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas, 1955-1966
Box 2 Folder 31-37
United Nations, Food and Agricultural Organization - Selected Conventions Establishing Fisheries Commissions, Advisory Panel on Peruvian Anchoveta, and Expert Panel for the Facilitation of Tuna Research, 1962-1970
Box 2 Folder 38
United Nations - Peaceful Uses of the Sea-Bed and Ocean Floor, 1968-1970
Box 2 Folder 39
United Nations - Second Conference on the Law of the Sea, 1960
Box 2 Folder 40-41
United Nations Special Funds - Argentina, 1960-1964
Box 2 Folder 42
United Nations Special Funds - Brazil, 1962-1965
Box 3 Folder 7
United Nations Special Funds - Central America, 1963-1965
Box 3 Folder 8-10
United Nations Special Funds - Chile, 1960-1965
Box 3 Folder 11
United Nations Special Funds - Mexico, 1965-1966
Box 3 Folder 12
U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, 1963-1966
Box 3 Folder 13-17
U.S. Department of the Interior, 1966-1970

Files on: Office of the Science Adviser, Interoceanic Sea-level Canal, sonic booms, Tropical Atlantic Biological Laboratory, and oceanography in Taiwan.