UC San Diego Women's Resource Center Records, 1971-2024 (RSS 3120)

Restrictions: Documents containing protected information are restricted for 75 years from the date of creation. Redacted versions are provided where possible. See the University Archivist for more information.

Extent: 1.4 Linear feet (4 archives boxes), + 4.07 GB of digital files

Digital Content

Digital files from this collection.

The UCSD Women's Resource Center records document the founding, development, and early activities of the Center.

The UCSD Women's Resource Center was established as a meeting place for women to connect, learn, and promote awareness and sensitivity to women's needs and matters. Originally housed in the lower Muir Commons, it opened its doors on Friday, April 5, 1974. The Center's mission was to serve all members of the UCSD community by providing information, fostering community through events and projects, and referring people to other sources of information. It was staffed by a combination of paid staff and unpaid student volunteers. Today, the Center is officially named the Women's Center.

The UCSD Women's Resource Center records document the founding, development, and early activities of the Center; including correspondence, meeting materials, budgets, proposals, policies, event materials, publicity, and publications.

Accession Processed in 2009

Arranged in four series: 1) ADMINISTRATIVE FILES, 2) EVENTS, 3) PUBLICITY, and 4) SUBJECT FILES.

Accession Processed in 2024


Container List



Scope and Contents

Series 1) ADMINISTRATIVE FILES: Documents the daily operations of the UCSD Women's Resource Center. Of particular interest are the daily logbooks, which document the management and goals of the Center from 1990-1991. Arranged alphabetically.

Box 1 Folder 1
Budget, undated
Box 1 Folder 2
Correspondence, 1979-1991
Box 1 Folder 3
Daily logbooks, 1990-1991

The logbooks were used to facilitate communication between Center staff.

Box 1 Folder 4
Goals, objectives, and activities, 1981-1982
Box 1 Folder 5-6
Meetings - Minutes and agendas, 1978-1992

Minutes were sometimes taken on the back of Center event flyers.

Box 1 Folder 7
Organizational proposals, 1973-1986
Box 1 Folder 8
Policies and procedures, 1979-1982
Box 1 Folder 9
Space allotment in the Student Center, 1982-1984
Box 1 Folder 10
Surveys, undated, 1979
Box 1 Folder 11
Volunteer training, undated, 1975
Box 1 Folder 12
Women's Resource Center 1983 Report (draft), 1983


Scope and Contents

Series 2) EVENTS: Includes photographs and flyers for campus and community events. Arranged chronologically by event date.

Box 1 Folder 13
Events and rallies - Photographs, undated, 1985-1986
Box 1 Folder 14-16
International Women's Week, 1982, 1992-1994
Box 1 Folder 17
Women in Leadership conference, 1986-1988

Presented by the Women's Resource Center and held at the International Center on 9 May 1987.

Box 1 Folder 18
Coffee with Ann Simonton, 1989
Box 1 Folder 19
Take Back the Night, 1992


Scope and Contents

Series 3) PUBLICITY MATERIALS: Includes several news clippings and newsletters documenting the establishment, activities, and early reception of the UCSD Women's Resource Center. Arranged alphabetically.

Box 2 Folder 1
Calendars of events, 1980-1982
Box 2 Folder 2-3
Flyers, 1975-1994

Includes master copies of event and outreach flyers.

Box 2 Folder 4
News clippings, 1974-1975
Box 2 Folder 5
Newsletters, 1977-1987


Scope and Contents

Series 4) SUBJECT FILES: Arranged alphabetically by topic.

Box 2 Folder 6
Feminist Studies nonfiction - Annotated bibliography, undated
Box 2 Folder 7
Herstory - UCSD Women's Center, 1975-1977

Original research papers in this folder are restricted until December 2052.

Box 2 Folder 8
International Women's Year, 1975
Box 2 Folder 9
UC women's centers, 1982-1994

Includes correspondence, reports, and event flyers. These flyers were collected to stimulate programming ideas.

Box 2 Folder 10
Women's studies, 1971-1983



Scope and Content of Series

Series 5) ADMINISTRATIVE FILES AND PUBLICITY: Arranged alphabetically and in two subseries: A) Administrative Files and B) Publicity Materials.

Administrative Files

Box 3 Folder 1-3
Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (CSW), 1990-1992

Includes meeting materials and annual reports regarding the proposed UC San Diego Women's Center.

Box 3 Folder 4
Human Resources Department - Office of Policy Development and Quality of Work-life, ca. 2000-2001
Box 3 Folder 5
UC San Diego Chinese Studies Program requirements, ca. 2001-2013

Publicity Materials

Box 3 Folder 6-7
Abreast newsletter, 2001-2013
Box 3 Folder 8
End of year Portfolio: UC San Diego Women's Center Internship, 2009-2010

Includes UCSD Women's Center newsletters and project information.

Box 3 Folder 9-12
Flyers, 2000-2003

Includes outreach and event flyers.

Box 4 Folder 1-15
Flyers, 2003-2022

Includes outreach and event flyers.