Sun & Moon Press Archive, 1939-2003 (bulk 1984-2000) (MSS 224)

Restrictions: Personally identifiable information is restricted.

Extent: 108.2 Linear feet (165 archives boxes, 42 records cartons boxes, and 2 oversize folders)

Archives of the Sun & Moon Press, Douglas Messerli's "alternative" publishing venture, dedicated to experimental poetry, fiction and drama. Sun & Moon Press was founded in 1976 in College Park, Maryland, and later relocated to Los Angeles. The bulk of the materials document Sun & Moon's publishing activities from 1984-2000 and include correspondence, manuscripts, publishing materials, and biographical information on writers and artists.

In the winter of 1976 in an apartment in College Park, Maryland, Douglas Messerli founded the Sun & Moon Press (supported by the Contemporary Arts Education Project, Inc.) and began the publication of the internationally recognized magazine Sun & Moon, co-edited by his longtime partner, Howard Fox. In the magazine, Messerli and Fox published conceptual and language poetry, mixed-media art, and the work of the New York Poets. During this time, as well, Messerli began publishing Là-bas, a mimeographed, stapled "newsletter" of experimental poetry and poetics. Together, the magazines exhibited the work of writers such as Bruce Andrews, Charles Bernstein, Russell Banks, Susan Howe, Ray DiPalma, Ted Greenwald, Bernadette Mayer, Barrett Watten, Hannah Weiner, Tina Darragh, P. Inman, and others. Là-bas ceased publication in 1978; Sun & Moon ran until 1986.

In the late 1970s, Sun & Moon published chapbooks by Bernstein, DiPalma, and David Antin. By 1982 the small publishing house had come into its own with the publication of Djuna Barnes' Smoke and Other Early Stories, Russell Banks' The Relation of My Imprisonment, and an important anthology of contemporary American fiction with selections written by Walter Abish, Steve Katz, Leslie Scalapino, and Gilbert Sorrentino, to mention just a few.

Messerli, a writer in his own right, resigned his post as assistant professor of English at Temple University in 1983 to devote himself full time to the press, which moved during the mid-1980s to its present Los Angeles location on Wilshire Boulevard in the Gertrude Stein Plaza. To date, Sun & Moon has published more than 125 major works of drama, fiction and poetry and has distributed another 400. Sun and Moon Press was awarded the prestigious Carey-Thomas Award for Creative Publishing in 1987 and has been awarded a number of National Endowment for the Arts fellowships.

In 1986, Messerli also initiated the Sun & Moon Classics series dedicated to the production of major texts in English and in translation. The Classics series has published the work of Gertrude Stein, Djuna Barnes, David Antin, Fanny Howe, the Flemish modernist Stijn Streuvels, Norwegian novelist Tarjei Vesaas, Austrian writers Arthur Schnitzler and Heimito von Doderer, and has another fifty books projected for publication in the years ahead. Throughout the 1990s, Sun & Moon Press continued to publish individual innovative writers, such as Tarjei Vesaas and Lyn Hejinian, as well as comprehensive anthologies of poetry and drama such as From the Other Side of the Century, Volumes I and II, in 1994 and 1998, respectively. Green Integer Press, begun in 1997 and also founded and edited by Messerli succeeded Sun & Moon Press in 2004, ending a nearly three decade long publishing project. However, Green Integer, in many ways, picks up where Sun & Moon left off, publishing a number of the same authors and with a similar investment in innovative, international poets and writers. Both presses reflect Messerli's commitment to recognizing significant, yet often overlooked writers and works.

Archives of the Sun & Moon Press, dedicated to experimental poetry, fiction and drama. Sun & Moon Press was founded by Douglas Messerli in 1976 in College Park, Maryland, and later relocated to Los Angeles. The bulk of the materials document Sun & Moon's publishing activities from 1984-2000 and include correspondence, manuscripts, publishing materials, and biographical information on writers and artists.


Container List

Accession Processed in 1993


Scope and Content of Series

Series 1) ADMINISTRATIVE AND PRODUCTION FILES: Correspondence, manuscript drafts, photographs, artwork and other materials documenting the publishing history of Sun & Moon Press, arranged alphabetically by author's name. Personally identifiable information is restricted.

The bulk of the Sun & Moon Press Archive is a compilation of literary correspondence, both to and from Douglas Messerli (and occasionally to and from Howard Fox), of Sun & Moon Press production materials, such as manuscripts, typescripts and publishing proofs, and of various documents related to Sun & Moon's business activities (financial records, trade catalogs, advertising materials).

In addition, the collection is scattered with a wide array of materials associated with Messerli's life and work, and with the lives and work of writers and artists, both the relatively unfamiliar and the celebrated, from the last 25 years: for example, letters and drawings from Messerli's foster children in Thailand, Somsong and Ko Chinnaphorn; numerous broadsides and art postcards; Sara Garden Armstrong's battery-driven art book (see: "Silverberg, Ira"); designs and collages, such as those done by Lou Horvath and Nick Piombino; biographical material for many writers and artists; interviews with the likes of Michael Palmer, Allan Kaprow and Linda Montano (interviewed by Moira Roth); letters and cards from an infinitely eclectic population beyond the writer's world, including, for example, materials from the artist Claudia Delmonte, architect Allan Greenberg, sculptor Lawrence McCabe, and country western songwriter Chuck Rosenberg, who studied with the well known writer John Ashbery, to mention just a few.

As a whole, the Sun & Moon Press Archive is an important collection not only because it details the history of Douglas Messerli's "alternative" publishing venture, bringing experimental poetry, fiction and drama to the American marketplace, but it also situates a community of writers and artists in relation to that marketplace and beyond over the last 25 years.

Box 1 Folder 1
Abbott, Keith
Box 1 Folder 2
Abbott, Steve
Box 1 Folder 3
Abel, David
Box 1 Folder 4
Abish, Walter and Cecile
Box 1 Folder 5-6
Abish, Walter - Administrative files and 99: The New Meaning (proofs)
Box 1 Folder 7
Acconci, Vito
Box 1 Folder 8
Acker, Kathy
Box 1 Folder 9
Adam, Helen

Ahern, Tom

Box 1 Folder 10-14
Administrative files, The Capture of Trieste (fragment), Hecatombs of Lake (TMS), and The Petrus Borel Stories (TMS)
Box 2 Folder 1-3
The Petrus Borel Stories (TMS and proofs)
Box 2 Folder 4
Akalaitis, JoAnne
Box 2 Folder 5
Albert, Cely
Box 2 Folder 6
Alburger, Scott
Box 2 Folder 7
Alcalay, Ammiel Willie
Box 2 Folder 8
Aldan, Daisy
Box 2 Folder 9
Alenier, Karren
Box 2 Folder 10
Alexander, Charles
Box 2 Folder 11
Alfs, Kate
Box 2 Folder 12
Allen, Donald
Box 2 Folder 13
Allen, Jackson
Box 2 Folder 14
Allen, Roberta
Box 2 Folder 15
Allman, John
Box 2 Folder 16
Alloway, Lawrence
Box 2 Folder 17
Alpert, Barry
Box 2 Folder 18
Alter, Robert
Box 2 Folder 19
Alternative Press -- see Poetry Postcards, etc.
Box 2 Folder 20
Altieri, Charles
Box 2 Folder 21
Altmayer, P.
Box 2 Folder 22
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters
Box 2 Folder 23
American Book Awards
Box 2 Folder 24
American Book Review
Box 2 Folder 25
American Booksellers Association, 1987
Box 2 Folder 26
American Center in London
Box 2 Folder 27
American Council for the Arts
Box 2 Folder 28
American Poetry Review
Box 2 Folder 29
Anderson, Michael
Box 2 Folder 30
Andre, Michael

Andrews, Bruce

Box 2 Folder 31
Administrative files
Box 3 Folder 1-8
Administrative files and Give Em Enough Rope (TMS and proofs)
Box 4 Folder 1-12
Give Em Enough Rope (proofs), I Don't Have Any Paper (Or Social Romanticism) (TMS and proofs), "Relations of Production: Translating Love's Grammar" (TMS), and "Text and Context" (proofs)
Box 4 Folder 13
Andringa, Mel
Box 5 Folder 1
Androla, Ron
Box 5 Folder 2
Angel, Ralph
Box 5 Folder 3
Antin, Blaise

Antin, David

Box 5 Folder 4-12
Administrative files and Selected Poems 1963-1973 (proofs)
Box 6 Folder 1-6
Selected Poems 1963-1973 (proofs)
Box 7 Folder 1-5
Selected Poems 1963-1973 (proofs) and Who's listening out there (TMS and proofs)
Box 7 Folder 6
Antin, Eleanor
Box 7 Folder 7
Appel, Thelma
Box 7 Folder 8
Arguelles, Ivan
Box 7 Folder 9
Arias-Mission, Alain
Box 7 Folder 10
Arion Press
Box 7 Folder 11
Armajani, Siah

Armantrout, Rae

Box 7 Folder 12-14
Administrative files and Necromance (cover art and proofs)
Box 8 Folder 1
Precedence (proofs)
Box 8 Folder 2
ART bibliographies
Box 8 Folder 3
Box 8 Folder 4-5
Ascher/Straus (Sheila Ascher and Dennis Strauss) - Miscellaneous and The Blue Hangar: A Space Novel (TMS)
Box 8 Folder 6
Ashbery, John
Box 8 Folder 7
Ashe, Susan
Box 8 Folder 8
Astle, Richard
Box 8 Folder 9
Athas, Daphne

Auster, Paul

Box 8 Folder 10-16
Administrative files, The Art of Hunger (cover art), and City of Glass (TMS)
Box 9 Folder 1-10
City of Glass (TMS and proofs), and Ghosts (TMS and proofs)
Box 10 Folder 1-9
The Locked Room (TMS and proofs)
Box 10 Folder 10
Axelrod, Mark
Box 10 Folder 11
Aycock, Alice
Box 10 Folder 12
Ayrtron, Peter
Box 10 Folder 13
B - Administrative Files [miscellaneous]
Box 10 Folder 14
B. Dalton Bookseller
Box 10 Folder 15
Badrich, Steve
Box 11 Folder 1
Baker, Dorothy
Box 11 Folder 2
Baldessari, John
Box 11 Folder 3
Baldwin, Deidre
Box 11 Folder 4
Baldwin, Neil
Box 11 Folder 5
Ball, David
Box 11 Folder 6
Ballerini, Luigi (Blue Guitar Books)
Box 11 Folder 7
Bamberger, Bill
Box 11 Folder 8
Banana, Anna
Box 11 Folder 9-15
Banks, Russell - Administrative files, Family Life (proofs), and The Relation of my Imprisonment (TMS)
Box 11 Folder 16
Baracks, Barbara
Box 11 Folder 17
Baraka, Amiri
Box 11 Folder 18
Barnes and Noble

Barnes, Djuna

Box 11 Folder 19-20
A Bibliography of Djuna Barnes (see Messerli, Douglas) and administrative files
Box 12 Folder 1-12
Administrative files and Interviews (original interviews, artwork (photocopies), index, production worksheets, preliminary drafts, and TMS)
Box 13 Folder 1-24
Interviews (TMS and proofs) and biographical information - Mimi Aguglia, David Belasco, Adolf Bolm, Diamond Jim Brady, John Bunny, Jacques Cartier, Vernon and Irene Castle, Irvin Cobb, Coco Chanel, Rachel Crothers, Valentine de Saint-Point, Jack Dempsey, Gaby Deslys, Green Pastures, Mary Garden, D.W. Griffith, Yvette Guibert , and Frank Harris
Box 14 Folder 1-29
Biographical information - Raymond Hitchcock, Mother Jones, Robert Edmond Jones, James Joyce, Charles Rann Kennedy, KiKi, Alfred Lunt and Lynne Fon, Wilson Mizner, Alla Nazimova, Ruth Roye, Lillian Russell, Raymond Sovey, Alfred Stieglitz, Donald Ogden Stewart, Billy Sunday, Lou Tellegen, Arthur Voegtlin, May Vokes, Helen Westley, Jess Willard, and Florenz Ziegfeld; miscellaneous poems (TMS); and New York (cover art and TMS)
Box 15 Folder 1-13
New York (TMS and proofs)
Box 16 Folder 1-12
New York (proofs and worksheets), and Smoke and Other Early Stories (original articles, TMS, and proofs)
Box 17 Folder 1-8
Smoke and Other Early Stories (proofs); Theatre Volume (TMS and photocopies); photograph; and sketches (photocopies)
Box 17 Folder 9
Barnes, Kerron
Box 17 Folder 10
Baron, Todd
Box 17 Folder 11
Barone, Dennis
Box 17 Folder 12
Barry, Alyce
Box 17 Folder 13
Barthelme, Frederick
Box 17 Folder 14-15
Baumbach, Jonathan - Administrative files and photograph
Box 17 Folder 16
Beckett, Samuel
Box 17 Folder 17
Beckett, Tom
Box 17 Folder 18
Bedoya, Roberto
Box 17 Folder 19
Beining, Guy
Box 17 Folder 20
Benedikt, Michael
Box 17 Folder 21
Benoit, Jacques
Box 17 Folder 22
Benson, Steve
Box 18 Folder 1
Bergland, Brita (Awede Press)
Box 18 Folder 2
Berkson, Bill

Bernstein, Charles

Box 18 Folder 3-11
Administrative files and Content's Dream: Essays 1975-1984 (preliminary draft)
Box 19 Folder 1-11
Content's Dream: Essays 1975-1984 (preliminary draft), "Hearing 'Here': Robert Creeley's Poetics of Curation" (TMS), Islets/Irritations (TMS), and Rough Trades (cover art and proofs)
Box 20 Folder 1-12
Rough Trades (proofs), Shade (TMS), The Sophist (TMS and proofs), and photograph
Box 20 Folder 13
Berrien, Edith
Box 20 Folder 14
Berrigan, Ted
Box 21 Folder 1
Berry, R.M
Box 21 Folder 2
Berssenbrugge, Mei-mei
Box 21 Folder 3
Bertholf, Robert
Box 21 Folder 4
Beyond Baroque
Box 21 Folder 5
Bingham, Sallie
Box 21 Folder 6
Blazek, Douglas
Box 21 Folder 7
Bleckner, Ross
Box 21 Folder 8
Blue Guitar Books
Box 21 Folder 9
Bochner, Jay
Box 21 Folder 10
Bohn, Willard
Box 21 Folder 11
Book Reader
Box 21 Folder 12
Boone, Bruce
Box 21 Folder 13
Borges, Jorge Luis
Box 21 Folder 14
Bosquet, Alain
Box 21 Folder 15
Boston Review
Box 21 Folder 16
Bourdon, David
Box 21 Folder 17
Bourget, Ann
Box 21 Folder 18
Bowles, Paul
Box 21 Folder 19-24
Boyle, Kay - Administrative files and This is Not a Letter and Other Poems (preliminary draft and proofs)
Box 21 Folder 25
Braman, Sandra
Box 21 Folder 26
Bredsdorff, Jan
Box 21 Folder 27
Bristol, Bonnie
Box 21 Folder 28
Britton, Donald
Box 21 Folder 29
Broadway Play Publishing, Inc.
Box 21 Folder 30
Brody Arts Fund
Box 21 Folder 31
Broe, Mary Lynn
Box 22 Folder 1-4
Bromige, David
Box 22 Folder 5
Bromige, David and Opal Nations - You See (TMS)
Box 22 Folder 6
Brooke-Rose, Christine
Box 22 Folder 7
Brooks, Gwendolyn
Box 22 Folder 8
Brotchie, Alastair
Box 22 Folder 9-10
Brown, Paul - Administrative files and Cabin in the Mountains (TMS)

Brownstein, Michael

Box 22 Folder 11-12
Administrative files
Box 23 Folder 1-9
Country Cousins (Cover art and proofs), Music From the Evening of the World (Cover art, TMS, and proofs), and Oracle Night (TMS and proofs)
Box 23 Folder 10
Buckley, Christopher
Box 23 Folder 11
Burning Books
Box 23 Folder 12
Burns, Gerald
Box 23 Folder 13
Burroughs, William
Box 23 Folder 14
Burton, Scott
Box 23 Folder 15
Butterick, George
Box 23 Folder 16
Byrd, Don
Box 24 Folder 1
C - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 24 Folder 2-3
Cage, John
Box 24 Folder 4
California Institute of Technology
Box 24 Folder 5
Californian Institute of the Arts
Box 24 Folder 6
California Magazine
Box 24 Folder 7
Campus, Peter
Box 24 Folder 8
Caramello, Charles
Box 24 Folder 9
Caravetta, Peter
Box 24 Folder 10
Carey-Thomas Awards
Box 24 Folder 11
Carter, Charlotte
Box 24 Folder 12
Cavellini, Gughielmo Achille
Box 24 Folder 13
Central Park
Box 24 Folder 14
Chadwick, Cydney
Box 24 Folder 15
Chambers, Charles
Box 24 Folder 16
Cherches, Peter
Box 24 Folder 17
Chernoff, Maxine
Box 24 Folder 18
Chester, Laura
Box 24 Folder 19
Child, Abigail
Box 24 Folder 20
Chinnaphorn, Somsong
Box 24 Folder 21
Christenberry, William
Box 24 Folder 22
Christensen, Thomas
Box 24 Folder 23
Claire, Bill
Box 24 Folder 24
Clark, Tom
Box 24 Folder 25
Classics Contributions [financial]
Box 24 Folder 26
Codrescu, Andrei
Box 24 Folder 27
Coffee House Press
Box 24 Folder 28
Cohen, Marc
Box 24 Folder 29
Cohen, Marvin
Box 24 Folder 30
Coleman, Wanda
Box 24 Folder 31
Collins and Milazzo

Collom, Jack

Box 24 Folder 32
Administrative files
Box 25 Folder 1
Around Here (TMS)
Box 25 Folder 2
Box 25 Folder 3
Conant and Conant Booksellers
Box 25 Folder 4
Box 25 Folder 5
Contact II
Box 25 Folder 6
Contemporary American Fiction
Box 25 Folder 7
Box 25 Folder 8
Cook, Jim

Coolidge, Clark

Box 25 Folder 9-17
Administrative files, Solution Passage: Poems (TMS and proofs), and Sound as Thought: Poems (cover art), 1978 - 1984
Box 26 Folder 1-11
Sound as Thought: Poems (TMS and proofs), 1982 - 1984
Box 26 Folder 12-13
Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines
Box 27 Folder 1
Cooper, Bea and Nate
Box 27 Folder 2
Cooper, Dennis
Box 27 Folder 3
Coover, Robert
Box 27 Folder 4
Copper Canyon Press
Box 27 Folder 5-7
Cory, Jean-Jacques - Administrative files and particulars
Box 27 Folder 8
Cott, Jonathan
Box 27 Folder 9
Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (Jim Sitter)
Box 27 Folder 10
Cover art (miscellaneous)
Box 27 Folder 11
Cramer, Douglas
Box 27 Folder 12
Cramer, Richard and Carol
Box 27 Folder 13
Creedon, Michael
Box 27 Folder 14
Creeley, Robert
Box 27 Folder 15
Crosson, Robert
Box 27 Folder 16
Crews, Judson
Box 27 Folder 17
Crusoe, Jim (Santa Monica Review)
Box 27 Folder 18
Concrete Culture
Box 27 Folder 19
Curnow, Wystan
Box 27 Folder 20
Curry, Lynda
Box 27 Folder 21
Curtay, Jean-Paul
Box 27 Folder 22
D - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 27 Folder 23-24
Dahlen, Beverly - Administrative files and A Reading (proofs)

Daniels, Barry

Box 27 Folder 25
Administrative files
Box 28 Folder 1-3
In Front of You is the Moon: Correspondence and Texts by Joseph Chaikin and Sam Shepard (TMS)
Box 28 Folder 4
Darragh, Tina
Box 28 Folder 5-6
Daumal, Rene - The Powers of the Word: Selected Essays and Notes (1928-1943) (proofs)
Box 28 Folder 7
Davenport, Guy
Box 28 Folder 8-11
Davidson, Michael - Administrative files, The Landing of Rochambeau (TMS), Post Hoc (TMS), and photograph
Box 28 Folder 12
Davies, Alan
Box 28 Folder 13
Davies, Douglas
Box 28 Folder 14
Davis, Lydia
Box 28 Folder 15
Dawson, Fielding
Box 29 Folder 1
Day, Jean
Box 29 Folder 2
DeRosa, Rosemary
Box 29 Folder 3
Deak, Norma Jean and Frantisek
Box 29 Folder 4
Dean, Robert
Box 29 Folder 5
Deem, George
Box 29 Folder 6
Delmonte, Claudia
Box 29 Folder 7
Delynn, Jane
Box 29 Folder 8
Denes, Agnes
Box 29 Folder 9
des Forets, Louis-Rene
Box 29 Folder 10
Design Book Review
Box 29 Folder 11
Detrich, David
Box 29 Folder 12
Di Giovanni, Norman T.
Box 29 Folder 13-19
DiPalma, Ray - Administrative files, Chan (TMS), The Birthday Notations (TMS), Modern Times (TMS), and Numbers and Tempers: Poems 1978-1982 (TMS)
Box 29 Folder 20
Dixon, Stephen
Box 29 Folder 21
Dlugos, Tim
Box 29 Folder 22
Dorn, Edward
Box 29 Folder 23
Downes, Rackstraw

Dragomoshchenko, Arkadii

Box 29 Folder 24
Administrative files
Box 30 Folder 1-8
Administrative files and Description (TMS and proofs)
Box 31 Folder 1-2
Description (proofs)
Box 31 Folder 3
Drawing Legion
Box 31 Folder 4
Drexler, Rosalyn
Box 31 Folder 5
Drucker, Johanna
Box 31 Folder 6
Duncan, Robert
Box 31 Folder 7
DuPlessis, Rachel Blau
Box 31 Folder 8
Dydo, Ulla
Box 31 Folder 9
E - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 31 Folder 10
Eakins, Patricia
Box 31 Folder 11
Economou, George
Box 31 Folder 12
Educational Book Review
Box 31 Folder 13
Eidus, Janice
Box 31 Folder 14
Eilshemius, Louis
Box 31 Folder 15
Einzig, Barbara

Eisenstein, Sam

Box 31 Folder 16-18
Administrative files
Box 32 Folder 1-8
The Inner Garden (TMS and proofs)
Box 32 Folder 9
Elevitch, M.D.
Box 32 Folder 10
Elledge, Jim

Elman, Richard

Box 32 Folder 11-12
Administrative files
Box 33 Folder 1-10
Tar Beach (Cover art, TMS, and proofs)
Box 34 Folder 1-6
Uganda (TMS)
Box 34 Folder 7
Elmslie, Kenward
Box 34 Folder 8
Eme, Andre
Box 34 Folder 9
Endicott Booksellers
Box 34 Folder 10
Engarde Arts
Box 34 Folder 11
Enslin, Theodore
Box 34 Folder 12
Eridanos Press
Box 34 Folder 13
Eshleman, Clayton
Box 34 Folder 14
Essary, Loris
Box 34 Folder 15
Evans, George
Box 34 Folder 16
Everman, Welch
Box 34 Folder 17
Exact Change
Box 35 Folder 1
F - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 35 Folder 2-5
Fadiman, William - Shivering in the Sun (TMS) and photograph
Box 35 Folder 6
Fagin, Larry
Box 35 Folder 7
Farb, Oriole
Box 35 Folder 8
Farran, Donald
Box 35 Folder 9
Federman, Raymond
Box 35 Folder 10-11
Fiction Collective
Box 35 Folder 12
Fiction International
Box 35 Folder 13
Fitfield, Donnali
Box 35 Folder 14
Fisher, Harrison
Box 35 Folder 15
Five Fingers Press (John High)
Box 35 Folder 16
Fixel, Lawrence
Box 35 Folder 17
Flaherty, Joe (Writers and Books)
Box 35 Folder 18
Flick, Robert and Susan Rankaitis
Box 35 Folder 19
Food Yellow Pages
Box 35 Folder 20
Ford, Charles Henri
Box 35 Folder 21
Forma, Anthony and Dennis Phillips - Running on Empty (TMS)
Box 35 Folder 22
Foss, Phillip
Box 36 Folder 1
Foster, Rick
Box 36 Folder 2
Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Inc.
Box 36 Folder 3
Fourcade, Dominique
Box 36 Folder 4
Fowler, Gene
Box 36 Folder 5
Fox, Howard N.
Box 36 Folder 6
Fox, Jerry and Sandy
Box 36 Folder 7
Foye, Raymond (Hanuman Books)
Box 36 Folder 8
Fraccaro, Steven
Box 36 Folder 9
Frank (Journal)
Box 36 Folder 10-13
Frank, Peter - Administrative files and The Travelogues (TMS and proofs)
Box 36 Folder 14-15
Frankfurt Book Fair
Box 36 Folder 16
Fraser, Kathleen
Box 36 Folder 17
Freidman, Ed
Box 36 Folder 18
Freilicher, Melvyn
Box 36 Folder 19
Fretag-Loringhoven, Elsa
Box 36 Folder 20
Friedland, Susan
Box 36 Folder 21
Frishwasser, Louise
Box 36 Folder 22-27
Frym, Gloria - Administrative files and By Ear (TMS and proofs)
Box 37 Folder 1
Fuller, William
Box 37 Folder 2
G - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 37 Folder 3
Gangemi, Ken
Box 37 Folder 4
Ganick, Peter
Box 37 Folder 5
Gavronsky, Serge
Box 37 Folder 6-8
Gazzo, Monica - Administrative files and Valentine de Saint Point's (TMS)
Box 37 Folder 9
Generator Press
Box 37 Folder 10
George, Kathi (Charley George)
Box 37 Folder 11
Gianakos, Steve
Box 37 Folder 12
Gifford, Barry
Box 37 Folder 13
Gilbertson, John
Box 37 Folder 14
Gilchrist, Scott
Box 37 Folder 15
Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation
Box 37 Folder 16
Gillespie, Gregory
Box 37 Folder 17
Gilliam, Sam and Dorothy
Box 37 Folder 18
Ginsberg, Allen
Box 37 Folder 19
Giscombe, C.S.
Box 37 Folder 20
Gitlin, David and Maria
Box 37 Folder 21
Gizzi, Peter
Box 37 Folder 22
Glass, Marianne
Box 37 Folder 23-24
Glassgold, Peter - Administrative files and Hwæt (TMS)
Box 37 Folder 25
Gluck, Bob

Goepfert, Paul

Box 37 Folder 26
Administrative files
Box 38 Folder 1
"How do You Mean?" (TMS)
Box 38 Folder 2
Goldblatt, Eli
Box 38 Folder 3
Goldblum, Pamela
Box 38 Folder 4
Goldin, Frances
Box 38 Folder 5
Gooch, Brad
Box 38 Folder 6
Goodman, Ivy
Box 38 Folder 7
Gordon, Jaimy
Box 38 Folder 8-9
Gottlieb, Michael - Administrative files and Social Realism (TMS)
Box 38 Folder 10
Gould, Kip
Box 38 Folder 11
Grayson, Richard
Box 38 Folder 12
Greenberg, Allan
Box 38 Folder 13-18
Greenwald, Ted - Administrative files, Going Into School That Day (TMS), and Word of Mouth (TMS and proofs)
Box 38 Folder 19
Gregory, Bob
Box 38 Folder 20
Gregory, Sinda

Grenier, Robert

Box 38 Folder 21
Administrative files
Box 39 Folder 1
Phantom Anthems (TMS)
Box 39 Folder 2-8
Griffin, Michael - Nationwide Butterpump (TMS and proofs)
Box 39 Folder 9
Grim, Jessica
Box 39 Folder 10
Grooms, Red

Guest, Barbara

Box 39 Folder 11-17
Administrative files and Fair Realism (cover art, TMS, and proofs)
Box 40 Folder 1
Fair Realism (proofs)
Box 40 Folder 2
Guillot, Robert
Box 40 Folder 3
Gussow, Mel
Box 40 Folder 4
Gutersloh, Albert Paris
Box 40 Folder 5
H - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 40 Folder 6
Haberman, Daniel
Box 40 Folder 7
Hadassah Magazine
Box 40 Folder 8
Hale, Terrel
Box 40 Folder 9
Hall, Donald
Box 40 Folder 10
Harrold, Bill
Box 40 Folder 11
Harryman, Carla
Box 40 Folder 12
Hartman, Charles
Box 40 Folder 13
Hartley, George
Box 40 Folder 14
Hashmi, Alamgir
Box 40 Folder 15
Hate mail

Hauser, Marianne

Box 40 Folder 16-18
Administrative files, Ishmel (published proof), and The Memoirs of the Late Mr. Ashley (TMS)
Box 41 Folder 1-6
The Memoirs of the Late Mr. Ashley (TMS and proofs)
Box 41 Folder 7
Havel, Vaclav
Box 41 Folder 8
Hawkes, John

Heal, Edith

Box 41 Folder 9-12
Administrative files and August Bread (TMS)
Box 42 Folder 1-4
August Bread (TMS)
Box 42 Folder 5
Heim, Michael
Box 42 Folder 6-12
Hejinian, Lyn - Administrative files and My Life (TMS, proofs and photograph)
Box 42 Folder 13
Henderson, Bill
Box 42 Folder 14
Henry, Dewitt
Box 43 Folder 1-2
Herbert, John
Box 43 Folder 3
Herring, Phillip
Box 43 Folder 4
Hertz, Uri
Box 43 Folder 5
Hickman, Leland
Box 43 Folder 6
Higgins, Dick
Box 43 Folder 7
Higginson, William
Box 43 Folder 8
High, John
Box 43 Folder 9
Hirschman, Jack
Box 43 Folder 10
Hirshorn, Joseph and Olga
Box 43 Folder 11
Hoffberg, Judith
Box 43 Folder 12
Hollander, Gad
Box 43 Folder 13
Honecker, George
Box 43 Folder 14
Hoover, Paul
Box 43 Folder 15
Hornick, Lita
Box 43 Folder 16-17
Horvath, Lou - Administrative files and Vu (TMS)
Box 43 Folder 18
Howitz, Channa
Box 43 Folder 19
Howard, Tom
Box 44 Folder 1-13
Howe, Fanny - Administrative files, Eighty Two Exercises (TMS), The Deep North (TMS and proofs), The Lives of a Spirit (cover art, TMS and proofs), and an unpublished autobiography and family history (preliminary draft)

Howe, Susan

Box 45 Folder 1-8
Administrative files, The Ancient of Days (TMS), Articulation of Sound Forms in Time (TMS), and The Europe of Trusts (proofs)
Box 46 Folder 1-3
The Europe of Trusts (proofs)
Box 46 Folder 4
Howell, John
Box 46 Folder 5
Hudspith, Vicki
Box 46 Folder 6
Hutchinson, Peter
Box 46 Folder 7
I - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 46 Folder 8
Ianmead Ltd.
Box 46 Folder 9
Inanout Press
Box 46 Folder 10
Ingram Book Company
Box 46 Folder 11
Ingram, Alyce
Box 46 Folder 12
Injun Joe Dream Book (photocopied journal)
Box 46 Folder 13-15
Inman, Peter - Administrative files and Platin (TMS)
Box 46 Folder 16
Institute for Advanced Cultural Studies
Box 46 Folder 17
Intermezzo Press
Box 46 Folder 18
Ionesco, Eugene
Box 46 Folder 19
Ippolito, Angelo
Box 46 Folder 20
Iskrenko, Nina
Box 46 Folder 21
Italian Cultural Institute
Box 46 Folder 22
J - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 46 Folder 23
Jackson, Laura Riding
Box 46 Folder 24
Jaffe, Harold
Box 46 Folder 25
Janowitz, Tama
Box 46 Folder 26
Jansen, Bert
Box 47 Folder 1-5
Jenkin, Len - Administrative files and New Jerusalem (TMS and proofs)
Box 47 Folder 6
Johnson, Kent
Box 47 Folder 7
Johnson, Ray
Box 47 Folder 8
Johnson, Ronald
Box 47 Folder 9
Johnston, George
Box 47 Folder 10
Jones, Alan
Box 47 Folder 11
Jones, Jeffrey
Box 47 Folder 12
Joris, Pierre
Box 47 Folder 13
Junker, Howard
Box 47 Folder 14
Jurek, Thom
Box 47 Folder 15
K - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 47 Folder 16
Kamei, Marlene
Box 47 Folder 17
Kaplan, Louis
Box 47 Folder 18
Kaprow, Allan

Katz, Steve

Box 47 Folder 19
Administrative files
Box 48 Folder 1-11
Administrative files and 43 Fictions (TMS and proofs),
Box 49 Folder 1-10
The Exaggerations of Peter Prince (TMS), Florry of Washington Heights (cover art, TMS, and proofs), and Other Parts (TMS)
Box 50 Folder 1-5
Other Parts (TMS) and Wier and Pouce (TMS and proofs)
Box 50 Folder 6
Kavanaugh, Brian
Box 50 Folder 7
Kelsey St. Press
Box 50 Folder 8
Kenner, Hugh
Box 50 Folder 9
Kertess, Klaus
Box 50 Folder 10
Keusch, Michael
Box 50 Folder 11
Kimball, Gary
Box 50 Folder 12
Klefstad, Ann
Box 50 Folder 13
Klinkowitz, Jerome
Box 50 Folder 14
Koch, Kenneth
Box 50 Folder 15
Konig, Christine
Box 50 Folder 16-17
Kostelanetz, Richard
Box 50 Folder 18
Kozloff, Joyce and Max
Box 51 Folder 1
Krauss, Ruth
Box 51 Folder 2
Krusoe, Jim
Box 51 Folder 3
Kutnik, Jerzy
Box 51 Folder 4
L - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 51 Folder 5
LaFarge, Tom
Box 51 Folder 6
Ladden, Arlene
Box 51 Folder 7
Lally, Michael
Box 51 Folder 8
Landes-Levi, Louise
Box 51 Folder 9
Lang, Doug
Box 51 Folder 10
Lange, Art
Box 51 Folder 11
Lannan Foundation
Box 51 Folder 12
Lapis Press (Shapazian)
Box 51 Folder 13
Laufer, Susan
Box 51 Folder 14
Lauterbach, Ann
Box 51 Folder 15
Lauzen, Sarah
Box 51 Folder 16
Lawrence, Jerome
Box 51 Folder 17-21
Lazer, Hank - Administrative files, Doublespace: Poems 1971-1989 (TMS), and panel discussion
Box 51 Folder 22
Lee, David (Nightwood Editions)
Box 51 Folder 23
Lefevere, Andre
Box 52 Folder 1
Lehman, David
Box 52 Folder 2
Strauss, David Levi
Box 52 Folder 3
Levine, Nancy
Box 52 Folder 4
Levine, Stacey
Box 52 Folder 5
Levy, Bernard-Henri
Box 52 Folder 6
Lewis-Matravers, Melinda
Box 52 Folder 7
Library of Congress
Box 52 Folder 8
Lightbody, Joyce
Box 52 Folder 9
Lippard, Lucy
Box 52 Folder 10
Literary Artist Fellowship Program
Box 52 Folder 11
Lithuanian authors
Box 52 Folder 12
Loewinsohn, Ron
Box 52 Folder 13-15
Longo, Robert
Box 52 Folder 16
Lopate, Phillip
Box 52 Folder 17-18
Lorenzo, Rafael - Administrative files and Word For Music (TMS)
Box 52 Folder 19
Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department
Box 52 Folder 20
Los Angeles Times Book Review (Jack Miles)
Box 52 Folder 21
Lotringer, Sylvere
Box 52 Folder 22
Lowrey, Lida
Box 52 Folder 23
Loy, Mina
Box 52 Folder 24
Luce Press clippings
Box 52 Folder 25
Lumen Press
Box 52 Folder 26
Lust, Herbert
Box 53 Folder 1-2
M - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 53 Folder 3
Mac Cormack, Karen
Box 53 Folder 4-7
Mac Low, Jackson - Administrative files and From Pearl Harbor Day to FDR's Birthday (TMS)
Box 53 Folder 8
Mackey, Nathaniel
Box 53 Folder 9
MacDowell Colony
Box 53 Folder 10
MacLeod, Collin
Box 53 Folder 11
Maguire, Matthew
Box 53 Folder 12
Mailer, Norman

Major, Clarence

Box 53 Folder 13-15
Administrative files and Painted Turtle: Woman With Guitar (cover art)
Box 54 Folder 1-4
Painted Turtle: Woman With Guitar (proofs) and Some Observations of a Stranger at Zuni in the Latter Part of the Century
Box 54 Folder 5
Malanga, Gerard
Box 54 Folder 6
Malinowitz, Michael
Box 54 Folder 7
Malone, Kirby
Box 54 Folder 8
Manley, Beatrice
Box 54 Folder 9-10
Marinetti, F.T. - Administrative files and Let's Murder the Moonshine: Selected Writings (cover art)
Box 54 Folder 11
Marks, Gerald
Box 54 Folder 12
Marlatt, Daphne
Box 54 Folder 13
Marranca, Bonnie
Box 54 Folder 14
Martin, Jay
Box 54 Folder 15
Martin, Stephen-Paul
Box 54 Folder 16
Maryland State Arts Council
Box 54 Folder 17
Mason, Chris
Box 54 Folder 18
Mathews, Harry
Box 54 Folder 19
Matthews, Jack
Box 54 Folder 20
Mazza, Chris
Box 54 Folder 21
Mayer, Bernadette
Box 54 Folder 22
McAnuff, Des
Box 54 Folder 23
McCabe, Lawrence
Box 54 Folder 24
McCaffery, Larry
Box 54 Folder 25
McCaffery, Steve
Box 55 Folder 1
McCarthy, Mary
Box 55 Folder 2
McClure, Michael
Box 55 Folder 3
McCulloch, Katya
Box 55 Folder 4
McGann, Jerry
Box 55 Folder 5
McGonigle, Thomas
Box 55 Folder 6
McGowin, Ed
Box 55 Folder 7
McGrath, Connell
Box 55 Folder 8
McGuire, Michael
Box 55 Folder 9
McKinney, William
Box 55 Folder 10
McNaughton and Gunn
Box 55 Folder 11
McPheron, William (Stanford Library)
Box 55 Folder 12
Melnick, David

Messerli, Douglas

Box 55 Folder 13-20
Administrative files - Miscellaneous (publication inquiries), A Bibliography of Djuna Barnes (administrative files and TMS), Dinner on the Lawn (TMS), and "Language" Poetries : An Anthology (TMS and proofs)
Box 56 Folder 1-7
"Language" Poetries : An Anthology (proofs), Maxims From My Mother's Milk/Hymns To Him (proofs), Some Distance (proofs), "The Structure of Destruction" (TMS), The Walls Come True (program notes), and drawings
Box 56 Folder 8
Metcalf, Paul
Box 56 Folder 9
Michaels, Leonard
Box 56 Folder 10
Michener, James
Box 56 Folder 11
Miller, Mark Crispin
Box 56 Folder 12
Miller, Henry

Mirsky, Mark

Box 56 Folder 13-16
Administrative files and The Red Adam (cover art)
Box 57 Folder 1-5
The Red Adam (proofs, cover art, administrative files and TMS)
Box 57 Folder 6
Mixon, Eloise
Box 57 Folder 7
Modern Language Association
Box 57 Folder 8
Mohr, Sue-Ann and Patrick
Box 57 Folder 9
Mondale, Walter and Joan
Box 57 Folder 10
Monette, Paul
Box 57 Folder 11
Moon, Jill
Box 57 Folder 12
Moon, Samuel
Box 57 Folder 13
Moon, Susan
Box 57 Folder 14
Morice, Dave
Box 57 Folder 15
Moore, Michael
Box 57 Folder 16
Moore, Nancy
Box 57 Folder 17
Moriarty, Laura
Box 57 Folder 18
Morris, Robert
Box 57 Folder 19
Morrow, Bradford
Box 57 Folder 20
Mosca, Marcelene
Box 57 Folder 21
Motherwell, Robert
Box 57 Folder 22
Mottram, Eric
Box 57 Folder 23
Mourelatos, Linda Oppen
Box 57 Folder 24
Murphy, Rick
Box 57 Folder 25
Murphy, Sheila E.
Box 57 Folder 26
Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Box 57 Folder 27
Myers, George, Jr.
Box 57 Folder 28
Myers, John Bernard
Box 57 Folder 29
Myles, Eileen
Box 57 Folder 30
N - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 58 Folder 1
Nagle, F.R.
Box 58 Folder 2
National Book Foundation
Box 58 Folder 3
National Campaign for Freedom of Expression

National Endowment for the Arts

Box 58 Folder 4-11
Administrative files, Advancement II grant, and Frankfurt
Box 59 Folder 1-3
Frankfurt and Press grant
Box 59 Folder 4
National Poetry Foundation
Box 59 Folder 5-6
National -- State -- Country Partnership (administrative files), 1991 - 1992
Box 59 Folder 7
Nations, Opal
Box 59 Folder 8
Nelson, Ralph

New American Prosody

Box 59 Folder 9-11
Box 60 Folder 1
Box 60 Folder 2-3
New Directions "Language" Poetries (proofs)
Box 60 Folder 4
New York Times Book Review
Box 60 Folder 5
Nicosia, Gerald
Box 60 Folder 6
Nolan, Pat
Box 60 Folder 7
Norse, Harold
Box 60 Folder 8
North, Charles
Box 60 Folder 9
Northcote House
Box 60 Folder 10
Northern California Booksellers Association
Box 60 Folder 11
Northpoint Press
Box 60 Folder 12
Northup, Harry
Box 60 Folder 13
O - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 60 Folder 14
Oates, Joyce Carol
Box 60 Folder 15
O'Brien, Geoffrey
Box 60 Folder 16
O'Brien, Michael
Box 60 Folder 17
Olson, Donald

Olson, Toby

Box 60 Folder 18-20
Administrative files and Seaview (TMS)
Box 61 Folder 1-6
Seaview (TMS), Truro (TMS), and The Woman Who Escaped From Shame (TMS)
Box 61 Folder 7
Oppen Family
Box 61 Folder 8
Oskarsson, Arni

Ott, Gil

Box 61 Folder 9-10
Administrative files
Box 62 Folder 1-4
The Children: Three Songs (TMS), and The Yellow Floor, Poems: 1978-1983 (TMS and proofs)
Box 62 Folder 5
Owen, Maureen
Box 62 Folder 6
Owens, Rochelle
Box 62 Folder 7
P-Q - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 62 Folder 8
Padget, Richard
Box 62 Folder 9
Padgett, Ron
Box 62 Folder 10
Palmer, Michael
Box 62 Folder 11
Parker, Ray
Box 62 Folder 12
Box 62 Folder 13
Parks, Suzan-Lori
Box 62 Folder 14
Box 62 Folder 15
Parshchikov, Aleksei
Box 62 Folder 16
Past Tents Press
Box 62 Folder 17
Paugh, Stephen
Box 62 Folder 18
Peabody, Rick and Gretchen Johnsen
Box 62 Folder 19
PEN West
Box 62 Folder 20-21
Penzi, Jim - Administrative files and Runes (TMS)
Box 63 Folder 1-2
Perelman, Bob - Administrative files and "The First World" (TMS)
Box 63 Folder 3
Perlman, John
Box 63 Folder 4
Perloff, Carey
Box 63 Folder 5-6
Perloff, Marjorie - Administrative files

Restrictions Apply

Box 63 Folder 7-14
Perreault, John - Administrative files, Hotel Death and Other Tales (cover art, TMS and proofs), and photograph
Box 63 Folder 15
Peters, Robert

Phillips, Dennis

Box 64 Folder 1-8
Administrative files, Arena (TMS and proofs), and A World (TMS)
Box 65 Folder 1-3
A World (TMS and proofs)
Box 65 Folder 4
Phillips, Dennis and Anthony Forma. Running on Empty -- See Forma
Box 65 Folder 5
Photographs (miscellaneous)
Box 65 Folder 6
Piercy, Marge
Box 65 Folder 7-10
Piombino, Nick - Administrative files and Poems (TMS and proofs)
Box 65 Folder 11
Piper, Adrian
Box 65 Folder 12
Plooij, Jean-Pierre
Box 65 Folder 13
Plymell, Charles
Box 65 Folder 14
Poetry Center (San Francisco State University)
Box 65 Folder 15
Poetry Flash
Box 65 Folder 16
Poetry Postcards, etc.
Box 65 Folder 17
Poetry Project
Box 65 Folder 18
Poets and Writers
Box 65 Folder 19
Poitevin, Christian
Box 65 Folder 20
Porter, Joe Ashby
Box 65 Folder 21
Post-Apollo Press
Box 65 Folder 22
Primary Stages
Box 65 Folder 23
Procopiow, Norma
Box 65 Folder 24
Box 65 Folder 25
Publishers Weekly
Box 65 Folder 26
Pulitzer Prizes
Box 66 Folder 1
Pushcart Press
Box 66 Folder 2
Quasha, George
Box 66 Folder 3
Quatrale, Donald
Box 66 Folder 4
R - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 66 Folder 5
Raddle Moon (Susan Clark)
Box 66 Folder 6
Rakosi, Carl
Box 66 Folder 7
Rand, Harry
Box 66 Folder 8-9
Rasula, Jed - Administrative files and Tabula Rasula (photocopied fragment)
Box 66 Folder 10
Ratcliff, Carter
Box 66 Folder 11
Ratcliffe, Stephen
Box 66 Folder 12
Ratner, Rochelle
Box 66 Folder 13
Rattray, David
Box 66 Folder 14
Raworth, Tom
Box 66 Folder 15
Raymond, Marcel
Box 66 Folder 16
Recipe Book
Box 66 Folder 17
Reed, Ishmael
Box 66 Folder 18
Reed, Pat

Reiner, Annie

Box 66 Folder 19-21
Administrative files and Mind Your Head (cover art and TMS)
Box 67 Folder 1-2
Mind Your Head (TMS and proofs)
Box 67 Folder 3
Reinfeld, Linda
Box 67 Folder 4
Renner, Bruce
Box 67 Folder 5
Box 67 Folder 6
Retallack, Joan
Box 67 Folder 7
Riegart, Peter
Box 67 Folder 8
Robins, Corinne
Box 67 Folder 9-10
Robinson, Kit - Administrative files and Windows (TMS)
Box 67 Folder 11
Robinson, Sue Ann
Box 67 Folder 12
Rodefer, Stephen
Box 67 Folder 13
Roditi, Edouard
Box 67 Folder 14
Rogow, Zack
Box 67 Folder 15
Roloff, Michael
Box 67 Folder 16
Ronat, Mitsou
Box 67 Folder 17
Rose Books
Box 67 Folder 18
Rose, Kenneth
Box 67 Folder 19
Rosenburg, Chuck
Box 67 Folder 20
Rosenstone, Robert
Box 67 Folder 21
Rosenzweig, Phyllis

Ross, Joe

Box 67 Folder 22-25
Administrative files and Guards of the Hearts (cover art and TMS)
Box 68 Folder 1-2
Guards of the Hearts (proofs)
Box 68 Folder 3
Roth, Henry
Box 68 Folder 4
Roth, Moira
Box 68 Folder 5-6
Rothenberg, Jerome
Box 68 Folder 7
Rova-Russian Trip
Box 68 Folder 8
Royet-Journoud, Claude
Box 68 Folder 9
Russian poets
Box 68 Folder 10
Ryan, Michael
Box 68 Folder 11-12
S - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 69 Folder 1
Saari, Patrick
Box 69 Folder 2
St. James Press
Box 69 Folder 3
Salinger, J.D.
Box 69 Folder 4
Sallis, James
Box 69 Folder 5
Saltzman, Arthur M.
Box 69 Folder 6-7
Scalapino, Leslie - Administrative files and How Phenomena Appears to Unfold (TMS)
Box 69 Folder 8
Scarecrow Press
Box 69 Folder 9
Scelsa, Vic
Box 69 Folder 10
Schelling, Andrew
Box 69 Folder 11
Schjeldahl, Peter
Box 69 Folder 12-13
Schnitzler, Arthur - Administrative files and Dream Story (cover art)
Box 69 Folder 14-16
Schuchat, Simon - Administrative files, Corrected Poems (TMS), and Asking Questions in the Mountains (TMS)
Box 69 Folder 17
Schmidt, Tom Lanigan
Box 69 Folder 18
Schwerner, Armand
Box 69 Folder 19
Seaton, Peter
Box 69 Folder 20
Selerie, Gavin
Box 69 Folder 21
Self Magazine
Box 69 Folder 22
Shannon, Joseph
Box 69 Folder 23
Shapiro, David - House (Blown Apart) (TMS)
Box 69 Folder 24
Shapiro, Harvey
Box 69 Folder 25
Shatzkin, Leonard
Box 69 Folder 26
Shaw, Joyce Cutler
Box 69 Folder 27
Shefner, Evelyn
Box 69 Folder 28
Sher, Gail
Box 69 Folder 29
Sherman, Cindy
Box 69 Folder 30
Sherman, Ken
Box 70 Folder 1-9
Sherry, James - Administrative files, In Case (TMS), and Our Nuclear Heritage (TMS and proofs)

Shifreen, Lawrence

Box 70 Folder 10
Administrative files
Box 71 Folder 1-4
Jane Bowles: A Bibliography (TMS and research materials)
Box 71 Folder 5
Shurin, Aaron
Box 71 Folder 6-7
Silliman, Ron - Administrative files and "The Horizon" (TMS)
Box 71 Folder 8
Silverberg, Ira
Box 71 Folder 9
Silvers, Sally
Box 71 Folder 10
Simas, Joseph
Box 71 Folder 11
Simic, Charles
Box 71 Folder 12
Simmons, Laurie
Box 71 Folder 13
Singer, Isaac B.
Box 71 Folder 14
Skeeter, Sharyn Jeanne
Box 71 Folder 15
Skiles, Don
Box 71 Folder 16
Skolnick, Irene
Box 71 Folder 17
Skylar, Morty
Box 71 Folder 18
Sloan, Benjamin
Box 71 Folder 19
Small Press Magazine
Box 71 Folder 20
Small Press/Meckler
Box 71 Folder 21
Small Press Traffic
Box 71 Folder 22
Smith, Lee
Box 71 Folder 23
Smith, Louise
Box 71 Folder 24
Smith, Pat
Box 72 Folder 1
Smith, Rod
Box 72 Folder 2
Smock, Ann
Box 72 Folder 3
Snyder, Gary
Box 72 Folder 4
Spectacular Diseases (Paul Green)
Box 72 Folder 5
Spera, Stephen
Box 72 Folder 6
Spinsters/Aunt Lute (Sherry Thomas)
Box 72 Folder 7
Sorrentino, Gilbert
Box 72 Folder 8
Staiger, Paul
Box 72 Folder 9
Stanford, Frank

Stanton, Johnny

Box 72 Folder 10-14
Administrative files and Mangled Hands (TMS)
Box 73 Folder 1-5
Mangled Hands (TMS and proofs)
Box 73 Folder 6-7
Stehman, John - Administrative files and Space Dictation (TMS)
Box 73 Folder 8-11
Stein, Gertrude - Administrative files and Mrs. Reynolds (proofs)

Steiner, Robert

Box 73 Folder 12
Administrative files
Box 74 Folder 1-5
Dread (Cover art, TMS and proofs)
Box 74 Folder 6
Stephanchev, Stephen
Box 74 Folder 7
Stephens, Michael
Box 74 Folder 8
Steward, D.E.
Box 74 Folder 9
Storefront for Art and Architecture
Box 74 Folder 10
Storyline Press
Box 74 Folder 11
Strand, Mark
Box 74 Folder 12
Stroffolino, Chris
Box 74 Folder 13
Strug, Cordell
Box 74 Folder 14-15
Sukenick, Ronald - Administrative files and Blown Away (proofs)

Streuvels, Stijn - The Flaxfield

Box 74 Folder 16
Box 75 Folder 1-9
Box 76 Folder 1-8
TMS and proofs
Box 77 Folder 1-3

Sun and Moon

Box 77 Folder 4-17
Book party invitation (photographic proofs) and catalog (preliminary drafts, administrative files and proofs), 1987 - 1989
Box 78 Folder 1-10
Catalog (preliminary drafts, administrative files and proofs), 1990 - 1991
Box 79 Folder 1-10
Catalog (preliminary drafts and cover art) and estimates, 1991
Box 80 Folder 1
History of (bound articles)
Box 80 Folder 2
Swann, Brian
Box 80 Folder 3
T - Administrative files [miscellaneous]

Taggart, John

Box 80 Folder 4-11
Administrative files and Loop (TMS and proofs)
Box 81 Folder 1-8
Loop (proofs)
Box 81 Folder 9
Talisman (George Foster)
Box 81 Folder 10
Tarn, Nathaniel
Box 82 Folder 1
Tarnawsky, Yuriy
Box 82 Folder 2
Tate, James
Box 82 Folder 3
Temple University
Box 82 Folder 4-7
Templeton, Fiona - Administrative files, Conversations Between Heart and Mind (TMS), London (TMS), and YOU - The City (TMS)
Box 82 Folder 8
Terrell, Carroll
Box 82 Folder 9
Third Rail
Box 82 Folder 10
Thomas, James
Box 82 Folder 11
Thomas, Lorenzo
Box 82 Folder 12
Thomas, Sherry
Box 82 Folder 13
Thompson, Nigel
Box 82 Folder 14
Timofeev, Sergei
Box 82 Folder 15
Tindall, Kenneth
Box 82 Folder 16
Topp, Mike
Box 82 Folder 17
Treitel, Renata
Box 82 Folder 18
Trinidad, David
Box 82 Folder 19
Truitt, Anne
Box 82 Folder 20
Tysh, Chris
Box 82 Folder 21
U - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 82 Folder 22
Ubu Repertory Theatre
Box 82 Folder 23
Undark, Jack

Unidentified text

Box 82 Folder 24-29
MS and TMS
Box 83 Folder 1
Box 83 Folder 2-5
Unidentified authors - Vision (TMS), and Weighing Time: A Triad of Poetic Drama (TMS)
Box 83 Folder 6
U.S.S.R. - Library
Box 83 Folder 7
U.S. Postal Service
Box 83 Folder 8
University of Maryland Library
Box 83 Folder 9
Upasaw, Regan
Box 83 Folder 10
V - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 83 Folder 11-12
Vance, Ronald

Vangelisti, Paul

Box 83 Folder 13
Box 84 Folder 1-2
Box 84 Folder 3
Veitch, Tom
Box 84 Folder 4
Venuti, Lawrence
Box 84 Folder 5-6
Verdicchio, Pasquale
Box 84 Folder 7-9
Vesaas, Tarjei - Administrative files and The Ice Palace (TMS and proofs)
Box 84 Folder 10
Vidal, Gore
Box 84 Folder 11
Vincent, Stephen
Box 84 Folder 12
Violi, Paul
Box 84 Folder 13
Doderer, Heimito von
Box 84 Folder 14
Vonnegut, Kurt
Box 84 Folder 15
W - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 84 Folder 16
Wald, Cathy
Box 84 Folder 17
Waldman, Anne
Box 84 Folder 18
Waldrop, Keith

Waldrop, Rosmarie

Box 84 Folder 19-20
Administrative files and The Reproduction of Profiles (TMS)
Box 85 Folder 1
The Reproduction of Profiles (TMS)

Walker, Wendy

Box 85 Folder 2-11
Administrative files and The Sea Rabbit; Or, The Artist of Life (TMS and proofs)
Box 86 Folder 1-5
The Sea Rabbit; Or, The Artist of Life (proofs) and Secret Service (TMS and proofs)
Box 86 Folder 6
Walsh, Michael
Box 86 Folder 7-8
Ward, Diane - Administrative files and Beating a Wooden Fish (TMS)
Box 86 Folder 9
Ward, Jerry

Warsh, Lewis

Box 86 Folder 10-13
Administrative files and A Free Man (TMS)
Box 87 Folder 1-8
A Free Man (proofs)
Box 88 Folder 1-6
A Free Man (proofs) and Methods of Birth Control (TMS)
Box 88 Folder 7
Watson, Craig
Box 88 Folder 8-9
Watten, Barrett
Box 88 Folder 10
Webb, Don
Box 88 Folder 11
Weber, Bruce

Weiner, Hannah

Box 88 Folder 12
Administrative files
Box 89 Folder 1-3
Administrative files and Spoke (TMS and proofs)

Weinstein, Jeff

Box 89 Folder 4-10
Administrative files and Learning to Eat (original articles, TMS and proofs)
Box 90 Folder 1-6
Learning to Eat (proofs, photographs, and cover art) and Life in San Diego (TMS)
Box 90 Folder 7
Wasser, Frederick
Box 90 Folder 8
Welish, Marjorie
Box 90 Folder 9
Wellman, Don

Wellman, Mac (John)

Box 90 Folder 10-13
Administrative files
Box 91 Folder 1-13
Bad Penny and The Fortuneteller
Box 92 Folder 1-9
The Memory Theater of Giordano Bruno (TMS), The Paradox of Chrysippus (TMS), "Some L=A=N=G=U=A=G=U=E Outlaws, of Jeopardy ...", and Theater of Wonders, Six Contemporary American Plays
Box 92 Folder 10
Welt, Bernie
Box 92 Folder 11
Welty, Eudora
Box 92 Folder 12
Wesling, Donald
Box 92 Folder 13
Whalen, Tom
Box 92 Folder 14
Wheeler, David R. - The Co*Media (TMS)

White, Curtis

Box 92 Folder 15-16
Administrative files and The Metaphysics in the Midwest
Box 93 Folder 1-6
The Metaphysics in the Midwest
Box 93 Folder 7
White, Garrett (Buss Magazine)
Box 93 Folder 8
Whitney, J.D. - Word of Mouth (photograph)
Box 93 Folder 9
Wideman, John Edgar
Box 93 Folder 10
Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust Fund
Box 93 Folder 11
Wilk, David
Box 93 Folder 12
Williams, Jonathan
Box 93 Folder 13
Williams, Reese
Box 93 Folder 14
Winch, Terence
Box 93 Folder 15-18
Wine, Jim - Administrative files and Longwalks
Box 94 Folder 1
Wisoff, Ellen
Box 94 Folder 2
Witter Bynner Foundation
Box 94 Folder 3
Wolfe, Michael
Box 94 Folder 4
Woolf, Douglas
Box 94 Folder 5
World Future Society
Box 94 Folder 6
Wray, Elizabeth
Box 94 Folder 7
Writers & Books
Box 94 Folder 8
Wyatt, Andrea - Baseball Nights (TMS)
Box 94 Folder 9
Y-Z - Administrative files [miscellaneous]
Box 94 Folder 10
Yarber, Robert
Box 94 Folder 11
Yau, John
Box 94 Folder 12
Young, Geoffrey
Box 94 Folder 13
Young, Karl
Box 94 Folder 14
Yourgrau, Barry
Box 94 Folder 15
Zavarzadeh, Mas'ud
Box 94 Folder 16
Zavatsky, Bill
Box 94 Folder 17
Zavrian, Suzanne
Box 94 Folder 18
Zekowski, Arlene
Box 94 Folder 19
Zinnes, Harriet
Box 94 Folder 20
Zivancevic, Nina
Box 94 Folder 21
Zola, Emile
Box 94 Folder 22
Zona (Florence)

Accession Processed in 1996


Scope and Content of Series

Series 2) FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CENTURY: A NEW AMERICAN POETRY: Production materials for the Sun & Moon Press publication From the Other Side of the Century: A New American Poetry 1960-1990. Arranged in two subseries: A) Correspondence and B) Book Production Materials.

A) Correspondence: Submissions and correspondence from contributors to the anthology, arranged alphabetically by author.

B) Book Production Materials: Drafts, galleys, and page proofs of the anthology.


Box 95 Folder 1
List of permissions
Box 95 Folder 2
Unidentified authors
Box 95 Folder 3
Andrews, Bruce, 1988 - 1994
Box 95 Folder 4
Antin, David, 1990
Box 95 Folder 5
Armantrout, Rae, 1990 - 1994
Box 95 Folder 6
Ashbery, John, 1993 - 1994
Box 95 Folder 7
Baraka, Amiri, 1994
Box 95 Folder 8
Benson, Steve, 1990 - 1994
Box 95 Folder 9
Bernstein, Charles, 1990 - 1994
Box 95 Folder 10
Berrigan, Ted (with literary executor), 1992
Box 95 Folder 11
Blaser, Robin, 1992 - 1994
Box 95 Folder 12
Bromige, David, 1993 - 1994
Box 95 Folder 13
Brossard, Nicole, 1994
Box 95 Folder 14
Brownstein, Michael, 1984 - 1994
Box 95 Folder 15
Broida, Edward R., 1993
Box 95 Folder 16
bpNichol (Barrie Phillip Nichol, with literary executor), 1993
Box 96 Folder 1
Cage, John, 1992
Box 96 Folder 2
Ceravolo, Joseph, 1984 - 1994
Box 96 Folder 3
Child, Abigail, 1992 - 1994
Box 96 Folder 4
Coolidge, Clark, 1993
Box 96 Folder 5
Creeley, Robert, 1990 - 1994
Box 96 Folder 6
Day, Jean, 1990 - 1994
Box 96 Folder 7
Darragh, Tina, 1990 - 1994
Box 96 Folder 8
Davies, Alan, 1990 - 1994
Box 96 Folder 9
Davidson, Michael, 1990 - 1994
Box 96 Folder 10
Dewdney, Christopher, 1993
Box 96 Folder 11
DiPalma, Ray, 1990 - 1994
Box 96 Folder 12
Duncan, Robert (with literary executor)
Box 96 Folder 13
Eigner, Larry, 1990 - 1994
Box 96 Folder 14
Elmslie, Kenward, 1984 - 1992
Box 96 Folder 15
Figures, 1992
Box 96 Folder 16
Frauhammer, Karl, 1994
Box 96 Folder 17
Ginsberg, Allen, 1992 - 1993
Box 96 Folder 18
Goderey, John, 1984 - 1992
Box 96 Folder 19
Greenwald, Ted, 1990 - 1994
Box 97 Folder 1-2
Grenier, Robert, 1990 - 1994
Box 97 Folder 3
Guest, Barbara, 1984 - 1992
Box 97 Folder 4
Harryman, Carla, 1990 - 1994
Box 97 Folder 5
Hejinian, Lyn, 1990 - 1994
Box 97 Folder 6
Howe, Fanny, 1990 - 1993
Box 97 Folder 7
Howe, Susan, 1990 - 1993
Box 97 Folder 8
Inman, Peter, 1990 - 1994
Box 97 Folder 9
Irby, Kenneth, 1990 - 1994
Box 97 Folder 10
Johnson, Ronald, 1990 - 1992
Box 97 Folder 11
Mackey, Nathaniel, 1994
Box 97 Folder 12
Mac Low, Jackson, 1991 - 1994
Box 97 Folder 13
Mayer, Bernadette, 1992
Box 98 Folder 1
McCaffery, Steve, 1990 - 1994
Box 98 Folder 2
McNally, John, 1994
Box 98 Folder 3
Messerli, Douglas
Box 98 Folder 4
Niedecker, Lorine (with literary executor), 1992
Box 98 Folder 5
Notley, Alice, 1990 - 1994
Box 98 Folder 6
North, Charles, 1985 - 1992
Box 98 Folder 7
O'Hara, Frank (with literary executor), 1992 - 1994
Box 98 Folder 8
Olson, Charles (with literary executor), 1993
Box 98 Folder 9
Oppen, George (with literary executor)
Box 98 Folder 10
Padgett, Ron, 1984 - 1992
Box 98 Folder 11
Palmer, Michael, 1990 - 1993
Box 98 Folder 12
Perelman, Bob, 1990 - 1994
Box 98 Folder 13
Phillips, Dennis, 1994
Box 98 Folder 14
Piombino, Nick, 1990 - 1994
Box 98 Folder 15
Rakosi, Carl, 1990 - 1992
Box 98 Folder 16
Reznikoff, Charles (with literary executor), 1992
Box 99 Folder 1
Robinson, Kit, 1985 - 1994
Box 99 Folder 2
Rothenberg, Jerome, 1990 - 1994
Box 99 Folder 3
Scalapino, Leslie, 1990 - 1994
Box 99 Folder 4
Schuyler, James (with literary executor), 1994
Box 99 Folder 5
Sherry, James, 1992
Box 99 Folder 6
Shurin, Aaron, 1990 - 1994
Box 99 Folder 7
Silliman, Ron, 1991 - 1992
Box 99 Folder 8
Spicer, Jack, 1992
Box 99 Folder 9
Taggart, John, 1994
Box 99 Folder 10
Templeton, Fiona, 1992
Box 99 Folder 11
Thomas, Lorenzo, 1994
Box 99 Folder 12
Waldrop, Rosmarie, 1990 - 1994
Box 99 Folder 13
Ward, Diane, 1990 - 1992
Box 99 Folder 14
Warsh, Lewis, 1985 - 1994
Box 99 Folder 15
Watten, Barrett, 1990 - 1994
Box 99 Folder 16
Weiner, Hannah, 1990 - 1992
Box 99 Folder 17
Wieners, John, 1992 - 1993
Box 100 Folder 1
Welish, Marjorie, 1994
Box 100 Folder 2
Wellman, Mac, 1985 - 1994
Box 100 Folder 3
Zukofsky, Louis (with literary executor), 1992

Book Production Materials

Working Manuscripts

Box 100 Folder 4-9
Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, Parts 1-2
Box 101 Folder 1-8
Vol. 2, Part 3 and Vols. 3-4
Box 101 Folder 9
Editor's Notes
Box 101 Folder 10
Galleys: Permissions, table of contents, introduction
Box 102 Folder 1-5

Page Proofs

Box 103 Folder 1-3
1 : pp 1-1090
Box 104 Folder 1-2
2 : pp 5-1136
Box 104 Folder 3-4
3 : Table of contents and Volume 1, pp 1-349
Box 105 Folder 1-3
3 : Volumes 2-4, pp 350-1137


Scope and Content of Series

Series 3) GERTRUDE STEIN AWARDS: Letters of permission for poems published in The Gertrude Stein Awards in Innovative North American Poetry: 1993.

Box 105 Folder 4-8
Correspondence - Permissions A-W

Accession Processed in 2004


Scope and Content of Series

Series 4) ADMINISTRATIVE AND PRODUCTION FILES: Literary correspondence and administrative and production files for Sun & Moon Press publications from 1991-2002, arranged alphabetically by author. Personally identifiable information is restricted.

Box 106 Folder 1
20 Pages Series, 1989 - 1991
Box 106 Folder 2
A - Miscellaneous
Box 106 Folder 3
Abish, Walter, 1991 - 1994
Box 106 Folder 4
Academy of American Poets, 1994 - 1996
Box 106 Folder 5
Ahern, Tom, 1984 - 1998
Box 106 Folder 6
Aken, Ann Waggoner, 1998
Box 106 Folder 7-8
Albee, Edward - Administrative files and The Zoo Story , 1993 - 1997
Box 106 Folder 9
Albon, George, 1995 - 1997
Box 106 Folder 10
Alexander, Charles, 1998
Box 106 Folder 11
Alexander, Jane, 1997

Alexander, Will

Box 106 Folder 12
Administrative files, 1995 - 1998
Box 107 Folder 1-8
Asia and Haiti (1995), The Brimstone Boat, "Isolation, Neutrality, and Limbo", "Kathrada", and Pandora's Hatchery

Alferi, Pierre

Box 107 Folder 9
Administrative files
Box 108 Folder 1
Natural Gaits , 1995
Box 108 Folder 2
Ali, Jawad, 1996 - 1997
Box 108 Folder 3
Alland, Sonia, 1995
Box 108 Folder 4
Almino, Joao, 1995 - 1998
Box 108 Folder 5
Altieri, Charles, 1991 - 1994
Box 108 Folder 6
Alvarez, Lynne - The Reincarnation of Jaimie Brown , 1995 - 1998

America Awards for Literature

Box 108 Folder 7-9
1994 - 1996
Box 109 Folder 1
1997 - 1998
Box 109 Folder 2
American Biographical Institute, 1986 - 1987
Box 109 Folder 3
American Booksellers Association, 1994 - 1996
Box 109 Folder 4
American Library Association, 1993
Box 109 Folder 5
American Literary Translators Association, 1994 - 1998
Box 109 Folder 6
American Poetry Review , 1992
Box 109 Folder 7
Amnasan, Michael, 1992
Box 109 Folder 8
Anderson, James, 1996 - 1998
Box 109 Folder 9
Anderson, Robert, 1991

Andersson, Claes

Box 109 Folder 10-12
What Became Words - Selected Poems (1996)
Box 110 Folder 1
What Became Words - Selected Poems (1996)

Andrews, Bruce

Box 110 Folder 2-6
Administrative files, "Don't Tread On Me While We Tread On You", and I Don't Have Any Paper, So Shut Up, or Social Romanticism (1992), 1991 - 1996
Box 111 Folder 1
Miscellaneous, Designated Heartbeat, Tizzy Boost, and Definition
Box 111 Folder 2
Andrews, Michael, 1992
Box 111 Folder 3
Antin, Blaise, 1991 - 1996
Box 111 Folder 4-5
Antin, David - Administrative files and Selected Poems: 1963 - 1973 , 1963 - 1999

Antin, Eleanor

Box 111 Folder 6-9
Administrative files and Eleanora Antinova Plays (1994), 1984 - 1999
Box 112 Folder 1-3
Eleanora Antinova Plays (1994)
Box 112 Folder 4
Appel, Anne Liuzzo, 1995 - 1999
Box 112 Folder 5
Apple, Jacki, 1995
Box 112 Folder 6
Arakawa, 1991 - 1996
Box 112 Folder 7
Arden, John, 1991 - 1992
Box 112 Folder 8
Arensberg, Walter Conrad, 1992 - 1993
Box 112 Folder 9
Armajani, Siah, 1991 - 1992
Box 112 Folder 10-12
Armantrout, Rae - Administrative files and Made to Seem (1995) , 1992 - 2000
Box 112 Folder 13
Art Resources Transfer Incorporated Press (Rodney Sappington, editor), 1994 - 1995
Box 112 Folder 14
Artists Space, 1982
Box 112 Folder 15
Ascher, Nelson, 1995 - 1997
Box 113 Folder 1
Ashbery, John, 1991 - 1994
Box 113 Folder 2-7
Auletta, Robert - Administrative files, Faust: Part 1 by Goethe (typescript translation), The Persians (1993), "A Bull Refusing to Die in Madrid," "Virgins," and "Rundown" , 1993 - 1995
Box 113 Folder 8
Aunt Lute Books, 1997

Auster, Paul

Box 113 Folder 9
Administrative files, 1985 - 1999
Box 114 Folder 1-6
The Art of Hunger
Box 115 Folder 1-5
The Art of Hunger and The New York Trilogy (1994)
Box 116 Folder 1
The New York Trilogy (1994)
Box 116 Folder 2
Ausubel, Jesse, 1992 - 1996
Box 116 Folder 3
Aycock, Alice, 1991
Box 116 Folder 4-6
Ayhan, Ece - Administrative files and The Blind Cat and Orthodoxies (1997) (translation by Murat Nemet-Nejat), 1995 - 1997
Box 116 Folder 7
B - Miscellaneous
Box 116 Folder 8
Bachand, Therese, 1994 - 2000
Box 116 Folder 9
Balakian, Anna, 1993 - 1995
Box 116 Folder 10
Balestrini, Nanni, 1995 - 1998

Ballerini, Luigi

Box 116 Folder 11-12
Administrative files and The Cadence of a Neighboring Tribe (1997), 1992 - 1997
Box 117 Folder 1
"Italy and/or Marinetti at Vittorio Veneto and Shakespherian Rags", 1994
Box 117 Folder 2-3
Ballerini, Luigi, Paul Vangelisti, and Paolo Barlera (editors) - Italian Poetry After 1975 , 1994 - 1998

Ballerini, Luigi, Beppe Cavatorta, Elena Coda, and Paul Vangelisti (editors)

Box 117 Folder 4-6
The Promised Land (1999)
Box 118 Folder 1-6
The Promised Land (1999)
Box 119 Folder 1
Ballerini, Luigi (editor) - Shearsmen of Sorts: Italian Poetry 1975-1993 - Includes selections from participating poets
Box 119 Folder 2
Bamberger Books (Bill Bamberger), 1992 - 1996
Box 119 Folder 3
Bang Printing (Debbie Roberts), 1996 - 1997
Box 119 Folder 4
Banks, Russell, 1991 - 1998
Box 119 Folder 5-6
Baraka, Amiri - Administrative files and Funklore (1996), 1993 - 1998
Box 119 Folder 7
Barbiero, Daniel, 1998
Box 119 Folder 8
Bargum, Marianne, 1996 - 1997
Box 119 Folder 9
Barnard Bookfarm, 1992

Barnes, Djuna

Box 119 Folder 10-13
Administrative files, biographical materials, and At the Roots of the Stars: The Short Plays (1995), 1939 - 1997
Box 120 Folder 1-7
At the Roots of the Stars: The Short Plays (1995), Behind the Heart, The Book of Repulsive Women, and Collected Stories (1996)
Box 121 Folder 1-25
Collected Stories (1996), The Death of Life, The Dove, Dusie, Five Thousand Miles, The Hatmaker, Interviews, An Irish Triangle, Kurzy of the Sea, Little Drops of Rain, Madame Collects Herself, Madame Grows Older, Maggie of the Saints, New York, Passion Play, The Perfect Murder, Poe's Mother, Saturnalia, She Tells Her Daughter, Smoke (1993), Smoke and Other Stories (1987), Three from the Earth, To the Dogs, Two Ladies Take Tea and the Beauty, and Water - Ice , 1985 - 1996
Box 121 Folder 26
Baron, Todd, 1992 - 1998
Box 122 Folder 1-5
Barone, Dennis - Administrative files, Echoes (1997), The Returns, and Separate Objects: Selected Poems (1998) , 1991 - 1999
Box 122 Folder 6
Barry, Alyce, 1997
Box 122 Folder 7
Basinski, Michael, 1995 - 1998
Box 122 Folder 8
Bee, Susan, 1993 - 1995
Box 122 Folder 9
Before Columbus Foundation, 1991
Box 122 Folder 10
Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 1996
Box 123 Folder 1-3
Bellen, Martine - Administrative files and Tales of Murasaki and Other Poems (1999), 1992 - 2000
Box 123 Folder 4
Bellessi, Diana, 1993
Box 123 Folder 5
Bellow, Rachel, 1991 - 1993
Box 123 Folder 6
Benet, Juan, 1988
Box 123 Folder 7
Benisti, Eliane, 1996 - 1997
Box 123 Folder 8-10
Bennett, Guy - Administrative files and Last Words (1998), 1994 - 1999
Box 123 Folder 11
Benson, Steve, 1991 - 1992

Berc, Shelley

Box 123 Folder 12-13
Administrative files and "A Girl's Guide to the Divine Comedy: A Trilogy" (1994), 1993 - 1997
Box 124 Folder 1
The Shape of Wilderness (1994)
Box 124 Folder 2
Berg, Stephen, 1995
Box 124 Folder 3
Berkson, Bill, 1991 - 1992
Box 124 Folder 4
Berman, Tosh, 1996 - 1998

Bernstein, Charles

Box 124 Folder 5-8
Administrative files and Content's Dream: Essays, 1975-1984 (1986), 1986 - 2000
Box 125 Folder 1-6
Dark City (1994) and Republics of Reality: 1975-1990 (2000)
Box 126 Folder 1-6
Republics of Reality: 1975-1990 (2000), Rough Trades (1991-1992), Shade (1978), and The Sophist (1987)
Box 126 Folder 7
Bernstein, Steven J., 1993
Box 126 Folder 8
Berry, R.M., 1992 - 1998
Box 126 Folder 9
Berssenbrugge, Mei-mei, 1995
Box 126 Folder 10
Bevis, Philip, 1993
Box 126 Folder 11
Big Allis , 1994
Box 126 Folder 12
Binner, Vinal O., 1993 - 1998
Box 126 Folder 13
Bitterman, Shem, 1993 - 1996

Bjorneboe, Jens

Box 126 Folder 14-15
Administrative files and The Bark Neptune , 1974 - 1998
Box 127 Folder 1-7
The Bark Neptune, The Bird Lovers (1994, translation by Frederick Wasser), and Semmelweis (1998, translation by Joe Martin), 1974 - 1998
Box 128 Folder 1
Black Sparrow Press, 1992 - 1993
Box 128 Folder 2
Blackburn, Paul - "A Dull Poem"
Box 128 Folder 3
Blaser, Robin, 1994 - 1996
Box 128 Folder 4-7
Boethius - The Poems from On the Consolation of Philosophy (1994, translation by Peter Glassgold)
Box 128 Folder 8
Bonazzi, Bianca Maria, 1995 - 1997
Box 128 Folder 9
Bond, Edward, 1991 - 1997

Bonvicino, Regis

Box 128 Folder 10-11
Administrative files, 1993 - 1996
Box 129 Folder 1-4
Correspondence, miscellaneous poems, and Duetos: 4 Poetas Norte-Americanos Contemporaneos (1997, translation), 1996 - 2000

Bonvicino, Regis, Nelson Ascher and Michael Palmer (editors). Nothing the Sun Could Not Explain: 20 Contemporary Brazilian Poets (1997)

Box 129 Folder 5-7
Drafts and proofs, 1996 - 1997
Box 130 Folder 1-2
Proof and manuscript, 1996 - 1997
Box 130 Folder 3
Bookbank, 1996 - 1997
Box 130 Folder 4
Boone, Bruce, 1995
Box 130 Folder 5
Borders Books, 1993 - 1995
Box 130 Folder 6
Bottom's Dream (A Theatre Company), 1996 - 1997
Box 130 Folder 7
Bouchet, Andre - Where Heat Looms (1996)
Box 130 Folder 8-9
Boughn, Michael, 1993 - 1996
Box 130 Folder 10
Bowering, George, 1992 - 1996
Box 130 Folder 11
Boyle, Kay, 1995 - 1996
Box 130 Folder 12
Brainard, Joe, 1991
Box 130 Folder 13
Breck, Bob, 1992 - 1996

Breton, Andre

Box 130 Folder 14-15
Administrative files and Arcanum 17 (1997, translation by Zack Rogow), 1992 - 2000
Box 131 Folder 1-5
Arcanum 17 (1997, translation by Zack Rogow) and Earthlight (1993, translation by Bill Zavatsky and Zack Rogow)
Box 132 Folder 1
Earthlight (1993, translation by Bill Zavatsky and Zack Rogow)
Box 132 Folder 2
Breuer, Lee - The B. Beaver Animation , 1997
Box 132 Folder 3
Brito, Manuel, 1994 - 1996
Box 132 Folder 4-7
Bromige, David - Administrative files, "Surprise", and The Harbormaster of Hong Kong (1993), 1993 - 1999
Box 132 Folder 8
Brossard, Nicole, 1991 - 1998
Box 132 Folder 9
Broughton, James, 1996

Brown, Lee Ann

Box 132 Folder 10
Administrative files, 1993 - 2000
Box 133 Folder 1-3
Polyverse (1999)
Box 133 Folder 4
Browne, Laynie, 1995 - 1997
Box 133 Folder 5-6
Brownstein, Michael - Administrative files and Country Cousins (1986), 1986 - 1994
Box 133 Folder 7
Bruno, Franklin, 1996
Box 133 Folder 8
Bryer, Jackson, 1995 - 1998
Box 133 Folder 9
Buescher, Jean
Box 133 Folder 10
Bullins, Ed - The Man Who Dug Fish , 1997
Box 133 Folder 11
Burns, Elizabeth, 1996
Box 133 Folder 12
Burroughs, William, 1991 - 1993
Box 133 Folder 13
Bush, Peter, 1993 - 1997

Butts, Mary

Box 133 Folder 14-15
Administrative files and Scenes from the Life of Cleopatra (1994), 1993 - 1994
Box 134 Folder 1
Scenes from the Life of Cleopatra (1994)
Box 134 Folder 2
Byrd, Don, 1991 - 1992
Box 134 Folder 3
C - Miscellaneous
Box 134 Folder 4
Cage, John, 1990 - 1992
Box 134 Folder 5-6
Caliban, Richard - "Budd" and "Rodents and Radios", 1994 - 1995
Box 134 Folder 7
Caminals-Heath, Roser, 1998
Box 134 Folder 8
Campbell, Barbara, 1992 - 1993
Box 134 Folder 9
Canan, Janice, 1997 - 1998
Box 134 Folder 10
Caplin, Lee, 1993 - 1996
Box 134 Folder 11
Caproni, Giorgio - The Wall of the Earth: Writing in the Shadows of Empty Signs
Box 134 Folder 12
Carcanet Press (Michael Schmidt, editor), 1994 - 1997
Box 134 Folder 13
Cardona-Hine, Alvaro, 1992
Box 134 Folder 14
Carey-Thomas Awards, 1988
Box 134 Folder 15
Carrel and Graf Publishers, Inc., 1998 - 1999
Box 134 Folder 16
C.A.T.H.A.Y. (editors), 1992

Celan, Paul

Box 134 Folder 17-18
Administrative files and Breathturn (1995, translation by Pierre Joris), 1995 - 2000
Box 135 Folder 1-6
Breathturn (1995, translation by Pierre Joris) and Threadsuns (2000, translation by Pierre Joris)
Box 136 Folder 1
Threadsuns (2000, translation by Pierre Joris)
Box 136 Folder 2
Cesaire, Aime, 1993 - 1998
Box 136 Folder 3
Chadwick, Cydney, 1989 - 1998
Box 136 Folder 4
Champagne, Lenora, 1992 - 1993
Box 136 Folder 5
Chapman, Lee, 1995 - 1996
Box 136 Folder 6
Chen, Yanbing, 1996 - 1998
Box 136 Folder 7
Chernoff, Maxine, 1995 - 1997
Box 136 Folder 8
Child, Abigail - Includes Scatter Matrix , 1991 - 1999
Box 136 Folder 9
Chinnaphorn, Somsong (Messerli's foster child), 1986 - 1991
Box 136 Folder 10
Choukri, Mohamed, 1994
Box 136 Folder 11
Christensen, Thomas, 1994 - 1996
Box 136 Folder 12
Cirigliano, Marc, 1994
Box 136 Folder 13
Cirocco, William, 1994
Box 136 Folder 14-16
Clark, Jeff - Administrative files and The Little Door Slides Back (1997), 1996 - 1998
Box 136 Folder 17-18
Clark, Susan F. - Administrative files and Misalliance: Djuna Barnes and the American Theatre (1989), 1989 - 1997
Box 136 Folder 19
Clark, Tom - Includes At the Carnival of Jargon , 1995 - 1996
Box 136 Folder 20
Clarke, Arthur C., 1991
Box 136 Folder 21
Coffee House Press, 1995
Box 137 Folder 1-2
Coffey, Michael - Administrative files and Elemenopy (1996), 1993 - 1998
Box 137 Folder 3
Cole, Norma, 1992 - 1998
Box 137 Folder 4
Collins, Trisha and Richard Milazzo, 1991
Box 137 Folder 5
Collom, Jack, 1992 - 1993
Box 137 Folder 6
Cone, Jon
Box 137 Folder 7
Conferences, 1996
Box 137 Folder 8-9
Congdon, Constance - Dog Opera (1995) and No Mercy 1998)
Box 137 Folder 10
Consortium Book Distribution, 1992 - 2000
Box 137 Folder 11
Constantine, Peter, 1995 - 1998
Box 137 Folder 12
Contemporary Arts Educational Project, 1996 - 1997
Box 137 Folder 13
Cook, Jim, 1993

Coolidge, Clark

Box 137 Folder 14
Administrative files, 1986 - 1995
Box 138 Folder 1-8
The Crystal Text (1995), "Literal Landscapes", Odes of Roba (1984-1985), Own Face (1993), and The Rova Improvisations (1994)
Box 139 Folder 1-5
The Rova Improvisations (1994)
Box 139 Folder 6
Cope, Stephen, 1996

Copioli, Rosita

Box 139 Folder 7
Administrative files, 1994 - 1998
Box 140 Folder 1-3
The Blazing Lights of the Sun (1996, translation by Renata Treitel)
Box 140 Folder 4
Copper Canyon Press, 1994 - 1995
Box 140 Folder 5
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 1994 - 1996
Box 140 Folder 6
Corbett, Bill, 1992 - 1994
Box 140 Folder 7-8
Corcoran, Kelvin - Administrative files, "The Pure Body Entirely Present", and "When Suzy Was", 1995 - 1997
Box 140 Folder 9
Corder, Eileen - "Unazona Sacra", 1992
Box 140 Folder 10
Corman, Cid, 1994 - 1998
Box 140 Folder 11
Coronel, Jose Urtecho
Box 140 Folder 12
Council of Literary Magazines and Presses, 1992 - 1995
Box 140 Folder 13
Cozarinsky, Edgardo, 1995
Box 140 Folder 14
Creeley, Robert, 1991 - 1998
Box 140 Folder 15
Crevel, Rene - Babylon , 1996

Crosson, Robert

Box 140 Folder 16
Administrative files, 1991 - 1994
Box 141 Folder 1
Miscellaneous manuscripts, "Intemperate Fictions", and "Midland"
Box 141 Folder 2
Crowe, Thomas Rain, 1994 - 1995
Box 141 Folder 3-4
Crozier, Andrew - Administrative files and "Free Running Bitch", 1992 - 1996

Cudahy, Sheila

Box 141 Folder 5-8
Administrative files and Crow Time (1995), 1992 - 1996
Box 142 Folder 1
Crow Time (1995)
Box 142 Folder 2
Curbstone Press, 1996
Box 142 Folder 3
Curnow, Wystan, 1993 - 1998
Box 142 Folder 4
Curwen, Tom, 1998 - 1999
Box 142 Folder 5
Cutler-Shaw, Joyce, 1993 - 1996
Box 142 Folder 6
D - Miscellaneous
Box 142 Folder 7
Dalkey Archive Press, 1992 - 1998
Box 142 Folder 8
Darragh, Tina and Peter Inman, 1991
Box 142 Folder 9
Data Reproductions, 1993 - 1997
Box 142 Folder 10
Daumal, Rene - Le Contre-Ciel /The Anti-Heaven , 1996
Box 142 Folder 11
Daval, Stephanie, 1996
Box 142 Folder 12
Davenport, Guy, 1991 - 1994
Box 142 Folder 13
Daves, Diana, 1992 - 1996
Box 142 Folder 14
Davidson, Gordon, 1993 - 1997
Box 142 Folder 15
Davidson, Michael - The Arcades , 1995
Box 142 Folder 16
Davies, Alan, 1992 - 1998
Box 142 Folder 17
Davis, Lydia, 1988 - 1994
Box 142 Folder 18
Dawson, Fielding, 1991 - 1992
Box 142 Folder 19
Day, Jean, 1990 - 1995

De Angelis, Milo

Box 142 Folder 20-21
Administrative files and Finite Intuition (1995), 1994 - 1998
Box 143 Folder 1-2
Finite Intuition (1995)

De Cristoforo, Violet Kazue

Box 143 Folder 3-5
Administrative files and May Sky: There is Always Tomorrow (1996, editor)
Box 144 Folder 1-5
May Sky: There is Always Tomorrow (1996, editor)
Box 144 Folder 6
De Domenico, Peter F., 1996
Box 144 Folder 7
De Vicq, Roberto, 1994
Box 145 Folder 1
Delissovoy, Noah, 1996
Box 145 Folder 2-5
Deluy, Henri - Administrative files and Carnal Love: Poems (1998, translation by Guy Bennett), 1995 - 1998

Dennett, Nolan

Box 145 Folder 6-8
Administrative files and Place of Shelter (1994), 1993 - 1997
Box 146 Folder 1-2
Place of Shelter (1994) and "The Tale of the River Keeper" (1997)
Box 146 Folder 3
DeRosa, Rosemary, 1991 - 1995
Box 146 Folder 4
Detrich, David
Box 146 Folder 5
Deveny, Thomas, 1994 - 1996
Box 146 Folder 6
Dial-A-Book, 1997 - 1999
Box 146 Folder 7
Dickinson, Steve, 1995 - 1996
Box 146 Folder 8-10
DiPalma, Ray - Administrative files, "The Advance On Mesmer" (1997) and Numbers and Tempers (1992), 1985 - 1997
Box 146 Folder 11
Djuric, Dubravka, 1994 - 1995

Doderer, Heimito von

Box 146 Folder 12-14
Administrative files, The Demons, and Everyman is a Murderer , 1990 - 1996
Box 147 Folder 1-5
The Merovingians or The Total Family (1996, translation by Vinal Binner)
Box 148 Folder 1
Domini, John, 1992 - 1999
Box 148 Folder 2-4
Donoso, Jose - Administrative files and Hell Has No Limits (1995, translation by Suzanna Jill Levine), 1993 - 1996
Box 148 Folder 5-6
Doris, Stacy - Administrative files and Kildare: A Radio - Play - Poem (1994), 1994 - 1996
Box 148 Folder 7
Dorn, Edward
Box 148 Folder 8
Downs, Buck, 1992 - 1996

Dragomoshchenko, Arkadii

Box 148 Folder 9-11
Administrative files and Xenia (1993, translation by Lyn Hejinian and Elena Balashova), 1992 - 1994
Box 149 Folder 1-2
Xenia (1993, translation by Lyn Hejinian and Elena Balashova)
Box 149 Folder 3
Drenttel, William, 1992
Box 149 Folder 4
Drexler, Rosalyn, 1995 - 1996
Box 149 Folder 5
Driskell, Charles, 1982
Box 149 Folder 6-7
Du Bouchet, Andre - The Indwelling and Where Heat Looms , 1994-1996
Box 149 Folder 8
DuCharme, Mark, 1995 - 1997
Box 149 Folder 9
Duffy, Bruce, 1991 - 1997
Box 149 Folder 10
Dunne, Philip, 1991
Box 149 Folder 11
DuPlessis, Rachel Blau, 1994 - 1999
Box 149 Folder 12
Dydo, Ulla, 1992 - 1994
Box 149 Folder 13
E - Miscellaneous
Box 149 Folder 14
Echavarren, Roberto, 1994 - 1996
Box 149 Folder 15
Economou, George, 1992 - 1996
Box 149 Folder 16
Editions P.O.L., 1996
Box 149 Folder 17
Edson, Russell, 1998
Box 149 Folder 18
Edwards, Ken, 1994 - 1998
Box 149 Folder 19
Edwards, Louis, 1992 - 1993

Ehn, Erik

Box 149 Folder 20-21
Administrative files and "Angel Uh God" - includes "AOK (Anarchy in the Oklahoma Kingdom)", 1991 - 1998
Box 150 Folder 1-2
Beginner (1996) and miscellaneous plays
Box 150 Folder 3
Einzig, Barbara, 1992 - 1995

Eisenstein, Sam

Box 150 Folder 4-8
"The Contortionist", "Early Abortion", and Price of Admission (1993, includes "Frieda: A Short Story", "Remember to Forget", and "An Avocado")
Box 151 Folder 1
Price of Admission (1993)
Box 151 Folder 2
El-e-phant - A Language Arts Review , 1994 - 1996

Elman, Richard

Box 151 Folder 3-7
Administrative files, "The Dancing Master's Diaries", and Tar Beach (1991), 1989 - 1998
Box 152 Folder 1-2
Tar Beach (1991)
Box 152 Folder 3
Elmslie, Kenward, 1993 - 1999
Box 152 Folder 4
Equi, Elaine, 1993 - 1995
Box 152 Folder 5
Eshleman, Clayton, 1994 - 1996
Box 152 Folder 6
Evans, Brett, 1995 - 1996
Box 152 Folder 7
Evans, Rebecca, 1992 - 1993

Everman, Welch D

Box 152 Folder 8-10
Administrative files and The Harry and Sylvia Stories (1992), 1991 - 1993
Box 153 Folder 1-2
The Harry and Sylvia Stories (1992)
Box 153 Folder 3
F - Miscellaneous
Box 153 Folder 4
Fadiman, William, 1987 - 1999
Box 153 Folder 5
Fallon, Dan, 1995
Box 153 Folder 6
Farmer, Steven, 1996
Box 153 Folder 7
Fattal, Simone, 1997 - 1998
Box 153 Folder 8-10
Federman, Raymond - Smiles on Washington Square (1995) and The Twilight of the Bums (1994)
Box 153 Folder 11
Ferguson, Deanna, 1995 - 1996
Box 154 Folder 1
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 1991 - 1992
Box 154 Folder 2
Field, Thalia - Point and Line
Box 154 Folder 3-4
Firbank, Ronald - Santal (1994), 1992 - 2000
Box 154 Folder 5
Fisher, Norman, 1993
Box 154 Folder 6-10
Fitterman, Robert - After Medici, Metropolis 1-15 (2000), and "There"
Box 154 Folder 11
Flemish Community (Rita Omwal), 1987 - 1988
Box 154 Folder 12
Fodaski, Liz, 1995 - 1996
Box 154 Folder 13
Ford, Charles Henri, 1991 - 1999
Box 154 Folder 14
Foreman, Jon, 1995

Restrictions Apply

Foreman, Richard

Box 154 Folder 15
Administrative files, 1991 - 1997
Box 155 Folder 1-2
"Fables of Identity" and "Rhoda in Potatoland", 1993 - 1997
Box 155 Folder 3
Formes, Maria Irene - "Fefu and Her Friends", 2000
Box 155 Folder 4
Foss, Phillip, 1991 - 1995
Box 155 Folder 5
Foster, Charlie, 1993
Box 155 Folder 6
Foster, Rick, 1989

Fourcade, Dominique

Box 155 Folder 7-11
Administrative files, Click-Rose (1996, translated by Keith Waldrop), and Xbo (1993), 1991 - 1998
Box 156 Folder 1
Xbo (1993)
Box 156 Folder 2
Fox, Howard N., 1993 - 1997
Box 156 Folder 3
Fox, Jerry, 1992 - 1998
Box 156 Folder 4
Foye, Raymond, 1993 - 1994
Box 156 Folder 5
Frankfurt Book Fair, 1986 - 1995
Box 156 Folder 6
Fraser, Kathleen, 1991 - 1996
Box 156 Folder 7
Freilicher, Mel, 1991 - 1994
Box 156 Folder 8
French-American Foundation, 1993 - 1999
Box 156 Folder 9
Friedlander, Benjamin - Adventures in the Vernacular , 1994
Box 156 Folder 10
Friedmann, John - Includes "The Heights of Machu Picchu", 1993
Box 156 Folder 11
Friel, Brian, 1991 - 1995
Box 156 Folder 12
Friends of Jens, 1999
Box 156 Folder 13
Frizzi, Adria, 1992 - 1997
Box 156 Folder 14
Frym, Gloria, 1990 - 1998
Box 156 Folder 15
Fuller, William, 1996
Box 156 Folder 16
Funkhouser, Chris, 1994
Box 156 Folder 17
G - Miscellaneous
Box 156 Folder 18
Gander, Forrest, 1993 - 1998
Box 156 Folder 19
Ganick, Peter, 1992 - 1998
Box 156 Folder 20
Gardner, Drew, 1995 - 1997
Box 156 Folder 21
Garrido, Raul Guerra
Box 156 Folder 22
Gavran, Miro, 1992 - 1993

George, Charley

Box 156 Folder 23-24
Administrative files and Sunday's Ending Too Soon (1993), 1992 - 1993
Box 157 Folder 1-2
Sunday's Ending Too Soon (1993)
Box 157 Folder 3
George, Kathi, 1989 - 1994
Box 157 Folder 4
Georgeson, Alison, 1995 - 1996
Box 157 Folder 5
Gertrude Stein Awards, 1992 - 1996
Box 157 Folder 6
Gevirtz, Susan, 1991 - 1995
Box 157 Folder 7
Gibson, Melissa James, 1997 - 1998

Gilliams, Maurice

Box 157 Folder 8-9
Elias, or the Struggle with the Nightingales (1995, translation by Andre Lefevere)
Box 158 Folder 1
Elias, or the Struggle with the Nightingales (1995, translation by Andre Lefevere)
Box 158 Folder 2
Gilliland Printing, Inc., 1994 - 1997
Box 158 Folder 3
Ginsberg, Allen, 1994 - 1998

Giraudon, Liliane

Box 158 Folder 4-8
Administrative files, Fur (1995, translation by Guy Bennett), and Pallaksch, Pallaksch (1994, translation by Julia Hine), 1994 - 1998
Box 159 Folder 1
Pallaksch, Pallaksch (1994, translation by Julia Hine)

Giuliani, Alfredo (editor)

Box 159 Folder 2-5
I Novissimi: Poetry for the Sixties (1995)
Box 160 Folder 1-5
I Novissimi: Poetry for the Sixties (1995)
Box 160 Folder 6
Gizzi, Peter - Oblek , 1992 - 1996
Box 161 Folder 1
Glassgold, Peter
Box 161 Folder 2
Gluck, Bob, 1994 - 1995
Box 161 Folder 3
Godfrey, John, 1995
Box 161 Folder 4
Goethe-Institut of Chicago, 1996 - 1997
Box 161 Folder 5
Golding, Alan, 1993 - 1994
Box 161 Folder 6
Goldsmith, Kenneth, 1995 - 1996

Gordon, Jaimy

Box 161 Folder 7-11
Administrative files and Bogeywoman (1999), 1991 - 1999
Box 162 Folder 1-2
Bogeywoman (1999)
Box 162 Folder 3
Gottlieb, Michael, 1993 - 1998
Box 162 Folder 4
Gough, Jenny, 1995 - 1997
Box 162 Folder 5
Greenfield, Elana, 1997 - 1998

Greenspan, David

Box 162 Folder 6-9
2 Samuel 11, Etc. (1995), "Dead Mother or Shirley Not All In Vain" (1991), "Dog In a Dancing School" (1993), Something's Gotta Give (1995), and Son of an Engineer (1993)
Box 163 Folder 1
"Trains Passing", 1993
Box 163 Folder 2
Greenwald, Roger, 1994 - 1997
Box 163 Folder 3-4
Greenwald, Ted - Administrative files and "Going Into School That Day", 1991 - 1995
Box 163 Folder 5
Greer, Michael, 1993
Box 163 Folder 6
Grim, Jessica, 1996 - 1997
Box 163 Folder 7
Grimsley, Jim - Mr. Universe , 1993
Box 163 Folder 8
Grol-Prokopezyk, Regina, 1994
Box 163 Folder 9
Grooms, Red, 1991 - 1992
Box 163 Folder 10-11
Guare, John - Administrative files and Muzeeka , 1993 - 1997
Box 163 Folder 12
Guerard, Albert

Guest, Barbara

Box 163 Folder 13-17
Administrative files, The Confetti Trees (1999), and Defensive Rapture (1993), 1991 - 1999
Box 164 Folder 1-7
Defensive Rapture (1993) and Fair Realism (1995)
Box 165 Folder 1-7
Seeking Air (1997), Selected Poems (1995), If So, Tell Me, contracts and royalties, and miscellaneous manuscripts
Box 165 Folder 8-10
Guibert, Herve - Ghost Image (1996, translation by Robert Bononno)
Box 165 Folder 11
H - Miscellaneous

Hamsun, Knut

Box 165 Folder 12-16
Administrative files, Rosa (1997, translation by Sverre Lyngstad), and Victoria (1994, translation by Oliver Stallybrass), 1994 - 1997
Box 166 Folder 1
Victoria (1994, translation by Oliver Stallybrass)
Box 166 Folder 2
Hansen, Jefferson
Box 166 Folder 3
Hansen, Martin - The Liar , 1995
Box 166 Folder 4
Hanson, Paul, 1993 - 1996
Box 166 Folder 5
Hanuman Books, 1982 - 1990
Box 166 Folder 6-7
Hardy, Thomas - Jude the Obscure , 1996
Box 166 Folder 8
Hargreaves, Geoffrey, 1995 - 1997
Box 166 Folder 9
Harrison, Robert, 1994 - 1996
Box 166 Folder 10
Harryman, Carla - The Words , 1989 - 1996
Box 166 Folder 11
Hartman, Charles, 1990 - 1996
Box 166 Folder 12-14
Haugen, Paal-Helge - Administrative files and Wintering with the Light (1996, translation by Roger Greenwald), 1994 - 1999
Box 166 Folder 15-18
Hauser, Marianne - Administrative files and Me and My Mom! (1993), 1990 - 1999
Box 166 Folder 19
Hausmann, Fredrik, 1996
Box 166 Folder 20-22
Hawkes, John - Administrative files and The Owl and the Goose on the Grave (1994), 1992 - 1998
Box 167 Folder 1
Heidsieck, Bernard, 1991 - 1995
Box 167 Folder 2-14
Hejinian, Lyn - Administrative files, A Border Comedy, The Cell (1992), The Cold of Poetry (1994), My Life (1987), and Writing is an Aid to Memory (1996)

Restrictions Apply

Box 167 Folder 15
Heller, Michael, 1995 - 1996
Box 167 Folder 16
Herring, Phillip, 1992 - 1998
Box 167 Folder 17
Higgins, Dick, 1991 - 1998
Box 167 Folder 18
High, John, 1996 - 1999
Box 167 Folder 19
Hill, Gary, 1993
Box 167 Folder 20
Hine, Julia, 1993
Box 167 Folder 21
Hinton, David, 1993 - 1996

Hoel, Sigurd

Box 167 Folder 22-24
Administrative files and The Road to the World's End (1995, translation by Sverre Lyngstad), 1994 - 1996
Box 168 Folder 1-4
The Road to the World's End (1995, translation by Sverre Lyngstad), 1995
Box 168 Folder 5-6
Hoggard, James - Administrative files and "Triangle of Light", 1998 - 2000
Box 168 Folder 7
Hoier, Anneli (Leonhardt and Hoier, literary agents), 1997 - 1999
Box 168 Folder 8-11
Hollander, Benjamin - Administrative files and The Book of Who Are Was (1997), 1993 - 1997
Box 168 Folder 12
Hollander, Gad, 1995 - 1996
Box 168 Folder 13
Hollo, Anselm, 1995 - 1997
Box 168 Folder 14
Holly Soloman Gallery, 1988 - 1989
Box 168 Folder 15
Hoover, Paul, 1992 - 1998

Howe, Fanny

Box 168 Folder 16-25
Administrative files, "The Deep North", "Famous Questions", and Nod (1998), 1988 - 1999
Box 169 Folder 1-9
Nod (1998), "O'Clock", and Saving History (1992)
Box 169 Folder 10-15
Howe, Susan - Administrative files, "Melville's Marginalia", "Capture Morphology", and Europe of Trusts (1990), 1987 - 1996
Box 169 Folder 16
Howe, Tina - One Show Off , 1995 - 1998
Box 169 Folder 17
Howe, William - Includes typescript of "Numbers (H's)", 1994 - 1995
Box 169 Folder 18
Howell, Anthony, 1995 - 1996
Box 169 Folder 19
Hughes, Holly - "Dress Suits For Hire", 1996 - 1998
Box 170 Folder 1
Huk, Romana, 1995 - 1996
Box 170 Folder 2
Hunter, Evan, 1991
Box 170 Folder 3
Hwang, David Henry, 1993 - 1997
Box 170 Folder 4
I - Miscellaneous
Box 170 Folder 5
Iizuka, Naomi - Tattoo Girl (1994), 1996 - 1998
Box 170 Folder 6-7
Inagaki, Taruho - Administrative files, One Thousand and One Second Stories (sample pages in Japanese and translation by Tricia Vita), 1997 - 1998
Box 170 Folder 8
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 1996 - 1998
Box 170 Folder 9
Irby, Kenneth - Administrative files, 1994 - 1998
Box 170 Folder 10
Israel, David Rafael - Includes copies of Tamarind , 1993 - 1997
Box 170 Folder 11
Italian Cultural Institute, 1990 - 1998
Box 170 Folder 12
J - Miscellaneous
Box 170 Folder 13-14
Jackson, Laura Riding - Administrative files, Anarchism is Not Enough, and Lives of Wives (1995), 1993 - 1995
Box 170 Folder 15
Jaffe, Hal, 1991 - 1992
Box 170 Folder 16
Jamme, Franck Andre, 1997
Box 170 Folder 17
Jassen, Ronald, 1996 - 1998

Jenkin, Len

Box 170 Folder 18-30
Administrative files, American Notes (1998), Careless Love (1993), and Dark Ride (1993, includes play scripts for "A Country Doctor", "American Notes", "My Uncle Sam", and "Poor Folk's Pleasure"), 1980 - 1994
Box 171 Folder 1-2
Dark Ride (1993)
Box 171 Folder 3
Jenkin, Len and Emily Jenkins - "The Secret Life of Billie's Uncle Myron", 1997
Box 171 Folder 4-6
Jesurun, John - Administrative files and Everything That Rises Must Converge (1997), 1983 - 2000
Box 171 Folder 7
Jilson, Teresa, 1995
Box 171 Folder 8
Johnson, Ron, 1994 - 1998
Box 171 Folder 9
Johnston, George, 1991 - 1992
Box 171 Folder 10-15
Jones, Jeffrey - Administrative files, "J.P. Morgan Saves the Nation", Love Trouble (1994), and Night Coil , 1979 - 1998
Box 171 Folder 16
Joris, Pierre, 1991 - 1999
Box 171 Folder 17
Joron, Andrew, 1955 - 1996
Box 171 Folder 18
Joselow, Beth, 1996
Box 171 Folder 19
Junker, Howard, 1992 - 1995
Box 171 Folder 20
K - Miscellaneous
Box 171 Folder 21
Kalamaras, George, 1993 - 1997
Box 171 Folder 22
Kanellas, Nicolas, 1993 - 1997
Box 171 Folder 23
Kanin, Garson, 1991 - 1993
Box 171 Folder 24
Kapil, Bhanu Jacasta, 1996
Box 171 Folder 25
Karney, Perla, 1993 - 1998
Box 171 Folder 26
Katz, Alex, 1991 - 1995

Katz, Steve

Box 171 Folder 27-28
Administrative files and 43 Fictions (1992), 1991 - 1998
Box 172 Folder 1-11
43 Fictions (1992) and Swanny's Ways (1995)
Box 172 Folder 12
Katz, Vincent, 1992 - 1996
Box 172 Folder 13
Keckler, William B., 1991 - 1999
Box 172 Folder 14
Keene, John R., 1996
Box 172 Folder 15
Keiley, Lizbeth, 1995 - 1998
Box 172 Folder 16
Kellog, David, 1996 - 1998
Box 172 Folder 17
Kelly, Robert, 1991 - 1998
Box 172 Folder 18
Kennedy, Adrienne - A Movie Star Has to Star in Black and White , 1996 - 1997
Box 172 Folder 19-21
Kenner, Hugh and Charles O. Hartman - Sentences (1995)
Box 172 Folder 22
Kern, Gary, 1996
Box 173 Folder 1
Kessler, Simona, 1996 - 1997
Box 173 Folder 2
Kiely, Aaron, 1988 - 1990
Box 173 Folder 3
Killian, Kevin, 1996 - 2000
Box 173 Folder 4
Killian, Sean, 1996 - 1997
Box 173 Folder 5-8
Kim, Myung Mi - Administrative files and Dura (1998), 1995 - 1999
Box 173 Folder 9
Kinsella, John - Includes "Erratum/Frame(d)" and "The Radnoti Poems", 1995 - 1999
Box 173 Folder 10
Kirchberger, Michael, 1986 - 1987
Box 173 Folder 11
Klefstad, Ann, 1991 - 1996
Box 173 Folder 12
Klein, Norman
Box 173 Folder 13
Klintkowitz, J.C., 1993 - 1995
Box 173 Folder 14
Knopf, Marcy Jane, 1994
Box 173 Folder 15
Knox, Caroline, 1998
Box 173 Folder 16
Koch, Kenneth, 1992
Box 173 Folder 17
Kocik, Robert, 1992
Box 173 Folder 18
Kopit, Arthur - The Day the Whores Came Out to Play Tennis , 1995
Box 173 Folder 19
Kornaker, David, 1993 - 1996
Box 173 Folder 20
Kott, Alexander, 1993 - 1995
Box 173 Folder 21
Kowalski, Michael, 1994 - 1996
Box 173 Folder 22
Krukowski, Damon - Includes poems "Minor Poets", "Failures", "Antediluvian World", and "Hearts and Pearls (or The Lounge Lizard's Lost Love)", 1996 - 1997
Box 173 Folder 23
Krusoe, Jim (Santa Monica Review)
Box 173 Folder 24
Kulick, William, 1993 - 1994
Box 173 Folder 25-26
Kushner, Tony - Reverse Transcription , 1995 - 1998
Box 173 Folder 27
Kuszai, Joel, 1996 - 1997
Box 173 Folder 28
L - Miscellaneous

LaFarge, Tom

Box 173 Folder 29-37
Administrative files and The Crimson Bears (1993), 1991 - 1999
Box 174 Folder 1-6
A Hundred Doors: The Crimson Bears, Part 2 (1994) and Terror of Earth (1996)
Box 174 Folder 7
Lally, Michael, 1992 - 1997
Box 174 Folder 8
Lannan Foundation, 1994 - 1998
Box 174 Folder 9-13
Larbaud, Valery - Childish Things (1994, translation by Catherine Wald)
Box 174 Folder 14
Laughlin, James, 1991 - 1997
Box 174 Folder 15
Lauterbach, Ann, 1995 - 1997
Box 174 Folder 16
Lavers, Norman, 1991 - 1993
Box 174 Folder 17-21
Lawrence, Jerome - Administrative files and Golden Circle book signing tour, 1979 - 1994
Box 175 Folder 1
Lazar, Hank - Includes "Doublespace Inter(ir)ruptions", "Our Nuclear Heritage", "Portrait 1", and "Portrait 2", 1991 - 1996
Box 175 Folder 2
LeClair, Tom, 1993
Box 175 Folder 3
Leddy, Michael, 1992 - 1996
Box 175 Folder 4
Lee, Robert E., 1994
Box 175 Folder 5
Leeper, Don, 1991 - 1992
Box 175 Folder 6
Lesser, Rika - Includes "The Gifts", "Under the Roof", "The News and the Weather", "Translation", "Away", and "About Her", 1996
Box 175 Folder 7
Lessing, Dorris, 1991 - 1994
Box 175 Folder 8
Levine, Karen, 1992
Box 175 Folder 9-18
Levine, Stacey
Box 175 Folder 19
Levine, Suzanne - Jill , 1991 - 2000
Box 175 Folder 20
Levitin, Alexis - Includes miscellaneous poems, 1992 - 1999
Box 175 Folder 21
Levy, Andrew - Includes "Your Calendar of Sentiments" and "From Curve", 1995 - 1996
Box 175 Folder 22
Lie-Nielsen, Eva, 1994 - 1997
Box 175 Folder 23
Light, Steve, 1995
Box 175 Folder 24-26
Lin, Tan - Administrative files and Lotion Bullwhip Giraffe (1996), 1994 - 1996

Lins, Osman

Box 175 Folder 27
Nine, Novena (1995, translation by Adria Frizzi)
Box 176 Folder 1-4
Nine, Novena (1995, translation by Adria Frizzi)
Box 176 Folder 5
Lippard, Lucy, 1991 - 1992
Box 176 Folder 6
Literary Network, 1994 - 1995
Box 176 Folder 7
Literary Publishers Alliance, 1996 - 1997
Box 176 Folder 8
Liu, Theresa, 1996 - 1997
Box 176 Folder 9
Loden, Rachel, 1996 - 1997
Box 176 Folder 10
Longville, Tim, 1996
Box 176 Folder 11
Lopez, Tony, 1996 - 1997
Box 176 Folder 12
Los Angeles Times , 1987 - 1995
Box 176 Folder 13
Lowther, John, 1997 - 2000
Box 176 Folder 14
Lucas, Craig - Reckless , 1995 - 1998
Box 176 Folder 15
Ludam, Charles - "Reverse Psychology", 1995
Box 176 Folder 16
Luman, Inc., 1990 - 1994
Box 176 Folder 17
Lust, Herbert, 1993 - 1996
Box 176 Folder 18
Lyngstad, Sverre, 1993 - 1997
Box 176 Folder 19
Lyons, Kimberly, 1995 - 1996
Box 176 Folder 20-21
M - Miscellaneous
Box 176 Folder 22-27
Mac Low, Jackson - Administrative files, Barnesbook (1996), From Pearl Harbor to FDR's Birthday, and Pieces O'Six: Thirty-Three Poems in Prose, 1983-1987 (1992), 1989 - 1999
Box 176 Folder 28
MacAdams, Lewis, 1995 - 1996
Box 176 Folder 29
Maccavelli, Rosemary, 1992 - 1993
Box 176 Folder 30
Mackey, Louis, 1994

Mackey, Nathaniel

Box 176 Folder 31
Administrative files, 1990 - 1999
Box 177 Folder 1-10
ATET A.D. (2001), Bedouin Hornbook (1997), and Djbot Baghostus's Run (1993)

Maguire, Matthew

Box 177 Folder 11-13
Administrative files and Phaedra (1995), 1987 - 1998
Box 178 Folder 1-4
The Tower (1993) and "The Window Man" (1994)
Box 178 Folder 5-6
Major, Clarence - Administrative files and Painted Turtle: Woman with Guitar (1988), 1987 - 1998
Box 178 Folder 7
Malanga, Gerald, 1991 - 1995
Box 178 Folder 8
Malpede, Karen, 1996
Box 178 Folder 9-13
Mandel, Tom - Administrative files and Letters of the Law (1994), 1990 - 1996
Box 178 Folder 14
Mangravite, Andrew, 1995 - 1997
Box 178 Folder 15-16
Mann, Thomas - Six Early Stories (1997, translation by Peter Constantine)
Box 178 Folder 17
Manopoulos, M.
Box 178 Folder 18
Mansour, Joyce
Box 178 Folder 19
Margraff, Ruth - "Electra Fugues", 1996
Box 178 Folder 20-26
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso - Administrative files, "Let's Murder Moonshine", and Untameables (1994, translation by Jeremy Parzen and introduction by Luigi Ballerini), 1991 - 1995
Box 178 Folder 27
Mark Taper Forum Annex, 1993 - 1994
Box 178 Folder 28
Martin, Bill, 1995 - 1997
Box 178 Folder 29
Martin, Joe, 1994 - 1998
Box 178 Folder 30
Martinez, Armando, 1992 - 1993
Box 179 Folder 1-4
Mathews, Harry - Administrative files and Selected Declarations of Dependence (1996), 1989 - 1998
Box 179 Folder 5
Mayer, Bernadette, 1991 - 1997
Box 179 Folder 6-8
Mayrocker, Friederike - Administrative files and With Each Clouded Peak (1998), 1994 - 1998
Box 179 Folder 9-10
McAnuff, Des - Administrative files and "The Death of Von Richthopen as Witnessed From the Earth", 1991
Box 179 Folder 11
McCaffery, Steve, 1991 - 1995
Box 179 Folder 12
McCravy, Tucker - "Translation of Jean Carol's Expose's Ausoleil", 1993 - 1995
Box 179 Folder 13
McCullough, John, 1992 - 1993
Box 179 Folder 14
McDonagh, Michael, 1995
Box 179 Folder 15
McDonald, Bridget, 1994 - 1995
Box 179 Folder 16
McGann, Jerry, 1988 - 1996
Box 179 Folder 17
McGonigle, Tom, 1992 - 1996
Box 179 Folder 18
McGrath, Charles, 1995
Box 179 Folder 19
McKinsey, Martin, 1994 - 1995
Box 179 Folder 20
McMurtry, Larry, 1991
Box 179 Folder 21
McNally, John, 1994 - 1995
Box 179 Folder 22
McNally, Terrance, 1993
Box 179 Folder 23
McNaughton and Gunn, 1988 - 1998
Box 179 Folder 24
McNeace, Richard, 1992 - 1996
Box 179 Folder 25
McVay, Gwyn, 1996 - 1998
Box 179 Folder 26
Meacham, Cory J., 1994
Box 179 Folder 27-29
Mednick, Murray - Administrative files and Switchback (1997), 1997 - 1998
Box 179 Folder 30
Mee, Charles L., Jr. - "Imperialists at the Club Canem"
Box 179 Folder 31
Mercury House, 1994
Box 179 Folder 32
Messerli, David and Jill (brother and sister-in-law) - Includes letters and drawings from Mathew, Peter, and Benjamin (nephews), 1991 - 1995

Messerli, Douglas

Box 179 Folder 33-36
(Editor) - 50: A Celebration of Sun and Moon Classics (1995)
Box 180 Folder 1-15
(Editor) - 50: A Celebration of Sun and Moon Classics (1995), After (1998), Along Without: A Fiction in Film for Poetry (1993), Filmbook, and From the Other Side of the Century : A New American Poetry (1994)
Box 181 Folder 1-14
(Editor) - From the Other Side of the Century : A New American Poetry (1994) and The Gertrude Stein Awards in Innovative Poetry: 1993-1994 (1994)
Box 182 Folder 1-14
(Editor) - The Gertrude Stein Awards in Innovative Poetry: 1993-1994 (1994), Maxims from My Mother's Milk/Hymns to Him (1988), and Mr. Knife, Miss Fork: An Anthology of International Poetry, Number 1 (1998)
Box 183 Folder 1-13
(Editor) - Mr. Knife, Miss Fork: An Anthology of International Poetry, Number 1 (1998), Poe's Mother: Selected Drawings of Djuna Barnes (1995), and The Sun and Moon Guide to Eating Through Literature and Art (1994)
Box 184 Folder 1-11
(Editor) - The Sun and Moon Guide to Eating Through Literature and Art (1994), The Walls Come True: An Opera for Spoken Voices (1995), artwork (collage originals and prints of collages and drawings), and miscellaneous manuscripts and reviews, 1977 - 1998
Oversize FB-436 Folder 1
Artwork - Collage originals, 1977 - 1988
Box 184 Folder 12
Messerli, John and Lorna (father and mother), 1988 - 1998
Box 184 Folder 13
Messerli Family - Miscellaneous

Restrictions Apply

Box 184 Folder 14
Milkweed Editions, 1993 - 1998
Box 184 Folder 15
Miller, David, 1994 - 1998
Box 184 Folder 16-20
Mirsky, Mark - Administrative files and "Puddingstone", 1987 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 1
Miscellaneous lists of titles, 1994 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 2
Monette, Paul, 1995
Box 185 Folder 3
Moore, Michael, 1993 - 1995
Box 185 Folder 4-5
Morley, Christopher - Administrative files and Thunder on the Left (1995, artwork), 1994 - 1995
Box 185 Folder 6
Morrow, Bradford, 1993 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 7
Morton London Translation Award, 1998
Box 185 Folder 8
Mosakowski, Susan, 1997 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 9
Mossin, Andrew, 1995
Box 185 Folder 10-11
Moure, Erin - Administrative files and The Frame of a Book (1999), 1997 - 1999
Box 185 Folder 12
Moxley, Jennifer, 1994 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 13
Mulisch, Harry, 1988 - 1995
Box 185 Folder 14
Mullen, Harryette, 1993 - 1995
Box 185 Folder 15
Munk, Erika, 1993 - 1996
Box 185 Folder 16
Murdock, Iris, 1988 - 1994
Box 185 Folder 17
Murphy, Sheila E., 1993 - 1999
Box 185 Folder 18
Mus, David, 1999 - 1999
Box 185 Folder 19
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 1993
Box 185 Folder 20
Mutsuo, Takahashi, 1998
Box 185 Folder 21
MUZE, 1996
Box 185 Folder 22
Myles, Eileen, 1991
Box 185 Folder 23
N - Miscellaneous
Box 185 Folder 24-27
Nakell, Martin - Administrative files, "A History of Zero and Alter Fictions" (bound typescript), and The Library of Thomas Rivka (1997), 1991 - 2000
Box 185 Folder 28
Naropa Institute, 1993 - 1994

Restrictions Apply

Box 185 Folder 29
Nash, Susan Smith, 1993 - 1997
Box 185 Folder 30
Nathan, Leonard, 1995 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 31
National Endowment for the Arts, 1994 - 1999
Box 185 Folder 32-33
National Poetry Series, 1994 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 34
Naylor, Paul, 1994 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 35
Nederlands Literair Produktie - En Vertalingenfonds, 1996 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 36
Nelson, Ethel (grandmother), 1992
Box 185 Folder 37
Nelson, Gale, 1994 - 1996
Box 185 Folder 38-39
Nelson, Richard - Administrative files and "Conjuring an Event", 1993 - 1997
Box 185 Folder 40
Nemet-Nejat, Murat - Turkish Voices , 1994 - 2003
Box 185 Folder 41
New American Fiction - Catalog copy, 1997
Box 185 Folder 42
New American Poetry Competition, 1996 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 43
New Directions Books, 1987 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 44
New Dramatists, 1991 - 1995
Box 185 Folder 45
Ngai, Sianne, 1996 - 1997
Box 185 Folder 46
Niccolai, Giulia, 1994 - 1998
Box 185 Folder 47
Nichol, Eleanor, 1988 - 1996
Box 185 Folder 48
Nielsen, Aldon L., 1993 - 1997
Box 185 Folder 49
Nielson, Melanie, 1996
Box 185 Folder 50
Nodal, Adolfo, 1992 - 1993

Nooteboom, Cees

Box 185 Folder 51
The Captain of the Butterflies (1997, translation by Leonard Nathan and Herlinde Spahr)
Box 186 Folder 1-2
The Captain of the Butterflies (1997, translation by Leonard Nathan and Herlinde Spahr)
Box 186 Folder 3
Norris, Bill, 1998
Box 186 Folder 4-6
North, Charles - Administrative files and New and Selected Poems (1999), 1994 - 1999
Box 186 Folder 7
Notley, Alice, 1992 - 1995
Box 186 Folder 8
Novakovich, Josip, 1995 - 1997
Box 186 Folder 9-11
Novarina, Valere - The Theater of the Ears (1996)
Box 186 Folder 12
Nowak, Mark, 1992 - 1993
Box 186 Folder 13
O - Miscellaneous
Box 186 Folder 14
O'Brien, Geoffrey, 1995 - 1996
Box 186 Folder 15
O'Brien, John, 1996 - 1998
Box 186 Folder 16
O'Dwyer, Tess, 1996 - 1998
Box 186 Folder 17
O'Keefe, John, 1997 - 1998
Box 186 Folder 18
Older, Julia, 1991 - 1992
Box 186 Folder 19
O'Leary, Peter, 1993 - 1998
Box 186 Folder 20
Olitski, Jules, 1991
Box 186 Folder 21
Oliva, Roberta, 1996 - 1997
Box 186 Folder 22
O'Reilly, Brien J., 1995
Box 186 Folder 23
Osman, Jena, 1995 - 1998
Box 186 Folder 24-25
Ott, Gil - Administrative files and The Yellow Floor: Poems, 1978-1983 (1985, artwork), 1985 - 1997
Box 186 Folder 26-27
Outgoing correspondence - Announcements and publication reviews, 1993 - 1998
Box 186 Folder 28
Overman, Jim, 1997
Box 186 Folder 29-30
Overmyer, Eric - Administrative files and Native Speech (1995), 1993 - 1999
Box 186 Folder 31
Owens, Katherine, 1996 - 1997
Box 186 Folder 32
Owens, Rochelle - "Three Front", 1992
Box 186 Folder 33
Ox, Jack, 1996 - 1999
Box 186 Folder 34
P - Miscellaneous
Box 186 Folder 35
Pacheco, Jose Emilio - "A Distant Death", 1993
Box 186 Folder 36
Padgett, Ron, 1988 - 1993
Box 186 Folder 37
Palescandolo, Frank J., 1992
Box 186 Folder 38
Palmer, Michael, 1991 - 1998
Box 186 Folder 39
Parkett Verlag , 1989
Box 187 Folder 1-4
Parks, Suzan-Lori - Administrative files, "Betting on the Dust Commander and Devotees in the Garden of Love", and Imperceptible Mutabilities in the Third Kingdom (1995), 1988 - 1996
Box 187 Folder 5
Parnassus: Poetry in Review , 1994
Box 187 Folder 6
Parshchikov, Alexei - "The Adventures Of", 1995
Box 187 Folder 7
Parshchikov-Hugli, Martina, 1995
Box 187 Folder 8
Password Catalogue (David Parrish), 1994 - 1997
Box 187 Folder 9
Paul and Peter Fritz (literary agents), 1997 - 1998
Box 187 Folder 10
PEN American Center, 1993 - 1998
Box 187 Folder 11
PEN Center USA West, 1992 - 1996
Box 187 Folder 12
Perelman, Bob, 1992 - 1998
Box 187 Folder 13
Perloff, Carey, 1993 - 2000
Box 187 Folder 14
Perloff, Marjorie, 1991 - 2000
Box 187 Folder 15
Perreault, John, 1984 - 1993
Box 187 Folder 16-26
Peters, Kier - "The Business" (1995, notebook), The Confirmation (1993), A Dog Tries to Kiss the Sky (2003), "Family", "Flying Down to Cairo", "Intentional Coincidence", "The Intruders: A Farce in a Prologue, Eight Scenes and Cadenza For Puppets or Live Actors" (1999), "Past, Present, and Future Tense" (1994), "Still in Love: A Cabaret Opera" (1995, musical score and production programs), "Two Women On the Terrace" (1994), and correspondence, 1993 - 2003

Restrictions Apply

Box 187 Folder 27
Peters, Robert, 1993 - 1995
Box 187 Folder 28
Petlevski, Sibila, 1993 - 1995

Phillips, Dennis

Box 187 Folder 29-31
Administrative files, 20 Questions, "Study for the Ideal City", Arena (1991), and Credence (1996), 1988 - 1997
Box 188 Folder 1-5
Credence (1996), "Etudes" (typescript), Sand (1997), and untitled poems, 1988 - 1997
Box 188 Folder 6
Pike, Burton, 1997
Box 188 Folder 7
Pinkvoss, Joan, 1998
Box 188 Folder 8
Pinter, Harold, 1991 - 1996
Box 188 Folder 9-10
Piombino, Nick - Administrative files and "The Frozen Witness and Other Poems" (typescript), 1989 - 1999
Box 188 Folder 11
Pivano, Ruben, 1999
Box 188 Folder 12
Pleynet, Marcelin - "La Dogana", 1995
Box 188 Folder 13
Plooij, Jean-Pierre Etienne - Includes "Singing a Song" and "The Kite", 1986 - 1992
Box 188 Folder 14
Poetics Discussion Group, 1996 - 1999
Box 188 Folder 15
Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives, 1992 - 1993
Box 188 Folder 16
Poetry Project, 1992 - 1996
Box 188 Folder 17
Poet's Calendar for the Millennium: A Three Year Calendar of 20th Century Poetry - Includes invoices, 1996
Box 188 Folder 18
Poets House , 1993 - 1994
Box 188 Folder 19
Policies and procedures, 1987 - 1994
Box 188 Folder 20
Polizzoti, Mark, 1994 - 1996
Box 188 Folder 21-25
Pomerance, Murray - Administrative files, Magia D'Amore (1999), and "Tales of the Harlequinade", 1994 - 1999
Box 188 Folder 26
Pons, Carina, 1997 - 1998
Box 188 Folder 27
Porta, Antonio - "Se Fosse Tutto Un Tradimento" ("The Journey", typescript), 1981
Box 188 Folder 28
Portugal, Anne - Nude (2001, translation by Norma Cole)
Box 189 Folder 1
Poets and Poets Press, 1989 - 1993
Box 189 Folder 2-5
Powell, Anthony - Afternoon Men (1997), "O, How the Wheel Becomes It!", and What's Become of Waring (1999), 1994 - 1999
Box 189 Folder 6
Primary Stages, Inc., 1994
Box 189 Folder 7
Pritchett, Pat, 1996 - 1998
Box 189 Folder 8-11
Propertius, Sextus - Charm (1995, translation by Vincent Katz)
Box 189 Folder 12-15
Publication reviews, 1984 - 1996
Box 189 Folder 16
Publishers Weekly , 1994 - 1998
Box 189 Folder 17
Publishing contracts, 1979 - 1986
Box 189 Folder 18
Purves, Robin, 1993 - 1994
Box 189 Folder 19
Pyramid Atlantic: A Center for Hand Papermaking and the Art of the Book - Includes chapbook mock up entitled "An Apple, A Day", 1993
Box 189 Folder 20
Q - Miscellaneous
Box 189 Folder 21
Quartermain, Peter, 1991 - 1996
Box 189 Folder 22
Quasha, George, 1993 - 1995

Queneau, Raymond

Box 189 Folder 23-25
Children of Clay (1998, translation by Madeleine Velguth)
Box 190 Folder 1
Children of Clay (1998, translation by Madeleine Velguth)
Box 190 Folder 2
R - Miscellaneous
Box 190 Folder 3
R.R. Bowker, 1996 - 1999
Box 190 Folder 4
Racz, Gary, 1997 - 1998
Box 190 Folder 5-10
Rakosi, Carl - Administrative files and Poems: 1923-1941 (1995, original typescript edited by Andrew Crozier), 1991 - 1998
Box 190 Folder 11
Raskin, James
Box 190 Folder 12
Ratcliffe, Stephen - Sound/System (2002, bound typescript)
Box 190 Folder 13-15
Raworth, Tom - Administrative files and Eternal Sections (1993), 1988 - 1998
Box 190 Folder 16
Reed, David, 1991 - 1993
Box 190 Folder 17
Reed, Ishmael, 1991 - 1992
Box 190 Folder 18
Reese, Marshall, 1992 - 1995
Box 190 Folder 19-21
Rehm, Pam - Administrative files and To Give it Up (1995), 1995 - 1999

Retallack, Joan

Box 190 Folder 22-23
Administrative files and How To Do Things with Words (1998), 1985 - 2000
Box 191 Folder 1-2
How To Do Things with Words (1998)
Box 191 Folder 3
Revell, Donald, 1995 - 1998
Box 191 Folder 4
Review of Contemporary Fiction (Steve Moore and Christopher Paddock, editors), 1992 - 1998
Box 191 Folder 5
Reyes, Guillermo, 1994 - 1995
Box 191 Folder 6
Richardson, Jack - Gallows Humor , 1995
Box 191 Folder 7
Ridinger, Gayle, 1995 - 1996
Box 191 Folder 8
Rigg, Jean, 1990 - 1992
Box 191 Folder 9
Ritter, Christine, 1996
Box 191 Folder 10-15
Roberdeau, Thomas - Administrative files and Michael Strogoff: A Screenplay Based on the Jules Verne Novel (1995), 1992 - 1997
Box 191 Folder 16-18
Roberson, Ed - Administrative files and Atmosphere Conditions (2000), 1994 - 2000
Box 191 Folder 19
Robinson, Blake, 1997 - 1999
Box 191 Folder 20
Robinson, Elizabeth, 1995 - 1996
Box 191 Folder 21
Robinson, Kit, 1991 - 1995
Box 191 Folder 22
Robinson, Mark, 1992 - 1999
Box 191 Folder 23
Roche, Henri-Pierre - Victor (Marcel Duchamp) (1977, translation by Alan Jones)
Box 191 Folder 24
Roche, Isabel, 1995 - 1996
Box 191 Folder 25
Rodney, Janet, 1997
Box 191 Folder 26
Roeseler, Karl, 1996
Box 192 Folder 1-2
Rogow, Zack - Administrative files and Arcane 17 (translation), 1988 - 2000
Box 192 Folder 3-6
Ronk, Martha - Administrative files, "Poems: 1959" (1995), and State of Mind (1995), 1990 - 1998
Box 192 Folder 7-15
Ross, Joe - Administrative files, An American Voyage (1993), "Equation = Equals", Guards of the Hearts: Four Plays (1991), and miscellaneous poems, 1982 - 1999
Box 192 Folder 16
Rosselli, Amelia, 1994 - 1995

Rothenberg, Jerome

Box 192 Folder 17-20
Administrative files and Gematria (1994), 1991 - 2000
Box 193 Folder 1
Gematria (1994)
Box 193 Folder 2
Roubaud, Jacques, 1994 - 1998
Box 193 Folder 3
Rugman, John, 1993 - 1994
Box 193 Folder 4-5
S - Miscellaneous
Box 193 Folder 6
Salas, Floyd, 1991
Box 193 Folder 7
Salerno, Mark - Arshile , 1993 - 1998
Box 193 Folder 8
Salkin, Emily, 1998 - 1999
Box 193 Folder 9
Sallis, James, 1996
Box 193 Folder 10
Samuels, Lisa, 1996 - 1998
Box 193 Folder 11
Samuels, Steven, 1998
Box 193 Folder 12
Sanguineti, Edoardo, 1991 - 1998
Box 193 Folder 13-14
Sappho - Poems: A New Version (1998, translation by Willis Barnstone)
Box 193 Folder 15-18
Sarduy, Severo - Administrative files and From Cuba With A Song (1994), 1990 - 1994
Box 193 Folder 19
Sato, Hiro, 1998
Box 193 Folder 20
Sawelson-Gorse, Naomi, 1993

Scalapino, Leslie

Box 193 Folder 21-26
Administrative files and Defoe (1994), 1991 - 1997
Box 194 Folder 1-7
Defoe (1994)
Box 194 Folder 8
Schaefer, Standard, 1996 - 2000
Box 194 Folder 9
Schelling, Andrew, 1996
Box 194 Folder 10
Schietekat, Jan, Paul, and Sophie, 1998
Box 194 Folder 11
Schlesier, Sibyelle - Includes "Selected Poetry of Evelyn Schlag", 1996
Box 194 Folder 12
Schlesinger, Nancy, 1992
Box 194 Folder 13
Schmidt-Stiftung, Arno, 1998 - 1999
Box 194 Folder 14-18
Schnitzler, Arthur - Dream Story (1990) and Lieutenant Gustl (1993, translation by Richard L. Simon)
Box 194 Folder 19
Schultz, Susan - Includes Aleatory Allegories , 1995 - 1996
Box 194 Folder 20
Schwerner, Armand, 1990 - 1999
Box 194 Folder 21
Schwitters, Kurt, 1994
Box 194 Folder 22
Scroggins, Mark, 1995
Box 194 Folder 23
Seaton, Peter, 1990
Box 194 Folder 24
Seger, Michael, 1997
Box 194 Folder 25
Seidman, Hugh, 1992 - 1996
Box 194 Folder 26
Sellars, Peter, 1993 - 1997
Box 194 Folder 27
Shapazian, Robert, 1997 - 1999
Box 194 Folder 28
Shelby, Spencer, 1995
Box 194 Folder 29
Shepard, Sam - "Action", 1995
Box 194 Folder 30
Sheppard, Robert - "Net/(k) Not - Works" (typescript), 1993
Box 194 Folder 31
Sherman, Ken, 1993 - 1997
Box 194 Folder 32
Sherry, James - Our Nuclear Heritage , 1991 - 1998
Box 194 Folder 33
Shields, Andrew, 1996 - 1999
Box 194 Folder 34
Shivers, James, 1997

Shurin, Aaron

Box 194 Folder 35-36
Administrative files and A Door , 1991 - 1998
Box 195 Folder 1-7
Into Distances (1993) and Unbound: A Book of Aids (1997)
Box 195 Folder 8
Sieburth, Richard, 1994 - 1998
Box 195 Folder 9
Sikelianos, Eleni, 1995
Box 195 Folder 10
Silliman, Ron, 1991 - 1997
Box 195 Folder 11
Silveira, Regina, 1984 - 1997
Box 195 Folder 12
Simas, Joseph, 1993 - 1994
Box 195 Folder 13
Simic, Charles, 1991 - 1992
Box 195 Folder 14
Skwara, Erich Wolfgang
Box 195 Folder 15
Sloan, Mary Margaret, 1996 - 1997
Box 195 Folder 16
Smith, Rod, 1992 - 1996
Box 195 Folder 17
Smith, Sean, 1994 - 1995
Box 195 Folder 18
Snyder, Gary, 1996 - 1997
Box 195 Folder 19
Sobin, Gustaf, 1992 - 1998
Box 195 Folder 20
Soho Repertory Theatre, Inc. (Lance Ball), 1993 - 1994
Box 195 Folder 21
Sommer, Piotr, 1995 - 1997
Box 195 Folder 22-24
Sorrentino, Gilbert - Administrative files and The Orangery (1995), 1991 - 1999
Box 195 Folder 25
Spahr, Herlinde, 1997 - 1998
Box 195 Folder 26-28
Spahr, Juliana - Response (1996)
Box 195 Folder 29
Spatola, Adriano - Material, Materials, Recovery Of , 1993 - 1996
Box 195 Folder 30-31
Spitzer, Mark - Administrative files, Gilles de Rais (translation), and The Selected Poems of Georges Bataille (1999, typescript), 1995 - 2000

Stanton, Johnny

Box 195 Folder 32-33
Administrative files and Sons of Xavier Keep Marching (1993), 1983 - 1999
Box 196 Folder 1-2
Sons of Xavier Keep Marching (1993)
Box 196 Folder 3
Stavans, Ilan, 1992 - 1995
Box 196 Folder 4
Stayton, Richard, 1993
Box 196 Folder 5-8
Steen, Thorvald - Administrative files and Don Carlos: A Letter (1998, translation by James Anderson), 1996 - 1998

Stein, Gertrude

Box 196 Folder 9-15
How To Write (1995), Mrs. Reynolds (1987), and Stanzas in Mediation (1994)
Box 197 Folder 1-3
Stanzas in Mediation (1994) and Tender Buttons (1991, artwork)
Box 197 Folder 4
Steiner, Giuseppe - Drawn States of Mind , 1993
Box 197 Folder 5-11
Steiner, Robert - The Catastrophe (1996) and Dread (1994)
Box 197 Folder 12-15
Steppling, John - Administrative files and Sea of Cortez and Other Plays (1996), 1992 - 1999
Box 197 Folder 16
Stevens Group, 1997
Box 197 Folder 17
Stewart, Christine, 1995
Box 197 Folder 18
Stoltzfus, Ben, 1993
Box 197 Folder 19
Stroffolino, Chris, 1994 - 1996
Box 197 Folder 20
Stuart Productions, 1993

Submission letters

Box 197 Folder 21
A - H
Box 198 Folder 1-2
I - W
Box 198 Folder 3
Suhrkamp Verlag, 1996 - 1998
Box 198 Folder 4
Sukenick, Ronald, 1988 - 1995
Box 198 Folder 5
Sullivan, Gary, 1993 - 1998
Box 198 Folder 6-8
Sun and Moon Guide To Eating Through Literature (1994)
Box 198 Folder 9-17
Sun and Moon Press Catalogs , 1980 - 2000
Box 198 Folder 18-20
Sun and Moon Press Classics Catalog , 1993 - 1994
Box 199 Folder 1-6
Svevo, Italo - As a Man Grows Older (1993, translation by Beryl de Zoete)
Box 199 Folder 7
Svitch, Caridad, 1999
Box 199 Folder 8-11
Swensen, Cole - Administrative files and Noon (1997), 1993 - 1997
Box 199 Folder 12
Sze, Arthur, 1995 - 1997
Box 199 Folder 13
T - Miscellaneous
Box 199 Folder 14-15
Taggart, John - Loop (1991)
Box 199 Folder 16
Tagliabue, John, 1976
Box 199 Folder 17
Talisman House (Edward Foster, president), 1993 - 1997
Box 199 Folder 18
Tardos, Anne, 1993 - 1995
Box 199 Folder 19
Tarn, Nathaniel, 1991 - 1993

Taruho, Inagaki

Box 199 Folder 20-21
One Thousand and One-Second Stories (1998, translation by Tricia Vita)
Box 200 Folder 1
One Thousand and One-Second Stories (1998, translation by Tricia Vita)
Box 200 Folder 2
Teal, Donn, 1996
Box 200 Folder 3
Technical Communication Services, 1999
Box 200 Folder 4
Tejada, Roberto, 1991 - 1997
Box 200 Folder 5-6
Templeton, Fiona - Administrative files and "Recognition", 1991 - 1999
Box 200 Folder 7
Terry, Megan - The Gloaming, Oh My Darling , 1995
Box 200 Folder 8
Theatre Magazine (Tom Sellars, editor), 1995
Box 200 Folder 9
Theatre Works Emerging Experimental Directions (TWEED), 1994
Box 200 Folder 10-13
Thenon, Susana - Distancias/Distances (1994, translation by Renata Treital)
Box 200 Folder 14
Theroux, Alexander, 1996
Box 200 Folder 15
Thomas, Heather, 1995 - 1997
Box 200 Folder 16
Thomas, Lorenzo, 1991 - 1996
Box 200 Folder 17
Tonks, Susan, 1999
Box 200 Folder 18-19
Toscano, Rodrigo - Administrative files and "Arbiter" (1995, bound typescript), 1995 - 1998
Box 200 Folder 20-25
Toufic, Jalal - Oversensitivity (1996)
Box 200 Folder 26
TRAFIKA (Michael Lee), 1994
Box 200 Folder 27
Translation Review (Kathy Kuenzer, assistant editor), 1992 - 1998
Box 201 Folder 1-2
Treitel, Renata - Administrative files and "The Hunts" (typescript translated from Amelia Biagioni), 1992 - 1997
Box 201 Folder 3
Tutuola, Amos, 1991 - 1994
Box 201 Folder 4
Tyler, William, 1996 - 1998
Box 201 Folder 5
U - Miscellaneous
Box 201 Folder 6
Undermain Theatre (Raphael Perry), 1994 - 1996
Box 201 Folder 7
United States Postal Service, 1994
Box 201 Folder 8
University of California, Santa Cruz (Janice Ashley), 1992
Box 201 Folder 9
University of Maryland Libraries, 1985 - 1992
Box 201 Folder 10
Updike, John, 1991 - 1996
Box 201 Folder 11
V - Miscellaneous
Box 201 Folder 12
Van Itallie, Jean-Claude - "Interview: A Fugue for Eight Actors", 1999
Box 201 Folder 13
Van Vechten, Carl - Parties , 1992 - 1996
Box 201 Folder 14-19
Vangelisti, Paul - Alphabets (1999), The Book of Life, Nemo (1995), Rhum (1995, typescript), and correspondence

Restrictions Apply

Box 201 Folder 20
Velguth, Madeleine, 1993 - 1998
Box 201 Folder 21
Venuti, Lawrence, 1989 - 1998
Box 201 Folder 22-23
Verdier, Paul - Includes translation of "Polestad (Paternity)", "Slowmotion", and Pablo , 1988 - 1991
Box 201 Folder 24-25
Vesaas, Tarjei - The Ice Palace (1991)
Box 201 Folder 26
Vickery, Ann, 1999
Box 201 Folder 27
Vincent, Stephen, 1994 - 1999
Box 201 Folder 28
Violi, Paul, 1996
Box 201 Folder 29
Vita, Tricia, 1995 - 1998
Box 201 Folder 30
Viton, Jean-Jacques - Includes "Year of the Snake", 1994
Box 201 Folder 31
W - Miscellaneous
Box 201 Folder 32
Waco, Jennifer, 1994 - 1995
Box 201 Folder 33
Wald, Catherine, 1991 - 1999
Box 201 Folder 34
Waldman, Anne, 1992 - 1995
Box 201 Folder 35
Waldner, Liz - Includes Homing Devices , 1992 - 1999

Waldrop, Keith

Box 201 Folder 36-37
Light While There Is Light (1993)
Box 202 Folder 1-4
Light While There Is Light (1993) and "Problems of Repeats", 1990 - 1997
Box 202 Folder 5
Waldrop, Rosmarie, 1992 - 1999
Box 202 Folder 6
Walker, Scott, 1993

Walker, Wendy

Box 202 Folder 7-15
Administrative files, "Constance Kent" (1993), The Sea-Rabbit, or, the Artist of Life: Tales (1994), and The Secret Service (1992), 1990 - 1997
Box 203 Folder 1-13
The Secret Service (1992) and Stories Out of Omarie (1995)
Box 204 Folder 1
Wallace, Mark - Includes "Dreams of Distant Cities", 1994 - 2000
Box 204 Folder 2
Walter, Anne, 1991 - 1992
Box 204 Folder 3
Ward, Diane, 1991 - 1998
Box 204 Folder 4
Warren, Claudia, 1997 - 1999
Box 204 Folder 5
Warsh, Lewis, 1983 - 2000
Box 204 Folder 6
Washington Post Book World , 1994 - 1997
Box 204 Folder 7
Wasser, Frederick, 1993 - 1996
Box 204 Folder 8
Watson, Craig, 1994 - 1997
Box 204 Folder 9-13
Watten, Barrett - Administrative files and Frame (1997), 1989 - 1999
Box 204 Folder 14
Watts, Charles and Edward Byrne - The Recovery of the Public World: Essays on Poetics in Honour of Robin Blaser , 1996 - 1998
Box 204 Folder 15
Webb, Don, 1995
Box 204 Folder 16
Weinberger, Eliot, 1991 - 1998
Box 204 Folder 17-19
Weiner, Hannah - Administrative files, "Pictures and Early Words", Page, and "Seen Words With It", 1993 - 1998
Box 204 Folder 20-23
Weinstein, Arnold - Administrative files and Red Eye of Love (1997), 1996 - 2000
Box 204 Folder 24-25
Weinstein, Jeff - Administrative files and Learning To Eat (1988, artwork), 1986 - 1989
Box 204 Folder 26
Weinzaepflen, Catherine, 1996 - 1997
Box 204 Folder 27
Weiss, Allen, 1994 - 1997
Box 204 Folder 28
Welish, Marjorie, 1991 - 1996
Box 204 Folder 29
Welle, John, 1994 - 1998

Wellman, Mac

Box 204 Folder 30-31
Administrative files, 1991 - 2000
Box 205 Folder 1-17
7 Blowjobs (1991), Annie Salem: an American Tale (1996), Cellophane (1986), The Fortune Teller: a Jest, The Hyacinth Macaw (1994), Land Beyond the Forest: Dracula and Swoop (1995), A Murder of Crows (1994), Nixon Apologizes To the Nation (1995), Sincerity Forever (1990), and Two Plays: A Murder of Crows and The Hyacinth Macaw (1994), 1986 - 1996
Oversize FB-380 Folder 2
Two Plays: A Murder of Crows and The Hyacinth Macaw (1994, poster, cover art and proof)
Box 205 Folder 18
Welty, Eudora, 1992 - 1993
Box 205 Folder 19
Wesker, Arnold, 1991 - 1996
Box 205 Folder 20
Wessells, Henry, 1992
Box 205 Folder 21
Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), 1993 - 1994
Box 205 Folder 22
Wheeler, Susan, 1993 - 1998
Box 205 Folder 23
Where Literature Lives, No. 1 and 2 - Catalog, 1996

White, Curtis

Box 205 Folder 24-27
Administrative files and The Idea of Home (1992), 1991 - 1996
Box 206 Folder 1-3
The Idea of Home (1992), Memories of My Father on TV: a Novel (1995), and Metaphysics in the Midwest (1988, artwork)
Box 206 Folder 4-7
Wieners, John - Administrative files and The Journal of John Wieners Is To Be Called 707 Scott Street for Billie Holiday 1959 (1996), 1992 - 1998
Box 206 Folder 8
Wiesel, Elie, 1991
Box 206 Folder 9
Wilkinson, Neal, 1999
Box 206 Folder 10
Williams, Jonathan, 1991 - 1997
Box 206 Folder 11
Williams, Tennessee - Gnadiges Fraulein: a Play in One Act , 1995 - 1997
Box 206 Folder 12
Wilson, Robert, 1993 - 1999
Box 206 Folder 13
Winch, Terence, 1993 - 1999
Box 206 Folder 14
Wine, James, 1996 - 1997
Box 206 Folder 15
Winkfield, Trevor, 1995 - 1996
Box 206 Folder 16
Wit, Johan de, 1992 - 1993
Box 206 Folder 17
Wong, Shawn, 1994 - 1997
Box 206 Folder 18
Woods, John, 1998
Box 206 Folder 19
Wright, C.D., 1991 - 1997
Box 206 Folder 20
Wyche, Keith, 1996
Box 206 Folder 21
Wyszpolski, Bondo, 1995 - 1997
Box 206 Folder 22
Y - Miscellaneous
Box 206 Folder 23
Yau, John, 1996
Box 206 Folder 24
Young, Geoff, 1992 - 1995
Box 206 Folder 25
Yurkievich, Saul, 1997
Box 206 Folder 26
Z - Miscellaneous
Box 206 Folder 27
Zavatsky, Bill, 1989 - 1999
Box 206 Folder 28
Zeig, Sande, 1990 - 1992
Box 206 Folder 29
Zimmerman, Elenor, 1997 - 1998
Box 206 Folder 30
Zivancevic, Nina, 1991

Zola, Emile

Box 206 Folder 31-37
The Belly of Paris (1996, translation by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly)
Box 207 Folder 1
The Belly of Paris (1996, translation by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly)
Box 207 Folder 2
Unidentified correspondents
Box 207 Folder 3
Miscellaneous photographs of authors
Box 207 Folder 4-5
Miscellaneous artwork
Box 207 Folder 6
Originals of Preservation Photocopies