Mary Clifton Ayres Fieldnotes and Recordings, 1966-1991 (MSS 113)

Restrictions: Original media formats are restricted. Viewing/listening copies may be available for researchers.

Extent: 3 Linear feet (3 archives boxes, 2 card file boxes, and 1 record carton)

Fieldnotes and recordings of Mary Clifton Ayres, ethnographer and professor of anthropology, made during her ethnographic fieldwork (1979-1981) in the Morehead District, Western Province, Papua New Guinea. Ayres' research formed the basis for her doctoral dissertation entitled This Side, That Side: Locality and Exogamous Group Definition in Morehead Area, Southwestern Papua.

Mary Clifton Ayres was born on August 17, 1953. She received her B. A. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Wisconsin in 1974, an M.A. in Social Anthropolgy from the University of Chicago in 1978, and earned her Ph.D. in Social Anthropology, also from the University of Chicago in 1983. Her dissertation was entitled This Side, That Side: Locality and Exogamous Group Definition in Morehead Area, Southwestern Papua.

Ayres conducted research in Papua New Guinea from October 1979 through October 1981, with funding from the National Science Foundation. Her fieldsite was in the Morehead area of Western Province, Papua New Guinea. This is the same area in which F. E. Williams, a government anthropologist, conducted fieldwork from 1926-1932. Williams' fieldwork results were published in his book, Papuans of the Transfly (Clarendon, 1936). Williams' work, however, was among Nambu dialect speakers, while Ayres' work concentrated on speakers of the Tonda dialect. Thus, Ayres' work provides an important complement and contrast to Williams' earlier description of the area, as well as providing an important ethnographic description of present-day culture in the Morehead area. In addition to Ayres' original fieldnotes, copies of F. E. Williams Trans-Fly fieldnotes from the National Archives of Papua New Guinea are also contained within the collection.

The Ayres Papers contain data collected during anthropological research conducted in the Morehead District, Western Province, Papua New Guinea between October 1979 to October 1981 by Mary Clifton Ayres. The collection includes some secondary materials, writings, correspondence, images, fieldnotes and patrol reports, and tape recordings made in the field.


Container List


Box 1 Folder 1-2
This Side, That Side: Locality and Exogamous Group Definition in Morehead Area, Southwestern Papua (1983) - Dissertation, 1980
Box 1 Folder 3
Dissertation illustrations, 1980
Box 1 Folder 4
Place Exogamy and the Structure of Marriage Exchange, 1982


Box 1 Folder 5
Map of study area, 1979-1981
Box 1 Folder 6-8
Volume I - Rouku, 1979-1981
Box 1 Folder 9-10
Volume II - Western Villages, 1979-1981
Box 1 Folder 11
Volume III - Eastern Villages, Part I, 1979-1981
Box 2 Folder 1
Volume III - Eastern Villages, Part II, 1979-1981
Box 2 Folder 2
Stories, 1979-1981
Box 2 Folder 3-6
Genealogies, 1979-1981
Box 2 Folder 7
Marriage exchanges, 1979-1981
Box 4 Folder 1
Pamphlets and articles about Papua New Guinea, 1980
Box 4 Folder 2
Area study - Bensbach, Saru and Trans Fly census divisions, Morehead sub district, 1968 August 14
Box 4 Folder 3-4
Census Report, National Science Foundation Reports; Proposals. Includes field reports, articles, and thesis defense, 1980-1981
Box 4 Folder 5
Terrain Study, SW Papua and Fly River, 1942-1932, 1972
Box 4 Folder 6
Drawings and maps by school children of Morehead District, 1980
Box 4 Folder 7
Expedition materials - Includes budget, notes on supplies and recording equipment, researching women in PNG, and passport, 1979-1981
Box 4 Folder 8
Publications and maps, 1930-1980
Box 4 Folder 9
Morehead District Topographic Maps with place name annotations, 1966, 1981
Box 4 Folder 10-11
Patrol Reports, Maps, Vocabulary lists, A.P. Lyons: Journals (copies from the National Archives of Papua New Guinea), 1889-1934
Box 4 Folder 12
Patrol Reports from archives at Morehead Station and Daru, 1950-1975
Box 4 Folder 13
Patrol Reports notebooks, 1979-1981
Box 4 Folder 14-15
Copies of F. E. Williams Trans-Fly Fieldnotes (from the National Archives of Papua New Guinea), 1926-1932
Box 4 Folder 16
Copies of F. E. Williams Trans-Fly Fieldnotes notebooks, 1979-1981
Box 4 Folder 17
Slide index, 1979-1981
Box 4 Folder 18-19
Slides, 1979-1981
Box 5 Folder 1-2
Slides, 1979-1981
Box 5 Folder 3
Negatives, 1980-1981


Box 5 Folder 4-5
Professional correspondence - Jan Van Baal, Andrew Strathern, J. Werner and others, 1977-1989
Box 5 Folder 6
Ayers, Mary - Outgoing correspondence, 1977-1986
Box 5 Folder 7
Personal correspondence from Papua New Guinea, 1987-1991


Box 2 Folder 8
Index to cassette tapes recorded in Papua New Guinea, 1979-1981
Box 6 Folder 1-19
Listening copies of tapes 1-19, 1979-1981
Box 3 Folder 1
Tape 1. Rouku - Tjumbke, Sambui and Daughter Waiambu Crying at Reunion, 1979. Tjiekar - Dance 11/79 (starts on side A), 1979-1981
Box 3 Folder 2
Tape 2. Rouku - Njurna Dance (Practice), 1980. Kauwethethe - Mbesi Dance, 1979-1981
Box 3 Folder 3
Tape 3. Fira Dance (Mborembor), 1980
Box 3 Folder 4
Tape 4. Wemenevre Dance (Mborembor), Masu Dance (Mborembor), 1980
Box 3 Folder 5
Tape 5. Place: Savis Dance (Njurna), including Towasi, 1980
Box 3 Folder 6
Tape 6. Weni - Tarar Patrol (story), Ausiwewe's Burial - Crying, 1981. Terumbo: Sukipatrol Sarau: Ndunguseri Forak: apc. work, 1979-1981
Box 3 Folder 7
Tape 7. Maiti Stories: Fira. Weni - Yethama story, 1981
Box 3 Folder 8
Tape 8. Stories: Yethama (continued); Karua, Taiso, Yafra and Yator, 1981
Box 3 Folder 9
Tape 9. Maiti: Mbiri Story. Weni: Ndokre Story. Singoi: Kavaryeveu Story, 1981
Box 3 Folder 10
Tape 10. Story of "Big Asshole." Story of Kwaikar Mentj, 1981
Box 3 Folder 11
Tape 11. Tjeatjermentj Stories, 1979-1981
Box 3 Folder 12
Tape 12. Weni tells story; Mibini Stories, 1980-1981
Box 3 Folder 13
Tape 13. Paini - Kamunojo Tjokwasi. Mibini Stories, 1979-1981
Box 3 Folder 14
Tape 14. Ausi Tjumbke Crying. Mibini Stories, 1981
Box 3 Folder 15
Tape 15. Mibini Stories. Gubam Stories, 1981
Box 3 Folder 16
Tape 16. Gubam: Brum Story Cont'd from tape 15. Rouku: Tukum Tells Story of Wesarwesar; Abraham: Story of Njurna; Maru Story, 1979-1981
Box 3 Folder 17
Tape 17. Mbesi Dance. Karama Dance - Savis. Jimakari Dance - Yetkume, 1981
Box 3 Folder 18
Tape 18. Tjiekar - Sambui. Yarma - Wando (songs). A. Taiso - Rouku - Njurna Story, 1981
Box 3 Folder 19
Tape 19. Oldmen's Secret Myth Songs - Natjethi. Women's Secret in Itiahon Songs - Tjevet, 1981
Box 3 Folder 20
Tape 20. Music from South PNG, 1979-1981