UC San Diego. Center for Research in Computing and the Arts Collection, 1969-2012 (RSS 1225)

Extent: 9.9 Linear feet (15 archives boxes, 12 card file box, 5 shoe boxes, and two oversized folders), + 167.83 GB of digital files

Digital Content

Digital files from this collection. Some files are restricted from public download, but may be requested through the finding aid for mediated and/or on-site access.

The UC San Diego Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA) collection documents the activities of the experimental music and art research unit. Materials include: subject files, photographs, publications and writings, event materials, and produced works.

The Project for Music Experiment, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, opened in 1972 under the direction of UC San Diego professor Roger Reynolds. In 1973, the project became an organized research unit at the University of California, San Diego and was renamed the Center for Music Experiment (CME). Although autonomous, the Center was monitored by an inter-departmental advisory board with UC San Diego Music Department faculty. The director was nominated by the board and appointed by the Chancellor for terms of up to five years.

The Center was designed as a performance, composition, and a technological research space for innovations with digital computer music; also facilitating the Studio for Extended Performance, the Extended Vocal Techniques Ensemble (EVTE), and the KIVA Improvisation Ensemble. The center facilitated and sponsored countless events, as well as worked with artists from around the world through exchange programs. In 1977, under the direction of Pauline Oliveros, CME received additional funding for a computer music facility designed to integrate technology and research into both the graduate and undergraduate curricula. In 1991, the UC Regents approved the change of name from CME to CRCA - the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA). On July 1, 2012, CRCA was "sunset" and it's functions and facilities were folded into Calit2.

Notable faculty included: Will Ogden, Robert Erickson, Harry Partch, Kenneth Gaburo, Thomas Nee, James Campbell, Bernard Rands, and John Silber.

Directors included: Rodger Reynolds (Founding Director, 1972-1975), Pauline Oliveros (1976-1979), F. Richard Moore (1982-1991), Harold Cohen (1993-1998), Sheldon Brown (1999-2010), and Shahrokh Yadegari (2011-2012).

The UC San Diego Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA) collection documents the activities of the experimental music and art computer-based research unit. The documents were collected internally by staff and faculty for educational and archives purposes. The materials include subject files representing the development and founding of the department, performance flyers, photographs, publications and writings describing the technological development of experimental music research and performance, and works produced by the center and its affiliates.

Accession Processed Prior to 2016: Arranged in four series: 1) SUBJECT FILES, 2) PHOTOGRAPHS, 3) PUBLICATIONS, and 4) WRITINGS.

Accession Processed in 2023: Arranged in three series: 5) PUBLICATIONS AND WRITINGS, 6) EVENTS, PRODUCED WORKS, AND PROGRAMS, and 7) DIGITAL FILES.

Pauline Oliveros Papers, MSS 102. Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego Library.

Center for Music Experiment Recordings Archives

Container List

Processed Prior to 2016


Box 9
Archive card file, ca. 1969-1980

Includes tape archive card file.

Box 1 Folder 1
Archive guidelines and lists, 1989 October 17

Includes list of pieces and publications produced at the Center for Music Experiment (CME) prior to 1989.

Box 1 Folder 2
Biographies and lists, undated
Box 1 Folder 3
Campus Computer Policy Committee - Computer Audio Research Laboratory (CARL) equipment, 1980
Box 1 Folder 4
Center for Music Experiment Advisory Committee - Meeting minutes, 1976-1977
Box 1 Folder 5
Computer Audio Research Laboratory (CARL) - User policies, 1980
Box 1 Folder 6
Conversations Around the Pacific Ring - Pacific Ring Festival performance materials, 1986 May
Box 1 Folder 7
Correspondence, 1977-1993

Includes administrative materials.

Box 1 Folder 8
Disklaver Discovery - Performance brochures and newspaper clipping, 1988 July 25
Box 1 Folder 9
Exhibition and Festival of New Instrumental Resources - Program and information packet, 1979 May 4-6

Extended Vocal Techniques Ensemble (EVTE)

Box 1 Folder 10
Correspondence, 1977-1978
Box 1 Folder 11
Fundraising, 1977-1978
Box 1 Folder 12
History and brochures, 1977-1980
Box 2 Folder 1
Reviews, 1977
Box 2 Folder 2
Harmonics - Bass research, undated
Box 2 Folder 3
International Computer Music Conference, 1977 October 26-30
Box 2 Folder 4
International Stravinsky Centennial Symposium - Grant proposal, 1982
Box 2 Folder 5
Music Frontiers 1993: Darmstadt - San Diego Theory and Aesthetics Colloquium course materials, 1993
Box 2 Folder 6
New York Philharmonic - Roger Reynolds performances, 1984
Box 2 Folder 7
Newspaper clippings, 1972-1980
Box 2 Folder 8-11
Performance flyers and brochures, 1972-1992
Oversize FB-479 Folder 03
Performance posters, ca. 1970-1980
Box 3 Folder 1
Planning conference on proposed UCSD computer music facility, 1978 October
Box 3 Folder 2-3
Redolfi, Michel. Sonic Waters underwater concert, 1982-1983

Includes brochures, photographs, and notes.

Box 3 Folder 4
Schedule of weekly events, 1972-1974
Box 3 Folder 5
Seven Compositions - Performance flyer and description, 1984 November 15


Box 3 Folder 6
Child Birth performance - Photographs, slides, transparencies, and contact sheets, ca. 1981-1982
Box 3 Folder 7
Faculty and staff - Photographs, negatives, and contact sheets, 1976-1977
Box 3 Folder 8
Kiva group - Brochures, photographs, and transparencies, ca. 1975-1985

Research and performance group created at CME in 1975.

Box 3 Folder 9
Loops Console, Ron George - 35mm b/w negatives, undated
Box 3 Folder 10
Performance and events - Photographs, negatives, slide, and transparency, ca. 1976-1980
Box 3 Folder 11
Rainforest, Rose Montano - Photograph and negatives, 1977 February
Box 3 Folder 12
Trans Museq, LaDonna Smith and Davey Williams - Program, correspondence, newspaper clipping, and photograph, 1983
Box 3 Folder 13
What's Cooking? - Performance notes, negatives, and contact sheet, 1977 April-May


Box 4 Folder 1
List of publications, undated
Box 4 Folder 2-3
Annual reports, 1974-1991
Box 4 Folder 4
Computer Audio Research Laboratory (CARL) - A prospectus and retrospective: An evening in two parts (program), 1988 May 16
Box 4 Folder 5
Computer Audio Research Laboratory (CARL), 1979-1988: A Report in two parts, 1988 August
Box 4 Folder 6
Catalogue for the Exhibition/Festival: For New Instrumental Resources I and II, 1979-1980
Box 4 Folder 7
Center for Research in Computer and the Arts - Reports and 40th anniversary program, 1992-2012
Box 4 Folder 8
CME roster, 1982-1985
Box 4 Folder 9
CME Staff and Facilities Manual, 1982
Box 4 Folder 10
Colloquia: Music and Contemporary Society, 1985 January-March

Bertram Turetzky, principal investigator, and John D. Lauer, editor

Box 4 Folder 11
Darmstadt internationale ferienkurse fur neue musik, 1988

UC San Diego, Department of Music publication.

Box 4 Folder 12
Directions newsletter, 1977 March-1979 December
Box 4 Folder 13
Four views of the Music Department at the University of California San Diego, ca. 1972
Box 4 Folder 14
Informal report on the NMCE IV activities within the Center for Music Experiment, Rockefeller - UCSD, 1973-1974

Report by Kenneth Gaburo, director of the NMCE IV (New Music Choral Ensemble).

Box 4 Folder 15
Project for Music Department: Report, 1972-1973
Box 4 Folder 16
Report on an experimental general music program, 1969 June
Box 4 Folder 17
UCSD Music Department - Brochures, undated


Box 5 Folder 1
Abbot, Chris. Cleopatra: A language for ASP's (and other snakes), 1983 June 20
Box 5 Folder 2
Abbot, Curtis and Gareth Loy. Programming languages for computer music synthesis, performance, and composition, 1985 June 2
Box 5 Folder 3
Amuedo, John W. AP-Lisp language definition, 1986
Box 5 Folder 4
Amuedo, John W. - Paul Lenert of National Public Radio's The Sound of Science interview at M.I.T., 1986 July 10
Box 5 Folder 5
Analog Studio user's manual, undated
Box 5 Folder 6
Bachauer, Walter. Avantgarde in Southern California: A report on the 'Center for Music Experiment' at the University of California in San Diego/La Jolla, ca. 1986
Box 5 Folder 7
Balzano, Gerald J. The structural uniqueness of the diatonic order, 1978 April 20

Boulanger, Richard

Box 5 Folder 8
Electronic Violin Project: Documents, 1982-1984
Box 5 Folder 9
An interview with Roger Reynolds, Joji Yuasa, and Charles Wuorinen - Transcript, 1984 March 9
Box 5 Folder 10
Reviews, 1979-1983
Box 5 Folder 11
Two movements in C, undated
Box 5 Folder 12
Burt, Warren. Talk and music: With three pieces from Aardvarks IX, 1984 October-December
Box 5 Folder 13
Chabot, Xavier. User software for Realtime input by a musical instrument, 1985
Box 5 Folder 14
Chabot, Xavier, Roger Dannenberg, and Georges Bloch. A workstation in live performance: Composed improvisation, ca. 1986
Box 5 Folder 15
Coelho de Souza, Rodolfo. Semiotics of music in Brazilian 'tristes tropicos', 1991 February 8
Box 5 Folder 16
Cohen, Howard. MX-2: A real-time software synthesizer, 1977 November
Box 5 Folder 17
Composition of music by interpretation of symbolic descriptions, ca. 1986
Box 5 Folder 18
The development of the extended vibraphone: Appendix B, 1966-1977
Box 5 Folder 19
Dolson, Mark. Musical applications of the phase vocoder, 1986
Box 5 Folder 20
Dolson, Mark, Abe Singer, and David Rivas. Personal-computer microwords for learning about signals and sounds, ca. 1987
Box 5 Folder 21
Dunn, David. Mappings and entrainments: Introduction to work in progress, 1984
Box 5 Folder 22
Dunn, David. Music and the holonomic metaphor, 1984
Box 5 Folder 23
Erickson, Robert. Loops an informal timbre experiment, 1974 March 11
Box 6 Folder 1
EVTE: Index to a recorded lexicon of extended vocal technique, 1974
Box 6 Folder 2
Francois, Jean-Charles. FYHYT I: Algorithm for the generation of complex rhythms, 1978 March
Box 6 Folder 3
Francois, Jean-Charles. Perspectives on the Center for Music Experiment and related research, undated
Box 6 Folder 4
General design specifications for a UCSD Remote Job Entry (RJE) terminal, 1973 October 4
Box 6 Folder 5
George, Ronald. Research into new areas of multiple-percussion performance and composition, 1975

Gross, Robert

Box 6 Folder 6
The CME Patchbay System user's manual, 1976 November 9
Box 6 Folder 7
The CME synthesizer, undated
Box 6 Folder 8
Generating pitch deviation functions for a sound synthesis system, 1978 June
Box 6 Folder 9
Using the CME Patchbay, 1976 April 16
Box 6 Folder 10
Gross, Robert and Bruce Leibig. A compositionally oriented sound synthesis system, 1976 August 17
Box 6 Folder 11
Gross, R., B. Leibig, and J. Goldstein. Timbre Tuning System (Version I) - Operation manual, 1975 December 14
Box 6 Folder 12
Gross, Robert and Linda Vickerman. Preliminary remarks on extended vocal capabilities with the artificial larnyx, 1974 June 4

Gygax, Otto A

Box 6 Folder 13
Adaptation of the HVE Engineering Synergist III VME-VME board to the requirements of the Inter-computer link in the Computer Audio Research Laboratory Computer Music Workstation, 1986 August 13
Box 6 Folder 14
VMEbus Interface Bus Circuitry (VIBC), 1986 February 17
Box 6 Folder 15
VMEbus Interface Board Circuitry (VIBC) design review, undated
Box 6 Folder 16
Hallock, Don and Richard Stephens. Suggestions toward a small video facility, undated

Harkins, Edwin

Box 6 Folder 17
Compositional Access Towards Everything Rhythmic (CATER), undated
Box 6 Folder 18
Performance and electronic instrument design, undated
Box 6 Folder 19
A programmable rhythm sequencer, 1975
Box 6 Folder 20
Harkins, Edwin and Robert Gross. LASAR: A language for rhythm input to a sound synthesis system, 1977 October
Box 6 Folder 21
How does a computer make music, undated

Tutorial focusing on synthesis.

Box 6 Folder 22
Hybrid IV, Volume I: User's manual, 1975 June 30

Second Printing.

Box 6 Folder 23
Inger, Lester. Attention to attention in the fine arts, 1979 February 8
Box 6 Folder 24
Kavasch, Deborah. An introduction to extended vocal techniques: Some compositional aspects and performance problems, 1980 November

Reports from the Center, volume 1, number 2.

Box 6 Folder 25
Kobrin, Ed et al. Hybrid IV: Volume I - User's manual, 1975-1976
Box 6 Folder 26
Kobrin, Edward and Jeffrey Mack. The Hybrid II: A real-time composing/performing computer synthesis system, 1974 January 10
Box 7 Folder 1
Labor, Tim. Report on CME activities at Music from Laboratorio de Investigacion y Produccion Musical (LIPM), 1991 May 15
Box 7 Folder 2
Lanevi, Robert. Towards a world music: A proposal, undated

Loy, Gareth

Box 7 Folder 3
Composing with computers - A survey of compositional formalisms and music programming languages, 1987
Box 7 Folder 4
Computer Audio Research Laboratory (CARL) software writers guide, undated
Box 7 Folder 5
Designing a computer music workstation from musical imperatives, undated
Box 7 Folder 6
How to add new programs to the CARL software distribution, undated
Box 7 Folder 7
Introduction to CARL programming, undated
Box 7 Folder 8
Introduction to the csound file system, undated
Box 7 Folder 9
LPREV - Configurable tap-delay/low-pass reverberator, undated
Box 7 Folder 10
Musicians make a standard: The phenomenon of MIDI, 1985 June 4
Box 7 Folder 11
Notes on installing software for the CMD audio switch, undated
Box 7 Folder 12
On the scheduling of multiple parallel processors executing synchronously, 1987
Box 7 Folder 13
Sndpath - A program to interactively create/edit sound trajectories, 1988 March 11
Box 7 Folder 14
Mahin, Bruce P. String clinic: Interview with Janos Negyesy, 1987 June

Published in Instrumentalist Magazine.

Moore, F. Richard

Box 7 Folder 15
Applications for an integrated computer music workstation, undated
Box 7 Folder 16-17
CARL startup kit, 1982-1983
Box 7 Folder 18
The Computer Audio Research Laboratory (CARL) at UCSD, undated
Box 7 Folder 19
The FRMBox - A modular digital music synthesizer, 1980
Box 7 Folder 20
A useful way to write tutorials about computer programs, undated
Box 7 Folder 21
Mumma, Gordon. Computer music and the library, 1985 November 8

Oliveros, Pauline

Box 7 Folder 22
On sonic meditation, 1973
Box 7 Folder 23
On the need for new music and related arts, 1979 May 24
Box 7 Folder 24
A research center of new music for performers and composers, undated
Box 7 Folder 25
Software for people, 1979 January
Box 7 Folder 26
Oliveros, Pauline and Ron George. Project title: Resources for acoustic instrument and development - First draft, 1977
Box 7 Folder 27
Operating manual: Precision tone generator, undated
Box 7 Folder 28
Patrick, A. Digital signal processing project, 1988

Includes notes and hand-drawn figures.

Reynolds, Roger

Box 8 Folder 1
Explorations in sound - Space manipulation, 1975 September
Box 8 Folder 2
Manual for the use of CME facilities, 1975
Box 8 Folder 3
Musical production and related issues at CARL, undated
Box 8 Folder 4
Some remarks on a stimulating conference, 1981 February 24
Box 8 Folder 5
Rittenbach, Bruce. Aspects of computer music design, 1976 October 25
Box 8 Folder 6
Roads, Curt. Preliminary report on the CME composing language project, 1977 May 3
Box 8 Folder 7
Roth, Moira. Matters of Life and Death - Interview of Linda Montano, 1978
Box 8 Folder 8
Snell, John. Digital signal processor notes, ca. 1981-1986
Box 8 Folder 9
Sondheim, Alan. A model for the mathematical relationships in the self/world dyad, 1973 January-April
Box 8 Folder 10
Sondheim, Alan. Typed glossolalia: Computer analysis of determinism in man, 1972
Box 8 Folder 11
Thompson, Robert. Archive notes, 1986
Box 8 Folder 12
Tobias, Jay. Hardware selection for history, undated
Box 8 Folder 13
Virtue, Constance. Virtue notagraph: The new music notation - Scrapbook, undated

Includes materials from 1955-1973, as well as earlier scores.

Box 8 Folder 14
Voelkel, Andrew and Thomas Erbe. User's manual for CARL TMS-VME signal processing card, 1987
Box 8 Folder 15
Willey, Bob. Laboratorio de Investigacion y Produccion Musical (LIPM), undated

Report on the first two years.

Box 8 Folder 16
Wright, Rusty. The CARL audio switch daemon, undated
Box 8 Folder 17
Yates, Peter. Beyond Discord lecture, undated

Processed in 2023


Scope and Content of Series

Series 5) PUBLICATIONS AND WRITINGS: Contains articles and essays, reports, manuals, brochures, booklets, and CRCA newsletters. Arranged chronologically.

Reports from the Center

Box 10 Folder 1
Reynolds, Roger. Explorations in sound/space manipulation, 1977 October

Volume 1, number 1.

Box 17 Folder 1
Kavasch, Deborah. An introduction to extended vocal techniques: Some compositional aspects and performance problems - 1 audiocassette, ca. 1980

Volume 1, number 2. See report in series 4) WRITINGS.

Box 10 Folder 2
Computer Audio Research Laboratory (CARL) word processing documentation, 1983 December 13

Provides manuals and tutorials of various tools used at the CARL project, the computer music project at UCSD's CME.

Box 10 Folder 3
Computer Audio Research Laboratory (CARL) startup kit, 1985 June

Provides descriptions of various hardware and software used at CARL.

Box 10 Folder 4
McLean, Bruce. A cuboid score representation structure for applications in musical computing, 1986 October 14

Presented at Computer Audio Research Laboratory (CARL), UC San Diego.

Box 10 Folder 5
Snell, John M. Modular Array of real-time music processors, ca. 1987-1995
Box 10 Folder 6
Laroche, J. NeXT project description, 1990 December

Center for Music Experiment (CME) project.

Box 10 Folder 7
A program for the reinterpretation of musical input structures, 1991 June 1

Program written by Miguel Calzón for LIPM.

Box 10 Folder 8
CRCA information booklet, 1992 April
Box 10 Folder 9
Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) - Research overview, 1992 January

Includes description of visiting scholars exchange program.

Box 10 Folder 10
Obras de Roger Reynolds (Works of Roger Reynolds) brochure, 1992 May

Brochure is in Spanish.

Box 10 Folder 11
Ox, Jack. Die Sonate in Urlauten von Kurt Schwitters - Booklet, 1993
Box 10 Folder 12
Sisco, Elizabeth. Final report: CRCA residency, 1997-1998
Box 10 Folder 13
CRCA newsletters, 2001-2003
Box 10 Folder 14
Lucier, Alvin. Description of works, 2002 March 1
Box 10 Folder 15
Ox, Jack. Ursonate Kurta Schwittersa Obrazowanie muzyki, 2003
Box 10 Folder 16
Global Tourette project synopsis, ca. 2005

Brian Goldfarb as principle investigator. Carol A. Mathews and David Marcus as collaborating investigators.

Box 10 Folder 17
Brent, William. Perceptually based pitch scales in cepstral techniques for percussive timbre identification, 2009
Box 10 Folder 18
Brent, William. A timbre analysis and classification toolkit for pure data, 2010 April
Box 10 Folder 19
Fazi et al. Surround sound panning technique based on a virtual microphone array, 2010 May

Paper presented at the 128th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, London, United Kingdom.


Scope and Content of Series

Series 6) EVENTS, PRODUCED WORKS, AND PROGRAMS: Contains correspondence, proposals, programs and flyers, publicity materials, photographs, audio and video recordings, and photographs. Arranged chronologically.

Box 11 Folder 1
Visuals and Voices symposium - Program, 1974 February 11-22
Box 11 Folder 2
The Serial Concept and Schoenberg symposium - Program, 1975 January 10-12
Oversize MC-027-01
Event posters, 1980-2011

Includes: Images of Mexico: An Artistic Perspective from the Pre-Columbian Era to Modernism (1980 April 19-May 23) | Komar and Melamid: Recent Work (1989 October 21-Decemner 10) | Hung Liu: The Last Dynasty (held in New York, 1995 October 14-November 18) | Hung Liu: A Ten Year Survey (1998-1999) | Ansel Adams: Fiat Lux (1991-1992) | CRCA Spring events poster (2000 April 14-May 15) | Eleanor Antin: The Last Days of Pompeii (2004 April 16-June 12) | Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica (FILE) (2008-2009) | Computer Music Concert (2010 November 29) | Somatic Sensor (2011 January 21-22) | Computer Music Concert (2011 March 10) | CRCA Exchange events | Becoming Transreal (undated) | Writing Becomes Electric: A Symposium on Electronic Literature (undated) | and MUTIOC: Music Under the Influence of Computers (undated).

Box 11 Folder 3
Psychomusicology Forum - Responses to paper by R.N. Shepard, 1981

Includes statement by Richard Moore (Director of CME).

Box 11 Folder 4
Daryl Chin - Descriptions of works and news release, 1981-1984

Includes essay describing works originally written for The Drama Review, as well as "A selection of performance works."

Box 11 Folder 5-6
What's Cooking VI festival - Carolee Schneemann and Charlie Morrow, ca. 1981-1984

Includes performance information, Schneemann's proposal for piece titled Fresh Blood - A Dream Morphology, and photograph of Morrow.

Box 11 Folder 7
Jean-Paul Curtay - Correspondence, descriptions of works, newspaper clippings, and photographs, ca. 1982-1983
Box 27 Folder 1
Mumma, Gordon. Sketches of Begault Meadow - 1 Betamax, 1984
Box 16 Folder 1
Chagas, Paulo C. Ashe - 1 reel-to-reel, 1984

CRCA description: An electronic composition based on the transformation of traditional afro-Brazilian cult music.

Box 11 Folder 8
Chagas, Paulo C. Ashe - Correspondence, 1985
Box 11 Folder 9
Cohen, Harold. The Robotic Artist: Aaron - Reports, lectures, and booklet, 1985-1995

Includes: Lectures by Cohn "Can computers make art? Tools, rules, and other issues of artmaking significance" (1985 November) and "A self-defining game for one player" (1999 October) | reports titled "Expert systems and experts' systems: The domain of belief" (1985), "Implementing an expert artmaking system" (1987 May), "Aaron: Continuing research" (undated), and "On purpose: An enquiry into the possible roles of the computer in art" (undated) | Booklet for The Computer Museum exhibit titled "The Robotic Artist: Aaron in Living Color" (1995).

Box 27 Folder 2
Cohen, Harold. The Robotic Artist: Aaron, BBC's Open University Series on programing - 1 VHS, 1996 January 3

Intercambio/Exchange Concerts

Box 11 Folder 10
David Horta - Flyer, program, and scores, 1986-1995

Scores include: Tres Transformaciones (1986), Sincronia (1989), Enlaces (1991), Cuarteto (1993), Paradiddles (1993-1994) for tape and drums, and Patterns (1994).

Box 11 Folder 11
Event program, report on residency program, and CD liner note and booklet, 1994

Exchange program was between LIPM, CCRMA at Stanford University, and CRCA at UC San Diego.

Box 17 Folder 2
Horta, David. Paradiddles - 1 audiocassette, 1993
Box 17 Folder 3-6
Residency program concerts - 3 audiocassettes and 1 DAT recording, 1994 March 29-30
Box 27 Folder 3
Residency program concert - 1 Betamax, 1994 March 30
Box 17 Folder 7
Amy Knoles, excerpts of work - 1 audiocassette, 1994

Audiocassette titled Solo Perc and Electronics and is signed by Knoles.

Box 27 Folder 4-5
David Horta - 2 Betamax, 1995 March 3-10
Box 11 Folder 12
Aluizio Arcela - Flyers and scores, 1995

Scores include: Piece 9, Piece 10, and Piece 20.

Box 11 Folder 13
Staub, Volker - Correspondence, description of works, and 3 scores, 1987-1990

Scores include: Nr. 9 , Nr. 13 , and Nr. 14 .

Box 11 Folder 14
Robert H.P. Platz - Correspondence and booklet describing works, 1988

CRCA description: Robert Platz focuses on the revalorization of the elementary single tone which he conceives as the smallest communicative complex, as a kind of gene capable of triggering a genesis.

Oversize MC-027-01
Robert H.P. Platz - 5 scores, ca. 1988

Includes Schwelle (1973) and Für Karlheinz Stockhausen.

Box 11 Folder 15
Di Liscia, Pablo. Dialogo con mi anciano (1989), Que sean dos, and El convidado de Piedra - 3 scores, 1988-1989
Box 17 Folder 8
Di Liscia, Pablo. Dialogo con mi anciano and Alma de las orquestas - 1 DAT recording, ca. 1988-1989
Box 11 Folder 16
Viera, Julio Martín. Match III (1988) and Divertimento III (1992) - Scores, 1988-1992
Box 11 Folder 17
Acronym concert performance - Proposal, project overview, and description of works, 1989 October

Performers included: Ray Guillette, Robin Parry, and Bethina Sayegh. | CRCA description: Concert performance featured gestural instruments for dancer, singer, keyboardist and guitarist. The term gestural describes mappings between a performer's body/instrument expressions and multi-sensory events - which integrate real-time audio signal processing and spatialization, as well as lighting techniques.

Box 27 Folder 6
Acronym concert performance - Excerpts of dance performances by Bethina Sayegh (VHS), ca. 1989
Box 17 Folder 9
Morita: A Computer Music Performer that can follow a Human Conductor - 1 audiocassette, 1990

Event focused on music and involved a simulation of a computer following a human conductor.

Box 17 Folder 10
Staub, Volker. Sampling of works - 1 Audiocassette, ca. 1990

Includes: Nr. 9, Nr. 10, Nr. 13, Nr. 14, and Nr. 17.

Box 11 Folder 18
Computer Music - Brochure, 1991 March 14

Event was hosted by Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) as part of an exchange program with UC San Diego CME, featuring pieces from Francisco Kropfl, Fernando Lopez Lezcano, and others.

Box 12 Folder 1
Music from Laboratorio de Investigación y Producción Musical (LIPM) - Correspondence, concert programs, and booklet, 1991-1993

Series of events hosted between 1991-1993. Artists included: Pablo di Liscia, Julio Martin Ver, Miguel Calzón, Fernando López Lezcano, Hugo Pascaner, Fernando Larraburu, Francisco Kröpfl, Jorge Rapp, Claudio Lluan, Jorge Sad, Pablo Cetta, Carlos Cerana, Ronald Philipi, Edwardo Kusnir, and Julio Viera. | CRCA description: Focus on the diffusion of the current scope of contemporary music and its relationship to technology.

Box 12 Folder 2
Cetta, Pablo Cristian and Oscar Di Liscia - P.C. SOS, version 1.0: Manual de uso, ca. 1991-1993

User manual in Spanish. | CRCA description: This is a program that analyzes the Pitch Class Sets and their relations.

La Música por coputadora en los E.E.U.U. (Music by computer in the U.S.A.)

Box 12 Folder 3
Program and descriptions of works, 1992

Events were hosted by UC San Diego CRCA, featured pieces from Bob Willey, Eric Lyon, Christopher Dobrian, and other performers. | CRCA description: Christopher Dobrian composed Entropy using a computer algorithm. Other pieces featured are Un Tiro de Dados.

Oversize MC-027-01
Two posters, 1992
Box 17 Folder 11-13
Work by Eric Lyon - 3 DAT, 1992
Box 17 Folder 14-19
Harmony: Parts I-IV (1-4) and VI-VII (6-7) - 6 audiocassettes, 1992

Part 5 is missing. | CRCA description: Informative concert on debugging multitask programs, information on servers and devices, and a range of other topics.

Box 18 Folder 1-6
Harmony: Parts VIII-XII (8-13) - 6 audiocassettes, 1992

CRCA description: Informative concert on debugging multitask programs, information on servers and devices, and a range of other topics.

Box 12 Folder 4
Laboratorio de Investigación y Producción Musical (LIPM) exchange program - Correspondence, 1992-1993

Includes correspondence, contract regarding the production of CD, and transparency of artwork by Guillermo Kuitca titled Nadie olvida nada.

Box 12 Folder 5
Haig, Ian. Various works - Slides, 1992-2001

Includes Hack, Trick or Treat, Web Devolution, and Excelsior 3000.

Box 27 Folder 7
Haig, Ian. Video documentation - 1 VHS, ca. 1992-2001

Includes Hack, Astroturf, Trick or Treat, Psycho Samba, Super Human Factory Online, Anti Ergonomic Hump Machine, and Excelsior 3000.

Box 18 Folder 7
Rob Wellington Quigley architecture lecture on creating community - 1 audiocassette, 1993 April 7
Box 12 Folder 6
Strings, Amps, Processors: A Listening Workshop - Flyer, notes, and list of equipment, 1993 July 26

Workshop included Cindy Lee Berryhill, Renata Bratt, Jay Ray, and Lee Ray. | CRCA description: The purpose of this workshop was to hear how different electric instruments sound with different amplifiers and sound processors, and to judge the sounds for suitability for various music production tasks.

Box 18 Folder 8
Strings, Amps, Processors: A Listening Workshop - 1 audiocassette, 1993 July 26
Box 18 Folder 9
Basso Bongo live - 1 Audiocassette, 1993

Event was hosted by Los Angeles County Museum of Art ( LACMA). Artists identified as Eve Beglarian, Todd Winkler, and Amy Knoles. | CRCA description: Basso Bongo is a group of two musicians. It is a duo of electronic double bass (Robert Black) and a computer assisted MIDI percussion.

Box 27 Folder 8
Ditmars, Jason. Mind and Body Environment - 1 VHS (approximate running time 4 mins, 10 secs.), 1993

CRCA description: Using electronic technologies to bring interactivity to his sculptures, Ditmars' work focuses on the interface between body and the machine. He challenges personal identity, forcing both a physical and intellectual engagement with the work.

Box 27 Folder 9
Ditmars, Jason. Mind and Body Environment - 1 Betamax (approximate running time 4 mins, 10 secs.), 1993
Box 12 Folder 7
Figueiras, Juan Carlos. Antiguo y perpétuo - Score, 1993
Box 18 Folder 10
Figueiras, Juan Carlos. Antiguo y perpétuo - 1 DAT recording, 1993

InterArts Series

Oversize MC-027-01
Poster, 1994 April 5-May 19
Box 12 Folder 8
Su-Chen Hung lecture on immigrant artwork - Poster, statement, and images, 1994 April 7
Box 18 Folder 11
Su-Chen Hung lecture on immigrant artwork - 1 audiocassette, 1994 April 7
Box 18 Folder 12
Laetitia Sonami, What Happened II - 1 Audiocassette, 1994 May 5
Box 27 Folder 10
Laetitia Sonami, What Happened II - 1 Betamax, 1994 May 5
Box 12 Folder 9
Laetitia Sonami, What Happened II - Poster, description of works, and newspaper clippings, 1994 May-November

Includes earlier newspaper clippings documenting Sonami's career (ca. 1990-1994).

Box 18 Folder 13
Fredric Jameson lecture on literature and ressentiment - 1 audiocassette, 1994 April 27
Box 12 Folder 10
Shakuhachi and Koto Duet Concert, Masakazu Yoshizawa and Noriko Tsuboi - Flyer and program, 1994 May 20
Box 18 Folder 14
Shakuhachi and Koto Duet Concert, Masakazu Yoshizawa and Noriko Tsuboi - 1 audiocassette, 1994 May 20
Box 18 Folder 15
Fripp, Robert. Solo guitar with electronics - 1 audiocassette, 1994 June 9
Box 12 Folder 11
Concert series, Iris Szeghy - Flyer, poster, program, press release, and scores, 1994 August-December

Scores include: Ciaccona, A Midsummer Night's Mystery, Preludio e Danza, Afforismi II, In Between, Ave Maria, and Perpetuum mobile.

Box 18 Folder 16-17
Concert series, Iris Szeghy excerpts of work - 2 audiocassettes, ca. 1994

Works on label include: Ciaccona, Preludio e Danza, In Between, Ave Maria, Psalm, Afforismi II, The Game, and Perpetuum mobile.

Box 12 Folder 12
inSITE94 - Press release and postcard, 1994 September

CRCA was a participating institution.

Box 12 Folder 13
inSITE94 - Sheldon Brown's Video Wind Chime installation at CRCA, 1994 September

Includes press release and slides. Photographs taken by Sheldon Brown and Tim Nohe.

Box 12 Folder 14
Cyberfest - Flyers, 1994 October 3-9

Global art and cultural exchange, sponsored by CRCA.

Box 27 Folder 11
Cyberfest - 1 VHS, 1994 October

Label states: "CRCA RCAARTS, video dub, IP Boys, teleconcert."

Box 28 Folder 1
The Internet Show #1 Getting Connected - 1 VHS, 1994 November 11

Performance was directed by John Menier.

Box 16 Folder 2
UCSD Conversations with Harold Cohen, UCSD TV - 1 U-matic, 1994 November
Box 12 Folder 15
Concert series, Roberto Morales Manzanares - Flyers, program, press release, and description of Betamax recording, 1994 December 1
Box 28 Folder 2
Concert series, Roberto Morales Manzanares - 1 Betamax, 1994 December 1
Box 12 Folder 16
Sheldon G. Brown - Postcards, DVD cover art, and booklets for various works, 1994-2003

Includes Smoke and Mirrors exhibit booklet, as well as event postcards for Video Wind Chimes and Apparitions by Vital Signs.

Box 28 Folder 3
UCSD Conversations with E. Margaret Burbidge, Janos Negyesy, and Epstein, UCSD TV, #1215 - 1 VHS (running time 58 mins.), ca. 1994-1995
Box 12 Folder 17
Shank, Theodore and William Harper. The Aviatrix and The Cowboy musical - Track list and CD booklet with lyrics, 1995 April 1
Box 18 Folder 18
Shank, Theodore and William Harper. The Aviatrix and The Cowboy musical - 1 DAT, 1995 April 1
Box 12 Folder 18
Martel, Kristi. Black-eyed Susan - Performance outline with photographs and drawings, 1995 April 16

Performed at CRCA.

Box 28 Folder 4
International New Music Festival - 1 VHS, 1995 April 20
Box 12 Folder 19
International New Music Festival - Brochure, flyer, and artist bios, 1995 April 20-23
Box 12 Folder 20
Verbivocovisual in the Digital Domain: Pamela Z untitled performance - Flyers, press release, and performance description, 1995 April 21

A series of short pieces integrating voice, music and text.

Box 28 Folder 5-6
Verbivocovisual in the Digital Domain: Pamela Z untitled performance - 1 Betamax and 1 VHS, 1995 April 21
Box 12 Folder 21
New Music for Disklavier and Synthesizer - Flyer, 1995 April 28
Box 28 Folder 7
New Music for Disklavier and Synthesizer - 1 Betamax, 1995 April 28
Box 12 Folder 22
Bert Turetzky and Friends - Flyers, 1995 May 25
Box 28 Folder 8
Bert Turetzky and Friends - 1 Betamax, 1995 May 25
Box 12 Folder 23
Women in New Music at UC San Diego - Flyers, 1995 June 1
Box 28 Folder 9
Women in New Music at UC San Diego - 1 Betamax, 1995 June 1
Box 28 Folder 10
Technology Concert - 1 VHS, 1995 June 9

Concert hosted by CRCA. Label states: May "The Twittering Machine," Danks "Queue Fourche," Gelb "Splatter," Subotnick "Axolotl," and Theodore "psssh."

Box 28 Folder 11
Aspekte, ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) German television production featuring Harold Cohen (production number 556100720) - 1 VHS, 1995 August 29
Box 12 Folder 24
Aspekte, ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) German television production featuring Harold Cohen (production number 556100720) - Correspondence, ca. 1995 August
Box 29 Folder 1
Martel, Kristi. When Outside Gets inside Through the Skin: Honeymoon Borderlands - 1 VHS (running time 18 mins.), 1995 October 28

Performed at CRCA.

Box 12 Folder 25
Strings and Machines - Project proposal and flyer, 1995-1996

Project Director was Hugh Livingston.

Box 26 Folder 18
Spruce Street Forum: Stage footage - 1 Hi8, ca. 1995-2012
Box 12 Folder 26
Alexandru Solomon: Time Lag event - Flyers, publicity, CD cover art, and descriptions of works, 1996 March-April

Performed at CRCA. Includes earlier descriptions of works and materials from Fundatia Arte Vizuale (cultural foundation in Romania).

Box 16 Folder 5
Alexandru Solomon: Time Lag event - 1 tape drive, 1996

Includes detailed list of drive's contents.

Slam\Text: A festival of music, video, poetry, and performance

Box 12 Folder 27
Flyer, program, poster, and slides, 1996 May 3-4
Box 29 Folder 2
1 VHS filmed by UCSD TV (running time 54 mins.), 1996 May 3-4
Box 19 Folder 1-6
4 DAT and 2 MiniDV, 1996 May 3-4
Box 12 Folder 28
Rockefeller Residency and Exchange Program - Report and description of digital media files, 1996 May 8-16
Box 16 Folder 6
Rockefeller Residency and Exchange Program - 1 tape drive, 1996

A Concert of New Works

Box 12 Folder 29
Flyers, program, and description of work, 1996 May 8-18

Featuring scholars in residence Koich Matsunuma and Anselmo Guerra de Almeida.

Box 29 Folder 3
1 VHS, 1996 May 18

Includes Unidentified Voice by Koichi Matsunuma and Ololyksate! by Anselmo Guerra de Alemeida.

Box 19 Folder 7-9
1 DAT and 2 audiocassettes, 1996 May 18
Box 18 Folder 19
Strings and Machines - 1 DAT recording, 1996 May 10
Box 12 Folder 30
The 30 Minute Collision, Zachary Matthews - Correspondence, flyer, and description of works, 1996 May-June
Box 29 Folder 4
The 30 Minute Collision, Zachary Matthews - 1 VHS, 1996 June 5
Oversize MC-027-01
Reynolds, Roger. The Paris Pieces - Poster, 1996 November-December
Box 12 Folder 31
Reynolds, Roger. The Paris Pieces - CD booklet, 1996
Box 12 Folder 32
Kosio Minchev: Artist talk, installation, and reception - Brochures, artist booklets, photograph, and slides, 1996-1997

CRCA visiting lecture event was held on November 25, 1977.

Adam Rudolph's Moving Pictures performance

Box 13 Folder 1
Flyer, description of work, and press release, 1997 February-March

Event feature improvisational music and Butoh dancer Oguri.

Box 19 Folder 10-12
2 DAT and 1 audiocassette, 1997 March 6
Box 26 Folder 13
1 Hi8, 1997 March 6
Box 13 Folder 2
Carolee Schneemann performative reading of Your Dog My Cat: Or Delirious Arousal of Destruction - Flyer and description of work, 1997 April 11
Box 19 Folder 13-15
Carolee Schneemann performative reading of Your Dog My Cat: Or Delirious Arousal of Destruction - 2 DAT and 1 audiocassette, 1997 April 11
Box 29 Folder 5
Frederic Jameson presentation - 1 Betamax, 1997 April 28

CRCA description: Frederic Jameson has developed a richly nuanced vision of Western culture's relation to political economy. Emphasizing the connections between the arts and the historical circumstances of their creation and reception, Jameson charts their stylistic and ideological movement from realism through modernism and into postmodernism.

Box 19 Folder 16
Frederic Jameson presentation - 1 DAT, 1997 April 28
Box 13 Folder 3
The Helios Quartet - Flyer, negatives, slides, and contact sheet, 1997 May 9
Box 13 Folder 4
inSITE97 - Brochure, information materials, and slides, 1997 September-November
Box 13 Folder 5
Jan Tro Computer Music presentation - Brochure and list of works, 1997 November 4
Box 19 Folder 17-18
Jan Tro Computer Music presentation - 2 DAT, 1997 November 4

Includes one recording of excerpts of music and another of Tro's lecture.


Box 19 Folder 19
Lecture - 1 DAT, 1997 November 11

Lecture by "Matt."

Box 29 Folder 6
Etoy Package 17 delivery - 1 VHS, ca. 1997-1998
Box 13 Folder 6-7
Presentation, Toywar, and Internet Show - Brochure, publicity, articles, website printout, CD case artwork, photographs, and slides, 1998-2000

Photographs and slides are of Etoy performance at CRCA (1998 June).

Box 19 Folder 20
Experimental Art in Digital Media and Residue - 1 DAT lecture by Liz Sisco, 1997 November 18
Box 13 Folder 8
Experimental Art in Digital Media and Residue - "Friendly Fire" brochure, ca. 1997-1998
Box 13 Folder 9
Roger Reynolds commission for BBC promenade concert - Programs, score, notes, and newspaper clippings, 1997-1998

Includes The Red Act Arias and On the Balance of Things.

The Odyssey Project

Box 13 Folder 10-11
Invitation, program, report on year 1, website printout, cover art, photographs, negatives, and slides, 1997-1998

CRCA description: The Odyssey Project was a summer internship program for students going into the ninth and tenth grade, designed to explore academic and career possibilities in the arts and sciences.

Box 26 Folder 14-16
Top video archive - 3 Hi8, ca. 1997-1998
Box 29 Folder 7-8
Video projects by Kevia and Enrique - 2 VHS, 1999
Box 13 Folder 12
Négyesy, János. Interactive violin and graphics project - Project description, 1998 January 2

Mukaiyama, Kazushi. Intuit Throat

Box 13 Folder 13
Description of work, 1998 January 7

This is a project using a traditional song of the Inuit tribe.

Box 16 Folder 3-4
1 Hi8 and 3D video goggles, 1998 January 7
Box 14 Folder 1
Buchla / Apfelbaum Duo - Flyers and brochure, 1998 February 5

Due featured Don Buchla and Peter Apfelbaum.

Box 20 Folder 1-3
Buchla / Apfelbaum Duo - 2 DAT (original recordings) and 1 audiocassette, 1998 February 5
Box 29 Folder 9
Cohen, Harold. Sci-America AARON project - 1 VHS, 1998 February 5
Box 14 Folder 2
Contemporary Music from Norway - Brochure and program notes, 1998 April 15

Event hosted by Jan Tro.

Box 20 Folder 4
Contemporary Music from Norway - 1 DAT, 1998 April 15

Event hosted by Jan Tro.

Artificial Creativity: The Artistic, Creative Computer

Box 14 Folder 3
Brochure and flyer, 1998 April 16

Featuring the work of David Cope, Harold Cohen, George Lewis, and Christopher Dobrian.

Box 20 Folder 5-7
3 DAT, 1998 April 16

Featuring the work of David Cope, Harold Cohen, George Lewis, and Christopher Dobrian.

Box 16 Folder 7
3 Hi8, 1998 April 16

Featuring the work of David Cope, Harold Cohen, George Lewis, and Christopher Dobrian.

Box 20 Folder 8
Chromium Salvation concert - 1 DAT, 1998 April 23

Featuring the work of Harry Castle and Damon Short.

Box 14 Folder 4
Poetry reading featuring Gozo and Marilia - Performance notes, 1998 April 24
Box 20 Folder 9-10
Poetry reading featuring Gozo Yoshimasu and Marilia - 1 DAT and 1 audiocassette, 1998 April 24

Audiocassette includes The Moon Close To My Face Is A Fish.

Box 20 Folder 11-14
Computing Culture Symposium - 4 DAT, 1998 May 2
Box 14 Folder 5
Techno Game Room symposium - Poster, 1998 May 2
Box 14 Folder 6
Nohe, Timothy. Signature and Visual Arts Facility murals - Brochure, description of work, and CD cover art, 1998 July 24-31

Nohe was a visiting scholar at CRCA. Murals included The Listener, Mast, Whips, and Cruiser. | CRCA description: This was a site-specific installation that made evident and audible the radio frequency radiation that is ever-present in our environment.

Box 14 Folder 7
Saint Jean and the Solstice, notes on a festivity - Flyers, 1998 July 30

CRCA description: This was an installation and reception where images from Quebec were transformed into a filmic website by Lisa Moren.

Box 14 Folder 8
Object D'Art traveling exhibition - Brochure, flyer, and postcards, 1998 September 1
Box 14 Folder 9
Andrea Polli, Carol Genetti, and Steven Bonsotti. Inside the Mask: Physical Musical Instrument Interfaces - Artist biographical note and CD liner note, 1998 September 12
Box 29 Folder 10
Andrea Polli, Carol Genetti, and Steven Bonsotti. Inside the Mask: Physical Musical Instrument Interfaces - 1 VHS, 1998 September 12
Box 14 Folder 10
Gibson, Steve and Bert Deivert. Cut to the Chase and Telebody - Residency program correspondence, description of work, and CD booklets, 1998 October 7

Also includes CD booklet for Nostalgie by Gibson.

Box 29 Folder 11
Gibson, Steve and Bert Deivert. Cut to the Chase and Laminations IV: Black Kristian - 1 VHS, ca. 1998

Compilation of works presented between 1996-1998.

Box 14 Folder 11
An Archaeology of Media: Erkki Huhtamo lecture - Flyer, 1998 October 28
Box 20 Folder 15-16
An Archaeology of Media: Erkki Huhtamo lecture - 2 DAT, 1998 October 28
Box 20 Folder 17
Stone, Allucquére Rosanne "Sandy." Serial Theorist - 1 DAT, 1998 November 3
Box 14 Folder 12
Global Visual Music Jam Session - Flyer, 1998 November 23

Featuring lectures and demonstrations by Miller Puckette, Vibeke Sorensen, and Rand Steiger.

Box 20 Folder 18
Global Visual Music Jam Session - 1 DAT, 1998 November 23

Featuring lectures and demonstrations by Miller Puckette, Vibeke Sorensen, and Rand Steiger.

Box 14 Folder 13
Makaiyama, Kazushi. Network Communicate Kaleidoscope - Performance notes, proposal, and description of works, 1998 December 1
Box 14 Folder 14
Potes, Cesar Ivan. Taking forms to give forms: Unmaking things to make things - Dissertation abstract and performance notes, 1998
Box 30 Folder 1
Potes, Cesar Ivan. Taking forms to give forms: Unmaking things to make things - 1 VHS, 1998

Castle, Harry and Vanessa Tomlinson. End Game

Box 14 Folder 15
Correspondence and performance notes, 1999 January 14
Box 20 Folder 19
1 DAT, 1999 January 14
Box 26 Folder 17
1 Hi8, 1999 January 14
Box 30 Folder 2
1 VHS, 1999 January 14
Box 14 Folder 16
Brown, Rian. Presence of Water - Flyer, 1999 January 22
Box 30 Folder 3
Brown, Rian. Presence of Water - 1 VHS, 1999 January 22
Box 21 Folder 1-2
Master of Fine Arts Candidate Exhibition: Total Film Nostalgia - 2 MiniDV, 1999 January 23

The visual art exhibition features individual thesis projects by nine graduate students.

Box 14 Folder 17
Real Color, Real Time: A research lecture by Harold Cohen - Program, 1999 February 3
Box 20 Folder 20
Real Color, Real Time: A research lecture by Harold Cohen - 1 DAT, 1999 February 3
Box 14 Folder 18
Osborn, Ed. Tongue Tips and Background Noise - Flyer, 1999 February 11
Box 21 Folder 3
Osborn, Ed. Tongue Tips and Background Noise - 1 DAT, 1999 February 11
Box 14 Folder 19
Starrs, Josephine. A Relationship with New Media Technologies - Flyer, 1999 February 17
Box 21 Folder 4
Starrs, Josephine. A Relationship with New Media Technologies - 1 DAT, 1999 February 17
Box 14 Folder 20
Situations: A talk by electronic media artist Paul Vanouse - Flyer, 1999 February 24
Box 21 Folder 5
Situations: A talk by electronic media artist Paul Vanouse - 1 DAT, 1999 February 24
Box 14 Folder 21
John Stevens Got No Expectations - Flyer, CD artwork, and booklet, 1999 March 3

This was a CD release party featuring Stevens' music.

Box 14 Folder 22
Brown, Sheldon. Mi Casa es Tu Casa / My House is Your House: A Networked Virtual Reality Playhouse - Flyer, 1999 March 10
Box 30 Folder 4
Brown, Sheldon. Mi Casa es Tu Casa / My House is Your House: A Networked Virtual Reality Playhouse - 1 VHS, 1999 March 10
Box 14 Folder 23
Improvising Across Borders: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Improvised Music - Program (2090), 1999 April 9-11

UC San Diego Department of Music event.

Box 14 Folder 24
Kaiser, Paul and Shelley Eshkar. On Virtual Dance and Virtual Film - Flyer, booklet, and program notes, 1999 April 27

Includes Ghostcatching booklet.

Box 21 Folder 6
Kaiser, Paul and Shelley Eshkar. On Virtual Dance and Virtual Film - 1 DAT, 1999 April 27
Box 14 Folder 25
Csikszentmihalyi, Chris. Technological Fictions: Works and Research - Flyer, 1999 May 12
Box 21 Folder 7
Csikszentmihalyi, Chris. Technological Fictions: Works and Research - 1 DAT, 1999 May 12