UC San Diego. Campus Planning Office Records, 1951-2002 (RSS 4030)

Access: Original films are restricted. Viewing copies may be available for researchers.

Extent: 32.45 Linear feet (79 archives boxes, 1 records carton, and 4 oversize folders)

The records of the Campus Planning Office document the office's administration, projects, and planning activities for the UC San Diego campus and community. Prominent subjects include campus academic, capital, facilities, and space planning. The records document the development of campus master and academic plans, construction and renovation projects, and the work of several planning committees.

The Campus Planning Office is responsible for facilitating and coordinating long-range academic, fiscal, and facilities planning activities for the UC San Diego campus. The Campus Planning Office has undergone numerous changes in organization, reporting lines, and scope.

Prior to 1957, all San Diego campus construction and improvement projects were managed by University of California Office of Architects and Engineers staff at UC Berkeley and UC Los Angeles. In 1957, a new Office of Architects and Engineers (OAE) was established at UC San Diego. J. W. Tippetts was appointed campus Building Program Coordinator and head of the OAE. The creation of the OAE and appointment of Tippetts coincided with the Regents' February 1957 approval of a master campus plan for the new San Diego general campus.

The Building Program Coordinator oversaw the building program for the new general campus and for Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The OAE was staffed by planning and construction professionals with backgrounds in architecture, engineering, planning, inspection, and administrative support. University buildings were designed by private architecture firms with the advice of the office. The OAE managed the projects from the time it was designated a priority in the University's statewide building program until its completion.

The Regents approved the development of the general campus site in October 1959, and approved an operating budget for FY 1960/61 in November of that year. These decisions were closely followed by the March 1960 approval of a master site plan for the School of Science and Engineering as well as plans for the first two buildings to be constructed. In August 1960, a unified landscape plan was begun for the entire campus, preserving the natural beauty of the site. As the campus' academic program developed, enrollments began to grow, and additional land was acquired by the University, J. W. Tippetts and his OAE staff were responsible for the management of all campus physical infrastructure projects.

In December 1964, Chancellor John S. Galbraith created a new position of Assistant to the Chancellor for Planning and Analysis and appointed J. W. Tippetts. Established as a part of the Office of the Chancellor, Tippetts' planning unit was staffed by members of OAE. The unit oversaw the planning and analysis functions related to campus administration. This included the oversight of the building program and of space utilization, which were previously supervised by the OAE. The OAE, now led by Chief Campus Architect Mac A. Cason, served to coordinate between the University, the state of California, and the various contractors and architectural firms involved in the building program.

In the mid-1960s, the name of the Planning and Analysis Office changed to the Office of Programming and Analytical Studies, and Chancellor Galbraith appointed Werner Lendenmann as Director in 1967. The Office worked with growth projections, coordinated capital improvement programs and Federal grant programs, prepared long-range fiscal plans based on enrollment and staffing projections, and developed an information management system. The office was staffed by analysts who assisted project building advisory committees and worked on equipment and grant proposals. Analysts in the Office also managed student and staff data to aid in the campus building programs, workload analysis, and fiscal planning.

In August 1969, Chancellor William J. McGill created the Office of the Director of Planning and appointed Werner Lendenmann the Director. The Office of the Director of Planning was established as a clearinghouse for all campus planning, programming, and budgeting, and as a repository of campus-wide and University-wide statistical data. The Director of Planning reported to the Chancellor until 1974, after which time the Director's reporting line shifted to the Vice Chancellor for Administration (now named Vice Chancellor for Resource Management & Planning). Over time, Lendenmann's title changed to Assistant Vice Chancellor for Planning and then to Associate Vice Chancellor for Planning.

In July 1980, the office was renamed the Office of Planning and Budget. Chancellor Richard Atkinson appointed V. Wayne Kennedy as Director of the Office, and Werner Lendenmann served as Associate Director. The change in name coincided with a major reorganization in which the budget office was combined with the departments of Academic Planning, Administrative Records, Capital Budget and Space Management, and Internal Audit. In March 1982, Kennedy moved on to become the Vice Chancellor for Resource Management and Planning (formerly named Vice Chancellor for Administration) until 1993. In this capacity, he oversaw all administrative functions of the campus and managed all of the offices within the Planning and Budget organization, as well as the Offices of Contract and Grant Administration, Development, and Public Information.

The Office of Planning and Budget was renamed the Campus Planning Office in 1984. The Campus Planning Office is one of three units within Planning, Design and Construction. The functions of the current Campus Planning Office are separate from those of Capital Program Management and Design & Development Services; however, the responsibilities and functions of these three offices had been mixed in a variety of ways over the past decades. Over the years, the Campus Planning Office has held administrative oversight over several offices, committees, and administrative functions at different points in time, including academic planning, administration, budget, capital planning, physical infrastructure, and space management. Today, the Campus Planning Office oversees five units: Capital Planning, Community Planning, Environmental Planning, Space Planning, Facilities Information Management. The Campus Planning Office has oversight of the Campus/Community Planning Committee and the Open Space Committee. Additionally, the Marine Sciences Physical Planning Committee is jointly administered by the Campus Planning Office and Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

The records of the Campus Planning Office document the office's administration, projects, and planning activities for the UC San Diego campus and community. Prominent subjects include campus academic, capital, facilities, and space planning. The records document the development of campus master and academic plans, construction and renovation projects, and the work of several planning committees.

Today, the Campus Planning Office is one of three units within Planning, Design and Construction. The functions of the current Campus Planning Office are separate from those of Capital Program Management and Design & Development Services; however, the responsibilities and functions of these three offices have been mixed in a variety of ways over the past decades. Over the years, the Campus Planning Office has held administrative oversight over several offices, committees, and administrative functions at different points in time, including academic planning, administration, budget, capital planning, physical infrastructure, and space management. Due to this historical crossover, the Campus Planning Office records document some activities which are today the purview of Capital Planning Management and Design & Development Services.


UC San Diego. Office of the Vice Chancellor for Resource Management & Planning records. RSS 4000. Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego Library.

UC San Diego. Resource Management and Planning. Central University Library blueprints. RSS 4031. Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego Library.

UC San Diego. Office of Architects and Engineers records. SAC 60. Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego Library.

UC San Diego. Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor, Facilities Design and Construction records. RSS 4020. Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego Library.

University of California, San Diego historic resources survey report. Prepared for: University of California, San Diego, Physical and Community Planning, La Jolla, California ; prepared by: Architectural Resources Group, Pasadena, California, 2016. Click here for report.

Container List


Scope and Contents

Series 1) ADMINISTRATIVE FILES: Documents the mission and daily administrative functions of the office. The Committee Participation files contain materials of those committees in which the Campus Planning Office, or designated members thereof, participated or provided administrative functions. These files include correspondence, meeting materials, budget material, and committee reports. The Presentations and Reports files contain documents prepared by Campus Planning Office personnel, unless otherwise stated.

Arranged in four subseries: A) Administrative Files, B) Budget, C) Committee Participation, and D) Presentations and Reports.

Administrative Files

Box 1 Folder 1
Correspondence, 1975-1979


Box 1 Folder 2-3
Correspondence, 1975-1979

Details the differences between the Governor's Budget and the Regent's Budget.

Box 1 Folder 4-5
Budget Systems Task Force, 1966-1973
Box 1 Folder 6-8
Comprehensive operating budget - Correspondence and status reports, 1971-1974 April
Box 2 Folder 1
Comprehensive operating budget - Correspondence and status reports, 1974 May-1975
Box 2 Folder 2-4
Campus operating budget, 1974-1977
Box 2 Folder 5-7
Campus Planning Office, 1967-1984

Includes office mission statements, organization descriptions, and staff meeting minutes.

One item is restricted until March 2049.

Box 2 Folder 8
Campus mission, goals, and descriptions, 1969-1970
Box 3 Folder 1-6
Campus visits, 1974-1987

Includes meetings with the offices of the President and Vice President regarding planning and resource issues. Includes Fall Campus Consultations.

Box 3 Folder 7
Campus history, 1984
Box 3 Folder 8
FacilitiesLink initiative, 2003-2005

Committee Involvement

Box 3 Folder 9
Academic Services and Student Services Task Group, 1979
Box 3 Folder 10
Ad Hoc Beach Development Committee, 1970-1971
Box 4 Folder 1
Ad Hoc Task Group on Art Slide Collection Issues, 1975-1978
Box 4 Folder 2
Advisory Committee for Instruction & Research (I&R) Equipment Replacement Program, 1978-1982
Box 4 Folder 3
Advisory Committee for Student Fee Programs, 1973-1974
Box 4 Folder 4
Advisory Committee for University Registration Fees, 1971-1973
Box 4 Folder 5
Board of Overseers, 1973-1977
Box 4 Folder 6
Campus Computing Policy Committee, 1977-1982
Box 4 Folder 7
Chancellor's Student Affirmative Action Advisory Committee, 1980-1981
Box 5 Folder 1-3
Committee on Educational Policy, 1959-1975
Box 5 Folder 4
Computing Work Group, 1978
Box 5 Folder 5-6
Conference Center Committee, 1976-1981
Box 5 Folder 7
Core Modeling Project Team, 1973-1975
Box 5 Folder 8-10
Elliott Field Station Work Group - Proposed land uses, 1988-2005
Box 5 Folder 11
Instructional Media Program Advisory Committee, 1975-1979
Box 6 Folder 1
Media Planning Advisory Committee, 1974
Box 6 Folder 2-4
Media Policy Committee, 1975-1985
Box 6 Folder 5
Parking Advisory Committee. Transportation Subcommittee, 1975-1977
Box 6 Folder 6
Resource Management Work Group, 1978
Box 6 Folder 7
San Diego Division of the Academic Senate, 1974-1975
Box 6 Folder 8
Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) Strategic Review Committee, 2003 November 4

Presentations and Reports

Box 6 Folder 9
UCSD revised long range development plan (draft) - Presentation to the Regents, undated
Box 6 Folder 10
Long range plan for continuing education: A preliminary study (draft), 1969
Box 6 Folder 11
Report on the use of technological aides to instruction at UCSD, 1969
Box 6 Folder 12
Stern, Martin. Some thoughts on a university-oriented community, 1969
Box 7 Folder 1
Tide and submerged land resources for higher education, 1970

Prepared for the California Council for Higher Education.

Box 7 Folder 2
The University of California, San Diego: A planned report to President Charles J. Hitch, 1970 May
Box 7 Folder 3
Fact booklet for the health science construction bond issue, 1970 June 2
Box 7 Folder 4-5
Resources analysis program, 1972

Includes a progress report to the Office of the President.

Box 7 Folder 6
UCSD college attitudinal study, 1974-1975
Box 7 Folder 7
A summary of the Mauchlan Papers with UC San Diego's analysis and recommendations, 1976
Box 7 Folder 8
Faculty activity analysis, 1977
Box 7 Folder 9
Retrenchment review, 1978 September
Box 7 Folder 10
Academic Services and Student Services Task Group report, 1979 August 3
Box 7 Folder 11
Briefings to the Chancellor on planning issues, 1980
Box 7 Folder 12
Supportive environments, retention, and an improved university: A synthesis of some research literature and expert opinion, 1980 May
Box 7 Folder 13
Declining skills: A review of the scholastic aptitude test scores of the 1979-80 and 1980-81 University of California, San Diego freshman classes, 1981 August
Box 7 Folder 14
Comparative analyses of UCSD versus other campuses, 1981-1982
Box 7 Folder 15
Blackhorse Farms project - Richard C. Atkinson's statement to the San Diego Planning Commission, 1984 May 24
Box 7 Folder 16
Women's Center proposal, 1992
Box 7 Folder 17
Americans with Disabilities Act: UCSD self-evaluation, 1993 January 26
Box 8 Folder 1
Joint Senate and Administration Task Force on Campus Priorities During Declining Budgets - Report, 1993 May 27
Box 8 Folder 2
Chodorow, Stanley. University of California: A federalist approach, 1993 August 24
Box 8 Folder 3
Enrollments and capital improvements - Presentations to External Relations and Human Resources, 2000 March


Scope and Contents

Series 2) ACADEMIC PLANNING: Includes academic master plans, committee materials, correspondence, proposals, and reports. Main subjects include program planning, accreditation, enrollment, and retention. The Program Review Committee subseries includes records created by the committee's executive secretary, Werner Lendenmann, Director of Planning at UCSD. The PRC reviews all instructional, research, and public service programs of the general campus, operating budget issues, and priorities for capital improvement, as well as all supporting programs.

Arranged in five subseries: A) Academic Planning, B) Academic Programs, C) Accreditation, D) Enrollment and Retention, and E) Program Review Committee.

Academic Planning

Box 8 Folder 4-6
Correspondence, 1969-1994

Faculty Planning

Box 8 Folder 7-8
Student / faculty ratios, 1964-1981
Box 8 Folder 9-10
General campus allocations, 1971-1978
Box 9 Folder 1-2
Teaching assistants funding, 1975-1980
Box 9 Folder 3
Summer Task Group on the Use of Temporary Faculty Provisions, 1977-1978
Box 9 Folder 4-6
Faculty workload, 1977-1981
Box 9 Folder 7
Academic and administrative organization of the San Diego campus - Proposal (draft), 1965 February 1
Box 9 Folder 8
Academic organization plan, 1965-1967


Box 10 Folder 1
Correspondence, 1979-1992
Box 10 Folder 2
Report to the Accrediting Commission of the Visiting Committee to the University of California, San Diego, 1973

Includes the self study reports submitted by UC San Diego in advance of the accreditation visit.

Box 10 Folder 3
Accreditation self-study report and supporting documents, 1975 December

Prepared for the Accreditation Team Visit.

Box 10 Folder 4
Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Report of visit to the University of California, San Diego, 1976 April
Box 10 Folder 5
Self-study report in preparation for the fifth-year visit, 1980 December
Box 10 Folder 6
Annual campus statement (revised), 1975 August 29
Box 10 Folder 7
General campus academic issues for the eighties, 1981

Includes the May 1981 University of California Planning Statement, the September 1981 UCSD Academic Planning Statement, and the campus' subsequent comments.

Box 10 Folder 8
Academic planning statement, 1989, 2000

Academic Master Plan

Box 11 Folder 1-2
Correspondence, 1962-1990
Box 11 Folder 3
Development of an academic plan for the University of California at La Jolla, 1958-1959
Box 11 Folder 4
Academic plan for the University of California, San Diego, 1961-1970

Prepared by Chancellor York's office circa 1960.

Box 11 Folder 5
Committee on Educational Policy's comments on the academic master plan, 1962-1964
Box 11 Folder 6
Academic master plan (revised), 1963 February 1
Box 11 Folder 7
Revelle College academic master plan (draft), 1966 November 23
Box 11 Folder 8-9
Academic master plan, 1967-1968

Includes comments on the November draft of the revised 1967 academic master plan.

Box 11 Folder 10-11
San Diego section of the University of California academic plan, 1969-1981
Box 11 Folder 12-13
Academic master plan (drafts), 1970

Includes correspondence, revisions, and comments. Includes a draft SIO master plan and a draft ten year plan for the medical and health sciences.

Box 12 Folder 1-2
Academic master plan (drafts), 1970-1973
Box 12 Folder 3
Academic master plan (step 2), 1973 April 1
Box 12 Folder 4
Departmental input, 1974-1984
Box 12 Folder 5-6
Campus academic plan, 1975-1980

Includes 1980 revision to the 1975 campus master plan.

Box 12 Folder 7
Academic plan (draft), 1988 January
Box 12 Folder 8
General campus academic plan (draft), 1992 March

Academic Programs

Box 12 Folder 9
Comparative studies program planning, undated
Box 12 Folder 10
UCSD Advisory Committee on Humanities and Social Sciences, 1961
Box 12 Folder 11
Proposed science development plan, 1964
Box 13 Folder 1
General education requirements and announcement of undergraduate courses for 1964-1965
Box 13 Folder 2
Arts program planning, 1964-1971
Box 13 Folder 3
Preliminary long-range plan for engineering education at UCSD, 1967
Box 13 Folder 4
An academic plan for graduate and undergraduate training in bioengineering for the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Sciences, 1969 April
Box 13 Folder 5
Teaching programs and degrees, 1969-1970
Box 13 Folder 6
Postdoctoral education, 1970-1981
Box 13 Folder 7
Library development planning, circa 1971
Box 13 Folder 8
Short-range plan for drama, 1971 January
Box 13 Folder 9-10
Proposed new degree programs and organized research units, 1976-1985
Box 13 Folder 11
Primary care nurse practitioner program, 1977
Box 13 Folder 12
Writing program planning, 1978-1982
Box 13 Folder 13
Co-terminal bachelor's / master's degree programs, 1979-1982
Box 13 Folder 14
Master of Advance Studies (MAS) degree in health law, 1981-1984, 2005
Box 13 Folder 15
Report of the Ad Hoc Undergraduate Program Planning Committee (UPPC), 1983
Box 13 Folder 16
Graduate student issues presented to the Chancellor's Council, 1983 April 25
Box 13 Folder 17
Proposal to establish a molecular biology major, 1985 January
Box 14 Folder 1
Proposal to establish a PhD program in communications, 1985 January
Box 14 Folder 2
Proposal to establish a Center for the Study of Protein Structures and Function, 1985 March 20

Schools, Departments, and Colleges


Box 14 Folder 3-10
School of Medicine, 1961-1971
Box 14 Folder 11
School of Architecture, 1967
Box 14 Folder 12-13
School of Engineering, 1967, 1980-1981

One item is restricted until March 2056.

Box 14 Folder 14
Committee on Development of Professional Schools, 1970
Box 15 Folder 1
Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, 1986
Box 15 Folder 2
Potential graduate and professional schools, 1986
Box 15 Folder 3
Establishment of the UCSD Model Charter School - Proposal (draft), 1998


Box 15 Folder 4
Innominate Committee, 1966-1967
Box 15 Folder 5
Prospectus for Leonardo da Vinci cluster of colleges (Second cluster), 1967-1969
Box 15 Folder 6
Muir attitude survey 1977-1978 report (draft), 1978
Box 15 Folder 7
College Review Committee. A committee review of the UCSD college system, 1982 October
Box 15 Folder 8
Eleanor Roosevelt College development, 1982-1988
Box 15 Folder 9
Fifth College Planning Committee, 1982-1988
Box 15 Folder 10
Sixth College Planning Committee, 1984-1999

Includes material from the Sixth College Pre-Planning Committee.

Box 15 Folder 11
Report of the College Planning Task Force, 1985 March 14


Box 15 Folder 12
Department of Music, 1969
Box 15 Folder 13
Visual Arts Department, 1969
Box 15 Folder 14
Department of Physical Education, 1969, 1977
Box 15 Folder 15
Department of Applied Physics and Information Science - Henry G. Booker correspondence, 1973
Box 16 Folder 1-2
Department of Communications, 1981-1983
Box 16 Folder 3
Proposal to establish the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 1986

Enrollment and Retention

Box 16 Folder 4-8
Correspondence, 1967-1981

Graduate student enrollment

Box 16 Folder 9
Correspondence, 1964-1981
Box 16 Folder 10
Budgetary time limits, 1971-1981
Box 17 Folder 1
Enrollments, 1972-1984
Box 17 Folder 2
Growth, 1975
Box 17 Folder 3-4
Long range graduate enrollment planning, 1980-1986
Box 17 Folder 5
Three-year enrollment plan for graduate and professional education: 1981-1983
Box 17 Folder 6
Graduate Enrollment Plan, 1983-84 through 1985-86


Box 17 Folder 7-8
Ethnic identity statistics of UC San Diego students, 1969-1981
Box 17 Folder 9
Demographic study of undergraduate demand for UC San Diego, 1974
Box 18 Folder 1
Demographic study of undergraduate enrollments, 1977-1978
Box 18 Folder 2
Demographics and enrollment figures, 1983-1988


Box 18 Folder 3
Correspondence, 1973-1978
Box 18 Folder 4-5
Correspondence, 1979-1981
Box 18 Folder 6
Community college transfer retention studies, 1977
Box 18 Folder 7
Statistical tracking of freshman class of Fall 1971 through Fall 1976, 1977
Box 18 Folder 8
Entering freshman class of Fall 1972: Retention study, 1978 February
Box 18 Folder 9
Dropout / stopout students at the University of California, San Diego, Winter 1977 to Fall 1978, 1978 August
Box 18 Folder 10
Seven entering UCSD classes: An undergraduate retention study, 1979 July
Box 18 Folder 11
A telephone survey of UCSD undergraduates in Fall 1978 not returning in Winter Quarter 1979, 1979 September 20
Box 18 Folder 12
Retention and graduation rates of EOP freshmen, 1980 February
Box 18 Folder 13
Undergraduate retention: A student tracking data update, 1980 March
Box 18 Folder 14
Long range enrollment projections report, 1979 September
Box 18 Folder 15
History and projections of UCSD undergraduate enrollments, 1971-2000
Box 18 Folder 16
Sensitivity analysis of selected effects of UCSD enrollment growth (draft), 1984 November 13
Box 18 Folder 17
Four UCSD undergraduate enrollment models: An analysis of selected effects of enrollment increases (revised), 1985 January

Program Review Committee

Box 19 Folder 1-2
Program Review Committee, 1970-1979
Box 19 Folder 3-7
Meeting materials, 1971-1975
Box 20 Folder 1-4
Meeting materials, 1976-1984
Box 20 Folder 5
Program review policies and procedures, 1984

Subcommittees and Task Groups

Box 20 Folder 6-8
Budget Allocations and Program Priorities Subcommittee, 1971-1975 June
Box 21 Folder 1-3
Budget Allocations and Program Priorities Subcommittee, 1975 July-1976 December
Box 21 Folder 4-5
Capital Outlay and Space Subcommittee, 1973-1978
Box 21 Folder 6
Contingency Planning Task Group, 1978-1981
Box 21 Folder 7
Critical Mass Subcommittee, 1981 December
Box 21 Folder 8-9
Faculty Allocations Subcommittee, 1981-1983
Box 22 Folder 1
Graduate Education and Research Subcommittee, circa 1987
Box 22 Folder 2
Instructional Equipment Renewal Subcommittee, 1978-1982
Box 22 Folder 3
Long Range Educational Objectives and Academic Planning Committee, 1975
Box 22 Folder 4
Resource Allocation Task Group, 1981
Box 22 Folder 5
Support Allocations Subcommittee, 1980-1983


Scope and Contents

Series 3) PLANNING STUDIES AND REPORTS: Includes studies, inventories, and surveys that were completed for the physical planning of the general campus and the University Hospital. Subjects include accessibility, housing, parking, transportation. The development of the campus Master Plan in the 1980s is particularly well documented.

Arranged in three subseries: A) Planning Studies, B) Access, Parking, and Transportation, and 3) Master Plan.

Planning Studies

Box 22 Folder 6
Survey of county facilities - University Hospital of San Diego County, 1969 April 8
Box 22 Folder 7
Institutional goals inventory, 1972-1978


Box 22 Folder 8-9
Low income housing, 1973-1982
Box 22 Folder 10
Student housing, 1974-1985
Box 22 Folder 11
Faculty housing survey, 1984
Box 22 Folder 12
Proposal for student housing production plan at UCSD, 1984 January
Box 22 Folder 13
UCSD Graduate / Married Student Housing Task Force report, 1985
Box 22 Folder 14
UCSD Housing Planning Task Force report, 1999
Box 22 Folder 15
The economic impact of the University of California, San Diego on metropolitan San Diego, 1974 August
Box 22 Folder 16
Master plan for University Hospital, University of California Medical Center, San Diego, 1976
Box 22 Folder 17
A study of the flow of resources between the School of Medicine and the general campus, 1976-1977
Box 23 Folder 1
Study of contract and grant administrative workload at the department or unit level, 1977
Box 23 Folder 2
Seismic enhancement project - Final report of the impact study, 1984 March 2
Box 23 Folder 3
Economic impact estimates, 1984-1993
Box 23 Folder 4
Americans with Disabilities Act: UCSD transition plan, 1992 July 24
Box 23 Folder 5
Economics Research Associates. UCSD retail services study, 2004 January

Access, Parking, and Transportation

Box 23 Folder 6-7
Correspondence, 1972-1980
Box 23 Folder 8
Scripps parking analysis, 1958
Box 23 Folder 9
Alan M. Voorhees and Associates. Report on traffic plan for University of California San Diego, 1963 August 30
Oversize MC-034-01
Alan M. Voorhees and Associates. Proposed land acquisition for Medical Center parking, undated
Box 23 Folder 10
Traffic, access, and circulation study - Correspondence, 1966-1973
Oversize FB-553-05
Traffic, access, and circulation study - Sketch of campus boundaries, streets, and entrances, 1968 November 18
Box 23 Folder 11
Traffic reports, 1968-1969
Oversize MC-034-01
Traffic reports - Campus road map, 1970 May
Box 23 Folder 12
University City transit, 1972 November 8
Box 23 Folder 13
Innovation in transportation to solve problems in a community with limited access, 1973 May
Oversize MC-034-01
Innovation in transportation - Campus map with plans for signage annotated, circa 1975
Box 23 Folder 14
City of San Diego - Travel forecast studies, 1980-1981
Box 23 Folder 15
UCSD traffic, access and parking study. Volume 1: Final report, 1985 May
Box 23 Folder 16
Access, parking, and traffic at UCSD (draft), 1986 October
Box 24 Folder 1
Supplements to the 1986 access, parking, and traffic at UCSD report, 1987
Box 24 Folder 2
Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Parking Policies, 1989 January
Box 24 Folder 3
Parking and Transportation Services Financing Advisory Committee - Correspondence, 1991
Box 24 Folder 4
Task Force on UCSD Parking and Transportation Issues - Correspondence and meeting materials, 1991
Box 24 Folder 5
Chance Management Advisors. Parking and transportation system policy review: A strategy for 1991-92 to 2005-06, 1991 August
Box 24 Folder 6
Report of the Task Force on UCSD Parking and Transportation Issues, 1992 January 10
Box 24 Folder 7
Transportation and parking at UCSD 1995-96 to 2005-06 (draft), 1996 March 19
Box 24 Folder 8
UCSD transportation and parking 1998-99 to 2005-06, 1999 March 16
Box 24 Folder 9
Parking Displacement Work Group. Parking displacement at UC San Diego, 1999 March 19
Box 24 Folder 10
Effects of growth on parking (draft), 1999 October
Box 24 Folder 11
Transportation Policy Committee, 2001-2002

Master Plan (Physical)

Box 24 Folder 12-13
Correspondence, 1986-1989
Oversize MC-034-01
Drawing of campus buildings and terrain, undated

Measures approximately 92.5" x 36.25".

Box 24 Folder 14
Estimated spaces required for typical college at UCSD, 1962 September 22
Oversize MC-034-01
Estimated spaces - Map showing an outline of the proposed master plan for community development, 1965

Includes proposed sites for the campus and freeway.

Box 24 Folder 15
Space needs, 1987
Box 24 Folder 16
UCSD physical developments 1987 and beyond, 1987 January 21
Box 24 Folder 17
Proposed process and goals, 1987 April 6
Box 24 Folder 18
Council of Provosts. Position paper on the number and size of colleges in the Master Plan, 1987 June 1
Box 24 Folder 19
Scope of services, 1987 August 31
Box 24 Folder 20
Meetings, 1987-1988
Box 25 Folder 1
Project binder, 1987-1989

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill

Box 25 Folder 2
Consultant's agreement, 1987-1988
Box 25 Folder 3
Proposal for the UC San Diego master plan, 1987 October 15
Box 25 Folder 4-5
UCSD master plan first report (Parts 1 and 2), 1988 May
Box 25 Folder 6
UCSD master plan (draft), 1988 September

First draft with the Campus Planning Office's comments.


Scope and Contents

Series 4) CAMPUS / COMMUNITY PLANNING: Documents the Campus Planning Office's campus and urban planning development responsibilities. The files document the cooperative campus and regional planning processes of UC San Diego, including the discussion of special projects which impact the campus community, the city of La Jolla, and the city of San Diego. Includes recommendations to the chancellor regarding San Diego community development projects. Documents UC San Diego's interests in each project, and includes correspondence, reports, committee meeting minutes, agreements with city agencies, and environmental impact assessment and planning reports.

Of particular interest are the committee materials present in the first three subseries. These records document the planning process at UC San Diego, including the discussion of special projects which impact the campus community. The first two subseries contain the meeting minutes and recommendations formulated by the Committee on University Community Planning (CUCP) and the Campus Community Planning Committee (CPC). Effective 1 July 1977, the functions of the Campus Planning Committee and the Committee on University-Community Planning were assumed by the new Campus / Community Planning Committee (CCPC); the work of the CCPC is documented in the third subseries.

Arranged in five subseries: A) Committee on University Community Planning (CUCP), B) Campus Planning Committee (CPC), C) Campus / Community Planning Committee (CCPC), D) Long Range Development Planning, E) University / Community Planning.

Committee on University Community Planning (CUCP)

Box 25 Folder 7
La Jolla Village Task Force, 1969-1975
Box 25 Folder 8
Town Center Task Force, 1973-1974
Box 25 Folder 9
University community plan, 1973-1974

Includes executed consultant agreements and progress reports.

Box 25 Folder 10
Rosters, 1973-1976
Box 26 Folder 1-2
Housing Task Force, 1974-1975
Box 26 Folder 3
Transportation Task Force, 1974-1975

Campus Planning Committee (CPC)

Box 26 Folder 4
Index of agenda items by subject (1960-1962)
Box 26 Folder 5
Index of agenda items by date (1961-1972)
Box 26 Folder 6-10
Meeting agendas and minutes, 1960-1964

Includes 1977 documentation of the formation of the CCPC, which superseded the CPC.

Box 27 Folder 1-6
Meeting agendas and minutes, 1965-1970
Box 28 Folder 1-7
Meeting agendas and minutes, 1971-1977

Campus / Community Planning Committee (CCPC)

Box 29 Folder 1-5
Correspondence, 1976-2003
Box 29 Folder 6
University / community planning process, 1977 November 18
Box 29 Folder 7
Rosters, 1977-1980
Box 29 Folder 8-9
Meetings, 1977-1978 June

Includes agendas, background material, and minutes.

Box 30 Folder 1-6
Meetings, 1978 July-1981 April
Box 31 Folder 1-6
Meetings, 1981 May-2004 May
Box 32 Folder 1
Meetings, 2004 June
Box 32 Folder 2
CCPC recommendations to the Chancellor, 1978-1982

Includes background information on recommendations, and signed approvals and disapprovals of Chancellor Richard C. Atkinson.

Box 32 Folder 3
Marine Sciences Physical Planning Committee (MSPPC) meetings, 1988

The MSPPC is a subcommittee of the CCPC.

Box 32 Folder 4
Park Committee comments to CCPC, 2001-2003

The Park Committee is a subcommittee of the CCPC.

Long Range Development Planning

Box 32 Folder 5
UC La Jolla - Historical campus planning documents, 1956-1960

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Box 32 Folder 6
Scripps long range development planning, 1962-1966
Oversize MC-034-01
SIO section of the long range development plan, maps, 1962-1966
Box 32 Folder 7
Major developments of physical facilities, 1965
Box 32 Folder 8
Updating the long range development plan, 1965-1970

Long Range Planning Committee

Box 32 Folder 9-10
Correspondence, 1966-1972
Box 33 Folder 1
Joint UCSD Administrative / Senate Long Range Planning Committee - Meetings, 1967-1969
Box 33 Folder 2
Joint UCSD Administrative / Senate Long Range Planning Committee - Correspondence, 1967-1970
Box 33 Folder 3-5
Meetings, 1967-1971
Box 33 Folder 6
Working drafts of the academic master plan, 1969-1970
Box 33 Folder 7
Committee on the Long Range Development Plan for the Lower Campus (Scripps) - Correspondence and minutes, 1967-1968
Box 33 Folder 8
Inclusion areas, 1967-1982
Box 33 Folder 9
Long range planning for college and cluster development at UC San Diego, 1969
Box 33 Folder 10
Isaacs, John D. Conceptual points in long range planning of UCSD, 1970 April 8
Box 33 Folder 11
Long range planning guidelines, 1979
Box 34 Folder 1
Long range development plan and draft environmental impact report, 1981 October
Box 34 Folder 2
Long range development planning, 1986-1990
Box 34 Folder 3
1989 amendment to the long range development plan, 1988-1989
Box 34 Folder 4
UCSD Medical Center-Hillcrest long range development planning, 1993-1995
Box 34 Folder 5
Implementation of the UCSD long range development plan: A report to the Regents, 1994 May 19
Box 34 Folder 6
Process and parameters for updating the long range development plan, 2002 March 13
Box 34 Folder 7
SIO capacity study: Existing, planned, and potential development (draft), 2005

University / Community Planning

Oversize FB-553-06
Assorted maps and guides, undated, 1965-1989

Includes map brochures, guides for walking tours, and transportation routes.

Oversize MC-034-01
Assorted maps and guides, undated, 1967-1975

Includes an undated map of possible subdivisions of city owned Pueblo lands, showing sections A, B, and C.

Box 34 Folder 8
University / community planning - Historical information binder, 1955-1971
Oversize MC-034-01
University / community planning - Topographic map of portions of parcels of Pueblo Lands, 1959 May 9

Tentative map of Prestwick Estates, being a portion of Pueblo Lots 1280, 1296 & 1297.

Campus Community Planner

Box 34 Folder 9-11
Correspondence, 1974-1990
Box 35 Folder 1-2
Meetings, 1967-1981

Includes agendas and minutes.

Box 35 Folder 3-4
Environmental assessment reports, 1973-1974
Box 35 Folder 5
Ad Hoc Committee for Community Planning, 1969-1970
Box 35 Folder 6
Community Relations Advisory Committee, 1969-1972
Box 35 Folder 7
Community relations - Correspondence, 1969-1972
Box 36 Folder 1
Community relations - Correspondence, 1973-1980
Box 36 Folder 2
University City community master plan, 1969-1987
Box 36 Folder 3
Strategy to distribute planning information, 1987
Box 36 Folder 4
Community relations strategic plan: Long range development plan and environmental impact report, 1989


Scope and Contents

Series 5) CAPITAL PLANNING: Includes materials related to UC San Diego budgeting of financial resources. The campus' Major Capital Improvement Program subseries documents the evolving long-range plans for the campus' capital improvement projects from 1956-1989. The Colleges subseries is arranged in order of established colleges.

Arranged in two subseries: A) Major Capital Improvement Program, and B) Colleges.

Major Capital Improvement Program

Box 36 Folder 5
State support for Scripps capital improvement funds, 1956-1967

Includes correspondence and building programs.

University of California 1964-69

Box 36 Folder 6
Major Capital Improvement Program for the San Diego campus, 1963 January 15
Oversize FB-553-05
Major Capital Improvement Program schedule, 1963 January 15
Oversize FB-553-05
Summary of San Diego 1964-69 five year building program (excluding Medical School), 1963 January 15
Box 36 Folder 7
University of California 1965-70 Major Capital Improvement Program for the San Diego campus, 1964 January 15
Box 36 Folder 8
University of California 1966-76 Major Capital Improvement Program for the San Diego campus, 1965 February 12
Box 36 Folder 9
1966-76 Major Capital Improvement Program chart, 1966
Box 36 Folder 10
Proposals for 1967-72 Major Capital Improvement Program for the San Diego campus, 1966 January 25
Box 36 Folder 11
Proposals for 1968-73 Major Capital Improvement Program for the San Diego campus, 1967 March 21
Box 36 Folder 12
Proposals for amending draft 1969-74 Major Capital Improvement Program (excluding medical projects), 1968 January 22
Box 37 Folder 1
Proposals for 1970-75 Major Capital Improvement Program for the San Diego general and SIO campuses, 1969 February 7

Volumes 1 and 2.

Box 37 Folder 2
Proposals for 1970-75 Major Capital Improvement Program for the San Diego medical campus, 1969 February 7
Box 37 Folder 3
Capital and operating budgeting issues 1974-75 for meeting with the President's Academic Planning and Program Review Board (APPRB), 1973 May 15
Box 37 Folder 19
Major capital improvements - Project planning guide for hospital library, 1976
Box 37 Folder 4
Major capital improvements, 1987-1989


First College (Revelle College)

Box 37 Folder 5
Budget narratives, 1978
Box 37 Folder 6
Funding allocations, 1975-1978
Box 37 Folder 7
Resource Analysis Profiles (RAP) for Provost, 1975-1976
Box 37 Folder 8
Second College (Muir College) - Funding allocations, 1975-1978
Box 37 Folder 9-16
Second College (Muir College) - RAPs for programs, 1975-1977

Third College (Marshall College)

Box 37 Folder 17
Budget narrative, 1978
Box 37 Folder 18
Funding allocations, 1975-1978
Box 38 Folder 1-6
RAPs for programs, 1975-1978

Fifth College (Roosevelt College)

Box 38 Folder 7
Correspondence, 1976
Box 38 Folder 8
Proposed Fifth College curriculum, 1982-1987
Box 38 Folder 9
Saltman, Paul. Concepts for continued growth at UCSD (draft), 1977


Scope and Contents

Series 6: PROJECTS: Consists of administrative and planning documents for proposed facilities and spaces, renovation initiatives, and community development projects. The files largely consist of Project Planning Guides (PPGs), which were prepared by Capital Planning office staff members and submitted to the UC Regents for design revisions and project approval. The PPGs compile the justification, project schedule, capital improvement budget, and funding plan. The records also include related materials, including budgetary material, correspondence, Detailed Project Programs (DPPs) and preliminary plan submissions (PPSs), equipment lists, and supplementary data. The PPSs identify the space and capital needs of the campus projects.

Arranged in five subseries: A) Main Campus, B) East Campus, C) Scripps Institution of Oceanography, D) UCSD Medical Center-Hillcrest Campus, and E) San Diego Community.

The Main Campus subseries includes building, property, and renovation projects for all of upper and lower (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) campus. This includes all of the colleges, schools, and departments; all academic, administrative, residential, and research buildings; the Veterans Administration Hospital and University Hospital facilities; and surrounding campus infrastructure. The East Campus subseries includes all university projects located east of the I-5. The San Diego Community subseries includes all projects located outside of the geographic boundaries of university property in which UC San Diego had a vested interest.

Main Campus

Films (16mm)

Box 39 Folder 1
Architects & Engineers building, undated
Box 39 Folder 2
Panorama from aboard the R/V Ellen B. Scripps , undated
Box 39 Folder 3-4
Building sequence, undated
Box 39 Folder 5
Ten days of building progress, undated
Box 39 Folder 6
Building site construction underway, undated
Box 39 Folder 7-8
Various buildings, undated
Box 39 Folder 9
New campus exhibit in Building B (Urey Hall), circa 1963
Box 39 Folder 10-13
Time lapses of the Humanities-Library building, circa 1965

School of Science and Engineering, La Jolla Campus

Box 38 Folder 10
Project Planning Guide (PPG), 1959 August 1
Box 38 Folder 11
Facility and space needs, 1959-1965
Oversize MC-034-06
Facility and space needs - San Diego campus space distribution plan 1963-70
Box 38 Folder 12
Building E / Galbraith Hall - Detailed Project Program (DPP, revised), 1962
Box 38 Folder 13
Biomedical Library (unit 2) - Building program and related correspondence, 1960-1969
Box 38 Folder 14
General Services and Cafeteria Building - DPP, 1962 February 1

Formerly called Dining Commons unit 1.

Box 38 Folder 15
Remodeling of space at County Hospital site - PPG, 1962 December 1

Physical Education Building and Playing Fields (Cluster 1)

Box 38 Folder 16-18
Step 1 - DPPs and related material, 1962-1970

Includes correspondence, cost data, and Building Advisory Committee for Physical Education Building and Playing Fields materials.

Oversize FB-553-05
Step 1 - BAC Physical Education Building and playing fields - Design development plans, circa 1964

22 sheets.

Box 40 Folder 1-3
Step 2 - PPG and related material, 1970-1973

Includes correspondence, equipment lists, and Building Advisory Committee for Physical Education Building and Playing Fields materials.

School of Medicine. Basic Sciences Building

Box 40 Folder 4-7
Correspondence, 1965-1984
Box 40 Folder 8
PPG and DPP (revised), 1963-1964
Oversize FB-553-05
Site plans, 1964 January 15

9 sheets.

Box 41 Folder 1
Detail space program, 1964 September 22
Box 41 Folder 2
Applications for joint construction grant, 1964-1965
Box 41 Folder 3
Utilities and site development, 1964-1970
Box 41 Folder 4
Preliminary plans and cost data, 1965
Box 41 Folder 5
Architectural engineering document (revised), 1965 February 15
Box 41 Folder 6
Public health services grant, 1965-1979
Box 41 Folder 7
Equipment lists, 1967-1968
Box 41 Folder 8
Surface parking (steps 1 and 2) - PPGs, 1968-1969
Box 41 Folder 9
Winzer Commons / Student lounge - PPG and related material, 1968-1969
Box 41 Folder 10
Completion of areas - PPG and equipment lists, 1968-1971
Box 41 Folder 11
Remodeling of the Tissue Culture Facility - PPG and related correspondence, 1973
Oversize FB-553-05
School of Medicine - Proposed floor plan of a prefabricated laboratory building, 1964
Box 41 Folder 12
Parking 450 spaces - Preliminary plan submission (PPS), 1964 November
Box 41 Folder 13
Central Facilities Building (step 2) - PPG, 1964 December 4

Veterans Administration Hospital

Box 42 Folder 1
Parking requirements - Land transactions, 1964-1973
Oversize MC-034-06
Topographical map of General Campus, 1966 April 14
Oversize FB-553-05
Topographical map of hospital site, 1967 November 15
Box 42 Folder 2
Camp Matthews renovation and temporary construction (step 2) - Supporting data, 1965
Box 42 Folder 3
Second College - PPG, 1965 March 8
Box 42 Folder 4
Complete areas in Buildings B and C for changed occupancy (step 2) - PPG, 1965 March 15
Box 42 Folder 5
First College residence halls (unit 2) - PPG (revised), 1965 July 1
Box 42 Folder 6
Animal farm - Movable equipment (groups 2 and 3), 1965 August
Box 42 Folder 7
400 parking spaces (step 2) - PPG, 1965 December
Box 42 Folder 8
Central University Library - Detailed PPG, 1965 December

Clinical Science Building - Project Planning Guides (PPGs)

Box 42 Folder 9
500 bed University Hospital and outpatient clinic, 1965 December 15
Box 42 Folder 10
Surface parking for Clinical Science Building and Veterans Administration Hospital 600 spaces (step 1, revised), 1969 June 16
Box 42 Folder 11
Central Plant expansion, 1972 June
Box 42 Folder 12
Research facility, 1987 December
Box 42 Folder 13
Central emergency power generation equipment and central control system - PPG, 1966 March 28
Box 42 Folder 14
Elliott Campus. Biomedical vivarium - PPG (revised), 1966 April 20
Oversize MC-034-06
Elliott Campus. Biomedical vivarium - Site and plot plans, 1966

Includes 2 sheets: site plan and index, and plot plans.

Box 42 Folder 15
School of Medicine. Campus teaching hospital - PPG (revised), 1966 November 23
Box 42 Folder 16
260 parking spaces - PPG, 1966 December
Box 43 Folder 1
Humanities and Social Sciences Building 2E (steps 1 and 2) - PPGs and amendment, 1966-1969
Box 43 Folder 2-4
School of Medicine utilities and site development - PPGs and related material, 1966-1971

Includes supporting data, correspondence, and preliminary plans and cost data.

Oversize MC-034-06
School of Medicine utilities and site development 1968-69 - Preliminary plan, circa 1968
Box 43 Folder 5
Central University Library (step 1) - Movable equipment (groups 2 and 3, revised), 1968
Box 43 Folder 6
Gilman Drive area rezoning - Correspondence and meeting minutes, 1968
Box 43 Folder 7
School of Medicine. Clinical Science Building - PPG (revised), 1968
Box 43 Folder 8
Academic buildings and cluster 1 laboratory building - PPG, 1968 January 19
Box 43 Folder 9
Animal Service Building at Elliot Field Station - Equipment lists, 1968-1970
Box 43 Folder 10
Clinical faculty wing and outpatient department expansion - PPG and related correspondence, 1968-1970
Box 44 Folder 1
Animal holding facilities at Elliot Field Station - PPGs and related material, 1968-1971
Box 44 Folder 2
Academic buildings - PPG, 1969 February 10
Box 44 Folder 3
550 seat lecture hall - PPG, 1969 February 11
Box 44 Folder 4
School of Medicine. Faculty Laboratory Building and vivarium addition (surge unit 1) - PPG, 1969 June 4
Box 44 Folder 5
International Center cluster 1 - PPG (revised), 1969-1970
Box 44 Folder 6
Residence halls, dining, and central student facilities (step 1) - PPG, 1969-1970
Box 44 Folder 7-9
Third College - PPGs and related correspondence, 1969-1971
Box 44 Folder 10
Utilities and site development - PPGs, 1969-1971
Oversize MC-034-06
Utilities and site development plans 1970-71
Box 44 Folder 11
School of Medicine. Addition to University Hospital of San Diego County - Project description, 1970
Box 44 Folder 12
Visual Arts experimental project - PPG, 1970 January 5
Box 44 Folder 13
Studio for experiment in the performing arts - PPG (revised), 1970 May 15
Box 44 Folder 14
Remodeling of student snack bar at Revelle College - PPG, 1970 July 24
Box 44 Folder 15
Addition to University Extension Building - PPG, 1970 November 12
Box 44 Folder 16
Mandeville Neurological Center - PPG and related correspondence, 1970-1972

Urey Hall - Project Planning Guides (PPGs)

Box 44 Folder 17
Convert areas in Urey Hall for changed occupancy (step 5, revised), 1970 September 18
Box 44 Folder 18
Convert areas in Urey Hall and Physics-Chemistry Building for changed occupancy (step 4, revised), 1971-1972
Box 44 Folder 19
Convert areas in Urey Hall for changed occupancy (step 5B), 1972 June 12
Box 44 Folder 20
Urey Hall completions (revised), 1973 September 30

Third College. Academic Unit 1

Box 44 Folder 21
Correspondence, 1972-1975
Box 44 Folder 22
PPG (revised) and amendment, 1970-1974
Box 44 Folder 23
Movable equi