Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop: Archive of Stories by Participants, 1969-2022 (MSS 681)


Extent: 37.0 Linear feet (93 archives boxes and 2 oversize folders), + .527 GB of digital files

Digital Content

Content from 2017 to present is only available in digital format. Users may search for content and request to view authors' works through the Digital Collections website and the Virtual Reading Room service.

The archive of the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop documents the science fiction and fantasy writing seminar from 1969-1970, 1973-2002, and 2007-2024 (with a gap for 2020). The collection includes writings of participants, memorabilia, and class rosters.

The Clarion Workshop is an intensive six-week summer program focused on fundamentals particular to the writing of science fiction and fantasy. It is considered a premier proving and training ground for aspiring writers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Clarion was founded by Robin Scott Wilson in 1968 at Clarion State College (now Clarion University) in Pennsylvania. Wilson built his system partly on the tradition of mutual criticism in use at the Milford Science Fiction Writers' Conference, a workshop for professional SF writers established by Damon Knight and Kate Wilhelm (who helped Wilson with Clarion as well). From 1972 through 2006, Clarion Workshop was hosted by Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. In 2007, the workshop moved to University of California, San Diego.

The archive of the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop documents the science fiction and fantasy writing seminar from 1969-1970, 1973-2002, and 2007-2024 (with a gap for 2020). The collection includes writings of participants, memorabilia, and class rosters. The folders are arranged chronologically, and then alphabetically by author within each year. After 2017, all additions to the collection are digital, and may be requested and viewed via Special Collections' Virtual Reading Room service on the Digital Collections website.

Container List


Box 1 Folder 1
Manuscript index, 1969
Box 1 Folder 2-10

Russell Bates, Joan Bernott, Ed Bryant, Chip Campfield, Grant Carrington, Dennis Caro, Glen Cook, Wieslaw Czyzewski.

Box 2 Folder 1-20

Harlan Ellison, Michael Fayette, April Graham, Irving Gelb, Juan Gonzalez, Peter Hays, Diane Hollibaugh, Betti Hufford, Steve Jurman, Anya Kahn, Evelyn Leif, Phylis MacLennan, Lyn Marron, Col. S. P. Meek, Frederik Pohl, Joe Shea, James Sutherland, Robert Thurston, Edward Uchno, Lorraine Ware.

Box 3 Folder 1-3

J.R. Williams, Robin Scott Wilson, Kate Wilhelm.

Box 3 Folder 4
Manuscript index, 1970
Box 3 Folder 5-12

Russell Bates, Ralph Benko, Octavia Butler, Daniel Claxton, Gerard Conway, Glen Cook, Wieslaw Czyzewski.

Box 4 Folder 1-17

George Effinger (pseud. Mark Hanna, Piglet), Harlan Ellison, Carl Gaffron, Jean Marc Gawron, Mel Gilden, Deborah Goldstein, Thomas Hamilton, Steve Herbst, Amy Hutton, Damon Knight, Joseph Manfredini, Lynn Marron, Vonda McIntyre, Maggie Nadler, Edward Rubin, Joanna Russ, Lucy Seaman.

Box 5 Folder 1-8

David Skal, Matthew Slattery, Jack Stahlman, Lynnda Stevenson, Jean Sullivan, Robert Thurston, Robin Wilson, miscellaneous.

Box 5 Folder 9-13

Douglas Baukus, Stephanie Bernstein, Robert Borski, Geoffrey Bradford, Alan Brennert.

Box 6 Folder 1-12

Delbert Casada, Kirk Condon, Daniel Dern, John Dillon, Jeff Duntemann, George Ewing, Jan Fielding, James Gartland, I. Martin Hansen, Leonard Isaacs, Marshall Jacobs, Seth McEvoy.

Box 7 Folder 1-11

Steven Muhlberger, Leslie Mundy, Richard Plattner, Richard Posner, Carter Scholz, Bill Schults, Darrell Schweitzer, Robert Stacy, Stuart Stinson, Michael Toman, Michael Ward.

Box 8 Folder 1-11

Carson Barnes, Steve Brown, Craig Butcher, Catherine Callaghan, Gary Cohn, Michael Conner, Carol Cooper, Harlan Ellison, Jonathan Greenblatt, P.C. Hodgell, James Kelly.

Box 9 Folder 1-17

Raymond Kook, Elizabeth Lynn, Lloyd Mathews, Allan Maurer, David Mills, Daniel Mishkin, Jud Newborn, Kathryn Ramsay, Al Sarrantonio, Joyce Scrivner, Kathleen Sidney, Bruce Sterling, Lindsey Stuart, G. Rodger VandenBos, Pierce Watters, Mike West, Robin Scott Wilson.

Box 10 Folder 1-3

Bill Wu, R. William Wyckoff, co-authors Brown, Butcher, Conner, Sterling, Watters.

Box 10 Folder 4-12

Michael Armstrong, Michael Berlyn, Kurt Black, Richard Bready, Timothy Campbell, John Cooper, Robert Crais, Gregory Frost, Bill Johnson.

Box 11 Folder 1-13

Brian Kelly, Claudia Lamperti, Jennifer Malik, Larry Martin, Lois Metzger, J.T. Nutter, Kim Robinson, Len Rosenberg, Robert Rucker, Michael Talbot, David Tully, Steve Volpe, Michael Ward.

Box 12 Folder 1-4

Vic Webb, Michael Wiss, Marc Zicree, unknown author.

Box 12 Folder 5-45

Adam Bellow, Scott Charles, Vincent DePaul, Cynthia Felice, Eileen Gunn, Bea Helm, Herb Jedco, James Kelly, Donald Kraus, Anna Kuhns, Allen Long, Robert Morales, Leslie Nelson.

Box 13 Folder 1-39

Leslie Nelson, Paul Novitski, Diane Petryk, Priscilla Pollner, James Ransom, Tony Sarowitz, Paul Schwebel, William Sheck, Mel Wright, Jr.

Box 13 Folder 40-47

Terry Adams, Peter Andrews.

Box 14 Folder 1
Class roster and workshop materials, 1977
Box 14 Folder 2-42

Peter Andrews, J. Blocher, David Deacon, Karen Funk, Fax Goodlife, Randal Graham.

Box 15 Folder 1-42

Mit Grimes, Carolee Hanson, Michael Hayes, Jackie Hilles, Timothy Lipetz, Ken McLaughlin, Michael Orgill.

Box 16 Folder 1-51

Lester Pope, Jeffrey Porteous, D.M. Rowles, Karen Shapiro, Jeff Sorenson, Lindsay Stuart, Margaret Thielke, Charlene Ungstad, Mark Wakely.

Box 17 Folder 1-7

Rena Yount.

Box 17 Folder 8-49

Gene Raymond Embrack, Kurt Erichsen, Joseph Francavilla, Madelyn Gilbreath, Daniel Gordon, Richard Kadrey, Richard Kearns, Victor Kriss.

Box 18 Folder 1-50

Victor Kriss, Thomas Lehmann, David Lubkin, Seth McEvoy, Joe Magee, Spencer Chilton Manrodt, Jr., Daniel Mishkin, Patrice Murphy, J.M. Park, S. Earl Popkes, Keith Shwayder.

Box 19 Folder 1-23

Shwayder Keith, Diane Silver, Judith G. Speck, Avon Swofford, R.A. Wilber, Cherie Wilkerson.

Box 19 Folder 24
Clarion Writers' Handbook, 1979
Box 19 Folder 25-44

Nicole D. Ballard, Tom Chulski, Bill Cornett, Scott Edelman, Rita-Elizabeth Harper.

Box 20 Folder 1-48

Sam N. Henry, Mark Nall, Gene O'Neill, Barbara Rausch, Jerry L. Robinette, Eileen Roy, Rhondi Greening Salsitz, Susan Santo, Lyn Schumaker, Annis M. Shepherd.

Box 21 Folder 1-26

Annis M. Shepherd, Diane Silver, Jennifer Swift, Larry Teufner, Kathleen Todd, Lois Wickstrom.

Box 21 Folder 27-50

Kim Antieau, Carol Buchanan, William N. Coleman, Jr., Kathy Esselman, Robert Frazier.

Box 22 Folder 1-47

Robert Frazier, Gary Goldberg, Rita Gillespie-Stein, Timothy Lindop, Micaela Massimino, Mario Milosevic, Claudia Peck, Michaela-Marie Roessner-Herman, Lorraine Schein, Lucius Shepherd, Gary W. Shockley.

Box 23 Folder 1-23

Gary W. Shockley, Julie Stevens, Kim C. Thomas, Paul Witcover, Franz Zrilich.

Box 23 Folder 24-30

Mary Aldridge, Terry Boren, R.V. Branham, Michelle De Lude, Robert Frazier, Amy Hargreaves, Bill Hays.

Box 24 Folder 1-14

Maggie Hoyal, Richard "Rick" Johnson, Everett Lee Lady, Ronald D. Lehmann, David D. Lewis, Moira McAuliffe, Michael Mayo, Laura J. Mixon, Danielle Monson, Madeleine E. Robins, Beppe Sabatini, Stanley Shaffer, Kathryn A. Sinclair, Sarah Stegall.

Box 25 Folder 1-2

Michele Winkler, unknown author.

Box 25 Folder 3-55

Nicole Ballard, Hugh Brous, Algis Budrys, Tom Chmielewski, Dane Christian, John Dean, Wesley Dean, Marian Duteil, Nancy Etchemendy, Ellis Flink, Matt Fried, George Guay, David Henrickson, Melissa Hilton.

Box 26 Folder 1-44

Melissa Hilton, Nina K. Hoffman, William P. Knuttel, Camille LaGuire, Wanda Rochelle Larrier, Patricia Linehan, Dane McGregor, Kristi Oleson, Marta Randall, Mark Sumter, Anthony David Trull, Elizabeth Ward, Rena Leith Weber.

Box 26 Folder 45-60

Kathleen Allyn, Cathy Ball, Mark Berry, Suzanne Blom, Julianne Chatelain.

Box 27 Folder 1-44

Julianne Chatelain, Mona Clee, Randy Crump, Eric T. Dinehart, Urs Frei, Benjamin Gleisser, Andrew Himes.

Box 28 Folder 1-40

Himes Andrew, Bill Hoffman, Daniel Kelsey, David Lewis, Carlyn Maschke, Molly Lawson Morrow, Richard Paul Russo, Ed Sears, Keith Toleman, Lori Ann White, Mark Willard.

Box 28 Folder 41
Manuscript index and first story lines, 1983
Box 28 Folder 42-43

Sandy Beadle, Amy Bechtel.

Box 29 Folder 1-11

Flonet Biltgen, Julie Campbell, Amy Sterling Casil, Stephen Dorato, Lisa D. Fabian, Annie Gerard, Kim Hughes, Kathleen A. Kendel, Catherine McGuire, Georgia Miller, Kathe Mustamaa.

Box 30 Folder 1-6

Robyn Oro, Michael Clark Perry, Robert Ross, Daniel F. Shea, Timothy M. Swain, William T. Vandemark.

Box 30 Folder 7
Audiocassette of Algis Budry's talk at Michigan State University, 1984 July 17

Restrictions Apply

Box 30 Folder 8
Anthology Originals: Best Short Stories of the 1985 Clarion Workshop
Box 30 Folder 9
Clarion 1985 bibliography (list of published titles)
Box 30 Folder 10-12

Bryan J. Bullinger, Resa Nelson Dolansky (Resa Nelson), Kenneth (Kenny) Felder.

Box 31 Folder 1-7

Leonard N. Foner, Kim Fryer, Sally Gwylan, Robert J. Howe (includes two photographs), Geoffrey A. Landis, Robert A. Latham, Luke T. McGuff.

Box 32 Folder 1-6

Ingereid (Gerd) Pearson, Martha Soukup, Frank Stearns, D. William Shunn, Kristine K. Thompson, Mary A. Turzillo (Brizzi).

Box 32 Folder 7
Manuscript index, class roster, class project and critique, 1988
Box 32 Folder 8

John Brazier.

Box 33 Folder 1-7

Brooks Caruthers, Kelley Eskridge, Daryl Gregory, Nicola Griffith, L.A. Grinzo.

Box 34 Folder 1-8

Peg Kerr Ihinger, Mark Rehl, Glenda Loeffler, Kelly McClymer, Paula Robinson, George Ruefener.

Box 35 Folder 1-8

George Ruefener, Kimberly Rufer-Bach, Sue Ellen Sloca, Mark Tiedmann, Andrew Tisbert, Sharon Wahl.

Box 36 Folder 1-2
Class roster, workshop materials and newsletter, 1989
Box 36 Folder 3-9

Eric Baker, Ted Chiang, Mike Christie, Sherry Coldsmith, Stacey Davies.

Box 37 Folder 1-9

Chris DeVito, Larret Galasyn-Wright, Paul Grunwell, Andre Guirard, Liz Holliday, Daniel Krashin, Linda Markley, David Prill, Stephen V. Ramey.

Box 38 Folder 1-4

Rachel Schwarz, Stephanie Schwerzler, Lorina Stephens, Lily Winters.

Box 38 Folder 5-6
Class roster and handouts; guest speaker articles, 1990
Box 38 Folder 7-11

Nathan Bucklin, Graham Collins, Steven desJardins.

Box 39 Folder 1-9

Brian Garwood, Heidi Heyer, Alexandra Honigsberg, Timothy J. Lambert, Meredith McGhan, Laticia Niemi.

Box 40 Folder 1-6

Mark Rhodes, Edward R. Rosick, Valerie Singer, Meryl Yourish.

Oversize FB-522 Folder 13
Class T-shirt, 1991
Box 40 Folder 7-9

Victoria Garcia, Kevin Helfenbein, Harrington (Harry) Ingham.

Box 41 Folder 1-6

Susan Kimzey, Daniel Lissman, Matthew Nicholson, Emmett Pittman, Bret Robinson.

Box 42 Folder 1-8

Sara Ryan, Steven Schmidt, Steven Schwartz, Merritt Severson, C. Paul Smith-Goodson, Braulio Tavares, Denise Tyler.

Box 43 Folder 1-9

Tina Anghelatos, Dale Bailey, Nathan Ballingrud, Seth Cauthorne, Cory Doctorow, Pam Hodgson, Jacquelyn Hooper, Aimee Kratts, Jeff Martel.

Box 44 Folder 1-8

Pam Noles, Janis O'Connor, Luke O'Grady, Felicity Savage, Cynthia Seelhammer, Jeffrey Valka, Jeff VanderMeer, Cynthia Zender.

Box 44 Folder 9
Clarion poster, 1993
Oversize FB-522 Folder 13
Class T-shirt, 1993
Box 45 Folder 1-7

Michael Scott Bricker, Michael Carr, James Cowan, Ray Davis, Dan Duval, Melissa Eggertsen, Bernie Goodman.

Box 46 Folder 1-9

Alexander Irvine, Michael Johnson, John McDaid, Paul Newman, Ruth O'Neill, Robert Rehak, Steven Samenski, Robert Stauffer, Robert Vagle.

Box 47 Folder 1

Pat York.

Box 47 Folder 2
Handouts and collaborations, 1994
Box 47 Folder 3
Stories by John Kessel and Ellen Kushner, 1994
Box 47 Folder 4-7

Judith Berman, Michael Burstein, Christopher East, Susan Franzblau.

Box 48 Folder 1-8

Sandra Hutchinson, Patricia Knol, Alan Lattimore, Sydney Long, Krista Luetzow, Jeremy Lyon, Janice McMahon, Juliann Medina.

Box 49 Folder 1-7

Jon Rosenthal, David Geer Smith, Donnard Roberto Sturgis, Micahel Totten, John Wenger, Kate Wilhelm, David Woomer.

Box 49 Folder 8
Clarion Workshop materials, 1995
Box 49 Folder 9

Jenise Aminoff.

Box 50 Folder 1-8

Michael Croteau, Deborah Donofrio, Harry Enfijian, Damien Filer, Jessica Frasca, Bruce Glassco, Brent Hayward, Nalo Hopkinson.

Box 51 Folder 1-7

Dora Knez, Kelly Link, Michael Lucus, Michael McComas, Joshua Peterson, Phoebe Smith, Lucy Snyder.

Box 52 Folder 1-3

Julie Washington, Sten Westguard, Brian Yamauchi.

Box 52 Folder 4
Manuscript index, class roster, signed poster of readings, staff directory and map of "Clarionia", 1996
Box 52 Folder 5-9

Chris Babson, Jan Berends, Michele Berger, Sue Burke, Lisa Greber.

Box 53 Folder 1-6

Corinne Hawkins, David Hoffman-Dachelet, Michael Jasper, Dan Jeffers, Steve Johnson, Aaron Kent.

Box 54 Folder 1-6

Harold LeBlanc, Monica Poole, Rosie Smith, Sarah Totton, Michael Van Wie, Isabel Whiston.

Box 54 Folder 7
Manuscript index and workshop handouts, 1997
Box 54 Folder 8

Jae Brim.

Box 55 Folder 1-7

Renee Brown, Marguerite Devers, Phil Goetz, Teresa Harms, Bill Henry, George Scott Huggins, Michele Letica.

Box 56 Folder 1-7

Kate Mason, Alice Mayio, Karen Perry, Wen Yi Phua, Whitt Pond, ML Roegner, Lori Selke.

Box 57 Folder 1-4

Catherine Shaffer, Anne Sheldon, Janet Stephenson, Cliff Winnig.

Box 57 Folder 5
Manuscript index and workshop handouts, 1998
Box 57 Folder 6-7

John Aegard, Barth A. Anderson.

Box 58 Folder 1-7

Christopher Barzak, Alan Deniro, Elad Haber, Clifford Johns, Marjorie Farrell, Kevin Kage, Kristin Livdahl.

Box 59 Folder 1-7

David Lomax, Edward Lopez, Janina Lynne, Elizabeth Matson, Ann McHenry, Chris Oseland, Madaliene Reardon.

Box 60 Folder 1-3

Tina Spell, Joanne Striley, Larry Taylor.

Box 60 Folder 4
Manuscript index, 1999
Box 60 Folder 5-7

Drachen Birch, Tobias Buckell, Michael Canfield.

Box 61 Folder 1-8

Lisa Feld, Thomas Gerencer, Timothy Harahan, William Hervey, Sharon Keir, David Kirtley, Simone LeRoy, Karen Meisner.

Box 62 Folder 1-7

Hilary Moon Murphy, Fred Ollinger, Tim Pratt, Jenn Coleman-Reese, J. Simon, Mark M. Stafford, John Sullivan.

Box 63 Folder 1
Manuscript index, 2000
Box 63 Folder 2-7

Jennifer Baumer, Jeff Cross, Stuart Dimond, Arthur Dorrance, Linda Dunn, Christopher Evans.

Box 64 Folder 1-7

Paula Fleming, David Findlay, James Gilmer, Gavin Grant, Derek James, Susannah Mandel, Joe Murphy.

Box 65 Folder 1-5

Mark Rudolph, Kelly Searsmith, Trey Thoelcke, Karen Traviss, Stacey Wenkel.

Box 66 Folder 1

Adam Young.

Box 66 Folder 2
Participant list, 2001
Box 66 Folder 3-8

Martha Allard, Philip Brewer, Amy Forbes, Kathleen Gabriel, John Gonzalez, Theodora Goss.

Box 67 Folder 1-7

Genevieve Kierans, Beth Adele Long, Tayannah McQuillar, Susan Mosser, Ryan Myers, Nnedi Okorafor, Alistair Ong.

Box 68 Folder 1-7

Richard Polney, Corie Ralston, Thomas Seay, Karina Sumner-Smith, Thomas Wagner, Jason Wittman, Staunchy the Monkey (pseudonym).

Box 68 Folder 8
Manuscript index, 2002
Box 68 Folder 9

S. James (Jamie) Blackman.

Box 69 Folder 1-7

Daniel Braum, Janet Jia-Ee Chui, Brendan Day, Lena DeTar, Rudolph (Rudi) Dorneman, Kelly Dwyer, Catherine Dybiec Holm.

Box 70 Folder 1-6

Ron Horsley, Elizabeth Levin, Mike Lewis, Gregory S. Lowery, Jason Erik Lundberg.

Box 71 Folder 1-7

Cecelia Marsh, Mark Patrick Morehead, Deirdre Saoirise Moen, Caleb Stewart, Julian Todd, Edd Vick, Trent Walters.

Box 72 Folder 1

Sharon E. Woods.

Box 72 Folder 2
Roster, class photo, and UCSD Guardian article, 2007
Box 72 Folder 3-7

Julie Andrews, Peter Atwood, Desirina Boskovich, Keyan Bowes (Rupa Bose), Catherine Cheek.

Box 73 Folder 1-8

Mathew Cody, Andrew Emmott, Betsy (Jeanne) Hasman, Katheryn McLaughlin, Shweta Narayan, Kari O'Connor, January Mortimer (Jennifer Sears), Ramsey Shehadeh.

Box 74 Folder 1-6

Jerome Stueart, David Wesley, Andrew Steiger White, Charles Justin Whitney, Caleb Wilson, Nicholas Wolven.

Box 74 Folder 7
Manuscript index, class roster and photo, 2008
Box 74 Folder 8

Paul Berger.

Box 75 Folder 1-7

Mary Burroughs, Monica Byrne, Eugene (E. J.) Fischer, Amy (Kathleen) Howard, Dana Huber, Emily Jiang, Keffy (R. M.) Kehrli.

Writings of Amy (Kathleen) Howard in folder 4 are restricted through May 2034.

Box 76 Folder 1-6

Megan Kurashige, Gra Linnaea, Sarah Miller, Lauren Naturale, Stefani (Steffi) Nellen, Daniel Pinney.

Box 77 Folder 1-4

Ferrett (William) Steinmetz, Damien G. Walter, Crystal Waters, Durand Welsh.

Box 77 Folder 5
Class photo and weekly schedules, 2009
Box 77 Folder 6

Heather Albano.

Box 78 Folder 1-7

Tiffani Angus-Bodie, Elizabeth Argall, Paul Boccaccio, Katie Crumpton, Edward Gauvin, Grady Hendrix, Tanner Jupin.

Box 79 Folder 1-7

Nina Kuruvilla, Matthew London, Rebekah McDaniel (Mishell Baker), Patrick (Val) Nolan, Leonard Pung, Shauna Roberts, Kenneth Schneyer.

Box 80 Folder 1-3

Eric Shultz, Nicholas Stenner, Nicole Taylor.

Box 80 Folder 4
Class photo, workshop materials and daily schedule, 2010
Box 80 Folder 5-7

Gregory Bossert, Stacie Brown, John Chu.

Box 81 Folder 1-6

William Farrar, Erin Gonzales, Jessica Hilt, Jennifer Hsyu, Adam Israel, Dustin Monk.

Box 82 Folder 1-7

Tamsyn Muir, Laura Praytor, LaTisha Redding, Dallas Taylor, Leah Thomas, Karin Tidbeck, Tom Underberg.

Box 83 Folder 1-2

Kali Wallace, Kai Ashante Wilson.

Box 83 Folder 3
Roster and class photo, 2011
Box 83 Folder 4-8

Rebecca Adams, Annie Bellet (AnneMarie Buhl), Brooke Bolander, Jim Brady, Todd Castillo.

Box 84 Folder 1-7

Jacob Cholak, Gillian Daniels, Peta Freestone, Dennis Ginoza, Joshua Lewis, Mark Philps, Chris Stabback.

Box 85 Folder 1-6

Jasmine Stairs, Andy Stewart, Erin Stocks, Timothy Susman, Brooke Wonders, James Worrad.

Oversize FB-510 Folder 1
Notes and sketches from class participants, 2011
Box 85 Folder 7
Manuscript index, 2012
Box 85 Folder 8

Deborah Bailey.

Box 86 Folder 1-9

Eliza Blair, Lisa Bolekaja, Emma Cosh, Danica Cummins, Lara Donnelly, Eric Esser, Jonathan Fortin, Christopher Kammerud, Joseph Kim.

Box 87 Folder 1-8

Pierre Liebenberg, Carmen Machado, Sarah Mack, Sadie Mattox, Daniel McMinn, Sam J. Miller, Ruby Obeyesekere, Luke Pebler.

Box 88 Folder 1
Manuscript index, 2013
Box 88 Folder 2-12

Jessica Cluess, Christian Coleman, Brandie Coonis, Thom Dunn, Sophia Echavarria, Zach Grafton, Brandon Haller, Leah Hieber, Will Kaufman.

Box 89 Folder 1-8

Angus McIntyre, Patrick Ropp, Eliza Tieran Rose, Gabriela Santiago, Matthew Schnarr, Pieter Van Tatenhove, Marie Vibbert, Alyssa Wong.

Box 90 Folder 1

Isabel Yap.

Box 90 Folder 2
Manuscript index, 2014
Box 90 Folder 3-20

Kiik Araki-Kawaguchi, Martin Cahill, Ryan Campbell, Amin Chehelnabi, Nino Cipri, Vida Cruz, A. J. Fitzwater, Noah Keller, Leena Likitalo, Zach Lisabeth, Haralambi Markov, Manish Melwani, Ellie Rhymer, Kristen Roupenian, Sarena Ulibarri, Tamara Vardomskaya, Kayla Whaley, Marian Womack.

Box 91 Folder 1
Manuscript index, 2015
Box 91 Folder 2-19

Jess Barber, Adrienne Maree Brown, Zack Brown, Philip (Pip) Coen, Bernard Cox, Rose Hartley, Nathan Hillstrom, Rebecca Ann Jordan, Vanessa Len, Travis Lyons, Evan Mallon, Eugene Ramos, Michael Reid, Lilliam Rivera, Sara Saab, Dayla K. Smith, Melanie West, Tiffany E. Wilson.

Box 92 Folder 1-12

Emily Cataneo, Margaret Cooper, Giovanni De Feo, Kendra Fortmeyer, Jaymee Goh, Jenn Grunigen, Marykate Jasper, Jen Julian, Kathleen Kayembe, Chuan-Song Alan Lin, Sunil Patel, Ryan Pennington.

Box 93 Folder 1-6

Jord/ana (Jordy) Rosenberg, Grant Shepert, Benjamin Sloan, Mackenzie E. Smith, Derek So, Jack (J.P.) Sullivan.

The 2021 session was held in a compressed online-only format in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.