Records (1951-1964) concerning the expansion of the La Jolla campus of the University of California, consisting largely of the correspondence of Roger Revelle, director of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, dean of the School of Science and Engineering and first chief administrative officer of the University of California, San Diego. Materials include correspondence with the San Diego aerospace firm General Dynamics; files on facilities planning and campus building programs; materials concerning acquisition of property for campus expansion and negotiations with the City of San Diego; files on campus and system-wide committees; and, correspondence concerning the naming of the campus. The records are arranged in two series: 1) CORRESPONDENCE and 2) SUBJECT FILES.
UC San Diego. Campus Expansion Files, 1951-1964 (RSS 3)
Extent: 2.8 Linear feet (7 archives boxes)
The efforts to establish a branch of the University of California at San Diego progressed with the passage, on March 30, 1955, of a state assembly measure requesting the Regents to conduct a feasibility study for expanding the Scripps Institution campus or creating a new site. Support for the new campus came from influential local community and industrial interests, including the San Diego Chamber of Commerce, General Dynamics, Ryan Aeronautical, and Solar Aircraft. General Dynamics donated $100,000 toward the venture and pledged another $1 million.
Roger Revelle, director (1950-1964) of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and his staff drafted a proposal that envisioned a largely graduate research institute in science and technology with a low faculty-student ratio and an eventual undergraduate student body.
In 1958 William Pereira and Associates produced a site selection study that recommended the expansion of the La Jolla campus on San Diego city-owned pueblo lands. In September of 1959, the UC Regents requested funding from the legislature to build the School of Science and Engineering (Revelle College campus). Groundbreaking for the new campus commenced on May 18, 1961.
The Campus Expansion Files consist largely of the correspondence and subject files of Roger Revelle, although a few items are from the office of Chancellor Herbert York.
Arranged in two series: 1) CORRESPONDENCE and 2) SUBJECT FILES.