Jerome Rothenberg Papers, 1944 - 2007 (MSS 10)

Restrictions: Original media formats are restricted. Viewing/listening copies are available for researchers.

Extent: 93.5 Linear feet (200 archives boxes, 6 card file boxes, 1 carton, 15 flat boxes, and 1 map case folder), + .079 GB of digital files

Digital Content

Digital files copied from Rothenberg's computer in 2001 are available for research. Due to copyright restrictions on these materials, access to the digital files is limited to the Library's Virtual Reading Room service. Please request these materials through the Digital Collections website. Sound recordings from this collection have been digitized.

Papers of Jerome Rothenberg, American poet, performance artist, editor, translator, and teacher.

Jerome Rothenberg was born in New York City in 1931, the son of Morris and Estelle Lichtenstein Rothenberg. He graduated from the City College of New York in 1952 and the following year received a Master's Degree in Literature from the University of Michigan. He spent the years 1953-1955 in the U.S. Army, stationed in Mainz, Germany, and returned for further graduate studies at Columbia University from 1956 to 1959.

Rothenberg's first published work, a group of translations from the German, appeared in the Winter 1957 issue of The Hudson Review. In 1958 Lawrence Ferlinghetti asked Rothenberg to translate a collection of postwar German poetry, which City Lights Books published in 1959 as New Young German Poets. This work marked the first appearance in English of such poets as Paul Celan, Gunter Grass, and Ingeborg Bachman.

In 1958 Rothenberg founded Hawk's Well Press, which published early works by Robert Kelly, Diane Wakoski, Armand Schwerner, and Rochelle Owens, as well as Rothenberg's first book of poems, White Sun Black Sun. As an adjunct to these activities, Rothenberg edited the magazine Poems from the Floating World, which included new works by poets Jackson Mac Low, Robert Bly, Denise Levertov, Paul Blackburn, Gary Snyder, and Robert Duncan. The magazine was superseded in 1965 by Some/Thing, co-edited with David Antin.

Rothenberg's works during this period reflect his experimentation with image in White Sun Black Sun (1960) and attempts at thematic enlargement in The Seven Hells of the Jigoku Zoshi (1962) to experiments with silences and disjunctions in Sightings (1964) to further explorations of alternate poetic structures, uses of found poetry and collage, development of forms suggested by Gertrude Stein's work, experiments with dialogue and narrative that mark The Gorky Poems (1966), Conversations (1968), and Poems 1964-1967. These concerns and the connections between them were presented in Rothenberg's next work, Poems for the Game of Silence (1970).

Rothenberg's concern for the relationship between "primitive" and modern poetry led to the development of an anthology of primitive and archaic poetry, Technicians of the Sacred (1968). With the completion of this work, Rothenberg directed his attention to ethnopoetics and began a study of Senecan Indian songs at the Allegheny Reservation in Steamburg, New York.

In 1968 Rothenberg received a grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation in Anthropological Research to conduct a two-part experiment in the translation of American Indian poetry. The project involved a collaborative translation between Rothenberg and Seneca songmen and the translation of a series of Navajo horse-blessing songs. This close study and involvement with American Indian poetry and ritual promoted the development of Rothenberg's next anthology, Shaking the Pumpkin: Traditional Poetry of the Indian North Americans (1972).

Rothenberg's interest in American Indian and other tribal/oral poetries led to the development of a magazine, Alcheringa, the first periodical devoted exclusively to ethnopoetics which he co-edited with Dennis Tedlock from 1970-1976. Concurrent with this interest, Rothenberg began exploring his own ancestral themes and the lost world of Jewish Poland in a series of poems which culminated in A Book of Testimony (1971), Esther K. Comes to America (1973), and Poland/1931 (1974).

With George Quasha, Rothenberg published America a Prophecy in 1974. The intent of this anthology was to redefine the past and present of American poetry over an expanse of time and cultures. Also in that year he received a Guggenheim Fellowship, and in 1976 a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

In 1978 Rothenberg published A Big Jewish Book: Poems and Other Visions of the Jews From Tribal Times to the Present. Co-edited with Harris Lenowitz and Charles Doria, this volume broke new ground in the fields of poetry and history. To document the entire range of the Jewish poetry tradition, Rothenberg divided the book into three sections which explore the mythic, historic, and poetic themes of Jewish poetry. Many of the works contained were newly translated or uncovered.

Rothenberg's next major anthology, Symposium of the Whole: A Range of Discourse Toward an Ethnopoetics, co-edited with Diane Rothenberg, appeared in 1983. This book traces an ongoing course of work and thought on poetry and culture that has influenced the art of modern times. Symposium follows the concept of ethnopoetics from the writings of predecessors such as Vico, Blake, Thoreau, and Tzara to more recent essays and manifestos by poets and social thinkers, including Olson, Eliade, Snyder, and Baraka.

Since 1960, Rothenberg has served as an instructor at various colleges and universities, including: the City College of New York (1960-1961); the Mannes College of Music, New York City (1961-1970); the University of California, San Diego (Regents' Professor, 1971); the New School for Social Research (1971-1972); the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (1974-1976); San Diego State University (1976-1977); the University of California, San Diego (1977-1985); SUNY Albany (Writer in Residence, 1986); SUNY Binghampton (1986-1988); and the University of California, San Diego (1988- ).

Rothenberg has translated work by Paul Celan, Eugen Gomringer, Rolf Hochhuth, Garcia Lorca, Kurt Schwitters and many other European writers into English. In 1968 Rothenberg received a Wenner-Gren Foundation grant for the experimental translation of American Indian poetry. Rothenberg's own selected poetry, Poems for the Game of Silence, has appeared in French, Swedish, and Flemish/Dutch editions, and his work has been extensively translated.

Since the 1980s, Rothenberg has continued to author poetry books including Vienna Blood (1980), Pre-faces and Other Writings (1981), That Dada Strain (1983), New Selected Poems 1970-1985 (1986), Khurbn and Other Poems (1989), The Lorca Variations (1993), An Oracle for Delfi (1995), Pictures of the Crucifixion: Poems (1996), Seedings & Other Poems (1996), Paradise of Poets (1999), and Poems for the Game of Silence (2000). He has also continued translating other poet's work including Lorca, Gomringer, Schwitters, Picasso, and Nezval. In 1983, he published, with wife Diane Rothenberg, Symposium of the Whole: A Range of Discourse Toward an Ethnopoetics. In 1995 and 1998, he co-edited with Pierre Jorie, a two-volume anthology of twentieth-century poetry, Poems for the Millennium and A Book of the Book: Some Work and Projections about the Book and Writing, (2001) with Steven Clay from Granary Books.

Rothenberg has always been involved with poetry performance, including a Broadway adaptation of Rolf Hochhuth's The Deputy(1964), radio soundplays written and performed for Westdeuttscher Rundfunk (Cologne), a theatrical version of Poland/1931, by Hanon Reznikov and the Living Theater (1988), a theatrical staging of That Dada Strain, by Luke Theodor Morrison, and a musical version of Khurbn, (with composer Charlie Morrow and Japanese novelist Makoto Oda), produced for the Bread & Puppet Theater (1995).

In addition to the Wenner-Gren Foundation award, Rothenberg's work has been recognized with a Guggenheim fellowship (1974), a National Endowment for the Arts grant (1976), PEN-Oakland awards including two Josephine Miles Awards (1994 and 1996), a USA West Award (1994) and a PEN American Center award, the Alfonso el Sabio Translation Award (2004), and an American Book Award (1982). He also received an honorary doctorate from the State University of New York.

Rothenberg's most recent works include A Book of Witness: Spells & Gris-Gris (2003), Writing Through: Translations & Variations (2004) his thirteenth book of poems from New Directions, Triptych: Poland/1931, Khurbn, The Burning Babe (2007), Gematria Complete(2010) and Concealments & Caprichos (2010).

Rothenberg resides in Encinitas, California and has been a San Diego County resident since 1976. He is professor emeritus of visual arts at the University of California, San Diego.

The Jerome Rothenberg Papers extensively document the professional life of the poet and writer, including original manuscripts, editorial work, articles and reviews, interviews, and voluminous correspondence with colleagues involved in contemporary art and literature.

The collection was processed in four major parts, in 1990, 2005, 2007, and 2022.

Accessions Processed in 1990


Accessions Processed in 2005

This section of the collection includes more of Rothenberg's writing and editorial work, as well as materials relating to his teaching, correspondence with people in the contemporary art and literature scene, and his participation in conferences, festivals and readings throughout the United States and around the world. A small amount of personal materials is included. Although there are some materials from earlier periods, the bulk of the papers date from the 1980s through 2001.


Accessions Processed in 2007

Additional material that complements the earlier body of papers. Additions from a second 2007 accession were incorporated into this part of the collection in 2017.


Accessions Processed in 2022

Content from a hard drive captured in 2001.

Arranged in one series: 30) DIGITAL FILES.

This collection has additional unprocessed materials not described in this finding aid. See the UC San Diego Library catalog record to view the acquisition dates and extent of unprocessed additions.

Container List

Accessions Processed in 1990


Scope and Content of Series

Series 1) BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS: Newspaper clippings about Rothenberg, family materials (including family correspondence), and personal memorabilia.

Box 1 Folder 1
American Book Award, 1982
Box 1 Folder 2
Article on Rothenberg for "American Poets Since WWII"
Box 1 Folder 3
Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Rothenberg
Box 1 Folder 4
Box 1 Folder 5
Biographical listings
Box 1 Folder 6
Curriculum vitae
Box 1 Folder 7
Employment records
Box 1 Folder 8
Graduate school transcripts

Personal and family correspondence

Box 2 Folder 1-6
With Diane Brodatz Rothenberg, 1952-1954, 1971-1975
Box 2 Folder 7
Family members, 1971 - 1976
Box 2 Folder 8
Miscellaneous, 1948 - 1971
Box 2 Folder 9
Holiday cards, 1985
Box 2 Folder 10
Phi Beta Kappa certificate, 1952
Box 2 Folder 11
Resume, 1956
Box 2 Folder 12
Miscellaneous materials


Scope and Content of Series

Series 2) CORRESPONDENCE: Extensive correspondence, including letters to and from people prominent in contemporary art and literature. The series is arranged alphabetically by correspondent. Correspondence with people represented by less than three items is filed in miscellaneous files under the appropriate letter of the alphabet. Some correspondence regarding Rothenberg's publications or editorial work can be found in other series. Prominent correspondents include: Paul Blackburn, including personal and professional letters regarding The Nation; Robert Creeley, including letters to Rothenberg and copies of Rothenberg's replires, some letters relating to sound and image in poetry; Diane Di Prima, represented by a small number of personal letters; George Economou, including personal and professional correspondence; Clayton Eshleman, including some personal correspondence; Lawrence Ferlinghetti, correspondence concerning translations; Allen Ginsberg, represented by a small group of letters; a small group of letters from David Ignatow; Robert Kelly, including early correspondence concerning his poems, and later personal correspondence; Jackson Mac Low, correspondence concerning the publication of his poetry; Steve McCaffery, correspondence concerning poems and readings; bp nichol, a small group of letters; George Oppen, concerning his poems and comments on Revolution of the Word; Ron Silliman, concerning poems and Alcheringa; Gary Snyder, correspondence regarding ethnopoetics; and Louis Zukofsky.

Box 3 Folder 1
Acker, Kathy, 1971 - 1977
Box 3 Folder 2
Allen, Don, 1959 - 1979
Box 3 Folder 3
American Literary Anthology, 1968 - 1970
Box 3 Folder 4
Amezola, José Ramon de, 1957 - 1959
Box 3 Folder 5
Anderson, Jack, 1961
Box 3 Folder 6
Andre, Michael, 1971 - 1976
Box 3 Folder 7
Andrews, Bruce, 1972 - 1985
Box 3 Folder 8-10
Antin, David, 1959 - 1975 & undated
Box 3 Folder 11
Antin, Eleanor, 1970 - 1983
Box 3 Folder 12
Antler, 1975 - 1982
Box 3 Folder 13
Ardery, Peter, 1967
Box 3 Folder 14
Aridjis, Homero, 1964 - 1983
Box 3 Folder 15
Ark , 1977
Box 3 Folder 16
Arrigo, Maria-Jean, 1982
Box 3 Folder 17
Artadi y Ormaechea, Vicente de, 1957 - 1964
Box 3 Folder 18
Ashbery, John, 1974 - 1979
Box 3 Folder 19
Auster, Paul, 1980 - 1982
Box 3 Folder 20
Awoonor, Kofi, 1976
Box 3 Folder 21
Axelrod, David B., 1976 - 1977
Box 4 Folder 1
A Miscellaneous
Box 4 Folder 2
Ball, David, 1961 - 1974
Box 4 Folder 3
Banyan Press, 1981 - 1983
Box 4 Folder 4
Barek, Hank, 1959
Box 4 Folder 5
Barker, Richard, 1962
Box 4 Folder 6
Barnstone, Willis, 1959 - 1961
Box 4 Folder 7
Baron, Bea, 1960
Box 4 Folder 8
Baracks, Barbara, 1974
Box 4 Folder 9
Barrows, Anita, 1973 - 1976
Box 4 Folder 10
Beck, Julian, 1982 - 1985
Box 4 Folder 11
Beier, Ulli, 1970 - 1983
Box 4 Folder 12
Bellugi, Ursula, 1982 - 1983
Box 4 Folder 13
Benamou, Michel, 1974 - 1976
Box 4 Folder 14
Bender, Hans, 1958
Box 4 Folder 15
Benedikt, Michael, 1962 - 1974
Box 4 Folder 16
Benjamin, Jerry, 1978
Box 4 Folder 17
Berg, Stephen, 1968 - 1972
Box 4 Folder 18
Berge, Carol, 1965 - 1985
Box 4 Folder 19
Berge, Hans ten, 1971 - 1983
Box 4 Folder 20
Bernstein, Charles, 1977 - 1985
Box 4 Folder 21
Berrigan, Ted, 1964
Box 5 Folder 1
Bird, Larry, 1970 - 1972
Box 5 Folder 2
Blackburn, Paul, 1959 - 1971
Box 5 Folder 3
Blue Cloud, Peter, 1980 - 1981
Box 5 Folder 4
Blume, Harvey
Box 5 Folder 5
Bock, Fred, 1958 - 1973
Box 5 Folder 6
Brand, Millen, 1979
Box 5 Folder 7
Brecht, George, 1970 - 1976
Box 5 Folder 8
Bremser, Bonnie and Raymond
Box 5 Folder 9
Breytenbach, Breyten, 1975
Box 5 Folder 10
Brill, Kastle, 1980 - 1985
Box 5 Folder 11
Bromige, David, 1973
Box 5 Folder 12
Brown, Jeff
Box 5 Folder 13
Brown, N.O., 1972
Box 5 Folder 14
Buber, Martin, 1957 - 1962
Box 5 Folder 15
Buck, Paul, 1977 - 1979
Box 5 Folder 16
Bukowski, Charles, 1969
Box 5 Folder 17
Bulitt, Patricia, 1984
Box 5 Folder 18
Butterick, George, 1972 - 1975
Box 5 Folder 19
Byrd, Bobby, 1978 - 1981
Box 5 Folder 20
B Miscellaneous
Box 5 Folder 21
Cage, John, 1967
Box 5 Folder 22
Calahan, Bob, 1973 - 1975
Box 5 Folder 23
Calas, Nicolas, 1961 - 1976
Box 5 Folder 24
Cary, Carl, 1968 - 1975
Box 5 Folder 25
Castro, Jan, 1975 - 1981
Box 5 Folder 26
Castro, Michael, 1972 - 1985
Box 5 Folder 27
Celan, Paul, 1967 - 1968
Box 5 Folder 28
Centauri Productions, 1982
Box 5 Folder 29
Chalupecky, Jindrich, 1965 - 1967
Box 5 Folder 30
Chopin, Henri, 1981 - 1984
Box 5 Folder 31
Chuokoron-sha Publishers, 1977
Box 5 Folder 32
Clarke, La Verne, 1970 - 1976
Box 6 Folder 1-2
Clinton, D., 1975 - 1984 & undated
Box 6 Folder 3
Cohen, Becky and Harold, 1976 - 1984
Box 6 Folder 4
Cohen, Ira, 1982
Box 6 Folder 5
Collins, Jess, 1955 - 1974
Box 6 Folder 6
Collom, Jack, 1970 - 1975
Box 6 Folder 7
Colombo, John, 1968 - 1969
Box 6 Folder 8
Cochise Fine Arts, 1979
Box 6 Folder 9
Conjunctions , 1980 - 1981
Box 6 Folder 10
Contoski, Victor, 1979 - 1980
Box 6 Folder 11
Coordinating Council of Literary Magazine (CCLM), 1980 - 1985
Box 6 Folder 12
Corman, Cid, 1961 - 1962
Box 6 Folder 13
Corner, Philip, 1971 - 1985
Box 6 Folder 14
Corr, Michael, 1972 - 1985
Box 6 Folder 15
Corrigan, Robert W., 1984 - 1985
Box 6 Folder 16
Cortazar, Julio, 1961 - 1972
Box 6 Folder 17
Creeley, Robert, 1959 - 1982
Box 6 Folder 18
Crook, William, 1975 - 1976
Box 6 Folder 19
Crow, Mary, 1977 - 1981
Box 6 Folder 20
Cummings, E.E., 1958
Box 6 Folder 21
Curtay, Jean-Paul, 1980 - 1984
Box 6 Folder 22
Cutler-Shaw, Joyce, 1985
Box 6 Folder 23
C Miscellaneous
Box 6 Folder 24
Darras, Jacques, 1983 - 1985
Box 6 Folder 25
Dassin, Richelle
Box 6 Folder 26
Davidson, Michael, 1975 - 1985
Box 6 Folder 27
Deguy, Michel, 1979 - 1983
Box 6 Folder 28
DeLoach, Allen, 1967 - 1975
Box 6 Folder 29
Deluy, Henri, 1975
Box 6 Folder 30
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, 1982 - 1983
Box 6 Folder 31
Di Prima, Diane, 1973 - 1975
Box 6 Folder 32
Diamond, Stanley, 1971 - 1981
Box 7 Folder 1
Dijkstra, Sandra, 1981 - 1982
Box 7 Folder 2-3
Doria, Charles, 1973 - 1983 & undated
Box 7 Folder 4
Doubleday and Company Inc., 1974 - 1975
Box 7 Folder 5
Dowden, George, 1964 - 1978
Box 7 Folder 6
Drachler, Rose, 1974 - 1982
Box 7 Folder 7
Dreyer, Ernst-Jurgen, 1959 - 1960
Box 7 Folder 8-9
Duncan, Robert, 1958 - 1973
Box 7 Folder 10
DuPlessis, Rachel Blau, 1980 - 1983
Box 7 Folder 11
D Miscellaneous
Box 7 Folder 12
Eastlake, William, 1958 - 1959
Box 7 Folder 13
Economou, George, 1972 - 1985
Box 8 Folder 1
Editions Bourgois, 1977 - 1978
Box 8 Folder 2
Edson, Russell, 1968 - 1969
Box 8 Folder 3
Ehrenberg, Felipe, 1972
Box 8 Folder 4
Eigner, Larry, 1961 - 1977
Box 8 Folder 5
Einhorn, Nikolaus, 1974 - 1979
Box 8 Folder 6-8
Einzig, Barbara, 1971 - 1985
Box 8 Folder 9
Eisenberg, Barry, 1974
Box 8 Folder 10
Ellis, Craig, 1969 - 1974
Box 8 Folder 11
Enslin, Theodore, 1962 - 1983
Box 8 Folder 12
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, 1958 - 1965
Box 8 Folder 13
Erickson, Jon, 1975 - 1982
Box 8 Folder 14-16
Eshleman, Clayton, 1969 - 1986
Box 8 Folder 17
Evans, Paul, 1965 - 1973
Box 8 Folder 18
E Miscellaneous
Box 8 Folder 19
Fainlight, Henry, 1963
Box 8 Folder 20
Fauchereau, Serge, 1973 - 1980
Box 9 Folder 1
Faust, Seymour, 1960
Box 9 Folder 2
Faye, Jean-Pierre, 1975 - 1983
Box 9 Folder 3
Felstiner, John, 1976 - 1978
Box 9 Folder 4
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 1958 - 1973
Box 9 Folder 5
Fernbach-Flarsheim, Carl, 1963 - 1965
Box 9 Folder 6
Fiedler, Leslie A., 1975 - 1976
Box 9 Folder 7
Field, Edward, 1971
Box 9 Folder 8
Filliou, Robert, 1979
Box 9 Folder 9
Fink, Jon-Stephan, 1977 - 1979
Box 9 Folder 10
Finlay, Ian and Sue, 1961 - 1971
Box 9 Folder 11
Fiore, Quentin, 1971 - 1977
Box 9 Folder 12
Firestone, Jon, 1979
Box 9 Folder 13
Fischer, Corey
Box 9 Folder 14
Fisher, Allen, 1977 - 1984
Box 9 Folder 15
Flamm, Ellen, 1977 - 1982
Box 9 Folder 16
Ford, Charles Henri, 1977 - 1980
Box 9 Folder 17
Ford, Joan, 1977 - 1983
Box 9 Folder 18
Foreman, James R., 1979 - 1983
Box 9 Folder 19
Forman, Cyrelle, 1967
Box 9 Folder 20
Fowler, Gene, 1970 - 1973
Box 9 Folder 21
Fox, Hugh, 1974 - 1978
Box 9 Folder 22
Fox, Siv Cedering, 1972
Box 9 Folder 23
Franks, David, 1965
Box 9 Folder 24
Fraser, Kathleen, 1962 - 1973
Box 9 Folder 25
Fredman, Steve, 1975 - 1976
Box 9 Folder 26
Friedman, Ed, 1971 - 1984
Box 9 Folder 27
Fulbright Foundation, 1981 - 1983
Box 9 Folder 28
F Miscellaneous
Box 9 Folder 29
Gach, Gary, 1979 - 1985
Box 9 Folder 30
Gendell, Mildred, 1966
Box 9 Folder 31
Georgakas, Dan, 1969
Box 9 Folder 32
Gerhardt, Renate, 1962
Box 9 Folder 33
Gibbs, Michael, 1977 - 1980
Box 9 Folder 34
Gibson, Morgan, 1979 - 1984
Box 9 Folder 35
Gimblett, Max, 1979 - 1981
Box 9 Folder 36
Ginsberg, Allen, 1959 - 1979
Box 9 Folder 37
Giorno, John, 1970 - 1982
Box 9 Folder 38
Gleason, Judith, 1982 - 1986
Box 10 Folder 1
Gold, Peter, 1971 - 1973
Box 10 Folder 2
Goldin, Amy, 1974
Box 10 Folder 3
Goldstein, Malcolm, 1979 - 1982
Box 10 Folder 4
Gollwitzer, Brigitte, 1978 - 1980
Box 10 Folder 5
Gomringer, Eugen, 1967 - 1968
Box 10 Folder 6
Gonzalez, Jose, 1965
Box 10 Folder 7
Gonzalo Amero, F., 1983
Box 10 Folder 8
Gottesman, Ronald, 1975 - 1977
Box 10 Folder 9
Grass, Günther, 1958
Box 10 Folder 10
Greene, Jonathan, 1963 - 1978
Box 10 Folder 11
Grossinger, Richard, 1969 - 1982
Box 10 Folder 12
Grove Press, 1961 - 1964
Box 10 Folder 13
Gruber, Ruth, 1973 - 1975
Box 10 Folder 14
Guggenheim Foundation, 1969 - 1975
Box 10 Folder 15
Gunn, Thom, 1957 - 1961
Box 10 Folder 16
Guss, David M., 1974 - 1985
Box 10 Folder 17
G Miscellaneous
Box 10 Folder 18
Hall, Donald, 1958 - 1978
Box 10 Folder 19
Hamady, Walter and Mary, 1976 - 1984
Box 10 Folder 20
Hamalian, Leo
Box 10 Folder 21
Hamill, Janet, 1978 - 1979
Box 10 Folder 22
Hamill, Juan, 1974
Box 10 Folder 23
Hanna, Charles, 1960 - 1974
Box 10 Folder 24
Harleman, Peter, 1973 - 1976
Box 10 Folder 25
Hawk, Mary Nell, 1977 - 1980
Box 10 Folder 26
Hawkins, Bobbie Louise, 1983 - 1984
Box 10 Folder 27
Heidsieck, Bernard, 1976 - 1984
Box 10 Folder 28
Hejinian, Lyn
Box 10 Folder 29
Henson, Lance and Pat, 1985
Box 10 Folder 30
Hertz, Uri, 1981 - 1984
Box 10 Folder 31
Higgins, Dick, 1969 - 1986
Box 11 Folder 1
Hinton, Leanne, 1971
Box 11 Folder 2
Hirschman, Jack, 1959 - 1982
Box 11 Folder 3
Hitchcock, George, 1959 - 1962
Box 11 Folder 4
Hollerer, Walter, 1958 - 1983
Box 11 Folder 5
Hollo, Anselm, 1961 - 1984
Box 11 Folder 6
Hornick, Lita, 1962
Box 11 Folder 7
Horovitz, Michael, 1962 - 1973
Box 11 Folder 8
Howe, Susan, 1977 - 1983
Box 11 Folder 9
Hymes, Dell, 1968
Box 11 Folder 10
H Miscellaneous
Box 11 Folder 11
Ignatow, David, 1966 - 1969
Box 11 Folder 12
Ihalainen, Jyrki - Finnish translator, 1981 - 1982
Box 11 Folder 13
Irby, Ken, 1964
Box 11 Folder 14
I Miscellaneous
Box 11 Folder 15
Jabes, Edmond, 1974 - 1985
Box 11 Folder 16
Jemie, Onwuchekwa, 1974 - 1981
Box 11 Folder 17
Jimerson, Avery and Fidelia, 1974 - 1985
Box 11 Folder 18
Johnny John, Richard "Dick" and Colleen, 1969 - 1981
Box 11 Folder 19
Jones, LeRoi, 1959
Box 11 Folder 20
Joris, Pierre, 1972 - 1985
Box 11 Folder 21
Judaic Book Service (Steven Maimes), 1973 - 1976
Box 11 Folder 22
Justice, Donald, 1958 - 1960
Box 11 Folder 23
J Miscellaneous
Box 11 Folder 24
Kahn, Paul, 1974 - 1980
Box 11 Folder 25
Kanaseki, Hisao, 1976 - 1977
Box 11 Folder 26
Kaprow, Allan, 1971 - 1984
Box 11 Folder 27
Karlins, Mark, 1976 - 1979
Box 11 Folder 28
Kastner, Erich, 1956
Box 11 Folder 29
Keene, Donald, 1957 - 1959
Box 11 Folder 30
Kelly, Robert, 1958-1980
Box 12 Folder 1
Kelly, Robert, undated
Box 12 Folder 2
Kemp, Lysander, 1961 - 1962
Box 12 Folder 3
Kenny, Maurice, 1977 - 1984
Box 12 Folder 4
Kessler, Milton, 1972 - 1976
Box 12 Folder 5
Kicknosway, Faye, 1974
Box 12 Folder 6
Kimball, George, 1966
Box 12 Folder 7
Kinnell, Galway, 1957 - 1958
Box 12 Folder 8
Kinter, Bill, 1961 - 1965
Box 12 Folder 9
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara, 1974 - 1985
Box 12 Folder 10
Kissam, Edward, 1979 - 1980
Box 12 Folder 11
Knowles, Allison, 1979 - 1980
Box 12 Folder 12
Kodolanyi, G., 1982 - 1984
Box 12 Folder 13
Kohler, Michael, 1979 - 1983
Box 12 Folder 14
Kostelanetz, Richard, 1973 - 1982
Box 12 Folder 15
Koval, Alexander, 1958
Box 12 Folder 16
Krolow, Karl, 1958 - 1960
Box 12 Folder 17
Kuenstler, Frank, 1968 - 1977
Box 12 Folder 18
Kush, (Stephen Kushner), 1976 - 1985
Box 12 Folder 19
K Miscellaneous
Box 12 Folder 20
Lamantia, Philip, 1958 - 1960
Box 12 Folder 21
Lambert, Jean-Clarence, 1975 - 1983
Box 12 Folder 22
Landy, Francis
Box 12 Folder 23
Laughlin, James, 1958 - 1974
Box 12 Folder 24
Lebel, Jean-Jacques, 1981 - 1986
Box 12 Folder 25
Lee, Peter H., 1958
Box 12 Folder 26
Lenowitz, Harris, 1972 - 1985
Box 12 Folder 27
Levertov, Denise, 1958 - 1975
Box 13 Folder 1
Levy, Stephen, 1978
Box 13 Folder 2
Lewandowski, Stephen, 1975 - 1976
Box 13 Folder 3
Lewis, Harry, 1969 - 1970
Box 13 Folder 4
Library of Congress, 1976
Box 13 Folder 5
Lifson, Martha, 1980 - 1982
Box 13 Folder 6
Linick, Anthony, 1961 - 1963
Box 13 Folder 7
Living Arts of Tulsa Inc., 1984 - 1985
Box 13 Folder 8
Locke, Duane, 1964 - 1965
Box 13 Folder 9
Logan, John, 1960 - 1968
Box 13 Folder 10
Lonidier, Lynn, 1973 - 1979
Box 13 Folder 11
Lowenfels, Walter, 1966 - 1974
Box 13 Folder 12
Lowenstein, Tom, 1972 - 1985
Box 13 Folder 13
Lurie, Toby, 1973 - 1979
Box 13 Folder 14
L Miscellaneous
Box 13 Folder 15
Mac Low, Jackson, 1973 - 1983
Box 13 Folder 16
MacLise, Angus, 1973 - 1974
Box 13 Folder 17
Maimes, Steven L., 1976 - 1978
Box 13 Folder 18
Major, Clarence and Pamela, 1983 - 1986
Box 13 Folder 19
Malanga, Gerard, 1965 - 1981
Box 13 Folder 20
Maloney, Dennis, 1977 - 1978
Box 13 Folder 21
Manfredo, Michael, 1973 - 1984
Box 13 Folder 22
March, Michael, 1983
Box 13 Folder 23
Marlatt, Daphne, 1970 - 1981
Box 13 Folder 24
Maud, Ralph, 1977
Box 13 Folder 25
May, James Boyer, 1958 - 1961
Box 13 Folder 26
Mayer, Bernadette, 1974 - 1983
Box 13 Folder 27
Mays, John Bentley, 1972 - 1975
Box 13 Folder 28
McAllester, David, 1967 - 1973
Box 13 Folder 29
McCaffery, Steve, 1974 - 1982
Box 13 Folder 30
McClure, Michael, 1969 - 1982
Box 13 Folder 31
McGrath, Tom, 1970 - 1973
Box 13 Folder 32
McHugh, Vincent, 1957 - 1958
Box 13 Folder 33
McLean, Scott, 1978 - 1985
Box 13 Folder 34
Meltzer, David, 1970 - 1983
Box 13 Folder 35
Mernit, Susan, 1976 - 1980
Box 13 Folder 36
Merwin, William S., 1961 - 1975
Box 14 Folder 1
Mezey, Robert, 1958 - 1975
Box 14 Folder 2
Micheline, Jack, 1968
Box 14 Folder 3
Mikolowski, Ken, 1971 - 1977
Box 14 Folder 4
Mitchell, Roger, 1975
Box 14 Folder 5
Mood, John, 1974 - 1978
Box 14 Folder 6
Morrow, Bradford, 1981 - 1984
Box 14 Folder 7
Morrow, Charlie, 1971 - 1976
Box 14 Folder 8
Mottram, Eric, 1971 - 1984
Box 14 Folder 9
Munn, Henry, 1977 - 1984
Box 14 Folder 10
Myerhoff, Barbara, 1977 - 1983
Box 14 Folder 11
Mysjkin, Jan, 1981 - 1985
Box 14 Folder 12
M Miscellaneous
Box 14 Folder 13
Nakagawa, Atsuo, 1978 - 1979
Box 14 Folder 14
Naropa Institute, 1975 - 1985
Box 14 Folder 15
National Endowment for the Arts, 1976 - 1985
Box 14 Folder 16
Navero, Guillermo, 1975 - 1978
Box 14 Folder 17
Nelson, Sharon, 1969 - 1978
Box 14 Folder 18
Neruda, Pablo, 1959
Box 14 Folder 19
Neufeld, Lenny, 1976
Box 14 Folder 20
New Directions , 1976 - 1983
Box 14 Folder 21
New Dramatists Commission, 1957
Box 14 Folder 22
New Means Foundation, 1969
Box 14 Folder 23
New Wilderness Foundation, 1984
Box 14 Folder 24
New York University, 1978 - 1983
Box 14 Folder 25
Newberry, Sam, 1963 - 1964
Box 14 Folder 26
Niatum, Duane, 1972 - 1986
Box 14 Folder 27
Nichol, bp, 1980 - 1986
Box 14 Folder 28
Norman, Howard, 1970-1972
Box 15 Folder 1-3
Norman, Howard, 1971-1984, and undated
Box 15 Folder 4
N Miscellaneous
Box 15 Folder 5
O'Hara, Frank, 1962
Box 15 Folder 6
Oliveros, Pauline, 1971 - 1978
Box 15 Folder 7
Olson, Charles, 1962 - 1979
Box 15 Folder 8
Olson, Toby, 1972 - 1983
Box 15 Folder 9
Oppen, George, 1962 - 1975
Box 15 Folder 10
Oppen, Mary, 1979 - 1984
Box 15 Folder 11
Orbis Publishing Ltd., 1978
Box 15 Folder 12
Ortiz, Simon, 1971 - 1978
Box 15 Folder 13
Ossman, David, 1960 - 1982
Box 15 Folder 14
Ott, Gil, 1979 - 1982
Box 15 Folder 15
Owens, Rochelle, 1973 - 1983
Box 15 Folder 16
O Miscellaneous
Box 15 Folder 17
Pacernick, Gary, 1981 - 1983
Box 15 Folder 18
Packard, William, 1973 - 1974
Box 15 Folder 19
Paideuma , 1980 - 1983
Box 15 Folder 20
Paul, Sherman, 1975 - 1985
Box 15 Folder 21
Pavlovic, Midroz, 1982 - 1984
Box 15 Folder 22
Pearce, Roy Harvey, 1975 - 1983
Box 15 Folder 23
Perloff, Marjorie, 1977 - 1986
Box 15 Folder 24
Peters, Robert, 1972 - 1985
Box 16 Folder 1
Phillips, Dennis, 1980 - 1981
Box 16 Folder 2
Pickard, Tom, 1965 - 1983
Box 16 Folder 3
Planz, Allen
Box 16 Folder 4
Polkinhorn, Harry, 1983 - 1986
Box 16 Folder 5
Pomeroy, Ralph, 1958 - 1959
Box 16 Folder 6
Poniewaz, Jeff, 1976
Box 16 Folder 7
Posner, Donald, 1956 - 1976
Box 16 Folder 8
Poulin, Al, 1972 - 1975
Box 16 Folder 9
Pound, Ezra, 1970
Box 16 Folder 10
Power, Kevin and Romilly, 1974 - 1983
Box 16 Folder 11
Printed Editions, 1979 - 1985
Box 16 Folder 12
Pynyon Press, 1980 - 1983
Box 16 Folder 13
P Miscellaneous
Box 16 Folder 14
Quasha, George, 1971 - 1976
Box 16 Folder 15
Queen's College, 1979
Box 16 Folder 16
Rago, Henry, 1968
Box 16 Folder 17
Ramsey, Jarold, 1969 - 1974
Box 16 Folder 18-19
Randall, Margaret, 1962-1970, 1984-1985
Box 16 Folder 20
Random House, Inc., 1975 - 1982
Box 16 Folder 21
Rasula, Jed, 1977 - 1986
Box 16 Folder 22
Ratner, Rochelle, 1976 - 1983
Box 16 Folder 23
Rexroth, Kenneth, 1971 - 1975
Box 17 Folder 1
Reynolds, Tim, 1968 - 1975
Box 17 Folder 2
Riding, Laura, 1972 - 1974
Box 17 Folder 3
Roditi, Edouard, 1975 - 1985
Box 17 Folder 4
Rosenberg, David, 1975
Box 17 Folder 5
Rosler, Martha, 1973 - 1976
Box 17 Folder 6
Ross-Erickson Publishers, 1978 - 1985
Box 17 Folder 7
Rothenberg, Jerome W. and Winnie, 1960
Box 17 Folder 8
Roubaud, Jacques, 1976 - 1983
Box 17 Folder 9-10
Rubinstein, Carol, 1970 - 1986
Box 17 Folder 11
Rudolf, Anthony, 1974 - 1975
Box 17 Folder 12
Ruebsaat, Norbert, 1976 - 1977
Box 17 Folder 13
Ruppenthal, Stephen, 1977 - 1979
Box 17 Folder 14
R Miscellaneous
Box 17 Folder 15
S Press (Germany), 1980
Box 17 Folder 16
Sahl, Hans, 1958
Box 17 Folder 17
Salient Seedling Press, 1978 - 1982
Box 17 Folder 18
San Diego State University, 1976 - 1977
Box 18 Folder 1
Sanders, Ed, 1965 - 1984
Box 18 Folder 2
Sanfield, Steve, 1972 - 1984
Box 18 Folder 3
Saroyan, Aram, 1966
Box 18 Folder 4
Schechner, Richard, 1979 - 1982
Box 18 Folder 5
Schenk, Brigitte and Family, 1980 - 1984
Box 18 Folder 6
Schenker, Donald, 1959 - 1964
Box 18 Folder 7
Schneemann, Carolee, 1974 - 1984
Box 18 Folder 8
Schulman, Howard, 1967
Box 18 Folder 9
Schwartz, Howard, 1974 - 1980
Box 18 Folder 10
Schwerner, Armand, 1961 - 1986
Box 18 Folder 11
Seeger, Pete, 1970
Box 18 Folder 12
Selerie, Gavin, 1982 - 1985
Box 18 Folder 13
Seneca Indian correspondents, 1968 - 1981
Box 18 Folder 14
Shapiro, Harvey, 1976 - 1977
Box 18 Folder 15
Shaw, Karen, 1977 - 1981
Box 18 Folder 16
Shoemaker, Jack, 1972 - 1980
Box 18 Folder 17
Silliman, Ron, 1968 - 1986
Box 18 Folder 18
Simic, Charlie, 1972
Box 18 Folder 19
Simpson, Louis, 1958 - 1968
Box 18 Folder 20
Smith, Patti, 1971
Box 18 Folder 21
Snyder, Gary, 1959 - 1984
Box 18 Folder 22
Solomos, George, 1985
Box 18 Folder 23
Sonneman, Toby, 1971 - 1973
Box 18 Folder 24
Southern Oregon State College, 1976
Box 18 Folder 25
Spratz, G.P., 1974 - 1975
Box 18 Folder 26
State University of New York, Albany, 1986
Box 18 Folder 27
State University of New York, Buffalo, 1984 - 1985
Box 18 Folder 28
State University of New York, General, 1968 - 1985
Box 18 Folder 29
Stevens, Wallace, 1951
Box 18 Folder 30
Stone, Arlene, 1976 - 1977
Box 18 Folder 31
Stratford Shakespearean Festival Foundation of Canada, 1968
Box 18 Folder 32
Suares, Carlo, 1975 - 1978
Box 19 Folder 1-2
Sultz, Philip, 1973 - 1985
Box 19 Folder 3
Syfers, James, 1953 - 1960
Box 19 Folder 4
Sze, Arthur, 1984 - 1985
Box 19 Folder 5
S Miscellaneous
Box 19 Folder 6
Taggart, John, 1976 - 1983
Box 19 Folder 7-8
Tarn, Nathaniel, 1969 - 1985 & undated
Box 19 Folder 9
Tenney, James, 1975 - 1976
Box 19 Folder 10
Thayler, Carl, 1974 - 1978
Box 19 Folder 11
Turnbull, Gael, 1968 - 1983
Box 19 Folder 12
Tysh, George, 1974 - 1976
Box 19 Folder 13-14
Tyson, Ian, 1967 - 1985 & undated
Box 19 Folder 15
Tyson, Matthew, 1981 - 1983
Box 20 Folder 1
T Miscellaneous
Box 20 Folder 2
United States Information Agency, 1982 - 1984
Box 20 Folder 3
University of California, General, 1974 - 1984
Box 20 Folder 4
University of California, Riverside, 1979 - 1980

University of California, San Diego

Box 20 Folder 5
Academic appointments, 1977 - 1983
Box 20 Folder 6
Center for Music Experiment, 1979 - 1983
Box 20 Folder 7
Department of Literature, 1978 - 1981
Box 20 Folder 8
Department of Visual Arts, 1974 - 1981
Box 20 Folder 9
Visiting professorship, 1970 - 1971
Box 20 Folder 10
University of Missouri, Kansas City, 1979
Box 20 Folder 11
University of Oklahoma, 1984 - 1985
Box 20 Folder 12
University of Wisconsin, 1973 - 1976
Box 20 Folder 13
U Miscellaneous
Box 20 Folder 14
Van Dinh, Tran, 1971 - 1974
Box 20 Folder 15
Vas Dias, Robert, 1966 - 1982
Box 20 Folder 16
Viking Press, 1981 - 1982
Box 20 Folder 17
Vincent, Stephen, 1979 - 1981
Box 20 Folder 18
V Miscellaneous
Box 20 Folder 19
Wakoski, Diane, 1963 - 1983
Box 20 Folder 20
Waldman, Anne, 1972 - 1985
Box 20 Folder 21
Waldrop, Rosmarie, 1969 - 1983
Box 20 Folder 22
Wang, David Raphael, 1965 - 1974
Box 20 Folder 23
Washbourn, Penelope, 1979
Box 20 Folder 24
Watson, Craig, 1976 - 1978
Box 20 Folder 25
Watten, Barrett, 1981 - 1985
Box 20 Folder 26
Weier, Debra, 1981 - 1985
Box 20 Folder 27
Weinberger, Eliot, 1971 - 1985
Box 21 Folder 1
Weiner, Hannah, 1972 - 1984
Box 21 Folder 2
Weinstein, Norman, 1984 - 1986
Box 21 Folder 3
Wellman, Don, 1980 - 1984
Box 21 Folder 4
Whitney, John, 1974 - 1976
Box 21 Folder 5
Wiater, Michael, 1972 - 1975
Box 21 Folder 6
Wilk, David, 1976 - 1979
Box 21 Folder 7
Williams, Emmett, 1966 - 1972
Box 21 Folder 8
Williams, J.R. Rutherford
Box 21 Folder 9
Williams, Jonathan, 1972 - 1982
Box 21 Folder 10
Williams, Williams Carlos, 1963
Box 21 Folder 11
Wilson, Keith, 1967 - 1983
Box 21 Folder 12
Wilson, Mark, 1969 - 1970
Box 21 Folder 13
Wright, James, 1959 - 1962
Box 21 Folder 14
Writers Unlimited, Inc., 1977
Box 21 Folder 15
W Miscellaneous
Box 21 Folder 16
Yip, Wai-lim, 1976 - 1981
Box 21 Folder 17
Young, Karl, 1983
Box 21 Folder 18
Y Miscellaneous
Box 21 Folder 19
Zavatsky, Bill, 1974 - 1975
Box 21 Folder 20
Zivancevic, Nina, 1981 - 1983
Box 21 Folder 21
Zohn, Harry, 1957 - 1958
Box 21 Folder 22
Zukofsky, Louis, 1959 - 1977
Box 21 Folder 23
Zweig, Ellen, 1978 - 1984
Box 21 Folder 24
Z Miscellaneous
Box 21 Folder 25
Miscellaneous postcards and correspondence


Scope and Content of Series

Series 3) WRITINGS. Arranged in eight subseries: A) Early Writings, B) Original Poetry, C) Poetry Readings and Other Oral Presentations, D) Translations, E) Prefaces and Introductions, F) Essays and Criticism, G) Periodical Contributions, and H). Notebooks. Within each subseries, works are arranged in approximate chronological order. Included are manuscripts, typescripts, notes, and correspondence. Of interest in the Early Writings are some of Rothenberg's dramatic works. The subseries Original Poetry is wide-ranging in scope and includes business correspondence regarding the publication of individual works, early drafts, typescripts, and notes. Almost all of Rothenberg's published books of poetry are represented here. The materials for Seneca Journal include background and source material used by Rothenberg.

Early Writings

Academic notes and term papers

Box 21 Folder 26
Class notes and related materials, 1949 - 1953
Box 21 Folder 27
Class notes for Latin 4, CCNY, 1950
Box 21 Folder 28
Essays and poems for English 11L, CCNY, 1950 - 1951
Box 22 Folder 1
Term papers written at Michigan and Columbia, 1950 - 1953
Box 22 Folder 2
Term paper for History 15F, CCNY, 1951
Box 22 Folder 3
Term paper on Japanese Drama, CCNY, 1951
Box 22 Folder 4
Miscellaneous materials, 1952 - 1953


Box 22 Folder 5
"The Family Plot: A Domestic Comedy in One Act," with David Antin, 1956
Box 22 Folder 6-9
"Owners of the Fire", 1957 - 1958
Box 22 Folder 10
"Young Girl's Blues", 1957 - 1958
Box 22 Folder 11-12
"The Trojan Women Cried", 1958
Box 23 Folder 1
"The Clown", 1958
Box 23 Folder 2
"In the Tomb the Dark Grows Blacker"
Box 23 Folder 3
"The Black Box"
Box 23 Folder 4
Journal, 1952 - 1953

Prose and Poems: Miscellaneous unpublished TSS and MSS

Box 23 Folder 5-21
Parts 1-17, 1945 - 1960
Box 24 Folder 1-11
Parts 18-28, 1945 - 1960

Publications containing works by J.R

Box 24 Folder 12
DeWitt Clinton literary magazine, 1946 - 1950
Box 24 Folder 13
Young Progressive and Douglas Society..., 1947 - 1950
Box 24 Folder 14
Hell on Wheels, 1954 - 1955
Box 24 Folder 15
Miscellaneous papers, 1955 - 1958

Original Poetry

White Sun Black Sun

Box 24 Folder 16
Business correspondence, 1960
Box 24 Folder 17
Cover materials, 1960
Box 24 Folder 18-19
Early version, entitled Twenty Poems by Jerome Rothenberg, 1960
Box 25 Folder 1
Galleys and page proof, 1960
Box 25 Folder 2
Holograph worksheets, 1960
Box 25 Folder 3
Translation, Spanish, 1960
Box 25 Folder 4
Typescript, 1960
Box 25 Folder 5-6
Unbound signatures, 1960

Seven Hells of Jigoku Zoshi

Box 25 Folder 7
Copyright transfers, 1962
Box 25 Folder 8-9
Notebooks, 1962
Box 25 Folder 10-13
Typescripts, 1962

Sightings I-IX

Box 25 Folder 14
Correspondence with Robert Kelly, 1963
Box 25 Folder 15
Notes and drafts of poems, 1964
Box 25 Folder 16-21
Typescripts, 1964
Box 25 Folder 22
Steinbook and More- Typescript with holograph corrections, 1965 - 1966

Gorky Poems

Box 25 Folder 23
Cover material, 1966
Box 25 Folder 24
Galleys, 1966
Box 25 Folder 25
Page proofs, 1966
Box 25 Folder 26
Reviews, 1966
Box 26 Folder 1
Translation, Spanish, by Sergio Mondragon, 1966
Box 26 Folder 2
Typescript, 1966

Between: Poems

Box 26 Folder 3
Business correspondence, 1960 - 1967
Box 26 Folder 4
Cover art, 1960 - 1967
Box 26 Folder 5
Galleys, 1960 - 1967
Box 26 Folder 6
Typescript, 1960 - 1967


Box 26 Folder 7
Business correspondence, 1967 - 1968
Box 26 Folder 8
Typescript, 1968
Box 26 Folder 9
Poems - Business correspondence, 1964 - 1968
Box 26 Folder 10
Sightings and Soundings - Business correspondence, 1970
Box 26 Folder 11
Book of Testimony - Typescript, 1971

Poems for the Game of Silence

Box 26 Folder 12
Copyright page, 1971 - 1975


Box 26 Folder 13-17
Business, 1971 - 1975
Box 26 Folder 18
Foreign Rights, 1971 - 1975
Box 26 Folder 19
Royalty Statements, 1971 - 1975
Oversize FB-083 Folder 1
Galleys with cover letter and 2 notes, 1972
Box 26 Folder 21
Poems deleted, 1971 - 1975
Box 26 Folder 22
Printer paste-ups, 1971 - 1975
Box 26 Folder 23
Reviews, 1971 - 1975


Box 27 Folder 1
Dutch, 1971 - 1975
Box 27 Folder 2
French, 1971 - 1975
Box 27 Folder 3
Hebrew, 1971 - 1975
Box 27 Folder 4
Swedish- Correspondence, 1971 - 1975
Box 27 Folder 5
Swedish- Reviews, 1971 - 1975
Box 27 Folder 6-9
Typescripts, 1971 - 1975

Esther K. Comes to America

Box 27 Folder 10-11
Business correspondence, 1967 - 1973
Box 27 Folder 12
Paste-up pages, 1973
Box 27 Folder 13
Photograph, 1973
Box 27 Folder 14-15
Typescript, 1973



Box 27 Folder 16-19
Standard, 1974
Oversize FB-059 Folder 1
Oversize, 1974


Box 27 Folder 22
Business, 1969 - 1980
Box 27 Folder 23
General, 1968 - 1973
Box 28 Folder 1
Fellowship application, 1974
Box 28 Folder 2
Galleys, 1974
Box 28 Folder 3-5
Notebooks, 1974
Box 28 Folder 6-10
Notes, 1974
Box 28 Folder 11
Page proofs, 1974
Box 28 Folder 12
Paste-ups, 1974
Box 28 Folder 13
Performance at UCSD, 1971
Box 28 Folder 14
Photographs, 1974
Oversize FB-059 Folder 2
Box 28 Folder 16-17
Rejected poems, 1974
Box 28 Folder 18
Reviews, 1974
Box 28 Folder 19
Royalty statements, 1974
Box 28 Folder 20
Source materials, 1974
Box 28 Folder 21
Translations - Dutch, 1974
Box 28 Folder 22
Translations - German, Hebrew, Polish, Spanish, Yiddish, 1974


Box 28 Folder 23
A Book of Histories, 1974
Box 28 Folder 24
A Book of Writings, 1974
Box 28 Folder 25
Cokboy, 1974
Box 29 Folder 1
Galician Nights, 1974
Box 29 Folder 2
TSS with Title Page, Table of Contents, Dedication..., 1974
Box 29 Folder 3-7
TSS with emendations, 1974
Box 29 Folder 8
Photocopy, 1974
Box 29 Folder 9
Working MSS, revised first installment, 1974

The Cards

Box 29 Folder 10
Business correspondence, 1974
Box 29 Folder 11
Monograph, 1974
Box 29 Folder 12
Poems inspired by the postcards, 1974
Box 29 Folder 13
Postcards referred to in poems, 1974
Box 29 Folder 14
The Notebooks - Typescript, 1976

Seneca Journal


Box 29 Folder 15
Business- Perishable Press, 1972 - 1976
Box 29 Folder 16
Business- S Press, 1974 - 1976
Box 29 Folder 17
Fellowship, NEA, 1978
Box 29 Folder 18
Galleys, 1978
Box 29 Folder 19
Manuscripts - Final, 1978
Box 30 Folder 1
Manuscripts - With source material, 1978
Box 30 Folder 2
Matthew Rothenberg's drawing to accompany "Old Man Beaver's...", 1978
Box 30 Folder 3
Notes, 1978
Box 30 Folder 4
Poetry typescripts, annotated, 1978
Box 30 Folder 5
Reviews, 1978
Box 30 Folder 6
Royalty statements, 1978

Source material

Box 30 Folder 7
False Face rituals, notes and transcripts, 1978
Box 30 Folder 8
Funeral speech, notes and transcripts, 1978
Box 30 Folder 9
Sacred music, 1978
Box 30 Folder 10
Seneca Singing Society and interviews, 1978
Box 30 Folder 11
Social dances, 1978
Box 30 Folder 12
Songs, notes, and unpublished transcripts of..., 1978
Box 30 Folder 13
Thanksgiving prayer, notes, transcripts, 1978
Box 30 Folder 14
Miscellaneous, 1978
Box 30 Folder 15
Translation, French, 1978
Box 30 Folder 16-18
Typescripts, 1978
Box 30 Folder 19
Worksheets and discards, 1978
Oversize FB-083 Folder 2
B.R.M.TZ.V.H., printer's proof, 1979

Vienna Blood

Box 30 Folder 21
Correspondence, 1979 - 1980
Box 30 Folder 22
Cover artwork, 1980
Box 30 Folder 23
Notes, 1980
Box 30 Folder 24
Poetry typescripts, annotated, 1980
Box 31 Folder 1
Photos and table of contents, 1980
Box 31 Folder 2
Reviews, 1980
Box 31 Folder 3
Royalty statements, 1980
Box 31 Folder 4-5
Typescripts, 1980

Altar Pieces

Box 31 Folder 6
Correspondence and paste-up, Xerox, 1982
Box 31 Folder 7
Paste-up, 1982

That Dada Strain

Box 31 Folder 8
Correspondence, 1982 - 1983
Box 31 Folder 9-10
Manuscripts, 1983
Box 31 Folder 11
Proofs, 1983
Box 31 Folder 12-13
Reading, Europe- Notes & text, 1982
Box 31 Folder 14
Reviews, 1983
Box 31 Folder 15
Royalty statements, 1983
Box 31 Folder 16
Translation, German, 1983
Box 31 Folder 17
New Selected Poems, correspondence, 1986

Miscellaneous manuscripts and typescripts

Box 31 Folder 18-19
Poetry manuscripts, published and..., 1972 - 1976
Box 32 Folder 1
Notebook and unpublished poems, 1972 - 1974
Box 32 Folder 2-4
Typescripts, annotated
Box 32 Folder 5
Typescripts of unpublished poems,..
Box 32 Folder 6-7
Typescripts, misc. poems, 1982 - 1986
Box 32 Folder 8
Translations of various poems

Poetry Readings and Other Oral Presentations

Box 32 Folder 9
Announcements and programs
Box 33 Folder 1-4
Correspondence, 1964 - 1985
Box 33 Folder 5
Notes for various presentations
Box 33 Folder 6
Reviews of poetry readings, 1973 - 1983
Box 33 Folder 7
Lecture on poetry and performance for American Theatre Association, 1975
Box 33 Folder 8
Introduction for Nathaniel Tarn's poetry reading, 1978
Box 33 Folder 9
Group Soup performance, 1978
Box 33 Folder 10
Speech to American Folklore Society, 1979
Box 33 Folder 11
Speech delivered at USC, 1981
Box 33 Folder 12
Talk prepared for George Oppen's 75th birthday, 1983
Box 33 Folder 13
Introduction for Armand Schwerner's poetry reading at UCSD, 1984
Box 33 Folder 14
Speech for UCLA Writers' Program, 1984
Box 33 Folder 15
Introduction for Diane Wakoski's poetry reading at UCSD, 1984
Box 33 Folder 16
Introduction for Charles Bernstein's poetry reading at UCSD, 1984
Box 33 Folder 17
Introduction for Allen Ginsberg's poetry reading at San Diego State, 1985
Box 33 Folder 18
Speech, "The Search for a Primal Poetics," University of Iowa, 1985
Box 33 Folder 19
That Dada Strain, San Diego, 1985
Box 33 Folder 21
Hugo Ball - Notes for performance
Oversize FB-059
Hugo Ball - Costume
Box 33 Folder 23
Planetarium event
Oversize FB-084 Folder 1
Poland: Histories, Performance cards
Box 33 Folder 25
Primitive Reading Script by Rothenberg and David Antin
Box 34 Folder 1
Radio program regarding Edmond Jabes
Box 34 Folder 2
Talk regarding Dada
Box 34 Folder 3
Miscellaneous manuscripts and typescripts


Box 34 Folder 4
Uncollected, miscellaneous typescripts, 1950 - 1956
Box 34 Folder 5
Incomplete translation of Brecht's Edward II and Israeli Play, 1950
Box 34 Folder 6
Japanese works, 1952
Box 34 Folder 7
Sound of Water by Yukio Mishima, 1952
Box 34 Folder 8
Works by Yukio Mishima, 1952
Box 34 Folder 9
Woyzeck by Georg Buechner, 1956
Box 34 Folder 10
Der Golem by Anski, 1956
Box 34 Folder 11
Night in the Barracks by Günter Eich, 1955 - 1958

Poems of Erich Kastner

Box 34 Folder 12
Article re: Kastner in the Hudson Review , 1955 - 1958
Box 34 Folder 13
Business correspondence, 1956 - 1963
Box 34 Folder 14
Holograph worksheets- Various poems, 1955 - 1958
Box 34 Folder 15
Holograph worksheets- "The Thirteen Months", 1955 - 1958
Box 34 Folder 16
Introductions to poems, 1955 - 1958
Box 34 Folder 17
Translation of "Kastner on Kastner", 1955 - 1958
Box 34 Folder 18-19
Typescripts- "The Thirteen Months", 1955 - 1958
Box 34 Folder 20-21
Typescripts- Published poems, 1955 - 1958
Box 34 Folder 22
Typescripts- Later version of published poems, 1955 - 1958

New Young German Poets

Business Correspondence

Box 34 Folder 23
With Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 1958
Box 34 Folder 24
With Poets, 1958
Box 34 Folder 25
Various, 1958 - 1961
Box 34 Folder 26
Cover material, 1959
Box 34 Folder 27
Distribution records, 1958 - 1960
Box 34 Folder 28
Miscellany, 1959
Box 34 Folder 29
Notebook, 1959
Box 35 Folder 1
Table of contents and introduction, 1959
Box 35 Folder 2-3
Typescripts, 1959
Box 35 Folder 4
Book of the Other, typescript for projected volume, 1963 - 1964

The Deputy by Rolf Hochhuth

Box 35 Folder 5
Correspondence- Business, 1964 - 1966
Box 35 Folder 6
Correspondence- General, 1963 - 1965
Box 35 Folder 7-10
Manuscripts and typescripts, 1965
Box 35 Folder 11-12
Notebooks, 1965
Box 35 Folder 13
Playbills, 1965
Box 35 Folder 14
Production by UCLA Theatre Group, 1965
Oversize FB-064 Folder 5-6
Reviews, 1963 - 1964
Box 35 Folder 15
Telegrams, 1964
Box 36 Folder 1-2
Typescripts, 1965
Box 36 Folder 3
Worksheets, 1965

Poems for People Who Don't Like to Read Poems

Box 36 Folder 4
Correspondence, 1967 - 1968
Box 36 Folder 5
Page proofs, 1968

Book of Hours and Constellations

Box 36 Folder 6
Galleys, 1968
Box 36 Folder 7-8
Typescripts, 1968

17 Horse Songs of Frank Mitchell

Box 36 Folder 9-10
Navajo text sources, 1970
Box 36 Folder 11
Notes on translation, 1970
Box 36 Folder 12
Typescript, annotated, 1970

Miscellaneous translations

Box 37 Folder 1
Yiddish poetry, 1967
Box 37 Folder 2
Ingeborg Bachmann's poetry, 1967
Box 37 Folder 3-4
Indian and Spanish texts, 1973
Box 37 Folder 5
Indian texts for Rotterdam Conference, 1974
Box 37 Folder 6
Latvian folksongs, 1985
Box 37 Folder 7
Translation collaboration with Paul Blackburn and...
Box 37 Folder 8
Unpublished work, "Poets Translate Poets," with David Antin
Box 37 Folder 9-10
Various translations, 1970 - 1983

Prefaces and Introductions

Box 37 Folder 11
Futz and What Came After by Rochelle Owens, 1968

Shango de Ima by Pepe Carill

Box 37 Folder 12
Final galley, 1970
Box 37 Folder 13
Typescript, 1970

Origins: Creation Texts from the Ancient Mediterranean by Harris Lenowitz and Charles Doria

Box 37 Folder 14
Business correspondence, 1976
Box 37 Folder 15
Original proposal, 1976


Box 37 Folder 16-22
With business correspondence- Parts 1-7, 1976
Box 38 Folder 1-2
With business correspondence- Parts 8-9, 1976
Box 38 Folder 3-4
Charles Doria's materials, 1976
Box 38 Folder 5
Harris Lenowitz's "Mike Freeze" with cover letter, 1976
Box 38 Folder 6-10
General, 1976

Maria Sabina: Her Life and Chants by Alvaro Estrada

Box 38 Folder 11
Preface, TSS, 1980
Box 38 Folder 12
Translations and manuscripts, by Alvaro Estrada - Part 1, 1980
Box 39 Folder 1
Translations and manuscripts- Part 2

Representative Works by Jackson Mac Low

Box 39 Folder 2
Galleys, 1981
Box 39 Folder 3
Introduction and preface, 1981

Essays and Criticism

Pre-Faces and other writings

Box 39 Folder 4
Correspondence, 1980 - 1985
Box 39 Folder 5
Cover art and jacket statement, 1981
Box 39 Folder 6
Drafts and paste-ups, 1981
Box 39 Folder 7
Galleys, 1981
Box 39 Folder 8-9
Manuscripts, 1981
Box 40 Folder 1
Preface, draft, 1981
Box 40 Folder 2
Reviews, 1981
Box 40 Folder 3
Royalty statements, 1981
Box 40 Folder 4
Table of contents, 1981
Box 40 Folder 5
Beyond Poetics
Box 40 Folder 6
Changing the Present, Changing the Past
Oversize FB-083 Folder 3
Ethnopoetics: Indian Poetry of the Americas, with Richard Johnny John
Box 40 Folder 8
For James Laughlin: A Dedication and A Poem
Box 40 Folder 9
Harold Bloom: The Critic as Exterminating Angel
Box 40 Folder 10
Ian Tyson: An Homage
Box 40 Folder 11
Indians and Wilderness
Box 40 Folder 12
Introduction to Book of Papuan Poetry
Box 40 Folder 13
Keeping It Old: The Failure of the New 'New American Poetry'
Box 40 Folder 14
New Models, New Visions: Some Notes Toward A Poetics of Performance
Box 40 Folder 15
On Anthologies
Box 40 Folder 16
Paul Celan: A Memoir and a Poem
Box 40 Folder 17
Post-Script As Improvisation To The Preceding
Box 40 Folder 18
Total Translation: An Experiment in the Translation of American Indian Poetry
Box 40 Folder 19
Value of Mircea Eliade

Reviews of others' work

Box 40 Folder 20
Allen, Donald. The Postmoderns
Box 40 Folder 21
Clifford, James. "The Tribal and the Postmodern"
Box 40 Folder 22
Eliade, Mircea. No Souvenirs
Box 40 Folder 23
Olson, Toby. The Florence Poems
Box 40 Folder 24
Ortiz, Simon. A Good Journey and Howbah Indians
Box 40 Folder 25
Rexroth, Kenneth
Box 40 Folder 26
Unpublished book reviews and criticism
Box 40 Folder 27
Various authors

Periodical Contributions

Arts Canada

Box 40 Folder 28
Galleys with correspondence
Oversize FB-083 Folder 4
Oversize galleys
Box 41 Folder 1
Typescripts, annotated
Box 41 Folder 2
Stony Brook Poetry Journal, typescripts with correspondence, 1968 - 1970
Box 41 Folder 3-4
General, solicitations for contributions, 1959 - 1984


Box 41 Folder 5
1945 - Includes speech and sketches
Box 41 Folder 6
1947-1951 - Contains holograph pages
Box 41 Folder 7
1947-1951 - Entitled "Poems of Jerome Rothenberg"
Box 41 Folder 8
1947-1951 - Contains TSS and MSS of poems and prose. Includes five poems by Beatrice Baron, 1948-1951
Box 41 Folder 9
1947-1951 - Includes notes on speech by William Carlos Williams at CCNY
Box 41 Folder 10
Box 41 Folder 11
Notecards, 1956
Box 41 Folder 12-15
Notebooks, ca. 1957-1968
Box 42 Folder 1
1968-1969 - Drafts of letters and poems
Box 42 Folder 2
1968-1969 - Notes on visit to Cuba
Box 42 Folder 3
1970 - Notes for poems, outline for talk on tribal poetry, notes for article on...
Box 42 Folder 4
1983-1986 - Notes on poetry and teaching
Box 42 Folder 5
1983-1986 - Notes on poetry and correspondence
Box 42 Folder 6
Essay on wilderness
Box 42 Folder 7
Miscellaneous notes

Notebooks re: miscellaneous subjects

Box 42 Folder 8-11
Parts 1-4
Box 43 Folder 1-7
Parts 5-11
Box 44 Folder 1-4
Parts 12-15


Scope and Content of Series

Series 4) ANTHOLOGIES EDITED BY ROTHENBERG: Materials relating to all of the anthologies edited by Rothenberg. Files for each work are extensive. Included is manuscript material, early versions, final versions, source materials, and many notes. Materials for Big Jewish Book include typescripts by contributors with accompanying correspondence.

Ritual: A Book of Primitive Rites and Events

Box 44 Folder 5
Business correspondence, 1965 - 1969
Box 44 Folder 6
Galleys, 1965
Box 44 Folder 7
Page proofs, 1965

Technicians of the Sacred

Box 44 Folder 8-9
Artwork, 1967
Oversize FB-081 Folder 3
Bibliography cards, 1967
Box 44 Folder 11
Copyright materials, 1967


Box 44 Folder 12
Business- Various, 1968 - 1971
Box 44 Folder 13
Business- With Cape Goliard Press, 1969 - 1970
Box 44 Folder 14
General, 1966 - 1970
Box 44 Folder 15
General- For revised edition, 1980 - 1985
Box 45 Folder 1
Fellowship materials, 1967
Box 45 Folder 2-5
Galleys, 1967


Box 45 Folder 6
Annotated, 1967
Box 45 Folder 7
General- Part 1, 1967
Box 46 Folder 1-2
General- Parts 2-3, 1967
Box 46 Folder 3
With paste-ups, 1967
Box 190 Folder 1-8
French translation, annotated, undated
Box 46 Folder 4
Materials deleted, 1967

Materials submitted by authors

Box 46 Folder 5
Meador, Betty, 1967
Box 46 Folder 6
Young, Karl, 1967
Box 46 Folder 7
Various, 1967
Box 46 Folder 8-11
Notebooks- Parts 1-4, 1967
Box 47 Folder 1-3
Notebooks- Parts 5-7, 1967
Box 47 Folder 4-5
Notecards, 1967
Box 47 Folder 6-7
Notes, 1967
Box 47 Folder 8
Out-takes, 1967
Box 47 Folder 9-10
Permissions- Parts 1-2, 1967
Box 48 Folder 1
Permissions- Part 3, 1967
Box 48 Folder 2
Preface, 1967
Box 48 Folder 3
Press release, 1967


Box 48 Folder 4-7
General- Parts 1-4, 1967
Box 49 Folder 1-2
General- Parts 5-6, 1967
Box 49 Folder 3-6
Foundry, 1967
Box 50 Folder 1-5
Page proofs, 1967
Box 50 Folder 6
With Xerox copies, annotated, 1967
Box 50 Folder 7
Receipts, 1967
Box 50 Folder 8
Reviews, 1967
Box 51 Folder 1
Royalty statements, 1967

Source materials

Box 51 Folder 2-9
General- Parts 1-8, 1967
Box 52 Folder 1-2
General- Parts 9-10, 1967
Oversize FB-083 Folder 5
Oversize, 1967
Box 52 Folder 4-5
Textual materials, 1967


Box 52 Folder 6-7
Original, 1967
Box 52 Folder 8-13
With photocopies and paste-ups- Parts 1-6, 1967
Box 53 Folder 1-11
With photocopies and paste-ups- Parts 7-17, 1967
Box 53 Folder 12-16
TSS of commentaries- Parts 1-5, 1967
Box 54 Folder 1
TSS of commentaries- Part 6, 1967
Box 54 Folder 2-4
TSS of introduction and text, 1967
Box 54 Folder 5
Blaze of Reality, title page, 1969

Shaking the Pumpkin

Oversize FB-081 Folder 8
Annotated copy of published book, 1972
Oversize FB-081 Folder 4
Bibliography cards, 1972
Box 54 Folder 8
Book jacket statement, 1972
Box 54 Folder 9
Book jackets, 1972
Oversize FB-083 Folder 6
Contracts, annotated, 1972


Box 54 Folder 11-12
General, 1970 - 1985
Box 54 Folder 13
Business, 1967 - 1976
Box 54 Folder 14
With contributors, 1972
Box 54 Folder 15
Expense receipts, 1972
Box 54 Folder 16
Galleys and paste-ups, 1972
Box 54 Folder 18
Introductory material and list of works to be included, 1972


Box 54 Folder 19
"Flower World Variations" and "Song of A...", 1972
Box 54 Folder 20-21
Revised edition MSS, 1972
Box 54 Folder 22
Miscellaneous MSS and TSS, annotated, 1972
Box 54 Folder 23
Notebooks- Part 1, 1972
Box 55 Folder 1-5
Notebooks- Parts 2-7, 1972
Box 55 Folder 6-7
Notes and field notes, 1972
Box 55 Folder 8
Permissions, 1972
Box 55 Folder 9
Preface for revised edition, 1972
Box 55 Folder 10-12
Proofs and galleys, 1972
Box 55 Folder 13
Reviews- Part 1, 1972
Box 56 Folder 1
Reviews- Part 2, 1972
Box 56 Folder 2-3
Royalty statements, 1972
Box 56 Folder 4-5
Source materials- Standard, 1972


Box 56 Folder 8
"A Book of Events I and II", 1972
Box 56 Folder 9
"A Book of Extensions I and II", 1972
Box 56 Folder 10
"A Book of Narratives I and II", 1972
Box 56 Folder 11
"Buffalo Series" - Early version, 1972
Box 56 Folder 12
"Commentaries" Parts I and II, 1972
Box 56 Folder 13
"Preludes", 1972
Box 56 Folder 14
"Shaking the Pumpkin", 1972
Box 56 Folder 15
"A First Service", 1972
Box 56 Folder 16
"A Second Service", 1972
Box 56 Folder 17
"A Third Service", 1972
Box 56 Folder 18
"A Fourth Service", 1972

After the Shamans

Box 57 Folder 1
Paste-ups, unpublished, 1972
Box 57 Folder 2
Typescripts, unpublished, 1972

America A Prophecy

Business correspondence

Box 57 Folder 3-4
Various, 1971 - 1977
Box 57 Folder 5
From George Quasha to Random House, 1972
Box 57 Folder 6
Deleted and rejected material, 1973
Box 57 Folder 7
Drafts- Indexes, 1973
Box 57 Folder 8
Drafts- Lists of poems to be included, 1973
Box 57 Folder 9
Ephemera, 1973
Box 57 Folder 10-11
Introduction, various versions, 1973
Box 57 Folder 12
Notebook, containing introductory and contextual material, 1973
Box 57 Folder 13-14
Notes, 1973
Box 57 Folder 15
Organizational materials, annotated, 1973
Box 57 Folder 16
Original proposal, 1973

Page proofs

Box 57 Folder 17-18
Author's set- Parts 1-2, 1973
Box 58 Folder 1-2
Author's set- Parts 3-4, 1973
Box 58 Folder 3-8
Different versions, 1973
Box 58 Folder 9
General, 1973
Box 58 Folder 10
Reviews, 1973
Box 58 Folder 11
Royalty statements, 1978 - 1981

Source materials

Box 58 Folder 12-14
Standard size- Parts 1-2, 1973
Box 59 Folder 1-3
Standard size- Parts 3-4, 1973
Oversize FB-083 Folder 7
Oversize, 1973


Box 59 Folder 5
Completed original version, 1973
Box 59 Folder 6-10
Final TSS, 1973
Box 60 Folder 1-5
First revised version, 1973
Box 60 Folder 6-9
Various TSS- Parts 1-4, 1973
Box 61 Folder 1
Various TSS- Part 5, 1973
Box 61 Folder 2-3
Miscellaneous, 1973

Revolution of the Word

Box 61 Folder 4-5
Correspondence, business, 1973 - 1983
Box 61 Folder 6-9
Galleys, 1974
Box 61 Folder 10
Material rejected and deleted, 1974
Box 61 Folder 11
Manuscript and master galleys, 1974
Oversize FB-081 Folder 2
Notecards and notebook pages, 1974
Box 62 Folder 1
Notebook, 1972
Box 62 Folder 2
Proposal, 1974
Box 62 Folder 3
Reviews, 1974
Box 62 Folder 4
Royalty statements, 1974
Box 62 Folder 5-11
Typescripts- Original TSS, annotated, 1974
Box 62 Folder 12
"Anglo-Mongrels and the Rose" by Mina Loy, 1974

Big Jewish Book

Box 63 Folder 1
Acknowledgements, 1978
Oversize FB-063 Folder 1
Sketch of Ginivishov, Poland
Oversize FB-081 Folder 1
Bibliography cards and notes, 1978
Box 63 Folder 5
Bibliographic material, 1978

Contributors' typescripts, with correspondence

Box 63 Folder 6
Meltzer, David, 1978
Box 63 Folder 7
Pauk, Edgar, 1978
Box 63 Folder 8
Power, Kevin, 1978
Box 63 Folder 9
Roditi, Edgar, 1978
Box 63 Folder 10
Rosenberg, D., 1978
Box 63 Folder 11-12
Schwartz, H., 1978
Box 63 Folder 13
Suares, Carlo, 1978
Box 63 Folder 14
Vermont, C., 1978
Box 63 Folder 15
Weiner, Hannah, 1978
Box 63 Folder 16
Various authors, 1978
Box 63 Folder 17
Correspondence- Business, with Doubleday, 1973 - 1981
Box 63 Folder 18
Correspondence- General, 1972 - 1981
Box 64 Folder 1
Cover art and jacket statement, 1978
Box 64 Folder 2
Drawing, 1978
Box 64 Folder 3
Footnote material, 1978


Box 64 Folder 4-7
General- Parts 1-4, 1978
Box 65 Folder 1
General- Part 5, 1978
Box 65 Folder 2
With corrections, 1978
Box 65 Folder 3
Layout sheets, galley notes, 1978


Box 65 Folder 4-7
Original- Parts 1-4, 1978
Box 66 Folder 1
Original- Part 5, 1978
Box 66 Folder 2-5
General, 1978
Box 66 Folder 6
Materials re: Judaic mystery, 1978
Box 67 Folder 1-4
Notebooks, 1978
Box 67 Folder 5-6
Notes, 1978
Box 67 Folder 7
Preface- Early version, annotated, 1978
Box 67 Folder 8
Preface- Typescript, annotated, 1978
Box 67 Folder 9-10
Proofs - Foundry, parts 1-2, 1978
Box 68 Folder 1
Proofs - Foundry, part 3, 1978
Box 68 Folder 2
Proposal, 1978
Box 68 Folder 3
Box 68 Folder 4
Reviews, 1978

Source materials

Box 68 Folder 7-14
General- Parts 1-8, 1978
Box 69 Folder 1
General- Parts 9-27, 1978
Box 70 Folder 1
General- Parts 9-27, cont., 1978
Box 71 Folder 1
With notes, 1978
Box 71 Folder 2
For introduction, 1978
Box 71 Folder 3-7
Rejected material, 1978


Box 72 Folder 1-5
Annotated, 1978
Box 72 Folder 6
Early version, 1978
Box 73 Folder 1-2
Early version, cont., 1978
Box 73 Folder 3-8
With manuscript materials, 1978
Box 73 Folder 9-10
Miscellaneous- Parts 1-2, 1978
Box 74 Folder 1-3
Miscellaneous- Parts 3-5, 1978
Box 74 Folder 4
Visual material, 1978

Symposium of the Whole

Box 74 Folder 5
Acknowledgments, 1983
Box 74 Folder 6
Bibliography, 1983
Box 74 Folder 7
Correspondence, 1979 - 1983
Box 74 Folder 8
Invoices, 1983
Box 74 Folder 9
Layout materials, 1983
Box 74 Folder 10
Mailing list for review copies, 1983


Box 74 Folder 11-12
Parts 1-2, 1983
Box 75 Folder 1
Parts 3-19, 1983
Box 76 Folder 1
Parts 3-19, cont., 1983
Box 77 Folder 1
Parts 3-19, cont., 1983
Box 78 Folder 1
Part 20, 1983
Box 78 Folder 2-4
Material from contributors, annotated by Rothenberg, 1983
Box 78 Folder 5
Materials under consideration, 1983
Oversize FB-079 Folder 1
Notecards and bibliography cards, 1983
Box 78 Folder 7
Notes, 1983
Box 78 Folder 8
Permissions- Part 1, 1983
Box 79 Folder 1-2
Permissions- Parts 2-3, 1983
Box 79 Folder 3
Photographs, 1983
Box 79 Folder 4
Preface, TSS, annotated, 1983
Box 79 Folder 5
Press release, 1983
Box 79 Folder 6-9
Proofs, 1983
Box 80 Folder 1
Reviews, 1983
Box 80 Folder 2
Royalty statements, 1983


Scope and Content of Series

Series 5) JOURNALS AND PUBLICATIONS EDITED BY ROTHENBERG: Manuscripts and typescripts edited or published by Rothenberg for various journals. Included are a wide range of production materials, including notes, artwork, paste-ups, and correspondence.

Hawk's Well Press

Box 80 Folder 3
Artwork, logos, and ephemera, 1957 - 1963

Correspondence, business

Box 80 Folder 4
The Kerryman Ltd., 1959 - 1960
Box 80 Folder 5
Taleres Graficos, 1958
Box 80 Folder 6
Various, 1957 - 1960
Box 80 Folder 7
Mailing lists, 1957 - 1963

Manuscripts and typescripts by author

Box 80 Folder 8-11
Buber, Martin. Tales of Angels, Spirits and Demons , 1957 - 1963
Box 80 Folder 12
Collins, Jess. "O!" - Manuscript with correspondence, 1957 - 1963
Oversize FB-064 Folder 4
Collins, Jess. "O!" - Oversize paste-ups, 1957 - 1963
Box 80 Folder 14-15
Eastlake, William. "Outhouse on the Moon", 1957 - 1963
Box 80 Folder 16-17
Gunn, Thom. Fighting Terms , 1957 - 1963
Box 81 Folder 1
Gunn, Thom. Fighting Terms cont., 1957 - 1963
Box 81 Folder 2-6
Kelly, Robert. Armed Descent , 1957 - 1963
Box 81 Folder 7-8
Kelly and Rothenberg. Lunes/Sightings , 1957 - 1963
Box 81 Folder 9-11
Keene, Donald. The Narrow Road of Oku , 1957 - 1963
Box 81 Folder 12
Justice, Donald. The Summer Anniversaries , 1957 - 1963
Box 81 Folder 13-14
Owens, Rochelle. Futz , 1957 - 1963
Box 81 Folder 15-17
Schwerner, Armand. The Lightfall , 1957 - 1963
Box 81 Folder 18-22
Wakoski, Diane. Coins and Coffins , 1957 - 1963
Oversize FB-080 Folder 1
Rubber stamps, 1957 - 1963

Poems from the Floating World

Box 82 Folder 1
Agreement with AMS Press, 1960 - 1964
Box 82 Folder 2
Contributors' material, 1960 - 1964
Box 82 Folder 3
Rejected material, 1960 - 1964
Box 82 Folder 4-9
Typescripts, 1960 - 1964


Box 82 Folder 10
Contributors' material, 1965 - 1969
Box 82 Folder 11-14
Correspondence, 1962 - 1969
Oversize FB-083 Folder 8
Cover art, 1965 - 1969
Box 82 Folder 16
Ephemera, 1965 - 1969
Box 83 Folder 1
Galleys- Standard, 1965 - 1969
Oversize FB-083 Folder 9
Galleys- Oversize, 1965 - 1969
Box 83 Folder 3
Source material and cover art, 1965 - 1969
Box 83 Folder 4-6
Typescripts, 1965 - 1969


Box 83 Folder 7-8
Bills and receipts, 1970 - 1976
Box 83 Folder 9
Brochures, business forms, 1970 - 1976
Box 83 Folder 10
Business certificates, copyrights, 1970 - 1976


Box 83 Folder 11-13
Business, 1969 - 1971
Box 84 Folder 1-4
Business, 1972 - 1977
Box 84 Folder 5-12
With contributors- Parts 1-8, 1970 - 1976
Box 85 Folder 1-10
With contributors- Parts 9-18, 1970 - 1976
Box 86 Folder 1-3
With contributors- Parts 19-21, 1970 - 1976
Box 86 Folder 4
Cover materials, 1970 - 1976
Box 86 Folder 5
Ephemera, 1970 - 1976
Box 86 Folder 6
Financial records, 1970 - 1976
Box 86 Folder 7-8
Notes, 1970 - 1976
Box 86 Folder 9
Paste-ups, 1970 - 1976
Box 86 Folder 10
Reviews, 1970 - 1976
Oversize FB-080 Folder 2
Rubber stamps, 1970 - 1976
Box 86 Folder 12-13
Source materials, 1970 - 1976
Box 86 Folder 14
Subscription information, 1970 - 1976
Box 86 Folder 15
Subscription requests and receipts, 1970 - 1976
Box 86 Folder 16
Typescripts- Part 1, 1970 - 1976
Box 87 Folder 1-12
Typescripts- Parts 2-13, 1970 - 1976

New Wilderness Letter

Box 88 Folder 1
Bills and receipts, 1976 - 1985

Contributors' typescripts, with correspondence

Box 88 Folder 2
Alexander, Will, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 3
Andrews, Bruce, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 4
Aridjis, Homero, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 5
Bernstein, Charles, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 6
Buck, Paul, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 7
Clarke, John, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 8
Davidson, Michael, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 9
DeLoach, Allen, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 10
Dutton, Paul, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 11
Einzig, Barbara, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 12
Epstein, Paul, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 13
Gach, Gary, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 14
Gingerich, Willard, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 15
Goldstein, Malcolm, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 16
Guss, David, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 17
Hamady, Walter and Mary, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 18
Hennix, Crister, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 19
Higgins, Dick, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 20
Jabes, Edmond, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 21
Joris, Pierre, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 22
Kelly, Robert, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 23
Knowles, Allison, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 24
MacLean, Scott, 1976 - 1985
Box 88 Folder 25
McClelland, Bruce, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 1
McClure, Michael, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 2
Morrow, Charlie, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 3
Mottram, Eric, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 4
Munn, Henry, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 5
Norman, Howard, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 6
Oliveros, Pauline, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 7
Rubenstein, Carol, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 8
Schneeman, Carolee, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 9
Taggart, John, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 10
Tarn, Nathaniel, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 11
Tedlock, Dennis, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 12
Truck, Fred, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 13
Welch, Roger, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 14
Young, Karl, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 15
Zweig, Ellen, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 16
Unidentified, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 17
Copyrights and permissions, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 18
Correspondence, general, 1974 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 19
Financial records, 1976 - 1985
Box 89 Folder 20
Grants, 1976 - 1985
Oversize FB-083 Folder 10
Layout sheets for Issue #1, 1976 - 1985
Box 90 Folder 1
Magazine publishers' catalogs and organizations, 1976 - 1985
Box 90 Folder 2-3
Mailing lists, 1976 - 1985

Manuscript material

Box 90 Folder 4
Issue #1 - Includes correspondence from Clayton Eshleman, 1976 - 1985
Box 90 Folder 5
Issue #2 - Includes correspondence from bp Nichol et alia, 1976 - 1985
Box 90 Folder 6-7
Issues #3 and #4, 1976 - 1985
Box 90 Folder 8-10
Issue #5, 1976 - 1985

Issue #7

Box 90 Folder 11
Part 1 - Includes correspondence, 1976 - 1985
Box 91 Folder 1-2
Part 2 - Includes correspondence, 1976 - 1985
Oversize MC-037-06
Galleys and proofs - Includes correspondence, 1976 - 1985
Box 91 Folder 3-8
Issue #8 - Includes galleys and proofs, 1976 - 1985
Oversize FB-083 Folder 11
Issue #8 - Oversize artwork, 1976 - 1985
Box 91 Folder 10-12
Issue #9, parts 1-3, 1976 - 1985
Box 92 Folder 1
Issue #9, part 4, 1976 - 1985
Box 92 Folder 2
Issue #11, 1976 - 1985
Box 92 Folder 3-4
Issue #12, 1976 - 1985
Box 92 Folder 5
Dream Issue, 1976 - 1985
Box 92 Folder 6
University of Nebraska Edition, 1979
Box 92 Folder 7
New Wilderness Publications- Chanting , 1976 - 1985
Box 92 Folder 8
New Wilderness Publications- A Gathering of Healers , 1976 - 1985
Box 92 Folder 9
Printer's invoices, 1976 - 1985
Box 92 Folder 10
Subscription information, 1976 - 1985
Oversize FB-081 Folder 5
Subscription address cards
Box 92 Folder 12
Tax information, permits, 1976 - 1985
Box 92 Folder 13
Miscellaneous, 1976 - 1985


Scope and Content of Series

Series 6) WRITINGS OF OTHERS: Mostly typescripts (original, carbon, or photocopied) of poems by other writers. Included are works by Paul Blackburn, Diane Di Prima, George Economou, and Clayton Eshleman.

Box 92 Folder 14
Abba, George. "Poems for a New Poet"
Box 92 Folder 15
And, Miekal. Various poems
Oversize FB-083 Folder 12
Antin, David. "Meditations"
Box 92 Folder 17
Antler. "Collected Poems"
Box 92 Folder 18
Benjamin, Jerry. "Starting FRM/New York and Other Poems"
Box 92 Folder 19
Berge, Carol. "Touchstone Questions Toward Deux Magots Memory Chapters"
Box 92 Folder 20
Bernstein, Charles. "Signs of the Particularities" and "Parsing"
Box 93 Folder 1
Blackburn, Paul. Poem for the Occasion of Matthew Rothenberg's Birth, and...
Box 93 Folder 2
Blue Cloud, Peter. "Four Songpoems"
Box 93 Folder 3
Boyd, Melba. "Song for Maya"
Box 93 Folder 4
Cieszynski, Wladyslaw. "The Temple of Your Volcanic Kiss is Burning"
Box 93 Folder 5
Cisneros, Domingo. "Deathwatch"
Box 93 Folder 6
Civrieux, Marc de. "Watunna: An Orinoco Creation Cycle"
Box 93 Folder 7
Cohen, Marty. "Xenagogy, A Traveller's Alphabet"
Box 93 Folder 8
Cutler-Shaw, Joyce. "Messenger"
Box 93 Folder 9
DeLoach, Allen. "Crow Mother Poem" and Other Poems
Box 93 Folder 11
Di Prima, Diane. "Realm of the Mothers"
Box 93 Folder 10
DiPalma, Ray. "The Sargasso Transcries"
Box 93 Folder 12
Diamond, Stanley. "Return to the River" and Other Poems
Box 93 Folder 13
Economou, George. "Amepikh," "Inferno XXIV" and "An Evening in Kingfisher"
Box 93 Folder 14
Eshleman, Clayton. "Danse Macabre," "Variations Done for Jerry Rothenberg,"..
Box 93 Folder 15
Fink, Stephen. "The Hymn to the Atom," "Passages/Genesis" and "Pagans I"
Box 93 Folder 16
Fischer, Corey, et al. "Coming from a Great Distance"
Box 93 Folder 17
Friedman, Ed. "Chinoiserie"
Box 93 Folder 18
Gleason, Judith. "Oya--In Praise of the Goddess"
Oversize FB-083 Folder 13
Glinka, Kristof. "Song of Creation" and "Agnistotra"
Box 94 Folder 1-3
Guss, David M. "Language of the Birds"
Box 94 Folder 4
Hackman, Neil. "Small Poems to God"
Box 94 Folder 5
Hadley, Drum. "Ridin' Utah Home"
Box 94 Folder 6
Hamill, Janet. "Nostalgia of the Infinite"
Box 94 Folder 7-8
Higgins, Dick. Various works
Box 95 Folder 1
Hollo, Anselm and Salamun, Tomaz. "Nile"
Box 95 Folder 2
Hughes, Helena. "Kiss My Lips"
Box 95 Folder 3
Jarrett, Anna. "The Jewel and the Feather"
Box 95 Folder 4
Kahn, Paul. "The Story of Chinggis Qahan"
Box 95 Folder 5
Kaplan, Edward. "Infant Archeology"
Box 95 Folder 6
Kaprow, Allan. "The Real Experiment" and Lecture
Box 95 Folder 7
Kempton, Karl. Various poems
Box 95 Folder 8
Kostelanetz, Richard. "Visual Lit Crit"
Box 95 Folder 9
Krakauer, Daniel. "Poems"
Oversize FB-083 Folder 14
Kuenstler, Frank. "Sailing Away"
Box 95 Folder 11
Kush, S.S. Various works
Box 95 Folder 12
Lonidier, Lynn. Various works
Box 95 Folder 13
Lowenfels, Walter. Various works
Box 95 Folder 14
MacKenzie, Ginny. Various poems
Box 95 Folder 15
Maud, Ralph. "Manitoba: Documents of the Spirit"
Box 96 Folder 1
MacLean, Scott. "Clear Waters," "The Range of Light" and other poems
Box 96 Folder 2
Militz, Philip. Various poems
Box 96 Folder 3
Mood, Stephanie. Various works
Box 96 Folder 4
Munn, Henry. "Genetics and Writing"
Box 96 Folder 5
Munn, Henry. Untitled essay
Box 96 Folder 6
Nelson, Sharon. "Jerome Rothenberg: Technician of the Sacred"
Box 96 Folder 7
Norman, Howard. From "The Wishing Bone Cycle"
Box 96 Folder 8
Oliveros, Pauline. Lecture
Box 96 Folder 9
Olson, Toby. "Carpentry"
Box 96 Folder 10
Ostergren, Jan. Various poems
Box 96 Folder 11
Owens, Rochelle. "Belch, A Play in Two Acts"
Box 96 Folder 12
Pacernick, Gary. Essay on Jerome Rothenberg
Box 96 Folder 13
Paul, Sherman. "Founding: Re-Reading Jerome Rothenberg"
Box 97 Folder 1
Perloff, M. "The Contemporary of Our Grandchildren"
Box 97 Folder 2
Polkinhorn, Harry. "Jerome Rothenberg: Language As Tool for Living"
Box 97 Folder 3
Quasha, George. "A Magic Spell for the Far Journey"
Box 97 Folder 4
Quasha, George. "The Delphine Transpositions"
Box 97 Folder 5
Riddell, John. "In the Head"
Box 97 Folder 6
Robbins, Doren. "The Roots and the Towers"
Box 97 Folder 7
Robles, Eduardo. "Accounts" and "Southern Glacier"
Box 97 Folder 8
Roth, Moira. "The Story of Tom and Lucy"
Box 97 Folder 9
Rubenstein, Carol. Various poems
Box 97 Folder 10
Schneider, Roy. "Second Coming"
Box 97 Folder 11
Schwerner, Armand. "Among the Leaves"
Box 97 Folder 12
Seaton, Peter. "Agreement"
Box 97 Folder 13
Shaw, Karen. "Various Works"
Box 97 Folder 14
Siporin, Ona. "Poems for a Primitive Mythology"
Box 97 Folder 15
Stein, Charles. "Disaster Areas" and "The White Garage"
Box 97 Folder 16
Stern, Bert. "Reflections on Extracts from Addresses to the Academy of Fine..."
Box 97 Folder 17
Sultz, Philip. Various poems
Box 97 Folder 18
Tarn, Nathaniel. "Palenque"
Box 97 Folder 19
Thalenberg, C.E. "Gesture Poems"
Box 97 Folder 20
Timmons, Susie. "Hog Wild"
Oversize FB-083 Folder 15
Wakoski, Diane. "Smudging"
Box 97 Folder 22
Weigel, Tom. "Panic Hardware"
Box 98 Folder 1
Weiner, Hannah. Various works
Box 98 Folder 2
Wilson, Keith. "The Winds of Pentecost" and "Stone Roses"
Box 98 Folder 3
Wright, Jeff. "Charges"
Box 98 Folder 4
Yip, Wai-lim. "A View of the Hsing-Mode in the Context of Primitive Poetry"
Box 98 Folder 5
Young, Karl. "Openings"
Box 98 Folder 6
Young, Karl. "Openings from Middle American Dialogues"
Box 98 Folder 7
Young, Karl. Various poems
Box 98 Folder 8
Young Bear, Ray. Various works
Box 98 Folder 9-10
Zweig, Ellen. "Acting Out Art"
Box 98 Folder 11
Various authors, miscellaneous works


Scope and Content of Series

Series 7) SUBJECT FILES: Includes materials generated by Rothenberg in his various teaching posts, papers relating to conferences and symposia, and transcriptions of interviews with Rothenberg.

Oversize FB-081 Folder 7
Address books
Box 99 Folder 1-2
Calendars, 1974 - 1980
Box 99 Folder 3
Contracts and agreements
Oversize FB-083 Folder 16
Oversize contracts and agreements
Box 99 Folder 5
Deed of gift, State University of New York at Buffalo
Box 99 Folder 6
Oversize FB-083 Folder 17
Ephemera - Oversize


Box 99 Folder 8
"The Sullen Art: Interviews by David Ossman with Modern American...", 1963
Box 99 Folder 9
New York Quarterly , 1970
Box 99 Folder 10-12
Boundary 2, with William Spanos, 1975
Box 99 Folder 13-15
Vort, with Barry Alpert, 1975
Box 99 Folder 16
With Dick Higgins, 1977
Box 99 Folder 17
With Coral Crane, 1977
Box 99 Folder 18-19
Riverside interviews, with Gavin Selerie and Eric Mottram - Correspondence and transcripts, 1984
Box 100 Folder 1
Riverside interviews, with Gavin Selerie and Eric Mottram - Transcripts, cont., 1984
Box 100 Folder 2
With Zenia Clugh, undated
Box 100 Folder 3
Box 100 Folder 4
Photos of Rothenberg with Allen and Sylvia D'Arcangelo and Harris Lenowitz
Box 100 Folder 5
Publishing permission requests, 1959 - 1976
Box 100 Folder 6
Reviews of Rothenberg's work, various

Source materials

Box 100 Folder 7
African-American material
Box 100 Folder 8
Angola, poems of Agostinho Neto
Box 100 Folder 9
European poets
Box 100 Folder 10-12
Seneca Indian materials, 1968-1974

Financial statement, interview of Richard JohnnyJohn, and clippings.

Seneca Indian publications

Oversize FB-063 Folder 2-4
Akwesasne Notes , 1972 - 1973
Box 100 Folder 16
O He Yoh Noh , 1969 - 1970
Box 101 Folder 1-5
O He Yoh Noh , 1970 - 1974
Oversize FB-063 Folder 5
Wassaja , 1973
Box 101 Folder 7
Various publications, 1972 - 1974
Oversize FB-063 Folder 6
Oversize - Tribal Indian News (Vol 2 No 3) and Northwest Passage (Vol 15 No 9), ca. 1975
Box 102 Folder 1-2
Miscellaneous materials

Symposia and conferences

Box 103 Folder 1
International Writers' Conference, Long Island U., 1966
Box 103 Folder 2
Modern American Poetry Conference, London, 1973
Box 103 Folder 3
Poetry International, Rotterdam, 1974
Box 103 Folder 4
Polytechnic Poetry Conference, London, 1975

Ethnopoetics Symposium, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Box 103 Folder 5
Correspondence, 1975
Box 103 Folder 6
Photographs, 1975
Box 103 Folder 7
Publication, Alcheringa/Ethnopoetics , 1975
Box 103 Folder 8-14
Typescripts of presentations, parts 1-7, 1975
Box 104 Folder 1
Typescripts of presentations, part 8, 1975
Box 104 Folder 2
Post-Modern Performance Conference, University of..., 1976
Box 104 Folder 3-9
Burg Wartenstein Symposium, "Cultural Frames and Reflections, Ritual, Drama and Spectacle," Austria, 1977
Box 104 Folder 10
New School for Social Research, "The Concept of the Primitive in Western Civilization," New York, 1977
Box 104 Folder 11
International Poetry Festival: Sound and Syntax..., 1978
Box 104 Folder 12
International Festival of Sound Poetry, Toronto, 1978
Box 104 Folder 13
Second International Symposium on Ethnopoetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1978
Box 104 Folder 14
Conferences on Gertrude Stein, Centre Culturel..., 1980

Walker Art Center, "Myth and Ritual: The Past Redefined," Minneapolis

Box 104 Folder 15
Booklet on myth and ritual, 1980
Box 104 Folder 16
Lectures by participants, part 1, 1980
Box 105 Folder 1-4
Lectures by participants, part 2-5, 1980
Box 105 Folder 5
Polyphonix 3, Paris, 1981
Box 105 Folder 6
Interdisciplinary Conference on Yaqui Ritual, University of Arizona, Oracle, 1981
Box 105 Folder 7
New Perspectives on the Avant Garde Conference, University of Iowa, 1981
Box 105 Folder 8-11
Symposium of the Whole, University of Southern California, 1979-1984

Includes organizational materials and a speech prepared by Rothenberg in 1981.

Box 105 Folder 12
Conference on American Poetry Since 1969, "Poetry and Performance," Caracas, 1984
Box 105 Folder 13
14th International Sound Poetry Festival, Glasgow, 1984
Box 105 Folder 14
Port Townsend Writers' Conference, 1985
Box 105 Folder 15
Mentor's Program Planning Conference, Center for..., 1984
Box 105 Folder 16
Poetry International, Rotterdam, 1988
Box 106 Folder 1
Various symposia - Correspondence, 1975 - 1984

Teaching materials

Box 106 Folder 2
California School of Professional Psychology
Box 106 Folder 3-4
Mannes College
Box 106 Folder 5
Naropa Institute
Box 106 Folder 6
San Diego State University- Comparative Literature materials
Box 106 Folder 7
State University of New York at Buffalo

University of California, San Diego

Box 106 Folder 8-10
Art and Communication
Box 106 Folder 11-12
Cultural Traditions, parts 1-2
Box 107 Folder 1-2
Cultural Traditions, parts 3-4
Box 107 Folder 3
University of Southern California

Courses taught at other institutions

Box 107 Folder 4
Ancient American Performance Art
Box 107 Folder 5
English Composition
Box 107 Folder 6
Folk Literature
Box 107 Folder 7-9
Literature I and II
Box 107 Folder 10
Modernism: Post-Modern Poetry
Box 107 Folder 11
World Literature
Box 107 Folder 12-16
Travel to Europe, 1977 - 1986


Scope and Content of Series

Series 8) ORIGINALS OF PRESERVATION PHOTOCOPIES contains the originals of brittle or high acid content documents that have been photocopied.

Box 108
Originals of preservation photocopies
Box 109
Originals of preservation photocopies

Accessions Processed in 2005


Scope and Content of Series

Series 9) BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS: Includes newspaper clippings about Rothenberg's participation in a protest of artists against the Vietnam War (1965), biographies and bibliographies, PEN Award materials (1993-1994), miscellaneous photographs, and personal memorabilia such as Rothenberg's Bachelor of Arts graduation program from City College (1952).

Box 110 Folder 1
Artist protest against the war in Vietnam - Includes newspaper clipping of a full page protest message, "End Your Silence," signed by hundreds of artists, including Rothenberg, published in the New York Times, June 27, 1965. Also includes an earlier petition printed in the New York Times on April 18, 1965
Box 110 Folder 2
Biography blurbs and bibliographies
Box 110 Folder 3
Biographical updates and versions of curriculum vitae, 1977-1991
Box 110 Folder 4
City College commencement program - Rothenberg's BA graduation program, June 18, 1952
Box 110 Folder 5
Drawing of Rothenberg - Pen and ink drawing on file folder stock, undated
Box 110 Folder 6
List of publications and non-publication works, incomplete, 1960 - 1985
Box 110 Folder 7
Longview Literary Awards - 1961 award for poems published in The Floating World
Box 110 Folder 8
Passports, 1961, 1976-1971
Box 110 Folder 9
PEN Awards - 1993 PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Award for Lorca Variations and PEN Center USA West; 1994 Literary Award in Translation for Poems, Performance, Pieces, Prose, Plays, Poetics
Box 110 Folder 10
Photographs - Includes photographs of Rothenberg alone and with others
Box 110 Folder 11
Police report, in French, September 26, 1997


Scope and Content of Series

Series 10) CORRESPONDENCE: Includes letters from friends, collaborators, and others prominent in contemporary art and literature. Included is correspondence from Démosthène Agrafiotis, Jack Collom, Michael Davidson, Diane Di Prima, Caryl and Clayton Eshleman, Lyn Hejinian, Susan Howe, Jackson Mac Low, Oda Makato, Matthew Rothenberg (son), Armand Schwerner, Ian Tyson, and Anne Waldman. Also included is correspondence with numerous publishing houses and literary magazines, such as Artists-Bookworks (1993), Arundel Press (1988-1993), Exact Change (1995-2000), New Directory Publishing Corp. (1985-2000), Perishable Press Limited (1986-1989), Singing Horse Press (1988), and the Sun and Moon Press (1989-1991). Finally, the series contains correspondence regarding requests for submissions and permissions to reprint Rothenberg's works. The correspondence is arranged in alphabetical order and includes unidentified correspondence.

Box 110 Folder 12
A - Miscellaneous
Box 110 Folder 13
Abel, David, 1993 - 1998
Box 110 Folder 14
Abrams, Sam, 1993 - 1994
Box 110 Folder 15-16
Agrafiotis, Démosthène, 1993 - 1998 & undated
Box 110 Folder 17
Alexander, Charles
Box 110 Folder 18
Andrews, Bruce, 1986 - 1994
Box 110 Folder 19
Antin, David, 1987 - 1999
Box 110 Folder 20
Antin, Eleanor, 1990 - 1999
Box 111 Folder 1
Antler, 1987 - 2000
Box 111 Folder 2
Aridjis, Betty and Homero Ferber de, 1989 - 1999
Box 111 Folder 3
Arshile - Includes correspondence from arts magazine and photocopied proofs of Rothenberg poems to appear in the magazine, 1996
Box 111 Folder 4
Artists-Bookworks - Includes correspondence with editor Patricia Ruiling and flyers for works published by this small publishing firm, 1993
Box 111 Folder 5
Arundel Press - Correspondence with Phillip T. Bevis, proofs and a contract, 1988 - 1993
Box 111 Folder 6
B - Miscellaneous
Box 111 Folder 7
Berge, Carol, 1994
Box 111 Folder 8
Bernstein, Charles, 1986 - 2000
Box 111 Folder 9
Berold, Robert - Includes curriculum vitae, future plans for New Coin poetry magazine, 1999
Box 111 Folder 10
Blaine, Julien, 1989 - 1996
Box 111 Folder 11
Brito, Manuel, 1987 - 1999
Box 111 Folder 12
Byrd, Bobby, 1987 - 1990
Box 111 Folder 13
C - Miscellaneous
Box 111 Folder 14
Caldiero, Alex F., 1996
Box 111 Folder 15
Calligas, Lizzie, 1994 - 1995
Box 111 Folder 16
Castro, Michael, 1987 - 2000
Box 111 Folder 17
Cayley, John, 1997 - 1999
Box 111 Folder 18
Charmoy, Cozette de
Box 111 Folder 19
Cody, Jim, 1993 - 1997
Box 111 Folder 20
Cohen, Becky, 1986 - 1996
Box 111 Folder 21
Collom, Jack, 1990 - 1999
Box 111 Folder 22
Cotter, Craig, 1989
Box 111 Folder 23
Conz, Francesco, 1991 - 1998
Box 111 Folder 24
Corner, Philip, 1986 - 1998
Box 111 Folder 25
D - Miscellaneous
Box 112 Folder 1
Dachy, Marc, 1994 - 1998
Box 112 Folder 2
Davidson, Michael, 1986 - 1996
Box 112 Folder 3
Deluy, Henri
Box 112 Folder 4
Di Prima, Diane, 1987 - 1999
Box 112 Folder 5
Djuric, Dubravka, 1992 - 1995
Box 112 Folder 6
Dragomoshchenko, Arkadii, 1989, 1994-1995
Box 112 Folder 7
Drucker, Johanna, 1994
Box 112 Folder 8
E - Miscellaneous
Box 112 Folder 9
Economou, George, 1991 - 1992
Box 112 Folder 10
Einzig, Barbara and David, 1986 - 1996
Box 112 Folder 11
Elton, W.R., 1995
Box 112 Folder 12
Eriksson, Ed, 1989 - 1991
Box 112 Folder 13-14
Eshleman, Caryl and Clayton, Sulfur , 1981 - 2000
Box 112 Folder 15
Exact Change - Includes correspondence, including a contract for Revolution of the Word and a translation of Picasso's "The Internment of the Count of Orgaz", 1995 - 2000
Box 112 Folder 16
Evans, Amy
Box 112 Folder 17
F - Miscellaneous
Box 112 Folder 18
Farina, Raymond, 1985 - 1998
Box 113 Folder 1
Finlay, Alec, 1997 - 1999
Box 113 Folder 2
Fisher, Allen, 1986 - 1993
Box 113 Folder 3
Foley, Diane and Jack, 1988 - 1999
Box 113 Folder 4
Ford, Boris, 1986 - 1988
Box 113 Folder 5
Fraser, Kathleen, 1991 - 1992
Box 113 Folder 6
Friedman, Ed, 1987 - 1994
Box 113 Folder 7
Friedman, Liz, 1989 - 1991
Box 113 Folder 8
G - Miscellaneous
Box 113 Folder 9
Gach, Gary, 1989 - 2000
Box 113 Folder 10
Galles, Arie, 1980 - 1999
Box 113 Folder 11
Gander, Forrest, 1994 - 1995
Box 113 Folder 12
Gansz, David C.D., 1996 - 1997
Box 113 Folder 13
Goldstein, Michael, 1990 - 1991
Box 113 Folder 14
Goodell, Larry, 1990 - 1992
Box 113 Folder 15
Granary Books - Correspondence regarding various works including typescripts for "Six Pictures for the Granary," and Pictures of the Crucifixion, and a Granary Book catalogue, 1990 - 1995
Box 113 Folder 16
Gruber, Ruth E., 1992 - 1997
Box 113 Folder 17
Guss, David, 1985 - 1991
Box 113 Folder 18
H - Miscellaneous
Box 114 Folder 1
Hakim, Khaled, 1993
Box 114 Folder 2
Halpern, Jay, 1991 - 1998
Box 114 Folder 3
Hamady, Walter, 1986 - 1987
Box 114 Folder 4
Hamill, Sam, 1985
Box 114 Folder 5
Hejinian, Lyn, 1988 - 1999
Box 114 Folder 6
Higgins, Dick, 1987 - 1998
Box 114 Folder 7
Holdengraber, Paul, 1998 - 1999
Box 114 Folder 8
Hollo, Anselm, 1987 - 1997
Box 114 Folder 9
Howe, Susan - Includes photocopies of Dickinson poem slides for a talk to be given in Binghamton, New York, 1988
Box 114 Folder 10
I - Miscellaneous
Box 114 Folder 11
Ihalainen, Jyrki, 1986 - 1999
Box 114 Folder 12
International PEN (Digby Diehl), 1989 - 1990
Box 114 Folder 13
Ito, Hiromi, 1993 - 1997
Box 114 Folder 14
J - Miscellaneous
Box 114 Folder 15
Janabi, Abdul Kader El, 1996 - 1998
Box 114 Folder 16
Jemie, Chek (Onwuchekwa), 1992 - 1997
Box 114 Folder 17
Joris, Nicole and Pierre, 1987 - 2000
Box 114 Folder 18
K - Miscellaneous
Box 114 Folder 19
Kanaseki, Kuniko, 1997
Box 114 Folder 20
Kelly, Robert, 1993 - 1995
Box 114 Folder 21
Kennerly, Karen, 1987 - 1994
Box 114 Folder 22
Kessler, Milton, 1971 - 1998
Box 114 Folder 23
Knittel, Krzysztof, 1988 - 1991
Box 114 Folder 24
Kostelanetz, Richard, 1987 - 1996
Box 114 Folder 25
Kuryluk, Ewa, 1991 - 1995
Box 114 Folder 26
Kushner, Steven S., 1981 - 1998
Box 114 Folder 27
L - Miscellaneous
Box 114 Folder 28
Laughlin, James, 1986 - 1996
Box 114 Folder 29
Lenowitz, Harris, 1978 - 1991
Box 115 Folder 1
Literary Criticism Series
Box 115 Folder 2
M - Miscellaneous
Box 115 Folder 3
Mac Low, Jackson and Anne Tardos, 1985 - 1997
Box 115 Folder 4
Maitlin, David, 1988 - 1992
Box 115 Folder 5
Makato, Oda - Includes materials regarding Makato's stay in the U.S. and writings exchanged with Rothenberg, 1990 - 2002
Box 115 Folder 6
Malina, Judith and Hanon Reznikov, The Living Theatre
Box 115 Folder 7
Marilia, 1997 - 1998
Box 115 Folder 8
McCaffery, Steve, 1988 - 1991
Box 115 Folder 9
McClure, Michael, 1994 - 1996
Box 115 Folder 10
McLean, Scott, 1993 - 1998
Box 115 Folder 11
Meltzer, David, 1965 - 1992
Box 115 Folder 12
Montano, Linda, 1990 - 1997
Box 115 Folder 13
Montano, Rosita, 1991 - 1992
Box 115 Folder 14
Morning Star Publications, 1996
Box 115 Folder 15
Morrow, Charlie, 1988 - 1998
Box 115 Folder 16
Mottram, Eric, 1986 - 1993
Box 115 Folder 17
N - Miscellaneous

New Directory Publishing Corp

Box 115 Folder 18
1990 - 2000
Box 115 Folder 19
Royalty statements, 1985 - 1998
Box 115 Folder 20
Nichol, Eleanor and Sarah, 1996 - 2001
Box 116 Folder 1
Nohe, Timothy - Includes a "Poet's Tape", 1998
Box 116 Folder 2
Norman, Howard, 1994 - 1999
Box 116 Folder 3
Nowak, Mark, 1993 - 1994
Box 116 Folder 4
O - Miscellaneous
Box 116 Folder 5
Oda, Makato, 1991 - 1993
Box 116 Folder 6
Oppen, Mary, 1989
Box 116 Folder 7
Owens, Rochelle, 1988 - 1998
Box 116 Folder 8
Ox, Jack, 1993 - 1998
Box 116 Folder 9
P - Miscellaneous
Box 116 Folder 10
Parmet, Harriet, 1997
Box 116 Folder 11
Peck, Dan, 1986 - 1988
Box 116 Folder 12
Perishable Press Limited, 1986 - 1989
Box 116 Folder 13
Perloff, Carey, 1988
Box 116 Folder 14
Perloff, Marjorie, 1996 - 1997
Box 116 Folder 15-16
Permissions to reprint - Miscellaneous works, 1988 - 1999
Box 116 Folder 17
Pickard, Tom, 1990 - 1993
Box 116 Folder 18
Polkinhorn, Harry, 1987 - 1996
Box 116 Folder 19
Power, Kevin, 1987 - 1993
Box 116 Folder 20
Q - Miscellaneous
Box 116 Folder 21
R - Miscellaneous
Box 116 Folder 22
Ramba, Janis - Includes a few of Ramba's poems, 1998
Box 116 Folder 23
Randall, Margaret, 1996 - 1998
Box 117 Folder 1
Raphael, Pamela, 1984
Box 117 Folder 2
Rasula, Jed and Suzi, 1987 - 1999
Box 117 Folder 3
Raworth, Tom, 1988 - 1995
Box 117 Folder 4
Redington, Simon, 1989 - 1994
Box 117 Folder 5
Reichardt, Jasia
Box 117 Folder 6
Reichman, Sebastian and Luba, 1990 - 2000
Box 117 Folder 7
Reising, Christine, 1992 - 1994
Box 117 Folder 8
Requests for submissions, 1981 - 1998
Box 117 Folder 9
Robboy, Ron, 1988 - 1997
Box 117 Folder 10
Rothenberg, Matthew, 1990 - 2000
Box 117 Folder 11
Rubenstein, Carol, 1986 - 1991
Box 117 Folder 12
Rypson, Pitor, 1987 - 1992
Box 117 Folder 13
S- Miscellaneous
Box 117 Folder 14
Salient Seedling Press (David and Kathy Giancola), 1992 - 1993
Box 117 Folder 15
Sanders, Ed, 1988 - 1997
Box 117 Folder 16
Schenk-Funcke, Lisa, 1993 - 1994
Box 117 Folder 17
Schiller, Bob, 1980 - 1981
Box 117 Folder 18
Schneemann, Carolee, 1986 - 1997
Box 117 Folder 19
Schoening, Fanny
Box 117 Folder 20
Schwerner, Armand, 1986 - 1999
Box 117 Folder 21
Selerie, Gavin, 1986 - 1996
Box 117 Folder 22
Selinger, Eric, 1998
Box 117 Folder 23
Shrestha, Romio - Correspondence addressed to Sage Goodwin, 1988 - 1989
Box 117 Folder 24
Silliman, Ron, 1989 - 1995
Box 117 Folder 25
Singing Horse Press, 1988
Box 117 Folder 26
Smith, Barbara, 1993
Box 117 Folder 27
Smith, Hazel, 1992
Box 117 Folder 28
Smith, Pat, Otherwind Press, 1987 - 1992
Box 118 Folder 1
Snyder, Gary, 1990 - 1992
Box 118 Folder 2
Sukenick, Lynn, 1994
Box 118 Folder 3
Sultz, Phil, 1976 - 1996
Box 118 Folder 4
Sun and Moon Press, 1989 - 1991
Box 118 Folder 5
T - Miscellaneous
Box 118 Folder 6
Taggart, John, 1986 - 1992
Box 118 Folder 7
Tarn, Nathaniel, 1986 - 1999
Box 118 Folder 8
Tart, Indrek, 1986 - 1991
Box 118 Folder 9
Taub, Michael, 1988 - 1998
Box 118 Folder 10
Turetzky, Bertram, 1986
Box 118 Folder 11
Tyson, Ian, 1987 - 1999
Box 118 Folder 12
Tyson, Matthew, 1991 - 1995
Box 118 Folder 13
U - Miscellaneous
Box 118 Folder 14
V - Miscellaneous
Box 118 Folder 15
Vicuna, Cecilia, 1987 - 1995
Box 118 Folder 16
W - Miscellaneous
Box 118 Folder 17
Wakoski, Diane, 1986 - 1999
Box 118 Folder 18
Waldman, Anne, 1986 - 1999
Box 118 Folder 19
WDR Publishers, 1995
Box 118 Folder 20
Weinberger, Eliot, 1989 - 1994
Box 118 Folder 21
Williams, Emmett, 1993 - 2000
Box 118 Folder 22
Wilson, Keith, 1987 - 1988
Box 118 Folder 23
Y - Miscellaneous
Box 118 Folder 24
Young, Karl, 1986 - 1990
Box 118 Folder 25
Z - Miscellaneous
Box 118 Folder 26
Zadrozny, Mark, 1988 - 1990
Box 118 Folder 27
Zamir, Shamoon, 1987 - 1995
Box 119 Folder 1-3
Unidentified correspondent


Scope and Content of Series

Series 11) WRITINGS. Arranged in five subseries: A) Uncollected Poetry, B) Collected Poetry, C) Prose, D) Translations, and E) Notebooks.

Included are manuscripts, typescripts, production materials, reviews, and correspondence. Of interest in the Collected Poetry subseries are materials on Apres Le Jeu du Silence: 12 Poemes de Jerome Rothenberg (French translations), Poems for the Game of Silence (1971) (Dutch translation), Poland/1931 (1988 adaptation for the Living Theatre), Capala Capers (1982), That Dada Strain (1983), Gematria (1994), Khurbn and Other Poems (1989), The Lorca Variations (1989), An Oracle for Delphi (1994), Seedings and Other Poems (1996) and A Paradise of Poets (1999). The Prose subseries includes Rothenberg introductions to readings by other poets, including Allen Ginsberg, Susan Howe, John Taggart, and Wai-Lim Yip. The Translation subseries contains material on Rothenberg's translation, with editor and translator Pierre Joris, of Kurt Schwitters work. The book is entitled Pppppp: Poems, Performance Pieces, Proses, Plays, Poetics (1993). Also included are materials related to Rothenberg's translations of Federico Garcia Lorca entitled, Suites (2001). The Notebooks subseries contains notebooks (1984-1998) with handwritten annotations by Rothenberg.

Uncollected Poetry

Box 119 Folder 4
After Auschwitz/There is Only Poetry
Box 119 Folder 5
Box 119 Folder 6
Antonin Artaud Poem, July 1946
Box 119 Folder 7
Aphorisms - Typescript draft
Box 119 Folder 8
The beat of wings. Weather in the world
Box 119 Folder 9
The Bembo's Story
Box 119 Folder 10
Box 119 Folder 11
Denn Gute Dinge. Freidrich Holderlin; Tr., Jerome Rothenberg
Box 119 Folder 12
The Emptying
Box 119 Folder 13
Evil thoughts no matter how clearly he sees it
Box 119 Folder 14
Fall - Typescript draft
Box 119 Folder 15
Fifty Flags
Box 119 Folder 16
First Flower Song
Box 119 Folder 17
First Gematria
Box 119 Folder 18
First Negro Song after Sor Juana de la Cruz
Box 119 Folder 19
Five Definitions. Poem submitted to Caliban - Typescript of poem, correspondence, 1986
Box 119 Folder 20
Flags & Mirrors
Box 119 Folder 21
A Flower Cantata
Box 119 Folder 22
A Fourth Gematria
Box 119 Folder 23
Further Conversations
Box 119 Folder 24
Gematria 161
Box 119 Folder 25
Gematria 233
Box 119 Folder 26
Gematria 345 - For Edmond Jabes
Box 119 Folder 27
Gematria 456
Box 119 Folder 28
Gematria 600
Box 119 Folder 29
Gematria 780
Box 119 Folder 30
Gematria One, Gematria Two & Gematria Three
Box 119 Folder 31
Gematria Five
Box 119 Folder 32
A Gematria for Horsemen
Box 119 Folder 33
Der Gilgul (The Exchanges/Transformation/The Possessed)
Box 119 Folder 34
Heaven Earth & Corpses!
Box 119 Folder 35
Hidden in Woods Bagged like an Indian
Box 119 Folder 36
I am Alone
Box 119 Folder 37
The Ikon (2)
Box 119 Folder 38
Imaginal Geography 10 - "War Flower Song"
Box 119 Folder 39
"In Nature There is No Male or Female Fixed"
Box 119 Folder 40
Israel Nijara: Wedding Poem
Box 119 Folder 41
In the Dark Word, Khurbn
Box 119 Folder 42
Der Kenig Fun Di Yidn
Box 119 Folder 43
A Language Gematria for Charles Bernstein
Box 119 Folder 44
New Directions
Box 119 Folder 45
A Newton Suite
Box 119 Folder 46
Night Voyage
Box 119 Folder 47
The Other Secret in the Trail of Money
Box 119 Folder 48
Passing Chelmno on the Main Road Driving Past It...
Box 119 Folder 49
Poem - Typescript draft
Box 119 Folder 50
A Poem Against Burns
Box 119 Folder 51
A Poem for Gypsies


Box 119 Folder 52
"At the Border"
Box 119 Folder 53
"The Empty Town"
Box 119 Folder 54-56
Box 119 Folder 57
"The Persistence of Memory"
Box 119 Folder 58
"The Pound Project" - Draft. Published in Conjunctions 41: Fall 2003
Box 119 Folder 59
Practice Your Scream
Box 119 Folder 60
The Real Poland Can Only Be Addressed In the Imagination
Box 120 Folder 1
Red Banner Flag Poem
Box 120 Folder 2
Box 120 Folder 3
The Road to Ostrowa, May 19, 1987
Box 120 Folder 4
Shaman Dreamwork Six
Box 120 Folder 5
Sixth Gematria
Box 120 Folder 6
Their ghosts refuse to walk
Box 120 Folder 7
Three Poems For The Babe in Glory
Box 120 Folder 8
The Thumb of Knowledge
Box 120 Folder 9
Toltec Nights: An Imploration to the Mother
Box 120 Folder 10
Treasures of Dunhuang: 2000 Buddhas - Typescript draft, 1997
Box 120 Folder 11
Treblinka Dialogue - "Scheissmeister"
Box 120 Folder 12
Der Vidershtand (The Resistance)
Box 120 Folder 13
The Word
Box 120 Folder 14
What Makes Him Kneel Down in the Mud - Fishl's Song
Box 120 Folder 15
What Makes Him Stop in the Sand
Box 120 Folder 16
Untitled poem - Typescript draft

Collected Poetry

Box 120 Folder 17
Poems, 1964-1967 - Cover, 1968
Box 120 Folder 18
Apres le Jeu du Silence: 12 Poemes de Jerome Rothenberg

Poems for the Game of Silence

Box 120 Folder 19
Cover for Dutch translation "Gedichten voor het spel van de stilte", 1971
Box 120 Folder 20
Reviews, 1971


Box 120 Folder 21
Includes permissions to reprint and correspondence, 1974
Oversize FB-474 Folder 1
Includes production materials, 1970
Box 120 Folder 23
Reviews, 1970
Box 120 Folder 24
Adapted for the theatre by Hanon Reznikov (1988), Living Theatre Production, NY. Includes a copy of script and pictures from production that was directed by Reznikov, 1988
Box 120 Folder 25
Esther K. Comes to America: 1931 - Galley and pencil mockup, 1974
Box 120 Folder 26
B.R.M.TZ.V.H. - Printer's proof, 1979
Box 120 Folder 27
Cabala Capers - Includes typescript and correspondence with Alan Kornblum of the Toothpaste Press, 1982

That Dada Strain

Box 120 Folder 28
Typescript draft of performance script, 1983
Box 120 Folder 29
Reviews, 1983
Box 120 Folder 30
Three Gematria for John Cage - Paste-up, 1986

New Selected Poems, 1970-1985

Box 120 Folder 31
Typescript and draft of preface, 1986
Box 120 Folder 32
Reviews, 1986
Box 120 Folder 33
Further Sightings -Includes correspondence and galleys, 1989


Box 120 Folder 34-35
Drafts ("Gematria cards"), 1994
Box 121 Folder 1-2
Drafts ("Gematria cards"), cont., 1994
Box 121 Folder 3-4
Drafts, 1988 - 1994 & undated
Box 121 Folder 5
"Post/Face" - Draft, 1988

Khurbn and Other Poems

Box 121 Folder 6
Drafts, 1989
Box 121 Folder 7
"Ikons" typescript, 1989
Box 121 Folder 8
Typescript, 1989
Box 121 Folder 9
Galleys, 1989
Box 121 Folder 10
Background material for book, handwritten draft of glossary terms, copies of possible cover material and correspondence, 1989
Box 121 Folder 11
Permissions to reprint and correspondence, 1989
Box 121 Folder 12
Reviews, 1989

The Lorca Variations

Box 121 Folder 13
Drafts, ca. 1990
Box 121 Folder 14
Boletín de La Fundación Federco Garcia Lorca, 1990
Box 121 Folder 15
Includes galleys, correspondence with New Directions (Peter Glassgold, editor), and photocopies of Suites by Lorca, translated by Rothenberg, 1993
Box 122 Folder 1
Includes publication materials, legal correspondence with Kosmas and Miller, various checklists, table of contents, correspondence with Christopher Maurer, and translation drafts with annotations
Box 122 Folder 2
Blurbs, 1993
Box 122 Folder 3
Gematria, (entitled Penetrating Streaks) - Typescripts draft of cover design, 1989
Box 122 Folder 4
Gematria - Reviews, 1994

An Oracle for Delphi

Box 122 Folder 5
Typescript, 1994
Box 122 Folder 6
Includes page proofs, correspondence (1994-1995) with Light and Dust Books (Karl Young, editor) and Démosthène Agrafiotis, 1994
Box 122 Folder 7
Cover proof, 1994
Box 122 Folder 8
Reviews, 1994

Seedings and Other Poems

Box 122 Folder 9
Includes drafts (1992-1994), poems not published in the book and a folder labelled "Seedings: New and Uncollected", 1996
Box 122 Folder 10
"Seeding" typescript 1-3, 1996
Box 122 Folder 11
Typescript, 1996
Box 122 Folder 12
Galleys, 1996
Box 123 Folder 1
Reviews, 1993
Box 123 Folder 2
"At the Grave of Nakahara Chuga" - Includes note on the background and composition of the piece, 1997
Box 123 Folder 3-5
Leonardo Project: 10 + 2 Poems - Includes drafts, photos, photocopies, and texts, 1998

A Paradise of Poets

Box 123 Folder 6
Autobiography, 1999
Box 123 Folder 7
Typescript, 1999
Box 123 Folder 8
Galleys, 1999
Box 123 Folder 9
Includes corrected galleys and correspondence with New Directions (Peter Glassgold, editor), 1999
Box 123 Folder 10
Reviews, 1999
Box 123 Folder 11
Book of Witness: Spells and the Gris-Gris - Partial typescript with notes, 2003


Box 124 Folder 1
Abraham Abulaha Visits the Pope - Play script
Box 124 Folder 2-3
American Indian Poetry and the "Other" Traditions - Published in New Pelican Guide to English Literature: Vol. 9. Includes typescript draft of proposal with annotations, correspondence, contract, and page proofs
Box 124 Folder 4
Art at the Millennium: A Proposal for a New Configuration in the Arts - Typescript of talk at unidentified conference
Box 124 Folder 5
Box 124 Folder 6
Conversations - "Hell"
Box 124 Folder 7
Derriche/Le Robert: Lettre "K"
Box 124 Folder 8
Derriche/Le Robert: Lettre "T"
Box 124 Folder 9
"Ecological Strategies in Twentieth-Century Poetics and Ethnopoetics"
Box 124 Folder 10
"Ethnopoetics and Politics: The Politics of Ethnopoetics" - Drafts
Box 124 Folder 11
The Golem
Box 124 Folder 12
Indigenous/Oral Poetry - Essay for World Poetry , 2000
Box 124 Folder 13
Introduction to "Performing Language: A Conference and Festival", April 15-16, 1988

Introduction to readings

Box 124 Folder 14
Bruchae, Joseph
Box 124 Folder 15
Fraser, Kathleen, January 22, 1992
Box 124 Folder 16
Ginsberg, Allen - Includes draft and typescript, May 27, 1994
Box 124 Folder 17
Guest, Barbara
Box 124 Folder 18
Howe, Susan - State University of New York at Binghampton
Box 124 Folder 19
Schierbeek, Bert - University of California, San Diego. Includes typescript and flyer for reading, May 26, 1993
Box 124 Folder 20
Taggart, John, February 12, 1992
Box 124 Folder 21
Yip, Wai-lim - Includes annotated typescript of talk and typescript of poem: A Poem of Longing
Box 124 Folder 22-23
Interview with Charlie Morrow. Published in TDR: Drama Review, Fall 1990, v.34, n.3 - Includes drafts, typescripts, correspondence with editor and Charlie Morrow and biographical materials of Morrow, 1990
Box 124 Folder 24
Khurbn & Holocaust: Poetry After Auschwitz. Revised essay for Dialectical Anthropology - Includes correspondence, contract, and revised ending
Box 124 Folder 25
A Kind of Novel/White Pyjamas/The Dream of Dickenson
Box 124 Folder 26
Letter to the Editor regarding Clay Eshleman's review of John Ashbury's, As We Know, published in the L.A. Times , February 1980
Box 124 Folder 27
Manifestos for the New Millennium - Preface
Box 124 Folder 28
Morrow catalog introduction - Includes annotations, 1988
Box 124 Folder 29
New Chronotopes for Old: Some Notes for James Clifford - Typescript draft of lecture presented at unidentified conference, correspondence
Box 124 Folder 30
Nezval introduction
Box 124 Folder 31
One and Three
Box 124 Folder 32
Poetics of Performance: Shaman, Clowns, and Tricksters - Includes manuscript draft of paper presented at unidentified conference and annotated readings discussed in paper
Box 125 Folder 1
"The Poetics of the Sacred: A Range of Topics for a Keynote Speech," Fu Jen University, Taipai - Typescript, notes, September 1990
Box 125 Folder 2
A Poetics of the Sacred. Essay for Picturing Cultural Values in Postmodern America, William Doty, editor - Includes copy of manuscript with editing and correspondence with Doty, 1995
Box 125 Folder 3
Pre-face, March 19, 1987
Box 125 Folder 4
"Re: Kurt Schwitters - A Note for Sulfur"
Box 125 Folder 5
Renaissance 1986 - Includes typescript draft of essay that discusses works by Mac Low, Khlebnikov & Eshleman
Box 125 Folder 6
Rosina Conde - Virgin
Box 125 Folder 7
Saint Mark's & the Poetry Project
Box 125 Folder 8
The Scrolls of Auschwitz
Box 125 Folder 9
Search for a Primal Poetics - Includes draft of talk and performance as the Visiting Ida Beam Professor at the University of Iowa (Oct 1985) and a newspaper clipping of talk, 1985
Box 125 Folder 10
Search for a Primal Poetics essay for Critical Anthropology: The Ethnology of Stanley Diamond - Typescript of essay, 1987
Box 125 Folder 11
A Secret Location on the Lower East Side: Adventures in Writing 1960-1980 - Stephen Clay & Rodney Phillips, editors - Includes preface written by Rothenberg, typescript, page proofs, correspondence and newspaper clippings, 1998
Box 125 Folder 12
"Some words for/about Lorca: In Memoriam" - Reading copy
Box 125 Folder 13
"Some words for William Kennedy", 1991
Box 125 Folder 14
Sources of a Distinct Majority. Keynote speech at the San Francisco Art Institute Symposium - Includes annotated draft of manuscript for publication in Worlds in Collision and correspondence
Box 125 Folder 15
Statement on behalf of the application by the Binghampton Community Poets
Box 125 Folder 16
Box 125 Folder 17
Tribute for Edmond Jabes - Includes preparatory materials, 1991
Box 125 Folder 18
Wai-lim Yip: An Introduction to Between Landscapes, by Wai-lim Yip - Typescript, 1994
Box 125 Folder 19
"'We Explain Nothing, We Believe Nothing': American Indian Poetry and the Problematics of Translation" - Includes notes, typescripts, and photocopy of published article, 1992
Box 125 Folder 20
On Tribal and Oral Poetry
Box 125 Folder 21
Untitled writings
Box 125 Folder 22
Untitled - Annotated transcript of Rothenberg lecture on Jewish mysticism and poetry and correspondence with transcriber, May, 1985
Box 125 Folder 23
Miscellaneous notes and fragments


Box 125 Folder 24
Miscellaneous translations
Box 125 Folder 25
Buber, Martin. Tales of Spirits and Demons - Copy of book cover, 1958
Box 125 Folder 26
15 Flower World Variations - Photocopy of translated poem with performance notes and review, 1984

Schwitters, Kurt. Pppppp: Poems, Performance Pieces, Proses, Plays, Poetics

Box 125 Folder 27
Includes book proposal, correspondence with Temple University Press, and a NEH grant application, 1993
Box 125 Folder 28
Correspondence with Temple University Press (Mary Copouya, editor), copy editor and Pierre Joris, 1992-1993
Box 125 Folder 29
Introduction draft, 1991
Box 125 Folder 30-32
Drafts, 1993
Box 126 Folder 1-2
Drafts, 1993
Box 126 Folder 3-5
Typescript, 1993
Box 126 Folder 6-7
Copy edited manuscript, 1992
Box 127 Folder 1
Page proofs, 1993
Oversize FB-474 Folder 2
Page proofs - Oversize
Box 127 Folder 3
Permissions to reprint and correspondence
Box 127 Folder 4
Publisher catalogue and correspondence, 1993
Box 127 Folder 5
Reviews, 1993
Box 127 Folder 6
Garcia Lorca, Federico. Selected verse - Galleys of Rothenberg's translation of Suites and correspondence with publisher, 1995
Box 127 Folder 7
Celan, Paul. Irish - Includes proof copy of translation and correspondence with Alec Finlay, 1997

Garcia Lorca, Federico. Suites , 2001

Box 127 Folder 8-9
Spanish texts
Box 127 Folder 10
Box 127 Folder 11
Translation typescript of Three Lorca Suites
Box 127 Folder 12-13
Annotated translation typescript
Box 128 Folder 1-2
Translation typescript with notes
Box 128 Folder 3-5
Typescripts - Includes correspondence with Christopher [Maurer?], 1989
Box 128 Folder 6
Biography of Vitezslav Nezval, written by Jerome Rothenberg and Milos Sovak - Includes two versions, one annotated, research and correspondence relating to surrealist group in Czechoslovakia and typescript of Nezcal's Poemes Choisis , 1996 - 2000

Nezval, Vitezslav

Antilyrik and Other Poems

Box 128 Folder 7
Typescript translated in collaboration with Milos Sovak, 2001
Box 128 Folder 8
Typescript in original Czech
Box 129 Folder 1
Includes multiple annotated drafts of poems, correspondence with Milos Sovak, and research materials
Box 129 Folder 2
Valerie and the Week of Wonders. Typescript - Includes various other poems translated into English
Box 129 Folder 3
Akrobat - Typescript translated in collaboration with Milos Sovak

Various drafts

Box 129 Folder 4
Typescripts of "A Novel" "A Manifesto for Czech Surrealism," A Poem for the Elements," "'Between the Days' Teeth, See" "The Dark City," and "The Lesser Rose Garden" - Includes Rothenberg's annotations and correspondence with Milos Sovak
Box 129 Folder 5
Typescripts of "Woman in Plural," "Meteor," "Goodbye My Fancy," "Shirt," "The Defenestration," "The Necessity of Revolution," "Night Poem," "The Revolt of Madness"
Box 129 Folder 6
Typescripts of "Hamlet," "Tyranny of Love," "Antilyrik," "City with Towers," "Prophecy," "Trap Door," "Diabolo: A Poem of the Night," "The Descent," "Poem for the Hundred-Towered City"
Box 129 Folder 7
"The Confession" - Typescripts of various drafts and unidentified Vitezslav poems

Picasso, Pablo. The Burial of the Count of Orgaz and Other Poems

Box 129 Folder 8
Annotated drafts, 2004
Box 129 Folder 9
First draft of "The Parchment Notebook", 2004
Box 129 Folder 10
Mitchell, Frank. The 17 Horse Songs of Frank Mitchell - Typescript draft translation of Horse Song No. 10, 1969
Box 129 Folder 11
Un gran libro judio


Box 130 Folder 1-4
1984 - 1987
Box 130 Folder 5-6
1990 - 1991
Box 130 Folder 7
1993 - 1994
Box 131 Folder 1-2
1996 - 1998
Box 131 Folder 3
Box 131 Folder 4-6
Miscellaneous notebooks, undated
Box 132 Folder 1-3
Miscellaneous notebooks, cont., undated


Scope and Content of Series

Series 12) ANTHOLOGIES EDITED BY ROTHENBERG: Contains extensive materials on Poems for the Millennium, Volumes 1 and 2, (1995 -1998), and Book of the Book: Some Words and Projections About the Book and Writing (2000), edited with Steven Clay. Less extensive materials exist for Technicians of the Sacred (1968), Shaking the Pumpkin (1972), Big Jewish Book (1978), and Symposium of the Whole (1983).

Technicians of the Sacred (1968)

Box 132 Folder 4
Slide of cover artwork and correspondence, 1968
Box 132 Folder 5
Permissions to reprint and correspondence, 1968

Shaking the Pumpkin (1972)

Box 132 Folder 6
Production materials and correspondence with various people including Alfred van der Marck, contracts, notes, and directory of individuals requesting copies, 1972 - 1991
Box 132 Folder 7
Permissions to reprint and correspondence, 1972
Box 132 Folder 8
French translation. Includes correspondence, catalogue, and typescripts with notes
Box 132 Folder 9
Miscellaneous materials, 1972

Big Jewish Book: Poems and Other Visions of the Jews from Tribal Times to the Present (1978)

Box 132 Folder 10
Letters of support for the book's re-publication, copies of various reviews and articles, and a 1986 letter of support from D. Rosenberg, 1978
Box 133 Folder 1
Reviews, 1978
Box 133 Folder 2
Includes reprint permissions, contact list, notes, and correspondence, 1978

Symposium of the Whole (1983)

Box 133 Folder 3
Proposal for PBS series on poetry, 1983
Box 133 Folder 4
Reviews, 1983
Box 133 Folder 5
Royalty statements for various works (1990-1999) and correspondence regarding out-of-print status of Symposium of the Whole , 1983

Exiled in the Word: Poems and other Visions of the Jews from Tribal Times to Present (1989)

Box 133 Folder 6
Includes a marked up copy of A Big Jewish Book
Box 133 Folder 7-8
Galleys with Rothenberg corrections. Includes correspondence with Copper Canyon Press, 1989
Box 134 Folder 1-2
Corrected galleys, 1989
Box 134 Folder 3
Permissions to reprint and correspondence, 1989
Box 134 Folder 4
Royalty statements, 1990 - 1998
Box 134 Folder 5
Reviews, 1989

Poems for the Millennium, vol. 1, edited with Pierre Joris (1995)

Correspondence regarding translations

Box 134 Folder 6-7
A-M, 1987 - 1992
Box 134 Folder 8
Padgett, 1987 - 1992
Box 134 Folder 9
S-Z, unidentified, 1987 - 1992
Box 135 Folder 1
Prospective lists of contents, board of directors, ca. 1991
Box 135 Folder 2
Texts with editors' notes and selections, ca. 1991
Box 135 Folder 3
Theo van Doesburg - Drafts of translations, 1991
Box 135 Folder 4
Section I: Forerunners - Photocopied texts and editors' commentaries, 1991 - 1994
Box 135 Folder 5
Drafts of prologues, 1991 - 1992
Box 135 Folder 6
Notes, ca. 1992
Box 135 Folder 7
Texts, photocopies, ca. 1992
Box 135 Folder 8
Drafts of contents, 1992
Box 135 Folder 9-11
Drafts of commentary and introductions, photocopied texts, 1992
Box 135 Folder 12
Permissions, notes, drafts, and correspondence, 1992
Box 136 Folder 1
"A First Gallery": typed and photocopied texts, ca. 1992
Box 136 Folder 2
Guillaume Apollinaire - Draft of Rothenberg's translation, ca. 1992
Box 136 Folder 3
Vitezslav Nezlav - Drafts of translations, ca. 1992
Box 136 Folder 4
Rainer Maria Rilke - Drafts of Joris' translations, 1993

Permissions from publishers

Box 136 Folder 5-9
A-L, 1993
Box 137 Folder 1-6
M-Z, 1993
Box 137 Folder 7
Permissions, miscellaneous
Box 137 Folder 8
Correspondence with Pierre Joris
Box 138 Folder 1
Correspondence with Pierre Joris - Includes drafts of the "Introduction," edited and re-edited by both, 1993
Box 138 Folder 2
Typescript drafts of introductions with notes by Rothenberg and Joris
Box 138 Folder 3
Maintenant A Lettre - French translation of introduction with notes
Box 138 Folder 4
Miscellaneous photocopied texts, ca. 1993
Box 200 Folder 6
Artwork and design layout proofs
Box 200 Folder 7
Notes, introduction and contents drafts

Poems for the Millennium, vol. I & II (1995, 1998)

Box 138 Folder 5
Correspondence with the University of California Press, 1990 - 1998
Box 138 Folder 6
Correspondence regarding funding
Box 138 Folder 7
Miscellaneous correspondence including copies of response letters

Poems for the Millennium, vol. I, (1995)

Box 138 Folder 8
Lecture outline by Rothenberg, 1995
Box 138 Folder 9-10
Introduction and commentaries typescript
Box 138 Folder 11
Includes drafts, photocopied texts with editorial notes, ca. 1993, table of contents and First Gallery
Box 138 Folder 12
Drafts of miscellaneous commentary, 1993
Box 138 Folder 13
Includes drafts, photocopied texts with editorial notes, table of contents and First Gallery, ca.1993
Box 139 Folder 1
Photocopied texts for "A First Gallery", ca. 1993
Box 139 Folder 2
Draft of commentary for "Forerunners", ca. 1993
Oversize FB-474 Folder 3
Final layouts and correspondence, 1994
Box 139 Folder 4-7
Proofs, 1994
Box 139 Folder 8
Includes acknowledgements, lists and notes, 1994 - 1995
Box 139 Folder 9
Correspondence from editors regarding permissions and translation fees, 1995
Box 139 Folder 10
Internet discussion, December 11, 1995
Box 140 Folder 1
Reviews and publicity materials, 1995
Box 140 Folder 2
Includes publisher's materials, 1995

Poems for the Millennium, vol. 2, edited with Pierre Joris (1998)

Box 140 Folder 3-7
Includes photocopied texts, 1995
Box 140 Folder 8
Notecards, 1998
Box 141 Folder 1
Table of contents - Notes and drafts, 1994 - 1995
Box 141 Folder 2
Rejected texts and commentaries, 1995
Box 141 Folder 3
Commentaries drafts, 1995
Box 141 Folder 4
Includes permission lists with notes, 1995
Box 141 Folder 5-8
Permissions correspondence, organized by author - A-Z, 1996

Permissions, editors' log of contacts/payments, organized by author

Box 141 Folder 9
A-C, 1996
Box 142 Folder 1-3
D-Z, 1996
Box 142 Folder 4
Permissions, internal correspondence, logs, miscellaneous, 1996 - 1998
Box 142 Folder 5
Permissions, miscellaneous, 1996 - 1998
Box 142 Folder 6
Drafts of poem translations and typescripts, 1996
Box 142 Folder 7
Introductions and texts (Postwar Japanese Poetry, The Tammuzi Poets, Cobra, The Vienna Group, Concrete Poetry), 1996
Box 142 Folder 8
Texts and commentaries, 1996
Box 143 Folder 1
Texts and commentaries, cont., 1996
Box 143 Folder 2
Introduction notes drafts, and correspondence between Joris and Rothenberg, 1996 - 1997
Box 143 Folder 3-6
Typescript: Texts and commentaries, 1998
Box 143 Folder 7
Typescript, 1998
Box 144 Folder 1-2
Typescript, cont., 1998
Box 144 Folder 3
Includes galleys with editorial markings and correspondence with editor Evan Camfield, 1995
Box 144 Folder 4
Includes drafts of the table of contents, 1997
Box 144 Folder 5
"Final cuts from manuscript", 1997
Box 144 Folder 6
Reviews and publicity materials, 1998

Book of the Book: Some Words and Projections About the Book and Writing (2000), edited with Steven Clay

Box 144 Folder 7
Correspondence, typescript drafts of possible table of contents, and final table of contents
Box 144 Folder 8
Notes on the pre-faces chapters and photocopies of included readings with notes
Box 144 Folder 9
Notes on the opening of the field chapters and photocopies of included readings with notes
Box 145 Folder 1
Notes on the "Book is as old as fire" and later chapters, and photocopies of included readings with notes
Box 145 Folder 2
Notes on the "Book to Come" chapters, and photocopies of included readings with notes
Box 145 Folder 3-4
Galleys of Pre-Faces chapters
Box 145 Folder 5
Photocopies of works considered but not included in final manuscript (A-H)
Box 145 Folder 6
Photocopies of works considered but not included in final manuscript (K-Z and unidentified)
Box 145 Folder 7
Reviews, 2000


Scope and Content of Series

Series 13) COLLABORATIONS: Materials related to collaborative efforts with William Xerra, David Rathman, Bertran Turetzky, Charlie Morrow, Carlos Villa, and Shekinah.

Box 146 Folder 1

"Fourteen Stations" for Arie Galles

Box 146 Folder 2
Correspondence including grant application and research materials, 1993
Box 146 Folder 3
Correspondence, typescripts of poems, photocopies of Galles' sketches and research materials, 1993
Box 146 Folder 4
Correspondence, typescripts of poems, "Project Summary," photos, slides, and photocopied research materials, 1993 - 1995
Box 146 Folder 5
Box 146 Folder 6
Correspondence, photographs and slides of Galles' artwork, and typescripts of poems, 1995 - 1996
Box 146 Folder 7
Correspondence, photographs and reviews, 1996
Box 147 Folder 1
Correspondence, slides, reviews and catalogues of Galles' exhibits (accompanied by Rothenberg's poems), 1996 - 2000
Box 147 Folder 2
Photographs and slides, 1995
Box 147 Folder 3
Fourteen Stations, German translation by Stefan Hyner. Includes correspondence and typescript drafts with notes, 1995
Box 147 Folder 4
Morso Dal Suono, work by William Xerra with verses by Rothenberg. Pamphlet

Pictures of the Crucifixion (1996) with David Rathman

Box 147 Folder 5
Typescript of Six Pictures for the Granary (previously titled Nine Pictures for the Granary)
Box 147 Folder 6
Typescript of poems

That Dada Strain

Box 147 Folder 7
Collaboration with Bertram Turetsky. Includes flyers, music, script, cast list, and various reviews of Turetzky individually
Box 147 Folder 8
Musical collaboration with Bertram Turetzky
Box 147 Folder 9
1987 Art Awareness. Includes flyer, program, and various reviews of Dada performances with Bertram Turetzky, 1987

Westdentscher Rundfunk Koln, collaboration with Bertram Turetzky

Box 147 Folder 10
Specifically Biber's Hoerspiel or Beaver's Horspiel materials
Box 147 Folder 11
Audiotape and collage. Includes correspondences, financial and preparatory documents
Box 147 Folder 12
Includes text of audio production in English and German, both annotated, of Der Dada Ton: Ein Horspiel
Box 147 Folder 13
Morrow, Charlie. Music that Crossed the Ocean, collaboration with Rothenberg
Box 147 Folder 14
Villa, Carlos. Religious Art and Art of a Religious Nature, collaboration with Rothenberg
Box 148 Folder 1
Shekinah, collaboration of music and poetry
Box 148 Folder 2
Archive Newsletter - Writing samples from Eleanor Antin, Paul Beatty, Lyn Hejinian, Arthur Sze, and Donald Wesling
Box 148 Folder 3
Collaborations with Bertram Turetsky - Photographs
Box 148 Folder 4
Poland/1931, collaboration with Charlie Morrow. Adapted by Hanon Reznikov. Includes program, theater script, flyer and review, 1989
Box 148 Folder 5
Poland/1931, That Dada Strain, collaboration with Bert Turetsky. Includes Horspiele in Westdeutschen Rundfunk 1986-1987 and to-do list


Scope and Content of Series

Series 14) WRITINGS OF OTHERS: Primarily typescripts (original and copies) of poems by other writers and translators. Included are works by Démosthène Agrafiotis, Jim Cody, Michael Davidson, Gary Gach, Leland Hickman, Carolyn Lei-Lanilau, Harris Lenowitz, Marjorie Perloff, Gary Snyder, Wai-Lim Yip and Nina Zivancevic.

Box 148 Folder 6-8
Agrafiotis, Démosthène. Miscellaneous materials
Box 149 Folder 1
Aguilar, Ricardo. Hikuri - Photocopies, 1978
Box 149 Folder 2
Aleksic, Branko. "A Matter of Spirits"
Box 149 Folder 3
Andrews, Bruce. Typescript of "Poetry Explanation, Poetry as Praxis." Includes biographical materials for Guggenheim Fellowship and a copy of interview with Marjorie Perloff
Box 149 Folder 4
Appelman, Jason. Various poems
Box 149 Folder 5
Aridjis, Homero. Typescript of "El Ojo de la Ballena" and translation
Box 149 Folder 6
Aulla, Anwar Rashi. Manuscript of various poems. Includes "Secret of Kiss," "Cultivation of Love," "Wish," "Adoration," "Rival," "Migration," "My Verse," "Alienation," "Nest," and "Three Pearls in an Arch", 1991 - 1994
Box 149 Folder 7
Baldrige, Wilson. Manuscript of Baldrige's translation of Michael Deguy's poem Recumbents
Box 149 Folder 8
Basinski, Michael. Idyll and "2 New Poems"
Box 149 Folder 9
Bernstein, Charles
Box 149 Folder 10
Berry, Jake. Brambu Drezi Book Two - An excerpt for performance. Includes a photocopy of the work, 1997
Box 149 Folder 11
Bettis, Carl. The Slapdash Hackery Factory
Box 149 Folder 12
Burns, Avery E.D. Book reviews
Box 149 Folder 13
Callibas, Lizzie. Excerpt from Hyper-Realities. Includes photographs and correspondence
Box 149 Folder 14
Castro, Adrian. Typescript of Cantos to Blood & Honey (Coffee House Press)
Box 149 Folder 15
Chalupecky, Jindrich. Essays on Marcel Duchamp
Box 149 Folder 16
Choloniewski, Marek. Includes curriculum vitae and correspondence
Box 149 Folder 17
Clifford, James. Copy of introduction to Writing Culture: The Poetics & Politics of Ethnography
Box 149 Folder 18
Cody, Jim. Prayer to Fish, Han Shan, Banks and Nursing School, Wood Ibis and Shamanism
Box 149 Folder 19
Cohen, George. Typescript of "American Jews and their Journey to the East"
Box 149 Folder 20
Cohen, Ira. On Duke Ellington Blvd., End of A Line - Includes a flyer of his work and an untitled piece
Box 149 Folder 21
Cristian, Flavian. Typescript of various poems
Box 149 Folder 22
Crystal, David. "Death Sentence", 1999

Davidson, Michael

Box 149 Folder 23
Arcades - Copy of typescript, 1998
Box 149 Folder 24-25
Ghostlier Demarcations: Modern Poetry and the Material World - Typescript manuscript with notes, 1997
Box 150 Folder 1
The Poets of San Diego - Article published in the Reader entitled, "The 'New' Poets: Who are They, What are They Saying?" (1980). Includes interview on Archive for New Poetry published in the San Diego Union Tribune , 1975 - 1980
Box 150 Folder 2
Daniels, Christopher. Typescripts of miscellaneous poems
Box 150 Folder 3
de Chazal, Malcolm. Typescript of Sens Magigue
Box 150 Folder 4
Diamond, M.J. "Mutations"
Box 150 Folder 5
di Manno, Yves. Un Oracle Pour Delphes - Translation of Rothenberg's text
Box 150 Folder 6
di Suvero, Victor. Harvest Time: Selected Poems 1988-2000 - Working draft
Box 150 Folder 7
Donnelly-Smith, Gerard. The American Corpse
Box 150 Folder 8
Drucker, Johanna. Includes curriculum vitae and typescript excerpt of "From Sign to Symbol: The Alphabet in History and Imagination"
Box 150 Folder 9
Duhamel, Denise. Typescripts of miscellaneous poems
Box 150 Folder 10
Duncan/Levertov correspondence. Copies of various sections with commentary by an unidentified writer
Box 150 Folder 11
Effingham, Steve Hernandez. Silent Rivers
Box 150 Folder 12
Einzig, Barbara. Translation of various Chukchee poems and stories
Box 150 Folder 13
Farina, Raymond, 1985 - 1987
Box 150 Folder 14
Faye, Jean-Pierre. The Book of Lioube , 1993
Box 150 Folder 15
Fraser, Kathleen. Etruscan Dreams - Copy of chapbook, biography, poems, correspondence, and a translation of an essay by Adonis
Box 150 Folder 16
Friedman, Liz. The Line Chronicles - Includes copies of various other poems

Gach, Gary. What Book? Mindful Poems from Beat to Hiphop

Box 150 Folder 17
Draft, includes introduction
Box 150 Folder 18
Box 151 Folder 1
Typescript, cont
Box 151 Folder 2
Early draft
Box 151 Folder 3
Page proof
Box 151 Folder 4
Garber, Frederick. Copy of "Presence and its Discontents: Carolee Schneeman and Steve McCaffery, sitting jouissance"
Box 151 Folder 5
Gelman, Juan. Carta A Mi Madre - Copy of chapbook, typescript of translation by Joan Lindgren, and correspondence with Lindgren, 1989
Box 151 Folder 6
Gingerich, Willard. "Drum of Poetry, Drum of War" - Also includes "Three Nahnatl Hymns on the Mother Archetype," "Tlamachilliztlatolcacanilli, "Quetzalcoatl and the Agon of Time," and various other poems, 1991
Box 151 Folder 7
Gins, Madeline and Arakawa. Typescript of essay entitled "Architecture Contra Morality," "Notes on Reversible Destiny," and copies of the Gins/Arakawa exhibition by Arthur C. Danto and Samira Kawash
Box 151 Folder 8
Giordano, Fedora. "Translating the Sacred: The Poet and the Shaman"
Box 151 Folder 9
Glazier, Loss Pequeno. "Jumping to Occlusions", 1996
Box 151 Folder 10
Gleason, Judith. Copy of "My Year Reached, We Heard Ourselves Singing: Dawn Songs of the Girls" who performed Iria in Ogbogbo, Okrika, Rivers State, Nigeria, January, 1990
Box 151 Folder 11
Gold, Alison Leslie. Includes correspondence and curriculum vitae
Box 151 Folder 12
Goldovskaya, Marina. "A Woman with a Camera"
Box 151 Folder 13
Greenspan, David. "Regrets in Intuition", 1990
Box 151 Folder 14
Hickman, Leland. Lee Sr Falls to the Floor - Manuscript copy and correspondence with Mary Nakell, 1991
Box 151 Folder 15
Harrison, Robert. Correspondence associated with untitled manuscript
Box 152 Folder 1
Heyl, Stephanie. "Walking Talks and War Ways: A Three-Part Performance" - Typescript and notes
Box 152 Folder 2
Heller, Michael. Living Poet - Typescript and correspondence
Box 152 Folder 3
Ito, Hiromi. Correspondence and copies of various poems
Box 152 Folder 4
Jaron, Andrew. Typescripts of "Sideway in Time: Notes Toward a Nonlinear Antimillennium," and The Removes (collection of poems)
Box 152 Folder 5
Kasper, Michael. Typescripts of translations of Andrezeg Bursa and Julian Kornhauser, collaborations with Piotr Sommer and correspondence

Killian, Kevin

Box 152 Folder 6
Open letter to the editors of Apex of the M. Includes photocopy of Mirage #4, correspondence, and a copy of a poem by Jack Spicer, 1995
Box 152 Folder 7
With Dodie Bellamy. Mirage #4/Perod(ical) #84 - Typescript, 1999
Box 152 Folder 8
King, Chris. Poems
Box 152 Folder 9
Kirby, Vicki Christine. Includes curriculum vitae and correspondence
Box 152 Folder 10
Knizak, Milan. Includes curriculum vitae and 1990 program and information guide for the Academy of Fine Arts, Prague
Box 152 Folder 11
Knoepfle, John. "A Green Snake Interview: 'In the Picture'," "Leland Hotel a Collage," and "A Green Snake Interview: 'The Prairie Poets'" - Typescripts
Box 152 Folder 12
Kodolanyi, Gyula. Typescripts of various translated Rothenberg poems, copy of various poems, and signed copy of essay entitled, "Ideas of the New in Modern Poetry"
Box 152 Folder 13
Krupat, Arnold. "A Nice Jewish Boy Among the Indians"
Box 152 Folder 14
Kuan, Kuan. Various translated pieces
Box 152 Folder 15
Lavazzi, Tom. "Ethnopoetic Approaches to American Indian Literature: An Annotated Bibliography" - Includes typescript and correspondence

Lazer, Hank

Box 152 Folder 16
As it is - Chapbook, correspondence, photocopies of reviews and typescript of essays entitled, "Kudzu Textuality," "Globalization of the Local," and typescript of A Matter of
Box 152 Folder 17
H's Journal and Displayspace - Typescript and correspondence. Includes a typescript of essay entitled, "Character, Self, and Symbol: The Poetry of Bei Dao and Che Qianzl"
Box 152 Folder 18-19
Lei-Lanilau, Carolyn. Maloko o ka Puluwai o Laka (Within Laka's Heart) - Typescript and correspondence

Lenowitz, Harris

Box 153 Folder 1-2
Typescript of The Words of the Lord, by Jacob Frank, edited and translated by Lenowitz. Includes other miscellaneous sketches and typescripts
Box 153 Folder 3
[Uncertain attribution to Lenowitz]
Box 153 Folder 4
Leonard, Tom. The Present Tense - Copy
Box 153 Folder 5
LeZotte, Ann. A Goop Voice - Copies of various poems and correspondence with comments by Rothenberg
Box 153 Folder 6
Light, Steve. Miscellaneous typescripts
Box 153 Folder 7
Lincoln, Kenneth. Caliban, Again
Box 153 Folder 8
Lowitz, Leza. Translations of Ayukawa Nobuo for Rothenberg
Box 153 Folder 9
Lowy, Stephen. Various translations

Luria-Sukenick, Lynn

Box 153 Folder 10
"Do You Know the Facts of Life? (Quiz)" - Typescript. Includes "What is Lost, What is Missing, What is Gone: Scenes after the Earthquake," "The Man with the Blues Guitar: A Progression on Poetry and Music," and an article about Luria-Sukenick
Box 153 Folder 11
"Under Malathion" - Typescripts including "Still Life with Bath," "After the Rain only the Shadow Knows," and "Falling"
Box 153 Folder 12
Maass, Arlene. That's Life - Includes correspondence, key ring/pouch, and a small Bible
Box 153 Folder 13
Mahler, Scott. Typescripts of various poems
Box 153 Folder 14
Malina, Judith. Gluesniffers Saturday Night: an exile production - Typescript, 1956
Box 153 Folder 15
Manson, Peter, ed. Object Permanence - Copy of Issue 1, 1994
Box 153 Folder 16
Martin, Dick. Negation of Beautiful Words
Box 154 Folder 1
McCarty, Todd. What Prazska Skola Poetiky Is? An Interview with Jenny Smith
Box 154 Folder 2
McClellan, Bruce. Anatolii Kruchenykh's From the Sahara to America - Typescript of translation
Box 154 Folder 3
McCullough, Ken. Sycamore-Oriole - Manuscript and correspondence, 1991
Box 154 Folder 4-5
McLean, W. Scott. Heart Work - Manuscript copy & draft
Box 154 Folder 6
Moked, Gabriel. "An Informal Conversation with George Steiner" - Photocopy
Box 154 Folder 7
Nicolay, Scott. "The Arrows"
Box 154 Folder 8
Nuss-Galles, Sara. "M is for M-E-N-O-P-A-U-S-E" - Typescript, 1994
Box 154 Folder 9
Oandasan, William. "Surrealism and Primalism: A Comparative Analysis and Interpolation of the Psycho-Esthetic"
Box 154 Folder 10
Olson, Toby. Human Nature - Typescript and a letter from Peter Glassgold, 2000
Box 154 Folder 11
Oravecz, Imre. Eight Poems - Typescript
Box 154 Folder 12
Ostergren, Jan. Various poems in translation
Box 154 Folder 13
O'Sullivan, Maggie. Reviews of O'Sullivan's work, a typescript copy of Riverrunning, a biography, and correspondence
Box 154 Folder 14
Owens, Derek. "Kultura Littersea and Tropoi" - Typescripts of some selections
Box 154 Folder 15
Perednik, Jorge Santiago. "Variations on the Name of a Magazine" - Typescript
Box 154 Folder 16
Perloff, Marjorie. Correspondence, notes, and typescript translations of works from The Futurist Moment: Avant-Garde, Avant Guerre, and the Language of Rupture , 1987
Box 154 Folder 17
Peters, Mark. Typescripts of poems
Box 154 Folder 18
Plount, Michael. A Journal from Yesterday... - Typescript sent by Plount's professor David Matlin along with correspondence by Matlin
Box 154 Folder 19
Prejsnar, Mark. Projia poetry matrix - Typescript of various poems, 1997
Box 154 Folder 20
"Five Poems by Che Qianzi" - Translations by Zhe Zhen with Hank Lazer for Rothenberg
Box 155 Folder 1
Rahmani, Aviva. Grief and Happiness: Journaling Through Abuse and Loss, 1989
Box 155 Folder 2
Ramsey, Jarold. Coyote Goes Upriver: A Cycle of Story Theatre and Mime from Georgia Review, Fall 1981 - Signed typescript copy
Box 155 Folder 3-5
Rasula, Jed and Steve McCaffery's "Imagining Language"
Box 155 Folder 6
Reed, Martha. Draft of chapbook
Box 155 Folder 7
Reichmann, Sebastian. Correspondence and typescript draft of 1997 interview with Rothenberg. Also includes typescript draft of various poems from Captive Audience: Selected Poems 1965-1995
Box 155 Folder 8
Roloff, Michael. Copy of translation of Handke's "About the Villages," typescript of "It Won't Grow Back," and a resume
Box 155 Folder 9
Rothenberg, Matthew. Copies of miscellaneous poems, an interview with Allen Cohen (2/3/90), and a picture for Jerome Rothenberg, 1990
Box 155 Folder 10
Rothenberg, Michael. "Greek Fables and Ferret Tales" - Typescript. Includes typescript of I Murdered Elvis: The Nashville Journals with an introduction by David Meltzer and correspondence
Box 155 Folder 11
Rubenstein, Carol. Various poems
Box 156 Folder 1
Rude Look (Monte, Axel; Stemmer, Thomas), 1994
Box 156 Folder 2
Sackheim, Eric. Transcription of Ol' Hannah
Box 156 Folder 3
Schiffer, Reinold
Box 156 Folder 4
Schultz, Susan. The Lost Country
Box 156 Folder 5
Selland, Eric. The Condition of Music
Box 156 Folder 6
Smarandache, Florentine. Nonpoems - Copy and a resume
Box 156 Folder 7
Snyder, Gary. "Talk: Entering the Fiftieth Millennium"
Box 156 Folder 8
Soupault, Philippe. Poetes d'aujourd'hui - Typescripts
Box 156 Folder 9
Stembera, Peter. Transcript of essay on Mloch, postcards of various works, drawings of design, and a newspaper clipping flyer
Box 156 Folder 10
Suliman, Sherzad Hassan. New Answers for Old Questions - Typescript draft with notes on a talk
Box 156 Folder 11
Tipping, Richard. Multiple Pleasures: Multiples and (Sub)versions

Waldrop, Keith

Box 156 Folder 12
Pierre Reverdy's Prose Poems - Typescripts, 1915
Box 156 Folder 13
Translations - Includes translations of Nathalie Sarrante, Andre Pieyre de Mandiargue, Jaques Reda, and Claude Royet-Journound, Poul Keineg's Boudica, Dominique Fourcade's Click-Rose, Jean Follain's Usage du Temps, and Jean Grosjean's Elegies
Box 156 Folder 14
Translations - Typescripts of translations of Pierre Jean Jouve, Stephen Jourdain, Isabelle Baladi, Emmanuel Hocquard, Georg Heym, Malcolm de Chazal, Anne-Marie Albiach, Henri Michaux, Pablo Neruda, Federico Garcia Lorca, Michael Leiris, Victor Segalen, Robert Desnos, Antonin Artaud, ELT Mesens, Andre Breton, and others

Waldrop, Rosmarie. Translations

Box 156 Folder 15
Typescript translations of Hans Arp
Box 156 Folder 16
Typescripts of Roger Grioux's "This," Jacqueline Risset's "Seven Passages from a Woman's Life," Joseph Guglielmi's "Dawn," Arnfried Astel's "Notstand," Heiner Bastian's "Beobachtunge Im Luftmeer," and Konrad Bayer's "The Philosopher's Stone"
Box 156 Folder 17
Typescripts of Wolfgang Bauer's "Mi Crodramas, Petra von Morstein," Friederike Roth's "Schieres Flauk," Friederike Mayrocker's "Franz Schubert," Franz Mon's "Artikulationen," Gunter Grass, Karl Krolow, and Else Lasker-Schuler's Hebrew Ballads
Box 156 Folder 18
Waterhouse, Peter. Translation of Paul Celan poem
Box 157 Folder 1
Weiss, Mark. "Zefiro Torna"
Box 157 Folder 2
Welsh, Harlen. "Nurse's Hipflask" - Typescript
Box 157 Folder 3
Wojnarowicz, David. "Fever: The Art of David Wojnarowicz"
Box 157 Folder 4
Yasusada, Araki. Translations - Typescripts of translated poems by Tosa Motokiyw, Ojiu Norinaga, Okura Kyo, and correspondence with Keut Johnson

Yip, Wai-lim

Box 157 Folder 5
Inter-Crossing: Six Poets from Taiwan - Translation typescript
Box 157 Folder 6-7
Lyrics from Shelters: Modern Chinese Poetry, 1930-1950 - Translation typescript
Box 157 Folder 8
Young, Karl. Notation and the Art of Reading - Typescript. Includes pieces of untitled work

Zivancevic, Nina

Box 157 Folder 9
Collection of Poems
Box 157 Folder 10
"Death of New York City and Other Songs"
Box 157 Folder 11
Writings of Others - Miscellaneous
Box 157 Folder 12
Unidentified, [Carla?]. "Distribution of: Descriptions of an Imaginary Universe" - Typescript
Box 157 Folder 13
Unidentified author


Scope and Content of Series

Series 15) TEACHING MATERIALS. The files document various courses taught (1976-1998) at the University of Wisconsin, University of Southern California, San Diego State University, University of Oklahoma at Norman, State University of New York (SUNY), Binghamton and the University of California, San Diego. Arranged in two subseries: A) Course materials and B) Course readers.


Box 158 Folder 1
Ethnopoetics. U. of Wisconsin (Spring 1976), SDSU (Fall 1976), USC (Spring 1983)
Box 158 Folder 2
ENGL 720/ AMST 580 - America a Prophesy
Box 158 Folder 3
VIS 128 - Ethnopoetics: Ancient and Traditional Performance (Spring 1979)
Box 158 Folder 4
LTEN 158B: American Poetry Since the Second World War (Winter 1980)
Box 158 Folder 5
LTCO 277G: Dada and Surrealism (Winter 1980)
Box 158 Folder 6
VIS 129: Ancient American Performance Art (Spring 1981)
Box 158 Folder 7
ENGL 391: Modernism: "Postmodernist" Poetry (Spring 1983)
Box 158 Folder 8
VIS 116: Art and Communication (Winter 1984)
Box 158 Folder 9
VIS 116: Art and Communication (Spring 1984)
Box 158 Folder 10
ENGL 4203: Poetry and Culture (Winter 1985). University of Oklahoma at Norman
Box 158 Folder 12
LTNR 158: Verbal Performance (Spring 1987). SUNY- Binghamton
Box 158 Folder 13
ENGL 334: Twentieth-Century Poetry Movements (Spring 1987). SUNY-Binghamton.
Box 158 Folder 14
CW 380A: Ethnopoetics: American Indian Poetry and Performance (Fall 1987). SUNY-Binghamton.
Box 158 Folder 15
ENGL 564C: Postmodern American Poetics and Ethnopoetics (Fall 1987). SUNY-Binghamton
Box 159 Folder 1
CW 137: Intermediate Poetry (Spring 1988) SUNY-Binghamton
Box 159 Folder 2
CW 280: Intermediate Poetry (Spring 1988) SUNY-Binghamton
Box 159 Folder 3
CW 380: The Long Poem/The Investigative Poem (Spring 1988). SUNY-Binghamton.
Box 159 Folder 4
ISP-L Colloquium 102B: Revisioning the Past and Present (Fall 1988). SUNY-Binghamton.
Box 159 Folder 5
ENGL 112W: The Word in Time: Poetry and History (Fall 1988). SUNY-Binghamton
Box 159 Folder 6
VIS 125E: A History of Performance (Fall 1989)
Box 159 Folder 7
LTTH 230B: Comparative Lit Theory/Ethnopoetics (Fall 1989)
Box 159 Folder 8
VIS 169: Art in Motion (Winter)
Box 159 Folder 9
Lit 252: Modernism: Postmodernist Poetry (Fall 1989)
Box 159 Folder 10
LTWR 103: Advanced Poetry Workshop (Winter 1989)
Box 159 Folder 11
VIS 108: Visual Performance (Winter 1989)
Box 159 Folder 12
VIS 128D: 20th-Century Avant-Garde: Expressionism, Futurism, Dada, and Surrealism (Spring 1989)
Box 160 Folder 1
Literature 180: American Indian Poetry and Ritual, (Spring 1989)
Box 160 Folder 2
VIS 105B: Audience-Oriented Performance (Winter 1990)
Box 160 Folder 3
LTWR 115/ MUS 121: Experimental Poetry/Words and Music (Winter 1990)
Box 160 Folder 4
LTWR 115/ MUS 121: Experimental Writing/Text and Sound (Fall 1991)
Box 160 Folder 5
VIS 237: Writings By Artists, Spring 1991
Box 160 Folder 6
VIS 130/ LTWR 184: American Indian Ritual: Poetry and Performance (Fall 1992)
Box 160 Folder 7
VIS 237/ LTWR 180: Grad Studies in Art/Senior Writing Workshop (Spring 1992)
Box 160 Folder 8
LTWR 115: Experimental Poetry (Winter 1993)
Box 160 Folder 9
VIS 108/LTWR 102: Textual Art/Visual Poetry (Spring 1993)
Box 160 Folder 10
LTWR 115/MUS 121: Experimental Writing/Text and Sound (Spring 1994)
Box 160 Folder 11
VIS 128D/LTGN 185: Early 20th-Century Avant-Garde (Spring 1994)
Box 160 Folder 12
VIS 108/LTWR 102: TextArt/Visual Poetry (Winter 1994)
Box 160 Folder 13
VIS 108/MUS 121: Verbal Performance/Text and Sound (Spring 1995)
Box 161 Folder 1
LTWR 8B: The Craft of Poetry (Winter 1995)
Box 161 Folder 2
VIS 125E/LTGN 160: A History of Performance (Spring 1995)
Box 161 Folder 3
LTWR 119: Writing for Performance (Winter 1996)
Box 161 Folder 4
LTGN 163A: Modern and Postmodern Poetry [I] (Winter 1996)
Box 161 Folder 5
LIT 168/VIS 128D: American Indian Ritual and Performance (Spring 1996)
Box 161 Folder 6
VIS 108: Visual Performance (Spring 1996)
Box 161 Folder 7
VIS 2: Introduction to Art-Making (Winter 1997)
Box 161 Folder 8
LTWR 135: The Art of the Manifesto (Spring 1997)
Box 161 Folder 9
VIS 2: Introduction to Art Making (Winter 1998)
Box 161 Folder 10
LTWR 119: Text Sound/Words and Music (Winter 1998)
Box 161 Folder 11
VIS 110: Artist's Books and Text Art (Spring 1998)
Box 161 Folder 12
VIS 128CN: Early 20th-Century Avant-Garde (Spring 1998)
Box 162 Folder 1
Poetry and Performance. SUNY, 1999
Box 162 Folder 2
Poetry Workshop: Translation - Material from various courses
Box 162 Folder 3
Advanced Poetry Workshop materials
Box 162 Folder 4
The Word in Time: Readings in Poetry and History

Course Readers

Box 162 Folder 5
Course readers' table of contents
Box 162 Folder 6-7
Ancient American Performance Art
Box 162 Folder 8
192C Seminar - History of Performance: Handout 1/ Syllabus, Spring 1995
Box 162 Folder 9
The Craft of Poetry: A Reader - Volume One - Structures of Poetry: Inherited Forms, Winter 1995
Box 162 Folder 10
The Craft of Poetry: Volume Two - Structure of Poetry: Open Forms, Winter 1995
Box 163 Folder 1-2
The Early 20th-Century Avant-Garde: Expressionism, Futurism, DADA, & Surrealism (Volumes 1 & 2), Spring 1994
Box 163 Folder 3-4
Art & Communication: The Alternative Traditions (Volumes 1 & 2)
Box 163 Folder 5
CW 380 - Advanced Poetry Workshop - Spring 1988
Box 163 Folder 6
ENGL 112W - The Word In Time - Fall 1988
Box 163 Folder 7
ENGL 334 - Twentieth-Century Poetry Movements - Spring 1987
Box 164 Folder 1
ENGL 564C - Post Modern American Poetics and Ethnopoetics - Fall 1987
Box 164 Folder 2
Literature Department undergraduate course descriptions, Spring 1989
Box 164 Folder 3
Literature 180 - American Indian Poetry & Ritual (Packet I) - Spring 1989
Box 164 Folder 4
Literature 180 - Ethnopoetics (American Indian Poetry & Ritual) - Spring 1989
Box 164 Folder 5
Lit/General 160 and VIS 125E: A History of Performance
Box 164 Folder 6
Lit/General 160 and VIS 125E: An Anthology of Performance Art - Volume Two: From Fluxus to Millennium

Spring 1995.

Box 164 Folder 7
Lit/General 163A - Modern & Post-Modern Poetry: The Early 20th-Century Avant-Garde, Winter 1996
Box 164 Folder 8
Lit/Gen 168 and Vis 125E: An Anthology of Performance Art: From Origins to Surrealism (Volume One)

Spring 1995.

Box 164 Folder 9
Literature/General 184 and Visual Arts 130: American Indian Ritual: Poetry and Performance

Fall 1992.

Box 164 Folder 10
Lit/General 188 and Visual Arts 128D: American Indian Ritual and Performance, Spring 1996
Box 165 Folder 1
Lit/Writing 8B - The Craft of Poetry, Winter 1993
Box 165 Folder 2
LTWR 103: Advanced Poetry, Winter 1989
Box 165 Folder 3
Lit/Writing 102 and VIS 108 - Text Art/Visual Poetry: Seminar & Workshop, Spring 1993
Box 165 Folder 4
Lit/Writing 119 - Writing for Performance : Textsound: Verbal Performance Art

Spring 1997.

Box 165 Folder 5
Lit/Writing 135 - The Art of the Manifesto, Spring 1997
Box 165 Folder 6
Modernism: "Post" - Modern Poetry
Box 166 Folder 1
Poetry & Culture: Supplementary Readings
Box 166 Folder 2
Poetry & Performance (I): Art in Motion, 1985
Box 166 Folder 3-4
Visual Arts 2 - Introduction to Art Making, 1997-1998
Box 166 Folder 5
Visual Arts 104B - A Gathering of Directives & Permissions, Winter 1990
Box 166 Folder 6
Visual Arts 108 - Text Art: Advanced Projects in Art, Spring 1996
Box 167 Folder 1
Visual Arts 110 - Artists' Books & Text Art, Spring 1998
Box 167 Folder 2
Visual Arts 128CN - The Early 20th-Century Avant-Garde: Cubism, Expressionism, Futurism, DADA, & Surrealism

Spring 1998.

Box 167 Folder 3
Visual Arts 128D - Topics in Modern Art (Course Readings I), Spring 1989
Box 167 Folder 4
Visual Arts 128D - Topics in Modern Art (Course Readings II), Spring 1989
Box 167 Folder 5
VIS 237 - Between Poetry & Art: A Working Anthology of Writings by Artists, Spring 1991
Box 167 Folder 6-7
VIS 237 - Graduate Studies in Art (I & II), Spring 1991
Box 167 Folder 8
VIS 237 - Insert for RC02, Spring 1991
Box 167 Folder 9
VIS 237 - Graduate Studies in Art (III), Spring 1991


Scope and Content of Series

Series 16) WRITINGS ON ROTHENBERG: Articles, essays, and interviews about and with Rothenberg. Included is a typescript draft of Harry Polkinhorn's Jerome Rothenberg: A Descriptive Bibliography, articles and essays presented at poetry conferences and in magazines, and interviews in domestic and foreign publications. Arranged in two subseries: A) Criticism, and B) Interviews.


Box 168 Folder 1
Press kit for Bertram Turetzky
Box 168 Folder 2
Castro, Michael. "Jerome Rothenberg: New Forms From Old" - Chapter from Interesting the Indian: Twentieth Century Poets and the Native Americans
Box 168 Folder 3
Christensen, Paul. "The Other Rothenberg" - Typescript copy of talk presented at MLA
Box 168 Folder 4
Clifford, James. "Loose Ends for Jerome Rothenberg"
Box 168 Folder 5
Darras, Jacques. "Le Grande Poeme Americain", 1982
Box 168 Folder 6
Featherston, Dan. "Poetic Representation: Reznikoff's Holocaust and Rothenberg's Khurbn", 1997 - 1998
Box 168 Folder 7
Garber, Frederick. "Histories, Centers, Immediacies: The Poetics of Jerome Rothenberg" - Typescript of chapter draft
Box 168 Folder 8
Gitenstein, Barbara. Copy of essay on Rothenberg presented at the American Literature Association
Box 168 Folder 9
Kostelanetz, Richard. "Jerome Rothenberg"
Box 168 Folder 10
Lazer, Hank. "Thinking Made in the Mouth: The Cultural Poetics of David Antin and Jerome Rothenberg" - Also includes "Poetry Readings and the Contemporary Canon" and "The Politics of Form and Poetry's Other Subjects: Reading Contemporary American Poetry"
Box 168 Folder 11
Leonard, Tom. "Rothenberg, Chinweizu, and Duns Scotus" - Typescript
Box 168 Folder 12
Maud, Ralph. "Ethnopoetics: An Assessment" - Copy of paper presented at the Twelfth Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for American Studies, October 1976, 1976
Box 168 Folder 13
McCorkle, James. "Contemporary Poetics and History: Pinsky, Klepfisz, and Rothenberg", 1992
Box 168 Folder 14
Mottram, Eric. "Where the Real Song Begins: The Poetry of Jerome Rothenberg", 1975
Box 168 Folder 15
Mullen, William. "The Sin Against Homer: Roman & American Conquest" - Copy of typescript of essay on Shaking the Pumpkin
Box 168 Folder 16
Pacernick, Gary. Memory and Fire: Ten American Jewish Poets - Typescript of introduction and conclusion of a critical work on Poland/1931, 1989
Box 168 Folder 17
Perloff, Marjorie. Soundings: Zaum, Seriality, and the Recovery of the "Sacred", 1986
Box 168 Folder 18-20
Polkinhorn, Harry. Jerome Rothenberg: A Descriptive Bibliography - Typescript draft, 1988
Box 168 Folder 21
Rasula, Jed. "On Rothenberg's Revised Technicians of the Sacred"
Box 169 Folder 1
Schiffer, Reinhold. "From the Sixties into the Seventies: Themes and Modes in American Poetry", 1981
Box 169 Folder 2
Schwerner, Armand. Soundings on Oral Traditions and Performance - Introduction to performance at Poets House, March 1992
Box 169 Folder 3
Slawek, Tadeusz. "Poland: Jerome Rothenberg's Reading of Emptiness" - Typescript of paper read in Katowice in 1989
Box 169 Folder 4
Spar No 5: Rothenberg Responses (February 1982) - Issue of magazine devoted to responses to Rothenberg's visit to Seattle; Spar No 6 (March 1982)
Box 169 Folder 5
Vangelisti, Paul. Where the deer and the antelope play: Avantgarde magazines in the U.S.
Box 169 Folder 6
Wakoski, Diane. "Jerome Rothenberg's Deep Image" - Typescript of essay on Rothenberg
Box 169 Folder 7
Unidentified. "Jerome Rothenberg: A Poetics of Diversity" - Typescript of talk presented at Dec. 1990 MLA
Box 169 Folder 8
Unidentified. Analysis of Technicians of the Sacred - Typescript copy of essay
Box 169 Folder 9
Unidentified - Copy of account of 1979 indigenous ceremony in Mexico in which Rothenberg participated


Box 169 Folder 10
De L'Ethnopoesie Americaine Par David Antin et Jerome Rothenberg (1983) - Copy of interview by Jacques Darras published in Poesie
Box 169 Folder 11
Fragments Vers Une Ethnopoetique - Essay and interview with Yves de Manno, March 1999
Box 169 Folder 12
Flowers Normally Irregular: An Interview with Jerome Rothenberg and Pierre Joris - Interview by Jack Foley, 1998
Box 169 Folder 13
Poetry @ The_Millennium: A Conversation with Jerome Rothenberg and Pierre Joris - Interview by Chris Funkhouser, 1996
Box 169 Folder 14
Literacy and the Roots of Poetry: A Conversation with Jerome Rothenberg - Interview by Frederick Garber, 1987
Box 169 Folder 15
U Ogledalu Ritualnog: Klokotristicke Situakcije Tumaci Dzerom Rotenberg - Interview with Brana Dimitrijevic
Box 169 Folder 16
Interview with Manuel Brito for Spanish journal, 1988
Box 169 Folder 17
Interview with Rodrigo Garcia Lopes for Brazilian magazine Medusa
Box 169 Folder 18
Interview with Linda Montano


Scope and Content of Series

Series 17) READINGS, FESTIVALS AND CONFERENCES: Correspondence, flyers, clippings, posters, and programs, which document Rothenberg's extensive participation (1981-2000) in events in the United States and around the world. Included are materials on the St. Mark's Poetry Project Readings (1982-1998), the Taos Poetry Circus (1990-2000), and UC San Diego's New Writing Series. Arranged in three subseries: A) Events, B) Flyers and Announcements, and C) Correspondence.


Box 169 Folder 19
Towards a Transparent Language, Folger Shakespeare Library & University of Maryland, April-May 1981
Box 169 Folder 20
This World Poetry Festival, 1984
Box 169 Folder 21
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana and other readings in Mexico City, December 1984
Box 169 Folder 22
American Studies Association Tenth Biennial Convention, October-November 1985
Box 169 Folder 23
Poetry International 1986 - Rotterdamse Kunststichting, 1986
Box 169 Folder 24
SUNY Writers Festival, April 1987
Box 170 Folder 1
24th Annual Eastern Comparative Literature Conference, May 1987
Box 170 Folder 2
The Black Mountain Poets: The Emergence of An American School of Poetics, Bard College, June 1987
Box 170 Folder 3
Readings, Festivals, and Conferences. New Music and the Literary Imagination, October 1987
Box 170 Folder 4
World Music Days - International Society for Contemporary Music, Frankfurt, October 1987
Box 170 Folder 5
Anderson Center Avant Garde Series, SUNY-Binghampton, 1987 - 1988
Box 170 Folder 6
Performing Language: A Conference and Festival, SUNY-Binghamton, April 1988
Box 170 Folder 7
Okolicznosci: Dwudziesty Szosty Ktodzki Wieczor Artystyczny, performance in Warsaw, May 1988
Box 170 Folder 8
Politics of Poetic Form: Poetry and Public Policy, Wolfson Center for National Affairs of the New School, September 1988
Box 170 Folder 9
China correspondence, 1988
Box 170 Folder 10
National Poetry Week Festival, National Poetry Association, Inc, 1988 - 1989
Box 170 Folder 11
National Conference of Literary Centers, Detroit Institute of Arts, August 1989
Box 170 Folder 12
32(degree) Festival Dei Due Mondi: Voci Nell'Acqua, Fonti Del Clitunno Associazione Culturale, Spoleto, Italy, 1989
Box 170 Folder 13
Talking Gourds: A Weekend of Poetry and Poetics, Telluride Institute, September 1989
Box 171 Folder 1
A Performance Poetry Festival - Proposal, 1989 - 1990
Box 171 Folder 2
Poetry & Exile: Opening Remarks for a Panel at the Tikkun Conference in Los Angeles, January 10, 1990
Box 171 Folder 3
World Poetry Festival, Harbourfront, Canada, April 1990
Box 171 Folder 4
Sound Art Festival: 2nd Acustica International, Whitney Museum of American Art NYC, April 1990
Box 171 Folder 5-6
Japan - Materials and correspondence regarding readings & performances sponsored by the U.S. Information Service - U.S. Embassy, September 1990
Box 171 Folder 7
Fu Jen University Second International Conference on Literature and Religion, September 28-October 1, 1990
Box 171 Folder 8
50th Anniversary of Federico Lorca's Poet in New York Conference, New York University, December 1990
Box 171 Folder 9
Modern Language Association, 1990
Box 171 Folder 10
VIII (degree) Recontres Internationales de Poesie Contermporaine de Tarrascon, Association Generale des Recontres Internationales en Provence de Poesie d'Ajourd 'hui, 1991
Box 171 Folder 11
The Disappearing Pheasant: Italian Poetry Symposium, New York University, October 1991
Box 172 Folder 1
American Literature Association 1992 Conference. Panel on W.C. Williams
Box 172 Folder 2
Milanopoesia International Festival, Commune di Milano Settore Cultura e Spettacolo, October 1992
Box 172 Folder 3
Translation As Cultural Transmission: Toward a Politics and Poetics of Translation, Bard College, NY, October 1992
Box 172 Folder 4
Artist on the Cutting Edge: Cross Fertilizations, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, February-March 1993
Box 172 Folder 5
Tucson Poetry Festival XI, March 1993
Box 172 Folder 6
Hej Tatta Gorem! Internationell Text-Ljud Festival, Fylkingen, Sweden, May 6-8, 1993
Box 172 Folder 7
Fall 1993 Festivals and Conferences in New York, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, and the Netherlands
Box 172 Folder 8
Judisches in Kalifornien, Judische Gemeinde zu Berlin, November 1993
Box 172 Folder 9
Mapping the New Wilderness in Contemporary Poetry and Ethnopoetics - Nature and Culture Seminar Series, UC Davis, May 3, 1994
Box 172 Folder 10
Les Manifestations Autour De L'Oeuvre Litteraire de Schwitters, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, November 1994
Box 172 Folder 11
Poets/Writers Reading Series, East West Gallery and King's College, London, November 1994
Box 172 Folder 12
MLA, San Diego - Special Session: Charles Reznikoff and Jewish/American Identity, December 1994
Box 172 Folder 13
Rencontres: Logique & Poesie, Centre International de Poesie Marseille, October 1995
Box 172 Folder 14
Colloque International pour Paul Celan, Ecole Normal Superieure/Maison de Ecrivains, Paris, November 23-27, 1995
Box 172 Folder 15
Les Rencontres du Musee National der Arts d'Afrique et d'Oceanie, Paris, November 1995
Box 173 Folder 1
MLA, Chicago - Panel: The Anthology as an Instrument of Change: Poems for the Millennium as Global Assemblage of the Twentieth Century Avant-Garde, 1995
Box 173 Folder 2
American Poetry in the 1950s, National Poetry Foundation, University of Maine, Orono, June 1996
Box 173 Folder 3
Workshop on Experimental Writing, University of Hawaii, Manoa, September 2, 1996
Box 173 Folder 4
Japan - Includes correspondence regarding faculty seminar at Kumamoto University, Readings at Josai University and Mandala, October-November 1996
Box 173 Folder 5
An Evening with Kazutoki Umezu: Music & Poetry. El Campo Ruse, June 1997
Box 173 Folder 6
Poetics & Cultural Studies: The Eric Mottram Conference, University of London/Centre for English Studies, September 1997
Box 173 Folder 7
UCLA Center for Modern and Contemporary Studies and Humanities Research Institute's Conference on Translation Studies and the University, February 2, 1999
Box 173 Folder 8
People's Poetry Gathering, April 1999
Box 173 Folder 9
Harvard University Department of Folklore and Mythology Symposium, Ethnopoetics: Prospects and Retrospects, April 28, 1999
Box 173 Folder 10
UCSD Arts and Humanities Conference, Tribal History & New Technology: Tools to Preserve Future Traditions, May 12, 1999
Box 173 Folder 11
Budapest, Hungary - Includes correspondence, copies of essays, and editorials by Eniko Bollobas, September 1999
Box 173 Folder 12
Centro di Ricerca per il Teatro Romapoesia, The New American Writing Series/Poesia del Mondo, October 1999
Box 173 Folder 13
Stadt Aachen Ludwig forum fur Internationale Kunst, October 1999
Box 173 Folder 14
Biennale Internationale Des Poetes en Val-de Marne, November 1999
Box 173 Folder 15
Dada, Juds, & Indianis, Riga, Latvia, May 5, 2000
Box 173 Folder 16
Earth 2000: La Tierra Ano 2000/ PEN-UNESCO International Symposium, January 19-21, 2000
Box 173 Folder 17
Poetry Reading, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 9, 2000
Box 173 Folder 18
Reading: LA County Museum of Art
Box 174 Folder 1
Poetry Flash Readings at Cody's, 1981 - 1994
Box 174 Folder 2
Polyphonix: Festival International de Poesie Directe, 1981 - 1986
Box 174 Folder 3
St. Marks Poetry Project Readings, 1982 - 1998
Box 174 Folder 4
Taos Poetry Circus, 1990 - 2000
Box 174 Folder 5
UCSD Readings
Box 174 Folder 6
New Writing Series

Flyers and Announcements

Box 174 Folder 7
1960 - 1975
Box 175 Folder 1-7
1976 - 2001
Box 176 Folder 1
1994 - 2001, cont


Box 176 Folder 2-4
1984 - 2000 & undated. Includes Rothenberg's summary list of performances (1981-1982)
Box 176 Folder 5
Published interviews, 1979 - 1986
Box 176 Folder 6
Invitations to participate in readings, conferences, and festivals


Scope and Content of Series

Series 18) WRITING SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS: Papers from Rothenberg's participation in writing workshops at the Poets House, University of Athens, Technical University of Crete, and the Naropa Institute, as well as poetry workshops in San Miguel and Tijuana, Mexico.

Box 176 Folder 7
Translation Theory from the Bible to Benjamin and Beyond: Translation in Humanities Instruction, Summer Institute for College and University Professors, June/July 1993
Box 176 Folder 8
Poets House Seminar: Poems for the Millennium: The Modern Experiment as a Global Poetics, October 1998
Box 176 Folder 9
University of Athens Faculty Seminars on Ethnopoetics, December 1992
Box 176 Folder 10
Technical University of Crete Art Department, three week seminar correspondence with Alex Kapsokavadis, April-May 1999
Box 176 Folder 11
Naropa Institute Department of Writing and Poetics Summer Writing Program, 1989 - 1999
Box 177 Folder 1
Schule fur Dichtung in Wien September-Akademie 99 - Course: Writing Through: The Practice of Othering, Vienna, September 13-26, 1999
Box 177 Folder 2
Poetry workshops: San Miguel MX (July 9-15) & Tijuana MX (November 13-15), 2000


Scope and Content of Series

Series 19) POETRY READING TOURS: This series documents Rothenberg's poetry reading tours (1997-1999) to France and New York City.

Box 177 Folder 3
France, 1997
Box 177 Folder 4-5
Performances attended - New York City, 1998-1999


Scope and Content of Series

Series 20) AUDIOCASSETTE RECORDINGS (1975-1997). Arranged in four subseries: A) Rothenberg and Others Reading, B) Rothenberg Reading Titled Works, C) Interviews, and D) Readings by Others.

Of interest is a 1985 recording of "Voice" with Allen Ginsberg at the Naropa Institute, interviews for KPFK and KPFA in Los Angeles (1983, 1994) and for KPBS's "These Days" program in San Diego.

Rothenberg and Others Reading

Box 183 Folder 15-16
Box 178 Folder 2
Box 178 Folder 6
Box 178 Folder 7
Box 178 Folder 8
Box 178 Folder 9
Box 178 Folder 10
Box 178 Folder 13
Box 178 Folder 14
Box 178 Folder 16-17
Box 179 Folder 1-2
Box 179 Folder 3
Box 179 Folder 4
Box 179 Folder 5
Box 179 Folder 6
Box 179 Folder 7
Box 179 Folder 9
Box 179 Folder 10
Box 179 Folder 11
Box 179 Folder 12
Box 179 Folder 13
Box 179 Folder 14
Box 179 Folder 15
Box 179 Folder 16
Box 179 Folder 17
Box 180 Folder 1
Box 180 Folder 2
Box 180 Folder 3
Box 180 Folder 4
Box 180 Folder 6
Box 180 Folder 7
Box 180 Folder 8
Box 180 Folder 9
Box 180 Folder 10

Rothenberg Reading Titled Works

Box 180 Folder 11
Box 180 Folder 12
Box 180 Folder 13
Box 180 Folder 14
Box 180 Folder 16
Box 180 Folder 17
Box 181 Folder 1
Box 181 Folder 2
Box 181 Folder 3
Box 181 Folder 5
Box 181 Folder 6
Box 181 Folder 9
Box 181 Folder 11
Box 181 Folder 12
Box 182 Folder 2
Box 182 Folder 3-4
Box 182 Folder 5
Box 182 Folder 6
Box 182 Folder 7
Box 182 Folder 8
Box 182 Folder 9
Box 182 Folder 10
Box 182 Folder 11
Box 182 Folder 12
Box 182 Folder 13
Box 182 Folder 14-17
Box 183 Folder 1
Box 183 Folder 2
Box 183 Folder 4


Box 183 Folder 7
Box 183 Folder 10

By Others

Box 183 Folder 11
Box 183 Folder 13
Box 183 Folder 14

Accessions Processed in 2007, 2022


Scope and Content of Series

Series 21) BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS: Contains awards, appointment and wall calendars, notebooks, images and photographs, awards, notes and business cards, and personal memorabilia.

Box 184 Folder 1
Appointment calendar, annotated, 1994
Oversize FB-474 Folder 4
Calendars, annotated, 1981 - 1992
Box 184 Folder 3
Certificates of Appreciation - Presented to Jerome and Diane Rothenberg for their participation and support of the Tribal History and New Technology Conference held at the Institute of the Americas, UCSD, 1999
Box 184 Folder 4
Honorary Doctor of Letters - State University of New York at Oneonta, 1997
Box 184 Folder 5
Notebook - Contains handwritten notations for telephone messages, addresses, shopping lists and other miscellaneous notations, ca. 1998-2001
Box 184 Folder 6
Notes and business cards - Includes Allen Ginsberg's printed business card
Box 184 Folder 7
Papers and book collection - Correspondence including an appraisal, handwritten lists of books, and correspondence with Mandeville Special Collections Library (UCSD) personnel, 1977 - 1987
Box 184 Folder 8
PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Award - Correspondence from judge Jack Foley who chose the book Poems for the Millennium: The University of California's Book of Modern and Postmodern Poetry , 1996
Box 184 Folder 9
Portrait - Photocopy of drawing annotated, "The UCSD Visual Arts Department, Jerome Rothenberg, Chair - Office Hours: by appointment only", ca. 1989
Box 191 Folder 8
Seneca Nation Project with letter to Sadie from Diane Rothenberg, undated
Box 200 Folder 9
60th birthday event, 1991
Box 191 Folder 1
70th birthday celebration, 2001 December 21

Includes photographs from the event.

Box 191 Folder 2
75th birthday party/50 years of friendship: Jerome Rothenberg and David Antin, 2006 December 9
Box 191 Folder 3
Biographical information, undated
Box 191 Folder 4
Biography of Jerome Rothenberg by Hilene Flanzbaum, undated
Box 191 Folder 5
Library Local Author Lifetime Achievement Award, 2006-2007
Box 191 Folder 6
PEN Literary Award for Translation, 2002
Box 191 Folder 7
Photographs of Rothenberg, undated
Box 199 Folder 7
Drawing by Morgan Hooper "Jerry Rothenberg's Spiritually Significant Cats", undated
Box 199 Folder 8
Drawing by Diane Rothenberg, subject Jerry Rothenberg, 2000


Scope and Content of Series

Series 22) CORRESPONDENCE: Letters and cards sent to Rothenberg (1978-2007) including correspondence from Chicano poet and activist Alurista, Michael Brownstein, Howard and Jane Norman, Carol Bergé, Joyce Cutler-Shaw, Jack Foley, Allan Kaprow, Jackson Mac Low, Douglas Messerli, and Diane Wakoski. The correspondence is arranged alphabetically within two subseries, reflecting its origins in two separate accessions.

First 2007 Accession

Box 184 Folder 10
Achter, Paula - Includes correspondence regarding her film, The Cure of Enki , 1993
Box 184 Folder 11
Alurista - Correspondence and a curriculum vitae from the Chicano poet and activist. Alurista is the pen name of Alberto Baltazar Urista Heredia, 1996
Box 184 Folder 12
Brownstein, Michael - Includes correspondence, curriculum vitae, and typescript of a poem entitled, "The Near Future", 1994
Box 184 Folder 13
Cohen, Becky, 2006 - 2007
Box 184 Folder 14-15
C-D - Miscellaneous
Box 184 Folder 16
F - Miscellaneous
Box 184 Folder 17-20
J-M - Miscellaneous
Box 184 Folder 21
Norman, Howard and Jane, 1992 - 2006
Box 184 Folder 22
O - Miscellaneous
Box 184 Folder 23

Second 2007 Accession

Box 191 Folder 9
Ajens, Andrés, 2005

Includes photographs of Rothenberg with David Antin.

Box 191 Folder 10
Anvil Press Poetry Ltd., 1997-2002
Box 191 Folder 11
A - Miscellaneous, 1997-2006
Box 191 Folder 12
Beier, Ulli, 1998-2000
Box 191 Folder 13
Bergé, Carol, 2005
Box 191 Folder 14
Blaine, Julien, 2001-2002
Box 191 Folder 15
Brito, Manuel, 2005-2006
Box 191 Folder 16
B - Miscellaneous, 1997-2006
Box 191 Folder 17
Cohen, Becky, 1999-2002

Includes photograph of Ito Hiromi, David Antin and Jerome Rothenberg by Becky Cohen for Rothenberg's "Paradise of Poets."

Box 191 Folder 18
Collom, Jack, 2000-2001
Box 191 Folder 19
Conz, Francesco, 1998-2002
Box 191 Folder 20
Cutler-Shaw, Joyce, 2001, 2006

Includes "Lost and Found in the Garden of Wild Birds and Grasses" poster.

Box 191 Folder 21
C - Miscellaneous, 1998-2007
Box 191 Folder 22
D - E Miscellaneous, 1996-2005
Box 192 Folder 1
Foley, Jack, 2002
Box 192 Folder 2
F - Miscellaneous, 1998-2006
Box 192 Folder 3
G - I Miscellaneous, 1996-2006
Box 200 Folder 1
Johnson, Ray, 1968
Box 200 Folder 2-3
Joris, Pierre, 1994-1996
Box 192 Folder 4
J - Miscellaneous, 1996-2005
Box 192 Folder 5
Kaprow, Allan, 2005-2006
Box 192 Folder 6
Keys, Kerry Shawn, 2000

Includes drafts of poetry.

Box 192 Folder 7
K - Miscellaneous, 2005-2006
Box 192 Folder 8
L - Miscellaneous, 1994-2006
Box 192 Folder 9
Mac Low, Jackson, 1996-2003

Includes drafts of various poems sent to Jerry and Diane Rothenberg, including "Jerry Rothenberg at Naropa."

Box 192 Folder 10
Martone, John, 2002 November 23
Box 192 Folder 11
McClure, Michael, 2003-2005
Box 192 Folder 12
Messerli, Douglas, 2001-2005
Box 192 Folder 13
M - Miscellaneous, 1995-2005
Box 192 Folder 14
Noël, Ann, 2002-2007
Box 192 Folder 15
Norman, Howard, 1999-2005
Box 192 Folder 16
N - Miscellaneous, 1998-2003
Box 192 Folder 17
Oda, Makoto, 2001-2005
Box 193 Folder 1
O - Miscellaneous, 1999-2004
Box 193 Folder 2
P - Miscellaneous, 1999-2006
Box 193 Folder 3
Quasha, George, 2002
Box 193 Folder 4
Reichman, Sebastian and Luba, 1997-2002
Box 193 Folder 5
Resnick, Milton, 1996-2003
Box 193 Folder 6
Reut, Tita, 2000-2001
Box 193 Folder 7
Roffé, Mercedes, 1998-2001

Includes book review.

Box 193 Folder 8
Roth, Moira, 1998-2006
Box 193 Folder 9
Rothenberg, Matthew, 2001
Box 193 Folder 10
R - Miscellaneous, 1998-2006
Box 193 Folder 11
Sato, Hiro, 2000-2003
Box 193 Folder 12
Sultz, Philip, 2003-2004
Box 193 Folder 13
S - Miscellaneous, 1999-2005
Box 200 Folder 4-5
University of California Press, 1987-1998

Regarding the publication of Poems for the Millennium, Volumes I and II.

Box 193 Folder 14
T-V - Miscellaneous, 1996-2006
Box 193 Folder 15
Wakoski, Diane, 2001-2006
Box 193 Folder 16
W - Miscellaneous, 1998-2005
Box 193 Folder 17
X , Y, Z - Miscellaneous, 1993-2004
Box 193 Folder 18
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1971-2003


Scope and Content of Series

Series 23) WRITINGS BY ROTHENBERG: Printed poems, galley proofs, handwritten notes for talks and comments, translations, book reviews, editorial projects, and poem groupings for readings and workshops. Notable work includes typescript drafts and notes from María Sabina (2003), a book of chants from the Oaxacan shaman María Sabina with accompanying essays and poems, edited by Rothenberg; Suites (2000), Federico Lorca's collected poems translated by Rothenberg and published by Green Integer Press; and Writing Through: Translations and Variations (2004), a book of poetry in translation with commentary by Rothenberg spanning his 50 plus year career. Also includes Rothenberg's poetry translated by other poets into Spanish, French, German and Japanese.

Box 184 Folder 24
"Belgrade Apocalypse," "Golem & Goddess," "Gematria Seven" - Printed poems which appeared in the Theatre Review , 1988
Box 184 Folder 25
"Blackburn, Paul - Comments" - Handwritten, partial comments draft, annotated, "for NYU event", 1986
Box 184 Folder 26 Oversize FB-474-05
Esther K. Comes to America (1974) - Galleys and mock-ups, 1973
Box 184 Folder 27
"For A Conference on Anthologies" - Typed notes for conference held at the University of California, San Diego, 1994
Box 184 Folder 28
"Gematria" event - Includes handwritten performance notes, photocopies of Hebrew writings and symbols, undated
Box 184 Folder 29
Jackson Mac Low's Representative Works: 1938-1985 - Handwritten and annotated typescript drafts of book review, 1986
Box 184 Folder 30
Living Theatre comments - Handwritten introduction of Judith Malina and Hanon Reznikov at a reception sponsored by the New York State Summer Writers Institute and others, 1987
Box 184 Folder 31
Miscellaneous materials - Miscellaneous handwritten comments on notecards, theatre programs, and essays, 2001 - 2006
Box 184 Folder 32
Miscellaneous writings on a pad - Part 1. Handwritten drafts of letters, lists, poems, plans and projects. Includes handwritten draft of work on Native American poetry with laid-in typescript pages, 1986
Box 185 Folder 1
Miscellaneous writings on a pad - Part 2. Handwritten drafts of letters to friends, replies to requests to reprint poems, translations of Hebrew and of American slang and cultural references for a translation into French of one of Rothenberg's poems, undated
Box 185 Folder 2
Miscellaneous writings on a yellow legal pad, undated
Box 185 Folder 3
Performance workshop - Handwritten outline of workshop with headings such as "I. Mystic Animals," "II. The 'Reading'," and "III. Video - Initiation", undated
Box 185 Folder 4
Pictures of the Crucifixion - Printed announcement by Granary Press of book by Rothenberg and David Rathman, 1995
Box 185 Folder 5
Poem grouping - Typescript of poems for an unidentified reading. Includes memorial poem entitled, "James Laughlin - 1914-1997", ca. 1997-1998
Box 185 Folder 6
"A Valentine, No, a Valedictory for Gertrude Stein" - Printed copy of poem from Poems for the Game of Silence, (1975), 1991
Box 194 Folder 1
4 poèmes d'un Livre des Recels, undated
Box 194 Folder 2
25 Caprichos After Goya, with translations into Spanish by Heriberto Yepez, undated

Drafts with edits.

Box 194 Folder 3
A Babe Sits Placidly in Schwitters' Bau, undated
Box 194 Folder 4
A Book of the Book , 2000
Box 194 Folder 5-7
A Book of Witness , 2002

Corrected proofs, drafts and translation of partial draft into French.

Box 194 Folder 8
Buddha poem, undated
Box 194 Folder 9
The Burning Babe and Other Poems , 2001 May 25
Box 194 Folder 10
The Case for Memory. Draft by Jerome Rothenberg and Ian Tyson, 2001
Box 194 Folder 11
Crossing the Andes and La Diffunta Correa, 2004
Box 194 Folder 12
The End Is the Beginning, undated
Box 194 Folder 13
The Fire Deep Inside, undated
Box 194 Folder 14
I Am the Uncommitted, undated

Includes second half of poem.

Box 194 Folder 15
I Arrive in Paris, undated

Includes second half of poem.

Box 194 Folder 16
I Have Paid the Price and Lost, undated
Box 194 Folder 17
I Is the First Word, undated
Box 194 Folder 18
I Leave No Time for Pleasure, undated
Box 194 Folder 19
In a Cat's World Light Is Black, undated
Box 194 Folder 20
Interlude Two, undated
Box 194 Folder 21
It Is a Shame to Watch My Face, undated
Box 194 Folder 22
Like Pale Balloons, undated
Box 194 Folder 23
A Man in Love with Death, undated
Box 194 Folder 24-25
Maria Sabina , 1998-2002
Box 195 Folder 1
Maria Sabina , 2003

Draft of essay.

Box 195 Folder 2
Maria Sabina y Los Hongos Alucinantes , undated

LIBRO comic and correspondence with UC Press

Box 195 Folder 3
Men Laugh at Men, undated
Box 195 Folder 4
The Miracle of Death, undated

Includes second half of poem.

Box 195 Folder 5
Night Walk Variations II, undated
Box 195 Folder 6
No Greater Happiness, undated
Box 195 Folder 7
Nothing but the Air around Them, undated
Box 195 Folder 8
Nuevos Modelos, Nuevos Visiones: Prosa Selecta excerpts, 2006
Box 195 Folder 9
A Number Greater than Infinity, undated
Box 195 Folder 10
Poems about Angels and Saints, undated
Box 195 Folder 11
Poems for the Game of Silence, translated into Spanish, undated
Box 195 Folder 12
Poems translated into German, 1986 June
Box 195 Folder 13
Poetry at the Turning - Partial draft of talk with edits, undated
Box 195 Folder 14
Postface to Triptych - Essay draft, undated
Box 195 Folder 15
The Rape of Nanking, 2004

Includes translation and article in Japanese.

Box 195 Folder 16
The Rest is Commentary, undated
Box 195 Folder 17
Royan Notebook, 2002

With edits and commentary by Pierre Joris.

Box 195 Folder 18
The Song Begins by Juan Gregorio Regino, translated by Jerome Rothenberg, undated
Box 195 Folder 19
Suites. Collected poems by Federico Garcia Lorca. Translated by Rothenberg., 2001
Box 195 Folder 20
Tibetan Boogies, undated
Box 195 Folder 21
The Times are Never Right, 2002
Box 195 Folder 22
To the Babe in Glory, undated
Box 195 Folder 23
To Make Life Real, undated

Includes second half of poem.

Box 195 Folder 24
Translation of poems by Yves di Manno, undated
Box 195 Folder 25
Writing Through - Draft, 2002
Box 196 Folder 1-8
Writing Through , 2003-2006

Proposal, page proofs, forward written by Charles Bernstein, copy editing and production materials, and Wesleyan University Press review.

Box 196 Folder 9
Proposal for a Collected/Selected Poetics, undated
Box 197 Folder 2-4
Miscellaneous notebooks, undated
Box 197 Folder 5
Notes about Canntaireachd, 2001


Scope and Content of Series

Series 24) CRITICISM, INTERVIEWS AND REVIEWS: Typescripts, printed works, and periodical and newspaper articles and reviews about Rothenberg and his work in American, French, and German publications. Also included is an analysis of Rothenberg's work by an unidentified writer but with annotations by Rothenberg and an interview with Pierre Joris, Rothenberg's co-editor and long-time collaborator on Poems for the Millennium. Materials range in date from 1980-2007.

Box 185 Folder 7
Covi, Giovanna. Typescript draft of "Words of Poetry, Words of Theory: At Breakfast with Don Byrd, Robert Creeley, Douglas Gunn, Judith Johnson, Charles Stein and William Spanos", ca. 1987
Box 185 Folder 8
Gilam, Dr. Abraham. Photocopy of newspaper article entitled, "Myths Essential to Jewish Consciousness, Poet Says," dated March 27, in the St. Louis Jewish Light, regarding Rothenberg's upcoming visit at River Styx, the Duff's Poetry Series, 1985
Box 185 Folder 9
Harrison, Donald H. Newspaper article about Rothenberg entitled, "Hidden Codes in the Torah," published in the San Diego Jewish Press Heritage , October 7, 1994
Box 185 Folder 10
Joris, Pierre. Photocopy of typescript introductory remarks about Rothenberg entitled, "Presentation Notes - Jerome Rothenberg reading at SUNY Albany, September 22, 1993"
Box 185 Folder 11
"Major Work and Themes." Typescript of an analysis of Rothenberg's work by an unidentified author with handwritten annotations by Rothenberg, 1998
Box 185 Folder 12
Menard, Pierre. Article mentioning Rothenberg entitled, "Trente Ans de Traduction Poetique en France: Un Bref Tour D' Horizon," that appeared in La Pensee, #297, 1994
Box 185 Folder 13
Muratori, Fred. Newspaper article entitled, "Remixing Lorca, Recounting the Word," from the American Book Review which reviewed Rothenberg's The Lorca Variations and Gematria , 1994 - 1995
Box 185 Folder 14
Portante, Jean. Newspaper article entitled, "Nomades," and a Corina Mersch interview entitled, "Une bibliotheque ideale des avant-gardes," with Pierre Joris, in Bucher Livres , July 17, 1998
Box 185 Folder 15-21
Reviews and articles, 1950-2007
Box 197 Folder 13
Anaya, Jose Vicente and Maria Vazquez Valdez. Interview with Jerome Rothenberg in Spanish., 2001 January 21
Box 197 Folder 14
Cohen-Cheminet, Genevieve, 2003-2004

Papers about Rothenberg's Khurbn & Other Poems, Poems for the Millennium and Fourteen Stations.

Box 198 Folder 1
Girardi, Juliana. Article about event with Jerome Rothenberg (in Portuguese), 2004 December 2
Box 198 Folder 2
Interview: Jerry Rothenberg with Marjorie Perloff, Charles Bernstein and Cecilia Vicuna, undated
Box 198 Folder 3
Interview: Nina Zivancevic with Jerome Rothenberg in Paris, undated
Box 198 Folder 4
Interview: "Questions of Meaning, Questions of Sound: An Interview with Jerome Rothenberg" in The Vienna Journal of English-Language Poetry , 1993 October 16
Box 198 Folder 5
Joris, Pierre. Article about Jerome Rothenberg (in French), 2001 April 20
Box 198 Folder 6-7
Reviews, 1980-2007


Scope and Content of Series

Series 25) WRITINGS OF OTHERS: Typescripts of poems and works by other writers.

Box 186 Folder 1
Acker, Kathy. Typescript and website printouts of story ideas, in English and in French. Includes a memorial card after her death, 1968 - 1997
Box 186 Folder 2
Editions Ottezec. Catalog in French featuring Delights' Delices and Other Gematria by Rothenberg and Ian Tyson, 1999
Box 186 Folder 3
Miscellaneous Greek poem fragments - Typescripts of "Three Words from Thomas Bernhard," excerpts from Euripede's "Bacchae," and Aeschylus' "The Women of Perrhaebia," "Bassarids" and the "Edonians"
Box 186 Folder 4
Schoning, Klaus. "WDR3 - Studio Akustische Kunst," translated by Judith Rosenthal. Includes a printed pamphlet with a history of the Acoustic Art Studio on German radio from 1963-1998 in which Rothenberg participated in its "Riverrun" production
Box 186 Folder 5
Schwerner, Armand. Photocopies of galley pages of Selected Shorter Poems, Schwerner's last book published shortly after his death, 1999
Box 197 Folder 6
Antin, David. "John Cage Uncaged is still Cagey" and "I never knew what time it was", undated
Box 197 Folder 7
Berdeshevsky, Margo. Various poems, 2001

Includes correspondence to Rothenberg.

Box 197 Folder 8
Glass, Jesse. Visual Poetry, undated
Box 197 Folder 9
Le Zotte, Ann Clare. "A Good Voice: Poems Translated from Sign Language", 1998 August 10

Includes correspondence to Rothenberg.

Box 197 Folder 10-11
Meltzer, David. David's Copy: The Selected Poems of David Meltzer - Photocopy of Meltzer's final edited draft, 2004 May 22

Introduction by Jerome Rothenberg. Edited with Forward by Michael Rothenberg; and "David Meltzer, A Pre-Face," by Rothenberg.

Box 197 Folder 12
Tardos, Anne. "The Aim of All Nature is Beauty", 2006 May 5 -7


Scope and Content of Series

Series 26) TEACHING MATERIALS: Information on Rothenberg in his role as teacher and administrator at two major universities, State University of New York (SUNY), Binghamton and UC San Diego, as well as workshops at non-affiliated venues. Miscellaneous items include photocopied course reading selections and course descriptions for workshops and classes.

Box 186 Folder 5-8
State University of New York (SUNY), Binghamton, 1982-1988

Rothenberg's earlier academic career from 1982 to 1988. Included is correspondence regarding Rothenberg's hiring, appointments, promotions, sabbaticals, and resignation. Also included are proposals for the creative writing program and other course changes and descriptions, memoranda regarding Rothenberg's involvement with various committees and his collaboration with the Cinema department.

Oversize FB-444 Folder 8
SUNY Reader Series posters, 1987

With the poets' photograph and an announcement of their reading. Includes Diane Wakoski, Jackson Mac Low, Judith Malina, Howard Norman and Jane Shore.

Box 186 Folder 9-10
UC San Diego - Administrative materials, 1988-1998

Correspondence regarding hiring, appointments, promotions, research, travel, and studio funding issues, sabbaticals, and his retirement. Additionally, the files contain course descriptions, poetry event planning and promotion materials, and documentation of Rothenberg's tenure as chair of UCSD's Visual Arts Department. Also included are anonymous UCSD student evaluations of Rothenberg's teaching in such advanced courses as American Indian Ritual and Performance, Text Art, Verbal and Sound Performance, History of Performance, and Introduction to Art-Making.

Box 186 Folder 11
UC San Diego Library slide collection project - Correspondence regarding photographing artists' books in conjunction with the Visual Arts faculty, 1991 - 1992
Box 187 Folder 1
Advanced Poetry Workshop, The Long Poem, Investigative Poetry - Includes photocopies of poems selected for use in the workshop
Box 187 Folder 2
DADA Anthology - Includes photocopies of articles and poems by Rothenberg and others possibly used as a master for a course reader and printed original art cover page
Box 187 Folder 3
Postmodern American Poetics and Ethnopoetics, additional readings - Course reader created by Rothenberg includes photocopied works of Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, etc
Box 187 Folder 4
Writing Through the Practice of Othering - Course taught at the Naropa Institute School of Continuing Education, 1999


Scope and Content of Series

Series 27) EVENTS: Materials highlighting Rothenberg's participation (1980s-2006) in readings, festivals, conferences and other events such as the Associated Writing Programs Annual Conference (1999), Bumbershoot, Seattle's Arts Festival (1989), the Festival of the Living Word: Voices of the African Diaspora and Indigenous America (1994), and the International Arts Festival Celebrating Jewish Heritage (2000), among others. Also included are notes on possible collaborations and event posters and announcements.

Oversize FB-444 Folder 8
Bread and Puppet Theatre - "Our Domestic Resurrection Circus" - Posters, 1995
Box 187 Folder 5
Bumbershoot - Seattle Arts Festival - Includes official program with Rothenberg appearance at this festival, September 1-4, 1989
Box 187 Folder 6
Festival of the Living Word: Voices of the African Diaspora and Indigenous America - Includes article in PSA News, Vol 43, the newsletter of the Poetry Society of America, documenting Rothenberg's participation, 1994
Box 187 Folder 7
International Arts Festival Celebrating Jewish Heritage - Includes program featuring photograph and announcement of Rothenberg's participation. Festival held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 19, 2000
Box 187 Folder 8
Khurbn/Hiroshima - Facsimile copy of preliminary discussions for a proposed collaboration between Peter Schumann and Charlie Morrow with Rothenberg reading poetry. Includes typescript of "Twentieth Century Limited," a poem by Rothenberg, 1995
Box 187 Folder 9
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) Institute for Art & Culture - Correspondence, newspaper advertisements, an article by Peter Frank from L.A. Weekly, and a LACMA mailer regarding Rothenberg's December 13 performance, "Writing Through Picasso", 1998
Box 187 Folder 10
Modern Language Association of America (MLA) - Correspondence regarding Rothenberg and others' participation in the MLA convention program on American Indian, Asian American, African American, Chicano and Puerto Rican Literature, 1988 - 1989
Oversize FB-444 Folder 8
Poetry Project symposium - Poster, 1995
Oversize FB-474 Folder 6-8
Readings, announcements, flyers, and posters, 1980-2007
Box 187 Folder 11
Retrospective on Kurt Schwitters - Exhibition materials documenting Rothenberg's participation in program held at the Centre Georges Pompidou National Gallery of Art, 1994
Box 187 Folder 12
Seminar fur Englische Philologie - Abteilung fur Amerikanistik - Flyers regarding Rothenberg's appearance, in German, 1998
Box 187 Folder 13
SUNY Albany - New York State Writers Institute, 1986
Box 198 Folder 8
80th Birthday Celebration for Jackson Mac Low flyer, 2002 October 18
Box 198 Folder 9
Avant the Garde at San Diego State University, 2005 May 31-July 5
Box 198 Folder 10
Bard College talk introduction, 2004 April
Box 198 Folder 11
Dynamic Exchange: Collaborative Works of Jerome Rothenberg - UC San Diego Library event and exhibit, 2007 January 31
Box 198 Folder 12
Poetry reading and discussion event at the Pacific Film Archive, 2006 January 21
Box 198 Folder 13
Event at the Poetry Center at Smith College, 2006 February 14
Box 198 Folder 14
Events with Jerome Rothenberg and Cecilia Vicuña in South America, 2004 November-December
Box 198 Folder 15-21
Flyers and announcements for poetry events, 1999-2006, undated
Box 198 Folder 22
The Louis Zukofsky Centennial Conference, 2004 September 17-19
Box 198 Folder 23
People's Poetry Gathering - The Stones of Civilization and Revitalizing Language through Literature, and Literature through Language, 2006 May 5 -7
Box 198 Folder 24
Trip to China - Photographs, map and program, 2002
Box 199 Folder 1
A Program for the Athenaeum (concert with Bertram and Nancy Turetzky and Jerome Rothenberg) flyer, undated
Box 199 Folder 2
Reading at Cal State San Marcos - Short interview in North County Times, 2006 November 11
Box 199 Folder 3
Reading at Soka University, 2006 March 9
Box 199 Folder 4
Symposium at Sapporo University - Standing at the Margin-Crossroads of Culture: Poet as Tricksters, 2004
Box 199 Folder 5
"That Dada Strain" Play announcement in Art Awareness, 1987 August 7-8
Box 199 Folder 6
World Poetry Academy booklet, 2002
Box 199 Folder 9
Memorial for Sara Blackburn, 2002 December 7
Box 199 Folder 10
Obituary for Cid Corman, 2005 December 17
Box 199 Folder 11
Obituary for Allan Kaprow with memorial poem by Rothenberg, 2006 April
Oversize FB-479 Folder 4
Poetry event posters, 1974-2006


Scope and Content of Series

Series 28) POETRY READING TOURS: Arranged to reflect Rothenberg's poetry trips which included South America (2004), the Southern United States (Spring 2005), and Chihuahua, Mexico (Fall 2005). The files contain itineraries, travel contacts and information, brochures and photographs.

Box 187 Folder 14
South American Tour - Includes itineraries, travel documents, and photographs of Rothenberg and others, 2004
Box 187 Folder 15
Southern United States Tour - Contains itineraries and travel information for tour to Duke University, University of Georgia, University of Alabama, Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge) and the University of Louisville, 2005
Box 187 Folder 16
Chihuahua, Mexico Tour - Includes a schedule featuring Rothenberg's participation in a program entitled, "Dos Poetas esta dounidenses" with Margaret Randall and Jose Vincent Anaya, 2005


Scope and Content of Series

Series 29) AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Recordings by Rothenberg and others including Kurt Schwitters's Ursonate, performed by Eberhard Blum. Also included are selections of Rothenberg's "Horse Songs," as well as miscellaneous Hebrew materials. An Eva-tone soundsheet (a small flexible plastic record) contains an Easter Sunrise Sermon by the Reverend W.T. Goodwin in 1971, and Jackson Mac Low's "From Stanzas for Iris Lezak," with simultaneous performances by David Antin, Spencer Holst, Iris Lezak, Jackson Mac Low, Mordecai Mark Mac Low, Emmet Williams and Rothenberg, recorded on May 20, 1966 for radio station, WRVR, in New York. Arranged in two subseries: A) Sound Recordings, and B) Videos.

Sound Recordings

Box 189 Folder 1-2
Box 189 Folder 3
Mac Low, Jackson. "Stanzas for Iris Lezak" soundsheet and container notes, 1966 May 20

Performers include David Antin, Spencer Holst, Iris Lezak, Jackson Mac Low, Mordecai Mac Low, Jerome Rothenberg, and Emmett Williams. Side B contains Reverend W.T. Goodwin's "Easter Sunrise Sermon", 1971, John's Island, S.C.


VHS cassettes

Box 202 Folder 2
Box 202 Folder 5
Box 202 Folder 6

Includes note from Thomas.

Box 202 Folder 7
Box 202 Folder 8
Box 202 Folder 10

Includes note from Rocky Moss.

Box 202 Folder 11
Box 202 Folder 12
Box 202 Folder 13
Box 202 Folder 14
Box 202 Folder 16
Box 202 Folder 17
Box 202 Folder 18
Box 202 Folder 19
Box 202 Folder 22
Box 202 Folder 23
Box 202 Folder 24
Box 202 Folder 25
Box 202 Folder 26-27
Box 202 Folder 28
Box 202 Folder 29
Paper materials from videocassette containers, undated

Mostly descriptive information or cover sheets for tapes. These have been scanned and including with any digital objects.


Scope and Content of Series

Series 30) DIGITAL FILES: Digital documents and emails copied from Jerome Rothenberg's computer in January 2001. The files were originally organized in several folders: email exported as text (saved in alphabetical folders from his inbox, and a "sent" batch); letters and correspondence (Word files arranged in chronological subfolders, 1997-2001); and other documents, divided among 15 subfolders. Each file is represented as an object in an online collection via the link at the top of this finding aid; all documents are rendered as PDFs for accessibility. To find materials from a shared folder, search on the folder keyword found in the Location of Originals note for each object.

Due to copyright restrictions, access to this content may be limited. This material is copyright-protected, and researchers must register with the Special Collections Request System to initiate requests to view this material using the Library's Virtual Reading Room Service.

Due to copyright restrictions, digital files may only be viewed through the Library's virtual reading room service. Search for and request individual documents on the Digital Collections website.